Current Events


We recently received an interesting article over the Internet, titled, “Our Founding Fathers,” pertaining to the U.S. Independence Day of July 4th. We would like to share the following excerpts from this article with you:
“Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

“Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

“They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

“What kind of men were they?

“Twenty-four were lawyers… Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated, but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.”


The WorldNetDaily published on Monday, June 30, 2003, a frightening article, titled, “Reigning death on U.S. Cities?” Author Jon Dougherty discussed the threats of nuclear attacks from other nations, and what the United States could do about them.

One possible scenario “involves destruction of American cities and perhaps tens of thousands of American lives lost. To prevent such devastation, the Bush administration has embarked on an ambitious plan to deploy a multifaceted, multi-layered missile-defense system that is intended to shield the continental United States, its armed forces and its overseas possessions from ballistic-missile attacks.”

The article pointed out that “more nations worldwide are opting to buy or develop intercontinental ballistic missiles and tip them with nuclear weapons, say intelligence experts, which has fueled calls in the U.S. for developing and deploying a shield against ICBM threats. Included in that list are ‘axis of evil’ members Iran and North Korea, the latter already reportedly possessing a limited number of nuclear warheads, U.S. intelligence officials warned Japan in March. Pyongyang [North Korea] is also developing intercontinental ballistic-missile technology – most likely with Chinese help – to deliver them. Iran, meanwhile, is also working hard to develop nuclear and ICBM capability, say U.S. intelligence officials.”

The article continued that “Bob Smith, a space and communications division spokesman for Boeing, told WorldNetDaily in 1999 that ‘at least 30 nations are known to have more than 10,000 theater ballistic missiles in their arsenals, and the threat is growing daily.’ Several of these countries are also known to be pursuing development or to have developed nuclear, chemical and biological capabilities for their missiles, he said… While most of the world’s great powers – Europe, Russia, India and China, along with Pakistan and Israel, both of which are also nuclear-armed – are allies of the U.S. and not hostile, these nations also produce their own modern short-, medium-, and long-range ballistic missiles. Ominously, many sell these weapons to other potentially threatening nations like Iran and North Korea.”

The article also stated, “Both China and Russia have sold missiles and missile technology to client states Pakistan, Iran and other nations in the Middle East, U.S. intelligence reports. And these client states are using the technology to advance their own domestic offensive ballistic missile capability… Brazil, meanwhile, is rapidly becoming one of the world’s largest exporters of weapons. It has a mature space-launch vehicle program begun in the 1960s.”

One can only imagine what might happen when some of the nations, which are presently allies of the United States, turn against the U.S. Although many observers cannot or refuse to imagine that the United States could ever be defeated by its enemies, they make the terrible mistake of only looking at the “here and now” — the “status quo.” They DENY the clear word of Biblical prophecy, and in doing so, they DECEIVE their unsuspecting listeners and followers, preaching to them a FALSE SECURITY, as well as peace and lasting prosperity, while the doomsday clock is ticking. You might want to read, in this context, prophetic warnings about false preaching in our time, as well as the terrible consequences for those who accept such preaching, as recorded in Jeremiah 8:11, 15. At the same time, you may also want to note the reaction by misled people, as prophesied in Jeremiah 6:17, when they hear the true warning message.


In a related article, published by the WorldNetDaily on June 22, the question was asked what nuclear goals Saudi Arabia is pursuing. It was pointed out that “Saudi Arabia is already thinking nuclear… The Saudi royal family is alarmed by the prospect of its next-door neighbor having a nuclear bomb, U.S. intelligence analysts say. The Saudis were spooked enough by Iraq’s nuclear program. But Iran is a Shiite state and has long fomented the large Shia minority in the eastern part of the Saudi kingdom. In addition, most of Saudi Arabia’s oil and natural gas reserves are in its Shiite-populated Eastern Province. Saudi Arabia has been secretly obtaining help from Pakistan for its missile and nuclear program, the analysts report. Riyadh helped finance Pakistan’s nuclear program precisely to ensure that the royal family will have a bomb in case of an emergency.”


On June 28, the German tabloid, Bild Online, ran an in-depth article on the current situation in the United States, analyzing the chances for President Bush to be re-elected in November of 2004. Bild Online is a conservative, pro-American paper. We bring you experts from the paper’s analysis:

“Re-election of President Bush (56) is largely dependent on the question whether he will be able to solve the economic problems in his country. If not, the same fate could await the victor of the gulf war in 2003, as happened to his father (79) who won the gulf war in 1991, and who lost a year later to democratic outsider Bill Clinton. Presently, 62 percent of the Americans are still pleased with the work of their president, according to a poll in CNN and USA Today…

“Questions in the U.S. are getting louder: Where are the weapons of mass destruction, which were the cause for the invasion [in Iraq]? 1400 U.S. inspectors have so far not found any such weapons. Why don’t we find Saddam? Where is Bin Laden? Why is it that our secret services, with their budget of 30 billion dollars, cannot find the two? Why do our soldiers still die in Iraq, although the war is over? More than 50 died since May 1…

“Critical, though, is the economy. The current results of the Bush Administration are not rosy. The unemployment rate climbed from 4.2 to 6.1 percent, which is not much for German standards, but which is much for American standards.

