Do We Take God For Granted?

It comes as no surprise that the time we are living in is becoming increasingly difficult, especially when simple things that we need are beginning to take effect in our lives, like rising gasoline prices, water shortages and power outages. These necessities could affect the cost on other items such as groceries.  With a struggling economy, are we becoming more cautious and aware when it comes to either saving or spending our money?  Have these customary every-day items been taken for granted?  Do we realize that food and gas are depleting and that one day we could very well run out of supplies?

God knows what we need. He blesses us with physical necessities, and He has also granted us gifts that are not offered to the world, while some who could be reached have chosen not to accept His gifts.  Have we taken God’s gifts for granted, including the Sabbath day, His annual Holy Days and His commandments for us to keep?  Do we take His blessings for granted? Are we thankful for them?  Do we have faith that God will provide in our times of need, or do we become too discouraged to rely on God?  Remember, He puts us through trials to test our faith (James 1:2-6), and we must also be smart in our decisions that we make, because we don’t want to test God either, by questioning His ability or willingness to help us or by trying to force Him to do something for us, while we do nothing.  To think that we can just sit back and stay passive, thinking that God will have to take care of us, is not going to get us far, as we have a role to play as well.  That is all part of our learning process –  having a closer relationship with God.

When we do receive blessings from God, we have to remember to be thankful.  Sometimes we tend to dwell on the things that are troublesome to us, the things that we would most likely try to put into our own hands to figure out, forgetting to go to God and ask for help.  We may not do that intentionally but we give in to human nature.  When we are sick, do we ask God for healing, or do we rely on doctors and medicine instead, ignoring God in the process? And when we ask for God’s healing, and He does heal us, do we forget to thank Him?  Luke 17:11-19 proves that our faith will make us well and that God expects of us to thank Him when we are healed.

Ephesians 5:20 tells us that we are to give thanks “ALWAYS for ALL things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This also means during difficult times.  We should not take what has been given to us for granted.

God has also given us the gift of knowledge and love and the understanding of His Way of Life, including the meaning of the Sabbath and the Holy Days, and by living this way, we are to be great examples to the rest of the world, as it says in Matthew 5:16.  We are to be shining lights to this world even though the world will hate us for it, and yes, they will hate us for it!

But we are not here to please the world, but God, and we will be blessed for that.  Luke 8:4-15 talks about the parable of the sower who went out to sow his seed. Some seed fell by the wayside, on rock, among thorns, and good ground. Which seed are we?  If we consider ourselves to be part of the seed that fell on good ground, notice how we must have patience just as God has patience with us.  We must endure hardship and suffering if we want to live God’s Way of Life, to ultimately be like God. Isn’t that our ultimate goal?  Do we sometimes take what we know for granted?  Or do we remain faithful in Christ? Are we strong enough to keep going, and do we possess that patience until the end?  For this is God’s promise to us, if we do not give up: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:37-39).

Wrong Assumptions

All of us may be far too quick, at times, of making wrong assumptions, based on “facts” which seem to be rather compelling, only to find out later that our information and conclusions were not altogether correct… and many times, they were totally wrong.

In Jesus’ days, the Jews were not guiltless in this regard. Based on their preconceived notions, they were unwilling and unable to believe that Christ could have been the Messiah or even a godly prophet, and following their own ideas and human traditions as to how a righteous person had to behave, they accused Him of terrible things, since Christ did not live in the way that they thought He should. Especially the way Christ kept the Sabbath was a bone of contention for many. It is not that different today. Some, based on faulty understanding of Scripture, insist that we must not use public transportation or go to a restaurant on the Sabbath, proudly and self-righteously negating and rejecting the teachings of the Bible.

Christ challenged His audience when He said to them, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24). When His rule is established on earth, He will “not judge by the sight of His eyes, Nor decide by the hearing of His ears; But with righteousness He shall judge…” (Isaiah 11:3-4). Hearsay and observation by eyesight might be very “convincing,” but they may be deceiving and may lead to wrong assumptions and conclusions.

The prophet Jeremiah was wrongly accused of defecting to the Chaldeans, after he had prophesied about the fall of Jerusalem and was then observed going into the land of Benjamin to claim his property among the people. As the “facts” seemed to speak against him, he was arrested and imprisoned in a dungeon for many days  (Jeremiah 37:11-16).

