Current Events

“Why is President Bush So Popular in the U.S.?”

This is a question which is puzzling to most Europeans. Der Spiegel Online wrote on April 29, 2004, that President Bush seems to gain popularity in the U.S. “in spite of the debacle in Iraq.” The magazine speculated that part of the reason might be Mr. Bush’s uncompromising stance on things, “regardless of whether he is right or wrong.” In addition, it was pointed out that another reason, which might be somewhat related, is his “missionary zeal of a crusader.” He was quoted as saying that it is “the holy duty of the President” to defend the nation; and that he is only a “messenger who prays for strength to do the Work of the Lord.” The magazine concluded: “These words are no coincidence. How can one criticize the messenger of the Lord?”

The New York Times added the following comments in its article, published April 15:

“Compare Kennedy with Mr. Bush, who conceded no errors and warned that any Vietnam analogy with Iraq — in this acid flashback moment when 89 U.S. troops have been killed in two weeks and when McNarummy is forcing up to 20,000 troops to stay in Iraq — ‘sends the wrong message to our troops and sends the wrong message to the enemy.’

“He reiterated that his mission is dictated from above: ‘Freedom is the Almighty’s gift to every man and woman in this world.’

“Given the Saudi religious authority’s fatwa against our troops, and given that our marines are surrounding a cleric in the holy city of Najaf, we really don’t want to make Muslims think we’re fighting a holy war. That would only further inflame the Arab world and endanger our overstretched military…”

We have pointed out for quite a while that most recent events involving the United States of America, Great Britain, the Middle East, and continental Europe, are no coincidence, but in furtherance of God’s plan to bring about the end of our present civilization. To learn more about the historic importance of current events, please read our free booklets: “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Europe Ahead of the U.S.

As Der Spiegel Online reported on April 27, 2004, Europe has now acquired the sad reputation of being a bigger exporter of weapons than the U.S. While the U.S. has exported and sold weapons in 2003 in the amount of $4.4 billion (which constitutes 23.5 percent of the world’s weapons exports), the EU exported weapons in the amount of $4.7 billion (or 25 percent of the world’s weapons exports). More than 80 percent of the European exports originated in France, Germany and Great Britain.

With 37 percent of the world’s weapons exports, Russia has become the world’s biggest exporter of weapons, having become as powerful and influential as during Communist times, before the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Has Noah’s Ark Been Found?

On April 27, World Net Daily reported that “a team of scientists, archaeologists and forensic experts plan to climb Turkey’s Mt. Ararat this summer in quest of evidence that will prove they have discovered Noah’s Ark. Satellite photos taken last year at the height of a record-warm summer, give Daniel P. McGivern confidence he has discovered the biblical icon. ‘These new photos unequivocally show a man made object,’ McGivern told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington… The U.S. Air Force took the first photographs of the Mt. Ararat site in 1949, said. The images allegedly revealed what seemed to be a structure covered by ice, but were held for years in a confidential file labeled ‘Ararat Anomaly.’ The government released several of the images in 1997, but experts say they are inconclusive. McGivern’s expedition follows an attempt in 2002 by Porcher Taylor, a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. Taylor used satellite imagery of the area, but photos taken in 2003 by DigitalGlobe’s Quick Bird satellite provide a unique view because last summer was Europe’s hottest since 1500.”

The paper pointed out, too, that “there are many who believe Noah’s Ark has already been found on a site several kilometers from Mt. Ararat, and say it’s faithful to the Bible account which states in Genesis 8:4 the ark rested ‘upon the MOUNTAINS of Ararat,’ not mountain. The Turkish government has proclaimed it to be Noah’s Ark, and a visitor’s center is open there.”

The New Europe

As the Drudge Report pointed out on April 30, 2004, mass celebrations all over Europe took place to welcome 10 new European nations to the “European House.” It stated: “Hundreds of thousands of Hungarians celebrated their former communist country’s entry into the European Union with midnight parties in the streets of Budapest as the EU welcomed 10 new states on Saturday.

“Fireworks lit up the sky above Heroes’ Square in the Hungarian capital as the national anthem was played, followed by Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, which is the EU’s anthem.

“‘Hungary has returned to Europe and the values which Hungary has held dear for more than 1,000 years,’ Prime Minister Peter Medgyessy said as a gigantic eight-meter (25-foot) hourglass was turned over to begin marking the nation’s time in the EU.

“Hungarians had kicked off celebrations with the tolling of a flower-shaped bell at noon Friday and then took to the streets for evening parties.

“‘We are finally triumphing over our misfortunes,’ Medgyessy said at the bell ceremony. ‘Our integration (into the EU) can be a historic turning point.’

“‘We were the gates of Europe already but now we will be that from the inside,’ he said.”

AFP added the following comments: “Europe stood proudly reunited almost six decades after it was split in two by the Cold War, as 10 nations in eastern Europe and the Mediterranean took their places in the European Union. The once-communist states of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia officially joined the EU family at the stroke of midnight Central European summer time… Mediterranean islands Cyprus and Malta joined them as well, rounding out what is indisputably the world’s BIGGEST single economic bloc, and a fledgling political force, with a total population of 455 million. ‘For Europe, today [May 1, 2004] marks the closure of one chapter and the opening of another new and exciting chapter in its long history,’ said Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, whose nation holds the rotating EU presidency.”

The paper continued: “Poland, by far the biggest of the 10 newcomers, marked its EU entry with the hoisting of the blue, yellow-starred EU flag at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Warsaw. ‘Welcome to a united Europe,’ President Aleksander Kwasniewski said. ‘Dreams are becoming a reality.’ [Der Spiegel Online added that Kwasniewiski also said: “We can be proud that we are changing Europe.”] In Prague, on a stage bedecked with EU flags, Czech Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla called EU accession ‘the end of a long and difficult journey’ that began with the Prague Spring rebellion against Soviet domination in 1968… Germany hailed the moment by turning Brandenburg Gate — scene of jubilant scenes in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down — into one large beer garden.”

Associated Press stated on April 30: “Hundreds of thousands of people across the ‘new Europe’ celebrated with street festivals in a jubilant countdown Friday to the European Union’s historic enlargement… when the EU becomes a potential economic and political POWERHOUSE of 25 nations and 450 million citizens.” The article quoted Hans Gert Poettering, a German politician who leads the conservative faction in the European Parliament, as saying that the enlargement is the “EU’s greatest political success,” and that “it means that for the first time in European history peace can be ensured for the long term.'”

Sadly, in spite of such enthusiastic and euphoric comments, the Bible predicts quite a different development of the European power bloc. We also read that when they say, “Peace, peace,” there will be no peace (compare Jeremiah 8:11).

On May 1, 2004, Associated Press reported: “Former Czech President Vaclav Havel, the playwright who led the Velvet Revolution that ended communist rule in 1989, urged his countrymen to become ‘self-confident citizens of Europe.’ Czechs awoke Saturday [May 1, 2004] as members of a bloc ‘that is not a result of wars, that is not based on the violent domination of some over others, but which was born, evolves, strengthens and expands out of the free will of European nations,’ Havel said in Prague.” The article continued: “‘It creates an expanded market of 450 million consumers which will increase prosperity, trade, investment and jobs throughout the enlarged Europe,’ British Prime Minister Tony Blair wrote in an article published Friday in The Times newspaper of London. Blair pointed out that Britain’s trade with the eight new members from eastern Europe has doubled in the past decade as they shook off the remnants of communism and opened up their economies.”

According to AP, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder stated that “greater trade across the enlarged Europe” will make Germans “not poorer, but richer.” BILD Online added, on April 30, that Schroeder said that Germany’s export to new Europe is already bigger than its export to the United States.

Zenit reported on April 29 about a pilgrimage of Catholic bishops of the European continent to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, the “spiritual capital of Europe.” They pointed out that “the profound roots of a united Europe stem from the Franco-German reconciliation.” In addressing the European unification, they stated: “We Christians are convinced that God is the Lord of history and has manifested his lordship by sending His son, who died on the cross to gather those who are scattered. Precisely at Easter, when we pray for the community, we are following the plan of God, who desires reconciliation.”

According to Die Welt, of April 17, 2004, the “Catholic bishops of Poland told the Polish people to contribute with a Christian spirit to the building of Europe.”

Europe will ultimately be united under the spiritual and religious leadership of the Catholic Church, as many Biblical passages clearly reveal.

Europe’s Babel Tower reported on April 28, 2004, about the European problems to communicate with each other. The article pointed out that “a union of 25 member states [operates] in 20 official languages… In comparison, the UN has just six official languages.”

The article continued that there are “simply not enough people who are proficient in [for example] both Lithuanian and Spanish… The cost of the EU’s translation service is set to rise to around 800 million euro a year… In principle, the three working — as opposed to the 20 official — languages of the EU are French, German and English… English is the most spoken foreign language in the new member states, followed by Russian and German… Europe is set to keep its BABEL TOWER for the foreseeable future. From 1 May, the Germanic (German, English, Danish, Dutch, Swedish), Romance (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)and Greek languages will be joined by the Slavic (Polish, Slovak, Czech, Slovenian) and Baltic (Latvian, Lithuanian) tongues. The Finns will at last get some Uralic company and no longer be the only one speaking a non Indio-European language — they will be joined by the Estonians and the Hungarians while the Maltese will sit in linguistic isolation… But that is not the end of it. In a few years, Bulgarian, Croatian and Romanian could be added to the list of official languages.”

The Fruits of War

As if the US and Britain weren’t causing themselves enough grief already, pictures of soldiers treating captured Iraqi prisoners in such a detestable manner have been broadcast all over the world. Memories are long in that part of the world, and it may well contribute to what will happen in the near future in the coming captivity of modern Israel: ” ‘And the LORD will take you back to Egypt in ships, by the way of which I said to you, ‘You shall never see it again.’ And there you shall be offered for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you’ ” (Deuteronomy 28:68).