“Since Mr. Bush has ruled as the 43rd American President, the Dow Jones index has fallen by 1,100 points. This has had serious consequences for many retirees who invested in stocks and bonds.

“The USA is heavily in debt… In spite of recent tax cuts, only 10 percent of the U.S. citizens believe, according to a poll of the Washington Post, that they are doing better financially than under Bill Clinton; 48 percent believe that they are doing worse…

“Whoever will compete with President Bush needs to be hopeful that history repeats itself. Bill Clinton won the fight for the White House against Bush Senior with the slogan, ‘It’s the economy…'”


As MSNBC News reported on July 2, “Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi sparked fury in the European Parliament on Wednesday when he appeared to compare a German lawmaker with a Nazi concentration camp commander. The incident caused uproar in the house and completely overshadowed Berlusconi’s presentation of Italy’s priorities for its six-month presidency of the European Union, which began on Tuesday. Berlusconi lost his cool in response to criticism of an alleged conflict of interest between his political office and his extensive Italian media interests by German Socialist MEP Martin Schulz. ‘Mr. Schulz, I know there is in Italy a man producing a film on the Nazi concentration camps. I would like to suggest you for the role of leader. You’d be perfect,’ Berlusconi exclaimed to jeers in the chamber. He refused to withdraw the remark when given the opportunity by European Parliament President Pat Cox, who expressed regret at the offense caused to Schulz…

“EU lawmakers were stunned by the vehemence of Berlusconi’s response to a debate in which numerous left-wing and Green members of parliament raised concerns about Berlusconi’s suitability to head the 15-nation bloc. The Italian leader, who had been on trial for allegedly bribing judges over a 1980’s business deal, has just rushed a law through parliament granting himself and other top state officials immunity from prosecution while in office.”

In spite of European attempts to bring about European unity, outbursts like the one described herein show the fragile nature of the relationships between certain European allies. The Bible predicts that the final unified ten core nations will still constitute a “divided kingdom” (Daniel 2:41), but that “the strength of the iron will be in it” (same verse). The final United Europe will be “partly strong and partly fragile” (Daniel 2:42). Still, in times of need and necessity, the ten leading nations of Europe will be “of one mind” to give their power and authority to a charismatic political leader (compare Revelation 17:12-13).

Much has been speculated as to who this final leader will be. Given the times we are living in, it is highly likely that this leader already exists on the political scene. We also find it remarkable that the draft of a European constitution provides for the more permanent office of a European President and of a Foreign Minister. According to Spiegel Online of June 29, 2003, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has already determined who should become the next German foreign minister, after Joschka Fischer has gone to Brussels. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, was quoted as saying, “‘I admire very much Joschka Fischer’s European involvement and his political qualities, but I believe it is too early to speculate at this time about candidates for the position [of European Foreign Minister].'” He continued, “‘A European Foreign Minister is an important achievement. We need an effective voice in order to represent a European foreign policy to the world.'”

Of course, there is still Austria’s Joerg Haider. He has mentioned in the past that he would not mind going to Brussels. At the moment, he is busy trying to become the next elected Austrian Chancellor. Then, there are other possible candidates for both positions of European President and European Foreign Minister. Only time will tell as to who will fill those positions. The Bible is very explicit, however, that the final European leader will be of German descent, that is, he could be a German or an Austrian. At this time, we are called upon to carefully watch the developments in Europe.

Current Events


With this headline, USA Today announced on Thursday, June 26, 2003, the Supreme Court’s ruling that a Texas state law was an unconstitutional violation of privacy. The state law had prohibited “deviate sexual intercourse with another individual of the same sex.”

The article pointed out that in 1960, every state had such so-called “anti-sodomy laws.” In 37 states, the statutes had been repealed. “Of the 13 states with sodomy laws, four — Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri — prohibit oral and anal sex between same-sex couples. The other nine ban consensual sodomy for everyone [including between husband and wife]: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia. Thursday’s ruling apparently invalidates those laws as well.”

Prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday, other news related to the issue of homosexual conduct had made the headlines. In a web posted article from The Boston Globe of 6/11/2003, it was stated: “The city of Toronto issued North America’s first full marriage licenses to homosexual couples yesterday, after an Ontario court knocked down Canada’s legal definition of marriage, the union of a man and a woman, as a violation of the country’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In the landmark ruling, the Ontario Appeal Court declared prohibitions against homosexual marriage unconstitutional. ‘The restriction against same-sex marriage is an offense to the dignity of lesbians and gays, because it limits the range of relationship options open to them,’ the court said.”

