Current Events

by Norbert Link

We address worldwide Independence days in July and point out interesting developments in Israel pertaining to the Temple Mount and the anticipated appearance of a “red heifer”; and continue with disturbing news about the required teaching in British pre-schools and elementary schools of the LGBT agenda and same-sex marriages in continental Europe. In this context, please view our new sermon, “Lot in Sodom.”

We report on a controversial new German law on the undefined and ambiguous concept of “hate speech,” and the perception that Germany and France will lead Europe, while Britain continues to try to sever remaining economic relationships with the continent.

In view of America’s withdrawal from the world scene and the pursuit of protectionism, which could lead to global trade war and the total downfall of America, other powers, such as Europe and Japan, attempt to enter into trade deals. While concerns exist between a military confrontation between the USA and North Korea, the sudden decline of the dollar and the fiasco faced by GOP Republicans in the fall manifest the real danger of a “train wreck” and looming “disaster” for the USA.

We continue with deeply disturbing articles about America’s Child Protective Services and foster homes; and the debunked myths of the false transgender ideology.

This week has also been seeing more tumult, from upheaval in the Catholic Church to the sudden reappearance of the Black Death in the USA.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we focus on frightening and disconcerting developments in the USA, including the real possibility of a violent civil war; the Obama Administration’s failure to react to Russia’s meddling in the US elections; the disastrous and “barbaric” proposed Senate health care bill; the controversial decision of the US Supreme Court to reinstate parts of President Trump’s Muslim travel ban [note our new StandingWatch program,“Limited Version of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Takes Effect”]; further intrusions into the lives of travelers by the TSA; ongoing popularizations of the transgender agenda in American schools; and America’s active support of same-sex marriages in other countries, such as Romania.

We continue with Turkey’s decision not to teach evolution in high schools; and an interesting new exhibit of Noah’s Ark.

We speak on ridiculous demands of Arab countries regarding Qatar; a suicide bombing near Mecca; the highly disputed concept of “liberal Islam” in Germany; further Russian persecution against the Jehovah’s Witnesses; President Netanyahu’s controversial decision to revoke his prior permission for mixed gender prayers at the Western Wall; and Australia’s departure from Christianity.

We report on SPD candidate Martin Schulz’s attempts to gain badly-needed support just ninety days before Germany’s parliamentary election; same-sex marriages in Germany; the growing East-West divide in the EU; the finalized deal between Theresa May and Northern Ireland’s controversial Democratic Unionist Party; and Europe’s financial punishment of Google.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we include several articles which all prove God’s involvement in national and international developments, to fulfill biblical prophecy and bring about end-time events, leading to the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ.

We address the beginning of Brexit negotiations between Europe and Great Britain; and we report at length about the death of an extremely remarkable figure in post-war Europe—former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

We report on French President Macron’s centrist party’s massive victory in this week’s parliamentary elections, enabling him to pursue, together with Germany, reforms in Europe to glue the EU closer together and to continue with the establishment of a Europe with two speeds (core Europe); and we address further developments cementing the disastrously deteriorating relationship between the USA and Europe under German leadership (being supported by Austria).

We also hear more and more of wars and rumors of wars, escalations and terrorist attacks (at least four or five separate attacks by crazy and deranged spiritually influenced, if not possessed, Islamist terrorists took place within the last few days in London, Jerusalem, Paris, Brussels and apparently also in Michigan). Now there is a real danger of an escalation of the Syrian war, due to America’s and Russia’s (as well as Iran’s) actions and words. We also report on the hopeless confusion within the Trump Administration on critically important foreign matters, such as Qatar.

We address another debacle of the Trump administration—the “broken promises” and subsequent “deceit” regarding healthcare, which have now been described as the “biggest scandal of all.”

We conclude with an article about another obscure Catholic holiday, “Fronleichnam,” showing how far the Catholic Church is removed from biblical truth.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

We begin with the devastating election debacle of UK Prime Minister Theresa May; her struggle to stay in power; and the potential negative consequences for Britain’s negotiations with Europe over Brexit (Please view our new StandingWatch program, Why Britain’s Election Debacle?” ). At the same time, we observe French President Emmanuel Macron’s overwhelming election victory which will enable him to carry out plans to make the EU more successful. Another article shows that a most powerful European army IS coming; and we also focus on developments in The Netherlands.

