Bold As Lions

The Bible speaks of those who are bold and it equates this with righteousness. How can we be sure that we are righteous and bold? As we continue to grow we can be sure that our boldness will be tested. How will we stand? And what shall we stand for?


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The Time of Salvation

Is there a 7,000 year plan for mankind’s salvation which corresponds to the creation week described in Genesis, or is there more? Would an exact understanding of all the historical events described in the Bible give one the key to salvation. What should Christians be doing to attain the salvation God is offering?


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The Helper

In the days leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He told His disciples that a Helper would be sent after He left them. What is the Helper that Jesus talked about? How can It work in your life?

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Powerful Tool, Dangerous Weapon

The tongue is very practical in the physical sense as it is a very useful tool when it comes to eating, fighting sickness, and speaking. In the spiritual sense, the tongue can be a blessing but also a dangerous weapon.

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The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 2

The last six of the Ten Commandments tell us how we are to love our neighbor. In this sermon, we will see how the Prophets describe godly love towards our fellow man, emphasizing the need to honor our parents, to avoid and shun hate and murder, as well as adultery and fornication, stealing, lying and covetousness. Many reject God’s law and as a consequence, they love the evil, while hating the good, and when they are told what they are doing, they do not want to listen. But God knows and sees their ways, and He will not be silent forever. God chastises whom He loves.

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The Power of Positive

It is easy to become discouraged by the difficulties that we face as Christians living in a world that is contrary to the ways of God. However, the Bible is clear that we have many reasons to have a positive attitude. With a positive attitude, we gain the strength to overcome this world and find peace.

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Better Off Now?

When we become baptized and a member of the Church, how does our life change? Does it change for the better or worse? A lot depends on our attitude and how we look at life. Are we better off now that we have become members of the body of Christ?

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No Escape From Death

We do not know when we will die, but we do know that we will die. Death is inescapable, and so we need to be prepared. How will we die? Will our day of death be better than our day of birth? Will we die the death of a righteous? Will we be blessed in death? Will death have lost its sting for us? Will the crown of life await us?

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The Joy of Sin

We are inundated with the concept that Christmas is the most joyful of all seasons. While many grasp to find some sort of joy, it is at most just a passing feeling. Real and lasting joy can only be understood and experienced while God is involved in our lives.

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The Inner Man

Christians are undergoing a profound change! It involves the renewing of how we think and behave, and it will lead to a transformation from mortal, fleshly existence into that of immortal, spirit life in the Family of God!

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