
Restoration will be the focus of the Work of Jesus Christ as He establishes the Kingdom of God on earth. The Bible reveals tremendous details about this future time when peace and the knowledge of God will fill the world.

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Before the Millennium

Events and conditions leading up to the millennium and the return of Christ.

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Appearing Before God

We are appearing before God to celebrate His blessings in our lives. This includes rehearsing the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles—how it started, how it continues and how it will find new relevance in the future.

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The action of offering support to others and accepting support when it is offered is a very important aspect of living a Christian life. We support one another as brethren. We support the Church in it’s fulfillment of the great commission. We need support from the Church to understand the Truth. This act of offering support is part of our role in the Kingdom of God as well, when we will eternally support the will of God!

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Atonement: Life for Life

For the Israelites of old, this Day was governed by priestly activities—with sacrifices and ceremonial functions, first in the Tabernacle and then the Temple of God. But what does the Day of Atonement mean for us? How do we observe this time—is there more to it than going without food and water?

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The Small Things

Most of us are unaware of the small things which govern our lives—those critical elements which effect our physical well-being. This is also true when it comes to how we live as Christians. Paying attention to the small things is a lesson that is emphasized over and over in the Bible, and it is a vital key to spiritual growth.

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