The controversy over President Trump’s fight with former FBI director James Comey continues and observers are taking sides as to who might be lying; Attorney General Jeff Session’s testimony did not accomplish much to establish clarity; a new report alleges that President Trump is now under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice; and disputed reports emerged that President Trump might cancel any visits in the UK for fear of and anger about demonstrations against him. Another court rules against President Trump’s travel ban; and conflicting messages from President Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson over Qatar and Iran’s and Turkey’s involvement make the situation in the Middle East highly unpredictable.

We report on Angela Merkel’s visit in Mexico and her praise for the German army; on the perception that it is Germany’s role to lead Europe; and on violence in the Philippines and the Philippine government’s unclear stance towards America’s assistance in their fight against “Muslim militants”.

We continue with articles about violence on the Temple Mount; the position of the Israeli people on gay marriage and Tel Aviv’s annual gay parade; smoking; parents being charged with murder for refusing to give medical assistance to their child;  the danger of the daily use of Aspirin; Attorney General Session’s fight against medical marijuana; the threat emerging from driverless cars and drones; and the major threat from asteroids.

We conclude with articles about the Pope’s claim for unquestioned obedience; and the false doctrine of the Trinity.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

We begin with reports on the deteriorating economic relationship between the USA and Europe; speak on Europe’s efforts to gain other trading partners and build up its military defense, including the creation of a new defense fund (at least partially in response to President Trump’s correct criticism); France’s attempts to deal with another terror attack; and the increasingly isolated role of the USA; and we address powerful and influential reactions within the USA to President Trump’s announcement to leave the Paris accord. We also report on President Trump’s nomination of Christopher A. Wray as the next FBI director, and former FBI director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Focusing on the UK, we speak on an upcoming battle between Britain and France over important fishing rights and on Ireland’s new gay Prime Minister. We also address the strained and troubled relationship between the USA and the UK over President Trump’s tweets pertaining to the terrorist attacks in London; and we report on his tweets regarding his original and revised travel bans, angering and frustrating even his GOP supporters. We also address further plans by the TSA pertaining to laptops, and we speak on an unanimous resolution by the Senate which seems to be much tougher than President Trump’s stance on Jerusalem, but upon further scrutiny, seems to contain all kinds of inconsistent and contradictory positions, while placing Democrats in a really bad light.

We report on a surprising move of Arab nations under Saudi Arabian leadership against Qatar which hosts America’s largest airbase in the region; report on contradictory messages from President Trump and the State Department pertaining to Qatar and Germany’s subsequent warning; speak on terror attacks in Iran; some rather ridiculous positions by Lebanon and Jordan; and German plans to move their troops from Turkey to Jordan. At the same time, questions are raised whether Angela Merkel’s victory in September’s elections is really assured.

We conclude with a controversial statement by Pope Francis; the tragic death of many children in southern Sudan due to vaccinations against measles; and the danger of becoming addicted to prescribed legal drugs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the unsatisfactory outcome of the G-7 summit in Sicily, due to major disagreements between America and the other participating nations. Europeans place the blame totally on President Trump’s behavior. He is being portrayed as the “ugly American, trampling America’s friends and trashing the trans-Atlantic alliance,” and it is suggested that his conduct in Europe was due to personal vindictiveness. Subsequently, Angela Merkel uttered harsh words, implying that the USA is “no longer a reliable partner” of Europe, and declaring that Europe has to “take its fate into its own hands.” While most agreed with Mrs. Merkel’s comments (excepting Trump supporters, accepting Mr. Trump’s statement that his trip was highly successful), Mr. Trump responded on Twitter, blasting Germany again over trade and defense.

The consensus is that the gap between the USA and especially Europe has become immense. While America is described as “dropping out as an important nation,” Angela Merkel is seen as the “leader of the free world” and the “most influential leader” in Europe; and Germany as becoming “an increasingly dominant power in a partnership with France.” The most recent events are described as ushering in a “new era” and beginning a “new chapter,” and it is also perceived that Russia is the beneficiary of the frosty relationship between the USA and Europe. Not unaware of this threat, Europe is anxious to build a powerful unified army.

