Update 637


Becoming the Family of God

On May 3, 2014, Robb Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Becoming the Family of God.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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One Heroic Deed

by Robb Harris

Our culture is filled with stories and ideals of heroes.  We bestow the title of “hero” for deeds that seem to rise above normal human courage.  Soldiers charging into enemy fire to save comrades or teachers shielding innocents from murderous rampages—both speak to a selfless frame of mind.  A heroic act to save another is something that can never be repaid, and it is why we revere calling someone a hero.  Sadly, even the most honorable of intentions and deeds does little to stop the growing darkness of a world that is sick and dying.

While we give a fleeting nod to selflessness, our society reveres those who vainly set themselves upon pillars to be honored and even worshipped.  The entertainment industry is a self-aggrandizing enterprise, a distraction to show how Satan is transforming this world.  Our end-time age is warned against this practice: “But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts” (Revelation 9:20-21).

It is easy to point out obvious idolatry that we should avoid.  What is difficult as a Christian is to not become blinded by subtle idolatry that is at times embraced by the world.  In a recent CNN article about Pope Francis the author states, “The popular pontiff has also made a positive impression among Americans in general: Nearly three in four view Francis favorably.  The new survey suggests that the Pope is arguably the most well-regarded religious figure among the American public today, said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. According to one study, Pope Francis was the most talked about person on the Internet this year, and even atheists have professed appreciation for the 77-year-old pontiff.” This kind of hero worship, whether it is of debase or lofty ideals, is still false worship. Judgment is coming to those that practice it.

Satan has masterfully hidden away from this world the truth of Jesus Christ: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:8-9).  Christ gave His life for all who have or ever will exist.  He alone is the epitome of Heroism because His self-sacrifice wasn’t in vain.  Many have died to give others longer physical life. Only One has died to give us eternal life. Paul acknowledged this belief was not in vain, he had “…hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” (Titus 1:2).  Our hope is not in vain! The One True Hero is alive and He awaits for us to join Him in eternal life.

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Sainthood in the Catholic Church leads our reporting this week with articles showing the remarkable resurgence and world status being fostered by Pope Francis and the Vatican; the struggle for peace between Israel and Palistine once more fails to get off the ground, while Jews face ominous growing anti-Semitism throughout Hungary; also, Western governments play with tepid sanctions as German Chancellor Angela Merkel rules out war and Russian officials join the blame game.

We report on a less than friendly exchange between the Turkish Prime Minister and Germany’s president; note even further decline in British society; and conclude with a report on just how truly fragile America’s society is.

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Catholic Superstitions

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 27:

“On Sunday morning, Pope Francis declared two former popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, saints before a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Vatican City’s St. Peter’s [Square.] The double-canonization, which was attended by Pope Francis’ predecessor, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, was a first in the Catholic Church’s 2,000 year history… In a Latin prayer, Pope Francis said ‘we declare and define Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II be saints and we enroll them among the saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole church.’… Relics of the two new saints were then brought to the altar. Blood from John Paul II was brought by Costa Rican woman Floribeth Mora, whose recovery from a brain aneurism in 2011 was declared the miracle required for John Paul’s canonization. The relic for John XXIII was a small piece of his skin…
“Along with the multitudes of pilgrims, leaders from more than 90 nations were due to attend the canonization celebrations, according to the Vatican. These included the Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, former Polish president and Solidarity leader Lech Walesa and the kings of Spain and Belgium… Leading the Catholic Church from 1958 to 1963, John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council, which changed many aspects of church life including allowing Mass to be held in local languages instead of just Latin. He also encouraged greater dialogue with followers of other faiths, in particular Jewish people… John Paul II was pontiff from 1978 to 2005 and became known for helping to hasten the end of the Cold War and bring down communist rule in Eastern Europe. He also established the popular World Youth Days. His canonization will be the fastest declaration of sainthood in modern history… Earlier this week, critics questioned the appropriateness of declaring Pope John Paul II a saint, citing an abuse scandal linked to an order of priests which he and his closest advisors had strongly supported…”

Big Business Sponsors Catholic Church Event

NBC News wrote on April 26:

“He has railed against the ‘tyranny’ of global capitalism and the ‘idolatry of money, but even Pope Francis needs a little corporate coin sometimes – as proven by the list of sponsors for Sunday’s canonizations. An oil and gas giant, several banks and Switzerland—based food megacorp Nestle are among more than a dozen financial backers of the Rome event…

“The Catholic Church sits upon enormous assets – the Vatican Bank manages $8 billion worth of worldwide investments as well as 33,000 accounts for clergy and parishes – but its governing body, the Holy See, made a loss of $18.4 million in 2011.”