On the BBC a military official said of the British soldiers who did these things that they “were not worthy of the Queen’s dress.” A similar protestation has arisen from President George Bush by his indication that this isn’t the way Americans conduct themselves. However, this is certainly a true and accurate reflection of the fruits of war. Sadly, it is also a commentary on human nature run amuck and a further reason why this world is rushing headlong into the vortex of worldwide turmoil.

AIDS — an Ongoing Curse!

Bild Online published on April 16 some disturbing statistics on Aids. It titled its article: “People die of AIDS as never before!” It pointed out: “In 2003, three million people died of AIDS… 40 million are infected with the HIV virus, including 25 million children and teens. In 2003 alone, more than 14,000 people were infected with the HIV virus on a daily basis.”

The paper stressed, too, that not only homosexuals or drug users are infected, but that every fifth infected person is heterosexual. It added: “Nearly every second newly infected person is between 15 and 24 years of age. 3 million die yearly of AIDS — that means, 8,400 human beings die each day.”

Evolution and the Truth!

Following protests from Italian students and the Catholic conference of bishops, the Italian government announced that Evolution would no longer be taught in Italian schools to pupils, aged of 13 or younger, according to Der Spiegel Online of April 19. This decision caused a flood of protests from “renowned scientists and Nobel prize recipients,” stating that this prohibition “damaged the scientific culture.” As Der Spiegel Online reported on May 2, 2004, this protest prompted the Italian government to reinstate the teaching of Evolution to school children younger than 13.

The original protests by the students of the governmental party AGAINST Evolution were voiced in February, when a week-long anti-Evolution seminar was conducted, titled, “Evolution — a fairy tale for schools.” Pietro Cerullo, representative of the governmental party, had declared: “Darwin’s theory is important for the left. It developed when positivism existed in Europe, the forerunner of Marxism.”

The concept of Evolution is indeed false and unbiblical. The pressure and influence from scientists and other Nobel prize recipients cannot change the fact that the theory of Evolution is unproved and improvable — that it is, in fact, highly unscientific and IN OPPOSITION to established scientific facts. Please read our free booklet, “Evolution — a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

Current Events


On April 26, 2004, Bild Online published an exceptionally well-written, moving, disturbing and thought-provoking article pertaining to the terrors and problems of war. We are giving you excerpts from the article, in an English translation, as we feel that the terrible truth manifested in the article should make everybody realize the unspeakable tragedy of war — ANY war fought by humans in this world. War always leads to pain and suffering — and many times, those who suffer the most are innocent victims or “casualties” — exactly those very persons for whom, allegedly, the particular war had been fought in the first place.

The article was titled: “The other side of the war — The suffering of innocent children in Iraq.”

It was pointed out:

“Little Wiam Mohammed (4), of the Iraqi town of Fallujah, looks fearfully into the camera of the reporter. Her brown eyes are filled with tears. She is in pain. During a fight with US soldiers, her shoulder was injured. The wounds of her arm will heal — those of her soul may never heal.

“This is the sad story of the little Iraqi girl: Since April 5, the Americans had surrounded Fallujah. The situation has become critical. That is why Wiam’s parents decided to flee with their seven children to Baghdad. During their ‘flight,’ their car was shot at by American soldiers. Gofran (9), the oldest sister of Wiam, explains: ‘Bullets shattered against the car. The windows crashed. My mother and father were dead immediately. My younger brother was hit several times in the head. His face was totally distorted.’ Gofran’s sisters Saja (11) and Armal (5) also died during the shooting.

“Gofran continues: ‘I yelled for my mother, for my father — but I did not get an answer. I wept, then it was noticed that I was injured.’ The little girl sustained injuries at her right eye and her knee.

“The tragedy of Fallujah has destroyed a family. Gofran is now all alone with her sisters Doha (10), Khitam (5) and Wiam (4).

“The suffering of the children is the other, bitter side of the war. When U.S. President George W. Bush declared that major combat had ended, as of May 1, 2003… , hope erupted. Hope that finally peace would enter a country that had been demoralized by ex-dictator Saddam Hussein. But, one year later, neither fear nor brutality have disappeared.

“Occurrences, such as the one involving Wiam, happen nearly on a daily basis. Families are being destroyed, childhood and youth are being taken away from the children.

“Such as in the case of Hagar: The 14-year old girl from Baghdad lies in the hospital with extremely severe burns. Almost all of her face, her arms and her legs are burned. Natives wanted to attack American soldiers with shells. They missed and hit instead a farmer’s market.

“The bitter summary of the Iraq-war is this: Almost 700 soldiers of the allies and more than 10,000 civilians have been killed. Many families have lost their loved ones. Children weep for their parents, brothers and sisters. They grow up without any goal in life. Any hope that suffering, pain and fear would disappear, does still not exist one year after the official end of the Iraq war…”


UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s top envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi, called Israel “the great poison” in the Middle East, when he criticized Israel’s policy and U.S. support of it, according to Associated Press of April 24, 2004. He said that the establishment of an interim government in Iraq is being made more difficult by Israeli policy toward the Palestinians, claiming that the problems are linked. Brahimi’s daughter, Rym Brahimi, is engaged to Jordanian King Abdullah II’s half brother, Prince Ali. She announced that she will resign her job as CNN correspondent.


As Reuters reported on April 26, “a roll-call of former British diplomats blasted Tony Blair on Monday and said it was time for the prime minister to start influencing America’s ‘doomed’ policy in the Middle East or stop backing it.” The article continued: “In an unprecedented letter signed by 52 former ambassadors, high commissioners and governors — the top ranks of British diplomacy — Blair was urged to sway U.S. policy in the region as ‘matter of the highest urgency’… The protest letter comes as Blair faces DEEP DISCONTENT among voters for backing a U.S.-led war that MOST BRITONS HAD OPPOSED and for endorsing a Washington-driven policy that has put LONDON ON A COLLISION COURSE WITH ALLIES IN EUROPE.”

In a related article, AFP reported on April 24, 2004, that “Blair is facing a huge challenge in persuading Britons to back the proposed European Union constitution in a referendum, polls suggested…. Just 25 percent of voters said they believed Britain should sign up to the constitution. Meanwhile, 55 percent were against the move, and 19 percent were undecided.”

On April 25, 2004, AFP reported that “German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has said the European Union must find a way of ensuring a first-ever constitution can go into force EVEN IF COUNTRIES LIKE BRITAIN REJECT IT IN NATIONAL REFERENDUMS.”


Germany’s candidate for President, Horst Koehler, has publicly condemned the United States because of its Iraq policy, according to Der Spiegel Online, dated April 24, 2004. He claimed that the U.S. has committed “serious mistakes,” has acted in an “arrogant” way, and has had no plan for Iraq after the war. He charged that the United States have become proud because of their power.

Koehler is the candidate for President of the German opposition parties, the CDU and the FDP.


The true facts regarding aborted babies are gruesome and painful. In an article, dated April 24, reporting about the U.S. government’s defense of its partial-birth abortion ban against the industry’s lawsuit, stated:

“Dr. Anand took the stand in the morning and testified for hours that unborn children can feel pain even more vividly than adults or even infants. He said that by 20 weeks fetuses have developed all the nerve and brain functions to feel pain, but none of the coping mechanisms that help infants and adults to deal with the sensation. According to Dr. Anand’s research, handling the fetus in the womb, delivering the child up to its head, slicing open its skull and sucking out the brains would all produce ‘prolonged and excruciating pain to the fetus.’ The evidence of fetal pain is not new. Dr. Anand studied expressions of pain in unborn and neonatal children as early as the 1980s…” The article explained that “the courtroom remains virtually journalist free,” due to “the gruesome nature of what goes on inside those clinics.”

In its Commentary, World Net Daily wrote on April 24, 2004 about several disturbing facts, related to abortion, including a “suspected link between abortion and breast cancer… [and a] new Internet abortion business in which the pro-choice crowd is teaching underage girls how to use powerful and dangerous drugs to induce abortions on themselves. In the past, these drugs have proven to be potentially fatal, even with medical supervisions. Now, the abortion industry is showing 13-year-olds how to get them without a prescription.”

In his strongly worded Commentary, Mark Crutcher stated in his conclusion: “The list goes on and on, but the point is that one would have to be either horribly stupid or hopelessly naive to believe that America’s abortion profiteers care about the welfare of their customers.”

To be perfectly clear, abortion — any kind of abortion — is a sin in God’s eyes. There are spiritual reasons for this, which are fully explained in our free booklet, “Are You Already Born Again?


Der Spiegel Online published this week a series of articles on the “new Europe.” Its cover portrays a woman riding a beast. The woman gathers ten stars, holding one in her hand. The magazine is attempting to portray the mythological story of Europe or Europa, daughter of a Phoenician king, who was kidnapped by the Greek god Zeus, appearing to her in the form of a bull. Zeus carried her, in his bull-like form, to the island of Crete. The entire continent received its name from Europe, who was later worshipped in Crete. The ten stars are supposed to portray the ten new nations joining Europe on May 1, 2004.

The parallels with the prophecy written down in Revelation 17, describing modern and future Europe, are quite remarkable. There, we are told that John saw, in vision, a woman riding a beast. She had in her hand a golden cup. Ten kings gave their power to the beast on which the woman sat. The Bible says that when this happens, Europe will rule for only a very short time — apparently for three and a half years. (Our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Europe and the Bull,” goes into this issue in more detail.)

