Those who are called out of the world to become converted Christians in this age are referred to as Firstfruits. What does this mean for us now and in the future?
Waiting For the City
Jerusalem finds mention historically—while at times fading from the record only to re-emerge as the focus of some of the most dramatic events recorded in God’s Word. Far more than just recounting events of the past, the Bible offers a key to understanding the future of Jerusalem and its role for what God has planned for us—and for all of mankind.
The Value of the 10 Commandments
The wise person will receive God’s Commandments which outline God’s way of life. The fool will not! If everyone on earth kept just one of the Ten Commandments today, the whole world would be so very much a better place. What a difference it would make. When Jesus Christ sets up the Kingdom of God on earth, all 10 of the Commandments will be kept and the world will be a completely different place than today – and so much better for it!
From childhood we are taught to imitate the things that we see. The Bible often tells us that we are to become as little children, with the ability to walk in Christ’s foot steps, as He left us examples to do so. The Apostle Paul was intimately aware of this and begged people to follow after Christ. Imitation is of the utmost importance if we learn to do it correctly with God leading us the whole way.
Rituals of Man or of God?
What do we VALUE? What do we truly CHERISH? Worldly traditions or Godly institutions? We should also be bringing Him a gift from the heart.
After the Millennium
Conditions and events leading up to the Great White Throne Judgment period, Satan’s final fate , the new Jerusalem and beyond, when the physical is no longer and their is only the spiritual – for eternity.
What Are We Fighting For?
We are at War! God is training us for His service and the fulfillment of His Will. Few have truly taken up arms against Satan by actively rejecting his influence in this world. Those that do, including each of us with our eyes opened to the truth, must be prepared to wage spiritual war.
Our Great Potential
Many people in the world don’t understand the fascinating truth that we will have the opportunity to be Gods. Yet, the Bible is clear that this is the great potential of mankind. However, our great potential requires the right care. We need to spiritually position ourselves so that the potential energy that we have will become fulfilled in becoming sons and daughters in the family of God.
Stay Tuned In
The carnal mind is enmity to God and we as Christians must be tuned into God’s wavelength in order not to be led astray.
On What to Focus
The Bible speaks many times of the rejoicing that was done when the Law of God was once again being taught. It is incredible to see the reaction and the Joy that came along with them doing so. This Joy is something that we have to be mindful of keeping up. It comes from whole-heartedly seeking God’s way of life. Joyfulness is such a powerful tool that we can use to stay strong.