Update 1129


Empathy / The Legacy of Faith

On September 21, 2024, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Empathy,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Legacy of Faith.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Rene Messier (Canada)

Sometimes tests and trials come early when God is calling us into His Church, and we at times have to make tough decisions which affect us and our families.  One such test is the keeping of the Sabbath, regardless of the consequences. When I was called into the Truth, I had a government job with security, pension, and benefits. Upon learning of the Sabbath, that we must not just keep it but also not work for a living on that day, I had to make a decision since my job conflicted with the Sabbath

I remember it well: I had been reading the Worldwide Church of God booklet, “United States and the British Commonwealth in Prophecy,” and it was not until the second time I read it that it dawned on me that I had to quit my job in order to obey God.

I was working on the second floor of the Prison Hospital, walking back and forth thinking about this, and I made up my mind then and there that I would have to resign and also refuse to work on Saturday which was coming up in a few days.

I was working a dayshift at the time, and it was not more than five seconds after deciding to quit, when the officer in charge came up the stairs and asked me if I could work a double shift because the man scheduled to work had called in sick.  I immediately replied, “Yes, If I can have Saturday off,” which he immediately agreed to.  There was no conflict with the Sabbath in my schedule for a while, and I took the opportunity to resign before the Sabbath issue came up again.

Upon returning home that evening, I told my wife about my decision, and she asked what we were going to do and I said, we would have to trust in God.

I recall on my last day at work that a fellow officer asked me if I was resigning because of my beliefs, and when I told him that I was, he replied that I was making a big mistake. This was in the early part of June, and it was an interesting summer that year.

I worked at several jobs. I was helping a Moving Company to move furniture and goods, I helped a bricklayer for a while, and I worked at a Plywood Plant where I got fired after telling the foreman on the afternoon shift that I could not work on a Friday after sunset, and I went home before the Sabbath. I then worked for the Teamster Union, loading and unloading boxcars.

One day in August in 1969, not having any work that day, I was helping my dad at his place, and after I was finished, I was moved to go to apply for a job at BC Hydro in Vancouver. I filled out an application, and as I was about to walk out, the receptionist said to my surprise that the Personnel Manager wanted to see me.

The interview went very well. He had a lot of questions about my job as a Prison Guard and he said he would let me know because they needed workers to work in the Fraser Valley, close to where I lived at the time.

On Friday, September 12, after not hearing anything from the Manager, I decided to call him. He said to me, “I am glad you called, I have been wanting to call you, you can start in the Fraser Valley on Monday, the 15th.” This was a good and secure government company to work for, better than the previous one I had.

Does God bless our commitments to obey Him, regardless of circumstances?

Within four years, I had become the highest paid employee in the Union and was being paid extra as a first aid attendant.

This all came about due to the commitment to obey God who in the end provided me with a better and well-paid job, benefits, and time off for keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days.

I worked there for thirty-eight years until the Summer of 2007 when I retired.

God fulfilled His promise to bless us when we make the choice to serve Him, regardless of the cost. I trust my experience should be encouraging and motivating to anyone facing similar trials, to put our complete trust in God.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with Europe’s and Britain’s hostility against Israel and further violent actions in the Middle East; and report on developments regarding Ukraine and China, with special emphasis on Germany’s behavior. We also report on Australia’s intentions to censor free speech.

We speak on a SECOND assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life; Melania Trump’s warning of the FBI; and the controversial conduct of ABC News and their moderators during the Trump/Harris debate. In this regard, please view our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “The Biggest Loser in the Trump/Harris Debate.” 

We conclude with unbiblical comments by Pope Francis, in violation of God’s Word and the Ten Commandments. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Recent Unbiblical Comments by Pope Francis.”

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EU Foreign Policy Chief Anti-Semitic?

The Jordan Times wrote on September 14:

“Israel’s foreign minister again accused EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell of ‘anti-Semitism’ Saturday after the top diplomat expressed outrage at the killing of UN staff in an Israeli strike in Gaza. ‘Josep Borrell is an anti-Semite and Israel-hater who consistently tries to pass resolutions and sanctions against Israel in the EU, only to be blocked by most member states,’ foreign minister Israel Katz said in a statement. On Thursday, Borrell said he was ‘outraged’ by the killing of six employees from the UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in an Israeli air strike…

“Katz has repeatedly levelled accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against the European Union foreign policy chief… ‘There’s a difference between legitimate criticism… and the anti-Semitic, hate-filled campaign Borrell is leading against Israel — reminiscent of history’s worst anti-Semites.’”

Borrell is not the only one. Note the next article.