King Saul was guilty of making wrong assumptions, which had terrible results. First he assumed that all his men had conspired against him, because he thought that they knew about David’s whereabouts, without telling him (1. Samuel 22:8). When it came to his attention that the innocent priest Abimelech gave David some of the holy bread, handed him the sword of Goliath, and inquired of God for him, Saul assumed and concluded that the priest was part of a conspiracy with David against him (1 Samuel 22:13); and as a consequence, he had the priest and almost his entire house murdered through Doeg, an Edomite.

Later, the priest Amaziah wrongly accused the prophet Amos of conspiring against King Jeroboam, as he did not like the message which Amos proclaimed under godly inspiration (Amos 7:10-17).

The Bible commands us to be very careful before we believe in the concept of a conspiracy. Hundreds, if not thousands of “conspiracy theories” are being circulated, especially on the Internet. Many are totally convinced that the moon landing never took place and that the American government was behind the 9-11 attack, and that just about everybody was involved in conspiracies to present false facts. Others believe in a conspiracy cover-up regarding UFOs, claiming that governments know of their existence, but deny them for whatever reason. Others see conspiracies pertaining to certain groups secretly “running” this world, including the Free Masons, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, and whatever other of the many groups they may list.

First of all, none of this is material and relevant for true Christians, as it is Satan who, as the god and prince of this world, is ruling this earth, and whatever “group” he may use for this purpose is really of no consequence for us. In addition, no one knows for sure whether these things are so, and therefore, to state them with “conviction” and the self-righteous attitude of “I know it, and you don’t” is dangerous, since one might be guilty of lying, if these ideas turn out to be false. Isaiah 8:12 warns us: “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. The LORD of hosts, Him you shall hallow; Let Him be your fear, And let Him be your dread” (Isaiah 8:12-13).

If we would only do this, we would not get involved in conspiracy theories, politics, governmental elections, jury duty, military service and war, and many other man-made institutions and concepts which are against the Will of God. As ambassadors of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, we are to announce and represent God’s coming rule on earth, when there will be no more false judgments and wrong assumptions, based on “convincing facts” which had been acquired through eyesight or hearsay. Let us work towards the goal of rendering righteous judgment, and let’s leave the world’s politics with its faulty ideas, traditions and concepts behind.

Lights in the Growing Darkness

The U.S. is currently trying to negotiate a massive Trans Pacific trade deal.  Congress, as written in the Constitution, is charged with giving advice and consent on trade agreements.  Over the past few decades though, Congress has given up that right to the president by granting him authority to “fast track” trade negotiations.  The intent is that the president can speed up the process and avoid partisan politicking.  And still, the lobbying and scheming between opposing parties is as vigorous as ever.

Detractors, among other things, point to previous trade agreements (NAFTA) as failures.  Proponents promise success through economic growth and more jobs.  And between all of the rhetoric one important fact is lost—God’s role!

God alone controls the events of the world as Daniel states, “He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding” (Daniel 2:21).

The great fault of mankind is their utter refusal to acknowledge and submit to God. Instead, our nation pins its hopes on men. Nothing done by man’s own hands is going to change the Will of God. It can be easy to root for one man’s opinion over another, especially when those opinions appear to point in godly directions.  But knowledge of God’s Will in this world’s affairs is beyond comprehension for those in spiritual darkness.

“This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness” (Ephesians 4:17-19).

This world continually postulates why God can’t exist.  Nations make plans to better themselves and the world through their own ingenuity, and ultimately through their own greed for power. And with all of the greatness that humanity aspires to, it is pointless when God is forgotten and ignored.

It’s in this climate that we are called upon to shine as lights to the world. “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me” (Ezekiel 33:7). The world will hate us for the way we live and for the God we profess, and yet we are to shine ever more brightly as this world grows darker.  Let’s always rejoice that we have been given this opportunity—to know God and to be living examples of His Will on earth.

Self Examination

We have just concluded the Days of Unleavened Bread, which is a time of self-examination and re-evaluation of our relationship with God and Christ. The purpose has been to compare ourselves with ourselves in order to determine what kind of person we were a year ago and today; and to make any necessary corrections.