The Bible predicts that Europe will become an extremely influential power bloc, in competition with and finally hostile toward the United States, and that it will ultimately be ruled by ten core nations or groups of nations, which, in turn, will give their power to a charismatic leader. In light of these predictions, the following excerpts from several articles should be interesting: explained on April 19, 2004:

“According to the [European] draft constitution, the presidency of Europe would no longer be rotated among the member states. Instead, the president would be elected by the heads of states of member countries for a term of two and a half years. Supporters feel this would create a central, agenda-setting figure, but smaller countries complain that presidency would be dominated by Europe’s major powers… The eventual aim is to have a common foreign policy… The draft also incorporates a Charter of Fundamental Rights for EU citizens, covering everything from the right to life to the right to strike.”

The Washington Times stated on April 20, 2004:

“The European Union is about to foist a draft constitution on all its New European members and Great Britain that will virtually ensure that, from now on, the French and Germans will be able, among other things, to enforce a single foreign and defense policy. Inevitably, the party line will more closely resemble THEIR ANTI-AMERICAN PREDILECTIONS than the trans-Atlantic reflexes of our traditional and new-found friends there… If the EU Constitution becomes binding on all member nations — including those of New Europe…, we are unlikely ever again to see the sort of independent, let alone reliable, support for America that has been among the finest moments in Great Britain’s storied history… The negative implications for the United States are not hard to discern… Georgetown Law Professor John Echeverria told the Times, ‘This [second-guessing American decisions by international tribunals] is the biggest threat to United States judicial independence that no one has heard of and even fewer people understand.’…


As Focus Online pointed out in a series of articles, the new member states joining the European Union on May 1, 2004, will NOT immediately become full fledged members of the EU — a distinction between “new” and “old” Europe still remains. For instance, the new member states will, for the time being, keep their national currencies. They are supposed to introduce the Euro in the future, but they can only do so if they fulfill first certain economic requirements. European travelers traveling into the new member states will still have to go through passport controls. Customs will still apply for certain goods and services. Citizens of the new member states will still have to obtain work permits if they want to work in “old” Europe.

Current Events


On Wednesday, April 21, 2004, an interesting, sobering and frightening interview was aired on NBC’s Today’s Show. Washington Senator Chuck Hagel, Republican member of the Foreign Relations Committee, stated that the public is not being told that the United States will have to spend 50 – 75 billion dollars in Iraq next year, just to sustain American troops there. This figure does not even include any costs for reconstruction. He stated that he is not proposing a draft per se, but some kind of “MANDATORY SERVICE for all American citizens.” Delaware Senator Joseph Biden, Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee, agreed, stating that Hagel’s “basic premise” is correct, and that we must establish “a shared burden” for all Americans. It was also pointed out that “privately all Republicans agree” that the American people are not being told how much money it will cost to stay in Iraq, “because of the election year.” It was also stressed that the US government is facing a terrible dilemma, when confronted with the issue who is to replace the 135,000 American troops, presently stationed in Iraq.


As AFP reported on April 16, 2004, President Bush, “reversing decades of US foreign policy, said after talks with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Wednesday that it was ‘unrealistic’ to expect Israel to pull out from all land captured in the 1967 war. And drawing more Arab outrage, Bush said Palestinian refugees should not be allowed to return to land lost to Israel in 1948, when the Jewish state was created.”

The world’s reaction about this American change in foreign policy was swift and fierce. Associated Press stated on April 16, 2004: “Eager not to be sidelined in the Middle East, the European Union said Friday it would try to SALVAGE the 2-year-old ‘road map’ peace plan and called for urgent talks this month with the United States, Russia and the United Nations. EU foreign ministers fear President Bush’s UNILATERAL EFFORTS to broker peace between the Israelis and Palestinians could backfire… They stressed the need to KEEP THE UNITED STATES COMMITTED TO THE ‘ROAD MAP’ drafted jointly by the European Union, Russia, United States and United Nations.”

Critical comments were also heard by British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, in spite of last week’s “public show of unity” by President Bush and Tony Blair in Washington. Straw said that “Bush did not speak for the so-called ‘quartet’ of international mediators in the Middle East…. ‘He has to make his own judgments. We make our own.'”

Der Spiegel Online commented on April 16, 2004 that “Europe has been told once more by the Americans what an insignificant role they are playing in the Middle East.” It published a subsequent article, dated April 17, 2004, pointing out that former German Foreign Minister, Hans Dietrich Genscher, stressed the absolute need for Europe to play an important and DECISIVE ROLE in the Middle East Peace Process.”

Spiegel Online stated on April 16, 2004, that German papers complained that … “the Americans took the side of Israel, without any compelling reason, thereby disqualifying themselves as a neutral broker… Bush has killed the roadmap.” Der Spiegel Online responded, however, that “the United States were never neutral in the Middle East conflict, but they have always supported the power of Israel.” The magazine pointed out, too, that Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder “indirectly criticized” President Bush’s announcements, and that Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer was supporting a renewed zeal for the road map. It stated: “It is, however, a mystery, why there is any hope that this peace plan could work. It is doubtful that anything could be accomplished this year.” Still, as Die Welt reported, Europe has taken the official position that there is “no alternative” to the road map.

On April 19, 2004, Der Spiegel Online published another article, titled, “Straight to the Heart.” It stated: “Now that the pact of Washington has been concluded, the political battle on the home front begins for Israeli Prime Minister Sharon. US President Bush is paying a high price for his support… Bush thoughtlessly made it clear that he has written off the Arafat team as negotiating partners… Palestinians of even the most disparate factions agree that Bush’s most recent statement is one of their heaviest defeats… On the international front, Bush’s declaration of solidarity with Sharon has also triggered annoyance at the UN and the EU, the co-sponsors of the Middle East peace process. The pact with Sharon is certainly a risky unilateral step for Washington… The Palestinians, already consumed with hatred for America, are unlikely to be particularly accepting of future US mediation efforts.”

The magazine concluded its article with these interesting comments: “The smug manner in which the allies congratulated one another in Washington is deceiving, because both men are acting with limited authority. Bush’s disaster in Iraq could cost him the reelection. And Sharon’s career lies in the hands of the chief public prosecutor, who will soon decide whether to file corruption charges against Sharon.”


On April 16, 2004, Reuters reported about comments by Jordan’s King Abdullah, stating that the invasion and occupation of Iraq has created widespread animosity against the United States among ordinary citizens across the Middle East. He pointed out: “This has created for the first time that I have felt in the Middle East… some sort of animosity that I never felt or heard about toward the United States… The feeling that is being felt toward the United States around the region and around the world is NOT A HEALTHY ONE… As a friend of yours and as one who cares about many, many people in this country, I AM VERY, VERY WORRIED ABOUT THE PERCEPTION TOWARD AMERICA AND AMERICANS.”

On April 21, 2004, the Guardian published an article, titled, “Arab ally snubs Bush amid ‘unprecedented hatred’ for US.” The article stated:
“A growing rift between America and the Arab world was exposed yesterday when two Middle Eastern allies delivered damaging rebuffs to President George Bush’s policies in the region. King Abdullah of Jordan flew home from the US after abruptly canceling a meeting planned for today with the president in Washington. The king’s move came as the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, said there was more hatred of Americans in the Arab world today than ever before. King Abdullah and Mr. Mubarak are two of the most moderate leaders in the Middle East and the two normally closest to the US.

“King Abdullah’s cancellation was in retaliation for Mr. Bush’s support last week for a plan by the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, in which he offered to pull out of Gaza in return for US recognition of illegal settlements on the West Bank and an end of the right of 3.6 million Palestinians to return to Israel. Mr. Mubarak cited as reasons for the increased hatred Israel and the US occupation of Iraq. In an interview with Le Monde published yesterday, he said : ‘After what has happened in Iraq, there is an unprecedented hatred. What’s more – they [Arabs] see Sharon act as he wants, without the Americans saying anything.’

“The Jordanian government said yesterday it was seeking clarification of US intentions towards Israel and the Palestinians before agreeing to a new meeting with Mr. Bush… The Arab League, which represents all Arab countries, welcomed the king’s decision to cancel his meeting… Mr. Sharon secured his deal with Mr. Bush partly through brinkmanship, sitting at Ben Gurion airport for three hours last week and threatening to cancel his Washington visit. Mr. Bush caved in.

“But similar tactics by King Abdullah are unlikely to achieve the same result. The palace statement said the king had written to Mr. Bush before his meeting with Mr. Sharon saying the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza had to be part of an overall peace plan, not an alternative to it. But Mr. Bush ignored his plea.”


As Die Welt reported on April 19, 2004, “Israel threatens with liquidation in Syria.” The paper stated: “Following the planned killing of Hamas leader Abdelasis Rantisi in the Gaza strip, Israel threatened to kill the political Hamas leader, Chaled Messhaal, who resides in Syria…. Worldwide, the liquidation of the Hamas leader [Rantisi] was strongly condemned… The U.S. government voiced concern, but stressed [as did German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer] that Israel has the right to self-defense. They [as well as Fischer] asked the Israeli government to carefully consider the consequences of their actions…. The EU strongly criticized the planned killing of Rantisi… British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw labeled the action as ‘unlawful and counterproductive’; [Spain] spoke of ‘an execution without a trial…’ China, Russia and France also condemned the killing of the Hamas-leader.”


As BBC News reported last week, “Europe’s weekend and Easter Monday papers [were] preoccupied with the deteriorating security situation in Iraq.” French papers added that “day after day, Iraq is plunged a bit deeper into CHAOS.” German papers reported that two Germans were killed in Iraq, and that, as a consequence, the German government issued an advisory to all Germans to leave Iraq.

