This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the volatile and chaotic situation both in Libya—including the capture of Saif al-Islam Gadhafi—and in Egypt, Yemen and Syria. Powerful forces in some of those countries seem to end the optimistic and unrealistic pipe dreams of democratic developments, while the West still thinks that in some of the other countries, reason might prevail. However, an interesting article in the EUobserver suggests that Europe should get actively involved in the Middle East, to prevent China from doing so, since there is no hope that the USA would be interested, and now talks have surfaced of a military intervention in Syria.

Turning to Europe’s ongoing debt crisis and Spain’s troubles, former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer reveals a plan as to how Europe could emerge from the ashes, which would demand political institutions with strong decision-making powers and which would exclude Great Britain. We are also focusing on the ongoing battle between the British and German media and some politicians, and the fact that the relationship between Germany and Canada seems to deteriorate. In this light, the sudden re-emergence of former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is interesting.

We are reporting on the pope’s visit in Africa and his insistence of prayers to the “Virgin Mary,” relate an embarrassing incident, involving President Obama’s visit in Australia, speak about the predictable utter failure of the US “super committee,” and point at a report in the New York Times, suggesting that churches might be exempt from certain provisions of the Obamacare health care law—which exemptions seem to anger many Democrats. Nancy Pelosi, for example, stated that even though she was a devout Catholic, she could not understand “the conscience thing” of Catholics regarding contraceptives.

We conclude with a find of skeletons which scientists cannot explain.

This Week in the News

The situation in the Middle East seems to be slowly reaching a climax. Israel appears to be more and more determined to use military means to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons project, and Benjamin Netanyahu might strike without prior notice to Israel’s allies. A mysterious deadly explosion at an Iranian missile site fuels rumors and suspicions about Israeli involvement, while Iran continues with its propaganda as portraying itself as an innocent, misunderstood victim of unfounded American allegations.

Turning to Syria, the Arab League suspended Syria and Jordan’s king is asking for al-Assad’s resignation.

Focusing on Europe, the recognition of the existence of a two-speed Europe, causing friction with Britain, and the desire for further economic and political integration is being expressed. The resignation of Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister “who dominated the country’s politics for 17 years and became Italy’s longest-serving post-war prime minister,” and the appointment of respected banker Mario Monti (called the “Italian Prussian”) has been described as “the most dramatic moment” of Italy’s recent history.

However, the sweeping political changes in Greece and Italy raise uncomfortable questions about the lack of democratic processes. Especially Germany’s and France’s attempts to save the euro at all costs are reasons for concerns. As USA Today put it, “Greek political leaders appointed former European Central Bank vice president Lucas Papademos as prime minster… [and] political leaders in Italy nominated former European commissioner Mario Monti to replace Silvio Berlusconi. The political classes in Greece and Italy are moving ahead without elections or referendums on what the people think… the people aren’t being asked for the approval of measures that would result in a loss of sovereignty…”

At the same time, Greece is still buying more German weapons than any other country, while Germany does not allow the use of some of its gold reserves to help indebted eurozone countries. In addition, stunning revelations about right-wing terrorism in Germany has shocked the country.

We conclude with the announcement that the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the Obamacare health care law in early 2012, with the decision being “likely to be handed down in late June, right before the Republican and Democratic conventions for the 2012 presidential election.”

This Week in the News

Islamist militant groups are on the rise. This week, we report on the frightening development in Nigeria. We continue to discuss the likely possibility that Israel will attack Iran, and what the consequences might be. We report about unusual earthquake activities in Oklahoma and Arkansas, and address America’s “unholy alliance” between religion and politics, as well as the American government’s attack on religious freedom and liberty, and the curse of abortion as the consequence of the controversial Roe v. Wade decision. We concentrate on and conclude with the ongoing economic troubles in Europe and address talks about a two-speed Europe and the increasing isolation of Great Britain.

This Week in the News

We begin with a report about the steady decline of the U.S. dollar; continue with speaking on the Greece crisis; show the growing animosity between Great Britain and the EU and potentially violent confrontations as a consequence; point out the remarkable change in the laws pertaining to the British royal succession and explain how the world would be different today if it had not been for those ancient laws, as guided by God Almighty; emphasize the continuing prophetic role of the British Commonwealth; point out the nightmare of the “Arab Spring” and the real threat of nuclear war between Israel and Iran; and conclude with a remarkable piece on German hypocrisy and nationalism.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting about an event which happened earlier this month, regarding the Ukraine and their potentially worsening relationship with Europe. We continue speaking of frightening developments in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and other countries in the Middle East, suggesting that the dream of the Arab Spring might result in a nightmare for the USA and Europe. We address the relationship between Israel and Ankara in the light of the most recent devastating earthquake in Turkey.