Anti-Israel Media Bias

Israel Today wrote on September 13:

“The apparent bias of the ABC TV moderators in failing to call out the falsehoods reportedly spoken by US Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, in the debate with former President Donald Trump this week has attracted much critical comment… over the past few years, the media’s shocking pro-Democrat, anti-Trump partisanship has destroyed its role as the guardian of democracy and established it instead as an army of ruthless activists for a political cause…

“The impression given by the British media for the past 11 months of this war has been that Israel is willfully killing huge numbers of Gaza’s women and children, recklessly bombing hospitals and schools full of displaced people, and preventing humanitarian aid from getting to civilians. Those claims are the reverse of the truth

“The most egregious serial offender is the BBC... For decades, it has sanitized Palestinian Arab terrorism and painted Israel falsely as the aggressor in the region. And during the current war in Gaza, its coverage has been overwhelmingly malevolent…

“The network’s double standards in item after item, the soft-soaping of Palestinian supporters and the aggressive interruptions of Israel’s defenders, the acceptance of Hamas propaganda and blood libels about Israeli ‘war crimes’ as fact and the equally knee-jerk assumption that the Israelis are lying, all demonstrate… that the BBC is institutionally hostile to both Israel and the truth. It is therefore a national disgrace… they have been inciting often murderous hatred of Israel around the world.

“The media may have subverted and undermined American democracy. But when it comes to Israel, it has blood on its hands.”

The whole world, and especially Europe, has ganged up on Israel.

No More German Weapons for Israel?

Reuters reported on September 18:

“Germany has put a hold on new exports of weapons of war to Israel while it deals with legal challenges, according to a Reuters analysis of data and a source close to the Economy Ministry. Last year, Germany approved arms exports to Israel worth 326.5 million euros ($363.5 million), including military equipment and war weapons, a 10-fold increase from 2022… However approvals have dropped this year, with only 14.5 million euros’ worth granted from January to Aug. 21… Of this, the ‘weapons of war’ category accounted for only 32,449 euros.

“A source close to the ministry cited a senior government official as saying it had stopped work on approving export licences for arms to Israel pending a resolution of legal cases arguing that such exports from Germany breached humanitarian law…

“… the issue has created friction within the government as the Chancellery maintains its support for Israel while the Greens-led Economy and Foreign ministries, sensitive to criticism from party members, have increasingly criticised the Netanyahu administration. Legal challenges across Europe have also led other allies of Israel to pause or suspend arms exportsBritain this month suspended 30 out of 350 licences for arms exports to Israel due to concerns that Israel could be violating international humanitarian law.

“In February, a Dutch court ordered the Netherlands to halt all exports of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel over concerns about their use in attacks on civilian targets in Gaza.”

The situation won’t improve. Note the next article.

Detonation of Hezbollah Radios

Newsmax wrote on September 18:

“Hezbollah was rocked Wednesday by a second wave of explosions with thousands of two-way radios exploding throughout Lebanon’s capital city of Beirut and in the southern region of the country. The blasts took place one day after thousands of personal pagers exploded Tuesday, killing at least 12 people and injuring another 2,800 people.

“Sources said… that Israel was also behind the explosions of the personal radios, which are used by Hezbollah members rather than cell phones. Their walkie-talkies had been booby-trapped with explosives in advance of their delivery to Hezbollah, which uses them as part of its emergency communications system, which would be used in a war with Israel, the sources said.

“The Jerusalem Post reported that according to its sources, the explosions occurred at and near the funerals of four Hezbollah members in Lebanon… Associated Press journalists working at the scene reported the funeral was for three Hezbollah members and a child who were killed by the exploding pagers on Tuesday…

“The Post said that unofficial reports claimed that iPhones, video cameras, IC-V82 radios, and other devices also detonated, in addition to the walkie-talkies, and that Hezbollah has told its operatives to stay away from all communication devices… The Lebanese media also claimed drones and aircraft had been seen flying over western and central Lebanon while the explosions were going on. Hezbollah has blamed Israel for both attacks, but Jerusalem has been publicly silent on the issue. Several foreign media outlets have reported that Israel’s Mossad and the Israel Defense Forces intelligence were behind the incidents.”

The New York Post wrote on September 18:

“The AR-924 pagers that were detonated on Tuesday were all the latest models acquired by Hezbollah five months ago and allegedly manufactured in Budapest, according to a statement released by Gold Apollo — a Taiwanese firm that authorized the use of its brand on the pagers.  Hungarian officials however, deny the allegations, saying it has no such manufacturing facility in the country…

“Israel allegedly hid explosive material in the Taiwan-made Gold Apollo pagers before they were imported to Lebanon, the New York Times reported… The material was implanted next to the battery with a switch that could be triggered remotely to detonate. The exploding pagers were then detonated by a message impersonating the leaders of the group on Tuesday afternoon, officials said….”

Hezbollah vowed revenge. The situation in the Middle East will surely escalate.

No More Welfare Benefits for Ukrainian Refugees?

