
Those who are called out of the world to understand God’s truth today have a distinct and awesome privilege. They are blessed with the raw materials necessary to understand God’s Truth, truly become obedient, and overcome sin by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This opportunity is unique because it is available in the present moment. Christians do not need to wait to take an active role in fulfilling the plan of God.

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Despite difficulty in the trials we go through in our lives, are we strong enough to remain faithful to God’s way of life?

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Sinning Against the Holy Spirit

The sin against the Holy Spirit is the unpardonable sin, which will not be forgiven. Why is this so? And how can we determine whether we are in danger of committing the unpardonable sin? The Bible gives us important hints.

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Are You a Profitable Servant?

Much will be required of us because much has been given. To be a profitable servant we need God’s Holy Spirit living and working in us and with this power we have all the help we need to be a really profitable servant as we are instructed to be.

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Tune In

When a orchestra plays, they must first tune up. In order to fully get the most from the Spring Holy Days, we too must tune into God, and continue to build our relationship with Him.

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How Far Out of Egypt Have We Come?

The way that we measure how far out of Egypt we have come is the measure of our conversion which is NOT measured in miles but by the examination of our attitudes and the way that we behave and reflect our calling.


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Trust Me

When someone asks us to trust them, what makes it so that we do trust that person? Is it a feeling, an action? Do we trust God? Can we trust Him with everything? Does our trust in God have anything to do with righteousness and offerings?


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Man’s Will, God’s Will

The will of man is the power within each of us giving us the ability to choose our own actions. Sometimes our will is strong, and we are able to carry through with our intentions. Sometimes our will is weak, and we fail to accomplish our goals. Whether strong or weak, our will must always be in subjection to God’s perfect will, which leads us to eternal life in His family.


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We Aren’t Done!

While this Feast of Unleavened Bread is set aside for us to live without sin in our lives—which leaven portrays, the lesson must now continue!


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The Fall of Satan

The main cause of Satan’s fall was pride and we should ensure we don’t fall into that trap.  The seven things God hates are a reflection of the mind of Satan and something for us to avoid.


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