Shepherd Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is one of the most beautiful, encouraging, and inspiring in all the Bible, especially during trials, and often in history at imminent death. This message covers: overview, background, and each of the 6-verses: amplified, expounded, and interpreted, with emphasis on real shepherds perspectives–“A shepherd looks at Psalm 23.” Includes fascinating sheep’s perspective. Scripturally shows Jesus as our shepherd and we being sheep. The Conclusion: “23rd Psalm Made Simple!” includes what may be one of the greatest interpretations of Psalm 23 ever heard.

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Your Relationship with God", Part 2

We noted in Part 1 of this series, that once a person is called of God, there is a special relationship established between that person and God. As we examine the lives of men God established such relationships with, as inspired to be written in His Holy Word, we can learn much from the information recorded relative to those relationships. This second part of this series is a continuation of this examination.

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The Road Ahead

We have set before us the incomparable goal of eternal life in God’s Kingdom, but sometimes we don’t consider what we will have to deal with in the interim. Three keys for staying the course in our calling are: Expect problems on the road ahead, and deal with them; Walk with God as you travel the road ahead; Travel the road ahead–don’t quit until you are finished.

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Balanced Christian Living

As followers of Christ, we are to have a sound and balanced mind. We must avoid extremes. We are warned not to behave overly righteous, nor to be become wicked. I would like to discuss today several areas of life, including the consumption of alcohol, smoking, drugs, premarital sex, marriage and divorce, as well as music, television, movies and the internet. While we are never to smoke, engage in premarital sex, or divorce for wrong reasons, parents must still have a right, balanced approach to teach their children how to make right decisions. In other areas, parents must avoid to establish too rigorous and restrictive rules.

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Your Relationship with God

God is interested in your life! Once He decides to call a person to His Way – that person becomes of special interest to Him. That’s the reason, as we see God calling Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to His Way we find a considerable amount of detail concerning their lives in His inspired Word! No doubt, that is the reason God inspired Mr. Herbert Armstrong to write the Autobiography of his life. These recorded summaries are important for us to understand, as we look to these men as examples in our pursuit of obedience in God’s Way!

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The Work of God

Modern day disciples of Jesus Christ are to do the work of God. Jesus specifically commissioned His followers to continue working after His death and resurrection. That assignment continues to our day, and it will succeed us. The work of God involves preaching about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the fact that He will return to this earth. This good news must be proclaimed in confident boldness–just as the original apostles, elders and brethren did.

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The Last Great Day – 2004

There are many days noted in Scripture which one could refer to as great. But this day – God refers to as the Last Great Day! Why?

This day pictures a time – yet in the future – when all of mankind who never understood the Plan of God – will receive Understanding and an opportunity to become future Children of God!

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The Far Future

God has a purpose in mind for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. Beyond the immediate horizon of God’s Holy Days’ plan lies the far future in which tens of billions of human beings will have been made immortal and who will be like Jesus Christ! Biblical evidence reveals a future creation that will be composed of spirit and one that will continue to increase into an unending future-forever and ever!

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A Whole New World

An outline of the problems facing the world today and an evaluation of the crisis facing humanity in the near future contrasted against what will be our part in the government in the world tomorrow ruling with and under Christ.

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How To Overcome

Overcoming takes great diligence and constant vigilance, and it is a lifelong process for Christians.
We must make a choice to follow either good or evil. The most important key to our being able to overcome to make our stand before we sin–not after! This is the way in which Jesus Christ, though tempted in all points as we are, overcame sin to become our Savior.

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