Current Events


The vicious cycle of violence and death is continuing in the Middle East. Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel and Israeli attacks on Hamas strongholds have almost become commonplace. The road map to peace appears dead — and has been replaced with a road map to continued war and bloodshed. The resignation of Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and the designated replacement of Palestinian parliament speaker Ahmed Qureia seem to have driven the last nail in the coffin. Very few observers believe that a peaceful solution can still be found under Yasser Arafat, Qureia, and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

This week has seen additional violence in the region. As reported on September 9, “at least 13 people were killed and dozens wounded in two suicide bombings today, the first at a bus stop and hitchhiking post near the entrance to a major military base south of Tel Aviv, followed about six hours later by an explosion at a popular cafe in Jerusalem. The attacks came after the radical Islamic Resistance Movement, known as Hamas, vowed revenge for Israeli assassinations that have killed 14 of its leaders in the past three weeks and narrowly missed its founder, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, on Saturday… Earlier today, in a firefight in Hebron in the West Bank, Israeli troops killed two Hamas members and a 12-year-old bystander, and blew up a seven-story apartment building where the Palestinians were hiding.”

Hamas claimed responsibility for the subsequent suicide bombings. In the rush-hour bombing at the bus stop, eight Israeli soldiers were killed, at least three of them women, and at least 15 were wounded. Seven additional people were killed in the attack at the cafe, and 31 were injured, according to an article by the Associated Press of September 10. “Among the dead at the Hillel Cafe were two U.S. citizens — a doctor who headed to a Jerusalem hospital emergency room and his daughter, who was to have been married Wednesday. Instead of a wedding, a funeral was held for both.”

Associated Press also reported that “Israel bombed the home of a Hamas leader Wednesday, killing his eldest son and a bodyguard in retaliation for [the] two suicide bombings.” The article pointed out that in addition, twenty-five people were wounded, including the Hamas leader, Mahmoud Zahar, his wife and his daughter. The article continued, “Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon… [allegedly] consider[s] far-reaching options, such as forcing Yasser Arafat into exile or ordering a large-scale invasion of the Gaza Strip. The spiral of violence drew calls for retaliation from Israelis and Palestinians alike… Hamas… said it would now begin targeting Israeli homes and high-rises in response to Wednesday’s airstrike on the home of [Zahar].”

In the meantime, the European Union has declared Hamas to be a terrorist organization, according to Der Spiegel Online of September 11. Israel and the United States had for a long time asked the EU to make this determination, but so far, France had resisted doing so. Now, Hamas supporters can be criminally prosecuted, and Hamas’ funds can be frozen.

The Biblical gospel message of peace also includes the fact that war only breeds more war. The events in the Middle East confirm this timeless truth. Christ told us very clearly in Matthew 26:52, “Put your sword in its place, for ALL who take the sword will PERISH BY the sword.” Man does not believe this. Man does not accept this. Man has chosen instead the way of war and violence. We read that “their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known” (Romans 3:15-17). When Jesus thought of Jerusalem’s coming destruction, He wept. He knew what would happen, because man would not believe Him and His words, choosing war rather than peace. He said, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes” (Luke 19:42).

This is WHY we don’t have peace in the Middle East. This is WHY we hear of wars and rumors of wars, of assassinations and suicide bombings, of “retaliations,” death and destruction. In Matthew 23:37-38, Christ said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house is left to you desolate.”

Total desolation will come upon that part of the world. Soon, there will be “the abomination of desolation” standing in the holy place (Matthew 24:15). People will look for peace, but won’t find it. War can only heal “the hurt of My people slightly,” while “counselors of war” are assuring them that war will bring peace, “when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14). Until man has learned that war does not produce peace, man will have war. The prophet Isaiah tells us, “Surely their valiant ones shall cry outside, The ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly. The highways lie waste, The traveling man ceases. He has broken the covenant, He has despised the cities, He regards no man. The earth mourns and languishes, Lebanon is shamed and shriveled; Sharon is like a wilderness, And Bashan and Carmel shake off their fruits” (Isaiah 33:7-9).

The road map to peace won’t lead to peace, as long as man is unwilling to live in peace with his neighbor.


According to the latest polls, as published by Die Welt on August 29 and Spiegel Online on September 11, the percentage of Swedes who intend to vote “Yes” to the euro on 14th September is between 32% and 37%, as against between 47% and 50% who intend to vote “No.” The Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter, has calculated that the “Yes” camp would have to convert 25,000 Swedes a day for it now to win. The “Yes” camp has been severely damaged by infighting within the government, which contains opponents of the euro. For instance, the Finance Minister has attacked the Trade Minister for using “unfactual” arguments in favor of the single currency. The Environment Minister has similarly been accused of spreading “false information.” Even the prime minister himself felt moved to attack his own culture minister. He said that she did not know what she was talking about when she said that the EU was evolving into a superstate to which it was a risk to attach oneself. A split within the Social Democratic Party is now being openly talked about.

The world was shocked when it learned that extremely popular Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh (46) died Thursday from multiple stab wounds, after she was knifed in an upscale department store Wednesday by an unknown assailant. Lindh was a leading campaigner for replacing the Swedish krona with the euro — an issue that had inspired vehement opposition, as USA Today reported on September 11. Lindh was the second Swedish politician to be murdered in the Scandinavian country in 17 years. Prime Minister Olaf Palme was killed in 1986. His murderer has never been found. In spite of Lindh’s murder, the vote on the euro will go forward on September 14.

EU AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH reported on September 4 that “the former head of the French government and president of the European Parliament, Robert Schuman, is on the path to beatification.” The article continued, “The French Minister of Foreign Affairs Robert Schuman put forward a proposal for establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, which led to the subsequent institutionalization of European integration. The Schuman plan unveiled on 9 May 1950 is regarded as a milestone in European integration and celebrated as ‘Europe Day.'”

In related news, the pope made another appeal to continental Europe not to forget its Christian past. As Zenit reported on September 9, the pope wrote, “The Christian roots are not a memory of religious exclusiveness, but a foundation of freedom because they make Europe a melting pot of different cultures and experiences… From these ancient roots, the European peoples have obtained the impulse that drove them to touch the limits of the earth and to reach the depth of man, of his intangible dignity, of the fundamental equality of all, of the universal right to justice and peace.” He wrote that the city of Aachen in Germany “speaks clearly of the ancient tradition of Europe: It speaks of its ancient roots, beginning with the Christian, which harmonized and also consolidated the rest.” The pope also wrote, “Europe will be that much stronger for the present and future of the world the more it drinks from the sources of its religious and cultural traditions.”

It is perhaps interesting to note that the city of Aachen was mentioned in the context. It was of course in Aachen were Charlemagne was crowned, in A.D. 800, as the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. It is also a well-know historical fact that Charlemagne brutally killed and massacred thousands of Saxons who refused to become baptized into the Catholic faith.


Der Spiegel Online reported on August 23 that Germany and Italy support a speedy course of action to adopt the European Constitution by the end of the year. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder assured the Italian government that he will do everything to guarantee the success of Italy’s presidency of the European Parliament. He said that he would welcome it if the European Constitution would be signed in Rome.

EUROPE AND THE U.S. reported on September 5 that “Europeans have grown more critical of US global leadership, while American support for a strong European partner has increased over the last year… Overall, only 45% of Europeans… see strong U.S. leadership as desirable… While majorities in France (70%), Germany (50%) and Italy (50%) believe global US leadership is ‘undesirable,’ the contrary feeling is found amongst the British, the Dutch, and the Poles… 71% of Europeans want to see the European Union become a superpower like the United States in order for the EU to cooperate better, rather than to compete, with the US… Americans were more likely than Europeans to support the use of military force to rid countries of weapons of mass destruction and to bypass the United Nations if vital national interests are at stake.”

Stern Online reported on September 10 that the relationship between the United States and Germany must be newly defined, according to German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. He stated that the United States is absolutely necessary for global peace and stability. “The worst that could happen to us would be if the United States were to withdraw from world affairs,” he said. He added that both countries must “come together again.” He also mentioned that the American policy in Iraq has failed, and that therefore, the United Nations must play the central role in Iraq. He confirmed that Germany has no plans to send troops to Iraq.


Time Europe Magazine reported on September 8 that “62% of French citizens surveyed would support their troops being sent to Iraq; 44% of Germans questioned would support a deployment of German soldiers. Nothing of the kind will happen, though, without delicate negotiations to calibrate a level of American control acceptable to Paris and Berlin.” Der Spiegel Online and ABC News reported on September 10 that “France, Germany and Russia are urging a speedy transfer of power from the U.S.-led coalition to an interim Iraqi administration.” Proposed amendments to a U.S. draft resolution demand more power for Iraqis and the United Nations in running the country. The Russian amendment does not go as far as the French-German amendments “in demanding the immediate handover of authority to the Iraqis… under the auspices of the U.N.” The U.S. “also wants the resolution to spur financial contributions for Iraq’s reconstruction. President Bush said Sunday he will ask Congress for $87 BILLION primarily for Iraq, but also for Afghanistan.”

USA Today reported on Thursday that at the United Nations, the United States “dismissed a proposal by France and Germany that would give the U.N. expanded authority over reconstruction of Iraq.” reported on September 10 that “Germany and the United States asked NATO on Wednesday to consider expanding the mandate of the alliance’s Afghan peacekeeping force beyond Kabul to protect reconstruction teams outside the capital.” The article continued, “Western nations have been reluctant to do that, but in recent days, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder have backed an expanded role.”


ABC News reported on September 8 that “Americans express a growing suspicion that the war in Iraq will boost rather than ease the long-term risk of terrorism against the United States, a concern that directly challenges President Bush’s rationale for invading. This finding of a new ABC NEWS poll follows continued attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq and on civilians elsewhere in the world, and marks a sharp turn in public attitudes.” The article pointed out that 58 percent of Americans thought a week after the fall of Baghdad, that the war would reduce the long-term risk of terrorism. Today only 40 percent believe that, while 48 percent think that the war has raised the risk. “At the same time, the number of Americans who say the war was worth fighting has slipped to 54 percent — a new low, down from the 61 percent in mid-August and a high of 70 percent as the main fighting wound down.” The article also pointed out that “a new high, 57 percent, term the level of U.S. casualties ‘unacceptable,’ compared with 38 percent — fewer than four in ten for the first time — who say it’s acceptable.”

