Current Events

We begin with reporting on the continuing migrant problem which the UK and France are facing; address Puerto Rico’s anticipated default; speak on President Obama’s anti-Semitic remarks in the context of the Iran Deal and Mike Huckabee’s explosive response; address Hillary Clinton’s deep personal and economic interest in Planned Parenthood and her potentially illegal conduct pertaining to her email communications; Joe Biden’s potential run for the Presidency and Ben Carson’s evasive answers; and we publish a strong apologetic reply of a Catholic priest to Cardinal Dolan’s attack on Donald Trump.

 While pointing out the dilemma of America’s corrupt political class, Germany’s popular leader Angela Merkel is apparently willing to run for a fourth term as Chancellor.

 We conclude with articles on the terrible atrocities committed in Czechoslovakia and Poland against innocent German civilians after World War II; Pope Francis’ comments on divorce within the Catholic Church; and the Vatican’s fascination with alien life forms and its claim that the Bible is “not a scientific book.”

Current Events

We begin with reports dealing with the fallout over recently revealed abortion atrocities by Planned Parenthood; cover more news about the unsettling “Iranian Deal”; present articles highlighting events in Turkey, Greece and the UK, and President Obama’s meddling comments during his African trip.

 Additional articles deal with the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow gay leadership; ominous weather warning for Britain; and more speculation about Pope Francis.

Current Events

We begin this week’s news with appalling revelations about the selling of body parts of aborted babies by Planned Parenthood; hacking threatens to expose the adulterous activities of over forty million website subscribers; Isis’ activities in Europe; France calls for more European governing authority while the EU seeks to take on peacemaking for the Middle East, and a Greek exit seems off the table.

We present more problems between US and Germany and those arising from President Obama’s Iran deal; highlight the staying power of Donald Trump’s confrontational political presence, and conclude with an interesting article about Rome’s decay and with renewed efforts to find “alien life.”

Current Events

Two dramatic negotiations overshadow the news—they are both called “deals,” and their implications are marking geopolitical changes almost immediately! The first “deal” we report on in a series of articles covers the agreement signed between Iran and the West—led by the US; the second “deal” highlights the dominance of Germany under the unyielding leadership of Angela Merkel in keeping the EU from breaking up over the financial woes of Greece.

 We report on the continuing strength of Donald Trump in his outspoken quest to be elected president of the United States; we conclude with fallout over the shocking revelation that over 22 million Americans have had their personal records hacked!

Current Events

We start with the tumultuous developments in Greece and the ongoing discussion of a potential Grexit; talk about the economic turmoil in China and the fears of a Brexit; report on the outcry against California’s new compulsory vaccination law; speak of a new scandal in Germany regarding NSA’s spying activities; address the growing opposition against Donald Trump and the entire illegal immigration debate; report on San Francisco—the new Rome; Hillary Clinton’s claim of friendship with Israel; Jimmy Carter’s view on Jesus; Kenya’s challenge against President Obama on same-sex marriage and a Nobel Prize-winning scientist’s challenge against President Obama on global warming; and we conclude with the Pope’s visit in South America and ISIS’s ongoing murderous activities.

Current Events

Following the highly political decision of the US Supreme Court enforcing same-sex marriages on all US states, with wide-ranging negative consequences for those who believe in the Bible, the left-liberal state of California, under Governor Jerry Brown, adopted a highly controversial law (SB 277), compelling vaccination of children and abolishing personal and religious exemptions. With Brown’s signing of the bill, California becomes the 32nd state not to allow a personal belief exemption (Washington, D.C., also does not allow this exemption) and just the third state — along with West Virginia and Mississippi — to bar a religious exemption.

 According to The Associated Press, dated June 30: “Medical exemptions will still be available for children with serious health issues. When considering exemptions, doctors may take family medical history into account. Effective the 2016-17 school year, children whose parents refuse vaccination and are not granted a medical exemption must be homeschooled. School-age children who currently claim a personal-belief exemption will need to get fully vaccinated by kindergarten and seventh grade, the state’s two vaccine checkpoints. The law applies to both public and private schools, as well as daycare centers… Our Kids Our Choice, an advocacy group that rallied against the bill, said it still has a number of options and is considering both litigation and taking the question directly to voters through a referendum. [Supporters] said they are confident the bill would withstand a legal challenge, noting similar laws have held up in state courts and even in the Supreme Court.”

 Thomson/Reuters wrote on June 30 that the new law “gives many parents years to comply, grandfathering in all personal beliefs exemptions filed before Jan. 1, 2016, until children complete their ‘grade spans,’ defined as the years from birth to preschool, kindergarten to sixth grade, and seventh through 12th grades.” The article referred to Brown’s typical political maneuvering, stating that “Brown’s decision to sign the bill marks an about-face for the governor, who three years ago opposed eliminating the religious exemption for school vaccines.”

 In other news, “The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that a Ten Commandments monument placed on State Capitol grounds must be removed because the Oklahoma Constitution bans the use of state property for the benefit of a religion” (Reuters, June 30, 2015).

 It should be obvious that a country which is opposing and eradicating Christian values and which is banning Christian convictions of its citizens, while imposing the government’s left-liberal will on the people, is in SERIOUS trouble!!!! It is therefore no surprise that according to a new poll, 35% of Americans would consider leaving the USA. That figure rises to 55% for Americans between the age of 18 and 34.

Current Events

We report on Europe’s shift to the right and the continent’s desire for a strong European leader; followed by developments pertaining to Greece and a possible Grexit, as well as the UK’s contingency plan for a possible “Brexit”; alarming religious prosecution of a Christian pastor in Ireland; and the shameful “pride” of a naïve mother for her 9-year-old transgender child.