Der Spiegel Online reported on April 14, 2004, that other countries have issued similar warnings and advisories to their citizens, including Russia and Japan. The paper stated, too, that Spain, New Zealand, Thailand and the Philippines were prepared to withdraw their troops from Iraq. In addition, citizens of South Korea were contemplating leaving Iraq, after seven missionaries from South Korea had been temporarily kidnapped.

Subsequently, Spain began withdrawing its 1,300 soldiers from Iraq and will have them home within six weeks, according to Reuters, dated April 19, 2004. The article continued, “President Bush expressed regret Monday… and warned Madrid against taking further actions… In Iraq, radical Shi’ite Moqtada al-Sadr called for a halt to attacks on Spanish troops in Iraq because they were pulling out… Romano Prodi, European Commission president… praised Spain’s decision… [Extremely controversial] Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has dispatched some 2,700 troops to Iraq, was dismayed by [Spain’s] decision.” Associated Press added that “72 percent of Spaniards want the troops withdrawn.” Spain’s decision to pull out their troops must also be seen in light of a REVERSAL of foreign policy. As Die Welt reported on April 17, 2004, the new leader of Spain “looks for his allies mainly within Europe.” The main European powers, France and Germany, have been opposed to military action in Iraq.

Following Spain, Honduras announced “the pullout of” troops “in the shortest time possible,” according to Associated Press. While it was reported on April 16, 2004, that Portugal may withdraw troops as well, it was stated on April 19, 2004, that the Portuguese government’s position “won’t change… despite any difficulties which may arise.”

The International Herald Tribune Online stated on April 10, 2004: “Germany and France’s options were also limited by the reality that it was no longer possible to justify countering American policy by the selective demonization of the Bush Administration. Just as John Kerry [who had, with the vast majority of Democrats, voted for the war with Iraq] had called on the new Socialist prime minister of Spain, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, to reconsider his pledge to bring Spanish forces home from Iraq, the Democratic candidate’s reaction on Thursday to the worsening military situation hardly let Europe off the hook from its faulty presumption that no unified American view existed on Europe’s ongoing share of Iraqi responsibilities. ‘No European country,’ said Kerry, ‘ is made safe by a failed Iraq, yet those countries are distinctly absent from the risk bearing.'”

Opposition to British forces in Iraq is also mounting, especially after the occurrence of several deadly attacks on British forces in Iraq. According to a report by, dated April 20, 2004, “British troops might have to stay in Iraq for up to 10 years to help local forces maintain security after the proposed hand-over of power to the Iraqi government on 30 June, the commanding officer of UK forces in Basra has warned.”

Current Events


As Zenit reported on April 8, “Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion of the Christ’ broke all box office records for a first night showing in Italy… The film took 1.22 million euros ($1.5 million) Wednesday, beating the 1.11 million first-night takings for ‘Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.’… In Germany, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish leaders have made a joint statement to warn the film could fan anti-Semitism.”

The Austrian magazine, “Profil,” quoted a Jewish author, as follows: “Now comes Mel Gibson, the son of a notorious Jew hater and a dissenter of the Second Vatican Council, and he does, what he and the likes of him have been accusing the Jews of for the last 2,000 years.”

At the same time, as Zenit reported, “Four Anglican churches in Kent gave away $37,000 of tickets hoping to attract people back to Christ.”


Germany’s Die Welt am Sonntag published an article, titled, “The godless republic.” It noted that only 15% of the people in western Germany and 11% in eastern Germany regularly go to church, stating, “Germany is becoming a country of religious illiterates.” It pointed out that fundamental questions, such as why God allows evil to happen, are regarded as insignificant. People are only interested in a god, according to the paper, that will get them through the world comfortably. The paper stated that schools are finding it more difficult to teach the history of Christian beliefs because many children from immigrant families have little knowledge of Christianity.


The BBC reported this week on the forgotten history of German Americans who were detained in American Internment Camps during World War II. The paper pointed out:

“Crystal City [in Texas]… was, during World War II, the site of a vast internment camp for Germans and German-Americans alleged, by the US authorities, to be Nazi sympathizers.” The paper quoted eyewitnesses, stating that a “family could be taken to a concentration camp, that’s what it was, for no reason other than because [the] father was German.”

The paper continued: “A growing number of campaigning German Americans are now asking for — at the least — recognition from the American government for what happened to them. That has not so far been forthcoming. People of Japanese nationality or descent held at the same camp during the war have had a full and public apology. A monument records that on the site. There is no equivalent marker for the Germans held… Altogether 10,905 Germans and German Americans were interned in the US during World War II.” Others, according to the paper, were deported to wartime Germany, a country which some of them had never visited before (!). Others were sent back to Germany, although they had left Germany when Hitler came to power (!).

The paper concluded: “For these proud Americans, there is a part of their past that they feel is denied by their own government.”


As Der Stern reported on March 30, 2004, a new German Bible translation is being prepared, scheduled to be published by 2006. The proposed title of the translation is: “The Bible in a Just Language.” More than 50 male and female theologians are involved in the project that is sponsored by the Protestant Church in the states of Hesse and Nassau. One of the stated goals is to replace the words “LORD” and “Father” with terms that are “less masculine.” It is claimed that there were female apostles (!), and that Paul’s admonition to women to be silent in the churches was an unauthorized addition by a later “Church father.” The incredible and appalling consequence of the project is, for instance, to translate the Biblical statement, “And God saw every thing that he had made,” as, “And God saw every thing that she had made.” When the Bible speaks of “Father,” the new translation adds the word “Mother,” or it changes it to “Origin” or “Eternal” — but in German, the word “Eternal” can be male and female, depending on the context.

In addition, the project wants to eliminate all Biblical statements that might be viewed as “anti-Semitic” (note the following article).


If one wants to believe Pofil, an Austrian magazine, it is the Bible, and mainly Jesus Christ, Matthew and John, who are responsible for anti-Semitism. In its April edition, the magazine claims that only the Romans were responsible for the death of Christ, but that John changed the facts to make it appear as if the Jews had something to do with it. The magazine states that especially the records of Matthew and John are “problematic.” Jesus is charged with “blatant” anti-Semitism, when He says to his audience, in the gospel of John, that “Ye are of your father the devil.” It is claimed that John recorded this statement, as he allegedly did not want to be viewed any longer as a Jew. Profil points out that Jesus Christ does not play any role in Judaism. “The crucifixion, as it is being portrayed in the gospels, is unfortunately the central background for Christian Anti-Semitism and therefore the root of modern Anti-Semitism.” The magazine continues to claim that Jewish scholars have presented a modified version of Christ’s crucifixion, thereby dismissing portions of the gospel accounts as being inaccurate and “contradictory.”

We can only encourage our German readers and the German people in general to hold on to their current German translations (see last article), and to BELIEVE the Bible — not human reasoning and interpretations, which are inspired by ulterior motives and agendas. While no translation is perfect, some of the good and basically accurate current German translations of the Bible are: The Revised Luther Bible of 1984; The Revised Elberfelder Bible of 1987; The Revised Menge Bible of 1994; and The Zuercher Bibel.

Current Events


Zenit reported on February 7, 2004, that Europe is experiencing a rising return of pre-Christian paganism. The article did not mention the fact, however, that Europe has been, for many centuries, deeply embroiled in pre-Christian paganism, such as the celebration of Christmas, Easter, and other pre-Christian pagan festivals. Still, the article pointed out:

“Denmark has announced it will allow a group that worships Thor, Odin and other Norse gods to conduct legally-valid marriages…” In quoting from the Guardian newspaper in Britain, the article continued:

“Cherie Blair, wife of the British Prime Minister, is keen on alternative forms of spirituality… Both Cherie and Tony Blair underwent a Mayan rebirthing experience while on holidays in Mexico in 2001… Fewer than 3% of Londoners are now regular churchgoers. At the same time, non-Christian practices such as Kabbalah, Buddhism, Hinduism and crystal healing are flourishing… For many westerners, particularly women, it has become the norm to master Buddhist chanting in a meditation class, learn about ancient Hindu philosophies during a yoga class, light an (aromatherapy) candle and say a prayer (to a nameless God) back at home.”

God does not look with favor or approval at those practices. In speaking about the great and terrible time period of the “Day of the Lord” soon to come, during which time God will intervene in the affairs of man and begin to punish man for his sins, Isaiah 2:6 reads: “For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob [mainly referring here to the modern descendants of Jacob or Israel, that is, the United States of America, Great Britain and the Commonwealth nations], BECAUSE THEY ARE FILLED WITH EASTERN WAYS; they are soothsayers like the Philistines, And they are pleased with the children of foreigners [i.e., those who follow pagan religions].”


A recent decision by the Bush Administration, pertaining to 27 countries, is bound to further fuel the flames of anti-Americanism amongst many of the citizens of those countries.

As the press announced on April 2, travelers from western European nations and Japan will be added by September 30 to the list of foreign visitors fingerprinted and photographed upon arrival in the United States.The only “visa-waiver” countries excepted from the rule are Canada and — although this is hard to believe — Mexico.

The measure has received strong objection from the American travel industry, which fears that it will greatly reduce travel into the United States. The affected countries include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, among others.

The U.S. government had already begun in January to fingerprint and photograph visitors from nations other than the visa-waiver countries. About 2.6 million people have been processed so far, and about 200 have been stopped, because of prior or suspected criminal or immigration violations. NOBODY has been stopped, however, because of suspicion of terrorist involvement.

The U.S. government stated that the new measures will not create massive backlogs at airports and seaports for the estimated 13 million annual visitors from visa-waiver countries. It was pointed out that the procedure “only” takes 23 seconds per person. This is, of course, a very naive assessment. Considering the rather catastrophic situation already presently existing at the Los Angeles airport, this new procedure will cause a further delay of over an hour or perhaps even two hours for travelers arriving at LAX.