U.S. vs. IRAN reported on September 10 that “the Bush administration accused Iran today of violating the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty but said the Iranian government had a ‘last chance’ to prove it wasn’t running a covert weapons program.” The article quoted Kenneth Brill, the U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, as saying, “‘The United States believes the facts already established would fully justify an immediate finding of noncompliance by Iran.’ Still, he said, U.S. officials were ready to give ‘Iran a last chance to drop its evasions’ before pushing FOR PUNITIVE ACTION.” This language is reminiscent of the vocabulary used prior to U.S. invasion in Iraq.


USA Today reported on September 3 that “North Korea’s parliament on Wednesday approved the communist government’s decision to increase its ‘nuclear deterrent force’ in angry reaction to what it calls a hostile U.S. policy.” The article pointed out that “North Korea’s envoy… last week warned that the reclusive state might test a nuclear device to prove itself a nuclear power.”


As USA Today reported on September 10, “the fighting in northeastern Congo has created ‘the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet, and the worst documented war in the history of Africa,’ [Jessica] Lange told the Associated Press. “The actress spent a week in the volatile area last month as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Fund.” The French-led international force handed over the task to U.N. peacekeepers in the town of Bunia in Ituri province. French troops arrived in June after 500 people were killed in weeks of fighting. While foreign troops have withdrawn, “fighting continues in the northeast,” according to the article.

Current Events


As we had reported earlier in our Updates, “after nearly 2,000 years, historical evidence for the existence of Jesus has come to light literally written in stone,” according to an article of Biblical Archaeology Review, published in November 2002. The article continued, “An inscription has been found on an ancient bone box, called an ossuary, that reads, ‘James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.’… The new find is also significant in that it corroborates the existence of Joseph, Jesus’ father, and James, Jesus’ brother and a leader of the early Christian church in Jerusalem… The container is one of very few ancient artifacts mentioning New Testament figures. One such object is the ossuary of Caiaphas, the high priest who turned Jesus over to the Romans, according to the Biblical account. Caiaphas’s tomb was uncovered in 1990. Also, some 40 years ago, archeologists discovered an inscription on a monument that mentions Pontius Pilate.” The article pointed out, too, that “Laboratory tests performed by the Geological Survey of Israel confirm that the box’s limestone comes from the Jerusalem area [and that]… it shows no trace of modern elements.”

On July 4, 2003, “The Hindu,” reported that “tests on a 2,000-year-old stone support claims that it once held the bones of St. James, said to have been the brother of Jesus and an important early Christian leader, scientists have concluded. The results of the experiments, which are disclosed in a television documentary, back the suggestion that the ‘bone box,’ or ossuary, may be the oldest archeological link with Christ. Last year, the tomb ossuary, inscribed with the words, ‘James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus,’ came to light in Israel… Since then, the box has been subjected to tests which are consistent with it coming from the right place and the right time, said Ed Keall, a curator at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada.” The article continued, “A team at the Geological Survey of Israel extracted the patina, a cream-coloured film adhering to the stone, and found it matched that inside one of the letters after a study with electron microscopy, as would be expected with the genuine item. The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto subjected the inscription to a tougher test, using long-wave ultraviolet light, which should highlight attempts to fake it. Again, it looked genuine, said Dr. Keall.”

However, on or about June 18, 2003, it was reported that Israel’s Antiquities Authority had concluded that the artifact was a fake. They had confiscated the artifact during a two-day display in Israel., New, and BBC News quoted the panel as stating that “while the box may date from the correct era, the inscription is a forgery added at a much later date. ‘The inscription appears new, written in modernity by someone attempting to reproduce ancient written characters,’ the official said in the statement.”

Scholars and scientists have heavily disputed the “findings” of the Israel’s Antiquities Authority. The Biblical Archaeology Society pointed out, “A committee appointed by the Israel’s Antiquities Authority (IAA) has declared the inscription on an ancient bone box that refers to ‘James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus’ to be a modern forgery. Case closed? Far from it — this is only the last chapter in a fascinating story. Two other groups of specialists — from the Geological Survey of Israel and the Royal Ontario Museum, in Toronto — also studied the bone box and concluded the inscription was ancient. And some of the world’s leading paleographers — specialists in ancient scripts — have dated the inscription’s style of writing to the first century A.D. Who is right? We still await a scientific report from the IAA [So far, only a two-page summary has been released, but not a full report].” stated on July 20, 2003, that “Witherington, a professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, is not convinced [that the artifact is a forgery]…. ‘The commission report is incomplete, and possibly inaccurate,’ he told Christianity Today. ‘They did not take into account all of the detailed and meticulous work that the Royal Ontario Museum did after the museum exhibit closed in January,’ Witherington maintains, ‘For example, under an electron microscope they found surface marks, which are deeply cut scratches that go through the box and through the letters. And these are ancient.'”

The United Methodist News Service stated on June 19, that according to Witherington, “what you have here is a case of dueling scholars.” He also pointed out that “The Israeli Geological Survey found conclusively that the ossuary stone and the dirt found in the ossuary both came from the Silwan area of Jerusalem. How did dirt from Silwan get encrusted in a box that Israel’s Antiquities Authority claims is from Cyprus or northern Syria?… No paleographer or Aramaic specialist in the world has suggested that a modern forger tried to imitate an older Aramaic style prior to the report by Israel’s Antiquities Authority.” quoted Hershel Shanks of the Biblical Archaeological Review in Washington, stating that there “may be disagreement among the scientists. ‘There may be some archaeological politics involved.'”

Subsequently, the owner of the artifact, Israeli antiquities dealer Oded Golan, was arrested on the suspicion of forgery, but soon released on bail. The Jerusalem Post and Southern Cross Online from Sydney, Australia, reported on July 24 and 29, that Canadian Jewish filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici, who had made a documentary on the subject, “stands by the authenticity of the ossuary inscription. She pointed to the belief of noted paleographer Andre Lemaire of Paris’s Sorbonne, an expert in the study of ancient inscriptions, that the inscription was authentic. ‘Normally the opinion of Andre Lemaire of the Sorbonne, the world expert on Aramaic inscriptions, who first declared the inscription as real, would be enough,’ she told reporters in Jerusalem this week. ‘As far as I’m concerned, the Antiquities Authority [of Israel] is conducting a disinformation campaign against the ossuary because it believes that antiquities should be found in their archaeological settings.’ Dr. Gabi Barkai of Bar-Illan University in Tel Aviv, who also believes the inscription on the ossuary is genuine, expressed similar views…. ‘The ossuary itself is genuine. The only question is whether the inscription was added later, and the shape of the letters suggests it was not.'”

Whether the truth of the artifact will ever be “scientifically” proven may be doubtful. Too many interest groups with different goals and agendas are involved. This might include those who want to deny the existence of Christ (see our O&A in this Update), or who claim that Christ had no brothers. Also, as has been suggested, motives of personal hurt or rejection might play a role.

Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be: Those who don’t want to believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible, may be “permitted” for a while to find “excuses” as to why they don’t have to, while believers will be strengthened by archeological findings supporting the accuracy of their belief. As we read in Daniel 12:10, “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”

Let’s also note Christ’s pronouncement, through the voice of an angel, in Revelation 22:10-12: “And he said to me, ‘Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.'”


As Zenit reported on August 31, 2003, the pope “placed Europe in Mary’s hands, so that it will ‘become a symphony of nations committed to building together the civilization of love and peace.’ Last Sunday, the [pope] urged that the final draft of the European Constitution should recognize explicitly the Christian roots of the continent, as they constitute a ‘guarantee of a future.'”

The Spectator in the United Kingdom commented on August 30 on the pope’s “recent demand that ‘God’ be featured in the emerging European constitution,” stating that it had been “echoed by many leading Catholic politicians and bishops. While on the surface such a reference may offend only Europe’s atheist and humanist contingent, it must be observed that when the Vatican refers to God, she sees herself as God’s
infallible vice-regent upon earth, the leading organ of divine expression; indeed, according to its publication Dominus Iesus (5 September 2000), as the only mediator in the salvation of God’s elect, insisting that all other Churches, including the Church of England, ‘are not Churches in the proper sense.'” The article continued, “The Roman Church is founded on a political dogma claiming that the Pope is ‘supreme ruler of the world’; superior to all kings, prime ministers and presidents. These spiritual and temporal claims remain very much fundamental dogmas of Catholic teaching, permitting the Pope, through Cardinal Ratzinger, the Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to issue clear directives to Catholic politicians on how they should vote. Since their obedience is considered a ‘moral duty’, devolve everything [sic] to the overwhelmingly Catholic European Council of Ministers, Commission and Parliament, and the ultimate Caesar is the Pope.”

The article continued to point out: “There is much debate about whether the EU is a democracy, a theocracy, an oligarchy or a collective dictatorship, but at root it is none of these. It is an amphictyony – a confederation of states established around a religious centre. A Catholic EU will inevitably result in the subjugation of Britain’s Protestant ethos to Roman Catholic social, political and religious teachings. The Queen’s coronation oath ‘to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom according to their laws and customs’ and ‘to maintain the Protestant Reformed religion established by law’ is negated by the process of deeper European integration. It is almost a symbolic confirmation of the Queen’s vassal status that a 20p coin of Gibraltar bears an engraving of Mary crowned ‘Our Lady of Europa’ – the suzerain spiritual authority…”


As Stern Online reported on August 29, Germany’s Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, said in an interview that the German government will accelerate the European Foreign and Defense Policy, with or without Great Britain’s participation. He rejected Great Britain’s concerns against the draft of the European Constitution, stating that Great Britain’s position would create a “rebirth of a debate of central European issues.”


“Britain faces a threat from suicide bombers, with a terror attack almost inevitable, Britain’s top police officer [Sir John Stevens] says,” according to MSNBC News. The article continued, “Stevens also said al-Qaida was recruiting in Britain and that a real threat existed of chemical and biological attacks. ‘We are at the highest level of alert, I think, that we have ever been,’ he said.”