We address Martin Luther’s aggressive anti-Semitism; the view point of Europe’s Jews that the “beast” of anti-Semitism is overtaking the continent; and Germany’s scandal regarding the arrest and subsequent release of an Arab journalist in Berlin.

We address the latest revelations of NSA activities in Europe, directed against France; and Germany’s low opinion of the USA.

We speak on the US Supreme Court’s controversial decision to uphold Obamacare tax subsidies; the war of words between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and we point out the damage which the Obama Administration has caused for the US-Israeli relationship and that many Israelis have an unfavorable opinion of President Obama.

 We continue reporting on the terrible situation in Sudan; and we conclude with articles pertaining to the warning that Britain might face a little ice age; the ambitious agenda of the Pope and his methods to achieve his goals; and his attack on the failure of the great powers to stop Nazism—while neglecting to mention the pitiful role of the two big Christian churches in the affair.

Current Events

We begin with an interesting dilemma for Moslems regarding the observance of the fast of Ramadan for 30 days during “daylight hours”; speak on the growing number of British politicians proposing a possible Brexit; discuss Europe’s preparation for and anticipation of a possible Grexit; and point out the unconvincing decision of Germany’s chief prosecutor to drop the probe into NSA’s manifested spying activities.

 We continue with articles warning of America’s future as a Third World country; reporting on Donald Trump’s announcement to run for the Presidency; showing the relationship between America’s deplorable gun violence and lax state laws; and addressing a rather unconscionable decision of the US Supreme Court regarding abortion.

 We report on the growing LGBT movement in Latin America, Israel, Germany and of course the USA, which is strongly condemned in the Bible; speak on the Vatican’s first trial of one of its former Archbishops over sexual child abuse charges; and conclude with Pope Francis’ highly controversial and at the same time quite revealing new encyclical and a claim by the Catholic Church that Mexico is infested with demons.

Current Events

In this issue, we are reporting on anti-Semitism in Germany; the explosive situation in Ukraine; the enduring Russian-Italian friendship and Europe’s unwillingness to defend NATO member states against Russian aggression; the Pope’s visit to Bosnia and his warnings of World War III; the concern of a coming war between Shiites and Sunnis in the Middle East which might have worldwide consequences; and the real danger of ISIS’s ability to build devastating dirty bombs.

 We continue with the surprising election result in Turkey; Europe’s ongoing attempts to rescue Greece; David Cameron’s fight with his conservative party members over Britain’s exodus from the EU; and a challenging assertion that it is not in the British character to speak the truth about “serious stuff,” including abortion, and that Britain’s religious leaders are spineless.

We address Pope Francis’ strong statements against same-sex marriages and the “demonic gender ideology,” as well as the ongoing attempts of left-liberals in the USA to promote their transgender agenda, even in children’s books; the divided picture of the American Republican Party towards transgender people; and Donald Trump’s harsh criticism of his Republican colleagues and Democratic politicians and governmental officials; including his usual announcement (to become official on June 16) that he might run for President.

We conclude with an article suggesting that the Obama Administration will continue with the NSA spying program even though it expired and was rejected by Congress and a federal court; and the arrival of deadly mosquitoes in central Europe.

Current Events

We are living in a corrupt world. And that not only in the well-recognized area of politics. The FIFA soccer (football) scandal is a sad testimony to the fact that even in the world’s most popular sport, bribery, kick-backs and other illegal activities seem to be commonplace. FBI investigations are apparently even directed against FIFA’s long-time president, Sepp Blatter, who was reelected in spite of the scandal, but subsequently decided to resign. The appalling truth is that many have warned in the past of FIFA’s illegal activities, including Germany’s “Kaiser” Franz Beckenbauer, especially when deciding on where to hold the World Cup tournaments, but he was immediately silenced by FIFA and ordered not to attend several soccer games for a certain period of time. What should be an enjoyable and relaxing occasion has become a morass of sinful behavior and corruption, due to unscrupulous functionaries… and we dare to say that the events in the soccer world are by no means limited to just that sport.

 In this issue, we begin reporting on developments in the Middle East, including the real danger for the whole world posed by some of ISIS’s activities; Iran’s unwavering support of Assad’s Syria and its increased stockpile of nuclear fuel in contradiction to the Obama administration’s representations; and the remarkable fact that most Turks view the state of Israel as the biggest threat to Turkey’s security.

We continue with David Cameron’s attempts to find help and support in Germany and other European countries, with a rather mixed and cautious reaction.

 We address the relationship between Germany and Egypt and report on appalling hateful accusations and actions of Muslims against Jews.

We focus on Rand Paul’s lonely fight against the NSA surveillance and bulk data collection program, facing criticism from all sides of the established political spectrum, while most Americans approve of his conduct; speak on President Obama’s stated belief that the USA has become the most respected country in the world; and report about America’s unconstitutional blackmail of those parents who refuse to vaccinate their children, as well as the virtually non-existent medical exemption.

We conclude with articles on a clash of “values” between “mainstream” Catholic Nancy Pelosi and the official position of her Church on abortion and same-sex marriage; a clash of “values” between Russia and the West on the issue of homosexuality and same-sex marriage; a clash of “values” on transgender identity; and a clash of “values” between the Bible and the position of the Church of England on the issue of women bishops and the description of God, which might be a contributing factor as to why the Christian religion does not seem to play an important role anymore for many British people.

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