This Week in the News

We begin with real threats from Islamist terrorists for the USA and other Western nations; focus on the sickening Middle Eastern situation; show growing anti-Semitism around the globe; report on the crash of a Malaysian airplane as well as the shattered relationship between the USA and Germany; point out the lack of American leadership and America’s inability to fulfill its role as the world’s superpower; and address the crumbling relationship between the USA, the UK, Canada and Israel.

In other news, we speak about the Church of England’s unbiblical decision to appoint women bishops and the pope’s problems with pedophiles in his church; as well as the exploding number of HIV cases involving practicing homosexuals and transgender women.

This Week in the News

We begin with two articles which seem unrelated, but which are connected and in direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Other articles add to the picture.

The first article deals with the terrible lack of water in Texas and other parts of the USA, which might lead to the starvation of “billions” of people, reminding us of the biblical warnings of drought and famine in the USA and around the world.

The second article quotes Pope Francis as saying that, “faithful and non-faithful alike,” should keep Sunday (which we know is the ancient day of worship of pagan sun gods which is also associated with the “mark of the beast.”)

Focusing on the political situation in the USA and its crumbling relationship with its allies, a biting article in the Washington Times describes the embarrassing political role of the American government—stretching from incompetency to conspiracy—and new developments and revelations pertaining to the NSA scandal have Germany up in arms. While the White House seems to foolishly underestimate the gravity of the problems, German politicians and commentators speak of a “huge breach of trust of the transatlantic relationship” and charge President Obama with lying or at least with not being in control.

We report on the escalating situation in the Middle East and the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas; inform on the current situation in Eastern Ukraine; address a new Scottish law which reminds us of the dictatorial conduct of Hitler; Stalin and Communist East Germany; give another example why true Christians sin when they serve on a jury; and publish an article warning of our dangerous fascination with unpredictable robots.

We conclude with three animal-related articles pertaining to man’s brutality in torturing elephants, as well as destroying and butchering Kenya’s magnificent elephants for money, and “fictitious” creatures which might not be that “fictitious” after all.    

This Week in the News

We begin with America’s ongoing involvement in Iraq and the reaction of some Iraqi Christians, and focus on the brutal murder of three Israeli teenagers through, what appears to be, terrorists from the Hamas group. Israel’s expected response will most likely create a new round of bloodshed and war in the region.

Turning our attention to some weird and incredible developments on the religious front in the USA and worldwide, we speak of the US military’s “enforcement” of Ramadan; religious persecution and restrictions of parental rights through the US government with the approval of the US Supreme Court; strict and at the same time inconsistent Sabbath laws in Israel; an attempt in Germany to bring Christianity, Judaism and Islam into one and the same “house”; comments by the pope claiming that Communism is closest to original Christianity; and the Hollywood-propagated utterly false idea of a secret rapture.

Focusing on events in Europe, we speak of the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker to the top post of the EU and David Cameron’s devastating defeat  in the process.  We reveal little-known facts about Mr. Juncker and quote from a biting British article pertaining to Angela Merkel, which has caused quite a stir in Germany. It has also been observed that a rift between the UK and Germany (as well as most of the rest of Europe) has been created, and that the UK finds itself in a very isolated position.

This Week in the News

We are beginning with frightening developments in America: While the USA seems to become a “rapidly expanding police state” with unreliable and misleading representations to the public, America’s Presbyterian Church took an unprecedented step against Israel, angering Jewish politicians and organizations around the world.

We continue with speaking of America’s military support of the new Egyptian dictatorship, and we are addressing Iraq’s Sunni terrorists. While the Obama Administration is contemplating sending troops to Iraq—in violation of prior promises to the contrary–and perhaps working together with Iran, many concerned voices warn against such steps, while Shiite leaders in Iraq and Iran are rejecting US involvement.

Turning to Europe, we address Britain’s inevitable exodus from the EU, quoting Der Spiegel Online, which speaks of “Cameron’s Waterloo.” At the same time, Italy is determined to push for the full establishment of the United States of Europe, and Austria openly defies the USA.

We point out the outbreak of the Ebola virus which is “out of control,” and the real danger of the spread of contagious diseases in the US through illegal aliens.

We are reporting on the Obama Administration’s fascination with LGBT rights, while showing that similar developments are occurring in Europe, especially in Germany.

The American Presbyterian Church officially recognized same-sex marriages as Christian and allows their ministers to preside at same-sex marriages, while the Methodist Church is divided on the issue.

We conclude with the pope’s courageous stance against the Italian mafia; sun worship and mass yoga practices at Stonehenge; frightening dictatorial powers of Britain’s schools; and the ignorance of scientists pertaining to, in their words, new findings of “prehistoric” human remains, which “complicate” the understanding of “human evolution.”

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the terrible developments in Iraq; the dangerous self-delusion of politicians like Tony Blair; and America’s helplessness in a situation of their own making. We also report on the real goals of the murderous Sunni Islamist terrorist organization, ISIS.

We continue with focusing on Russia and Ukraine and the ongoing lies of Vladimir Putin.

We point out the events surrounding the abominable gay parade and other activities in Tel Aviv and the incredible support of the American ambassador, coupled with the shameful conduct of German politicians against a lawyer and local politician in Angela Merkel’s party who raised his minority voice against public homosexual practices.

We conclude, among others, with controversial statements by Pope Francis. Although he might have had other intentions, his comments bring to mind serious past misconduct of the Roman Catholic Church.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the intense disagreement President Obama is facing from the right and the left, severely weakening his office even further. We address stunning developments pertaining to US primaries, America’s failed immigration policies and wars, and its terrible record of ever-increasing school shootings.