New Zealand and Samoa have experienced strong earthquake actvitiies during the last two weeks, fortunately causing no injuries or casualties. “A powerful earthquake struck the remote southern coast of New Zealnd on Friday… The magnitude 7.1 quake, about 12.5 miles deep… was felt across southern New Zealand… The quake shook parts of Sydney, Australia, 1,330 miles away… Hundreds of aftershocks occured in the first six hours after the temblor, including one with a magnitude of 6.2” (Associated Press, August 21). On September 2, 2003, Associated Press reported, “A strong earthquake shook the small South Pacific nation of Samoa early Wednesday… The magnitude 6.2 quake struck… 2000 miles northeast of Wellington, New Zealand.”

CNN reported on September 2 that “a giant asteroid is heading for Earth… It’s potential strike date is March 21, 2014… On impact, it could have the effect of 20 million Hiroshima atomic bombs.” Scientists tried to calm our nerves by assuring us that the “chances of a catastrophic collision are just one in 909,000.” Still, as one commentator pointed out, it’s a bigger chance than hitting the jackpot in the lottery.

Current Events


As the United States and its allies continue to struggle to bring about a resolution in Iraq, many leading experts warn that there are not enough “boots” on the ground. They caution that America must provide more soldiers, more money and a much greater commitment to this effort if there is to be any success. USA Today reported on August 27, that “Iraq will need tens of billions of dollars in contributions from overseas in the next year to fund the reconstruction effort,” according to the top U.S. civil administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer. The article continued, “Bremer said it would cost $2 billion just to meet current electrical demand and an estimated $16 billion over four years to deliver clean water to all Iraqis. The figures, which must be added to the $4 billion the Pentagon spends each month on military operations in Iraq, offer the latest evidence that the price of the Iraqi occupation is growing substantially.”
In addition, American soldiers are being killed in Iraq almost on a daily basis. More American soldiers have already died in Iraq since the end of combat, than while in combat. When the war broke out, Germans were quoted as saying: “They are now spending billions of dollars to blow Iraq to pieces, and then they will spend billions of dollars to rebuild it. What insanity!”

In the meantime, China is hosting a conference concerning North Korea. Along with Russia, efforts are being made to ease this potential powder keg. For their part, the North Koreans are playing nuclear blackmail in an attempt to establish a more friendly relationship with the United States and Japan. In answer to this threat, the U.S. is planning a “war game” that will specifically prepare its navy to interdict the export of weapons from countries such as North Korea. USA Today commented on Wednesday, “Policy experts see no good solutions. A diplomatic breakthrough is unlikely; a war on the peninsula would be so destructive as to be unthinkable; and regional diplomats warn that the status quo is unsustainable.”

Then, there is still Afghanistan. As USA Today reported on Wednesday, “American and Afghan forces killed about a dozen insurgents Wednesday and recaptured a mountain pass in southeastern Afghanistan — the scene of heavy fighting and U.S. bombardments this week.” The article continued, “The battles follow a series of strikes by suspected Taliban against Afghan police and government officials in recent weeks, particularly in the south and the east of the country. The assaults have created new doubts about how much progress has been made by the U.S.-led effort to secure and rebuild the war-battered nation.”

As if all of this was not enough bad news, it even gets worse for the U.S. Der Spiegel Online reported on August 27 that, according to the “Congressional Budget Office,” the government deficit will likely have grown by 2013 to 5.8 trillion dollars — even if the U.S. economy were to show great progress within the next five years.

The United States now finds itself in a role that is clearly headed for disaster! With more and more “hot spots” presumably requiring U.S. involvement, the tasks will eventually overwhelm America’s resources. That these international quagmires are draining the might and the will of countries like Great Britain and the United States relates directly to their national character and to their sins which are separating them from God’s blessings.

Long ago God warned the people of Israel and their eventual descendants that He would punish them if they rejected Him and His ways. These warnings can be found in Deuteronomy 28 and in Leviticus 26, but note this scripture in particular: ” ‘I will break the pride of your power…’ ” (Leviticus 26:19). Unless our nations who have been so richly blessed by God turn back to following His ways, the dire warnings of national punishment will come about in ever increasing fulfillment–until we truly do repent!


Reports from Rene Messier:
Memo, dated August 22, 2003, 7:40PM:

Our power, phone etc. has been out since 4:00PM this afternoon. I do not know if it will go out again. This was caused by a fire south of here. So far 15 homes were burnt in the Kelowna area and the fires are affecting 10,000 people. We are OK but it is smoky by the lake. This is the worst this province has had to go through. Some facts: 850 fires now burning, 673 caused by lightning, 177 by people. 1615 square kilometers have been burnt since April 1. 3450 people are fighting the fires, cost per day $6,000,000.00 — and rising since the fires are getting bigger. We are presently the only ones in the area with power.

Memo, dated August 22, 2003, 8:53PM:

Our daughter just called from Kelowna and informed us that 30,000 people are now directly affected by the fire in East Kelowna. They are either evacuated or on the alert. She was crying because she said it was so awful.

Memo, dated August 23, 2003, 8:23PM:

It has been a quiet day, winds have died down and the fire has been easier to work on by the crews. The official count of homes burnt is 203, with 26,000 evacuated and 16,000 on notice. The fire south of us is moving in the mountains, not populated so no one is in danger at this time.

Memo, dated August 27, 2003, 8:19PM:

In the last few days people were allowed back to their homes — except for 6500 which are still not able to go home because of potential danger. The fire in the north — near Kelowna — is still not contained, but it is burning away from populated areas. The fire south of here is burning south-east. Some people have been evacuated, but I know of no homes burned. The count of homes burnt in the Kelowna area and south of Kelowna is just over 250. The smoke in the air has subsided and it looks promising at this point in having both these fires contained soon.


The following includes experts from a speech by Joschka Fischer, Germany’s Foreign Minister, on receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Haifa, Israel, on 29 May 2002. The speech was published in its entirety by the German Federal Foreign Office on May 29, 2002. Mr. Fischer’s comments made over a year ago appear as relevant today, as they were then:

“… Germany, my country, cannot separate itself from its history, cannot leave it behind, cannot forget it. It is our history. We have no other. And responsibility for Auschwitz, for the genocide against German and European Jews, that horrific crime against humanity, is forever part of our history. German democracy has accepted this historical and moral responsibility. The very special relationship between democratic Germany and the State of Israel, which began with Konrad Adenauer and David Ben Gurion, is based on this. The people of Israel can trust in democratic Germany as a reliable friend and partner, both today and in the future. That is not a question of changing political conditions. It is and will be a permanent and solid feature of German politic…

“The responsibility for our history does not vanish or disappear. I am ashamed when Jewish Germans have the feeling that they are left alone again. And I am even more ashamed when German Jews today seriously discuss whether is was not a mistake to stay and live in Germany. This must never happen again, not in democratic Germany. Therefore, the question whether Jews are safe and feel ‘at home’ in Germany is the crucial question of credibility for our German democracy. A question which we Germans have to ask ourselves time and again…

“Our own history teaches us: all forms of anti-Semitism have to be met with our determined opposition. What Hitler and the Nazis did to German Jews, they did first and foremost to Germans, Germans of the Jewish faith. The Holocaust monument in Berlin will also be a symbol of this tremendous loss which is still so painfully felt in my country and its culture…

“We Germans not only have a historical obligation here but also, as Germans and Europeans, our own security interests. We are direct neighbors of the Middle East. War and peace in this region affect us directly, and for that reason we also feel compelled to help the peace process in your region for very egoistical reasons. We regard the current situation with great concern. For many months now, the hope, indeed the expectation, of a substantial peace settlement has given way to new rounds of terror and violence. This week a year ago I was witness to the horrific attack on the “Dolphinarium” during my visit to Tel Aviv. I witnessed the horror and the anger provoked here in Israel by this carefully calculated terror. I do not know how many times since then I have seen television images of new attacks — also here in Haifa only a few weeks ago. Images of horror and grief and of desperate relatives – and then, time and again, images of innocent victims also on the Palestinian side…

“What will the road to such a peace settlement look like? How can we move closer to this goal? One thing seems to me to be more certain than ever: there is no viable military solution. Only a political agreement can bring and guarantee lasting security and peace…

“The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Coalition has a wonderful programmatic statement, which I want to quote in concluding my speech this morning: ‘We are each other’s most important allies in the struggle for peace.’ We should never forget that you don’t have to make peace with your friends, but with your enemies. Just like war, peace begins in the minds of people. Peace begins with the recognition of and respect for the dignity of my enemy.

“Thank you. Shalom.”


The WorldNetDaily reported on August 26, 2003, about a clash between Israeli police with Muslims on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem after the compound was reopened to Christians and Jews. The article continued: “Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat ordered the site closed to non-Muslim visitors when riots erupted between police and Muslim worshippers a day after Ariel Sharon, now the Israeli prime minister, visited in September 2000 — a visit Arafat used to rationalize the current terrorist uprising, or intifada, that has resulted in more than 5,000 casualties… Last week the Israeli government announced it would reopen the complex to Jewish and Christian visitors for two hours every morning. The Waqf, or Muslim council, which oversees day-to-day affairs at the compound objected, complaining it was not consulted… The compound is known to Jews and Christians as the Temple Mount, having been the site of two Biblical Jewish temples. To Muslims it is the Haram al-Sharif, or Noble Sanctuary. Within the complex is the Dome of the Rock, or Al Aqsa mosque.”

Current Events


The fragile plight of this earth and its nations came shattering into the headlines this week as bombings in both Baghdad and Jerusalem continued the downward spiral of terror.

The attack on a so-called “soft” target in Baghdad now stands as the worst directed at the U.N. in its history. A leading and respected U.N. representative, Sergio Vieira de Mello (55), was among the many dead. According to USA Today, “At least 20 U.N. workers and Iraqis were killed… and 100 were wounded.”

After a very short respite, Jerusalem witnessed another unspeakable incident of carnage on Wednesday as some 20 people were killed, and about hundred were injured, nearly reaching the same numbers of deaths and injuries as those in Baghdad. There was an edge in the Israeli response that portends of reprisals that may well take on shocking proportions. As USA Today reported on Thursday, “Israel killed a senior Hamas political leader [Ismail Abu Shanab] in a missile strike Thursday, retaliating for a suicide bombing of a bus in which 20 people died including six children. Hamas vowed revenge and, along with Islamic Jihad, formally abandoned a truce declared eight weeks ago.” The newspaper continued, “Abu Shanab was widely regarded as a moderate in the group, and served as a liaison with [Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud] Abbas during the prime minister’s efforts to persuade Hamas to halt attacks.”

