Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we include several articles which all prove God’s involvement in national and international developments, to fulfill biblical prophecy and bring about end-time events, leading to the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ.

We address the beginning of Brexit negotiations between Europe and Great Britain; and we report at length about the death of an extremely remarkable figure in post-war Europe—former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

We report on French President Macron’s centrist party’s massive victory in this week’s parliamentary elections, enabling him to pursue, together with Germany, reforms in Europe to glue the EU closer together and to continue with the establishment of a Europe with two speeds (core Europe); and we address further developments cementing the disastrously deteriorating relationship between the USA and Europe under German leadership (being supported by Austria).

We also hear more and more of wars and rumors of wars, escalations and terrorist attacks (at least four or five separate attacks by crazy and deranged spiritually influenced, if not possessed, Islamist terrorists took place within the last few days in London, Jerusalem, Paris, Brussels and apparently also in Michigan). Now there is a real danger of an escalation of the Syrian war, due to America’s and Russia’s (as well as Iran’s) actions and words. We also report on the hopeless confusion within the Trump Administration on critically important foreign matters, such as Qatar.

We address another debacle of the Trump administration—the “broken promises” and subsequent “deceit” regarding healthcare, which have now been described as the “biggest scandal of all.”

We conclude with an article about another obscure Catholic holiday, “Fronleichnam,” showing how far the Catholic Church is removed from biblical truth.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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