However, as the article continues, this decision is not without objection among some in Canada: ” ‘Our newfound tolerance of hom[o]sexuality shows how completely secularism has displaced religion as the source of popular morality,’ said Joseph Heath, professor of ethics and political economy at the University of Montreal. ‘The Bible says, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” It takes an awful lot of massaging to interpret that as anything other than a condemnation of homosexuality.’ “

Nations such as The Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark already have laws that condone legal status and rights for same-sex relationships. England is also dealing with this hot-button topic, with homosexuals pushing for legal recognition.

It is important to frame these events against the powerful statements about such conduct as inspired in the Word of God:

“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator… For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (Romans 1:24-28).


This was another headline of an article run by USA Today on Thursday, June 26. The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the government cannot retroactively erase statutes of limitations, striking down a California law that allowed prosecutions for old sex crimes. “This case [Stogner v. California, 01-1757] was closely watched because of sex abuse problems in the Roman Catholic Church, but it also has implications for terrorism and other crimes,” the article pointed out. “The Bush administration had argued that a ruling against California would threaten the USA Patriot Act, which retroactively withdrew statutes of limitations in terrorism cases involving hijackings, kidnappings, bombings and biological weapons.”


As Der Stern Online reported on June 26, 40 years ago, on Thursday, June 26, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave his historical speech at the Schoeneberg town hall in Berlin, uttering the above-quoted words. More than 300,000 Germans — some say, 400,000 — responded with spontaneous applause. Kennedy was the first U.S. president who visited Berlin after Germany’s division. Russia’s leader, President Nikita Khrushchev, traveled to East Berlin and stated two days later, “I love the wall.” Following John F. Kennedy, five more U.S. presidents visited Berlin, including Richard Nixon in 1969 and Bill Clinton in 1994. Only one additional Berlin-speech was recorded in the pages of history, however: In 1987, Ronald Reagan exclaimed at the Brandenburg Gate, “Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear this wall down.” Two years later, Mr. Reagan’s wish had become reality.

As Bild Online reported, in light of the historical events 40 years ago, German President Johannes Rau wrote a letter to President Bush. He called President Kennedy’s speech “a milestone of German history,” “a stable anchor of German-American friendship,” and “one of the great symbols for Berlin’s freedom.” He continued, “In light of the 40th year of that speech, I would like to thank you, Mr. President, and the American people that you have given us the hand of friendship — a friendship for which Kennedy created a lasting symbol 40 years ago, and which has endured even in difficult times.”

Sadly, the friendship between the two nations will not endure in the challenging times ahead of us.


The Foreign Minister of Italy, Franco Frattini, announced on Tuesday, June 24, that he will “insist that the preamble of the European Constitution make reference to Christianity,” according to Zenit of June 26. Italy will assume the European Union’s rotating presidency next semester, on July 1, 2003. The preamble presently makes no reference to God or to the role of Christianity, “despite the fact that this was requested by representatives of Italy, Poland, The Netherlands and Spain,” according to Zenit of June 22.

Zenit also ran an interesting article on June 20, titled, “De-Christianized Europe is Easy Prey for Peaceful Muslim Invasion.” The article featured Piero Gheddo, Italian Missionary of the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions. He stated, “‘The modern world — television, consumerism, feminism, etc. — disturbs faith and the Muslim communities. Muslims regard us as atheist and immoral peoples; we conquer them with technology, they conquer with faith… Hatred and terrorism are the reaction when feeling impotent before the modern world that has come from the West, which marginalizes religion in the life of these peoples.'”

He continued, “‘We must return to Jesus Christ if, as Europeans, we want to have the precise identity and religious-moral strength. A de-Christianized Europe is easy prey for a peaceful Muslim invasion; they have the strength of faith; we have a civilization devoid of content. If Christianity is taken from us, Europeans, what will we have left? Why do intellectuals and journalists, prepared to debate on any topic, ignore this tragedy of Europe?… Where a void is created, there is always someone ready to fill it.'”

The void WILL be filled — but in a different way than presently anticipated by most observers.


“President Bush and European leaders demanded Wednesday [June 25] that Iran live up to its promises not to develop nuclear weapons. ‘And if they don’t, we’ll deal with that when they don’t,’ the president said,” according to USA Today of June 26. Romano Prodi, president of the European Commission, uttered the following words, which might turn out to have prophetic significance: “When Europe and United States are united, no problem and no enemy can stand against us. If we fail to unite, every problem may become a crisis and every enemy a gigantic monster.”


This week brought to light evidence that Saddam Hussein was planning to reconstitute a program with hidden material to enrich uranium to make a nuclear weapon, once sanctions against Iraq ended. The Bush administration clarified, however, that this hidden material did not constitute proof that Iraq had an active program to develop a nuclear weapon (USA Today, June 26).

This week has also seen continued Iraqi attacks on American and British forces. “The Arab satellite station Al-Jazeera reported,” on Thursday, “that it received a statement and videotape from an alleged Iraqi resistance group claiming responsibility for the violence and threatening more,” according to USA Today of June 26. “The latest killings raised the American death toll to 196 since the start of the war on March 20. At least 20 U.S. soldiers have died as the result of hostile fire since the major combat was declared over in May.”