While some of the governments of the affected visa-waiver countries declined to comment or even expressed “understanding,” many of the affected citizens responded with outrage.

Italian citizens were quoted as saying: “With this condition, I won’t feel welcome any more… That’s too oppressive.”

A French citizen said: “Welcome to the dictatorship. Why don’t they put a barcode here [pointing to the back of his neck] and stick a microchip in your arm.”

A British citizen stated that he would be “very peeved.” Another said that the measure is “demeaning.” He continued: “There’s 1,001 places to go, so why not go somewhere where you’re not going to get treated like a criminal?”

A citizen from the Netherlands was quoted as saying: “What are they trying to do, alienate their last remaining allies? I think it’s a strange move.”

(Sources: Associated Press; Yahoo!News; Bloomberg. com; Der Spiegel Online; Bild Online)


On April 5, 2004, Der Spiegel Online reported that “Information provided by the German Federal Intelligence Service on Iraqi biological weapons has become a political issue: Did the Germans, by providing incorrect information, inadvertently contribute to the outbreak of the war?”

The article continued: “This is a sentence that will probably find its way into every history book: ‘It turns out that we were all wrong.’ This assessment, reached by former US chief weapons inspector David Kay, has been causing significant problems for US President George W. Bush for months. The inflated story about Saddam’s alleged arsenal of horror could be one of the factors that may cost him his reelection.

“Another remark Kay made during his testimony before a congressional panel in January has not yet become as widely known: ‘The Germans and their intelligence services believed that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.’

“Does this mean that key reasons to go to war were supplied by Germany, an opponent of the war? Both the German government and the Federal Intelligence Service, or Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), have been worried about a backlash from Washington for months. On the weekend before last, their fears became reality. Through an article printed in the Los Angeles Times, the US government leaked the information that Berlin allegedly bears a portion of the responsibility for the debacle in Iraq. According to the article, this is because the Germans are principally responsible for the fantastic story of biological weapons laboratories being hidden in mobile containers that the dictator supposedly had driven back and forth across the country in trucks. It was precisely this laboratory for toxic substances that US Secretary of State Colin Powell used as one of his central arguments in attempting to convince the UN Security Council of the dangers posed by Iraq.”

While the German government denied that the BND had given any wrong information to the U.S. government, Germany’s opposition party has begun to accuse the BND and the German government of incompetence or worse. As Der Spiegel Online pointed out:

“‘Either the BND wasn’t doing a very good job, or the government passed on the information provided by the BND in a manner that was simply negligent. In either case, the government bears full political responsibility,’ says the foreign policy spokesman of the CDU and CSU coalition, Friedbert Pflüger.”


As reported in March, “the Pope is set to beatify Robert Schumann — one of the founding fathers of the EU — next September. This is the first step on the road to Sainthood. The Head of the Catholic Church will take up an INVITATION TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE IN STRASBOURG NEXT SEPTEMBER — if his ailing health allows. And he is expected to use this occasion to beatify Mr. Schumann, to underline the CHRISTIAN ROOTS OF EUROPE.”

The article explained that Schumann proposed in 1950 “that France and Germany should join forces and create the European Coal and Steel Community on an equal footing. Germany agreed and the first institution of the EU was born.”

Beatification is the first step in the process that leads to a member of the Catholic Church becoming a Saint. To take the final step, miracles after the death of the person, allegedly done by the dead person, must be proved.


Israelis and Palestinians clashed on Friday at the Temple Mount, a holy site for both religions. While the clash was temporary and minor, it brought into focus the importance of the site. As the Associated Press reported on April 2, 2004, “it is a 35-acre walled esplanade on a hilltop in the old city of Jerusalem, where the Al Aqsa and the dome of the rock mosques sit atop the ruins of the biblical Jewish temples. In Jewish tradition, it is the place where King David kept the Ark of the Covenant, and where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac. Jews believe the Second Temple, whose destruction by the Romans in 70 A.D. came to symbolize the start of the long Jewish exile, lies under the compound. Muslims revere the site as the spot from which they believe Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. At the Israeli-Palestinian peace summit at Camp David in July 2000, negotiators were unable to agree on who would have sovereignty over the site.” It is certain that the site will be in the news quite frequently in the future.


As Der Spiegel Online reported on April 3, 2004, scientists at the University of Los Angeles have predicted that southern California will be hit by major earthquakes in September. The anticipated magnitude will be 6.4 on the Richter Scale — or even higher. The cause for the alarm is a recent series of minor earthquakes in the region.


Associated Press reported on April 5, 2004, that Mel Gibson’s movie — “The Passion” — is a “hit” among Arabs. This, in spite of the fact that “many Muslims” normally “recoil at seeing their prophets [Jesus Christ is viewed by Muslims as a prophet] portrayed as flesh-and-blood characters,” and that the Quram, Islam’s holy book, denies the crucifixion. In sura (chapter) 4, verse 157, it is stated: “They said, ‘We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah’ — but they killed him not, nor crucified him. But so it was made to appear to them. And those who differ therein are full of doubts with no knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.”

AP points out that Muslims believe “another man was crucified in Jesus’ place.”

Gibson’s movie has been labelled as anti-Semitic, and many Arabs approving of the movie have stated that the movie should motivate people to turn against the Jews, as the movie reveals “crimes committed by Jews against Christ.” This paradox with the official position of their own religion (that allegedly, Christ was not even killed) cannot be explained even by Arabs.

At the same time, many Jews have opposed the movie for numerous reasons. While fear of anti-Semitism was undoubtedly the major reason, another reason stemmed from the Jewish belief that Jesus Christ was not the Son of God, and that His death was just the death of an ordinary person — perhaps of a prophet.

Sadly, both Muslims and Jews, holding such beliefs, as described herein, are thereby rejecting the only “name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (compare Acts 4:12). The truth is that there is NO “salvation in any other” (same verse). To reject Christ as the Son of God, and to deny that He died and was resurrected from the dead, is tantamount to rejecting God’s gift of eternal life. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!”

Fortunately, Christ, who was God, became Man to die for us, so that we can have eternal life, when we repent of our sins and accept Christ’s Sacrifice. He was offered once to bear the sins of many (Hebrews 9:28). Christ was resurrected, to return “to those who eagerly wait for Him… apart from sin, for salvation” (same verse). Christ, the Messiah of Christians, Jews, Arabs, and the whole world, will come “a second time,” as our “great GOD and Savior” (Titus 2:13).

Current Events

Fascination Europe

Europe is uniting and destined to become the most powerful group of nations in the world — far exceeding that of the United States of America, Russia or China. Many don’t realize that Europe is already ahead of the U.S. in certain aspects, and most don’t grasp the awesome significance of what is happening in Europe right now in front of our very eyes.

Der Stern Online published a series of articles, dated March 25, 2004, titled, “Fascination Europe.” It pointed out:

“It will be a day which the old continent had never experienced before. A historical day. Not a day when walls fall or wars end, but a day when a group of children appears. They will come from 25 nations, wear their native cloth, and sing together Ludwig van Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ — the hymn of Europe. For the ceremony on May 1 in the Dublin residence of the Irish President, governmental leaders from 25 nations will assemble — under one flag, the blue-golden star-spangled banner of Europe. When it waves on that Saturday, a goal will have been officially reached which no one dared to believe in for most of the last century — the unification of Europe.

“… Never before in history has a united Europe existed that was so great and so manifold and so free… Densely populated Europe has the biggest inland commerce via water transportation in the world… Its export exceeds that of the United States.

“May 1, 2004, is supposed to be a historical date, but all will really start shortly thereafter. Great Europe is to become a world power … economically, culturally and perhaps even militarily… ‘Economically a giant, but politically a dwarf,’ a Belgian minister scoffed 25 years ago regarding Europe, but European politicians are in the process of developing new strategies, especially in Paris. ‘The EU’s intervention troop of 60,000 soldiers, 400 airplanes and 100 vessels can be mobilized within 60 days,’ Michele Alliot-Marie, France’s Minister of Defense, said. In addition, 1500 special soldiers are planned to intervene at a place of crisis within 48 hours. According to the Minister, ‘that is unique in the world.’

“… German and European Unification complimented each other. Without Germany’s integration in Europe, the victorious allies of Word War II would not have stood by approvingly to observe the ‘German giant’ getting back on his feet.”

The magazine pointed out, too, that a United Europe has been a dream for a long time. We know, of course, from the pages of the Bible and from history, that Europe united nine times before — after the fall of Rome — and that a last and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire is happening right now. According to Der Stern Online, “Voltaire said in 1767 that Europe will become a great republic of cultivated spirits. Shortly thereafter, Immanuel Kant spoke of a European House. In 1849, Victor Hugo coined enthusiastically the phrase, ‘United States of Europe’ — a slogan that was later used by Winston Churchill during a speech in 1943.”

Interesting, too, is a chart published by the magazine, dealing with the different religions in Europe. It points out that the Protestants dominate in the North, while the Catholics have the majority in the South. Greece is the only EU member state with a Greek-Orthodox majority, reflecting Greece’s status as heir of the East-Roman Empire.

Europe and the Catholic Church

As we mentioned many times before, continental Europe will ultimately be united and spiritually led by the Catholic Church. It is no accident that the Pope has been strongly proposing and demanding a reference of Christianity — as defined and understood by Rome — in the European Constitution. How Rome defines Christianity can be seen in recent statements by the Pope, addressing Australian bishops who were ending their five-yearly visits to Rome. As Reuters reported on March 27, 2004, the Pope said: “Sunday should be a day for God, not for secular diversions like entertainment and sports.” The article also pointed out that the Pope “encouraged Christians, especially young people, to remain faithful to Sunday Mass, saying the secular culture was undermining family life.”

