This Week in the News

We report on the escalating events in Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula and shed some light on the “Budapest Memorandum”; Vladimir Putin’s real goals; and the weakness of the USA and its allies.

We continue speaking about Britain’s desire to run away from Europe; the shameful conduct of America’s corporate business world; and President Obama’s threats against Israel.

We report on a “scary” interview with President Obama; and conclude with German persecution of homeschooling families and the inconsistent conduct of the American government.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the turmoil in Ukraine and the desire of Europe, the USA and Russia to get a piece of the cake, raising questions as to whether we are going to experience another failed “Arab Spring” and/or a military intervention from Russia.

We report on America’s failure to learn from past mistakes—be it the NSA scandal, the Iraq war or its conduct towards Iran—and address developments in Europe and Germany and in Israel, including the rocky and deteriorating relationship between the German people and the state of Israel.

We speak on the Catholic Church’s “two popes”; Uganda’s new anti-gay bill and the Ugandan President’s telling remarks about the West; Oregon’s development towards recognition of same-sex marriages; further limitations to our individual liberties; the perceived “reasons” for Piers Morgan’s anticipated departure from CNN; and the shameful record of America’s abortions.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the futility of war, using examples from the past, present and future; and continue with articles on the EU and its growing alienation from America.

We are also reporting on the different facets of ongoing and unchecked criminal spying and hacking activities, and other violations of our privacies.

We speak on the Superstar status of Pope Francis, and address the debate on climate change or global warming, and radiation-related developments.

This Week in the News

We begin with focusing on American-German distrust, as well as on Germany in general—it’s past, presence and prophesied future. We continue with reporting on the Middle East and America’s relationship with Israel and Iran; speak about developments within the USA and the Roman Catholic Church; and conclude with a report on controversial human behavior pertaining to animals.

This Week in the News

We begin with developments in the Middle East and Afghanistan and continue with reports about Germany, Russia and Ukraine.

We speak of the frightening creation of a most powerful laser weapon; point out biblical interest –and the lack thereof–of the population in some American cities; and address the demand of many Roman Catholics for reforms in their church.

Other articles report on new findings pertaining to “mad” Ludwig II, king of Bavaria; individual penalties in Obamacare regulations; and the deadly danger of third-hand smoke; and we conclude with weather conditions in Britain, California and Indonesia.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we report on shocking developments of dictatorial governmental measures in the Western world which seriously limit or eradicate personal and individual freedom and liberty; address the political situation in Germany, Europe, Russia and Ukraine; discuss the pope’s (failed) policies; and publish articles pointing out interesting areas in the medical field.

This Week in the News

We begin this section with reporting on troubling discoveries pertaining to Israel; the declared goal of the Palestinians to launch a diplomatic war against Israel in every conceivable forum; Israel’s fear of a major earthquake; and Iran’s unrelenting power plays.

We are addressing President Obama’s speech about the NSA spying activities and the negative reactions throughout the world; and speak of the controversial execution of an inmate in Ohio.

We are reporting on developments in Ukraine; warmer ties between Russia and Japan; and Japan’s move towards the right.

In other news, the Eurozone continues to solidify; we address Silvio Berlusconi’s possible come-back; unprecedented droughts in Western USA; the terrible curse of abortion; and conclude with the role superstition holds among sports fans.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting about interesting developments regarding European political unification and the ongoing scandal pertaining to sex abuses within the Catholic Church and apparent cover-up attempts by the Vatican, as well as the documented desire of the Pope to please liberals and conservatives alike, while increasing his own support base in the Vatican and beyond.

We continue with examples as to how the US government wastes the tax money of American citizens; that arrangements have been made with Mexican drug cartels; that the Obama Administration could have prevented the attack on Benghazi; how widespread the Target data breach has become; and we report on Germany’s anger about America’s unwillingness to rule in the NSA. We also shed some light on the shocking statistic of “fatalities” of innocent civilians through American drone attacks.

We point out Iran’s blatant defiance of their Geneva agreement with the USA and other world powers; report on Ariel Sharon’s death and the homosexual life style in Tel Aviv—the “bastion of secularism”; speak about an explosive archeological find in territories claimed by the Palestinian Authority; quote Palestinian leader Abba’s refusal to recognize Israel; and conclude with a report on mysterious massive extinction of fish in Nevada.

This Week in the News

We begin with a striking article raising the question whether we are approaching the times similar to the outbreak of World War I; continue with turbulent developments in Iraq; discuss the demonic behavior of North Korea’s baby-faced leader; the unscrupulous conduct of “US basketball star” Dennis Rodman; and demonic possession and exorcisms within the Catholic Church; speak of the Pope’s new-found relationship towards gays; and address Israel’s challenges for 2014.

Turning to America’s domestic problems, we report about left-liberal criticism of Obamacare; the ongoing controversial activities of the NSA; and the nearly unprecedented terrible weather conditions of a large part of the USA. 

We conclude with the political landscape in Britain and the rise of their own version of an anti-European “Tea Party.”

This Week in the News

We begin with an interesting article from the Huffington Post, asking the question: “What will you worship in 2014?”

We continue with articles about social and religious issues of a diverse nature, such as America’s ongoing spying activities and the world’s perception that the USA is the greatest threat to peace; America’s terrible dealing with the unemployed; and an example of America’s past misguided zeal in its fight against communists. We also report on the Jews’ dark history regarding Holland’s slave trade; and Israel’s current liberal abortion policy.

We speak of stunning developments during this year’s Rose Parade in Pasadena; address conflicting reports about Pope Francis; and report on Catholic Brazil’s worship of a sea goddess.

We address the fact that 1/3 of Americans do not believe in Evolution; and we focus on anticipated developments pertaining to Germany; Latvia’s entrance into the Eurozone; and Mr. Cameron’s difficulties regarding Europe.

We conclude with events in Egypt and Turkey.

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