Shepherds and Sheep

Why does the Bible use Shepherds and Sheep extensively throughout its pages? What can we learn by studying what it says about these creatures and the people who were to tend them? How can we learn to become better in both regards so that God can use us perfectly in all ways?
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Our Unique Talents

Each one of us is blessed with unique talents which God has given us to use.  There are examples in the Bible of individuals who had specific talents for God’s purpose.

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War and the Railroad Strike–Comments on News and Prophecy, November 26, 2022

Was it ever God’s intent that humans should resort to violence and fight in war? What did the Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong teach on this issue? Is a railroad strike inevitable, beginning in early December? What would such a strike do to our economy? Would Congress have to intervene? If so, what would the reaction be of labor unions and left-wing Democrats? What can we learn from the history of prior railroad strikes?

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God the Father Is the Highest

There is a tendency in many churches to either under- or overemphasize the role and position of God the Father and of Jesus Christ. It is of tremendous importance that you understand the truth in this regard, as it is revealed in the pages of your Bible. This sermon will show that God is a Family and a Hierarchy, and this means, God the Father and Jesus Christ are NOT equal in authority.

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Quiet Quitting Christianity

Quiet Quitting is a relatively new term in the marketplace that describes individuals who do just enough to get by. As Christians, do we fall into this category? If we do, how do we reverse and do better?

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Thoughtful Action

How do we react when we are in a situation where we would feel offended by what the other person may do or say?  Do others feel offended by things that we may do or say, even if the things that we are doing are right in God’s eyes?  What did Jesus Christ do when He was on this earth and faced with these same kinds of situations?  Was He being offensive in any way and how did He take offense?

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The Toxic Choice

We understand that sin is a debilitating aspect of the human existence. It takes us away from God in our thoughts and actions and separates us from Him. What is perhaps less obvious is that sin is toxic, and it impacts many around us when we choose that pathway. This Sermonette will cover Scriptures that help us to understand this and incorporate this awareness into our lives. We will also discuss the steps we can take to repair the damage we can inflict with our sins.

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Be Counted Worthy

Worthiness inherently involves an evaluation, which can be frightening in certain circumstances. For Christians, being worthy in the eyes of God for salvation and other blessings requires faith and personal transformation. It is within the capacity of everyone whom God calls to succeed, turning that frightening experience of evaluation into an exciting one.

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Seeking And Finding GOD!

The Bible presents examples of nations and individuals who sought God and found Him, and it also reveals what God expects of mankind in this regard.

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The only way that we can grow as Christians is by acknowledging our weaknesses so that we give place for God to work in our lives. The vulnerability in that acknowledgment is uncomfortable, but we can trust in the strength of God to give us relief.

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