Clean and Unclean

What sets us apart from those who are of this world and have not been called yet?  How are we to live clean in an unclean world?

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Giving Up is Not Quitting!

We must be willing to give up everything our carnal eyes see as precious in order to gain what truly is important. But giving up our old ways isn’t a one-time action as we begin our spiritual career. We must purge, on a daily basis, anything that draws us nearer to our carnal desires and away from God.

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The Place

God puts great importance in the very specific instructions He has given concerning our worship of Him—locations are designated and even our individual roles are defined.
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Living Diligently

In this current age, when we are constantly bombarded with information designed to influence our thoughts and ideas, it is a huge challenge to stay focused on living a Christian life. How can we sharpen our focus, remove distractions, and succeed in our calling? By employing certain tools described in the Bible we can improve our ability to follow the perfect example of Christ, obey the commandments of God, and live a fulfilling life.

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One of Ten

Jesus healed ten lepers but only one of the men came back to thank Him. Christians are to live always giving thanks, or do we take for granted the tremendous blessings we receive from God—do we forget to thank Him?
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The Power of Reconciliation (Part 1)

Relationships between God and man have been broken by sin, but God has a plan for this! Mankind struggles to get along with one-another, and there are ways to do this. In this first of two sermons, biblical principles for reconciling with others will be addressed.

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Gambling on Salvation

We have a choice to grow or wane in our understanding of salvation.  We must be satisfied in the knowledge God gives to us in order to achieve this reward.  We are warned of an attitude of always seeking unprofitable knowledge and being content in this state.  We must be wary of this attitude because it can cause us to lose out on our promise of salvation.
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Prophets, Prophecy and Prophesying

A great deal is said in the Bible about prophets, what they did and the messages they brought. What about today? Do we have any of these people or attributes among us today? What about prophecy in the Bible? Is it something that will continue to unfold, or has all prophecy been completed? What does the Bible show us in this regard?

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All the World Is Guilty!

The world is blind and deceived. Sin and unrighteousness are prevalent. But why is this the case? Are the people of this world innocent and helpless victims who don’t know any better? Why then does God say that the entire world is guilty in His eyes?

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Christ’s Praise and Rebuke

In Revelation 2 and 3, Christ addresses seven local churches, seven Church eras, and every Christian throughout the ages. What are some of Christ’s statements of rebuke, praise and admonition which speak to us individually, and which all of us should take to heart?

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