The King

Jesus Christ holds a great office in the Kingdom of God. The Bible reveals that He is the King, the King of Glory, the Great King–the King of kings! It is vital that Christians understand Who Jesus Christ is and that He will soon return to this earth to establish the Kingdom of God. What that truth means to each of us who have this understanding also has great importance, because we are promised rulership with Christ upon His return. Two time frames are considered: (1.) His first appearance; and, (2.) His second appearance.

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The Two Goats

Leviticus 16 describes for us a remarkable ceremony that took place in Old Testament times, on the Day of Atonement, also called the Fast. This day is known today as Yom Kippur. On that day, two goats were chosen by golden lots. One lot was called “For the Lord,” or “La Adonai,” and the other lot was called “For Azazel,” or “La Azazel.” The first goat, the “La Adonai” goat, was offered as a sin offering. The second goat, the “La Azazel” goat, was sent away alive into the wilderness, after the high priest had laid both hands upon the head of the goat, confessing over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites. The “La Adonai” goat pictured Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who gave His life as a sin offering and as a sacrifice for all of mankind. The “La Azazel” goat symbolized Satan the devil. What does this ancient ceremony on the Day of Atonement mean for us today?

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Fast to Draw Near to God

One of the major keys to our not losing out in the battle we presently find ourselves in with Satan, the devil, is fasting. Why is fasting significant? Why does God require it? What makes it so important to our success in achieving God’s Kingdom? This sermon will answer these and other important questions in regard to the tool of fasting.

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Make Your Calling Sure

Peter admonishes God’s people, in 2 Peter 1:10-12 to “…be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure…” so that we make every effort not to stumble in our pursuit to enter the everlasting Kingdom. The Feast of Trumpets reveals to us the many trials this world faces as we approach the time of the end of this age.

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The Warning

Summarizing the context of chapters 24 and 25 of Matthew, Jesus warned his followers to watch and be ready. For Christians, that entails heeding the warning of God. Examples from the world before the flood; the rebellious generation of the children of Israel that left Egypt; the disobedient Jews in the time of the prophet Jeremiah, and the generation at the close of this age are given in terms of responding to the warning of God. The point is made that we must participate in “blowing the trumpet” of warning by fulfilling the commission of Matthew 24:14.

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Fear and Humility

The need to fear God in a right and appropriate manner in a spirit of humility.

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Forgiveness From the Heart

Forgiveness is something we must all exercise. The Bible tells the story of many brothers which includes Christians who are spoken of as brethren. How we are to forgive is illustrated by the examples of the father of the prodigal son; by Joseph with his brothers; by the Church at Corinth; and, by the example of the forgiveness of God. When we forgive another that forgiveness promotes love; it is something we do that another may not even be aware of; and, it is a responsibility for Christians to forgive. The Biblical teaching shows that forgiveness from the heart is a great power we have to mend and to build relationships.

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True Friendship

One of the rare commodities in this world is true and lasting friendship. Even in the Church of God, real friendship seems to be the exception, rather than the rule. Could it be that we have overlooked some important principles regulating friendship? True friendship does not just happen. And, if we have true friends, we need to apply certain laws to guarantee that our friendship lasts. The most important friendship that anyone could acquire, is our friendship with God. What an awesome privilege it is to be called a friend of God. Christ said that we are His friends, if we do whatever He commands us.

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The Church is Important

Our view and our involvement in the Church of God are important. But the Church of God is not just important to us individually. The Church is important to others among whom are: God; Jesus Christ; the members; you; our families; the world; and the Kingdom of God.

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