Keeping sin out of our lives is not just a weekly occasion, which can be neglected during the rest of the year. No person would vacuum a room every day for a week and then let it sit for a year, expecting it to remain clean. It is the same with our lives. We have to look at ourselves and make an effort on a continual basis to remove sin and to keep it out. A slight physical course deviation can cause us to miss the mark completely; similarly, a small spiritual deviation can cause us to end in a devastating disaster.

It is easy to get distracted so that we may miss a physical goal or mark. In the same manner, a little sin, which is compared with leaven, can cause us to totally miss the spiritual mark, if not dealt with. That is why we must continually evaluate the course of our lives, looking to God for direction and correction when required.

Christ makes the statement that we are not to look back and yearn for our old ways once we put our hand to the plow. Luke 9:62 tells us:  “But Jesus said to him, ‘No one having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.’”

Once we make the commitment to follow and obey God, He takes it seriously, and it is not a light thing to turn back from that commitment since it could lead to the loss of our eternal salvation. That is why it is important to stay focused and on course and to use daily the tool of self-examination which enables us to see the need to remove sin, so that we can attain the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom. When we fall short by sinning, we must quickly repent and move forward towards the Kingdom of God, knowing that it is God’s good pleasure to give us His Kingdom.

A Matter of Choice

When God calls someone, tremendous change must take place, and that becomes quickly obvious as a Christian confronts this world and its present social order.

You see, living as a Christian requires that we can no longer just go along with what everyone else is doing. We are forced to make choices—to reject one course of action and to choose another. While some of the steps we have taken, such as repentance and baptism, help lay a foundation for living in a godly manner, we are still constantly challenged to apply God’s laws in making decisions.

Hard choices require that we seek God’s Will in a matter. The Bible, through specific instructions and abundant examples, can help us understand the best course of action to take (Psalm 119:97-104). Seeking God’s guidance by prayer is available to us, but we must ask (James 1:5). The Church of God, through the ministry, may also assist us in difficult situations, if we are willing (2 Timothy 4:2-3).

Furthermore, when the answer is given from God, will we have the faith to go forward (Hebrews 11:6)? Our Christian growth is reflected by how successful we are in transcending this present evil age, but never forget that God’s Way is narrow and difficult when compared to the world in which we now live!

As each new issue arises, what will our choice be—obey God or compromise with Satan?

Taking it Personally

In my daily work I have the privilege of talking directly with my customers, for whom my team builds software. Occasionally, conversations I have will involve complaints about bugs or other problems that might be outside of my span of control. Those conversations typically include a disclaimer to “not take it personally,” meaning that they are frustrated about the problem, but not with me. In those kinds of situations it is acceptable to remove myself from the situation, and work on the problem exclusively. However, when we have sole responsibility and control over a situation, it is critical to take the opposite approach and take things personally.

With the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread upon us, we are instructed to actively judge ourselves. Anyone who has ever had to perform a self-evaluation for a job knows that it can be very challenging to be objective and in an unbiased way judge how well we are doing. Yet, the task is clear for a Christian, “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged” (1 Corinthians 11:31). This can only be accomplished by taking it personally.

What is most striking about this process is that it is definitively individual. Other people’s hasty and uninformed judgments about how well we are doing in our Christian life have no bearing on our individual examination of ourselves. Self-examination offers us an opportunity to remove all distraction from our thoughts, and honestly evaluate our personal relationship with God. This evaluation is between us and God. It is true that in certain situations it might be very advisable and sometimes even mandatory to seek counsel and guidance from a true minister of God to help us with our proper self-examination, as we sometimes might blind ourselves to the true facts and to our own heart, desires and motives. The inherent accountability involved in this process adds pressure to be correct and complete, but we may also be surprised to find that it can offer us a great deal of relief.

We can be relieved that we have an opportunity to be starkly honest with ourselves and with God about the behavior that we want to fix. We will only do ourselves a disservice if we choose to continue hiding our sin from exposure. Rather, by laying all our sin bare to ourselves and to God, we acknowledge our need for forgiveness. We have everything to gain and nothing to lose by confessing as many of our sins to God as we can find. Only then can we truly repent.