Zenit quoted the Pope, in addition, as follows: “Sunday Mass, because of its special solemnity, the obligatory presence of the faithful, and its celebration on the day when Christ conquered death, expresses with great emphasis the Eucharist’s inherent ecclesiastical dimension… Sunday is the SUPREME DAY OF FAITH, AN INDISPENSABLE DAY, THE DAY OF CHRISTIAN HOPE.”

It may come as a surprise to some, but Sunday is none of the above, when we properly understand true Christianity. Sunday is NOT a day commanded to be kept holy in the Bible, NOR is it the day when Christ was resurrected from the dead. For more information on these undeniable facts, and on the history as to how and why the Church of Rome began to teach the “sanctity of Sunday,” please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.” Also, you might want to listen to our recent sermon, “Christ’s Death and Resurrection,” which is posted on our Web.

The Catholic Church and Israel

Zenit reported on March 25 that Catholics “living in Israel and in the Occupied Territories are facing a hard time because of the authorities’ systematic refusal to grant visas.” The article pointed out that, as a result, “the church in the Holy Land might not have enough personnel to run the shrines, parishes, hospitals and schools.” It continued: “The refusal of visas raises questions about the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the state of Israel, signed 10 years ago.” One bishop was quoted as saying: “We are dealing with a very serious problem indeed, one which is getting worse by the day. Promises made by top-ranking government officials have not been kept so far. They won’t let us know the reasons behind the new policy. There are no official channels of dialogue to bring about a resolution to the situation.”

It is anticipated that this situation will not continue to be ignored by Europe and the Catholic Church for much longer.

Anti-Semitism Up Across Europe

As Associated Press reported on March 31, 2004, a report submitted to the European Parliament points out that “France had a six-fold increase between 2002 and 2003 in the number of violent anti-Semitic incidents and documented threats… There were many incidents of Jewish people assaulted and insulted, attacks against synagogues, cemeteries and other Jewish property, and arson against a Jewish school… It said anti-Semitic incidents rose in Britain by 75 percent in the first three months of last year… In Germany, such incidents rose by 69 percent from 1999 to 2000. And incidents in the Netherlands and Belgium both ‘significantly increased’ in 2002… Attacks against Jews were ‘relatively rare’ in Greece, Italy, Spain and Austria, but anti-Semitic comments are ‘particularly virulent’ in daily life.”

NEWS-NETWORLD added that the 300-page report found that most attacks against Jews were carried out by “right-extremist activists, including Skinhead groups, as well as young Muslims, persons of north-African descent and other immigrants.”

Haider and Libya

NEWS-Networld reported this week that Austria’s Joerg Haider and vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach will be visiting Libya on April 16. The article pointed out: “Haider had stayed in Libya several times before, and he had been received by Muammar al-Qaddafi, Libya’s leader of the revolution. He is also a friend of his son, Saif al-Islam, who is the honorary president of the Austrian-Libyan Society, that was founded in April of 2002. Haider is the President of that Society.”

Haider stated that Libya’s willingness to cease any development of weapons of mass destruction proves that the Iraq conflict could have been solved with peaceful means, too. The article mentioned that his new visit should not invite criticism — given the fact that very recently, high-ranking American governmental officials and Tony Blair officially visited al-Qaddafi. Haider stated that he is looking forward to economic contracts between Austria and Libya to help Libya with Austrian “know-how.”

Current Events


Following the murder of 190 innocent victims in Spain, the world learned on March 22, 2004, that “Israel killed Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin in a helicopter missile strike outside a Gaza City mosque Monday, prompting threats of unprecedented revenge by Palestinian militants against Israel and the United States,” according to USA Today. The article continued: “Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Yassin the ‘mastermind of Palestinian terror’ and a ‘mass murderer who is among Israel’s greatest enemies.'” Reuters added: “Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom branded Yassin the ‘godfather of suicide bombers’ and urged the U.N. to call a special session to deplore terrorism.” The article also pointed out that “Israel… sees the United Nations as bastion of anti-Israel bias [and said] other countries were not qualified to judge the threat it faces.”

The Western and Arab world, as well as Russia, were quick, in general, to vehemently condemn Israel for the assassination. Only a few voices, including that of the United States and — to an extent — of Germany and Poland were heard, pointing out their concern about the seriousness of the situation in the Middle East, without outright condemning Israel.

Most Western and Arab countries and power blocs did, however, condemn Israel. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Monday canceled a visit by Egyptian legislators to Israel to protest the assassination of Yassin. As Reuters reported on March 25, 2004, “Even Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, which has close ties with Israel, joined in the outcry, saying in a newspaper interview on Thursday that the Jewish state had committed an act of ‘terrorism.'”

In a statement, the EU foreign ministers said “Hamas was guilty of ‘atrocities… which have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israelis’ and that Israel has the right to protect itself against terrorist attacks. Israel is not, however, entitled to carry out extra-judicial killings… Violence is no substitute for the political negotiations which are necessary for a just and lasting settlement.”

In individual statements, the European foreign ministers voiced additional remarks of condemnation. Most surprising was the outspoken criticism of British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, alleging that Israel had violated international law. One must ask how Israel’s assassination was any different from the U.S. and Great Britain-led invasion of Iraq with the declared goal to get rid of Saddam Hussein, even if that meant his death. At that time, Mr. Straw did not have the same concern as many of the European nations, which felt that international law was violated. Instead, Mr. Straw fully supported the war against Iraq. On the other hand, nations like France, Denmark or Norway have been consistently condemning both the war against Iraq and the assassination of Yassin.

Hamas announced initially that they would avenge themselves in an unprecedented way, charging the United States with prior knowledge of the assassination. The U.S. government vehemently denied any prior knowledge, pointing out at the same time that Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for suicide bombers indiscriminately killing innocent women and children.

On Wednesday, Hamas “backed off its initial threats against the United States, saying… that it would focus on attacking Israel — and try to kill Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.” Reuters reported on Thursday that “Israeli troops arrested a 16-year-old would-be suicide bomber at a West Bank checkpoint after talking him into taking off his explosives vest at gunpoint… Hamas, sworn to wipe out Israel, wants the JEWISH STATE and the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip for a future Palestinian state RUN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC LAW.”

We must conclude that the road map to peace has become a dead end street. Of course, it should have been clear to any objective observer that it was never anything but a futile attempt to bring peace to the Middle East — an attempt destined to failure from the outset. Biblical prophecy reveals that it is not the United States or Great Britain, but a powerful United Europe, which will bring a temporary and fragile “peace” to the Middle East — but not necessarily with peaceful means. For more information, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”


Although Germany condemned the war against Iraq, and although German President Johannes Rau has been an ardent spokesman for civil rights and privileges of the Muslim community in Germany, Herr Rau was forced to cancel his trip to Djibouti on the Horn of Africa, after receiving threats that Islamic terrorists were planning to assassinate him, according to Associated Press of March 24. Bild Online added that the attack was apparently planned to be made via a car bomb. The German President stated that he was convinced by German governmental agencies that he was indeed targeted for an attack. Bild commented that Herr Rau barely escaped death. It is unclear whether the attack was planned by al-Qaeda.


As Associated Press reported, “the European Union threatened Monday to withdraw economic support for countries that fall short in the fight against terrorism.” The article continued: “The EU has already used economic leverage to try to bring nations back into line. With Iran, it has suspended free trade talks until Tehran comes clean on its nuclear weapons program, while an aid and trade deal with Syria hinges on Damascus agreeing to an anti-terrorism clause. The foreign ministers also approved measures to commit member states to help one another in case of a terrorist attack and backed the creation of an EU anti-terrorism coordinator to improve cooperation… [The plan] includes a pledge to mobilize ‘all the instruments at their disposal, including military resources,’ to prevent attacks or assist one another in the aftermath… France, for one, is against sharing sensitive military and political intelligence with all EU member states.”


As Reuters reported on March 24, 2004, “political leaders and royalty from Europe and beyond joined the people of Spain in a Christian cathedral mass Wednesday to mourn the 190 victims of the suspected Islamist train bombers who struck Madrid this month.” The article listed as prominent guests in attendance: Spain’s King Juan Carlos; Queen Sofia of Spain; Secretary of State Colin Powell; British Prime Minister Tony Blair; German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder; French President Jacques Chirac; Prince Mulay of Morocco; as well as the current and the future leaders of Spain, Joe Maria Aznar and Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

The article raised this interesting concern: “Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela, the archbishop of Madrid, celebrated the memorial mass… There had been some unease expressed by representatives of other religions at the choice of a full Roman Catholic mass to remember the dead — at least three of who[m] were Moroccan Muslims.”


As Der Spiegel Online reported on March 19, 2004, an asteroid of 30 kilometers in diameter flew by the earth within a distance of 43,000 kilometers. The magazine stated: “The distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers. Never has an asteroid, which was discovered ahead of time, come so close to earth.” The magazine pointed out, too, that in case of a hit, “tremendous devastation would have been the consequence.”


An alarming, appalling and incredible article was published by WorldNetDaily on March 23, 2004, reporting that “a student in his senior year at a Canadian medical school will not be permitted to graduate because of his Christian, pro-life stand against abortion.” The article continued that the student “was given a failing grade in obstetrics and gynecology because he refused to perform abortions or to refer patients out for any abortive procedure.”

We must congratulate the student for standing up for his convictions, which are in accordance with the Biblical teaching. If you want to learn more about the fact that abortion is murder in God’s eyes, please read our free booklet, “Are You Already Born Again?

Current Events

U.S. and Europe Alienated?

