Are You Predestined to be Saved?

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PREDESTINATION … What comes to mind when you hear that word? If you answered that it is a Biblical term, you are correct. But do you know what it actually means?

Some say that God has predestined or “pre-decided” who should live forever and who should die in eternal hell fire. Others regard predestination as a sort of a catch-all form of fatalism—no matter what we want, God has already predetermined everything. Still others maintain that God has preordained nothing, as it would defeat man’s free will.

Funk & Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary gives the following definition of the words “predestination” and “predestinate”: “To foreordain by divine decree or purpose… destiny; fate… foreordination of all things by God, including the salvation and damnation of man.”

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Should YOU Fight in War?

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What does the Bible teach us about our Christian responsibility when it comes to fighting for our country?

Is it correct, as some teach, that the Bible allows, if not enjoins, Christians to participate in the military and to engage in warfare, either to attack another country or to defend their own country against aggressors? Do the teachings of Christ and His followers allow, or even demand, that we take up arms to fight against those who want to harm and destroy us, our loved ones, or our nation?

Should a true follower of Christ participate in wars that are fought by the powers of this world, based on whatever “logical” reasoning would lead to justification for such action?

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The Fall and Rise of Britain and America

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This booklet is made available to the nations of Great Britain, the United States of America and other English-speaking peoples—part of the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah—as well as to everyone who is willing to heed God’s message of the imminent fall, and ultimate rise of, Britain and America. It is in true loving concern, but with a sense of urgency, that we seek to bring attention to the need to repent of the sin of rebellion against the great God and His way of life as revealed in the Holy Bible. Only by turning to God will ANYONE be saved from, or out of, the Great Tribulation that will strike this earth in the near future! This warning applies to God’s true Church, as well as to the modern descendants of the ancient house of Israel. The nations where these descendants are currently located are clearly identified in the Bible; therefore, this important message is being brought to the attention of these specific nations. The good news is that ultimately, most will listen to the warning; for many, however, serious lessons will first have to be learned the hard way.

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Tithing – Today?

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MONEY—a sensitive subject for many people. Those who have money, don’t want to part with it. Those who don’t have it, long for it. Yet from the time of man’s creation on this earth, God has given instructions on tithing—paying ten percent of our income to God who gave it in the first place.

But what about today? Is tithing important? Does it make a difference to God whether we tithe or not? If so, where do we send our tithes? In this booklet we will explore the Biblical teaching on tithing in order to fully understand what relevance it has for us today.

What Is Tithing?

Tithing—the practice of giving or paying ten percent to God—is an ancient concept that is well-known to both pagans and worshippers of the true God. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1959, Vol. 22, points out, on page 252: “Tithes, a form of tribute consisting of a tenth of a man’s property or produce, connected politically with taxation, and religiously with the offering of first fruits to deity. This custom was almost universal in the ancient world, and can be traced in Babylonia, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, Greece, Rome and even in China.”

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Jesus Christ—A Great Mystery!

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Part 1

Did Jesus Exist?

Is there any historical proof that a person called Jesus Christ ever existed? Although it is sometimes claimed by atheists and agnostics that the very person of Jesus was an invention by early writers, very few educated people down through history have doubted the existence of Christ. There are more than 1,000 works of literature that were written very early in Church history affirming the existence of Christ, and much of it was written by pagans or Jews—people who acknowledged His existence, but denied that He was, indeed, the Son of God.

H.G. Wells wrote in “Outline of History”: “…one is obliged to say, ‘Here was a man. This part of the tale could not have been invented.’” Will Durant, professor of philosophy, and a non-Christian, wrote extensively about Christ’s existence and His effect on society in “The Story of Civilization.” The Encyclopedia Britannica refers to Christ more than 20,000 times—more than Socrates, Aristotle, Buddha, Napoleon, Confucius, Mohammed, or Shakespeare. It says in one instance: “These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate grounds by the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries.”

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Are You Already Born Again?

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Have you been born again? It’s a catchy phrase. It invokes thoughts of piety and gives the appearance of true Christianity. It claims to describe spiritual maturity—the release from sin and the receipt of salvation. It has become the litmus test for many professing Christians to determine whether one is “saved” or “lost”—whether one will “go to heaven” or “hell” after death.

Many professing Christians think they are already born again, and they readily share their convictions with others, presenting what would seem to be a convincing case for the need to be “born again” in this life. In reality, they miss one of the most important teachings of the Bible—what man’s ultimate potential is and how to attain it.

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Sickness and Healing – What the Bible Tells Us

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Sickness is something everyone has had to deal with at one time or another, and to varying degrees—some don’t seem to get sick very often, while others suffer from chronic illnesses.  Still others are subjected to terminal disease.

Have you ever wondered whether it is “natural” to be sick? Have you wondered if there is a correlation between sin and illness?  Is sickness the punishment that God brings on us because of sin?

What about healing? Do you know anyone who has actually been healed of an illness? Perhaps you yourself have experienced healing in your life. What do you think caused this healing? Was it a competent doctor or an appropriate medication? Are we to place our faith in doctors and medicines to heal our bodies? Did God have anything to do with this healing? Or does God even heal today?

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Europe in Prophecy – The Unfolding of End-Time Events

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The Bible tells us to watch and be ready for the return of  Christ. But watch what? With so much going on in the world, how can we distinguish between important and unimportant news? Just where do we focus our attention?

We see a European power bloc developing. We hear of right-wing activities in Germany and Austria. We listen to the Catholic Church proclaim that it is the only true Church of Christ. Some speculate that these developments could lead to a European economic superstate with one single currency, one political and military system, and even one religion. But would this be a good thing? Would such a Europe be on good terms with the United States of America? Just what does it all mean?

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God is a Family

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The Bible reveals that God is not just a single being, but is comprised of two separate beings. These two beings are often referred to as the “Father” and the “Son,” illustrating the fact that God is actually a Family. While the Bible reveals that God is, in fact, a Family, it also shows that God is not a trinity. The Holy Spirit is not God, nor is it a separate being within the God Family. It is literally the power of God through which the God Family works.

When we pray to God, asking that He give His Holy Spirit to us so that we might live more effectively in His way of life, we are asking for God’s power that emanates directly from the Father and from the Son.

We will show in this booklet that the New Testament Scriptures, as well as the Old Testament Scriptures, clearly reveal that God IS a Family, presently comprised of two separate beings. Many who erroneously believe that the Old Testament teaches the existence of only one God being, have glossed over some very revealing passages without realizing the full meaning of what they are reading.

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God’s Commanded Holy Days

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Are the Weekly Sabbath and Annual Holy Days Still Binding on Us Today?

Why did ancient Israel and  Judah have to go into captivity? Was God angry with them? And why does God warn this modern world that calamity is fast approaching? Is God angry with us?  Is there a correlation?

Could our failure to observe God’s weekly Sabbath and His annual Feast Days have anything to do with it? Before we shrug our shoulders and scoff at such an idea, let us review God’s Word—the Bible—to learn what our Maker has to say about our national, collective and individual sins.

To suggest that God still requires man to observe the Seventh-Day Sabbath and His annual Holy Days sounds strange, indeed, to most people. After all, weren’t those days given only to the Jews, ultimately to be replaced by Christians with Sunday and with such festivals as Christmas, Easter, and even Halloween? Wouldn’t the keeping of the Sabbath and the annual Feast Days mean returning to Old Testament rituals that were done away by Christ when He died for us? Weren’t the Sabbath and the annual Festivals just part of the Old Covenant that was replaced by the New Covenant?

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