How can we overcome moments of defeat, as in the examples of those who have failed throughout history only to succeed, as well as individuals in the Bible who experienced failure but then overcame it through faith, leading them to success?
God Is Our Refuge
Finding true refuge is an illusive dream for many downtrodden people. However, that opportunity is available for those whom God has and will call to be a part of His eternal Family. Can we say that God is also our refuge?
Red Tape
We’ve all had our experiences with bureaucracy at various levels of both government and the private sector. Whether one is attempting to get a permit to renovate one’s home or trying to deal with the family automobile insurance or one’s health insurance. In this Sermonette we will consider various scriptures that will illustrate that as true Christians we must strengthen, and lean into our relationship with God the Father to keep our spiritual home in order. All else pales in comparison.
Try Harder
Is our Christianity a lazy or diligent one? Is there something we should be doing, or are we to just have faith and wait for what comes next?
Why Do You Believe?
For those whom God calls in this age, He calls them uniquely. At the point of conversion, each one of us confirms our beliefs that set the direction for the rest of our lives. The reasons why we believe in the promise of God must be strong enough to guide us through our life’s journey. Are we working hard enough to strengthen our beliefs to lead us into salvation?
Europe’s Corrupt Economic System
In the book of Revelation, ungodly modern Babylon is described not only as a European political, military and religious system, but also as an economic power. Other passages in the Old Testament give us further information about this worldwide economic system in which true Christians must have no part.
In All Honesty
The term “in all honesty” is frequently used to emphasize truthfulness and sincerity in an attempt to soften the impact by diminishing the harshness and not trying to be malicious. However, we shouldn’t use this term loosely; we should be honest at all times. There is also a fine line between an honest mistake and a blatant mistake, and when we do make a mistake, how can we rectify it?
With Raised Hands
What can we learn from an event found in the Old Testament? The Bible includes stories so that we can think about them and use them for edification.
Europe in Biblical Prophecy
Many do not understand that, according to the Bible, the ancient Roman Empire would be revived ten times in Europe, and that the last seven resurrections would be a collaboration between the Catholic Church and the European Empire. All of these revivals have already taken place…except for the last one, which is unfolding before our eyes today and will culminate in the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This sermon examines the European resurrections of the ancient Roman Empire in history, including the blasphemous mark of the beast and the demonic nature of the European revivals.