Six British soldiers were also killed on Tuesday, June 24. “The deaths represent the heaviest loss under fire for British troops in a single day since the 1991 Gulf War and take the British death toll during the latest Iraqi conflict to 42.”

The article continued, “British forces in Iraq have been reduced to 15,500 from 45,000 during the war; two-thirds of them are ground forces. The United States has brought home some 130,000 troops from the region; 146,000 American forces remain in Iraq.”

Current Events


Unquestionably, the Middle East with a particular focus on Iraq and Jerusalem, as well as the land of Israel, continues to boil over in one violent outbreak after another. World news is now geared to reporting events that occur there with dozens of reporters stationed in the area. It is something we can and should watch as a part of Biblical, end-time prophetic fulfillment.

Now, a startling new emergence is rapidly taking form in Europe. A long-ago “newscaster”–the prophet Daniel–spoke very precisely of events we now can see unfolding before us. In Daniel 2:41-43, note this somber announcement:

“‘Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. ‘And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. ‘As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.'”

These statements show the formation of a powerful European kingdom that will come about through alliances and confederacies–yet, there will be problems. Other prophecies show that continental Europe, led by ten core nations or goups of nations, will be at odds with the United States and Great Britain. They also show more details of an emerging political leader and a religious leader who will dominate events in this world! These are things we are to now watch! Our booklets can greatly help you understand these events. Europe in Prophecy and The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord, along with our new STANDING WATCH weekly webcast and our weekly Updates, deal with prophetic events for our day.

It is vital that we understand the times we are living in, and to do that, it is of the utmost importance to do as the Bible clearly warns–WATCH!


On May 1, 2003, official combat between the allied forces and Iraq ended. Since that time, more than 50 American soldiers have been killed — 16 of them through Iraqi attacks, and 36 through accidents. Der Spiegel Online reported on June 19 that “within the last 24 hours, four U.S. soldiers and one Iraqi were killed by three attacks.” At the same time, U.S. forces were able to capture Abid Hamud Mahmud al-Tikriti, the No. 4 on the U.S. most-wanted list of Iraqi leaders, behind only Saddam and sons Qusai and Odai, according to USA Today of June 19. However, an Arab newspaper, published in England, stated that they received a fourth letter from Saddam Hussein, at least two of which are considered to be genuine. This would prove that Saddam is still alive. In the last letter, the author announced a new round of attacks if the allied forces don’t leave Iraq by June 17. Some newspapers speculated that the date was meant to be July 17 — the official date when Saddam’s party came to power 35 years ago.

USA Today reported on June 10 that Ahmed Chalabi, head of the Iraqi National Congress, is convinced that Saddam is still alive. He “has been seen north of Baghdad and is paying a bounty for every American soldier killed,” he said. “Saddam has $1.3 billion in cash taken from the Central Bank on March 18, is bent on revenge and believes he can sit it out and get the Americans going,” he said.

In a poll conducted by the “Iraqi Center for Research and Strategic Studies,” 51% of Iraqis approved the American occupation in Iraq at this time, according to Der Spiegel Online of June 19. 85% uttered serious concerns about the present Iraqi political parties, stating that they could not fill the new political vacuum in the country. At the same time, a majority of Iraqis was dissatisfied with the allies’ accomplishment in Iraq regarding security, reconstruction, the economy and the healthcare system. Only 6 percent believed that the allies occupied the country because they had in mind the welfare of Iraq.

Joseph Collins, “Pentagon’s top policy advisor,” said on June 10 that “the task of stabilizing postwar Iraq has proven ‘tougher and more complex’ than the Bush administration originally foresaw,” according to USA Today of June 10. In addition, the Guardian, a paper in Great Britain, published on June 11 a damaging interview with Hans Blix, the UN chief weapons inspector, claiming that he was “smeared by the Pentagon.” Due to ongoing criticism as to the official reason given for the war with Iraq, both the Blair and the Bush administrations are being investigated by the British Parliament and the American Congress.

Bild Online reported on June 19 that Donald Rumsfeld “downplayed the chaos in Iraq.” He spoke in Washington “of small elements” of only 10 or 20 percent that are responsible for the attacks on American soldiers. He compared the figures with the number of killings in American big cities and said, “We will always have violence in big cities.” Bild Online continued: “The allies are far from being able to control the situation. The British have begun to admit mistakes, which could lead to a separation between the allied forces.”



On Friday, June 13, a draft constitution covering 450 million inhabitants of the future European Union was unveiled. The audience gave a standing ovation to Valery Giscard d’Estaing, former French president, who chaired the convention. Giscard d’Estaing had recently received the “Karlspreis” (“Charlemagne prize”) for his “outstanding efforts to unite Europe.” As AFB reported, “some big battles remain, notably over demands for the EU to extend qualified majority voting into sensitive areas such as foreign and tax policy…” German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is hopeful that by the end of the year, the inter-governmental conference (IGC) of current and future EU countries will approve the text, and that Europe will ratify it in 2006, according to Der Spiegel Online of June 19. The text would create the establishment of a European Foreign Minister. The German press has been speculating for months, whether Joschka Fischer will occupy that post. Der Spiegel Online also stated, under the sub-heading, “Fortress Europe begins to emerge,” that a new European immigration and asylum policy is under discussion.

