This Week in the News

We begin with interesting articles about Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory and its possible consequences; America’s dealings with Iran and consequential heart-rendering criticism from Saudi Arabia and Iran’s political prisoners and dissidents; speak about threats from ISIS and other radical terrorist groups in Nigeria, Yemen and Tunisia; and address Vladimir Putin’s unscrupulous intentions and the resulting ongoing discussion about a pan-European army—with or without American help—to counter perceived Russian aggression.

We continue with remarkable statements by Pope Francis and the Catholic faith of Jeb Bush; address the ongoing email controversy pertaining to Hillary Clinton; a dangerous idea by the American President; religious confusion amongst Americans and Jews; and we conclude with a shocking article about the dictatorial measures of US governmental DCF employees, judges, doctors and nurses to impose their will on a 17-year-old girl (and her mother), suffering from cancer.

This Week in the News

We are reporting on world news which increase the worries over a coming nuclear war; address America’s controversial politics towards Iran, Israel and the Middle East; speak on Hillary Clinton’s trouble regarding her personal email account and Ben Carson’s apologetic and inconsistent remarks regarding practicing homosexuals; and point out Russia’s ongoing attempts to hide the truth regarding the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov.

We are reporting on renewed attempts and a desire to create a European army to counter Russian aggression, which idea is favored by Germany, but rejected by Britain; and conclude with German hysteria regarding the “outbreak” of measles and shocking dictatorial measures in Pakistan to force parents to have their children receive Polio vaccines, which are so dangerous that they are no longer used in the USA and other developed countries.

This Week in the News

We begin with reports on the murder of Boris Nemtsov, an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the more than dubious role Mr. Putin and the Russian government have been playing in this affair. Many observers are convinced that Mr. Putin was directly or at least indirectly involved, and far too many “unusual” developments occurred in connection with the murder than to believe in a random crime without political background and motivation.

We also report on Russia’s militaristic ambitions and its new-found “friendship” with China, while Germany is planning to increase the flexibility and capability of its armed forces.

We continue with pointing out growing anti-Semitism all over the world, including in Europe; Israel’s temporary collaboration with Jordan; and further provocations from Iran. In light of these developments, the big news of this week has been the further confrontation and alienation between Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barak Obama and Netanyahu’s powerful speech before the American Congress, warning of the danger of a nuclear Iran.

We conclude with reports on the dangers of smoking and an unconscionable decision of a British flower supermarket giant prohibiting the use of the word “Christ” in gift messages.

This Week in the News

We begin with an insightful article on the absolute futility of war; report on the historical fallacy of the opinion that Islam had any positive influence on America’s founding fathers; speak on Muslim immigration in America and dangerous developments in Austria; quote an article addressing the next two years for America and the rest of the world; and speak on Ukraine’s terrible future economic prospects while the new “cease-fire” agreement with Russia does not hold. We also address compulsory military service in that context.

We continue quoting an article about a potential controversial deal between the USA and Iran which would leave Israel out in the cold; report on the cowardly attitude of some Republican Presidential candidates regarding same-sex marriages; and address Angela Merkel’s meeting with Pope Francis and Europe’s shaky relationship with Greece.

We speak on the overlooked and neglected eradication of the German city of Pforzheim by the Allies at the end of World War II, showing again the horrible consequences of war especially for the innocent victims; address Holocaust deniers; and conclude with reporting on an alarming invasion of huge mutant rats all over the UK, as well as on the danger of Yoga.

This Week in the News

We report on memorial events in Dresden—70 years after the Allied decision to firebomb the city, destroy tens of thousands of buildings and kill up to 25,000 citizens and refugees fleeing the advancing Soviet Red Army. The apologetic comments by the Archbishop of Canterbury met strong condemnations from UK politicians and others—showing that even after a generation has passed, bad memories continue; and the mutual feelings between Germany and the UK are by no means as friendly as some would like them to be.

We continue with interesting articles about Angela Merkel who may either end up as one of the great successful leaders of Europe—or as a person who tried, but failed miserably. In light of America’s weakness and indecisiveness, the question on the minds of many Europeans is whether she can save Ukraine and Greece—and whether her assurances to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Jews are safe in Germany will be supported and confirmed by the facts.

We report on the latest developments pertaining to the murderous and demonically-possessed Isalmist terrorist group ISIS; as well as the abominable Islamist attacks in Denmark and Egypt’s swift response—while America is “sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time.”

Concentrating on the USA, we speak of an alleged looming mega-drought with potentially disastrous consequences; comment on the congressional confusion regarding President Obama’s intentionally vague “war authorization” request; point out medical hypocrisy, conflict of interests and judicial incompetency regarding demands for mandatory vaccination; report on America’s first openly bisexual governor in Oregon; and conclude with a piece on the absurd and quite dangerous belief in reincarnation.