Reuters wrote on September 14:

“European governments should halt welfare benefits to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in their countries, Poland’s foreign minister said, a measure he said would help Ukraine call up more troops to fight Russian forces… More than 4.1 million Ukrainians had temporary protection status in European Union countries as of July this year, and about 22% of them were adult men… ‘Stop paying those social security payments for people who are eligible for the Ukrainian draft. There should be no financial incentives for avoiding the draft in Ukraine,’ Sikorski said at a conference of international leaders in Kyiv…

“Kyiv needs more soldiers…  Earlier this year, Ukraine adopted new legislation and implemented other measures, including lowering the call-up age or combat duty to 25 from 27… Kyiv ordered Ukrainian men living abroad to renew their military draft information online and encouraged them to return to Ukraine and join the fight.

“Ukraine imposed martial law at the start of Russia’s invasion in February 2022, banning men aged 18 to 60 from travelling abroad without special permission and beginning a rolling mobilisation of civilian men into the armed forces. But many men of military age have still fled abroad to avoid the draft amid reports of corruption in the army recruitment system, allowing some men to bribe their way out of army service.”

Fighting in war is sin and murder. Europe is becoming more and more an “armed camp,” determined to fight and kill in unjust and ungodly wars.

No German Long-Range Weapons for Ukraine?

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 14:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday ruled out the delivery of long-range precision to Ukraine in the future regardless of decisions made by NATO allies… Scholz said that the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles would entail ‘a great risk of escalation’

“Taurus cruise missiles have a range of around 500 kilometers (310,6 miles), which would allow Ukraine to strike targets in Moscow. ‘I said no to that,’ Scholz asserted. ‘And of course that also applies to other weapons…’ adding that this would not change ‘even if other countries decide differently.’

“At the same event in Prenzlau, Scholz said that Berlin seeks to prosecute the perpetrators of an attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. ‘That was a terroristic act,’ Scholz said, adding that his government had called on security authorities and public prosecutors to continue investigations into the incident. ‘We want to bring those who did this, if we can get a hold of them, to court in Germany,’ he said, adding that there would be no ‘leniency’ in this case… He said that replacing Russian gas with other source shad cost Germany substantially more than €100 billion ($110.8 billion).”

Germany is under pressure from Russia. Politico reported on September 13, 2024:

“German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius shrugged off Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat of retaliation should Western allies allow Ukraine to use their long-range missiles to strike targets inside Russia… The Russian leader delivered an explicit message Thursday night to Ukraine’s Western partners, warning them against letting Kyiv use donated long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia. ‘This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are fighting Russia,’ he said.”

Pistorius is not in charge. And Scholz’ reply seems to be an attempt to appease Russia. In addition, strong implications suggest that in some way, Ukraine was behind the attack on the two pipelines.

German Warships a “Security Risk”?

BNN wrote on September 15:

“The passage of two German Navy ships through the Taiwan Strait on Friday ‘increased security risks’ in the region, the Chinese military has said. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing accused Berlin of staging a ‘provocation’ and violating the One-China policy. Taiwan has been de facto self-governing since 1949, when the Nationalist forces lost the Chinese Civil War to the Communists and fled to the island. Taiwan is currently recognized as a sovereign nation by only 12 countries in the world. While adhering on paper to the One-China policy, in which the government in Beijing is the sole ruling authority over Chinese territories, the US has for decades maintained unofficial relations with and supported Taipei.

“China insists that Taiwan is an inalienable part of its territory, with President Xi Jinping warning that Beijing could resort to military force to regain control over the island. In a post on X on Friday, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry confirmed that a ‘German naval frigate and a supply ship each sailed through the Taiwan Strait from north to south today.’ The passage of the Baden-Wuerttemberg frigate and the Frankfurt am Main replenishment ship was the first of its kind in 22 years

“German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Friday that ‘international waters are international waters, it is the shortest route, it is the safest route given the weather conditions… so we pass through.’ Despite China’s repeated protests, the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and France have sent warships through the waterway on multiple occasions.”

China and Russia have indicated that they would work together militarily against their enemies in case of a conflict.

Germany’s (and Europe’s) Immigration Problem

The Daily Mail wrote on September 16:

“Germany brings in its plan to end unchecked illegal immigration to the country today with enhanced border controls at all nine of its borders. The new controls will be in place for an initial six months and are expected to include temporary structures at land crossings and spot checks by federal police.  The coalition government hopes to show its seriousness about efforts to tackle irregular migration following a spate of Islamist attacks in recent months that have galvanised groups on the far-right. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser insisted yesterday that the step would help ‘put a stop to criminals and identify and stop Islamists at an early stage’.

“But the policy has not been without its criticism internally, and risks fracturing Germany’s centre-left coalition and alienating its European neighbours.  Poland and Austria are among the neighbours that have voiced concern, while the European Commission has warned that members of the 27-nation bloc must only impose such steps in exceptional circumstances.