The Catholic Church uttered dissatisfaction with the proposed text, as it does not mention the Christian heritage of Europe. Joschka Fischer had promised the pope that he would see to it that the final European constitution would include a reference to Europe’s Christian heritage.



According to Der Spiegel Online of June 11, Donald Rumsfeld stirred up old wounds last week, when he spoke again, during a visit in Germany, of “old Europe” and “new Europe.” He also confirmed that the United States are contemplating the withdrawal of 75 % of their American troops from Germany. It was emphasized that these plans “have nothing to do with Germany’s stance regarding the Iraq question.”

MSNBC News reported on June 12 that the “U.N. Security Council on Thursday approved another one-year exemption for American peacemakers from prosecution by the new international war crimes tribunal, but it faced opposition from France, Germany and Syria.” The United States had made it very clear that the failure to grant immunity to the U.S. would have serious consequences, as the criticism “was putting more strains on trans-Atlantic relations.” Originally, the United States had sought to obtain permanent immunity. The Washington Post had run an article on June 10, titled, “U.S. Confronts EU On War Crimes Court.” The Independent in the U.K. wrote on June 11, “US clashes with Europe over war crimes.” The Guardian Unlimited in the U.K. titled its headline on June 11, “War crime vote fuels US anger at Europe.” France, Germany and Syria decided to abstain, rather than to vote against the exemption. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 12-0, with three abstentions.


In other European news, Britain delayed adopting the European currency, the “euro,” at least for the time being. At this point, 12 European countries have adopted the euro as their only currency. The Washington Post of June 10 commented that, while Britain’s finance minister Gordon Brown emphasized the economic risks of adopting the euro, “many analyists said they believe the government’s principal concern is political.”

Telegraph News reported on June 19 that “a Paris court last night halted publication of a book by a former investigating magistrate that claims France is institutionally corrupt.” This is the first time that a French court blocked the publication of a book in recent times, according to the article. The official reason was that the publication might prejudice a pending trial, stating that the book could be published once the trial is over.


In an attempt to fulfill Israel’s agreement with President Bush, Israel began to take down unauthorized outposts set up by settlers in the West Bank over the last two years. There are 62 such outposts and a total of more than 100 set up since 1996. As USA Today reported on June 19, “about 200 people from nearby Jewish settlements converged on the hilltop Thursday morning, blocking the road leading to Mitzpeh Yitzhar (the first inhabited outpost being removed under the new U.S.-backed “road map” peace plan) with cars and burning tires to prevent the authorities from dismantling the outpost.” The peace plan envisions the creation of a Palestinian state by 2005.


As Stern Online of June 13 reported, the HIV virus was apparently transmitted to chimpanzees which ate the flesh of other chimpanzees infected with the virus. It is still unclear how the chimpanzees were originally infected. It has been established that the HIV virus was transmitted from infected chimpanzees to humans. Three cases of such transmissions of the virus HIV1 which occurred prior to 1930, have been proven, according to the article. Another HIV virus, HIV2, was transmitted more recently to humans in West Africa. The article pointed out that humans were infected when they ate the infected chimpanzees.

Current Events


Events following the supposed implementation of the “Road Map to Peace” have taken their predictable course, and that is more violence from both the Palestinians and Israelis!

On June 11, 2003, reported: “The Bush administration doled out a rare dose of criticism to Israel over its military attack on a Hamas leader yesterday but failed to dissuade the Israelis from launching a second assault in Gaza a short time later.” President Bush was quoted as saying that he doesn’t “…believe the attacks help Israeli security.”

The Washington Post reported on June 10, 2003, “President Bush this afternoon scolded Israel, saying he was concerned that its attacks today on Palestinian targets could derail the road map toward Middle East peace, less than a week after he assembled Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan for an upbeat summit… Earlier in the day, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said… it was correct to say Israel’s action was not keeping with the road map.”

Der Spiegel Online commented on June 10, 2003, “The Israeli government is obviously determined to do everything they can to sabotage President Bush’s road map to peace.”

USA Today reported on June 11 that “Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was unapologetic about Tuesday’s botched strike against Hamas co-founder Abdel Aziz Rantisi, despite a sharp reprimand from President Bush… Sharon said after Bush’s rebuke that Israel will ‘continue to fight the heads of the extremist terrorist organizations – those who initiate, those who fund and those who send terrorists to the Jews.'”

On June 11, events in this area of the world simply exploded with some commentators calling the conflagration a war between Israel and Hamas. reported on Wednesday (6/11/2003): “Privately though, administration officials admitted that what they believed was a triumph at the summit in Aqaba, Jordan, has been shattered in a matter of days.”

