Current Events

In this issue, we focus on the many inconsistent promises and declarations by Mr. Donald Trump and his “surrogates” and spokespersons, prompting the question as to when the “real” Donald Trump will stand up. Issues regarding mass deportations of illegal aliens with a criminal record; moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem; the creation of a Palestinian state; the building of a wall between the USA and Mexico and who will pay for it; the “repeal” of Obamacare; the Iran deal; international trade and “climate-change” agreements; tariffs for Chinese goods; prosecution of Hillary Clinton; entitlement programs; waterboarding; and the very survival of NATO are just a few of the many issues under discussion. Mr. Trump’s appointments of Republican National Committee chairman (and Washington insider) Reince Priebus as his White House chief of staff and (highly controversial) Stephen Bannon, his campaign CEO and executive of the conservative website ‘Breitbart,’ as his chief strategist and senior counselor, have perplexed many observers.

Some or many seem to feel that with the election of Mr. Trump as President, we have gained a few more years of peace and freedom. That is a very naive, dangerous and erroneous misconception. For the biblical truth on the matter, please view our new sermon, “God’s Control of the Weather.”

Russia’s neighboring countries, especially the Baltic states, are fearful of Mr. Putin and they are very concerned about America’s future conduct; while Bulgaria and Moldova elected pro-Russian leaders.

Europe is becoming anxious to create its own unified army, recognizing the fact that it is a “superpower” which “ought to” take care of its own affairs.

While most political leaders in the world are trying to cozy up to Mr. Trump, who in turn has found “warm words” for many of them, whom he had severely attacked during his campaigns, Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has been a rare exception in continuing his criticism of Mr. Trump, which, according to many observers, has now gained him, at least in part, the proposal of Germany’s major parties for the German Presidency in February.

We conclude with articles about a nuclear agreement between India and Japan; as well as the most recent series of earthquakes in New Zealand which might have caused damages in excess of 1.4 billion US dollars.

Current Events

In this edition, we begin with the victory of Donald Trump, which has been described in the media as “the most stunning event in US history,” and as an “unparalleled political earthquake.” The polls have all been terribly wrong, as they have been in regard to the Brexit. The reason is that neither the media nor the “polls” understand that God is fulfilling prophecy, as described in the Bible. Mr. Trump won because he will have to carry out an important task in the context of end-time-events. We have felt from the outset—even as early as when he announced his candidacy–that Mr. Trump would win, but most do not understand as to why that was. The world is in shock and very much afraid, and if Mr. Trump will carry out many of his campaign promises, then there would be every reason to be concerned.

We include articles describing shocking statements by President Obama encouraging illegal aliens to vote; and the dirtiest campaign in American history.

We continue with social and religious issues, such as the false concept of an “immortal soul”, Poland’s fight against abortion; and Pope Francis’ and the Vatican’s wrong understanding of the Christian duty and God’s punishment for sin.

We conclude with the effects of the Brexit; Russian warships in the Mediterranean; and the Turkish conflict reaching German borders.

Current Events

In this issue, we report about the “unalterable” and correct Catholic stance on women priests; the negative German view on the two US Presidential candidates and the entire American electoral system; the Obamacare disaster; interesting comments by the EU commissioner for digital affairs about China, Angela Merkel and former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder; Turkey’s “Attack” on Germany; a new “Brexit Betrayal Court Ruling”; Russia’s Lost Bid for the UN’s Human Rights Council due to their conduct in Syria; France’s ridiculous “fight” against extra-terrestrial aliens; more earthquakes in Italy; we conclude with an article pointing to Muslim history verifying that the Dome of the Rock was built on the site of previous Jewish temples.

Current Events

We report on the concerns coming from Europe as Washington and Russia provoke one-another—prompting even more plans for a European army as a terrorist is captured in Germany.

Cholera in Haiti mounts following devastating death and destruction; the Pope reacts to marriage between two nuns; transgender treatments are now being offered by a Seattle clinic; and we conclude with several articles covering the US presidential contest.

Current Events

We begin with an insightful article on Europe’s future and Hungary’s invalid referendum against the EU migration policy; and focus in detail on the terrible events in Syria and especially the city of Aleppo, showing Russia’s increased involvement and America’s utter helplessness; and Russia’s threat of nuclear World War III. [Please view our new StandingWatch program on this topic, titled, Russia Threatens America with Nuclear War.”]

We speak on the terrible disaster of Obamacare which punishes hard-working American citizens, rather than helping them; and review a stunning revelation by the late Shimon Peres pertaining to Israel’s nuclear weapons.

We focus on the mass media’s coverage of the American presidential election campaigns, which can only be described as extremely hypocritical; showing once again why we are not to vote or participate in any way in this ungodly process.

In the last part of this section, we quote several articles on developments pertaining to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church. Especially noteworthy is the pope’s strong (and correct) stance on the “gender theory,” which he describes as a “great enemy” of marriage.

Current Events

We begin with articles containing troublesome accusations against the FBI and the Justice Department pertaining to an alleged “cover-up” of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal; and we continue with the congressional override of President Obama’s vetoing a bill that allows families of 9-11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia; and the President’s unwanted legacy of populism.

