Start With “Why”

In order to start a life that is useful and is full of growth, we need to start with asking the question “Why?” Often times our visions may not be in-line with God’s visions because we may not always be asking the right questions. We need to constantly keep in mind what we are trying to accomplish and what God wants out of this as well. What is your vision?

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Reaching Atonement

Days are often observed as memorials, but society doesn’t really observe a day that looks forward! God’s Holy Days are different—their meaning encompasses the past, present AND the future.

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In God’s Hands

Are our lives in God’s hands?  Are the trials that we experience part of God’s purpose?  Does God have a hand in world affairs and the leadership, and does He control what the fate of this nation and the rest of the world will be? How can we be spared from the devastation that will soon take place?


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No More Separation

Christ came to reconcile us with God the Father; to break down the wall of separation between God and us; to make us one with God. But Christ did not die for us alone. He is the Savior of all of mankind. The Day of Atonement reminds us of the fact that the world is not lost; that Christ came to reconcile the world to God the Father.

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Too Much Stuff

We live in a country that has been richly blessed over the last few decades. But as our riches have grown so has our attitude against obeying God as we have become a self reliant people.  What does God have to say on this subject? Should He be involved in how we live? What exactly is it that we are striving for?
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God’s Protection

With so much trouble in the world today and in the future to come, mere thoughts of danger might invoke anxiety and inspire fear. However, God promises protection in the most dire of circumstances, but not to everyone. How can this divine protection from God be obtained?

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God’s Holy Days According to the Spirit

The weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days are still to be observed today by true Christians, but they do so according to the Spirit, without applying the letter about sacrifices, washings and Jewish traditions. The shadow of temporary rituals is of symbolic significance for us today.

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You Have Been Warned

We grow used to warnings, and it is easy to think that they don’t really apply to us. That attitude becomes tragic when the warnings are from God—for His warnings are a matter of life and death!

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What Do You Seek?

If we want to find the answers that will lead us to eternal life, we need to ask the right questions. What are the kind of questions that Christians need to ask? How are we to respond once we learn the answers?  By actively seeking the will of God to be done, we will obtain the greatest gift ever offered to mankind.


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