First, as USA Today reported on June 11, “a suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus in downtown Jerusalem on Wednesday, killing at least 13 people and wounding nearly 70 a day after Hamas threatened bloody revenge for an Israeli attack on one of its leaders.” Shortly thereafter, Israel killed at least six Palestinians in a first rocket attack in Gaza City. Israel claimed that that attack was unconnected with the suicide attack in Jerusalem. However, two more Israeli attacks followed.

USA Today reported on June 12, 2003: “In the third Israeli airstrike in 24 hours, Israeli helicopters fired several missiles at a car of a Hamas fugitive Thursday, killing seven people, including the wanted man [Yasser Taha], his wife [Fatima] and 2-year old daughter [Asnan].” This latest strike injured 29 people. The article continued, “The latest spike in violence – 35 Israelis and Palestinians killed and more than 130 wounded in two days – suggested a new stage in the 32-month-old conflict, with ISRAEL AND HAMAS THREATENING TO FIGHT EACH OTHER TO THE FINISH. Hamas said it would unleash multiple attacks and urged foreigners to leave Israel for their safety. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that despite a new U.S.-backed peace plan, he would hunt Palestinian militants ‘to the bitter end.'”

Der Spiegel Online reported on June 12, 2003, that Hamas advocates attacks against Ariel Sharon personally. The magazine stated, “Ever increasing attacks from Israel and the extremist group Hamas destroy the hope that violence in the Middle East might stop.”

Things will get worse! The lesson of history is that violence leads to more violence, and wars lead to more wars. We see a vicious cycle of violence in the Middle East, with no end in sight.

Even the unique support and alliance enjoyed between the U.S., Israel and Great Britain will not hold. Isaiah 9:21 prophecies: “Manasseh Ephraim’s, and Ephraim Manasseh’s, And both of them AGAINST Judah” (Tanakh translation)! The New International Version renders this passage this way, “Manasseh will feed on Ephraim, and Ephraim on Manasseh; together they will turn against Judah.”

In chapter 11 of Isaiah, we find this statement about a future change in relationships that will actually correct a problem that is even now arising between Judah and Ephraim: “Also the envy of Ephraim shall depart, And the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, And Judah shall not harass Ephraim” (verse 13).

Events in the very near future will see Judah isolated. The Arab world enjoys more and more sympathy and support from countries within the European Union. Although this doesn’t yet entail any military overtures, prophecy clearly shows that Europe will find itself embroiled militarily in the Middle East. It will be Europe that will be called upon to bring “peace” to the Middle East. However, their efforts will create more havoc in that part of the world. Notice this frightening prophecy in Zechariah 12:2-3, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH are gathered against it.”

For more about the prophecies of these events, please note the publications available on our web page

APOCALYPSE NOW? published an interesting article on June 10, stating the following: “This is the way the world might end: A genetically engineered pathogen is released, debris from an erupting ‘supervolcano’ blocks the sun or scientists in the biggest ‘bioerror’ of them all accidentally trigger a matter-squeezing ‘big bang.’

“The demise of civilization has been predicted since it began, but the odds of keeping Planet Earth alive and well are getting worse amid a breakneck pace of scientific advances, according to Martin Rees, Britain’s honorary astronomer royal. Rees calculates that the odds of an apocalyptic disaster striking Earth have risen to about 50 percent from 20 percent a hundred years ago.

“The 60-year-old scientist, author of the recently published ‘One Final Hour,’ says science is advancing in a far more unpredictable and potentially dangerous pattern than ever before. He lists as mankind’s biggest threats: nuclear terrorism, deadly engineered viruses, rogue machines and genetic engineering that could alter human character. All of those could result from innocent error or the action of a single malevolent individual. By 2020, an instance of bioterror or bioerror will have killed a million people, Rees contends.”

The Bible prophesies that at the time of Jesus Christ’s return, the conditions on this planet will be so bad that no human being would be saved alive, unless God were to intervene and “those days were shortened” (compare Matthew 24:22). We seem to be moving toward this final climax of human “accomplishments” with frightening speed.

Current Events


The Associated Press reported on May 27, 2003 (republished by The Boston, that President Bush signed a bill on Tuesday, approved by Congress, raising the federal debt limit by nearly $1 trillion to an unprecedented amount of just under $7.5 trillion. The Southern Illinoisan pointed out on May 25 that “Congress had breached its current $6.4 trillion limit on borrowing early this year, and the government has averted an unprecedented default only by having the Treasury Department shift money from various funds it oversees.” The paper continued, “This year’s deficit is expected to exceed $300 billion for the first time, and shortfalls are projected into the future… while Democrats blame the return of red ink on a series of Bush tax cuts, Republicans blame the faltering economy and the costs of confronting terrorists.”

As of May 31, the outstanding public debt was $6,559,774,122,542.55, according to the U.S. National Debt Clock. To get an idea of the enormity of this figure, consider that the estimated population of the United States is 291,098,867. Each citizen’s share of the public debt would be $22,534.52. The national debt has continued to increase on an average of $1.36 billion per day since September 30, 2002. In the 1990s, the federal government created $2.8 trillion of new debt.