We continue with the Vatican’s call for an economic world government; focus on developments in Europe and the current Eurozone problems in the light of biblical prophecy; and conclude with a remarkable decision of the highest German court, addressing a process which web hosts such as Google should follow to avoid any liability.

This Week in the News

We report about the controversial targeted killing of U.S. citizens by U.S. drone strikes and the legal and constitutional questions that such actions raise; the U.S. change in its stance towards the status of Jerusalem, as well as Germany’s pressure on Israel to stop any settlement activities in the city; the ongoing troubles in the Middle East; Germany’s 21st anniversary celebration of its reunification; Angela Merkel’s clear victory in the German Parliament and her praise from international allies, supporting her fight for the euro and a united Europe; and we conclude with a frightening and at the same time revealing article on the literal worship of Vladimir Putin.

This Week in the News

In this segment, we are focusing on the increasing deterioration of the relationship between the USA and EU, which, according to The Daily Mail, “has become frightening.” While The Daily Mail alludes to the “euro crisis” in this context, Der Spiegel Online contends that the “euro crisis” does not even exist.

We are also reporting at length on America’s isolation in the Arab World. The media from Australia, Canada, France, Germany and of course the Middle East and even Israel is taking sides with the Palestinians, against America.

Anti-American headlines are becoming the norm, such as “The USA Cannot Be Relied On…” “USA, Australia and Israel on the Wrong Side of History,” “USA Betrays Palestinians,” “Pax Americana Is Over,” and “Arab Countries Disappointed by Obama.”

We report on Putin’s controversial reemergence and manifestation of Russia’s true power; speak of the pope’s refusal to present an “ecumenical gift” to Protestants and his demand of German Catholics to be obedient to Rome; and conclude with a rather remarkable article on America’s controversial warfare with drones.

This Week in the News

As events are developing in Europe towards the power bloc’s prophesied ultimate climax, more and more voices are being heard demanding a separation of Great Britain from the EU. The Telegraph even claims that Britain is already under the yoke of Brussels, and that it must free itself from its slavery to the EU.

At the same time, the Eurozone is rejecting any economic “advice” given from the Obama Administration, and especially Germany is openly defiant to any US opposition or concerns, operating from a position of strength as the most stable and prosperous economic country in Europe. In light of this week’s plunge of the Dow Jones industrial average, we hear of increased fears of a worldwide recession, perceived to be caused to a large degree by the USA and Europe. In addition, we are also observing that many Germans are not happy with their current government, and it will remain to be seen how long Angela Merkel can continue to run the country successfully.

We are addressing the pope’s visit in Germany and the desire of Angela Merkel to focus on unified Christianity, rather than the extremely unpopular conservative stance of the Vatican. We speak of the events in New York pertaining to the UN General Assembly meetings, and we conclude with reporting on a setback for any hope that we might see peace any time soon in Afghanistan, and the terrible memory of some who have killed in war–a memory, which cannot be easily erased.

This Week in the News

We begin with a critical commentary on the recent Tea Party debate of Republican Presidential candidates; reflect on the tenth anniversary of terrorist attacks on September 11; show the continued decline and isolation of the world’s only current superpower; focus on the isolation of the state of Israel and Turkey’s rise to influence in the Arab world; and conclude with describing the increasing difficulties between European Eurozone and non-Eurozone countries, and the uncertain future of Greece.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting about the dire situation in the United States, including its natural disasters, its conflicts with its neighbor Mexico, and the prospects of its postal service defaulting; we speak of Canada’s ongoing problems with its submarine fleet; we continue with the situation in Europe, including the survival of the euro, and the demand for the creation of a two-speed Europe and for political unification; we speak of Angela Merkel’s recent defeat in another state election; we address popular conspiracy theories surrounding the attack on September 11; we report on the (prophesied) deteriorating relationship between Turkey and the state of Israel and Turkey’s desire to form a coalition with Egypt; we warn of a preemptive strike of Israel against Iran; we show the sense of “justice” of Libya’s rebels towards African migrants and the danger of Islamists creating a new Libyan state; we report on a widening unprecedented rift between the Vatican and Ireland; and we conclude with an attempt in Australia to ban Jesus Christ from school history books.

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