“Going the Distance” is the musical song in the original Rocky movie, and there is quite a lesson to learn from it about determination, endurance and reaching for a goal. The movie and the song are based on an unknown boxer, Rocky Balboa, with aspirations of becoming the boxing champion and what he was willing to put his body through in exercise, diet and determination to reach that goal. Even though he did not gain the title, he showed an inspiring performance of endurance, even when fighting in the ring.
Our Christian lives are a continual battle to maintain our equilibrium in overcoming Satan and the pulls of the flesh. Thankfully, we have the perfect coach in our corner who gave us the perfect example of overcoming sin, enduring trials and attaining righteousness through obedience.
He never said it would be easy and without trials; but rather, we would be faced with challenges, but He would always be at our side through thick and thin. Hebrews 13:5 tells us: “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.’”
These are powerful words of great encouragement since at times, when going through severe trials and tests, we may get the feeling of being abandoned but that is just not the case. Christ is full of love, compassion and mercy.Lamentations 3:32 says: “Though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion According to the multitude of His mercies.”
He went through trials as a human and always looked to God the Father, and He was always in a good attitude, a good example for us to follow since even though we may ask for God’s merciful intervention, it may not always come as fast as we would like, or not come at all at that time since we may have lessons to learn by the trials we face.
What really helps us through these trials which come upon us is to focus on the end goal and make the effort to attain that goal with the same determination as Rocky Balboa did in the movie Rocky, putting himself through sacrifice and physical pain via training hoping to attain the goal he was focused on.
Our hope is in a future resurrection in the Family of God, a goal attainable if we obey and are faithfully following the example of our leader Jesus Christ Who patiently endured the suffering in His life, including death, on our behalf so we could be with Him in the Kingdom. So let’s not let Him down and let us show Him that we are willing to go the distance.