The suicide bombing in Jerusalem followed an Israeli announcement on Tuesday that “it would press on with construction of a barrier through the West Bank, confiscating Palestinian property near Jerusalem for a project that has drawn harsh criticism from the United States,” according to USA Today. The article continued: “Israel plans a series of massive cement walls, electronic fencing, barbed wire and trenches between the West Bank and Israel to prevent suicide bombers from launching attacks. The plan, which already has seen sections built in Jerusalem and the West Bank, has outraged Palestinians, and President Bush has called it ‘a problem.’ But Israel’s defense minister was adamant Tuesday that the project had already prevented attacks and would go ahead at full-speed.”

In the meantime, as reported by the Associated Press, “Pope John Paul prayed Wednesday that world leaders find wisdom to end a ‘woeful spiral of hatred’ after deadly bombings in Baghdad and Jerusalem.”

Jeremiah conveys warnings from God about a future time when people would talk about peace and resolution of problems, but this peace would not materialize into anything lasting: “They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is NO PEACE” (Jeremiah 6:14).

Those who look to God must realize that true peace, lasting peace, will not be brought about between people who hate each other. Rather, Jesus Christ will return and ESTABLISH PEACE–with great power! At that time peace will become the order of the day, and no longer will there be wars or senseless, hate-filled bombings and reprisals that destroy lives. It might be timely to once again review our booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.” The only time when mankind can truly proclaim, “Peace, peace!,” is when that Kingdom and God’s perfect government are established on the earth! It is then that Matthew 6:10 will find its fulfillment: ” ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.’ “


“The largest blackout in American history prompted new calls Friday for overhauling the nation’s electricity system even as investigators searched for clues to what might have triggered the power outrages from New England to Michigan,” according to USA Today. “The early confusion underscored the bedeviling complexity woven into the North American electricity network in recent decades, the boom in cross-border power trading, and the interdependence of the many parts and partners multiplied by energy deregulation… ‘We’re the world’s greatest superpower, but we have a Third World electricity grid,’ said former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, now governor of New Mexico.” In a follow-up article, USA Today stated, “The electric power grid might be more vulnerable to a cyperattack today than it was on September 11, 2001.”

Der Spiegel Online published an article on August 18, 2003, titled, “The great darkness.” It pointed out: “America between appearance and reality. The collapse of the power grid in the Northeast revealed the weaknesses of the superpower’s infrastructure.” It continued, “All of this because of a faulty fuse? Is it that easy to tie down the muscle-bound Gulliver, to cripple his massive force? What can terrorists learn from this amazingly banal weakness of the hated USA? In Europe, especially in the ‘old’ part bordering the ‘new’ NATO member states of Eastern Europe…, people were rubbing their eyes in disbelief. This could not be true. The Americans… can’t even provide electricity to a large portion of their population?”

According to Bild Online, a similar blackout is presently not a threat for Europe. However, unless 30 billion Euros are spent within the next ten years to invest in the electricity system and network, a similar blackout could occur by then.


USA Today reported on Thursday, August 21, that “some 10,000 people had died” from the recent heat wave in France. Bild Online pointed out that this “unique national catastrophe” has created additional problems relating to the disposal all the corpses. The government of France is blamed for “insufficiencies” in the health care system, and that it did “too little, too late in the face of the heat wave and the scores of deaths it caused,” according to USA Today.


According to Hanns Maull, Chairman for Foreign Policy and International Relations at the University of Trier, Germany needs to chose France, Europe, and supranationalism over America, NATO, and transatlantic cooperation. In an article, titled, “Why Germany Needs to Chose Europe Over America,” published by, he also stated, “A European Union which seriously moved towards a Defence Union would enable security co-operation to be re-equilibrated from one-sided dependence towards a meaningful division of labour. This would no doubt require duplication in military assets — yet American objections to that ultimately reflect a desire to keep the European allies on a leash… Europe and the transatlantic community both need a stronger, more purposeful European Union, including a European Defence Union.”


USA Today reported this week that, according to Pope John Paul II, “Europe is suffering a crisis in values and expressed hope that the addition of 10 more countries in the European Union next year would be an occasion for the continent’s renewal. The pontiff in recent weeks has decried what he calls a movement away in Europe from its Christian roots. ‘You can’t deny, that in these times of ours, Europe is going through a crisis in values, and it is important that it recovers its true identity,’ John Paul told pilgrims and tourists… Of the 10 nations scheduled to join the European Union next year, some, like Malta, Slovakia and the pope’s native Poland, are heavily Roman Catholic. The Vatican has mounted a campaign to persuade EU leaders to include a reference to Christianity’s role in Europe in the Union’s new constitution, which is being prepared.”


In another bizarre twist of human deviation and depravity, “Scientists in China have for the first time used cloning techniques to create hybrid embryos that contain a mix of DNA from humans and rabbits,” according to “The Charlotte Observer” of August 14. “More than 100 of the hybrids made, by fusing human skin cells with rabbit eggs, were allowed to develop for several days before the scientists destroyed them… Although scientists in Massachusetts had previously mixed human cells and cow eggs in a similar attempt to make hybrid embryos for stem cells, those experiments were not successful… Some wondered what, exactly, such a creature would be if it were to develop to term… No one knows if such an embryo could develop into a viable fetus, though experiments with other species suggest it would not.”

As early as in the book of Genesis, God warns that “nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them” (Genesis 11:6). At that time, God stopped “human progress” by confusing their language and by scattering them abroad over the face of all the earth (vv. 7-9). May God intervene soon a second time, before man’s unlimited madness will actually be successful in creating such hybrids of animals and people.


USA Today stated on Wednesday that “Two Colorado counties declared public health emergencies and the state has requested federal money for mosquito spraying as the peak of West Nile season approaches. Colorado leads the nation with 392 human West Nile cases and seven deaths… Nationwide, the agency [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] has confirmed 536 West Nile cases and 11 deaths.” This last figure is undoubtedly too low, as the same agency had only confirmed 257 Colorado cases and only six deaths, according to the newspaper.

“CO” FACES MILITARY COURT reported on August 16 that a “Conscientious Objector” is the first American during the Iraq war to face possible court-martial for his refusal to serve. Stephen Funk, a 21-year-old gay marine reservist, admits that he missed 47 days of training but says that he was preparing his conscientious objector (CO) application. “To be approved as a CO by any of the forces involves a three-to 12-month investigation. ‘They have to prove conclusively, shortly after joining, that they have had this conviction, if you will,’ [according to] marine reserves spokesperson Capt. Patrick Kerr.” The article continued, “Funk explains he became opposed to military service after ‘Kill! Kill!’ orders during boot-camp drills… ‘I had figured out that war itself was immoral and could not be justified… Yet everyone told me it was futile to try to get out. We were trained to be subordinate in our thoughts, words and actions.’… After being called to join the Iraq war, he said,’ I could no longer just obey.'”


“Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore on Wednesday lost a last-minute appeal to the Supreme Court to save a Ten Commandments monument he installed in a judicial building, clearing the way for its removal” (Associated Press). As USA Today reported, the monument “was walked off from public view Thursday.”

Over the past few weeks a legal battle has raged in Montgomery, Alabama, over a monument with at least a short form of the Ten Commandments. Yet, when examined closely, this current battle reflects the anti-God, anti-religion element in America, and it additionally shows how little impact signs and monuments of this nature actually have.

Note God’s view as recorded of His people in Isaiah 48:1-2: ” ‘Hear this, O house of Jacob, Who are called by the name of Israel, and have come forth from the wellsprings of Judah; Who swear by the name of the LORD, And make mention of the God of Israel, But not in truth or in righteousness; for they call themselves after the holy city, And lean on the God of Israel; The LORD of hosts is His name.’ “

Just how certain and true these words are is reflected in the fact that even the Supreme Court of the United States displays the Ten Commandments — the same court which rejects an appeal to uphold the freedom to retain God in public life. One of those commandments among the ten has something very specific to say about the Sabbath, while others forbid the worship of foreign gods or the creation of images of the true God, as well as adultery, killing, stealing, lying, or coveting. The point remains, it does very little good to post rules on conduct if those rules have no real bearing on how people actually live their lives! Looking at the removed monument from that standpoint, the practical difference whether it can be viewed or not may not be all that great.


There are currently over 800 fires burning in the Province of British Columbia. The closest one is only 6 kilometers away. We are in no immediate danger since the fires are burning on the other side of the lake. There are1000 homes on one hour evacuation notice affecting 3000 people. Some are located in East Kelowna and the rest in Naramata, a town north and east of Penticton. Today on the way home from work I could not see the mountains on the east side of the lake because of the smoke. The whole Okanagan valley is filled with smoke. I was working outside this morning and the smoke made the sun look red. It reminded me of the Scripture in Joel 2:31: “The sun becomes darkness and the moon as blood” (paraphrased). The smoke made the sun look red, a bit of a reminder of what lies ahead in the Great Tribulation. The fire has tripled in size in one day, so who knows what tomorrow will bring. –Rene Messier

Current Events


“Israeli troops killed a top Islamic Jihad fugitive in a raid Thursday, prompting threats of revenge by the militant group and putting new strain on an already shaky cease-fire,” according to a report posted by USA Today on August 14. It continued:

“Israel and the Palestinian Authority are deadlocked over how to handle the Palestinian militant groups, and the argument is holding up implementation of a U.S.-backed peace plan, the so-called ‘road map’ to Palestinian statehood by 2005. Israel demands that the Palestinian Authority begin dismantling the two main groups, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as part of its obligations under the road map. Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas says he will not confront the militants for fear of sparking a civil war. Israel, in response, says it will not go on with the road map under these circumstances, and instead keeps chasing militants.”

Later in the article, a Palestinian spokesman is quoted as saying, “Without a firm stand from the United States that the two sides live up to their obligations with one grand gesture — that is the immediate implementation of monitoring — the cease-fire is finished.”


