Why Did King Saul Fail?

Following Israel’s demand for a king to fight their battles, God instructed the judge and prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as their king. Saul received God’s Holy Spirit, but he failed miserably. Why? In this sermon we will show you numerous examples of Saul’s misconduct leading to his downfall. They must serve as a warning for us. If we repeat King Saul’s mistakes, we might be likewise at risk of falling away from God.

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The Process or the Product?

If the world as we know it is passing away, of what value are our human achievements now? Sometimes it might seem that the work that we do is meaningless in the greater context of God’s plan. With this in mind, how can we find fulfillment in the activities and achievements of our lives?

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Discipline requires motivation, hard work, and keeping your eye on the goal.  For us to be good teachers and leaders, we need to be taught and led first ourselves through discipline.  This is our training process and as we continue to learn, through the examples in the Bible and the instructions from God by living His way of life, we will eventually achieve perfection.


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Brexit and/or Grexit?

Does the Bible give us any indication as to whether Great Britain will leave the EU–and whether or not Greece will leave the Eurozone? Once we understand how Britain and Greece are described in biblical prophecy, an interesting answer might emerge.


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Wait for God

From the beginning, people have refused to patiently obey God, and the consequences for such rebellion have proven to be very tragic! How can we take these lessons to heart and learn to wait for God?

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Set Your Hope in God

When we face an uncertain future filled with potential trials—or when great opportunities lie before us, what should we do? There are astounding promises in the Word of God for Christians, and we can confidently turn to Him as we fulfill our calling to salvation.

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Where to Begin?

Faced with impossible circumstances, a natural human response is to become stymied, not knowing what to do. At times, there may be many options to consider, yet none may be right. Since the calling of a Christian is a call to action we need to know where to begin, especially when facing the seemingly impossible.


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