Do Hard Things!

by Simon Akl

I am currently in a transition year as I begin a new stage in my life. I have moved on from an undergraduate college and am now in the first year of medical school. It has not come without its challenges. This spring semester I took a class which really challenged me, to the point where I started doubting whether I would be able to face the academic obstacles. I struggled at times, not necessarily because of the difficulty of the knowledge but more so due to the knowledge overload taught in such a short time span. There was a point where I took a step back and wondered why I had chosen to put myself through all this. This period of self-reflection allowed me to gain the confidence and faith that as long as I do my part God will take care of the rest.

I concluded that it is very important to do hard things in this lifetime. It is much easier for me to sit back and take the easy way out, which is reflective of my human nature. However, doing the hard things in life, whether for school, work or even when it comes to relationships with family and friends, are what I believe help me develop a Godly character. I believe the journey is just as important as the final result. A difficult journey with bumps here and there allows me to gain the experience and satisfaction that with God’s help I was able to do something productive and meaningful. It is also important to challenge myself in difficult tasks to be an example to others, a way of letting my light shine–hopefully not for reasons of pride but to demonstrate to others God’s glory and what He was able to accomplish through me. Being carnal will lead to times where I might fall back into a doubtful way of thinking. This is why I continually try to remind myself that through God ALL things are possible.

Attitude of Gratitude

by John Amorelli
Man’s holiday season of “getting” has just passed. 

Recently, I have found myself asking questions on the subject of getting.  “Why can’t we get a better home?” “Why can’t I get a better car?” “Why can’t I have more money?” “Why can’t I get a better job?” These were some of the questions that I was reflecting on. The spirit of selfishness and way of “get” had leached into my life!

This forum is a reminder for me to be very careful not to slip into the “old man’s” carnal way of thinking.  It is also an unambiguous reminder that my attitude needs a re-assessment and a plan of action towards God’s Way of Life.

I need to learn, with God’s help, to acquire an attitude of gratitude; to be grateful for what I have!

Upon further reflection, the home I live in keeps my wife and me warm in the winter and cool in the summer; my car takes me to where I need to go; I am able to pay my bills; and I have work! No excuse for complaining.

The Best Candidate

by Shelly Bruno

Through the years, I’ve had friends and family members who I felt would be great additions to God’s family. A close friend who is extremely zealous for God, a coworker who has admirable Christian dedication, or the family member I simply want to share the truth with. I could reason and justify why they would make good candidates, because they seem to possess godly character. Their positive qualities appear so plain to see—so why doesn’t God see those characteristics?

Pray as I might for others to come to the Truth, the fact is that God calls whom He wants, according to His timeframe. And I’ve realized I must be thankful for this fact. I see only the outward person—which is not as reliable as the way God sees the inward person.

I wonder if other true Christians look at me as a good candidate for God’s family. Am I exhibiting the characteristics they would deem worthy? I need to make sure that I, too, am a good candidate for God’s family, by living up to His expectations for my calling.

I’ll continue praying for those I hope will be called today, but I can also take comfort in the fact that soon, every person will be given an opportunity to have the same precious gift that I have been given—an understanding of God’s truth.

Joy in the Small Things

by Cali Harris
Lately I’ve been thinking about how to live more joyfully. In one of his sonnets, William Shakespeare wrote, “Joy delights in joy.” When I read it, I had to think about it carefully. What does that line of poetry really mean?

To me, it means that joy self-perpetuates. It has its own internal momentum, so that when I share joy with someone else, the joy spreads. It has a rippling, reverberating effect.
As I think about how to live more joyfully, I’ve realized it’s not only the grand plans or gestures that make life more joyful. Instead, I’m beginning to see how the smallest of gestures can have the most joyful impact. I’m focusing on smiling—and really meaning it—when I say “thank you” to a shop clerk or restaurant server. I’m slowing down while driving and waving people to go ahead of me. I’ve been sending more postcards and greeting cards with notes of “Thanks!” or “Hello!” or “Thinking of you!”. And because so much of my work is related to technology and the web, I’m taking time to send quick text messages or emails to friends, family and clients.
Although they may seem insignificant, it’s these actions that bring joy not only to those around me—but help me live more joyfully, too. And this, I believe, is how “joy delights in joy.”

The Wonders Beyond the Heavens Above

by Eric Rank

As the dark of night falls ever earlier with the onset of winter, I become more aware of the stars above. On clear nights, the stars form an absolute spectacle. Indeed, there can be no question for me that the heavens declare the glory of God.

On occasion, I take some time to look up and see. Inevitably, the longer I crane my neck and ponder, the smaller and more insignificant I feel. In fact, the longer I watch the sky, the more insignificant this entire age of humanity feels. Since God created this entire universe, with trillions of stars, each a million times as large as the Earth, how can this planet, and me as a speck residing on it, amount to anything that matters?

When considering the impact that my physical life will have on the history of the world, and the importance of my current problems, it is true — none of these things amount to anything. To quote a wise man in this regard, all is vanity. While on the face of it, this can be disheartening, it is also a source of comfort. Understanding what is not important gives me the freedom to focus on the things which are. As small as my life may be, there is a greater scope for me to consider.

The Bible clearly shows me that there is another principle at work. While my physical accomplishments and trials are absolutely insignificant in the grand scheme of things, my life is critically important in God’s plan. The same God who created the vast heavens above has called me to be part of His Family and rule in His Kingdom. While the life I lead today may be nothing compared to the greatness of the universe, the life I lead for tomorrow is of  great value to the God who created it. How much more fascinating is this for me than even the depths of the universe!