We also address President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord on “Climate Change.”

In other news, we report on a terrible attack in Kabul, Afghanistan; Turkey’s attempts to get control over the Temple Mount; President Trump’s decision to sign a waiver regarding the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem; and British Airline’s ongoing debacle, due to the company’s unreliable new IT system. We also report on serious illogical considerations of the Trump administration to ban all laptops from aircraft cabins on all flights into and out of the country; and on an equally absurd and dangerous new law in Germany forcing Kindergartens to report parents for refusing to obtain vaccine advice.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we focus on the new terror attack in Manchester, Great Britain, as well as President Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome, and his highly controversial performance in Brussels.

We also address growing concerns regarding North Korea and Syria and report on the European push for an historically unprecedented army.

We conclude with new developments and research regarding the dangers of vaccinations which are ignored by most scientists; and with an article on evolutionary nonsense.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this edition, we discuss, among other news, ongoing developments stemming from the controversial politics and confusing conduct of the Trump administration, and ask the frightening and unsettling question as to what would happen to the USA if it would be faced with a real crisis, such as a nuclear attack (as distinguished from some usual internal blunders). In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Coming–Nuclear War With No Survivors?”, as well as our previous StandingWatch program, titled,FBI Director Comey Fired–Another Trump Debacle.” 

We continue with the worldwide ransomware attack and point out growing discomfort between the Trump administration and the state of Israel.

We speak on election results in Germany and interesting developments in Austria and Europe; and we conclude with the alleged sightings of the “Virgin Mary” in Fatima and Lourdes.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on Emmanuel Macron’s convincing victory in the French election and the defeat of Marine Le Pen… which is viewed as a vote for European unity and the euro zone; and the rejection of national populism.

We continue with President Trump’s controversial termination of FBI director James Comey, which, given the timing, manner and underlying circumstances, as well as glaring inconsistencies in the reports from the White House and the President, has already been described as a “massive cover-up” and a “perilous moment in American history,” with parallels to “Watergate” and the “Saturday Night Massacre”

We address the less-than-convincing condition of the US economy under President Trump and speak on the “Trumpcare” disaster… with early celebrations of the Trump Administration’s and Republicans’ victory in the House as being very premature.

We address a Russian-Iranian-Turkish project to create safe zones in Syria, which is opposed or at least criticized by the USA and the “armed opposition.”

We focus on the deteriorating relationship between Israel and UNESCO, Europe and especially Germany; the deteriorating relationship between Israel and Turkey; a contemplated bill that would officially define Israel as a Jewish state; and growing concerns within the German army. We quote an article asking the question whether Brexit will lead to a complete break-up of the UK; and address controversies regarding Gibraltar.

We conclude with articles pertaining to the relationship between American churches and the IRS; a ridiculous plan by the Trump Administration to make travel to the USA more unpleasant for Europeans; disunity within the United Methodist Church over the issue of homosexuality—the Methodists being the third-largest denomination in the USA; and religious persecution of Christians in Indonesia.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we are focusing on Brexit guidelines adopted by the EU and tough Brexit talks ahead; as well as the EU’s commitment to establish a common “security defense”; and we continue with the election in France and its importance for the survival of the EU. We also speak on persecution of Jews in Europe and Europe’s decision regarding the visa waiver program for Americans and Canadians.

We speak on the volatile situation regarding North Korea and the mixed messages coming from the White House; and we discuss Donald Trump’s “first hundred days of chaos”; a welcome clarification regarding IRS restrictions for churches; and the successful attempt to rush through a new healthcare bill in the House with devastating consequences for many insured. We also address the enactment of a highly controversial spending bill allowing the US government to continue operations until the end of September; and Puerto Rico’s unprecedented declaration of bankruptcy.

We address Turkey’s ongoing descent into a totalitarian dictatorship; and we point out the deteriorating relationship between Germany and Israel, as well as between Germany and Russia.

We conclude with articles about Britain’s intolerance towards those who emphasize biblical standards; and Pope Francis’ controversial comments about existing concentration camps in Europe.

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