We continue with the activities of Islamist militants in Iraq and Pakistan and the controversial new Egyptian President; interesting developments pertaining to Turkey and Iran, as well as Syria; and the unprecedented meeting of the pope with political and religious Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders in the Vatican State.

Focusing on Europe, we speak on European threats against Israel and the ongoing debate pertaining to the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as EU Commission President, which, if it occurs, might contribute to Britain’s decision to leave the EU.

While the Balkan states are desirous of joining the EU, Russia’s Vladimir Putin is equally determined to restore the former Soviet Union to its past glory.

We conclude with pointing out the frightening possible scenario of asteroids smashing earth; China’s despicable annual Dog Meat Festival; the incredible descent of American “Christian” churches and universities into an immoral abyss; demonic influences on our children; and the appalling failure of American television to report relevant and important news.

This Week in the News

We begin with interesting developments in Europe which may contribute to Britain’s decision to leave the EU.

We address the resignation of Spain’s King Juan Carlos, and the ongoing troubles in Thailand which have prompted the USA and Australia to suspend any military cooperation with their ally.

We report on the volatile situation in the Middle East, pertaining to Israel’s “relationship” with the newly formed “New Palestinian Unity Government” and Israel’s anger with the USA.

In other news, we present a potpourri of articles, reflecting on the Obama Administration’s inability to score any points in numerous fields, and we ask the question as to why this is. To give a few examples: We report on the resignation of Eric Shinseki, secretary of the Department of Veterans, even though his resignation may not do much for the veterans; President Obama’s West Point Speech which was described even by supporters as being “utterly banal” and “devoid of any systematic explanation… of what exactly American interests are in the 21st century and how they ought to be pursued”; the prisoner exchange of captured and highly controversial Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five of the most dangerous Taliban commanders in U.S. custody, without first informing Congress; and the horrendous humanitarian nightmare of tens of thousands of children, unaccompanied by their parents, who are illegally crossing the US border.

A supportive vote by the House for medical marijuana reflects a remarkable change in perception and sends a powerful message to the White House and the Federal Government who still stubbornly refuse to take into account the mounting evidence of benefits of MEDICAL marijuana [with little or no THC–the psychoactive component of marijuana] for at least some patients and illnesses. At the same time, the legalization of “recreational” marijuana in Colorado has led to many valid concerns and even supporters ask for stricter rules for its availability and consumption.

We conclude with reports on charges that some British chocolate bars contain pork; on mass extinction of animals caused by man; on new findings regarding the Neanderthal Man; on bad weather conditions in the Midwest and huge grasshopper swarms in New Mexico; on the real danger posed by over 8 million rats which have settled in New York City; and a terrible story involving our young Internet generation and its demonic activities.

This Week in the News

We begin this report with a striking article, showing past witchcraft hysteria in Germany, coupled with the warning that similar developments might repeat themselves. At the same time, we focus on terrible superstitions in other parts of the world.

While the Anglican Church of England is moving towards permitting women priests, the pope is busy trying to achieve unification of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. He is also engaging himself politically to create “peace” between the Jews and the Palestinians.

We continue reporting on the election results and the situation in Ukraine and the growing collaboration between Russia, China and Iran. Apparently feeling empowered by Russia, Iran’s supreme leader declared “death to America.”

We focus on Prince Charles’ comments regarding Vladimir Putin, comparing him with Hitler, and a “historical” report on Stalin with false advertising; and while America is in the process of closing more and more military facilities in Europe, the most recent European elections show an unsettling rise of far right parties.

We also set forth the current events in Thailand, and conclude with reports on earthquakes in Turkey, Greece and Israel, and the ongoing wild fires in several parts of the USA. 

This Week in the News

We begin addressing the basically unrealized importance of the ever-growing cooperation between Russia and China, which will be ultimately perceived by Europe to be a threat, as prophesied in Scripture. Among others, we quote especially from one lengthy insightful article in the Huffington Post, which is definitely worth reading. The book of Daniel describes terrible end-time events, following the beginning of developments occurring in front of our very eyes, but sadly, most people are completely indifferent and ignorant as to their true meaning.

At the same time, more and more NATO countries begin to recognize their complete helplessness in regard to Russia’s aggressions, and some propose, as a response, the creation of a strong and unified military Europe—while not realizing that the Bible predicts that such a development will lead to terrible disaster.

Focusing on the Roman Catholic Church and the pope’s visit to Israel, we point out the increasingly important role the Church will be playing on the world scene, while it may even be willing to change some of its traditions to appease the masses of Catholic followers and to attract Protestant and other non-Roman Catholic groups to become again part of their “mother church.”

We conclude with a series of articles on diverse topics, including, but not limited to, California’s wild fires; the mysterious death of 70,000 fish; heavy floods in the Balkans; and the find of the fossils of several huge dinosaurs… the biggest creatures ever unearthed so far, if we can believe the scientists.

All of these articles include some prophetic significance: While there are terrible fires in one part of the world, another part is plagued with devastating floods. We hear more and more about the biblically predicted destruction of marine life; and we are again confronted with the find of huge dinosaurs which confuse adherents to the evolution concept and certain “conservative” Christians who believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old, as all of them reject the record of the Bible.

This Week in the News

We start reporting about unpleasant and disturbing developments in America’s political landscape; continue with events in Ukraine, Russia and China; speak of Israel’s desire to adopt the Talmud as Israel’s national law; address the belief in the devil and the celebration of a black mass; report on Pope Francis’ political ambitions and other occurrences within the Catholic Church; point out the dramatic rise of male syphilis in the USA; address a bearded Austrian drag queen’s victory in Europe’s prestigious national Song Contest; reveal the virtually unknown wide-ranging powers of the European Parliament; and conclude with a scientific debate on the truth or falsity of man- made climate change.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God