Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The new member letter for December, written by Dave Harris, has been posted on the Web, and hard copies were sent out this week.

“Neu! Abrahams Herkunft und Berufung, Teil 1 (Abraham’s Ancestry and Calling, Part 1),” is the title of the new German sermon for this week. This is the first part on a series on Abraham. This part covers Genesis 11:10-Genesis 15:1. It discusses Abraham’s background and calling, his occasional lack of faith and his sins from time to time, and the lessons that he had to learn to grow in faith and become more and more righteous.

“America’s Disastrous Foreign Policy in Egypt” is the new StandingWatch program recorded by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt is a violent Islamist organization which is kidnapping and torturing their opponents. It has become the best friend of the USA which is still supplying Egypt with battle tanks, jet fighters and billions of dollars in military aid. God strongly condemns the American policy of trying to buy friends and allies, which the Bible calls lovers. Far too often, they will turn around and become America’s bitter enemies. Egypt will be no exception.
StandingWatch Radio will air this program beginning on Sunday, January 6, 2013.

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