During the Millennium

Conditions as they will be in the millennium with Satan having been put away and the whole world will eventually worship the one and true God

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To Sigh and Cry

In the Kingdom of God, there will be no more need to “cry and sigh” but for the time being there is this necessity. Let us continually cry and sigh for the abominations that are all around us as God instructs us so that we can be a part of His family, and the Kingdom of God FOREVER!

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A Kingdom of Priests

Ask Protestants or Catholics what they think the reward is for being a Christian—what does salvation actually entail? The future beyond this physical life seems very vague with ideas suggested about being raptured, going to heaven or hell or entry through “the pearly gates” to become angels.

For those who are firstfruits of salvation, our future will be glorious and magnificent, for we are to become children of God—in His Family, serving as kings and priests.

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Survival in a hostile world and environment takes careful planning, care and thought. In our case we are surviving in this world awaiting for the return of our King. In the mean time, we have have to learn to rely solely on God for our strength and every thing else. If we learn how to properly survive now we will one day live for ever in eternity, no longer having to worry about surviving, but instead will live with rejoicing and greatness.

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What is Our Value to God?

Today we are one of 7 billion people on the earth and yet we have great value to God.   God has called us and purchased us, we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ and we bear God’s sign.

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Does God Travel?

Christ was attacked for saying that He was the Son of God—that He was God! We are attacked when we teach that we are God the Father’s begotten sons and daughters and that we will become God beings. But what is God, and what will we be? Is God an impersonal blob without form or shape? Was Christ resurrected as a formless blob ? Was He resurrected with a physical or a spiritual body? Does He travel from one place to another? Do angels travel? Will we travel as God beings? Or will we all be part of a great gigantic blob of nothingness?

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Glory describes the state in which God exists. But glorification also describes an action of offering honor and praise. How are these two concepts related? How is this relevant to the future of converted Christians?

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To the Young People

How old are you? Do you think that you are too young to go God’s Way of Life? Think again! Jesus was 12, when He was in the Temple, speaking to the scribes. King Josiah was 8, when he became king, and he was 16, when he began to seek God.  Does God have a plan for you? What is it?


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