What Is the Meaning of 1 Thessalonians 5:23?

Does this passage negate the biblical teaching that man does not have an immortal soul?  The answer is that it does not contradict the rest of the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 reads: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Before we discuss what this passage tells us, we need to focus on the basics. We explain in our free booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” that man does not have a soul—mortal or immortal—but that man IS the soul. We point out the following:

“…  the word ‘soul,’ or the Hebrew word ‘nephesh,’ as well as the Greek word ‘psyche,’ applies to men and animals alike, and can refer to either a living or a dead person or animal. The soul is a ‘living being’ as long as the being is alive… man became a living soul when he was created, but… when he dies, he becomes a dead soul, and… a dead soul does not continue to live…”

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Why to Beware of Dogs?

What does Paul mean in his letter to the Philippians when he instructs them to “beware of dogs”?” In Philippians 3:2, Paul writes the following to the Philippians: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation!” When understanding this admonition, it should be clear that the reference to dogs is not to be taken literally. In this passage, Paul is not warning people about animals, but rather this is a warning to the Church in Philippi about individuals who are compared to dogs in a symbolic sense.

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of this passage, we need to begin by evaluating the context and learn about similar comparisons of people to dogs elsewhere in the Bible. By answering the following questions, we can learn more about the true and complete meaning of the warning to “beware of dogs.” What biblical evidence is there for describing people as dogs? What are the defining attributes and characteristics of people who are described as dogs? Finally, why does Paul pronounce a warning about these types of people? By investigating each of these facets, we can learn more about the instruction to the Philippians, but we will also learn enough to apply the warning in our own lives.

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Does God Know the Future?

Does He know whether and when we will sin? Does He know how prophesied events will come to pass?

The answer depends on the circumstances.

First, let us quote from chapter 3 of our free booklet, “Are You Predestined to Be Saved?”:

“The Bible contains many unconditional prophecies—most of which are for the end-time—to be fulfilled just ahead of us. Many are familiar with the Olivet Prophecy that Jesus Christ gave to His disciples prior to His death. Also, the book of Revelation is a prophecy for our time. The longest cohesive and uninterrupted Old Testament prophecy can be found in the eleventh chapter of the book of Daniel. Biblical scholars understand that that prophecy culminates in end-time events. Some recognize that many verses in the 11th chapter describe historic events that have already come to pass, events that were still future at the time Daniel wrote them down…

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As Christ Himself Didn’t Condemn Homosexuality, is the Practice Acceptable for a Christian?

This is an interesting question and one that proponents of those who are “Christian” homosexuals, and their supporters, will use. But is it in line with Scripture?

In one American television drama, a person, who was a wedding organiser, was asserting her right as a business person to refuse to serve a homosexual couple because of her Christian faith.   She was told that nowhere is Jesus quoted as even mentioning the subject and yet He mentioned marriage on three occasions. She couldn’t answer this clever ploy! If we are asked the same sort of question, we need to be able to answer this correctly and with conviction!

Society has been actively promoting homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle for many years and even many mainstream churches have fallen into line with this approach, ignoring the biblical teaching on this matter, which should be the foundation for their teachings. When this happens, secular and religious views combine, thus giving this biblically condemned behaviour an approval which cannot be sustained or upheld by the Word of God.

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Is It Really That Important to Understand that We Must Not Vote in Governmental Elections?

To be blunt, voting in governmental, national and presidential elections violates God’s plan for true Christians and constitutes a grave sin. It manifests the absence of faith in God; reveals a complete lack of understanding as to what the role of a true Christian is today; and shows utter ignorance as to who is ruling this world. We will not mince words in this Q&A, because FAR TOO MANY Christians are deceived and are deceiving others on this topic, foolishly thinking that they are serving God and their country by voting in governmental elections.

We point out the following in our Statement of Beliefs:

“We believe that a Christian’s duty to God is of a superior and higher nature than our duty arising from any human relationship (Acts 4:18-20; 5:27-29). We therefore, following Biblical commands and principles, do not participate in voting for national elections or jury duty, and we do not join the military.”

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What Can We Learn From the Parable in Matthew 25:1-12?

This parable is a very important aspect of God’s people being prepared. In the previous chapter, Matthew 24, this state of preparedness and readiness is emphasised (see verses 36-44). This last verse states: “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him.”

Ten virgins were waiting to welcome the bridegroom, five being wise and five being foolish.

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary observes that “Then—at the time referred to at the close of the preceding chapter, the time of the Lord’s Second Coming to reward His faithful servants and take vengeance on the faithless.” The word “then” can be overlooked as it comes at the start of a new chapter; had this man-made separation of chapters not occurred, it would have more easily have been seen as a continuation of the same theme at the end of the previous chapter.

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On What Day of the Week Did Jesus Die?

The Bible provides an irrefutable answer, but practices of the majority of professing Christians regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are clouded by misunderstandings and false teachings—especially concerning knowledge of what day of the week Jesus Christ died!

To begin, consider what Jesus said of His purpose:

“‘Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled’” (Matthew 5:17-18).

A part of what Jesus Christ fulfilled, that is, completed in God’s plan, was to die for the sins of mankind. Paul taught this as a foundational truth in the message he proclaimed:

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Will the USA and the UK Become Targets in a Nuclear War?

The Bible hints very strongly at the idea that the USA and the UK will be defeated in a nuclear war. However, the USA and the UK will not be attacked by Russia, but by a European power bloc under the leadership of a modern Assyrian ruler–the proverbial “beast” in the book of Revelation or the “king of the North” in the book of Daniel. Many of our booklets explain the biblical teaching in this regard, including, “Germany in Prophecy,” “Europe in Prophecy,” The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire,” “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today” and “Biblical Prophecy–From Now Until Forever.”

In these booklets, we are showing that the descendants of the ancient house of Israel can be found today in countries such as the USA and the UK, as well as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and we are also quoting many passages which indicate that the European attack will be launched with nuclear weapons.

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Would It Be Wrong to Light a Candle in Memory of a Deceased Loved One?

It depends.

Before answering the particular question at issue, we need to understand that a true Christian is not obligated to avoid a certain practice or conduct, only because pagans are engaged in it. We addressed this question in two previous Q&As, titled Should Christians Use Symbols which Are Used by Pagans? and Should Christians Wear Wedding Rings?” .

We pointed out the following in the Q&A on wedding rings:

“… we must be careful that we do not… prohibit everything, whether it is used in worship services or otherwise, only because pagans might have engaged in it. We addressed this issue in a recent Q&A, which answered the question as to whether Christians should use symbols which are used by pagans. Among other symbols, we discussed the symbol of the heart, certain symbols which are being used in sign language, the Star of David and the symbols of stars in general. We also pointed out that the mere fact that pagans and occultists attach a particular meaning and human interpretation to certain symbols should not compel a Christian to refrain from using these symbols. This same principle applies to wedding rings…

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Does 1 Timothy 5:8 Allow Working on the Sabbath?

1 Timothy 5:8 reads as follows: “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

God tells us very clearly that we are not to work on the Sabbath to make money (Exodus 20:8-11). But does this command also apply when a family is in need of money?

Let us first look at the general responsibility of a husband in regard to his wife and family.

Ephesians 5:25 – 29 tells us:

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.”

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