Is the Soul Immortal?

Most religious people, Christians and non-Christians alike, believe in the immortality of the soul. What does the Bible say about this question? Do people have souls, or are they souls? Are there dead souls? Can a soul die? Why does the Bible speak about the resurrection of the dead, if the dead are not really dead, but keep on living after death as “immortal souls”? What is death? And what is hell, in which God can destroy body and soul?

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How are we doing in our spiritual lives to get us motivated?  What can we do to keep us going as we run our race to perfection?

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The Power of Persistent Prayer

The Bible reveals that those who please God and seek His will have their prayers heard by Him, but what happens when you don’t receive an answer right away? Do you lose heart and think that God isn’t really listening? What should you do then?

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And Now We Wait

The anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ is a source of great excitement. As we watch the events that lead up to that time occur in shocking consistency with prophecy, the excitement grows even greater. Because of this, it can be hard to wait. Yet the Bible instructs us to be patient and dedicate our efforts to our spiritual preservation, leaving the details about physical protection to God.

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A Favorite Bible Personality

This message looks at a number of reasons why the apostle John might be a favourite of many if his experiences as one of the original apostles are examined.

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Continue On

We will continue to struggle throughout life as we go through tests and trials, but the key is to get back on track and continue on.  Are we tested for the purpose of failing or for the expectation of success?

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Unity of God’s People

A trait of God’s people has always been that of unity. That doesn’t mean that it is some thing that is easy to accomplish. Looking at relationships we see that God and Christ have to be our example. In everything they are one. We must have individual unity with God and collective unity with fellow Christians. We must all have love for each other and show kindness in all examples. We have to have unity so that we can make it into God’s Kingdom.

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Walk Worthy

Be cautious not to be deceived, especially by ourselves, which leads us to sin and causes us to turn away from God.

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Growth in the Church – Feast Sermon 2016

If we want to grow, we must be faithful in the small things; we must  help the little ones; and we must not despise the day of small beginnings. We must control our thoughts and avoid wrong ideas and hypocrisy. When God begins something, He does so in a small way, so that it can grow and become bigger. Even His kingdom and rule must and will grow. God’s Church is small today—a little flock—but its growth is predestined, if it fulfills its godly mission. Individual Christians must have a part in this growth.

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