Like a Thief

We are warned to be prepaired for Christs return.  When God’s wrath is unleashed upon this world our preparedness is what will insure we don’t suffer.

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What does the Bible tell us about blessings which we can receive from God, and which we should bestow on others? Is this only done in a very general way, or does the Bible also teach us about very specific and special individual blessings? How did God and His servants in the Old Testament bless individuals and entire nations? How can God’s blessings be bestowed on others today?

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Many people who claim Christianity have gravitated to party politics–that is, they take sides based on their own slant on who is right and who is wrong.  However, it is far too easy to become polarized as we view what is taking place, and we must not allow ourselves to be drawn into the mire of this society and away from God’s Kingdom.

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How Strong is Your Faith?

It has been said that faith can move mountains. But is this really true? What is faith? And what kind of faith do we need to please God? Can you work out this faith on your own? What kind of faith did Jesus have? Is it possible for us to have that same kind of faith? If so, how? This sermon will show us from many examples how strong Christ’s faith was, and how strong our faith needs to become.

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All humans have emotions. And since God created humans, and we are created in His image, then that must imply that God also has emotions.  We must understand though the difference between good emotions and wrong emotions.

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Does Sin Lead To Success?

Does sin pay? Are sinners happy people? Are they more successful and blessed than others? Can they look with confidence at a peaceful future? The Bible shows us that none of this is true. Sin leads to disaster. It sets in motion an automatic chain of events. There is a cause for every effect. There is a fundamental difference between the righteous and the wicked. We will reap what we sow. Our sin will find us out.

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Religion of the House of Judah

After almost 2,000 years of being scattered from their homeland, Jews returned to establish the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. To this day, Jews have maintained their distinctive religious practices, and for some Jews–and even non-Jews–there is an expectancy of something more than historical relevance to justify the modern State of Israel.

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Seeking a Homeland

Even in our physical residence, we are not spiritually at home. Christians are pilgrims and sojourners who are admonished to seek first the ultimate homeland – the Kingdom of God.

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