Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report on the election of Tayyip Erdogan as the autocratic President of Turkey and his strained relationship with the state of Israel and the USA; address a new European “Military Force” and the concept of core Europe in light of the ongoing devastating migrant situation; and speak on the “end of global Britain” and the fear of a major financial crunch because of Brexit.

We also address the US Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the US travel ban against seven countries; report on a widely-unknown negative consequence of the tax reform bill for churches; and address the escalation of a coming trade war and the unparalleled deteriorating and increasingly hostile relationship between Europe and the USA. In this context, please view out new StandingWatch program, titled, Soon! The Bible Prophesies WAR Between Europe and the USA!” 

We conclude with an article about the failure of the UN and the FDA’s approval of the first drug derived from Marijuana.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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