In last Wednesday’s Today Show, a new poll was discussed. 8,000 people outside the U.S. had been questioned, and the results were quite alarming. According to the poll, only 37% of the French and only 38% of the German peoples view the politics of the United States in a favorable light. 82% of the French and 69% of the German peoples believe that the governments of the United States and Great Britain lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction prior to the Iraq war (which began one year ago this Saturday, March 20).

Many commentators feel that a change in U.S. administration will also change the negative European feelings and create a more friendly relationship between those two power blocs. However, this assessment may prove too optimistic, even if a change were to occur. Most Europeans have not forgotten that the Democratic challenger of Mr. Bush, Senator John Kerry, voted for U.S. intervention in Iraq, and that he recently stated that he did not regret his vote.

Some commentators have recently shared their belief that many Europeans are not just anti-Bush, but anti-American. The widening rift between the two power blocs can also be seen in a recent development, dealing with the sharing of air data. Reuters reported on March 18, 2004, that “Key EU lawmakers dealt a blow to Washington’s air security strategy Thursday by rejecting a U.S.-EU accord on handing over passengers’ personal details. Citing civil rights concerns, the European Parliament’s civil liberties committee voted by a large majority to condemn the European Commission for agreeing to pass on data, such as credit card numbers and phone numbers, which Washington says it needs to spot potential terrorists… The committee asked the Commission to change its decision or face a legal challenge in the EU’s top court, the European Court of Justice. The full parliament will vote at the end of the month on whether it supports its committee’s view. The parliament’s opinion has no legal force, but the Commission will find it difficult to ignore such a strong political signal from the EU’s elected assembly, officials said.”

Does Terror Bring Europe Together?

As A.P. reported on March 15, “the European Union will hold high-level security talks on Friday [at EU headquarters in Brussels] to assess what additional anti-terrorism measures to take in the wake of the bombings in Madrid.” The countries will be discussing a “solidarity clause” committing nations to help each other in response to terror attacks, the appointment of a special EU official to coordinate counterterrorism operations in Europe, and improved intelligence sharing.

Israel and Palestine

Recent events have proven, once again, that the road map to peace between Israelis and Palestinians is currently nothing more than a concept of wishful thinking. As AP reported on March 15, “Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Monday ruled out peace negotiations with the Palestinians, charging they were doing nothing to stop attacks against Israelis.” Sharon made those statements, following Sunday’s double suicide bombings in the Israeli port of Ashdod, which killed 10 people. Subsequently, Israel retaliated by firing missiles at two suspected Hamas weapons workshops in Gaza City, causing some damage, but no injuries. USA Today added:

“Sunday’s bombing was the fourth attack carried out jointly by Al Aqsa and Hamas in recent weeks… Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat condemned Sunday’s attack on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and expressed regret that Israel canceled the summit” with the Palestinians, which had been scheduled for last Tuesday.

Iraq — now!

ABCNEWS published on March 14 a report on Iraq — almost one year after the war began. It titled its report, “Where Things Stand.”

Five teams of reporters from ABCNEWS, the BBC and TIME magazine assessed the situation. Here is their finding:

“By nearly every quantifiable measure, the situation has improved since before the war… However, the one exception — security — also happens to be the yardstick that Iraqis say matters most. Iraqis by a wide margin express optimism for the future — and believe democracy can take hold; they are less certain that the country is ready for elections.

“Any credit or praise for the U.S. is heavily tempered; roughly 8 in 10 Iraqis told us the Americans have not kept their promises — and they frequently told our reporters they blame the United States for problems in their lives. Traffic and other transportation problems have become a major concern. In central Iraq, people ranked this their second-highest priority. Interestingly, two seminal events since our last visit — the capture of Saddam Hussein and the announcement of a political handover on June 30 — get limited attention. And even when Iraqis acknowledge and appreciate progress, they do not necessarily credit the United States for the change. One year later, attitudes toward the U.S. are fraught with contradictions. Many people who cheered the capture of Saddam Hussein are deplored by the ‘humiliating’ way it was carried out. Iraqis often say they do not like seeing U.S. soldiers on their streets — but many would also agree with the crude assessment a 66-year-old tailor in Kut gave the TIME magazine’s Terry Mc Carthy: ‘If the Americans leave now, everyone will start eating each other.'”

But even with the Americans in Iraq, bloodshed continues. Reuters reported on March 18, 2004:

“At least seven civilians were killed in two separate bomb and gun attacks in Iraq on Thursday, doubling the death toll in a bloody 24 hours as U.S. forces prepared to mark the first anniversary of their invasion. A British military spokesman in Basra said four Iraqis were killed in an explosion outside the southern city’s Mirbabd Hotel. A child was one of at least two people wounded, witnesses said. The Basra attack came less than a day after a suicide car bomber killed seven people, including a British engineer, at a hotel in Baghdad [the Mount Lebanon hotel] on Wednesday evening. U.S. officials blamed that attack on Muslim militants, possibly linked to al Qaeda. Three employees of a U.S.-funded television station were shot dead at Baquba, northeast of the capital, and two Iraqis, including a child, died in fighting between guerrillas and U.S. troops in another restive town, Falluja… On Wednesday, two U.S. soldiers had also been killed in separate mortar attacks.Troops are on alert for an increase in violence ahead of Saturday’s anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion on March 20 last year which toppled Saddam Hussein… The bloodshed marred a U.S. campaign ahead of the invasion anniversary to stress progress made in the year since the war.”

Haider — a Dragon?

An interesting comparison was made last week in Austria’s magazine “Profil,” in regard to Joerg Haider’s sweeping election victory. The magazine stated: “[Austrian Chancellor] Schuessel’s favorite… thesis that he had become the ‘dragon slayer,’ that is the conqueror of Joerg Haider, became history last Sunday. The dragon is alive.”

Are Gay Rights Civil Rights?

This interesting question was asked in an article by ABCNEWS, published on March 13. The article quoted several black ministers claiming that “gay rights” have nothing to do with “civil rights” — that it is “offensive” to make such a comparison. Bishop Gilbert Thompson of Atlanta was quoted as saying: “I was born black. I was born male. Homosexuals are not born, they’re made. They don’t qualify.”

The article continued: “For many African Americans, who began the civil rights movement in the black churches of the conservative South, gay and lesbian Americans are people of poor behavior.” Pastor Garland Hunt of Atlanta stated: “Same-sex marriage has nothing to do with civil rights, this is an issue of morality.”

Spain’s Uncertain Future

Momentous events are occurring in Spain! Following the worst terror attack in Spain’s history, which killed over 200 and injured over 1,500 people in Thursday’s train bombings, the Spanish government was ousted by the voters Sunday and replaced by a new Socialist leader. The main causes for this startling development and the “protest vote” were (1) the support by the former Spanish government of the Iraq war, (2) the terror attack that was perceived as having been launched by al-Qaeda in direct consequence of the support of the war, and (3) the perceived inept and dishonest handling by the former Spanish government of the aftermath of the terror attack in Spain, by initially denying any involvement of al-Qaeda and blaming instead the armed Basque separist group ETA for the train bombings.

The new Spanish leader, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, already pledged to withdraw 1,300 Spanish troops from Iraq by June 30, if the United Nations does not assume control of the peacekeeping operation in Iraq by that time.

The European press treated the defeat of the Spanish government as a terrible blow for President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. As Bild Online commented, “they must now fear that other nations will follow Spain’s example.” Spiegel Online added that “Zapatero’s announcement constitutes a late victory for the anti-war movement, which could become problematic for the United States — as well as for the rest of the world.” The magazine stated that Poland, which has now become more and more isolated in Europe, was asked to replace Spain’s military position in Iraq, but that Poland may not be able to do so. It speculated that the United States will try to send in more troops, which may prove to be “problematic in the long run.”

AFP reported on March 15 that “Britain stuck to its tough line on terrorism as Prime Minister Tony Blair sought to take the electoral humiliation of his best European ally on Iraq in his stride… The verdict of Spain’s voters is unlikely to shake Blair’s conviction, shared with Bush, that pre-emptive action might need to be taken to deal with the twin menace of rogue states and global terrorists.”

Another remarkable consequence of the new leadership in Spain may be a closer alliance between France, Germany and Spain. As Der Spiegel Online reported on March 15, Spain’s new leader stated that he will no longer oppose a European constitution. This means that Poland is becoming isolated in Europe on this issue as well.

Realizing this fact, Poland might be trying to strengthen its ties with continental Europe. A.P. reported on March 18, 2004, about remarks by Poland’s President Aleksander Kwasniewski to the effect that Poland was “misled” about the threat from Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. The article continued: “The remarks… were his first hint of such criticism at the United States and Britain.”

President Bush quickly congratulated the new leader of Spain, Zapatero, on his victory. Zapatero later said that he will listen to President Bush’s viewpoints, but that he will not change his position on Iraq.

Current Events

Euro and U.S. Dollar

As AFP reported on March 6, 2004, “the euro soared by over a cent to above the 1.23-dollar threshold after a keenly awaited US labour market report defied expectations with only a modest rise in employment.” The article continued that the rise of the euro occurred “after the US government said American businesses added a meager 21,000 jobs in February, dashing hopes for an end to a three-year jobs drought… Analysts say the world’s biggest economy must generate at least 200,000 jobs a month to make a real dent on a growing workforce.”

Christian Discrimination?

Fox News reported on February 26 that “the Hispanic Club, the Chess Club and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance are just some of the clubs that have displays in the hallways of Portland schools. But after the Bible Club at Marshall High School put a Bible and some other Christian books in a display case, some teachers complained to the principal. After a call to the district lawyer, the display was taken down. District officials said they felt the display gave the impression that the school was endorsing Christianity.” The article pointed out that with the support of the American Center for Law and Justice, the Bible Club leader filed a lawsuit in Federal Court, claiming that his right to free speech was violated, and that the school violated the Federal Equal Access Act.