“Germany lies at the heart of Europe and borders nine countries that are part of the visa-free Schengen zone, designed to allow the free movement of people and goods. Border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland were already in place before the crackdown was announced. But these will now be expanded to Germany’s borders with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, too…

“In recent weeks, a string of extremist attacks have shocked Germany, fuelling rising public anger. Last month, a man on a knife rampage killed three people and wounded eight more at a festival in the western city of Solingen. The Syrian suspect, who has alleged links to the Islamic State group, had been intended for deportation but managed to evade authorities. The enforcement failure set off a bitter debate which marked the run-up to two regional polls in the formerly communist east, where the anti-immigration AfD scored unprecedented results.

“With national elections looming next year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government has been under intense political pressure to toughen its stance on migrants and asylum seekers. Scholz was in Uzbekistan on Sunday to sign a migration deal for workers to come to Germany, while simplifying deportation procedures in the opposite direction so that ‘those that must go back do go back’, the chancellor said. Closer to home, the German government has presented plans to speed up deportations to European partners.

“Under EU rules, asylum requests are meant to be handled by the country of arrival. The system has placed a huge strain on countries on the European periphery, where leaders have demanded more burden-sharing. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that Germany tightening its borders means that it would ‘essentially pass the buck to countries located on the outer borders of Europe’. Austria’s Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said his country ‘will not accept people who are rejected from Germany’, while Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk condemned Germany’s move as ‘unacceptable’. Warsaw has also struggled with migration and accused Moscow of smuggling people from Africa and the Middle East into Europe by sending them through Belarus to the Polish border….

“Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, meanwhile, mocked the German chancellor on social media site X, writing: ‘Bundeskanzler Scholz, welcome to the club! #StopMigration.’  Germany took in more than a million asylum seekers in 2015-16, many of them Syrians, and has hosted over a million Ukrainians since the start of the Russian invasion in 2022…

“In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Dick Schoof on Friday unveiled the country’s strictest migration policy yet, saying it will request an opt-out from EU common policy on asylum next week. A four-party coalition dominated by far-right firebrand Geert Wilders’s Freedom Party wants to declare an ‘asylum crisis’ to curb the influx of migrants through a tough set of rules including border controls.”

All of this comes far too late for Germany, as criminal immigrants and terrorists are already in the country. And sadly, it all seems to be dictated by politics—with the hope that incompetent politicians might be reelected.

Controversial EU Commissioner Resigns Because of Controversial von der Leyen

Euro News wrote on September 17:

“Thierry Breton, the powerful European Commissioner in charge of the internal market, abruptly resigned on Monday, claiming that Ursula von der Leyen had pressured France, his home country, to submit another candidate to replace him ‘for personal reasons.’… ‘A few days ago, in the very last stretch of negotiations on the composition of the future of the College, you asked France to withdraw my name – for personal reasons that in no instance you have discussed directly with me – and offered, as a political trade-off, an allegedly more influential portfolio for France in the future College,’ Breton wrote. ‘… in light of these developments – further testimony to questionable governance – I have concluded that I can no longer exercise my duties in the College…’

“Breton’s shock exit deals a new blow to von der Leyen’s ongoing efforts to build her new College of Commissioners, a delicate undertaking that requires balancing considerations on gender, geography and party politics. The presentation of her new team has already been delayed due to a political fight in Slovenia, where the conservative opposition has contested the appointment of Marta Kos as the country’s Commissioner-designate…

“Still, the magnitude of Breton’s departure cannot be understated: the Frenchman had acquired a strong profile in Brussels after playing a key role in the bloc’s production of COVID-19 vaccines, the industrial ramp-up to provide Ukraine with more military support and, most notably, the regulatory push to rein in the excesses of Big Tech and AI.

“But he had also become a divisive character in the city. His letter to Elon Musk in August ahead of the billionaire’s interview with Donald Trump was decried as an assault against freedom of expression and a blatant case of power overreach…”

“British Army Stockpiles Depleted Amid £7,600,000,000 of Military Aid Sent to Ukraine”

MSN wrote on September 16:

“Military aid to Ukraine has left gaps in the UK armed forces’ capabilities. The UK has sent Challenger 2 tanks, millions of rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of boat and land vehicles to help Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

“It’s made a difference, with all of the Challengers donated last summer being deployed on the frontlines against Russia’s Soviet-built tanks.”

And Now Australia… Censoring Free Speech

Rebel News wrote on September 12:

“Elon Musk has slammed the Australian government, labelling them ‘fascists’ in response to proposed legislation to combat what it sees as misinformation on social media platforms. Musk, who owns X (formerly Twitter), made the blunt comment in reaction to a post outlining the new laws, which could fine social media companies up to 5 per cent of their annual revenue… The highly controversial proposed laws… will give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) unprecedented powers to control online in the name of cracking down on misinformation.