USA Today reported on August 14: “About 3,000 people have died in France of heat-related causes since the abnormally high temperatures swept across the country about two weeks ago… Record-high temperatures have been set in numerous cities across France, and the capital has baked under heat exceeding 98 degrees. The average August temperature in Paris, which has warm but not torrid summers, is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The French haven’t suffered alone. In Bern, Switzerland, it was nearly 98 on Wednesday — the hottest day since 1865.”

Record-high temperatures have also been set in other parts of Europe, including Portugal, Spain, Austria and Germany, causing numerous forest fires. In Germany, a “record high temperature overnight of 81.7” was “measured in Neustadt, in southern Germany,” according to Associated Press. On Sunday, England “recorded its hottest day ever — 100.58 degrees at Gravesend, in southern England,” according to A.P. A monsoon from Africa is blamed for the heat wave. Commentaries have said that it was as if African deserts were coming to Europe.

USA Today reported on August 14: “About 3,000 people have died in France of heat-related causes since the abnormally high temperatures swept across the country about two weeks ago… Record-high temperatures have been set in numerous cities across France, and the capital has baked under heat exceeding 98 degrees. The average August temperature in Paris, which has warm but not torrid summers, is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The French haven’t suffered alone. In Bern, Switzerland, it was nearly 98 on Wednesday — the hottest day since 1865.”

Record-high temperatures have also been set in other parts of Europe, including Portugal, Spain, Austria and Germany, causing numerous forest fires. In Germany, a “record high temperature overnight of 81.7” was “measured in Neustadt, in southern Germany,” according to Associated Press. On Sunday, England “recorded its hottest day ever — 100.58 degrees at Gravesend, in southern England,” according to A.P. A monsoon from Africa is blamed for the heat wave. Commentaries have said that it was as if African deserts were coming to Europe.


The Washington Post reported on August 14, that a “strong majority of the public disapproves of the Episcopal Church’s decision to recognize the blessing of same-sex unions, and a large share of churchgoing Americans would object if their own faith adopted a similar practice, according to a new Washington Post Poll. So broad and deep is this opposition that nearly half of all Americans who regularly attend worship services say they would leave their current church if their minister blessed gay couples — even if their denomination officially approved these ceremonies, the survey found. As courts, companies and congregations across the nation consider what standing to give gay couples, the poll demonstrates strong public disapproval of any RELIGIOUS sanctioning of same-sex relationships. It underscores THE SHARP DISTINCTION MOST AMERICANS MAKE BETWEEN THE RELATIONSHIPS BLESSED BY THE CHURCH AND THOSE RECOGNIZED BY THE LAW.”

The article also pointed out that “Three out of four frequent churchgoers opposed the Episcopal convention’s decision, and a similar proportion said they would object if their own faith took a similar step. But even among those who acknowledged that they rarely or never attended church, nearly six in 10 objected to blessing gay couples… The poll also found… that public acceptance of same-sex civil unions is falling. Fewer than four in 10 — 37 percent — of all Americans say they would support a law allowing gay men and lesbians to form civil unions that would provide some of the rights and legal protections of marriage… The survey found that 60 percent of all Americans opposed last week’s decision by the Episcopal Church’s general convention to give its bishops the option of allowing the blessing of same-sex relationships in their dioceses.”



In a nationwide poll, conducted by the Barna Research Group and published early August by, Americans were asked pointed questions regarding the Bible, Christian lifestyle and beliefs about God, among other things. 58 percent of all Americans surveyed believe the Bible is totally accurate in all it teaches. At the same time, 61 percent say Satan is not a living being, but a symbol of evil, and 43 percent believe that Jesus Christ committed sins. In addition, 24 percent of “born again Christians” believe that lying is sometimes necessary. “Born again Christians” were defined as those who had made “a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is still important” in their lives today, and who believe that they will go to heaven when they die.

Our free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “And Lawlessness Will Abound…” explain in detail what happens to man when he dies and whether God requires of us to keep all of the Ten Commandments.


The L’Obsservatore Romano published an article on August 6, 2003, reporting about a “reflection” of the pope on Sunday, August 3. He said, among other things, “Special attention should be paid to safeguarding the value of Sunday, Dies Domini [“the Lord’s Day”]. This day is the symbol par excellence of all that Christianity has stood for and still stands for, in Europe and throughout the world: the perennial proclamation of the Good News of the Resurrection of Jesus, the celebration of his victory over sin and death, the commitment to the human being’s full liberation. By preserving the Christian meaning of Sunday a notable contribution is made to Europe for the preservation of an essential part of its own particular and cultural heritage. May the Blessed Virgin, to whom so many churches and chapels are dedicated in the different regions of Europe, make her protection felt over all the peoples on the Continent.”

e recommend that you read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy,” if you want to learn more about the truth on the “value of Sunday.” You might also want to read our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God,” which explains in detail what the “Good News” or the “Gospel” really is.

Current Events

World News Headlines

We are living in terrible and frightening times. The following Current Events section will show the dangerous state of affairs that this world is confronted with. People hope that things will improve — but the reality looks grim. Only God’s intervention in human affairs can bring lasting solutions. Just judge for yourself:


As USA Today reported on August 7, “Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger told a roaring audience on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Wednesday that he’ll run for governor… In the first statewide use of California’s 92-year old recall law, the ballot will have two parts: a yes-or-no on dumping [current governor of California, Gray] Davis and a list of replacement candidates if a majority decides to remove him… Davis, who won re-election last year, saw his popularity plummet as California dealt with a record $38 billion deficit. He has also been scorched by criticism of his handling of the state’s energy crisis in 2001… Schwarzenegger is a moderate Republican who supports ABORTION RIGHTS, GAY RIGHTS, environmental protections and some gun controls… ‘I do not have to bow to any special interests,’ he said. ‘I have plenty of money. No one can pay me off.'”

Der Spiegel Online commented on August 7 that “the Democrats could sink into utter chaos through the coup of the Terminator.” Bild Online stated that “California is in a deep economic crisis… The Democrats are very nervous… Arnie [Arnold Schwarzenegger] would not be the first Hollywood star to become governor of California. Before his time as U.S. President, Ronald Reagan” led California as governor.


Since Arnold Schwarzenegger is from Austria, the question may be raised whether his good relationship with the Bush family might help to improve Germany’s relationship with the United States. The Washington Post reported on July 18, that German foreign minister Joschka Fischer’s visit in Washington did not materially change the respective positions of the two countries. “On Iraq, Fischer said Germany was ready to contribute to humanitarian efforts, but indicated that his county’s decision not to send troops was unchanged… ‘I think the relevant Security Council Resolution 1483 made it quite clear that the responsibility on the ground is in the hands of the coalition,’ Fischer told reporters… ‘We are not part of the coalition.'”

Italy’s highly controversial Minister President, Silvio Berlusconi, who is also presently chairing the European Parliament, stated in an interview with Bild Online that he, too, would be interested in helping to improve the relationship between the U.S. and Germany. He said that “the relationship between Europe and the U.S.” is “decisive for peace, security and the growth of the West.” He also mentioned that Germans and Italians were in disagreement on some points, but that “we are fundamentally on the same page.” He continued, “Without the ability to defend ourselves, we will not have peace or security. A common European military… is the true guarantee for peace and freedom.” When asked whether Joschka Fischer should become the next foreign minister of Europe, Berlusconi responded, “Fischer is an excellent German foreign minister. Therefore, he is a very logical candidate for the office of spokesman of the European diplomacy. He has competency and idealism – – two gifts that don’t always harmonize with each other.”

Berlusconi has been referred to in the German press as “little Caesar” and “Il Duce.”

SEX CRIMES COVER UP BY VATICAN? reported on August 7 that “for decades, priests in this country [the USA] abused children in parish after parish while their superiors covered it all up. Now it turns out the orders for this cover up were written in Rome at the highest levels of the Vatican. CBS News Correspondent Vice Gonzales has uncovered a church document kept secret for 40 years. The confidential Vatican document, obtained by CBS News, lays out a church policy that calls for absolute secrecy when it comes to sexual abuse by priests — anyone who speaks out could be thrown out of the church. The policy was written in 1962 by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani… Bishops are instructed to pursue… sexual assault cases committed by a priest “with youths of either sex or with brute animals” “in the most secretive way… restrained by a perpetual silence… and everyone (including the alleged victim)… is to observe the strictest secret, which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office… under the penalty of excommunication.'”


WorldNetDaily reported on July 31: “U.S. officials have confirmed claims by Iran that its military has deployed the new Shihab-3 long-range missile with the Islamic shock troops for the first time… The Shihab-3 ballistic missile (Shihab in Farsi means meteor shooting star) is a road-mobile, medium-range missile that travels up to 930 miles… The missile is capable of hitting Israel, Iraq, Turkey, Russia and parts of southern Europe… A Russian military specialist said that Iran likely would have 20 Shihab-3s deployed by 2005.”


WorldNetDaily reported on August 1: “Syria is aiming at least 100 long-range ballistic missiles equipped with VX — the most lethal nerve gas — at central Israel, according to a senior Israeli defense source… German and Israeli sources… have asserted Syria possesses and can weaponize anthrax, botulinum toxin and the toxin ricin.”


The Halifax Herald Limited reported on August 3:

“David Kelly, the British weapons expert at the centre of the Iraq dossier row, had amassed firm evidence to show that Saddam Hussein built and tested a ‘dirty bomb.’ Designed to cause cancer and birth defects, the radiological weapon could have been used by terrorists to create panic and widespread contamination in a crowded city. Kelly, who committed suicide last month, presented evidence of the bomb to the government in 1995… In an interview with The Sunday Times in June, Kelly said the dirty bomb was originally built by Saddam for use against Iranian troops during the Iran-Iraq war as a tactical weapon and an instrument of terror. He said Iraq still ‘possessed the know-how and the materials to build a radiological weapon.’ The threat was potentially more serious than some other weapons of mass destruction, he said, because Iraq still retained the main ingredients – nuclear material and high explosives… Iraq’s dirty bomb was made from a material called radioactive zirconium which was packed into a bomb casing with high explosives. Iraq had access to zirconium stored at its Al-Tarmiya reactor site – under United Nations safeguards – ostensibly for use in its peaceful nuclear power program.”