MSNBC News reported on May 29 that the Bush administration has shelved a report commissioned by the Treasury that shows that the U.S. currently faces a future of chronic federal budget deficits totaling at least $44 trillion in current U.S. dollars. The study “estimates that closing the gap would require the equivalent of an immediate and permanent 66 percent across-the-board income tax increase.”

There would be, of course, other means to close the gap – but nobody in government or opposition seems to be willing to take those steps, as that would first of all require a totally new way of thinking. We are referring, for example, to the military or the space program or the tobacco industry. After Christ’s return, no money will be spent anymore for any of those purposes. In fact, we read in Isaiah 2:4, “He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they LEARN WAR anymore.”

This time has not arrived yet, and so we see astronomical debts accumulating. Thanks be to God, though, that His Son WILL return to this earth to establish a better and just world.


This question is being asked increasingly inside and outside the United States and Great Britain. It was recently prompted by comments of US Vice-Minister of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, who reportedly said that the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was not the main reason for the invasion. According to Vanity Fair, this reason was given, as everyone could agree with it.

Mr. Wolfowitz’s comments were followed by a stirring account in the British press. The Guardian Unlimited reported on May 31 that allegedly Jack Straw, Great Britain’s foreign secretary, and Colin Powell “privately expressed serious doubts about the quality of intelligence on Iraq’s banned weapons programme [sic] at the very time they were publicly trumpeting it to get UN support for a war on Iraq.” According to the paper, those concerns were expressed during a transcribed private meeting at the Waldorf hotel in New York. The paper continued, “Mr. Powell told the foreign secretary he hoped the facts, when they came out, would not ‘explode in their faces.'”

Both the American and the British governments were quick to deny any validity of the report. Great Britain’s Sunday Mail published an article on June 1, reporting that “Foreign Secretary Jack Straw yesterday denied he and US counterpart Colin Powell had shared secret doubts over the invasion of Iraq.” The article continued, “Yesterday, the Foreign Office dismissed the allegations as ‘simply untrue’ and insisted that ‘no such meeting took place.'”

USA Today reported on June 2 that “U.S. and British officials defended their allegations that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction amid growing charges that the Bush administration may have overstated ambiguous intelligence to sell the war in Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday that everything he told the United Nations in his indictment of Iraq’s weapons programs in February had been vetted by the CIA and that only information backed by multiple sources were [sic] made public. ‘Our credibility is intact,’ he told ABC News. ‘Everybody knows that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.'”

USA Today continued to point out: “A U.S. Intelligence expert who helped Powell’s presentation in February said the effort was rushed and, in some cases, relied on circumstantial evidence.”

The paper also stated that “Senate Committees will investigate the issue as soon as this month.” Der Spiegel Online elaborated on the planned investigation in its article of June 3, as follows, “Now, the American Congress gets involved. Two Senate Committees want to find out whether the American government has exaggerated the dangers stemming from Saddam’s weapons… Especially the credibility of President Bush, Secretary of State, Colin Powell, Minister of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and Director of the CIA, George Tenet, is at stake. According to the BBC, it is likely that all will have to testify before the Committees.” It was also announced that Tony Blair will be investigated by the British Parliament.

At the same time, according to Der Spiegel, Hans Blix reiterated on Monday that his team did not find any proof that Iraq was in possession of any weapons of mass destruction.

Der Spiegel also published on May 31 excerpts from an interview with General James Convey, in charge of the marines in Iraq, stating that it is “clearly false” to claim that Saddam wanted to attack the Allies with biological or chemical weapons. He told the Los Angeles Times, “There is simply nothing there.”

In an additional report of June 1, Der Spiegel quoted former British minister Clare Short, who had resigned in protest of Mr. Blair’s Iraq policy, to the effect that Blair allegedly misled the people. 63 percent of the British feel the same way, according to a poll. The magazine continued, “[Germany’s Foreign Minister] Joschka Fischer was cited by Mail on Sunday to the effect that he had made it very clear that if there should be no weapons of mass destruction, Tony Blair should admit that he misappropriated intelligence reports and that he misled the world.”

In the United States, it appears that “a majority of Americans seems indifferent to the growing clamor,” according to USA Today. “A… poll (of 1,019 adults Friday through Sunday) shows that 56% of residents say the war on Iraq would still be justified even if weapons of mass destruction were not found.” However, as time goes on, this poll could rapidly change.


A few days ago, Der Spiegel Online, as well as other leading German papers and magazines, began to publish a debate between intellectuals about the relationship between the United States and Europe. On June 1, they published the view point of American philosopher Richard Rorty, encouraging Europeans to withstand President Bush. He stated, “If Europe does not unite now, they will never again play an important role in the world.” He criticized the European leaders that they had again begun to try to obtain Washington’s favor. Instead, according to Rorty, “the EU has to show the world a vision of the future… While America’s politics may delay a disaster for a short while, the Europeans could create a new world order and thereby ‘save the world.'”

