This Week in the News

We begin addressing the basically unrealized importance of the ever-growing cooperation between Russia and China, which will be ultimately perceived by Europe to be a threat, as prophesied in Scripture. Among others, we quote especially from one lengthy insightful article in the Huffington Post, which is definitely worth reading. The book of Daniel describes terrible end-time events, following the beginning of developments occurring in front of our very eyes, but sadly, most people are completely indifferent and ignorant as to their true meaning.

At the same time, more and more NATO countries begin to recognize their complete helplessness in regard to Russia’s aggressions, and some propose, as a response, the creation of a strong and unified military Europe—while not realizing that the Bible predicts that such a development will lead to terrible disaster.

Focusing on the Roman Catholic Church and the pope’s visit to Israel, we point out the increasingly important role the Church will be playing on the world scene, while it may even be willing to change some of its traditions to appease the masses of Catholic followers and to attract Protestant and other non-Roman Catholic groups to become again part of their “mother church.”

We conclude with a series of articles on diverse topics, including, but not limited to, California’s wild fires; the mysterious death of 70,000 fish; heavy floods in the Balkans; and the find of the fossils of several huge dinosaurs… the biggest creatures ever unearthed so far, if we can believe the scientists.

All of these articles include some prophetic significance: While there are terrible fires in one part of the world, another part is plagued with devastating floods. We hear more and more about the biblically predicted destruction of marine life; and we are again confronted with the find of huge dinosaurs which confuse adherents to the evolution concept and certain “conservative” Christians who believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old, as all of them reject the record of the Bible.

This Week in the News

We start reporting about unpleasant and disturbing developments in America’s political landscape; continue with events in Ukraine, Russia and China; speak of Israel’s desire to adopt the Talmud as Israel’s national law; address the belief in the devil and the celebration of a black mass; report on Pope Francis’ political ambitions and other occurrences within the Catholic Church; point out the dramatic rise of male syphilis in the USA; address a bearded Austrian drag queen’s victory in Europe’s prestigious national Song Contest; reveal the virtually unknown wide-ranging powers of the European Parliament; and conclude with a scientific debate on the truth or falsity of man- made climate change.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on escalating developments in Ukraine and Russia’s obvious ambitions for world domination, increasing the fear of another World War. While the West stands idly by, is fooling itself, and finds itself in a self-inflicted paralysis due to its own economic interests, Russia and China are moving closer together. At the same time, China is already preparing for the collapse of the North Korean regime.

In other news, we are pointing out Egypt’s new dictatorship and Iraq’s turmoil; and we are stressing the real danger through asteroids and the emergence of worldwide diseases.

We conclude with articles about false signs and wonders—including so-called “near-death” experiences—and the uncomfortable role the Catholic Church finds itself in pertaining to “torture” and sexual abuse of children.    

This Week in the News

Sainthood in the Catholic Church leads our reporting this week with articles showing the remarkable resurgence and world status being fostered by Pope Francis and the Vatican; the struggle for peace between Israel and Palistine once more fails to get off the ground, while Jews face ominous growing anti-Semitism throughout Hungary; also, Western governments play with tepid sanctions as German Chancellor Angela Merkel rules out war and Russian officials join the blame game.

We report on a less than friendly exchange between the Turkish Prime Minister and Germany’s president; note even further decline in British society; and conclude with a report on just how truly fragile America’s society is.

This Week in the News

Our reports focus on the growing militarism of nations in Asia and Europe in the face of President Putin’s aggressive moves and the apparent continuing weakness of the United States. We present an article challenging “an outrageous new book” making claims about Hitler’s influence on the formation of the modern EU. We conclude with a report on the role of so-called miracles and signs within the Catholic Church, and a short article, along with our comments, regarding Jewish observance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and other of God’s commanded Holy Days.

This Week in the News

As rumors of serious military conflicts loom in our news, we begin with a report on Israel’s stringent requirements for military service; we note the burdensome tax structure in America; we offer several articles focusing on the crisis in Ukraine–noting how this event is spiraling into a realignment of Europe’s self-defense.

We conclude with a report and note of caution on the false claims being offered to explain “heavenly signs.”

This Week in the News

We begin with President Putin’s ongoing grab for control of Ukraine; address the problems of Japan’s defense in Asia in face of America’s growing weakness as a dependable ally; highlight Europe’s growing dissatisfaction with America over numerous sensitive issues, such as unfettered surveillance in the EU and who will defend them against Russia.

We also report on a crisis in banana crops that is having worldwide consequences, and finish with former President Clinton’s views about aliens.

This Week in the News

We are continuing our report about the great dangers of the Russian bear’s expansion movements, while most Europeans and Americans and many of their leaders are sound asleep.

We address the freedom of the press; Hollywood’s freedom to butcher biblical truth; and the freedom of the NSA to spy on others.

We report on France’s move to the right and the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa; and we conclude with numerous articles reporting on recent earthquake activities which might lead to much more serious devastations to come.

This Week in the News

We continue to focus on the earth-shattering events pertaining to the reaction of Western nations to Russia’s desire and Vladimir Putin’s dream for world domination; show the prophesied developing collaboration between Russia and China; report on Israel’s ongoing threat to attack Iran; speak on Turkey’s fight against Syria and developments in Egypt and Ethiopia; point at America’s real problems with its stockpiles of extremely dangerous chemical weapons; America’s plan to surrender control over the Internet; and the religious constellation of the US Supreme Court; and we conclude with an analysis of the similarities between Pope Francis and President Obama.

This Week in the News

While the ever-expanding search for the missing Malaysian airplane and its passengers is still ongoing, some very frightening scenarios are being discussed, one of which the State of Israel takes very seriously. In addition, Israel feels betrayed and forsaken by the USA and especially John Kerry; and the current Ukraine/Crimea crisis and America’s weak response might even motivate Israel to attack Iran without any prior approval from the USA, as at least one paper suggests.

Focusing on the Ukraine crisis, we discuss the distinct possibility that this is just one early “exploratory” move in Mr. Putin’s chess game, whose goal and dream it is to occupy the entire country of Ukraine and other prior Soviet satellite states, to bring them “back home” into the clutches of “Mother Russia.” Given the weak measures of the paralyzed West—especially the US and Europe–Mr. Putin may conclude that now may be an opportune time to make further moves to continue with his dream of occupation, exactly as Adolf Hitler did, when he found that other countries, including the USA and Great Britain, were unwilling to intervene and stop him.

However, all of this might prompt certain western European countries to unite militarily, in order to be able to oppose Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations, perceived to be threatening Europe. The Bible shows that ten European core nations or groups of nations will unite under German leadership. Even though Germany has been exerting a leadership role pertaining to the Ukrainian crisis, it has not been very successful, lacking a leader who would be willing to make some very hard and unpopular decisions. But the Bible shows that such a leader will arise in his due time.

We are also reporting on the chaotic situation in Libya, exemplifying again the misguided policy of Western nations, having only their self-interest in mind, while ignoring the plight of the Libyan people. We conclude with an article about the two Popes and a brief news clip regarding new “findings” pertaining to the Big Bang theory.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God