“ACMA could fine platforms and even approve an industry code of conduct to address the issue if self-regulation fails. However, critics argue that these laws could severely limit free speech. John Storey from the Institute of Public Affairs described it as ‘the biggest attack on freedom of speech in peacetime Australia,’ warning that it could capture ‘any difference of opinion.’”

It’s happening all over the so-called “free” world.

Second Assassination Attempt on Trump

NBC News wrote on September 15:

“One [sniper] is in custody after shots were fired Sunday in what the FBI is calling an apparent second ‘attempted assassination’ of former President Donald Trump at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. An AR-style [Ak-47] rifle was recovered from the scene, law enforcement officials told NBC News. Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement that Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, was ‘safe’ after the incident…

“A representative for the Secret Service said at the news conference that it wasn’t clear whether the suspect ‘was able to take a shot at our agents’ before the agents shot at the suspect… The Secret Service spokesperson… said the suspect… was an estimated 400 to 500 yards away from Trump…”

The New York Post reported that the arrested sniper is a long-time Democrat from Hawaii. “The alleged shooter mounted a GoPro on the fence and was ‘intent on filming’ what would have been the murder of a former president, officials said… [He] was previously convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction… [He] was also arrested over two decades ago following a three-hour standoff…”

We are living in dangerous times, because Satan the Devil is very angry. We ALL need God’s protection.

Reckless Rhetoric to Blame for Second Trump Assassination Attempt

On September 15, 2024, the New York Post published the following article by Miranda Devine:

“It’s a frightening development that highlights the recklessness of the hateful rhetoric constantly aimed at Trump by his political opponents, even after he was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania in July. Last week, Kamala Harris falsely accused Trump of calling Nazis ‘fine people,’ promising a ‘bloodbath,’ and being responsible for ‘the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.’ She and Joe Biden and their surrogates constantly exaggerate the J6 Capitol riot and use it to frame Trump as a ‘threat to democracy.’

“Biden has labeled Trump and ‘MAGA Republicans’ as ‘semi-fascists’ and domestic terrorists. Tim Walz called Trump a ‘fascist’ and a ‘threat to Democracy’ who will ‘put people’s lives in danger.’ On Saturday, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) described Trump as ‘a candidate explicitly running on the promise of political violence.’ In Orwellian fashion, they accuse Trump and his supporters of stoking violence, when the evidence is almost all the other way… What will it take for these demented partisans to lower the temperature?”

Devine has a point. Also note the next article.

Media Ite wrote on September 16:

“Former President Donald Trump directly blamed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for a gunman targeting him at his West Palm Beach golf club on Sunday… [Trump] claimed the gunman was motivated by the top Democrats’ ‘highly inflammatory language.’ ‘He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it,’ Trump said, claiming, ‘Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country — both from the inside and out’

“Trump pointed to Biden and Harris’ past comments casting Trump as a ‘threat to democracy,’ while telling Americans they are ‘unity’ leaders… ‘It is called the enemy from within. They are the real threat,’ Trump added…” 

Abhorrent Security Failures… and Unintended Consequences

On September 16, The Sun published the following article by Piers Morgan:

“How could this have happened again…? I would have assumed that after the catastrophic security failure in July, when that shooter was able to lie on a roof 150 yards from a Trump rally stage, the Secret Service would have made… sure nobody could get that close to their protectee again. I was sadly, shockingly wrong… please spare me any applause for the Secret Service.

“The fact this shooter could get that close was another abject security failure of horrifying proportions, and even more inexplicable and disgraceful coming so soon after the last one. Why wasn’t the whole perimeter of the course being monitored? The answer is staggering… Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said Trump would be receiving more security if he was still in office… Have you ever heard anything so dumb?…

“The agency is self-evidently failing… And I dread to think what would happen to America if Trump ever does get assassinated… As for the political repercussions of this latest assassination attempt, it can only be a massive boost to Trump, as the last one was. Once again, he showed immense calm in a life-threatening crisis, with witnesses saying his main concern was to make sure others on the course with him at the time were OK…  Love him or hate him, Trump has shown balls of steel over these threats to his life, and that won’t be lost on an American public who like their commanders-in-chief to be strong.

“The latest incident has also completely supplanted a news cycle that was being dominated by very negative fallout over his debate loss last week to Democratic rival Kamala Harris… There’s an incredible irony that right when he was enduring the worst week of his presidential race, Trump has been handed an election-winning lifeline by another attempt on his life.”