On Wednesday, August 6, the mayor of Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, led a ceremony in Hiroshima, remembering the 58th anniversary of the city’s devastation through an atomic bomb, according to Der Spiegel Online. In his address, the mayor stated that “all nuclear weapons are fundamentally evil [and] inhuman.” He asked all leaders of countries with nuclear weapons to visit Hiroshima and see for themselves the reality of nuclear war. On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was used in combat. 160,000 people died in Hiroshima as a consequence. Three days later, another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing 70,000 people. World War II ended with the capitulation of Japan on August 15, 1945.


NETZEITUNG.DE reported that a meteor hit the Siberian desert last September, devastating an area of 100 kilometers. “This gigantic meteor had the explosive force of an atomic bomb,” according to the newspaper.


As USA Today reported on August 7, “a powerful car bomb exploded outside the Jordanian Embassy [in Iraq] on Thursday, hurling vehicles in the air and killing at least 11 people, including a woman and two children… More than 50 people were wounded in the blast. Later Thursday, a fierce gunbattle broke out in central Baghdad, wounding at least two U.S. soldiers. The violence followed a firefight the night before in which two American soldiers were killed…[bringing] to 55 the number of U.S. troops killed in combat since May 1.” The newspaper pointed out that “tensions between” Iraq and Jordan “have been high because of Jordan’s support of the U.S.-led war on Iraq.” It also stated, “Shortly after the blast, young Iraqi men stormed the embassy gate and began destroying pictures of Jordanian King Abdullah II and his late father, King Hussein. They were shouting anti-Jordan chants.”


This past week Gene Robinson was confirmed as the first openly homosexual Episcopal bishop. Shortly on the heels of the ordination, the same tribunal issued the following statement: “We recognize that local faith communities are operating within the bounds of our common life as they explore and experience liturgies celebrating and blessing same-sex unions.” This for all intents and purposes endorsed same sex marriages. also mentioned that [Archbishop] Akinola, whose church is the largest branch of the Anglican Communion after Great Britain’s, expressed astonishment that U.S. Episcopalians were willing to “turn their back on the clear teaching of the Bible on the matter of human sexuality.”

Many in the U.S. have become blind to Biblical teaching. Some even accused the “conservatives” of character assassination when concise Biblical injunctions were being quoted.

The U.S. has some serious lessons to learn and unfortunately those who do not learn will have a tough road ahead of them. God forsakes us when we forsake Him. For more information, please read, The Great Tribulation and The Day of The Lord.

Current Events


Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a Texas ban on consensual gay sex, and Canada’s highest court ruled Ontario could allow same-sex marriages (USA Today, 7/31/03). Vermont and some European nations — including Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands and Belgium — have “civil union” laws giving same-sex couples rights and responsibilities comparable to the laws of marriage (USA Today, 7/31/03; Der Spiegel Online, 7/31/03).

On 7/31/03, the Vatican began to launch a global campaign against gay marriages. The “Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith,” which is led by German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, issued a 12-page set of guidelines with the approval of Pope John Paul II, strongly opposing same-sex marriages. The document states, amongst other things, the following, showing an interesting mixture of truth and error:

“Marriage is not just any relationship between human beings. It was established by the Creator with its own nature, essential properties and purpose. No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that marriage exists solely between a man and a woman, who by mutual personal gift, proper and exclusive to themselves, tend toward the communion of their persons… In the first place, man, the image of God, was created ‘male and female’ (Gen. 1:27). Men and women are equal as persons and complementary as male and female… There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law… Under no circumstances can they be approved. Sacred Scripture condemns homosexual acts ‘as a serious depravity’… (cf. Rom. 1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:10; 1 Tim. 1:10). This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered… Nonetheless, according to the teaching of the Church, men and women with homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. They are called, like other Christians, to live the virtue of chastity. The homosexual inclination is however objectively disordered and homosexual practices are sins gravely contrary to chastity.”

The reaction to the Vatican’s document was swift and divided. According to USA Today of 7/31/03, President Bush said that marriage “should be between a man and a woman, and the White House lawyers were looking at legislation that in effect would deny gays and lesbians the right to marry. But Bush also called on Americans to be tolerant of gays and lesbians. ‘I think it is very important for our society to respect each individual, to welcome those with good hearts, to be a welcoming country.’… Bush was also asked about his view toward gays. ‘I am mindful that we’re all sinners, and I caution those who may try to take the speck out of the neighbor’s eye when they’ve got a log in their own,’ Bush replied, paraphrasing from the Bible.”

USA Today continued, “Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., sent a letter to the president complaining that he ‘seemed to equate homosexuality with sin. While you may not approve of homosexuality, as the leader of all Americans, you have no right to make such judgments.'”

As Der Spiegel Online reported, Guido Westerwelle, leader of Germany’s Free Democrat Party, said that the declaration of the Vatican exemplified “a totally obsolete understanding of society.” He continued, “If the Catholic Church were to listen to their own believers, it would be doing much better.”

Volker Beck, a lawmaker from Germany’s Green party (Green party member Joschka Fischer is Germany’s foreign minister), described the Vatican guidelines as “a document of narrow-minded fanaticism.” He stated, “Cardinal Ratzinger’s application of his understanding of sin, stemming from the Middle Ages, is deeply undemocratic.” (USA Today, Der Spiegel Online).

Other opposition to the Vatican’s document came from the Green Party in predominantly Catholic Austria. As USA Today reported, “Ulrike Lunacek, a party spokeswoman, said Catholic politicians should follow human rights conventions, ‘not the old-fashioned views of the Vatican.’ ‘This hierarchy, which also rules on other issues like forbidding the use of condoms to avoid AIDS, is far from reality,’ she said in a statement.”

That the Old and the New Testaments strongly condemn homosexual conduct as sinful cannot be denied. Leviticus 18:22 tells us, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Homosexuality must be overcome. The good news is that with God’s help, it CAN be overcome — as can be ANY sin. Notice Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11:

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators (those who engage in pre-marital sex), nor idolaters, nor adulterers (those who engage in extra-marital sex), nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE SOME OF YOU. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS AND BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD.”

We are told that if we don’t repent and give up wrong habits, replacing them with God’s righteousness, we will not enter the kingdom of God. Homosexuality is most certainly a SIN that must be overcome — but it is NOT the ONLY sin that must be overcome. Notice Revelation 21:7-8:

“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son. But the cowardly [those who know better, but are afraid to change and stand up for what is right], unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and ALL LIARS shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Those who know better, but WILLFULLY and with HATE AND ANGER permanently and irrevocably REFUSE to repent of their evil conduct will end up in the lake of fire. They will NOT enter the New Jerusalem. Revelation 22:14-15 states:

“Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs [compare Phil. 3:2] and sorcerers and sexually immoral [including homosexuals, AS WELL AS those who engage in other sinful sexual conduct, such as fornication and adultery] and murderers and idolaters, and WHOEVER LOVES AND PRACTICES A LIE.”

For some, it is easy to see that homosexuality is sinful. At the same time, it is very difficult for them to see that lying or killing (even in war) is sinful and must be repented of as well. God calls homosexuality an “abomination.” Note, however, what else is an “abomination” in God’s eyes:

“These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an ABOMINATION to Him: A proud look, A LYING tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A FALSE witness who speaks LIES, And one who sows discord among brethren”(Proverbs 6:16-19).

The Biblical teaching is clear and consistent: EVERY SIN that we REFUSE to repent of will keep us out of the kingdom of God.


As USA Today reported on July 29, “Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon rebuffed a request from President Bush on Tuesday that he consider abandoning the construction of a fence separating Israeli and Palestinian territory on the West Bank… Bush called the fence ‘a sensitive issue.’… Palestinians fear the fence will cut deep into West Bank territory and set borders for a future Palestinian state. The peace plan is intended to establish an independent state by 2005.” Zenit reported on July 30, that “Israel continues to deny visas to religious [people] wishing to enter the Holy Land,” according to Catholic priest Giovanni Battistelli. “Commenting on Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Tuesday visit with George W. Bush, the Franciscan… expressed his opposition to the construction of a wall in the West Bank that would separate the Palestinian territories. ‘It would distance these two peoples even more and would cut the center of Bethany, where many Christians live…,’ he said.”


On July 26, 2003, Zenit published a synthesis of a 2003 Report, stating that there is still religious persecution in some European countries. According to the report, most prominent violators are Turkey and Russia.

Regarding Turkey, Zenit points out: “In spite of the reforms approved by the government, in view of joining the European Union, there are no signs of liberalization for religious freedom. The state persists in invoking the 1936 legislation to confiscate ecclesiastical property. Although the Turkish Constitution admits freedom of worship, religious services are only permitted in ‘buildings created for this purpose.'”

Regarding Russia, the article states:

“The U.S. State Department said 2,095 religious organizations risk being disbanded in Russia; many others have already de facto been forbidden. Yet, there have been legal successes for religious movements, such as the Constitutional Court’s verdict overturning the Russian authorities’ decision to disband the Moscow Salvation Army group.”

Zenit also reported that the “Russian President [Vladimir Putin] is scheduled to make a State visit to Rome on November 5-6, following a European Union-Russia summit.” The article indicated that it is hoped that Mr. Putin’s visit will improve the rights of the Catholic Church in Russia. It pointed out that “following the creation in February of 2002 of four Catholic dioceses in Russia, a Catholic bishop and several priests were expelled by the country’s authorities without giving any reasons.”


USA Today reported on July 29, that the U.S. “federal government is warning of a potential terrorist plot similar to the attacks of Sept. 11… [T]he Department of Homeland Security outlined a possible al-Qaeda plan to use suicide hijackers who would seize control of airplanes and crash them into government, military or economic targets. The warning… said the attack could come by SUMMER’S END… Attacks could come in the UNITED KINGDOM, AUSTRALIA OR ITALY, or on the EAST COAST OF THE USA.” Bild Online commented that these hijackings and attacks are expected to occur SIMULTANEOUSLY in different parts of the world, including on the East Coast of the USA, in Australia or somewhere in Europe

Current Events


On July 21, 2003, Der Spiegel Online published an article which reveals in clear terms Europe’s growing self-confidence — while America seems to observe this development as an uninvolved bystander. The article is titled, “The new unrestrainedness.” It continues, “Europe stretches its muscles — and the Americans are surprised.”

