What comes to your mind when we mention the gospel of the Kingdom of God? How do you understand the gospel message? What is it about? Whom is it from? What IS the kingdom of God? What does the Church need to proclaim today? Is it just a message about Christ’s coming rule over the earth? Or is there much more? Do we live up to our individual and collective responsibilities, as revealed in the gospel? Since the gospel message includes the peace and unity of the God Family, why is there disharmony in the Church and among fellow brethren? God the Father and Jesus Christ are unified, even though there is authority in the Godhead. How are we using our authority given to us from God? Are we trying to reconcile with our fellow man, or are we content to live in disunity?
The Strong and Weak
The Nations
The Bible speaks about and defines nations – all from God’s perspective. While the nation of Israel is of a particular note, the ultimate truth for mankind is that the promises of God’s salvation transcend physical boundaries to include all people.
Eye of a Needle
An in depth personal story involving my music career as to how it all started, what’s happening now, what the future plans entail, and the significance of God’s guidance throughout this entire journey.
Reasons Why We Are Here
Create or Destroy
God is a creator. Satan is a destroyer. What is the purpose of God’s creation? How does Satan attempt to sabotage God’s plan? What can we do to participate in God’s creative plan?
Before Time Began
God is the creator, and He had formed His great Master Plan that involves the salvation of mankind. By keeping the Feast of Tabernacles, the Church of God is foreshadowing the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth – knowledge that is not relevant to the rest of mankind.
How It Will Be in the Millennium
The book of Isaiah tells us quite a bit about the conditions in the Millennium. In this sermon, we will discover what Isaiah was inspired to write pertaining to a future time about which most people have no understanding.