Time to Heed!
It seems we end up repeating sin in our lives, and there is real danger if we do not heed the lessons recorded for us in the Word of God. We are warned to avoid sin, and the example of leaven as a type of sin is the lesson of this Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Offertory – First Day of Unleavened Bread
My Candidate is Not Standing
A recent 52-page letter (an unprecedented intervention by the House of Bishops in the Church of England) – said “it is the duty of every Christian adult to vote, even though it may have to be a vote for something less than a vision that inspires us”. In John 17:12-16, Christ clearly said that His disciples, His followers, are not of this world. They are not to behave and act as the world, that is the society around us, does. We have to live in the world – but we are not to be part of it. Who do we take notice of – fallible human beings or the words of Jesus Christ?
How Much Is Enough?
How can we know if we are putting enough in each day in regards to our relationship with God? In prayer, in Bible study, in meditation. How can we know if we are really preparing, increasing and doing God’s will for us?
The Love for the Truth
The Disease of Affluenza
Affluenza has been described as “a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more”. Possession overload is not what a Christian needs and may distract him/her from the way that we have been called to.
Curiosity Hacked
Keep the Passover
Is was the custom of Jesus Christ to observe the Sabbath and Holy Days. He also kept the Passover, and in His fulfilling of the ultimate meaning of Passover, he left instructions about how His disciples should continue in His example. Why, then, is there so much confusion surrounding the true observance of Passover?
Russia and Iran in Prophecy
Terrible things are happening in Russia and Iran, but the Western world seems to be oblivious to these traumatic events. Opponents to Vladimir Putin are convinced that he is directly or at least indirectly responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov; and the numerous “unusual events” surrounding his murder and the many examples of prior murders of Putin’s opponents seem to support their reasoning. The Bible tells us very clearly what is about to happen in and pertaining to Russia, as well as its proxy, Iran, and why many governmental leaders seem to be sound asleep.