Der Spiegel Online reported that Europe encouraged Russia to, from now on, bill Europe in euros for its oil and gas — rather than, as it was done so far, in U.S. dollars. “This,” according to the magazine, “would be a triumph for Europe and a devastating blow for the U.S…. Should the euro replace the U.S. dollar in Europe’s economic dealings with Russia, that would not even impair the relationship between Washington and Brussels — as that relationship is already as bad as it could be. The Americans see themselves confronted with a European challenge which EXCEEDS BY FAR EUROPE’S PREVIOUS EMANCIPATION ATTEMPTS.”

Der Spiegel Online also explained that America’s supporters have become less vocal, while observing America’s “obvious inability to solve the problems in Afghanistan and Iraq.” The magazine also quoted President Bush as commenting about the European Union “as something on the move, while nobody knows for sure in what direction it is developing.”

The clincher was stated at the end of the article, as follows: “The EU chiefs decided unanimously to create a European military agency in 2004.” The magazine explained that the new agency’s main task will be to achieve more effective results, through cooperation and coordination between its 25 member states. Presently, 160 billion euros are spent for the defense (which is more than 50% of America’s defense budget). However, according to the article, Europe achieves only 10% of effectiveness in comparison with the American “war machinery,” due to lack of European coordination and cooperation. Although America “is without question the world leader militarily, the beginning European self-assertiveness in matters of security worries the U.S.”


The following may be hard to comprehend for Americans living in the US: The German weekly “Die Zeit” reported on July 24, 2003, that 20 percent of Germans believe it to be possible that the U.S. government might have instigated or sponsored the terror attacks on September 11th. In addition, when focusing on Germans under 30 years of age, one-third believes this to be a possibility. 68% feel that not enough information about the attack was given in the media — while 78 percent of Germans under the age of 30 feel that the media had not reported the full truth behind the attacks. This means, according to Die Zeit, “only 27 percent of all Germans believe that they were told by the media the full truth about the terror attacks on September 11th.”
When describing the possible reasons for those feelings, Die Zeit pointed out that “conspiracy theories” are very attractive to people these days. It also speculated that “widespread disbelief about the reasons given by the United States for going to war in Iraq and suspicion about media coverage of the conflict had” contributed to the feelings of many Germans, according to Reuters.


In a recent address at Castel Gandolfo, pope John Paul II stated the following, according to Zenit of July 20, 2003:

“Over the last month INTENSE WORK HAS BEEN DONE on the redaction of the new European Constitution, the final version of which will be approved by the intergovernmental conference to be held next October. To this important task, which concerns all components of European society, the Church also feels the duty to make its own contribution. The Church recalls … that ‘Europe has been widely and profoundly permeated by Christianity’… It can be said that the Christian faith has shaped the culture of Europe constituting a whole with its history and… Christianity has become ‘the religion of the European peoples’… [T]he new Europe must be helped ‘to build herself by revitalizing her original Christian roots’… May Mary, Mother of Hope, watch over the Church in Europe…”


USA Today stated on July 23, 2003, “Hopes that the killing of Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday and Qusay by U.S. soldiers would calm a bloody insurgency were dimmed Wednesday after attacks claimed the lives of two American soldiers. A new tape aired by an Arab satellite TV broadcaster and purportedly made by Saddam on July 20, two days before Saddam’s sons perished in a four-hour gunbattle here, called on fighters loyal to him to persist in their uprising against the U.S.-led occupation force. In related news Wednesday, [it was] announced that another high-ranking regime member had been nabbed… The capture lowers the number of the 55 most-wanted still at large to 18 after the deaths of Uday and Qusay.”

The article continued to explain that the two deaths of the American soldiers on Wednesday “brought to 155 the number of American soldiers killed since the war began March 20, surpassing by eight the death toll in the 1991 Gulf War.”


The WorldNetDaily reported on July 23, 2003, that “Israeli opposition leader Shimon Peres, a former Israeli prime minister, is proposing Jerusalem be declared the capital of the world as a way of getting around competing Israeli and Arab claims to the city.

“According to his spokesman, Yoram Dori, the dovish leader of Israel’s opposition Labor Party suggested putting the important religious shrines in Jerusalem under United Nations stewardship. He said the holy sites in Jerusalem’s walled Old City could be declared a ‘world capital.'”

The article explained that the “world capital” idea appeared to be largely symbolic. It pointed out that the United Nations had “in the past taken a position on Jerusalem, one of the most intractable issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Under a 1947 General Assembly resolution partitioning British mandatory Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, the city was to be internationalized, belonging to neither side.

“During the 1948-49 war that followed Israel’s creation, Israel seized the western part of the city and Jordan the eastern side, including the walled Old City with its Christian, Jewish and Muslim holy sites. In the 1967 Mideast war, Israel recaptured east Jerusalem… along with the West Bank and Gaza.”

The article continued: “Among the ideas reportedly considered during those talks were divine sovereignty or no sovereignty over the chief point of contention in the city… a holy site known by Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as Haram as-Sharif, where the Al Aqsa Mosque was built on the site of the biblical Jewish Temples.”

The Bible predicts that Jerusalem WILL become a peaceful capital of the world — but only AFTER, not BEFORE Christ’s return. We read that Christ will rule from Jerusalem (compare Isaiah 2:1-3). Prior to that peaceful time of godly rulership, we will witness, however, fierce battles involving the city of Jerusalem (compare Zechariah 14:1-2). Some will seek to establish Jerusalem as the religious capital of this earth. Strong evidence of a yet future time when a powerful false religious leader will enter Jerusalem to further establish his dominance is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:4: “…who (“the man of sin”–verse 3) opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

This and other Scriptures indicate that the problems of the Holy Land and Jerusalem in particular will continue. In the see-saw diplomacy between Arab and Jewish interests, we may soon witness an urgent religious movement on the part of Jews worldwide to once again establish a temple in Jerusalem. The eventual consequences to this will be such hostility from the Moslem world that only the intervention of the then powerful European Union under Catholic religious leadership will be able to neutralize the situation and “preserve” Jerusalem–at least temporarily. We find, in Daniel 11:45, that the future political and military leader of the European Union will move his residence to Jerusalem. When all of this happens, we know that the return of Christ is very near.

Current Events

U.S. National Defense System Useless?

According to a study of the American Physical Society, published on July 15, 2003, the current U.S. “missile defense strategy” is “not feasible against potential threats.” The finding states, “Intercepting missiles while their rockets are still burning would not be an effective approach for defending the U.S. against attacks by an important type of enemy missile,” especially stemming from North Korea and Iran. The study continues, “Issues of timing severely limit the feasibility” of a so-called “boost-phase defense (disabling ballistic missiles while they are still under power).” The study found, too, that “defending the United States against solid-propellant ICBMs would be impractical in many cases, because of their short burn times.” In addition, the “Airborne Laser would not be able to disable solid-propellant ICBMs at ranges useful for defending the United States… Although a successful intercept would prevent munitions from reaching their target, live nuclear, biological, or chemical warheads could strike populated areas short of the target in the United States or in other countries.”

Der Spiegel Online commented on this report on July 16, 2003. It pointed out that “in case of North Korea, a protection through the National Missile Defense system would be impossible…. In case of [a successful intercept of a] North Korean attack on the United States, biological, chemical and nuclear warheads could still strike Alaska, Canada or the Western parts of the United States.”

The findings and other relevant information can be reviewed at the official Webpage of the American Physical Society, at

Problems in Iraq and Afghanistan

Bild Online published a damaging article on July 10, quoting Donald Rumsfeld as allegedly admitting that “weapons of mass destruction” were NOT the reason for the U.S. to invade Iraq. According to the article, Mr. Rumsfeld stated that the coalition “‘did not attack Iraq because we had entirely new proof for Iraq’s attempts to obtain weapons of mass destruction.’ Rather, the administration acted because they viewed the threat in a different light, based on ‘the experience of September 11th.'”

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 10 and July 16 that the U.S. so far spent 48 billion dollars for the Iraq war. The Pentagon expects to spend an additional 3.9 billion dollars per month. By the end of September, the costs are expected to top 58 billion dollars. These costs do not include money for the reconstruction of Iraq. The Netzeitung reported on July 10 that Donald Rumsfeld unofficially invited Germany to participate in sending troops to Iraq. The German government declined to comply, stating that they are already providing humanitarian aid, and that they do not have the capability to send troops.

Since May 1, more than 74 US soldiers have died, and more than 382 were injured.

In addition, according to Der Spiegel Online, U.S. costs are also rising in Afghanistan, from 900 to 950 million dollars per month.

Is the U.S. Buying Its Allies?

MSNBC News reported that the U.S. is going to transfer $20 million to Palestinians “to strengthen the hand of Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas in a new peace process with Israel… The U.S. State Department approved the direct aid earlier this month to help restore and improve basic services in Palestinian areas vacated by Israeli military forces under a new U.S.-backed peace plan known as the ‘road map.'” A U.S. embassy spokesman was quoted in the article, saying, “‘This is the first time we have ever given 20 million bucks straight to the Palestinian Authority.'”

War Between U.S. and North Korea Inevitable?

“Former Defense Secretary William Perry warned that the United States and North Korea are drifting toward war, perhaps as early as this year, in an increasingly dangerous standoff that also could result in terrorists being able to purchase a North Korean nuclear device and plant it in a U.S. city,” according to MSNBC News. “‘I think we are losing control’ of the situation, said Perry, who believes North Korea soon will have enough nuclear warheads to begin exploding them in tests and exporting them to terrorists and other U.S. adversaries. ‘The nuclear program now underway in North Korea poses an imminent danger of nuclear weapons being detonated in American cities,’ he said in an interview.” Later in the article, he was quoted as saying, “‘Time is running out, and each month the problem gets more dangerous.'”

Any End to German Economic Problems?

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 16 that two-thirds of Chancellor Schroeder’s ambitious tax relief program for 2004 are to be financed by additional governmental debt. “The tax relief program will cost more than 7 billion euro. Almost 5 billion euro are planned to be financed through additional debt,” according to the article. The magazine pointed out, too, that because of the structural changes in his program, Chancellor Schroeder is promising the German people a decrease in the governmental debt of 50 billion euros by 2010.