Melania Trump: Beware of the FBI

Newsmax wrote on September 15:

“Former first lady Melania Trump issued a warning to all Americans that the Biden-Harris administration’s FBI could threaten their Fourth Amendment rights that protect against unreasonable searches and seizures. Trump used X on Saturday to post a video reminding users of the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago in August 2022. ‘I never imagined my privacy would be invaded by the government here, in America,’ the former first lady said in the video. ‘The FBI invaded my home in Florida, and searched through my personal belongings. This is not just my story. It serves as a warning to all Americans, a reminder that our freedom and rights must be respected.’…

“In another X post earlier this week, Melania Trump fanned the flames of conspiracy surrounding the [first] assassination attempt on her husband, saying efforts need to be made to ‘uncover the truth.’ ‘The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience,’ she said of the incident in July in Butler, Pennsylvania. ‘Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder: Why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech? There’s definitely more to this story, and we need to uncover the truth.’”

We would agree with Melania Trump on both counts, especially in light of the second assassination attempt on her husband. Important questions are not being addressed or discussed..

Clearly Biased ABC Moderators

Breitbart wrote on September 15:

“ABC News’ Linsey Davis, one of two moderators for last week’s presidential debate, admitted to the Los Angeles Times that the plan was only to fact-check former President Donald Trump, and not Vice President Kamala Harris… Davis and co-moderator David Muir fact-checked Trump seven times — often incorrectly — while never fact-checking Harris once, even when she used hoaxes, such as the Charlottesville ‘very fine people’ hoax.

“Davis told the Times that ABC had deliberately targeted Trump — and only Trump — because of perceptions that he had been allowed to get away with false statements in the CNN debate against President Joe Biden in late June…. Davis admitted that the moderators studied past statements… but somehow did not prepare to check Harris’s repeated use of hoaxes…”

This is appalling! But no surprise! That is how politics is being made.

ABC News Must Correct False Claim Regarding Abortion

Fox News wrote on September 12:

“A prominent pro-life group isn’t happy with ABC News over its hosting of Tuesday’s presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump.  Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America on Wednesday sent a letter to ABC News president Almin Karamehmedovic and debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis that urges them to issue a correction and meet with abortion survivors over a viral moment where Davis fact-checked Trump.

“‘[The] ABC News Presidential Debate featured network moderator Linsey Davis attempting to debunk former President Trump’s assertion that some states allow for the killing of an infant after birth,’ Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America president Marjorie Dannenfelser wrote in the letter…  

“During the debate, Trump referred to infamous comments made by former Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam in 2019 but was promptly ‘fact-checked’ by Davis. At the time, Northam suggested that in those rare instances of third-trimester abortions, a baby could be born alive… ‘The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,’ Northam said in 2019.

“Trump’s apparent reference to Northam at the debate drew a quick rebuke from Davis. ‘There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,’ Davis said. 

“Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America claims the ABC moderator was ‘inaccurate’ and should correct the record. ‘This is 100% inaccurate. Her statement tragically ignores the reality of babies who survive failed, late-term abortions but are denied basic medical care and left to die,’ Dannenfelser wrote. ‘We are writing to request a swift correction from Ms. Davis and ABC News. It is undeniable that babies are born in this country after failed abortions…’ ‘It’s also a fact that, as a U.S. senator, Kamala Harris voted against protections for babies born alive after failed abortions. And as a member of Congress, her running mate Tim Walz even issued a public apology for ‘accidentally’ voting for said legislation after he previously voted against it,’ Dannenfelser wrote.”

The conduct of the two ABC moderators was appalling. And don’t hold your breath if you expect that they or ABC News will correct their false assertions.

Eating Pets in Ohio?

The Associated Press wrote on September 15:

“Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance did not back away on Sunday from the… claims he and Donald Trump have been making that Haitians in an Ohio community are abducting and eating pets, even as the state’s GOP governor and other officials insist there is no evidence of such behavior.

“Vance, an Ohio senator, said constituents in Springfield are bringing concerns to him and that at least 10 were ‘verifiable.’ In a series of news show interviews, he said he was amplifying the claims as a way to draw attention to Democrat Kamala Harris’ immigration policies, which he said are lax, while adding, ‘Everybody who has dealt with a large influx of migration knows that sometimes there are cultural practices that seem very far out there to a lot of Americans.’”

Vance only states the obvious. Please view our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “The Biggest Loser in the Trump/Harris Debate.” 

Pope Francis Recommends Voting for the Lesser Evil

LifeSiteNews wrote on September 13:

“Pope Francis has weighed in on the U.S. presidential race by claiming that he doesn’t know whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris is the worse candidate because opposing migration and supporting abortion are both ‘anti-life.’ ‘Sending migrants away, not giving migrants [the] ability to work, not giving migrants [a] welcome is a sin, it’s serious,’ Francis said… At the same time, Francis said, ‘sending a baby away from its mother’s breast is murder, because there is life.’ The Church ‘does not allow abortion because it is killing,’ he added…”

At the same time, the Catholic church does allow killing in a “righteous war,” even though that is killing too. And is it a sin to not allow murderers and rapists into our country?

