Mission Statement

Most companies have a mission statement, and so do members, the church, Satan and God. This sermon examines and expands on them.

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Biden’s Two Alternatives: Prosecution or Resignation—Comments on News and Prophecy, February 10, 2024

Special Counsel Robert Hur concluded in his report that Biden “willfully retained” highly classified and top secret documents at unsecured locations, but recommended against prosecuting Biden as a jury might not convict him because of his “perceived mental decline,” “confusion,” “diminished faculties” and “poor memory.” Democrats quickly condemned Hur for his “inaccurate, inappropriate and gratuitous comments.” But as this program will show, Hur’s comments were none of the above. Many examples are given which seem to support the concerns of a vast majority of Americans about Biden’s mental health. Which leaves us with two alternatives: If Biden is too senile to stand trial, then he must resign as President. If he is not mentally incompetent and his memory is good, as he claims, then he must be prosecuted. But replacing Biden with another candidate might already be too late and may constitute other serious challenges for the Democratic Party.

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Before It’s Too Late

As we continue to watch the world descend into chaos, we are admonished that we need to be the opposite – we need to draw closer and closer to God so that we are not sucked into the coming destruction. To do this, we need to make sure we are fully focused on our Christian lives. It will become too late at some point!

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Language and Limitation

One of many ways in which man has been limited is undoubtedly in his use of language.   In whatever language, the ability to describe God and everything about Him and all that He has done, is doing and will be doing, is limited by the fact that we are human and our understanding and vocabulary is, therefore, limited.   That is going to change in the future when God restores a pure new language to the nations.

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As for Me, I’ll Call on God

What do we do in situations where we need help and where we may think that nobody can help us? What can we learn from the examples in the Bible of those who went through exactly that? What did they do and what can we do?

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Since When Did God Know You?

Did God know YOU before you were born? And if so, when did God “start” to know you, by name? From the foundation of the world? Before the foundation of the world? Before time began? The Bible has much to say about God’s “foreknowledge” and the fact that some have been “predestined” to be ”called” for salvation in this day and age.  What exactly does this mean for YOU?

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To Be Like God

God has made a promise in many scriptures that we will see God as He is after our resurrection. This, of course, is not possible in our present state, as we must be changed for this to occur.

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What is the Law of Christ?

Jesus Christ instructs us that if we love Him, we are to keep His commandments. What are the commandments of Jesus Christ? How are we to understand the relationship between the commandments of God the Father and Jesus Christ? 

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The world’s greatest paintings and other pieces of fine art have one trait in common: they all develop fine lines or craquelure, over time. No matter how youthful our own physical appearance, we too develop superficial cracks and lines. Because of sin, we can also develop cracks in our relationship with God. Artwork can be repaired but the only real restoration we can achieve is through God. In this split sermon, we will consider Scriptures that can help lead us to the restoration that we can receive through repentance, God’s forgiveness, and ultimately, in God’s Kingdom.  

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Deceived? Not Me!

Is there a chance that you have been deceived about what you believe—especially when it comes to the Word of God? Is there a way to know what deception is and to avoid it?

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