Pope Francis’ Clever Move

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 27:

“The two former popes canonized on Sunday (27.04.2014) by their successor represent opposing positions in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis’ move has placed him squarely between the two poles – a clever diplomatic chess move ahead of important decisions he will have to make.

“John Paul II, sometimes called the ‘Pilgrim Pope’ because of his many travels abroad, distinguished himself during the political unification of Europe. At the same time, he set the Church on a conservative track. Pope John XXIII, meanwhile, ‘tore doors and windows open to let a fresh wind into the Church,’ as one Catholic historian put it. He initiated the Second Vatican Council, with all the reforms it brought, and opened the Church to the people.

“Any canonization reflects on the pope who does the canonizing – even if he did not initiate the process himself. It reveals something of his interpretation of his office. The Polish conservative on the one hand, the Italian reformer on the other: Pope Francis is positioning himself between the two… This is clever a move, and it is the only way that Francis can build the bridges so vital to a Church facing a number of expectations. Following the election of the modest but charismatic Francis a year ago, a stubborn tug-of-war between reformers and traditionalists has been going on behind the scenes at the Vatican – and not only there…

“Sunday’s double-canonization shows that Pope Francis remains an ambiguous figure. But as anyone can now see, he has left all his options open.”

Peace Talks Suspended

JTA wrote on April 25:

“President Obama said it may be time for a pause in Middle East peacemaking in the wake of a breakdown in Israel-Palestinian talks… The crisis began March 29, when Israel failed to meet a deadline to release the final 26 of 104 Palestinian prisoners it had pledged to release at the outset of renewed talks last July. It escalated within days when the Palestinians violated their own pledge not to apply to join international agreements while talks were underway.

“The crisis deepened on Wednesday when the Palestinian Authority signed a unity agreement with Hamas, the group controlling the Gaza Strip that has been designated as terrorist by Israel, the United States and the European Union. Israel suspended the talks formally on Thursday… Netanyahu’s security cabinet ‘decided unanimously that it will not negotiate with a Palestinian government that incorporates Hamas, a terrorist organization that seeks the destruction of Israel.’”

John Kerry Blames Israeli and Palestinian Leaders

The Daily Beast wrote on April 27:

“If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming ‘an apartheid state,’ Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday. Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term ‘apartheid’ in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to the Jewish state. Kerry’s use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and it could attract unwanted attention in Israel, as well.

“It wasn’t the only controversial comment on the Middle East that Kerry made… Kerry also repeated his warning that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens. He suggested that a change in either the Israeli or Palestinian leadership could make achieving a peace deal more feasible. He lashed out against Israeli settlement-building. And Kerry said that both Israeli and Palestinian leaders share the blame for the current impasse in the talks.”

The New York Times added on April 28:

“Secretary of State John Kerry issued an unusual statement Monday evening expressing his support for Israel after a controversy erupted over a politically charged phrase [see above] he used in a private appearance… During his push for a comprehensive peace agreement, Mr. Kerry has repeatedly warned that Israel could face economic pressure from European nations as well as Palestinian violence and a demographic time bomb at home — meaning Jews could become a minority in Israel and the territories they control — if Israel did not negotiate an agreement that led to an independent Palestinian state…

“[Kerry] said that he had been a staunch supporter of Israel during his years as a senator and had spent many hours since working with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials… Mr. Kerry added that he did not believe that Israel was an ‘ partied state’ or intended to become one. Mr. Kerry did not dispute he had used the phrase but said it had led to a ‘ misimpression’ about his views. ‘If I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution,’ he said.

“J Street, a pro-peace Jewish organization,  defended Mr. Kerry. ‘Instead of putting energy into attacking Secretary Kerry, those who are upset with the secretary’s use of the term should put their energy into opposing and changing the policies that are leading Israel down this road,’ it said in a statement.”

