God has made many promises to His faithful followers. We can be assured of these promises because His every utterance is truth! What are we doing then to make that truth a reality in our lives?
The Long Game
To be a Christian involves having a special vision that seems foolish when measured by worldly standards. Whereas the goals that are set by worldly measures seek a short-term outcome with a temporary duration, the goals of a Christian are long-term and eternal. These actions we take today must be directed towards the ultimate long-term outcome that God plans for each of us.
Establish Our Hearts
Our emotions and desires dwell within our hearts. What does it mean when we put our hearts into something? How do we establish our hearts and for what reason?
Prophetic Developments in the USA and Europe
What are the facts behind President Trump’s executive immigration order regarding a “travel ban,” and its worldwide condemnation? Why did a federal court temporarily block the ban? Why do we in God’s Church report about these events? Do they have prophetic significance? And are some, if not many members still too much involved in this political world?
Inauguration 2017- The Hidden Meaning
There was a lot said during the Inauguration of 2017, including anticipations, goals, blessings and prayers for this nation. But what does the Bible have to say about the future of this nation? What is prophesied and are we prepared for what is coming?
The Weightier Matters
In a world that is ripe with self-importance, self-justification and disregard for God, what is our charter? What is it that God really expects from us as true Christians and eventually from the entire world? What truly matters in God’s view?
Life Is Short!
What does the Bible say about the length of our lives on Earth as human beings? What can we do to make the most of the relatively short time we have been granted to live? By following the instructions we have been given, we can be fulfilled to the utmost!
Jesus Christ Lives!
Jesus Christ is the most well-known name in the world today, but very few people actually know Him for Who He really is! Even fewer grasp the reality that Jesus Christ lives!
A Fantasy Religion?
Godly religion isn’t a game! If we truly want to win that imperishable crown then we must be willing to sacrifice everything to obtain it.
Why Keep the Law?
What are the reasons in the Bible for keeping the law of God today? When we choose the path of being obedient to God’s spiritual law and commandments, the difference that it makes in our lives is astounding!