We begin with further unsettling reports about America’s international and domestic problems; remind you of an important article by the BBC about Pope Francis; and publish and critique an article about a Jewish mother who is trying to compromise with pagan (falsely so-called Christian) concepts in her child-rearing, erroneously thinking or hoping it will not harm the child.
Current Events
This Week in the News
We begin with an alarming article manifesting the global decline of American power; the deteriorating relationship between America and Germany; and the controversial spying activities of the NSA.
We continue with internal struggles and fights within the Republican Party and conservatives; the mysterious death of an Hawaiian official; and the fragile “deal” between Iran and the superpowers.
We report on Germany’s “not-so-grand” governmental grand coalition without any meaningful opposition; developments in Ukraine and North Korea; the pope’s adoration of the (Mexican) “Virgin Mary”; the real danger of Yellowstone’s Super Volcano; astonishing weather conditions in the Middle East; and China’s space program.
This Week in the News
We begin with more revelations about the “historic deal” between “super powers” and Iran, which cannot be described as anything else but “outrageous.” At the same time, Israel finds itself within the midst of criticism about its “relocation policy” of 400,000 Arab Bedouins, and the USA is facing criticism from Afghanistan and Iraq, while startling facts are revealed about America’s past incompetency regarding its “safeguarding” policy of its nuclear missiles. One can only hope that these past actions are indeed things of the past, and that America has learned from its mistakes.
The relationship between the UK and Europe has reached an unparalleled low point, and many voices are heard from both sides of the channel, pleading for the UK’s exit from the EU. The incredible liberty-defying actions of Britain’s social workers, which kind of unconscionable conduct is, sadly, by no means restricted to Britain, is not helping much, either.
We publish a more balanced opinion on the late Nelson Mandela; and events in Ukraine make one wonder whether Putin’s autocratic and dictatorial Russia will again resort to violent military means.
We conclude with reporting on events related to the Temple Mount; terrible weather conditions in Europe and the USA; a massive hailstorm in South Africa—with hailstones the size of golf balls and apples; a conservative Catholic’s opinion on Pope Francis; and the custom of many to wear crosses as fashion statements or for religious reasons.
This Week in the News
This week, an “historical deal” was struck between Iran and certain super powers. But how historical and lasting is the “Geneva agreement”? While some praise it as a tremendous success, the cautious voices are worth listening to. Is the deal the first step to make the world safer, or is it a further step towards its destruction? You read our articles and be the judge.
The developments regarding Iran are very remarkable. We explain in our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy” that Iran—biblical Elam—will be involved in a war against Israel, and form a hostile alliance with Russia against Europe. Further details are revealed about Iran’s coming slavery and captivity and Iran’s punishment, as well as the conversion of the Iranian people to God’s truth and His Way of Life.
In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, “Iran’s Deal of the Century.”
In other news, we discuss the threat of major US Banks to begin charging customers with fees for deposits; explain why the Ukraine decided to dissolve any partnership with the EU and instead chose to become subject to Russia’s control; and report on the vision of the new German government for Europe and the Pope for the future of the Catholic Church.
This Week in the News
We begin quoting from reports which will contribute to the ongoing deterioration of America’s relationship with Germany; focus on the coalition talks in Germany and the role which the Bavarian party CSU and their leader, Horst Seehofer, might play in the future; address the debacle surrounding attempts to “fix” Obamacare; and point out that both Democrats and the Republicans are divided amongst themselves.
We also address the possibility that the Jewish practice of “new moon celebrations,” which are not commanded in Scripture, might have derived from pagan idolatrous worship of moon gods and goddesses; and we conclude with three examples of “utter nonsense,” which sadly, some, if not many, may believe in—the concept that death is just an imagination of the human brain; the concept that civilization will end on February 22, 2014, based on an obscure Viking mythology; and the concept that aliens planted human life on earth tens of thousands of years ago. While the Bible condemns all of these false ideas, ignorant people might embrace them.
This Week in the News
We begin with an article about the 75th anniversary of the Kristallnacht (“Night of the Broken Glass”) in Germany and the sad realization that “the problems in Europe in 2013 are the same as in 1938,” and that then, as now, good people chose and choose “to look the other way.”
We discuss the attempts of the USA and others to strike a deal with Iran, while upsetting Israel. Commentators feel that “Israel and longtime ally the United States are as far apart as ever on how to deal with growing threats in the Middle East.”
We report on a planned meeting between Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis with potentially wide-ranging consequences; speak of the deteriorating relationship between Germany and the USA and Britain; focus on the curse of abortion; address the perhaps biggest storm in history which ever hit land, causing unspeakable devastation; and conclude with an interesting question, “What would happen if oxygen disappeared?”
This Week in the News
We begin reporting on the curse under which the current US government seems to be laboring—especially in light of the fact that the USA (and the UK) are encountering strong opposition from their “friends” and “allies,” including Israel, Germany and Egypt.
At the same time, we see that Far Eastern countries, such as Russia and Japan, are trying to build mutual trust for each other, while China is claiming that they have the potential of attacking the USA with nuclear weapons and destroying its major cities, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York.
We conclude with articles, among other topics, addressing the attempts of many “Christian” churches and “Evangelists” to “justify” or “condone” homosexual practices, and the terrible consequences of Obamacare for millions of innocent Americans.
This Week in the News
Revelations about America’s worldwide spying activities do not stop, and now, high-ranking governmental officials and President Obama himself are in the limelight of criticism. The German press is already speaking of Obamagate, and the US President’s reputation among world leaders and even the world population as a whole has been severely damaged. The explanations, denials and admissions of the White House and some NSA officials are contradictory and leave little doubt that America is not going to recover from this most recent scandal. The fact that high-ranking US politicians justify America’s spying activities is not helping either.
In other news, we are reporting on the real dangers of “accidental” detonations of America’s nuclear weapons; another earthquake in Japan near the Fukushima nuclear site; Iran’s progressing nuclear weapons program; the attack on religious freedom in the USA; and new deadlines for Obamacare’s individual mandate requirements; as well as Halloween.
This Week in the News
We begin with the horrible monetary effects of the useless US governmental shutdown and the ever-climbing national debt; speak of the disastrous Obamacare Website; the inevitable next war for an unprepared America; the deepening rift between Saudi Arabia and the USA; the hopelessly unrealistic expectations by some that the USA will be able to get out of the current mess; Arnold Schwarzenegger’s attempts to become the next President; the intent by the Obama administration to give Iran billions of dollars; the allegation that the USA might be guilty of war crimes; and examples of frightening incompetency in the US Air Force.
We continue reporting on alarming figures of worldwide slavery; focus on developments in France and Germany—the two most powerful leading nations of continental Europe; speak of the growing anger of European allies towards the USA about its “totally unacceptable” spying activities; and conclude with an article on the dangers of genetically modified salmons.
This Week in the News
We report on hostile national and worldwide reactions to America’s domestic and international politics, including the disastrous Obamacare legislation and “implementation” and the US Middle Eastern position; speak on US politicians’ failing trust in God and Catholic criticism against the pope; address the German army’s new-found self-confidence; and conclude with frightening natural disasters in India, the Philippines and South Dakota.