Regardless, the Bible indicates that Israel WILL become an “apartheid state”; that is, it will become more and more isolated and without any true supporters.

Rise of the Hungarian Far-Right

Reuters reported on April 27:

“Tens of thousands of Hungarians joined a protest march on Sunday against anti-Semitism, three weeks after the far-right Jobbik party won nearly a quarter of votes cast in a national election.

“Budapest’s annual ‘March of the Living’ has drawn an increasing number of participants in recent years to commemorate the deaths of around half a million Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust in World War Two.

“The marchers, many holding European Union and Israeli flags, attended the inauguration of a Holocaust monument on a bank of the Danube where Jews were executed during the war. They then marched in silence through the city to an old railway station from which trains departed 70 years ago for Nazi death camps…

“Jobbik denies being anti-Semitic but does little to dispel its reputation for intolerance. Its followers are often openly hostile to Jews and other ethnic and religious minorities.

“‘Anti-Semitism has risen. You can feel that in all segments of society: in politics, in media, in schools and in social intercourse,’ said another marcher, Gyorgy Burjan, a retired engineer, adding that Jobbik had capitalized on that.”

US and EU Sanctions of Little Consequence

The Washington Post wrote on April 29:

“The sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle were supposed to roll back the chaos besetting eastern Ukraine. But here in Russia’s blossoming capital, such a retreat is nowhere to be seen. Some targets of the sanctions are sitting down for softball interviews on Kremlin-controlled TV channels. Moscow’s stock market rebounded Tuesday for the second day in a row after the latest round of sanctions turned out to be weaker than expected. Chaos is spiraling in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists stormed a regional government building in the roiling city of Luhansk on Tuesday. And tens of thousands of Russian troops remain arrayed on Ukraine’s border…  some of the targets have rolled their eyes, saying the United States and Europe are only inflicting wounds on themselves…

“But sanctions targeting individuals rather than industry sectors are unlikely to have a big effect on behavior, said Kirill Rogov, a senior researcher at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy in Moscow. ‘No one will stop buying oil or gas because of these sanctions,’ he said.”

In Germany, the mood of the German people is sympathetic towards Mr. Putin, while the official newscasts and the mainstream press struggle to paint a somewhat negative picture. The embrace of former Chancellor Schroeder and Putin and their celebration of Putin’s birthday have caused some initial consternation among politicians, but they were quick to put a spin on it, indicating that Schroeder might have spoken in private to Putin to encourage him to pursue a more peaceful action… which appears rather doubtful.

Merkel Says No War!

The Globe and Mail reported on April 30:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday ruled out military intervention in the dispute with Russia over Ukraine and said she was counting on a diplomatic resolution to Europe’s worst crisis since the Cold War ended.

“In a speech to about 1,200 people in Frankfurt, Germany’s financial capital, ahead of the European parliamentary elections next month, Merkel said the lessons of two world wars in the last century could not be forgotten…

“’I’ll continue working towards a good partnership with Russia,’ said Merkel.

“’We will not resolve our conflicts in Europe with military means. Military solutions can be excluded,’ she added to loud applause.

“Germany, which relies heavily on Russia for natural-gas supplies, has been trying to defuse tensions over Ukraine and is seen in the West as reluctant to ratchet up sanctions against Moscow.”

Russia Accuses West of Wanting to Control Ukraine

The Associated Press reported on April 25:

“Accusing the West of plotting to control Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared Friday that the pro-Russia insurgents in eastern Ukraine will only lay down their arms if the Ukrainian government clears out the Maidan protest camp in Kiev. ‘The West wants — and this is how it all began — to seize control of Ukraine because of their own political ambitions, not in the interests of the Ukrainian people,’ Lavrov said. He added the pro-Russia insurgents will disarm and vacate buildings ‘only if Kiev authorities get down to implementing the Geneva accords, clear out that shameful Maidan and liberate the buildings that have been illegally seized.’

“Ukraine’s reaction was swift. ‘The world has not yet forgotten the second World War, but Russia is already keen on starting a third world war,’ acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk retorted.”

