God Is Angry

If there are so many people in the world who are doing good things to help their communities demonstrating love for one another, could God really be angry enough to unleash His wrath upon the Earth as a punishment? What is it that makes God angry, and what can we do to appeal to His mercy as the Day of the Lord approaches?

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Turn the Cheek

Nearly everywhere we turn these days we see people claiming to be offended by colleagues, school mates, family, friends and even the brethren. Despite the ease of taking offense, true Christians understand the need to rely on God for the strength to turn the other cheek and avoid escalation. In this Sermonette we will consider various scriptures and examples of what true Christians must do in order to obey God and not the world.

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Our Atmosphere

We can survive physically through God’s perfect creation of the earth within the atmosphere mankind lives in. The atmosphere at this year’s Feast of Tabernacles was everything that this current world is not. It was positive with joy, peace, and spiritual food to prepare us for what the future holds. The atmosphere of this world is deteriorating more and more and we must remain vigilant spiritually as we fight against the god of this world. How can we succeed?

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Why Are You Called Today?

If you can understand biblical Truth today, then God has called you and given you the opportunity to attain eternal salvation. Did God make a mistake? Don’t you know what to do with your calling… what God requires of you? If God has a plan for you, what is that plan? Are you expecting too much from God… or too little?

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How Are Your Feet?

In Proverbs 4:26 is a great admonition for all of us: “Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established.”  It is a good exercise to review what we do and whether we do have one foot in the world in one way or another.

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Liar Liar—Satan our Friend or Enemy

Satan can sow discord and destroy relationships by lying and spreading rumors. Lies, accusations and spreading rumors are a form of bearing false witness. Such actions violate the commandment to love our neighbor and are tools Satan uses to divide and destroy relationships. Is he a friend?

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Prayer—A Great Power & Responsibility

Praying is how we maintain a connection with God. This sermon outlines some of the important aspects of prayer.  It will also give points on what our prayers can do.

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Identifying Our Enemies 

This sermon discusses identifying our spiritual enemies which is a far more serious situation – a matter of life and death – than the temporary problems of this life which can be distressing, but are only for a short while.   Enemies that interfere with our spiritual life can have future eternal consequences and these are identified and discussed

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In His Footsteps

This sermon looks at the life of Christ, His purpose, His response to situations He went through, His early life, His ministry, His relationship with God and the example He set for us to  follow.

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