The Family of God

We have been given the promise of a glorious future as sons and daughters of God. A never-ending Kingdom will be established in new heavens and on a new earth. We must not neglect so great a salvation!

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Joy in the God of My Salvation

After spending time at the Feast of Tabernacles, fostering our spiritual growth, we need to be reminded of reasons to remain joyful when returning to our worldly dwellings and environment. Keeping our own personal spiritual purpose in focus provides us with a powerful perspective that can help us to rejoice as we work and wait for the Kingdom of God to come.

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God’s Plan Revealed Through His Holy Days

The weekly and annual Festivals and Holy Days describe God’s plan for mankind, but very few understand. We are going to review the prophetic significance of each Holy Day and Festival season and point out the many human errors which have replaced these days or modified their meaning. We must be very vigilant not to fall for any of these misconceptions, as there is still going to occur a falling away from the truth just prior to Christ’s return.

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From Calling To Action

The work of the Church of the Eternal God in fulfillment of the commission given by God involves efforts of many people. The product is bearing fruit, and will continue to do so as we follow His direction.

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4 Duties of a Christian

A Christians duties are mentioned many time throughout the Bible.  But one of the earlier leaders of the New Testament church gave four very clear instructions for Christians – an in depth look into how we can achieve the high standards that Peter gave.

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Don’t Be a Reluctant Heir!

Each of us has been given the chance to become part of the Family of God.  We will be priest and rulers in the Kingdom of God, helping Christ transform a society from satanic to Godly.  We mustn’t squander this calling by letting our own will, not the Will of God, cloud our judgment.  It’s His Will that we become first fruits in His Family.

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Learn To Teach

Christians are called to be teachers. Can you teach? Are you mastering the fundamentals of God’s government in order to explain to others? Does the Bible show you how and what you should teach?

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Journey By Faith

When we are initially called into the family of God, we only understand a small amount of God’s plan. Over time, this understanding grows if we are faithful to work at it. The plans that we make for how we will achieve the goal of eternal life must be designed to apply understanding that we will only have in the future. A Christian life is truly a journey by faith!

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God’s Government

The Kingdom of God will replace the ways of man with the perfect rule of God. Who will be involved? How will authority be organized? How will the perfect government of God be different than the governments of man? The truth revealed in the Bible is awesome.

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