We wait with interest for the ruling of the Federal Court in this matter.

Locust Plague in Middle East

WorldNetDaily reported on March 2, 2004, that a “Biblical locust plague threatens Mideast.” The article stated: “With the Passover celebration just weeks away, a locust plague of biblical proportions could threaten parts of the Middle East and Africa, according to a United Nations agency. An outbreak that potentially could darken the sky and consume everything in its path is ‘in progress on the Red Sea coast in Saudi Arabia where swarms are forming,’ the Rome-based U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said.”

Hell in Haiti

Bild Online wrote on March 4, 2004: “The Devil has a new address…. Haiti has become the most terrible place on earth, the hell of the Caribbean. Since Voodoo-President Jean Bertrand Aristide fled from the rebels, the mob reigns. The visitors take barbaric revenge… A witness: ‘They stone suspects to death… set them on fire. On the street…”

This is just another example of the terrible abuses of carnal human nature in a world cut off from God. Suppressed people become suppressors themselves, and more violence and murder is the result.

Russia and Europe

Itar-Tass reported on March 6, 2004, that Russia is “surprised at NATO plans to deploy bases in Baltic countries.” The article quoted Russia’s acting Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov as saying that “the intention to create new military bases in Europe doesn’t have any clear explanation,” making it clear that “Russia would retain its right to retaliate if NATO sets up bases in the Baltic countries.”

German President and the Pope

As Zenit reported on March 7, “German President Johannes Rau… thanked [John Paul II] for his contribution to [Germany’s] reunification.” The article pointed out, too, that “John Paul II spoke of Germany’s federal structure as a ‘model for a united Europe of nations.’… The Pope cited a need for greater commitment in politics by German Christians, saying that he hoped ‘the Christian heritage will be able to make more fruitful the society of Germany and the rest of the continent.'” The article also quoted a statement from the Vatican, as follows: “Catholics of Europe — around 80% of the total population — … want to see recognized the historical presence of Christianity in the life of the continent.”

Haider is back…

As the Herald Sun reported on March 8, “controversial right-wing politician Joerg Haider powered his party to a stunning win in his home province in Austria today, confounding pundits and strengthening the odds for a national comeback… While the voting was restricted to Carinthia, its significance extended beyond Austria’s southernmost province.”

Tiscali.europe added: “Winston Churchill said that the best argument against democracy is a ten minute conversation with your average voter. Events in Austria over the weekend would merely have confirmed his view. Joerg Haider brought his party a remarkable victory in his home province, defying pollsters and improving his chances of his national comeback despite or perhaps because of his anti-Jewish slurs and sympathies for the Nazi party.”

The article went on to explain:

“Austria has had a long standing attraction to far right politics but they are by no means alone. The Swiss, the French and the Italians are by no means immune… This is not a problem that should be under-estimated.”

Current Events

Ongoing Terror in Iraq

USA Today reported on March 2, 2004:

“Coordinated attacks in Baghdad and Karbala, aimed at Shiite Muslim pilgrims celebrating one of the holiest days of the year, left more than 143 dead and another 100 wounded and raised new concerns about civil war in Iraq.” The paper explained:

“The holiday marks the 7th-century killing in battle of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Mohammed, Islam’s founder. It is the most important religious period of Shiites, who represent 60% of Iraq’s 25 million people… The attacks threaten to increase tensions between the minority Sunni Muslim community, which was favored by former leader Saddam Hussein, and the majority Shiites.”

Der Spiegel Online added that under Saddam Hussein, the celebration of the holiday was prohibited, and that many of the Shiites injure themselves on this day with whips and swords to express their grief for Imam Hussein. A member of the Shiite party was quoted as saying: “How is it possible that a Muslim can do such a thing [killing others] on the day of Hussein? Today, war has been declared on Islam.”

Iraq does not find peace and tranquility. USA Today listed some of the deadly bombing attacks in Iraq since the war began March 20, 2003. According to the paper, over 120 people died in August; almost 50 died in October; almost 50 died in November; 25 died in December; over 80 died in January; almost 250 died in February; and at least 125 died so far in March, 2004. The gruesome lesson of history is again written in blood in the country of Iraq: War leads to more war; and bloodshed leads to more bloodshed. Will man ever learn that he cannot achieve the way to peace through war and violence?

Gay Marriages in California

As BBC News reported on February 21, 2004, “more than 3,000 gay couples have been married in San Francisco since the city’s new mayor decided to defy state law and allow such weddings.” After two failed attempts by a conservative group to secure court injunctions barring the union, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote the state’s attorney general to act against the city of San Francisco. He stated in his letter:

“Our civilized society and legal system is based upon a respect for and adherence to the rule of law… The city and county of San Francisco’s unfortunate choice to disregard state law and grant marriage certificates to gay couples directly undermines this fundamental guarantee. Because the city and county of San Francisco’s actions are directly contrary to state law and present an imminent risk to civil order, I hereby direct you to take immediate steps to obtain a definitive judicial resolution of this controversy.”

However, as USA Today reported on February 27, 2004, “The California Supreme Court declined a [subsequent] request by the state attorney general Friday to immediately shut down San Francisco’s gay weddings and nullify nearly 3,500 marriages already performed.” The paper continued: “[The] justices… told the city and a conservative group that opposes gay marriages to file new legal briefs by March 5.”

The paper also reported that “the Social Security Administration has told its offices nationwide not to accept marriage certificates from San Francisco as proof of identification for newlyweds looking to make name changes on Social Security cards.”

In the midst of this hotly debated controversy, President Bush announced that he backed a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage. A measure to do so was introduced nearly a year ago and is pending before Congress. However, it takes years for a federal amendment to make its way through Congress and the state legislatures. Three-fourth, or 38, of the states would have to ratify a constitutional amendment. It is therefore obvious that a constitutional amendment, should it ever pass, will do nothing to resolve the current situation in California.

The following statistics (adopted from USA Today) show how wide-spread is the controversy on marriages or civil unions of same-sex couples:

Full-fledged same-sex marriages are only allowed in The Netherlands, Belgium, and two Canadian provinces (Ontario and British Columbia). Several countries register same-sex partnerships or same-sex cohabitations, namely Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and three Canadian provinces (Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Ontario). In addition, some countries grant certain civil rights to unregistered cohabitation of same-sex couples, namely Argentina, Australia, Croatia, Hungary, New Zealand, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, and six Canadian provinces (British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, and Yukon Territory).

In spite of these different opinions, rules, regulations and laws, if man were to only look at the Bible for guidance and directions, none of those opinions and rules would exist, as there would not exist same-sex marriages or cohabitations. But even our Christian nations that embrace the commandments of God, may do so in word, but not in practice.

A Mockery of the Sabbath

News Journal published an article on February 7, 2004, titled, “All days the Sabbath.” It continues to point out that “area pastors” claim that the Sabbath day “may be Saturday or Sunday — or even another day of the week — depending on a person’s beliefs.” To support this incredibly human reasoning, which is in total defiance of God’s Holy Word, the Bible, those “area pastors” are quoted as follows:

“The seventh day can be at any time that we take to cease from our work to rest and to commune and fellowship with God… Sunday is literally the Sabbath, the day I worship, but then I figure my day off is my Sabbath, too… I think Sabbath is a matter of the heart more than it is a specific day or time.”

It’s not important, however, what man “thinks.” God has made it very clear that the commandment to keep the Sabbath holy refers to a specific day, and that day is distinctively NOT Sunday. How tragic it is that “ministers” don’t teach the truth of God, but rather self-invented arguments derived from the carnal human mind. When Christ returns, He will NOT allow such heretical preaching to continue.

To learn more about the TRUE weekly Sabbath, as well as the annual Holy Days that GOD has enjoined us to keep, please read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.

Schroeder and Bush Meet

As and other sources reported on February 27, “German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and U.S. President George W. Bush say their differences over the war in Iraq are in the past,” stating that the “relations are good” between the two countries. In a common statement, the two leaders announced, according to Focus Online, that both countries are to work for a free Iraq and the vision of two states, Israel and Palestine.

The German press reported about the first meeting in the White House in 25 months with caution. Bild Online stated that the two leaders are not personal friends – -“but they have never been” personal friends. The paper also stated: “Why the sudden change of heart of Mr. Bush? He is under much pressure due to the beginning of the governmental election campaign. There are not enough jobs, and the budget deficit is getting larger [According to of February 27, “Bush Budget Said to Cause $2.75 Trillion Deficits.”] Now the strong man in the White House needs help from without.”

Der Spiegel Online commented on February 28, 2004: “This is not a close friendship.” On February 27, 2004, Focus Online translated into German an article of the Wall Street Journal, claiming that Schroeder has become Bush’s “plaything.” The article claimed that Bush is in desperate need of new friends, and his group photograph with Schroeder can be used to give the impression as if Schroeder is again on board. However, many observers in Germany don’t buy it.

An article in Der Spiegel Online, dated February 27, 2004, published the results of a poll of the highly respected Allensbach-Institute. According to the poll, over 71 percent of Germans feel that the United States looks after its own interests in a “reckless and egoistic, selfish way.” About half do not feel that the United States is capable of solving international problems. Only 20 percent believe that the United States is the only world power that is capable of intervening in crisis situations. At the same time, over 90 percent believe that good relations between the United States and Europe are important. Almost 68 percent feel that Europe and the U.S. need to stay partners, but that Europe should pursue a more independent policy from the U.S.

The Bible has prophesied thousands of years ago what the relationship between the United States of America and Europe will be, just prior to the return of Jesus Christ. To find out, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.

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