It was reported that Donald Trump (who might be of German descent) was the recipient of an “unexpected” honor from a “former” political rival and of “strong concerns” from one of the greatest Jewish veteran actors of our time. We also cover the reactions to the first presidential debate, declaring overwhelmingly that Hillary Clinton won against Donald Trump who rambled frequently and who gave embarrassing answers pertaining to the “birther” controversy. In this context, please view our StandingWatch program, “Trump’s Birther Movement—Why It Still Matters.” On the other hand, according to Forbes, Trump’s criticism of China was correct.

We address the frightening manifestations of paganism and demonic influence in the USA; address findings that divorce and mixed marriages are highly responsible for the lack of religion in children; speak on the ongoing deteriorating relationship between the German and Turkish governments; Italy’s vision of an EU Army; Russia’s military influence across Asia; the desire of the Philippines to have closer ties with Russia and China; erupting violence at the “tomb of Joseph”; the death of former Israeli President Shimon Peres, the last surviving founding father of the state of Israel; and new discoveries regarding Petra.

We conclude with a remarkable interview with a Dutch primatologist and ethologist, addressing animal behavior in the face of death and important distinctions between animals and humans.

Current Events

Last Friday, Donald Trump made a “big announcement.” Without any explanation as to the drastic change in his prior position, and without giving any evidence whatsoever, he stated within a few seconds that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. In this issue, we analyze the legitimate concerns regarding the official explanation of Mr. Obama’s birthplace, and also the apparent political reason for Mr. Trump’s “reversal,” which does not look good at all.

We continue reporting on turmoil in North Carolina and another terrorist attack in New York City; the worldwide reaction to Mr. Trump’s denial of “climate change”; and on Europe’s “fragile” unity and its willingness to create a European army, over UK objection, partly because of fear of Donald Trump. We also point out the anti-Americanism in Germany as one reason for Germany’s strong opposition against an Obama-backed trade deal with Europe.

We address another terrible loss of Angela Merkel in Sunday’s election in Berlin, while the anti-Immigration party AfD keeps scoring points; report on European plans to create an “entry system” for non-EU visitors; speak on the end of a cease-fire agreement in Syria which never really began; and the “biggest threat to modern medicine”; and we conclude with articles about the crazy ideas of evolutionists and an amazing discovery and procedure, proving that God preserved His Word—the Holy Bible.

Current Events

We begin with a lengthy discussion on the conspiracy theory that the travesty of September 11, 2001, was an “inside job” by the US government, as this controversial concept was again fueled by an article in a prestigious scientific magazine. We also report on the passing of a bill allowing 9/11 victims and their families to sue the Saudi Arabian government.

We continue with the latest nuclear test by North Korea, openly defying the USA and proving the US policy to have failed; and we discuss the fact that North Korea leaves the US with a list of bad options.

We address the many concerns by physicians about Hillary Clinton’s health and continue with her “fishy” E-mail story; and we report on concerns about Donald Trump’s interview with a media outlet which is sponsored  by the Russian government; and the “mystery” as to why a Christian bishop gave Donald Trump a Jewish prayer shawl, bringing into focus many false concepts taught by Messianic Jews. We also speak of unbiblical laws and efforts in at least two US states, trying to implement the left-liberal Obama transgender policy. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “America’s Persecution of Churches.” 

We address threats from terrorists in Germany; German efforts to expand its military role in Europe; attempts by Germany and France to “beef up” the European defense; and calls for a European military headquarters. We also report on another delay regarding the highly-anticipated election of the Austrian President; and we conclude with the decision of the Irish parliament to appeal against a 13-billion-euro back tax bill the European Commission ordered Ireland to collect from Apple.

Current Events

We begin with the stunning state election victory of Germany’s anti-immigration party Afand Angela Merkel’s disastrous debacle; and we cite articles about possible consequences for Chancellor Merkel, Germany’s political landscape and even the established main parties in Europe. We also show that minorities, including the Jewish community, are deeply concerned about AfD’s victory. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled“Election Debacle for Angela Merkel…What’s Next?”

We speak on Turkey’s ongoing dictatorial methods; and we report on troubling developments in and pertaining to the UK.

We continue with the insignificant and irrelevant role which President Obama is playing on the world stage, as could be seen in events occurring and comments made at the G20 summit in China. We speak on stunning “ransom” money payments by the USA to Iran; and report on the national anthem protests by a black and another gay American athlete.

We speak on an ill-advised recommendation by Ben Carson to Donald Trump regarding the controversial “birther” debate pertaining to Barack Obama; and we conclude with an article about the dates and moderators for the upcoming US Presidential debates and the historical roles which these kinds of debates have played in the past; as well as a controversial huge pipeline project.

Current Events

We begin with a series of articles about the possibility of ten horrifying future wars; (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Fear of Nuclear War”); the horrible brain-washing of a child by a murderous ISIS fanatical mother; the push for a European army; and the incredibly illogical policy of allowing weapons to fall into the hands of terrorists.

We continue reporting on failed trade negotiations between Europe and America; Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy; and Hillary Clinton’s unusual and highly suspicious “precautions” of “super-deleting” thousands of e-mails.

We speak on Turkey’s new $3 billion bridge and its very divisive name; and report on several countries’ “fight” with Muslim asylum seekers and the rejection of burqas, including Australia, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France and The Netherlands.

We conclude with several examples of unconscionable court decisions in the USA and Germany, pertaining to the nonsense of transgender bathrooms; blatant violations of the rights of parents and ministers; an attack on the separation between church and state; incredible restrictions for teachers; and ridiculous mandatory vaccinations for school children.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God