Of course, we know that we can hide nothing from God, so it is in our best interest to see ourselves as God sees us. This will help to expose the areas where we need to improve. As David reflects in Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” It can certainly be challenging to see our sins, but God is there to help guide us into understanding.

The relationship that we have with God is personal. We must not allow anyone else to get in between our personal relationship with God. Now is the time when we have the opportunity to really make a change in our lives. As written in Lamentations 3:40-41, “Let us search out and examine our ways, And turn back to the Lord; Let us lift our hearts and hands To God in heaven.”

Setting Goals

During the year at work, we go through review cycles, looking at the goals we have created for ourselves. We also review the progress that we have made towards those goals, or maybe the lack thereof.

Goals are easy to put down on paper to say that A, B & C will be executed. But it is another thing to actually do the work that is needed to accomplish those goals.  It is easy to have good intentions and to want to work towards something superior, but it is more difficult to carry out our intentions.

Why do people set goals? Maybe they do it for a job title or possibly a bonus. Maybe they want to broaden their skills. Maybe they love to receive praise or recognition. Whatever it is that one desires, there is one thing that is certain in setting and attaining a goal or multiple goals: Dedication of time, effort, will, common sense and tenacity.  Even though it is easy to set goals, people oftentimes may give up, walk away or forget the goals because of the tough work that is involved.

What about us as Christians? What are our individual goals? Do we even have goals? What is it that we are trying to accomplish day in and day out?  Or are we tired from the stress and the trials? Do we just wish for easiness?

Can we define for ourselves what we want to improve on in our Christian lives?  What goals can we set, based upon what the Bible says? Here are some examples:

(1) This Passover time reminds us to remove sin from our lives, as we are removing physical leaven which symbolizes spiritual sin during the Days of Unleavened Bread (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).

(2) We should set the goal of doing all things with rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 5:18: “In EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the WILL of God in Christ Jesus for you.”). It is God’s Will for us to give Him thanks for the good and the bad things that may happen to us. Truly, this is a very hard goal to work towards and accomplish.

(3) We are to be careful to maintain good works (Titus 3:8).

(4) We are to focus on the applications of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Is it our goal to manifest these character traits in our daily lives? Galatians 5:22-23 tells us: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love (for God and fellow man), joy (in living God’s Way of Life with all our heart), peace (which is something God bestows on us when we are obeying Him), longsuffering (or patience; no longer being worried about little things that we have no control over), kindness (in what we say, think or do), goodness (wanting only what is good, forsaking lusts and harmful pleasures), faithfulness (or faith, without which is impossible to please God, as faith is our catalyst), gentleness (unlike the people of this world, which is constantly warring and looking to destroy others because they have the heart of their father, Satan the Devil), self-control (an amazing trait that is only strengthened through training). Against such things there is no law.”

Of course, the most important goal we should set is this: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). When we make this our main goal, all the other goals will fall into place. God wants to see us prosper. He wants to pour His blessings upon us. How eager are we to pass God’s examination with flying colors, because we have set the right goals and stuck with them until the very end?

Beware of Infections

Infections and infectious diseases can be a source of great worry and concern for those who suffer from them. We have recently had Aids and the Ebola crisis; there is bird flu, blood poisoning, chicken pox, scarlet fever, cholera, glandular fever, measles, malaria, salmonella, shingles, whooping cough and a whole range of other infectious diseases, a list of which could probably fill a book.

We try not to become infectious in the first place by avoiding contact with those who have anything that is contagious, and those who have such health problems should stay away from others. This is not only an act of kindness but is the way that true Christians should behave; that of esteeming others better or more important than self, and that of caring for others.

For many years, the Church has issued instructions about this matter in respect of attendance at the Feast of Tabernacles along the following lines:

“Elders will be available at all times during the Feast. However, if you think that you have a contagious illness, please do not come to services or to the Festival Desk to be anointed. Likewise, please do not bring children with contagious illnesses to services, to the Festival Desk or to any of the activities.” Of course, this also applies to the weekly Sabbath and other Holy Days.

Avoidance of infection should always be our aim, and we do have a Q&A on the quarantine principle.

If we are infected and have a health issue, we are admonished to call for the elders in the Church for anointing (see James 5:13-14). This is what we should do in such circumstances as outlined above, but what about this matter in a spiritual context?