The Daily Mail wrote on September 13:

“Pope Francis on Friday slammed both U.S. presidential candidates for what he called anti-life policies on abortion and migration and advised American Catholics to choose the ‘lesser evil’ in the upcoming U.S. elections…

“Francis said migration is a right described in Scripture, and that anyone who does not follow the Biblical call to welcome the stranger is committing a ‘grave sin.’ He was also blunt in speaking about abortion… ‘One should voteand choose the lesser evil,’ he said. ‘Who is the lesser evil, the woman or man? I don´t know,’ he said. ‘Everyone in their conscience should think and do it.’

“It´s not the first time Francis has weighed in on a U.S. election. In the run-up to the 2016 election, Francis was asked about Trump´s plan to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexican border. Francis declared then that anyone who builds a wall to keep out migrants ‘is not Christian.’…”

Where does it say in the Bible that migration is a right and the violation of that right is a sin? Also, the argument to fulfill one’s “civil duty” to vote for the lesser evil ignores willfully the fact that one would still vote for an evil—something a Christian is prohibited to do in God’s Word.

Francis’ Blasphemous Comments

LifesiteNews wrote on September 13:

“The Holy See Press Office has released a misleading English translation of Pope Francis’ controversial comments about all religions leading to God, as criticism of Francis’ words continues to grow. Addressing an inter-religious group of young people in Singapore on September 13, Pope Francis drew heavily on the nation’s multi-religious nature: ‘Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God, but God is God for all. And how is God God for all? We are all sons and daughters of God. But my god is more important than your god, is that true? There is only one God and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.’

“However, the Holy See Press Office has published a markedly different and misleading translation of the papal comments in the English transcript of his meeting. The Vatican’s official English version reads: ‘Religions are seen as paths trying to reach God.’ The difference is notable, and the online transcript of Francis’ remarks appear as far less controversial or problematic than his actual remarks.”

The pope’s statements are in clear violation of the First Commandment.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer:

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How do you view paganism today, and exactly what is it? (Part 2)

In the first part of this series, we looked at paganism in its many forms in the UK and the USA.  Different websites gave us a brief but clear picture of the growth of this phenomenon in these two major nationswhich are revealed in our free booklet The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

theconversation.com reports that “Nature religions, commonly described as Paganism (or neo-Paganism), are growing in Australia. In the last Census, 33,148 people claimed affiliation with a nature religion: including Animism, Druidism, and the many traditions of Wicca, the most practised Pagan pathway.”

ca.paganfederation.org reports as follows: “With almost half a century of experience, the Pagan Federation (PF) started in England and shortly thereafter sowed the seeds for its sister organization: the Pagan Federation International (PFI), to respond to the needs of Pagans who did not reside in England. Now PFI has local branches all over the world: including Asia, South America, Australia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, The Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, Belgium and of course Canada and the USA, and this list only continues to grow!“

This same website also states that in “Canada, we are always interested in talking with members to start pub moots, coffee cauldrons, festivals or events that promote paganism in a positive, informative and healthy manner.”

It has been said that “Paganism is not dogmatic. Pagans pursue their own vision of the Divine as a direct and personal experience.”

Let us review Deuteronomy 18:10-12 where we find a list of many wrong spiritual practices. This passage provides us with clear instructions to avoid wrong and ungodly practices and maintain the right Way that God teaches us to live:

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you.”

In these three verses, we read about passing through fire, witchcraft, soothsayer, interpreting omens, sorcerer, conjuring up spells, a medium, spiritist, calling up the dead. Quite a list of things that God calls abominations! Those who are pagans and belong to the organisations mentioned previously will not care one iota about what God says.

And what is the outcome of such rebellion against God’s Word in today’s world? We know that Satan is the god of this world and the prince of the power of the air (compare 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Ephesians 2:2). He influences mankind to believe that they themselves can make decisions about right and wrong without the necessity of having the great Creator God giving us guidelines to follow in the true worship of Him.  He did this in the Garden of Eden.

We continually see anti-Godly behaviour in society around the world, and Isaiah 5:20 sums this up perfectly: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” For about 6,000 years, man has followed the way that he thinks best and has lost the ability, it would seem, to make sound judgments. History clearly reveals that man has lost his way because he has not been exposed to, understood or seen the right Way of Life to live which is always in his own best interests when God is involved. For more information on this, please see our free booklet Obeying God Rather Than Men,” and our Q&A, “Who determines what is right and wrong?” 

Looking at Deuteronomy 18:10-12, christianpublishinghouse.co states that “this is a critical passage in the Old Testament, providing explicit directives against various forms of occult practices. This scriptural segment… serves not only as a legal prescription for Israel but also as a moral and spiritual guideline for God’s people. The passage is often interpreted as encompassing a range of occult practices, warning against the spiritual dangers associated with such activities.”

Of course, these are not just “moral or spiritual guidelines”—they are commandments to be followed.

And so, let us review each one of these wrong practices that are highlighted in Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

Verse 10 says: “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire.”