Gauck vs. Errdogan

The Local wrote on April 29:

“Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Errdogan on Tuesday rejected criticism from Germany’s president who said he was ‘scared’ by the Turkey’s recent spate of rights abuses. ‘I think he still thinks of himself as pastor,’ Erdogan told parliament, a day after he met with German President Joachim Gauck who is on a four-day visit to Turkey.

“Gauck, an outspoken former Lutheran pastor, gave a harsh indictment of recent actions by the Turkish government during speeches in Ankara on Monday – particularly efforts to ban Twitter and YouTube and increase control over the judiciary in response to protests and a corruption scandal. ‘I must confess that these developments are scaring me,’ Gauck said in a speech at the Middle East Technical University.

“He added that the rule of law was in danger from efforts to muzzle the opposition. ‘I ask myself if judicial independence is still guaranteed if the government purges so many prosecutors and police, and prevents them from shedding light on crooked developments… or manipulates decisions in its favour,’ Gauck said during his four-day visit to the country.  But Erdogan said Gauck’s approach ‘upset’ him.”

That Turkey has become a dangerous country regarding personal liberties and freedoms, there can be no doubt. President Gauck’s criticism was more than justified, and Errdogan’s reply was more than weak. What diminishes Gauck’s credibility substantially is his personal lifestyle—living together with another woman, while still being married.

Britain No Longer a Christian Country

BBC News wrote on April 27:

“Britain is now a ‘post-Christian’ country, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has said… Lord Williams said Britain was not a nation of believers and that the era of widespread worship was over… It comes after Prime Minister David Cameron said people in Britain should be confident of its status as ‘a Christian country’…

“Lord Williams, who retired from being the leader of the Church of England in 2012, said: ‘If I say that this is a post-Christian nation, that doesn’t mean necessarily non-Christian. It means the cultural memory is still quite strongly Christian.’

“He added: ‘But [Britain is] post-Christian in the sense that habitual practice for most of the population is not taken for granted. A Christian nation can sound like a nation of committed believers and we are not that. Equally, we are not a nation of dedicated secularists. It’s a matter of defining terms. A Christian country as a nation of believers? No…”

Don’t Quote Churchill in Britain

The Washington Times wrote on April 29:

“Quoting Winston Churchill’s opinions on Islam contributed to a U.K. politician’s arrest — and possible imprisonment of up to two years. Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, was making a speech Saturday outside the Winchester Guildhall in Hampshire, when he quoting the famous prime minister, the Independent reported.

“After a member of the public complained, Mr. Weston was subsequently arrested for religious harassment when he did not comply with officers’ orders to leave the area. The text that contributed to Mr. Weston’s arrest came from Churchill’s book ‘The River of War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan,’ written by the former prime minister in 1899 during his time as an Army officer in Sudan.

“Mr. Weston read the following passage, among others, by Mr. Churchill, the Blaze reported: ‘The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.’”

To get arrested for quoting Winston Churchill’s comments on Islam is another example for the inevitable downfall of Great Britain.

1 In 7 Americans Couldn’t Survive a Week Without a Job

Newsmax wrote on April 26:

“Fourteen percent of Americans, or about one in seven, say they would experience ‘significant financial hardship’ within a week if they lost their job, a Gallup survey reveals. Another 29 percent say they would face financial troubles within a month if they no longer received a paycheck, while 26 percent wouldn’t survive financially more than four months without a job. Just 17 percent could survive for up to one year, and 14 percent could last more than a year, according to Gallup’s poll of adults employed full-time or part-time in all 50 states.

“And among those with an annual household income of less than $50,000, 45 percent could not last one month and 25 percent could not last even a week… More than 60 percent of adults ages 18 to 34 could go only one month or less before experiencing hardship…

“Gallup concludes: ‘With long-term unemployment a serious problem in recent years, many U.S. workers are not in a position financially to go a month, or even a week, without finding a new job if laid off. That underscores the economic hardship that unemployment of any length can bring on U.S. families, particularly for younger and lower-income workers.’”

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Who is “the man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3?

The Bible reveals many astounding details concerning events which will take place at the time of the end!  One such example is a prophecy about the fate of two individuals who are mentioned several times in the Word of God. What is said about them will help us answer exactly who “the man of sin” is:

“Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20).