Satan, the god of this world (see 2 Corinthians 4:4), wants to infect us with as many of the works of the flesh as possible (see Galatians 5:19-21), and he does this in many ways. Often, he can work through others to cause as many problems as possible to those called by God. This is a much greater threat to us than physical infection because the consequences can be much more serious!

For example, someone with a wrong spirit who may have taken issue with a member, a minister or a particular Church teaching can cause serious problems with those whom he/she knows or attends Church. We understand that tares will grow with the wheat (see Matthew 13:24-30), and they will often grow together until the harvest when a reckoning will take place, and so we shouldn’t be too surprised when someone from amongst us tries to cause problems.

The key to this situation is to look at the fruits of the ones causing the problems. Are they taking their concerns only to the ministry (if applicable), or are they trying to resolve any issues with brethren quietly and discreetly, as Matthew 18:15-17 instructs? If so, then other brethren may not be aware of any such concerns; however, if the person concerned is spewing bile out at all and sundry, then the fruits are not good and some, or many, may be “infected.”

Human nature, being what it is, can push us to get involved and to take sides. Spiritual infection can spread and this can be unfortunate where others may be involved. The apostle Paul faced problems in the Corinthian Church where he writes about envy, strife and division (1 Corinthians 3:1-4).

Satan causes division (Revelation 12:10), and we must not adopt any such attitude that is not a Godly one. One writer observed: “Anyone versed in military tactics knows the maxim ‘divide and conquer.’ If you can get your enemies to break ranks, turn on themselves and fight each other, you can quickly rout them”— and this is a tactic used successfully by our adversary.

If accusation, division, antagonism and animosity are the results of anyone’s actions, then you can be assured that this is not of God, and we must avoid being infected by anyone acting in such a manner. Irrespective of our relationship with that person, God and His way must always come first. Taking sides with someone with a rebellious attitude, even if they are very closely related to us, is asking for trouble.

We must always remember that there have been difficulties in the Church down through the ages, and a falling away from the truth has happened many times. We experienced that in the 1990’s, and since that time, and we must remember that Matthew 24:12 clearly spells out conditions at the end of this age: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” We have been warned, and being on our guard against rogue elements will stand us in good stead.

Ephesians 2:10 states: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Good works do not include rebellion, accusation, division and an angry spirit.

We should be developing holy righteous character, as Romans 12:1-2 states: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

When we are approached by someone with a “grievance” or different mindset, we must always look at the fruits! If the person is suffering from a contagious spiritual disease, we must avoid contact and make sure that we do not become infected.

Prepare Yourselves!

The Spring Holy Days are almost upon us! Have we been recently experiencing various trials in our lives? Have we been active yet in our “spring cleaning” by removing the leavening in our houses? And most importantly, have we been examining ourselves, making sure that when the Passover approaches, we will be partaking of it in a worthy manner? Yes, these are questions we are faced with annually as we are reminded about the significance of what is coming shortly.

There are a few weeks left to prepare for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread – meaning that we must physically deleaven our houses and examine ourselves spiritually before we take the Passover and observe the Days of Unleavened Bread to see where we are in relation to God and His Way of Life. However, there is much more to it than that. Because keeping the Days of Unleavened Bread symbolizes living a sinless life, we have to be prepared at all times for the unexpected, especially now, since the time is getting closer to Christ’s return. We know this because of what is happening around the world, based on biblical prophecy, and we do have a general idea of what to expect. That is why we must become free from sin.

We have to make sure that we are strong in the Church as well. There is a dangerous warning for those who take this lightly. Revelation 3:14-22 talks about the lukewarm Church, describing the works and attitudes of those who don’t produce much fruit. Verse 16 says, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.” This is why it is important to BE PART of God’s Church and to do zealously what God commands us to do. If we want to be prepared and inherit salvation, we have to watch and be aware of what is happening in this world. We need to be ready for Christ’s return (Matthew 25:1-13).

There will be a time again when we, just like Israel, will have to be saved physically out of this world to be brought to a place of safety and protection. But we have to respond to God’s calling starting NOW. We individually have to be prepared for the coming of Christ. We read about the fall of Babylon the Great – which is a political, religious and economic power in the end time, when unimaginable and terrible events will take place (compare Revelation 18:4-5).

