Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (January 2016) has been written and sent to our subscribers. In this letter, Pastor Brian Gale notes that thirty years ago, Herbert W. Armstrong died. Mr. Gale reminds us that Mr. Armstrong’s impact and legacy stand as an example for those of us who now continue in the Work of God.

“Germany’s Massive Cover Up of Migrant Violence,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Hundreds of German women filed complaints against hundreds of refugees and migrants-mainly Syrians and people of foreign North African and Arab origin. These women were molested and sexually abused at New Year’s Eve in Cologne and in other German cities. However, these despicable criminal activities which were apparently planned and coordinated, were intentionally covered up by the German media and governmental agencies. This program will present appalling facts showing that a massive cover-up has been systematically engaged in for quite a while, because of “political correctness.” Angela Merkel’s policy of “welcoming all Syrian migrants” has clearly failed, and the idea that hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees could be integrated into German society has been labeled as foolish and impossible. The New York Times is asking for Merkel’s resignation; for closing Germany’s borders; and for mass deportations for foreign able-bodied male teenagers and young adults.

SW Talking Points: “Baptême — Une Exigence Pour Le Salut,” is the title of a new StandingWatch Talking Points, presented by Pastor Rene Messier. Here is an English summary of this presentation which offers our new French language booklet on baptism:

Is baptism necessary for salvation? Should you be baptized?  What is acceptable to God: immersion, watering, sprinkling?  Some think it’s not necessary for salvation. This booklet covers all of these details and what is truly acceptable to God.

SW Talking Points: “Biblical Prophecy — From Now Until Forever.” Here is a summary:

Conditions in the world are getting worse and we have been through the worst year for killings by terrorist since 9/11 in 2015 and things are not going to get better in 2016 and beyond. This booklets let’s you know in advance what to expect in the near and distant future so it’s important to read and heed.

“Strafe für unverbesserliche Sünder?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Punishment for Incorrigible Sinners?”

“Before You Choose,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Christians have the opportunity to make good decisions every time! If, before choosing to do something with real personal impact and permanent lasting effects, we consider our options.

“Purpose,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Science will try to explain the miracle of human life and all existence as a series of random events necessarily determined by all other random events preceding them. Such an explanation is not only nonsense, but it leaves life purposeless. To the contrary, the Bible clearly shows that God works with mankind on different scales to fulfill His great purpose and plan. If you have ever wondered about your true purpose in life, tune in to learn more!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God