First to be identified is “the beast” and then “the false prophet.” This false prophet performs miraculous signs in support of the beast. The relationship finds an antecedent in Pharaoh with his sorcerers and magicians when Moses and Aaron appeared before them (compare Exodus 7:11, 22; 8:7, 18).

The beast is a domineering political leader controlling the military of many nations, while the false prophet serves him through a powerful religious office—all under the influence of Satan. These two men are also mentioned in the prophecies found in Revelation 13.

In the beginning verses of this chapter, a beast is revealed which is representative of the Roman Empire throughout its existence. In addition, specific reference is made to “the beast,” who is also the individual leader when this prophecy is fulfilled. In a similar way in the past, Nebuchadnezzar was identified as the ruler over Babylon (compare Daniel, chapter 2).

Verse 8 of Revelation, chapter 13, says of the beast that, “All who dwell on the earth will worship him…”

WHY is a political/military, secular person the object of such deification?

It is because of the actions of the “false prophet” we read about in Revelation 19:20! Now consider what is said of this man—a person who quite obviously functions in a religious capacity. The following prophecy addresses the religious system as well as the religious leader of that system:

“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

“And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:11-17).

Because this next “beast” (verse 11) will be empowered by satanic forces, he will mesmerize the world through his deceptive signs and wonders.

The time setting for the activity of this false prophet is the end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ (Note that Revelation 19:20 shows that both the beast and false prophet will be alive when Jesus Christ returns). Jesus also strictly warned His followers that they must not be deceived by those who appear to have miraculous powers:

“‘For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand’” (Matthew 24:24-25).

Another occurrence spoken of by Jesus—and one which will take place shortly before His return—has to do with the Temple of God in Jerusalem, and it involves the false prophet, the one identified in Revelation 13 and 19. Here is how Jesus begins a series of warnings to His disciples:

“‘Therefore when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place’ (whoever reads, let him understand)…” (Matthew 24:15).

While the abomination of desolation refers to the European army attacking and surrounding Jerusalem, it also describes the false prophet in God’s Temple and perhaps a pagan statue dedicated to a false Jesus or the “Virgin Mary.”

In context, this event is also mentioned by the apostle Paul as being fulfilled by “the man of sin”:

“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

Again, we must consider, exactly who is “the man of sin”? Is he the beast, the false prophet or even someone else?

The answer lies in examining the actions of this person as foretold in the Bible. Note this additional information from Paul:

“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10).

From this description, we can understand that the man of sin, “the lawless one,” will receive great power from Satan to deceive people (compare Revelation 16:13-14). Jesus said of Satan that, “‘…he is a liar and the father of it’” (John 8:44). Likewise, it is said of Satan that he “…deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9).

In addition to the details of chapter 13 of Revelation in which the man of sin is described in relation to his role with the leader of the political/military system, chapters 17, 18 and 19 address the religious organization over which he rules. 

The man of sin and his religion are known by several names in the Word of God: “God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4); “mystery of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:7); “lawless one” (2 Thessalonians 2:8); “the false prophet” (Revelation 19:20); the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15); the “prince of Tyre” (Ezekiel 28:1-10); “another beast” (Revelation 13:11); “‘the great harlot’”; (Revelation 17:1); “woman” (Revelation 17:3); “‘MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH’” (Revelation 17:5); “that great city” (Revelation 17:18); “that mighty city” (Revelation 18:10).

The man of sin is the false prophet, the religious leader, whom Jesus Christ will destroy at His return. This man will be possessed by Satan and empowered by demons to perform false signs and lying wonders.

Understanding the identity of the man of sin grows more crucial as the end of this age draws to a conclusion. We have several booklets which will provide greater context and even more detail on this topic:

“The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire”

“Is That In The Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!”

“The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord”

“The Mysteries of the Bible”

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

While in Germany, Mr. Link has finalized the new German site for the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles. The location is near Berlin. Also, a German Member Letter has been sent to subscribers announcing these arrangements.

“The Real Herbert W. Armstrong,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Church of the Eternal God and its corporate worldwide affiliates teach as major doctrines those which were taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, as derived from the Bible. Much has been written and said about Herbert Armstrong, but very little resembles the truth. In this program, we present to you the real Herbert Armstrong and explain the end-time commission and purpose of God’s true Church. We also offer our free booklet on the “Authority of the Bible.”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God