Do you know how to resolve negative feelings toward people you know? Negative feelings and emotions are a burden to carry. This KEY will set you free.
Hope Does Not Disappoint
The promise of God to bring His saints into His family and allow them to inherit the kingdom of God is a tremendous thing to contemplate about the future. It is the ultimate object of hope in the life of a Christian. Hope involves more than having something to look forward to, however. Hope also involves faith and taking the actions that are within our control to fulfill the goals that God sets for us.
Why Are We Here?
Once we have a vision and know what we are trying to accomplish in our lives in regard to our spiritual lives we must continue to move forward in this regard. The Feast and Sabbath days are important for us to keep. God has decided to call us now and put us into His family as He has seen fit. We must continue to serve Him so that we can stay close to Him.
Why can’t God’s people all get together? That question has been asked time and again, and if there is an answer for us, it will come from God’s Word.
Our Spiritual Maintenance
Do we need a spiritual maintenance checkup? Just like a vehicle that needs maintenance every few thousand miles, our spiritual maintenance, more importantly, needs to be checked also. How are we doing spiritually?
Trust in God
Building the Kingdom!
The Kingdom that Jesus establishes will be built on the ruins of the earth, but there are other foundations than a ruined earth upon which the Kingdom of God will arise. The Bible reveals many details about this future time and the role we will have in it.
Godly Wealth
Accumulating real wealth that you don’t leave behind when you go, is something few people think about. The alternative investment is God’s Superfund, this one provides benefits for all eternity.
Dominion From God
Stupendous, wonderful, amazing news lies just beyond the hopelessness which so characterizes our time! God’s rule will be established on the earth, and we are destined to have a part in this glorious future!
Let Us Make the Most of This Feast
The Feast can fill us full of hope and optimism as we have a marvellous future to look forward to with none of the hopelessness that so many in the world can suffer from. A vision of the coming Kingdom of God is such an exciting prospect! Let us have an attitude of thanksgiving to the great God for this marvellous opportunity and make the most of the Feast.