The Richest And The Poorest

Bild Online published on July 10 a list of the richest and the poorest countries, based on the average personal income, life expectancy and education of each country’s citizens. The poorest countries are all to be found in Black Africa, Sierra Leone being the poorest of them all. It is interesting that most of the richest countries belong to the lost tribes of the house of Israel. We realize, of course, that this list is somewhat arbitrary, based on the three factors chosen on which the list was based. Strictly focusing on the economy, for example, the list would of course look differently. Still, according to the list, the 20 richest countries are, in this order:

(1) Norway
(2) Iceland
(3) Sweden
(4) Australia
(5) The Netherlands
(6) Belgium
(7) USA
(8) Canada
(9) Japan
(10) Switzerland
(11) Denmark
(12) Ireland
(13) Great Britain
(14) Finland
(15) Luxembourg
(16) Austria
(17) France
(18) Germany
(19) Spain
(20) New Zealand

Draft of European Constitution Signed

As Netzeitung reported, the European Convention signed last week the draft of the European Constitution. German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer called the document an “historical compromise that will make the European Union with its 25 member states more transparent and more capable of action.” The article pointed out that the draft constitution proposes an official European holiday on May 9. On that day, former French Foreign Minister Robert Schumann had described a united Europe as a necessary element for the establishment of peace on the old continent. The European flag will continue to portray 12 golden stars with a blue background. The official European hymn will be Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, known as “An die Freude” or, “Ode to Joy.”

As Stern Online reported, highly controversial Minister President of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, has begun on July 1 to occupy the chair over the European Parliament for the next six months. Berlusconi, who is sometimes referred to as “little Caesar,” is determined to finalize the European Constitution, while still in power. His hope is to have the first European Constitution signed in Rome by December of 2003, thereby establishing the Second Roman Treaty. The First Roman Treaty was signed in Rome in 1957. Der Stern pointed out that the First Roman Treaty signalized the “beginning of the success-story of Europe.”

Europe Begins to Show Its Muscles

As Netzeitung reported on July 10, the European Council has sharply criticized Russia for its anti-humanitarian policy in Chechnya [including the dismemberment of corpses and the kidnapping, the use of electro shocks and the beating of prisoners of war by the Russian Army]. The article commented, “Statements by the European Council with such severity are rare. The Council may do so, following the anti-torture convention, when a country does not cooperate or refuses to improve the situation based on the recommendation of the European [anti-torture] Committee.”

Current Events


The Associated Press reported on July 6, 2003, that the tomb of Zachariah, father of John the Baptist, might have been found. On the tomb, an inscription of 47 Greek letters was found. “This is the tomb of Zachariah, martyr, very pious priest, father of John,” the inscription reads.
Some scholars say the words were probably written several hundred years after Zachariah’s death – and after the tomb’s construction – by Byzantine Christians.

The article points out that “The inscription is carved into the facade of what is known as Absalom’s Tomb, one of three large funerary monuments in the Kidron Valley, between Jerusalem’s Old City and the Mount of Olives. The monuments were apparently built for Jerusalem’s aristocracy around the time of Jesus. It’s unlikely Absalom, son of King David, lies buried in the tomb, which was built hundreds of years after his death. Medieval Jewish tradition, however, held that the monument was his tomb, and – based on that tradition – Jews, Christians and Muslims stoned the monument for centuries to curse Absalom for his deeds: murdering his half brother Amnon for raping their sister Tamar, and later inciting a rebellion against his father.”

The article continues: “The Gospel of Luke describes [Zachariah] as an elderly man from the priestly caste of Abijah who, while burning incense in the Temple one day, was told by an angel that his wife Elizabeth, also advanced in years, would bear a son, who was later to become John the Baptist. Jewish historian Josephus writes that a priest named Zachariah was slain by Zealots in the Temple and thrown into the Kidron Valley below – which would explain the “martyr” reference in the Greek text.”

It concludes, “The inscription suggests that local Christians believed Zachariah was buried at the site of the tomb.”


California’s current jury instructions may serve as an example as to how much our legal system needs drastic revision and improvement. As the “California Bar Journal” for July 2003 reported, eight hundred brand new jury instructions for use by California lawyers and judges in civil trials are reviewed by the Judicial Council. However, even if approved, the “new instructions” are not “the final word; the Judicial Council likely will appoint an advisory committee to monitor and maintain them in the future,” according to the California Bar Journal. It is anticipated that the instructions will be constantly changed.

Jury instructions are meant to be understood by a tenth grade audience. Current jury instructions, however, can be understood, perhaps, if at all, and at the most, by people in legal business. They were written in the language of appellate opinions. No wonder, then, that we have been faced with so many ridiculous and blatantly false jury decisions.

Just to give a few examples:

A current jury instruction reads, “Failure of recollection is common. Innocent misrecollection is not common.” The proposed new instruction says, instead, “People often forget things or make mistakes in what they remember.”

Another current jury instruction reads, “‘Preponderance of the evidence’ means evidence that has more convincing force than that opposed to it. If the evidence is so evenly balanced that you are unable to say that the evidence on either side of an issue preponderates, your finding on that issue must be against the party who had the burden of proving it.” The proposed new jury instruction reads, instead, “When I tell you that a party must prove something, I mean that the party must persuade you, by the evidence presented in court, that what he or she is trying to prove is more likely to be true than not true. This is sometimes referred to as ‘burden of proof.'”

To quote one more example, a current jury instruction reads, “Circumstantial evidence is evidence that, if found to be true, proves a fact from which an inference of the existence of another fact may be drawn. A factual inference is a deduction that may logically and reasonably be drawn from one or more facts established by the evidence.”

How this convoluted instruction could have survived so long in our legal system is beyond comprehension. The proposed new instruction, although still not as clear as one would wish, reads as follows, “Some evidence proves a fact directly, such as testimony of a witness who saw a jet plane flying across the sky. Some evidence proves a fact indirectly, such as testimony of a witness who saw only the white trail that jet planes often leave. This indirect evidence is sometimes referred to as ‘circumstantial evidence.’ In either instance, the witness’ testimony is evidence that a jet plane flew across the sky.”

Of course, in a trial involving “circumstantial evidence” based on fiber, DNA, blood, and convoluted and contradictory expert testimony regarding the same, this simple “explanation” of “circumstantial evidence” will not be of too much help to a tenth grader, who is supposed to understand and apply those instructions.

The proposed changes of the current jury instructions are a step in the right direction. One must wonder, however, why it took so long to make such necessary changes. At the same time, serious problems remain with the current jury system in California and elsewhere, for those who want to follow Biblical injunctions. For an in-depth discussion, please read the Q&A in our Update #66.


At this time in human history, God is NOT intervening in this society held under the governance of Satan except for the very few who are called to be Christians, and when it is necessary to bring about prophesied events. The good news is that God has promised a time in which He will send His Son back to the earth to set up the Kingdom of God. At that time, the world will experience peace, and people will have access to God to find healing as well as fulfillment of the ultimate purpose of human life–a purpose that can only be fulfilled through obedience to the true God.

Yet, God does know what is happening on this earth. In a time setting that is yet future, this promise is made: ” ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away’ ” (Revelation 21:4).

God is working out a great master plan for His children. Along the way, mankind has made choices that have cut themselves off from God, but even then, God has so loved the world, that He sent His Son as its Savior. As we consider the horrible plight of millions in today’s world, let’s stay focused on the truth of God’s Word with hope even in the face of the temporary suffering of this age.


Was It the Truth – and Nothing But the Truth?

As Associated Press reported on July 7, “a parliamentary committee on Monday sharply criticized the [British] government’s handling of intelligence on Iraqi weapons but narrowly cleared Prime Minister Tony Blair’s communications chief of ‘improper influence’ on drafting a controversial intelligence dossier. The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee said the dossier, published in September, gave undue prominence to a claim that Iraq could deploy chemical or biological weapons within 45 minutes of Saddam Hussein’s giving the order… The cross-party committee also said Blair misrepresented to lawmakers the status of the second dossier, published in January, which included material copied from a graduate thesis posted on the Internet… By telling lawmakers that the document represented ‘further intelligence,’ Blair ‘misrepresented its status.'”


USA Today reported on July 9 that only 23% of Americans feel that the military effort in Iraq is going well. In mid-April, 61% felt that way. On the other hand, two-thirds said that the United States made the right decision to use military force against Iraq, in spite of the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have been found so far, and that some statements made about Saddam by the US and British governments were incorrect. In addition, 72% feel that a strong enough effort is not being made to deal with the health care problems. At the same time, only 38% feel that the Democrats could do a better job than the Republicans.


As Der Stern Online reported on Wednesday, most of the U.S. states are facing the most serious financial crisis since World War II. California (the largest state with 35.3 million people) is on top of the list, with a deficit of 38 billion dollars. Combined with other U.S. states, the entire deficit is estimated at 53.5 billion dollars. As a consequence, Massachusetts has canceled health benefits for 50,000 poor people. Kentucky has released prematurely 1,000 prisoners. Oregon has prematurely closed schools to save on cleaning costs. The Community Colleges in Los Angeles have only enough money until August. The chancellor of the district said that after that, students might have to be told to just go home.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the highest paid actor in history, told Stern that it is a nightmare to see how California is going down the drain. There have been quite a few speculations whether or not he will run for governor of California. “Now leadership is asked for, and I know the ABC,” he said. He continued, “I can lead and I will bring order.”

Many states ask for federal aid, but, as the article points out, “with a record federal deficit of 400 billion dollars this year and the massive expenses in Iraq and other placed worldwide set aside to fight terrorism, nothing can be expected from Washington.”


As Washingtonpost. com reported on July 9, “the House approved a $369.1 billion Pentagon spending bill for 2004” for defense. At the same time, Congress was asked for “1.9 billion dollars to help fight forest fires, provide emergency relief to areas hit by tropical storms, and investigate the space shuttle Columbia’s disintegration,” according to the article.

What a world we will have after Christ has returned. We read that people will not learn war anymore (Isaiah. 2:4). We will no longer hear about astronomical figures set aside for “national defense.” We will no longer hear that governments are willing to spend money that they don’t have. Governmental debts, inevitably leading to the suffering of the poor, as in Massachusetts (see, “US States Deficit Highest Since World War II”) will be a thing of the past. May God grant that this time will come soon.

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