The Royal Family

I don’t know what your sources for news are, but the royal family is coming to town soon and the media, for the most part, has failed to report it. This has resulted in only a very limited number hearing about the visit. Considering who this dynasty is and where they stand on the vital issues, this is really a shame.

As with most leaders they are promising what most want to hear. This really isn’t different from a lot of dignitaries out there. The difference is that this royal family is going to follow through on the plans previously laid out. How can they accomplish this when so many before them have failed? It’s because I am talking about the family of God. Christ will be returning to Earth with all power and authority (Rev 19:19-21), and He will see to it that His way is taught and observed throughout the entire world (Rom 14:11).

The great news is that They won’t be doing this alone. Right now in this present world, ruling families are quite small and exclusive. One has to be born into this group or marry into it. Interestingly enough this is the same way that we can become a part of the God family (John 3:5; Rev 19:7-9).

Right now the family of God consists of only 2 members – God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. The good news is that they are looking to add members very soon (For more information about this subject, read our booklet “God is a Family”). It will consist of those who heed His calling (John 6:44) and live according to His way of life (Mat 19:17).

What a wonderful prospect it will be, to be a part of this royal family…ruling together and ushering in an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity. NOW is the time to make the most of this valuable opportunity…if we would like to live forever and reign as kings and priests (Rev 5:10).

©2025 Church of the Eternal God