When fencing you learn that you must be ready to block an attack at any time. We must prepare as Christians to fight the evil around us. This takes preparation and help from God to get us through these battles. We must stay close to the love of God and the truth in order to continue pushing forward. We also must do our part in offerings to God to help move the work forward.
Relationship With God
The most important thing that we need to cultivate during our time here on earth is our relationship with God. Without our full focus on this relationship, nothing else in life will work out for us. God has called us individually for a reason. It is our duty to draw close to Him so we can fully understand that reason.
The Vital Quality of Kindness
You don’t have to be a Christian to be a kind individual. Many who are adherents to other creeds – or indeed who may be atheists or an agnostics – can be kindly individuals. But as sure as eggs are eggs, you can’t be a Christian and not have this vital quality of kindness. Let us take this seriously and be a kind person so that we can glorify God in the way we behave in this aspect of the true Christian way of life.
God offers blessings that are contingent on obedience. Any blessing that we may have in our lives is a direct result of God’s generosity. On the commanded Holy days, we are instructed to bring an offering that reflects our gratitude for the blessings that we have received.
With a Strong Hand
The application we are to make for putting leaven out of our lives is to that of overcoming sin—an impossible task without God, but He has promised abundant help if we are willing.
Sideways – For Your Sake
Many times we find life not going the way we expected or planned it to go. What do we do during those times? What do we do when hardships and strong trials seek to take us down? God has a plan for each of us. This plan includes wanting to do good things for us. We need to learn how to respond and how to act.
We live in an ever increasingly divided world. We make military decisions as a country that serve our own interests in the name of “Justice” which only further the rift between world powers. We cannot rely on a false sense of justice as Christians. We must build up a foundation based on Godly Wisdom if we are to remain lights to the world.
The Perspective of Passover
Do you understand Passover in its historical context and is there a prophetic frame of reference for this annual Feast Day? What about right now—does Passover really relate at the present time?
How Thankful Are You?
Are we thankful enough? Do we only show our gratitude when it goes well with us? How can we be thankful in trials? What is a major cause for unthankfulness? Is thankfulness conditional?
Goal of Perfection
To achieve perfection, we must be prepared at all times by doing what God specifically tells us to do. To help us better strive for that perfection, we must have hope, faith, and love towards each other and God’s law. Having the right attitude and the right goal will ultimately bring us closer to perfection.