Declaring War Against This World

Have we truly declared war against this world and all that it stands for? If we profess Christianity as a belief we are also professing, like Christ, that we have come out of this world. Have we? Words mean little if we are ill prepared, or unwilling to completely step away from Satan’s influence.

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Rejoice in Generocity

The attitude that we have when offering a gift to God is vitally important. Not only are we commanded to appear before God with an offering on God’s commanded Holy Days, we are also instructed to rejoice in our generosity.

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Lessons From Leaven

The Holy Days reveal God’s framework for mankind’s salvation. They outline—that is, map out key elements in God’s Master PLAN. The Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches us about removing sin from our lives, but there is much more for us to learn during this observance!

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Overcome Not Succumb

The importance of drawing close to got and put distance between you and sin and Satan’s influences. The greater the distance from sin the closer to God you will be. Also a look at the 7 promises for those who overcome.

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Why FootWashing?

Jesus instituted footwashing in connection with the NT Passover as a symbol of service.  It is a physical reminder of the principle He had taught them before that they ought to be as He was – and do as He did – Matthew 20:28 states that “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”   As Jesus said in John 13:17: “If you know these things, happy are you if you DO them.”

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Let Him Eat the Bread and Drink of the Cup!

Paul tells baptized members of God’s Church to partake of the Passover, but he also admonishes us to examine ourselves first, so that we do not eat and drink in an unworthy manner. What then are we to do?

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Passover Preparation (Special)

As a baptized member of the Church of God, we need to prepare for this year’s Passover service on April 21, 2016, by examining ourselves. Will we partake of the Passover in a worthy manner? If not, we will be judged by God and may face serious sickness or even premature death. We must ask ourselves the following questions, among many others: Who is the most important person in your life? What is the cause for sin?

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The importance of Enduring to the End and remaining faithful to our calling in order to qualify for our eternal reward.


Strength in Unity

When we are faced with trials, how do we respond, how do we react? Do we neglect the power of prayer when we go through difficult times?  Are we strong enough?  Is there a purpose for the trials we may be going through?  We must understand that we are not alone, as we ALL struggle at times,  which is why it is important to pray for one another, and if we put our problems into God’s hands, anything is possible.

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It’s a Miracle!

According to the Bible, extraordinary events which defy human experience or understanding have and will occur. Some miracles are from God, but we are warned that Satan can also bring about unexplainable wonders. It is extremely important that we know the difference!

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