When that time approaches, it will become increasingly difficult to remain faithful and obedient because people with whom we are in close contact will betray us and will hate us for what we believe in. Perhaps that has already happened to us. Have we lost friends over our beliefs? It may feel as if we are alone, but we are not alone, as God is with us.

We have to make sure we are not caught off guard when that time comes. “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. And if he should come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Luke 12:35-40).

We must become spiritually strong and we have to be aware of what is going on in this world, making sure that we don’t return to it as many former Church members have already done. We have less than three weeks left before we take the Passover, before we ask our merciful Father to forgive us our sins. This is our fresh start to try to live a sinless life, a taste of what God’s Kingdom is all about. Are we preparing ourselves for this right now and for what the future holds?   Many people will not be ready for Christ’s return, but we have been given the opportunity right now because of what we already know. Will we be ready when that time comes?

Why Are We Not All Together?

I hear it all the time from our viewers and readers: “Why are you not together with this or that organization which is also a part of the Church of God, since we are all believing the same thing?” If that were true, then we should all be together, but in reality, this perception is simply not accurate. In fact, we differ greatly in doctrine, administration, approach and purpose.

The founding documents of the Church of the Eternal God state the following in our Statements of Beliefs, under “Doctrinal Foundation”:

“The major doctrines of the Church are those, which were taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, derived from the Biblical teachings as followed by God’s faithful servants, and originally established by Jesus Christ through the founding of His Church in the time of His chosen early apostles. Since we are to increase in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, we are committed to review and alter any of our teachings, if and when proven to be wrong by from the Bible.”

Unlike other Church organizations which declared from the beginning of their existence that “everything is on the table” and that all doctrines and teachings of the Church must be reviewed and reconsidered, we have been taking the opposite approach. For us, nothing is on the table, unless a doctrine, teaching or administrative practice is proven to be wrong, based on Scripture. This means, even if we cannot fully prove a particular established teaching from the Bible, we will not change it, if we cannot prove it to be in violation of God’s written Word.

At the same time, we will change if a doctrine or administrative practice is shown to be in contradiction with the Bible. However, there are groups which say that nothing can be changed after Herbert W. Armstrong’s death in 1986… and some even go so far as to say that none of the Church’s changes can be accepted which occurred subsequent to 1974 and 1975, including major changes pertaining to the correct day of Pentecost and our teaching on divorce and remarriage. This concept that nothing can be changed today is clearly unbiblical and must be rejected.

Our approach, as described herein, is the ONLY safe approach which ALL Church organizations in the Body of Christ should take, because only then true unity in doctrine and administration can be achieved. To just give one example, it is simply not acceptable that one organization disfellowships a person for Scriptural reasons (compare Matthew 18:17-18; Romans 16:17), and another organization, claiming to be in the same spiritual Body of Christ, embraces him or her with open arms, without even inquiring into the cause of the excommunication. Another unacceptable policy prevails in many Church organizations which sanction and officiate over the re-marriage of divorced persons in their fellowship who are still married in the eyes of God, since God had bound their marriage (Matthew 19:4-9; 1 Corinthians 7:10-15) and no subsequent biblical grounds existed for divorce and re-marriage. Such conduct gives some of the many reasons as to why there is no unity amongst many Church groups. Unity can only come through the working of the Holy Spirit, based on the teachings of God. How CAN two walk together, unless they are agreed (Amos 3:3)?

We in the Church of the Eternal God and our affiliates in the UK, Canada and German-speaking areas are committed to grow in Christ’s knowledge. As Mr. Armstrong changed or modified doctrines and practices when he found them to be wrong, so have we. A careful study of our literature shows our willingness to change in areas of administration and teaching, but all of our changes have been clearly documented and proved by the pages of the Bible.

If someone wants to find out what we teach, he or she must study our literature and listen to our messages. Just to go back to old and ancient Church literature may or may not give an accurate picture of our current teaching. At the same time, all our changes and modifications are based and built on the doctrines which all of us have learned. We are not going to deviate and depart from the faith which has been—once for all—delivered to the saints (Jude 3). This is our commission and God-given responsibility, which we are determined to fulfill to the best of our ability.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God