The Margin of the New King James Bible says: “Be burned as an offering to an idol.”

Clarke’s Commentary has this to say: “Leviticus also states: ‘And you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD’ (Leviticus 18:21).

“The fire-god Molech was the… deity of the children of Ammon, and essentially identical with the Moabitish Chemosh. Unger’s Bible Dictionary has this to say about Molech: ‘A Semitic deity honoured by the sacrifice of children, in which they were caused to pass through or into the fire.  Palestinian excavations have uncovered evidences of infant skeletons in burial places around heathen shrines.  Ammonites revered Molech as a protecting father.   Worship of Molech was stringently prohibited by Hebrew law’ (Leviticus 18:21; 20:1-5).”

While it is not exactly the same, similar killings of sons and daughters today can be found in the killing of unborn children through abortion.  The end product is precisely the same.

Verse 10 continues: “(There shall not be found among you) one who practices witchcraft.”

What is witchcraft?  Wikipedia gives this definition: “Witchcraft, as most commonly understood in both historical and present-day communities, is the use of alleged supernatural powers of magic.  A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft. Traditionally, ‘witchcraft’ means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others, and this remains the most common and widespread meaning. Also, Magic is an ancient practice rooted in rituals, spiritual divinations, and/or cultural lineage—with an intention to invoke, manipulate, or otherwise manifest supernatural forces, beings, or entities in the natural world.”  

Verse 10 adds: “(There shall not be found among you to be) a soothsayer.”

Unger’s Bible Dictionary has this to say about a soothsayer: “The soothsayer (diviner) was the pagan counterpart of the prophet, prognosticating future events, or professing to do so by various arts.” They then quote Joshua 13:22 which reads “The children of Israel also killed with the sword Balaam the son of Beor, the soothsayer, among those who were killed by them.” Continuing with Unger’s: “Actually, diviners were energized by evil powers, as the prophet of the Lord was under the control of the Holy Spirit.”

Verse 10 continues: “(There shall not be found among you) one who interprets omens.”

In Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Deuteronomy 18:10-14, we read the following:

“Was it possible that a people so blessed with Divine institutions, should ever be in any danger of making those their teachers whom God had made their captives? They were in danger; therefore, after many like cautions, they are charged not to do after the abominations of the nations of Canaan. All reckoning of lucky or unlucky days, all charms for diseases, all amulets or spells to prevent evil, fortune-telling, [etc.] are here forbidden. These are so wicked as to be a chief cause of the rooting out of the Canaanites. It is amazing to think that there should be any pretenders of this kind in such a land, and day of light, as we live in. They are mere impostors who blind and cheat their followers.”

Verse 10 adds: “(There shall not be found among you to be) a sorcerer.”

We will quote again from Unger’s Bible Dictionary: “Sorcery (Heb. from kashap, ‘to whisper’; Gk. mageia, Acts 8:11; pharmakeia, ‘medication’). A sorcerer was one who prophesied to tell the lot of others, to have power with evil spirits (Isa 7:9,12, Dan 2:2) and was severely denounced (Mal 3:5; Rev 9:21; 18:23; 21:8; 22:15). This art was also practiced in connection with pharmacy, the mixing of drugs and medical compounds.

“The term sorcerer (Ex 7:11; Jer 27:9, etc), from the Lat. sors, ‘a lot,’ ‘one who throws or declares a lot,’ would assign it initially the more circumscribed sphere of augural prognostication.   But the term as commonly employed, includes one who practices in the whole field of divinatory occultism.   Sorcery is the practice of the occult arts under the power of evil spirits, or demons, and has been common in all ages of world history.”

(To be continued)

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Recent Unbiblical Comments by Pope Francis,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is the summary:

Recently, the Pope made several controversial comments which were all unbiblical and dangerous, if we were to believe and follow them. He addressed the US presidential race, in focusing on migration and abortion, and he spoke on the way to salvation. Why were all his statements misleading and wrong, and what does the Bible say about them?

“Kürzliche unbiblische Kommentare des Papstes,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This German program covers the same topics as described above.

Our new booklet, “Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen,” has been sent to our subscribers. If you did not get a copy, please contact us.

“Der Wert unserer Zeit,” last Sabbath’s German sermonette presented by Andreas Raetz, is now posted. Title in English: “The Value of Our Time.”

“How Do We Ask?”, last Sabbath’s sermonette presented by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is the summary:

In the family setting, we learn early how to ask for something. Asking God for what we seek is a very important part of our relationship with Him—how do we ask?

“Yesterday, Today, and Forever,” last Sabbath’s sermon presented by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is the summary:

Even though the Bible clearly proves that Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament, most nominal Christians today have no idea. However, this fact has great personal meaning to us, in that the same One who performed the miracles recorded in the Bible lives within us today through His Holy Spirit.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2024 Church of the Eternal God