Before I turn 30…

Michael Link

Several years ago I had a certain plan in mind, which had to do with the goals I was pursuing, or at least wanting to accomplish before I reached my “milestone” age. I envisioned my dreams coming true for me. My success and wishes would finally pay off: 

I would graduate from college and venture out to become a successful freelance graphic designer. I would travel the whole world, visiting exotic places, experiencing the different cultures and landscapes the world has to offer. I would meet my beautiful wife and we would become a family with the birth of our child. I would flourish in my music, writing hit songs that were heard all over the world. With my successful result, my family and I were content and I would share my fortunes with the rest of my family and the church.

Sure, I had dreams. I still do. This is what I envisioned before I turned 30. Now that I am 30, many of the things that I wished for haven’t really come into place the way that I had planned. I did graduate from college, although I didn’t find a career in what I studied, but I am presently using the skills I have learned in conjunction with music. I am still keeping strong with the music, hoping to some day land that “hit song.” I have traveled a little bit, but not nearly enough to see the whole world. I did however meet my beautiful wife and we are expecting the birth of our little boy in 3 months. 

I have experienced a taste of what I envisioned; however, what I intended didn’t exactly happen the way I wanted it to, since it was never MY intention for it to happen that way. I was hoping that my success would “pay for” my family and help the church.

It’s the other things I didn’t think about which have made more of an impact in my life. The things that God promised; the things that I needed and that my family needed; the skills and the help that I could offer to my friends and to the church; the present situation that I am in, when it comes to my job and my love for music; and most importantly, the knowledge and truth that have been given to me from God. He knew all along what was best for me, and when I think back at my intentions, I could never have imagined it to turn out the way it has, how my life would develop unto this point.

One thing is for sure. Overall, I know I am happy. I know what the future will bring, not necessarily in this lifetime, but I know what my potential is.  However, I also know that anything is possible with God in my life. Because I know this, I am going to continue pursuing my dreams as God guides me along the way, and I’ll just have to see if it is in accordance to God’s plan to grant me my wishes, perhaps before I turn 40.

The Gift of Giving

by Louise Amorelli

During this most recent Feast of Tabernacles 2010, my husband and I had the exhilaration of experiencing the most joyous of God’s Holy Days. Since we are not able to meet with brethren during the year, due to our location, it is certainly a blessing for us to renew our bonds with brethren of like minds. We anxiously wait all year long for the Feast of Tabernacles to arrive….preparing, planning and meditating on how to make the next Feast, even better than the last! 

One theme of the Feast, that always shines the most brilliant, is the giving of the brethren.  It is such a breath of fresh air, from the ways of this world, how giving and generous the brethren are.  Whether it be in the time and effort of our ministry, deacons and deaconesses for spiritual food and helps, or in the giving of thoughtfulness of slipping a card under a hotel room door, when someone is sick, or grabbing the check off the restaurant table before even knowing it was paid!! 

I once read an article saying that giving is actually a gift, not only for the person receiving such, but also to those who are in the act of giving; that it is a natural law God sets in motion, which brings fullness of heart, that only giving can do. The article stated that giving creates a spirit that invokes more giving and brings inner peace; and that it then spreads to others to do the same!  It concluded that everyone involved experiences the benefits of the outward flow it brings, and that it is truly a gift from God!!

This year, I will focus on that theme…and how I can give the gift of giving!!

They Bring Out the Good

by Manuela Mitchell

Before I had my son, I participated in events that involved dogs and their owners.  I enjoyed socializing with those that had similar interests to mine. When I had my son, I participated in classes such as breastfeeding and general baby care, and I realized that the support and friendships I received with my baby, was phenomenally different than that with dogs. 
People treated me as if my baby was the only baby in the world, and everyone wanted to help and talk to us. Brethren and people outside the church shared a common interest of lending a helping hand and voice, and it didn’t matter if they believed different things, because when it came to loving babies, everyone was the same.

This experience has made me think about how it will be in the kingdom, when everyone will be kind and helpful to every person they meet, just as they are to babies. I realized how babies can change people, and I saw how my little Sam–like other babies–make people laugh, they make people happy, they bring back sweet memories to people, they make people harmless and innocent. Yes, I began to see that babies can definitely bring out the good in people.

Two Thumbs Down

by Laura Harris

Last weekend I saw the movie “Eat, Pray, Love,” a New York Times best-selling memoir turned into a block buster summer movie. The appeal of Julia Roberts traveling the world to exotic locations lured me in, but I was soon disappointed by a self-indulgent journey of divorce, adultery and misguided spiritual enlightenment. 

I left the theater feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness, knowing the movie has become inspirational for legions of female followers trying to find happiness, meaning and purpose in this world.  I have read that women by the droves are consuming “Eat Pray Love” themed merchandise (such as clothing, tea, perfume, jewelry and home furnishings), enrolling in self-help workshops, and touring the countries sojourned by the movie’s main character. 

The movie reinforced the fact that I cannot find truth and enlightenment in a commercialized manuscript. Once again, I am reminded that I can only find authentic happiness and a true understanding of God’s holy Plan, when I follow God’s laws, as revealed in His book – the Bible.

Being Late

by Kalon Mitchell

Since this article for the Forum was late, I figured that I would write about being late. I have never been a person that likes to get things done before a deadline. I like to wait to the last minute to get projects done. Unfortunately, this tendency hasn’t worked so well for me in the past.

I remember, when in school, that I was cramming all night before a paper was due the next day. I remember staying up late, preparing a sermonette or a split sermon for church to be given the next day. And have I learned to do better?… No, not yet. But I am trying to overcome this bad habit.

I know though that in one area of my life, I cannot afford to be late. I am of course talking about my Christian life. In no way can I afford to cram at the last minute. I have to be right on time and on track with this one. There is no time to waste. My Christian life must be my number one priority at all times, so that I know when the time comes that I can and, God willing, be ready to be changed into a God being.

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