This Week in the News

We begin with an eye-opening excerpt from an article about America’s worldwide wars; address the extremely volatile situation regarding Russia and Ukraine and show how the relationship between Germany and the USA is rapidly deteriorating over the issue of defensive weapons for Ukraine—notwithstanding nice, but misleading photo-ops and political “assurances.”

We report on the ridiculous reactions to Pope Francis’ correct statements pertaining to child rearing; his planned historic address to the US Congress; and appalling comments by Catholics on the crusades and the Inquisition in response to President Obama’s remarks at a National Prayer Breakfast meeting.

We continue with the ongoing hysteria regarding the measles “outbreak” and unconstitutional attempts by legislators to abolish personal and religious exemptions against vaccinations.

We conclude with recent revelations that scientists willfully “adjusted” official temperature records to support their allegations of man-made global warming; an article about the destruction of insects due to pesticides; and a report about the legal confusion in Alabama regarding same-sex marriages, due to a controversial refusal by the US Supreme Court to put on hold same-sex marriages in Alabama and a subsequent contradictory injunction by the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

This Week in the News

We begin with the uneducated, ignorant and at times willful misrepresentations regarding the pro and cons of measles vaccinations in the USA; and we report on other interesting developments in the USA and elsewhere, threatening religious liberties and freedoms, as well as showing a clash between public opinion vs. scientific “advancements” and governmental restrictions. We speak about Mitt Romney’s decision not to run for President, and address President Obama’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Israel and Jordan.

We continue by focusing on the UK and in particular its attitude towards Israel and Argentina; and we include brief articles on Prince Charles and Winston Churchill.

We report on the ongoing volatile and quite confusing situation between Greece and the other members of the Eurozone; and focus on Germany’s past, present and future leadership role in Europe and the Eurozone (not just in regard to the future unification of ten core nations or groups of nations).

We address the ongoing conflict between Russia and the Ukraine; and conclude with an alarming article on the possible extinction of 25% of all ocean species.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the elections in Greece and the surprise victory of radical far-left atheist Alexis Tsipras (of the Syriza party) and his coalition with radical right-wing anti-German Panos Kammenos of the Independent Greek party, which has sent shock waves throughout Europe. We continue discussing Greece’s current debt situation, Europe’s reactions, and the unlikelihood of Greece’s exit from the Eurozone.

We continue with a disturbing profile on Saudi Arabia’s new leader, King Salman; report on Argentina’s crisis and new Russian provocations; and we address anti-Semitism in Europe, including in Germany and especially in France, while the icy relationship between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu has hit new lows and new violence has erupted between Israel and Hezbollah.

We speak of America’s least Bible-minded cities and a terrible winter storm affecting some of those very cities; mention a “close encounter” with a huge asteroid; report about a debate on the beginning of life; present new evidence regarding the true nature of the Neanderthals; and conclude with an alarming article about people who hear voices, while neither “traditional psychiatry” and its “treatments” with strong suppressive drugs, causing terrible side-effects, nor participants and members of the “World Hearing Voices Congress” provide any answers to these real and traumatic problems.

This Week in the News

We begin with reports about some pitiful and highly embarrassing statements by the pope; continue with a made-up story about a child who allegedly died and went to heaven; brief you on a sickening case of “legal” “child kidnapping” through law enforcement; report on President Obama’s sixth State of the Union Address; discuss developments in Germany and the government’s mishandling of the situation pertaining to PEGIDA and the “darker” side of the movement; report about the alleged existence of 20 sleeper cells in Europe; and speak of the desire of the EU to forge an alliance with Muslim countries against Islamists.

We continue with the situation in war-torn Ukraine and Russia’s threats, which deeply unsettle the EU; speak of the growing alienation between the EU and the UK; and address the highly controversial killing of Argentina’s prosecutor Alberto Nisman as well as developments in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

We conclude with a piece on Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of more than a hundred thousand Jews, only to disappear in a Russian gulag at the end of World War II.  A hero in his own right, we are drawing some remarkable parallels between his legacy and today’s commission of the Church of God.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we are focusing heavily on the situation in France and developments related therewith, including the growing anti-Semitism in France and hypocritical conduct of the French and other governments. While Western mainstream politicians seem to be in denial, others point out the clear relationship between the attack in France (and elsewhere) and Islam, and governmental German attempts to “demand” the cancellation of demonstrations against Islamization will only create further problems. In trying to appease Islamists, Western governments play into their hands and continue to embolden the enemy.

In other news, we quote former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s warning that the current politics of Russia and Europe could lead to a nuclear war, and while the USA is about to close 15 military bases in Europe, its relationship with Saudi-Arabia continues to crumble.

We conclude with an interesting piece on jury duty and the political propaganda which can be attached to it.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God