Finding the Perfect Church

As a Christian how would you describe yourself? Would you say that you are perfect—right now? Or would you admit that there remains much to perfect?

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First Love

When we talk about becoming converted Christians, we often express the experience as discovering our first love. The Bible is clear about the importance of hanging onto our first love, but how do we do that? What is the substance of our first love? If we have lost our first love, how can we return to it? When we have our first love, what do we need to do to nurture it? Our future in God’s Family depends on the answers!

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The Alien Life

Christians are to live as strangers and sojourners on the earth. They are to live in the world but to be separate from it? What does this actually mean?

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Marriage without a License?

Today, many men and women are living together without being married. But is such an arrangement acceptable in God’s eyes? Or is this conduct equated in Scripture with fornication? How does a marriage begin? Did God create Adam and Eve as husband and wife? Is marriage a covenant which is preceded by engagement or betrothal? What about a wedding and a wedding supper? How about adultery and divorce? What connection is there between a physical marriage and the spiritual marriage between the Church of God as the bride and Jesus Christ as the bridegroom?

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The Greatest

The greatest people in the world, the most brilliant minds, the most talented & the strongest, what do they have in common? The biggest buildings, the most amazing mechanics, the latest piece of technology, plays out to what end? We live in an age that values these types of things. But in the end what happens to all of this? Do we stop and ask ourselves the really important questions? What do we place our value in?

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Stripes at the Great White Throne Judgment

In the Second Resurrection or the Great White Throne Judgment, God will offer salvation to all those who died without having been called. But what is meant with the stripes which some will receive? Why will it be more tolerable for some than for others, and why will some receive greater condemnation? Will God just ignore the horrible crimes and atrocities of mass murderers and perverts? What is meant with the statement that tax collectors and harlots will enter the Kingdom of God before the Pharisees?

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Moving On

Transitioning from the joyous time we experienced at the Feast of Tabernacles, right back into our routine lives, can be challenging. Keeping our focus strong is key and we need to make sure that we don’t become lazy in our efforts but rather, we should remain diligent.


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Blackness or Light?

Christians are to be the light of the world! Is your light bright and shining ever more brilliantly, or are you being overtaken and pulled back into the blackness you once escaped? Importantly, are you even aware?

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