The Bible shows that Europe will indeed attempt to do this – with devastating consequences in the end.


After the 300 years celebration in Petersburg, Russia, and the G-8 leaders meeting in Evian, France, everyone smiled, anxious to show unity and peace between the world’s most powerful nations. President Bush deserves a lot of credit for having again begun a relationship with Chancellor Schroeder. Due to the strong disagreement between the two leaders over the Iraq crisis, they had not communicated with each other for months. President Bush went to Mr. Schroeder’s table in Petersburg and shook his hand. The same episode reoccurred in Evian, France. The German press is delighted, thanking President Bush for his friendly gesture.

In addition, the leaders of the eight summit countries, “the world’s seven wealthiest nations and Russia,” according to USA Today of June 3, expressed their deep satisfaction after the G-8 meeting (Bild, June 3). The leaders represented the United States, Russia, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada. However, one of several potential problems remains to be the situation with Iran. According to USA Today, the leaders of Canada, France and Germany “signaled they were not ready to fall into line behind the United States should the Bush administration decide to use military force in Iran.” Der Spiegel Online stated on June 3 that these leaders clarified that they would not agree to any force in the Iran situation. In regard to Iraq, Chirac was quoted by USA Today as saying, “All military action not backed by the U.N. is illegitimate and illegal. I still don’t approve of it. I didn’t change my feelings one iota.”

As one can see, in spite of the smiles of the leaders, disagreement in key questions of paramount importance still prevails.


It has gotten a little bit quiet regarding Joerg Haider of Austria. This does not mean, however, that he is no longer a force to be reckoned with. In a recent interview with News Online of May 31, he stated, “A chancellor Haider is becoming more and more important and necessary.” He also announced that he is willing to return and enter national politics, if his party wants him to. At the same time, he said, “I am back again.”

Whether he is or isn’t, the near future may show.

Current Events


USA Today reported on May 24 that “despite a possible scientific breakthrough linking SARS to animals, the disease continued to vex health authorities trying to contain it.” Apart from new outbreaks of the disease, the really frightening news is its possible origin. USA Today continued, “Researchers in Hong Kong have found evidence of the SARS virus in three types of small animals including the civet cat, which IS EATEN (!) as a delicacy by some Chinese… Civet cats are from the same animal family as ferrets.”

The German papers of MAX and NETZEITUNG confirmed the report. MAX added that “people in Southern China have probably caused the spreading of the SARS disease through their fondness of exotic dishes… The civet cat (viverra civetta) has been eaten in the region for centuries.” NETZEITUNG pointed out that a certain substance, found in civet cats, has been used for certain types of medical products, as well as for perfume.

Although not entirely proven, the transmission of the disease from animals to men through animal consumption appears more and more likely. As “HowStuffWorks,Inc.” pointed out on its Webpage, under “How SARS Works,” “And, while coronaviruses have been a known culprit in acute sickness among animals (such as dogs, cats and pigs), this has not been common among humans. Researchers have been investigating the possibility that this coronavirus jumped between species. This would not be the first time a disease has migrated from animal to man. All of these conditions were first evident in animals: buffalopox; Creutzfeldt-Jacob [sic] disease (also known as Mad-Cow disease); Ebola haemorrhagic [sic] disease; HIV-AIDS; and Nipah virus.”

The Bible warns us that in the end time, many people will die “by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8). The transmission of diseases through animals would certainly constitute a fulfillment of this prophecy. In addition, God has told man not to eat certain animals designated in the Bible as “unclean.” The civet cats, as well as monkeys, dogs or pigs, are designated unclean animals which are not to be eaten. God gave us those health laws to abide by, as their violation causes sickness, disease and even premature death, as most recent events have demonstrated. When we obey God’s commands, we will be blessed. When we disobey God, curses are the consequence.


The Telegraph in the United Kingdom reported on May 27 about “sweeping plans for a new European constitution, with an elected president and overriding powers to legislate across the whole range of national life… The draft of the constitution, which was presented in Brussels yesterday, includes plans for a common foreign policy, a legally binding charter of fundamental rights, control over economic and employment policies and the explicit primacy of EU law over member states for the first time…” The article continued that the draft Constitution has been described as attempting to create “a European state with a European government.” It pointed out, too, that “the EU envisaged by the 105-strong convention would have a full-time president elected by EU leaders to give strategic direction… A foreign minister would be elected, also by EU leaders, to conduct a common policy. EU defense and security policy initiatives would also come under his remit.” The German press is speculating whether Joschka Fischer might become the first European foreign minister.

At the same time, relationships between continental Europe and the United States don’t seem to get any better, but they seem to continue to deteriorate. The NETZEITUNG reported on May 24 that, according to U.S. Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice, no betterment of the relationship between President Bush and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is expected. According to Rice, President Bush does not accept German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer as a “statesman,” due to his past as a sometimes violent demonstrator.

USA Today reported on May 28 about the challenges which President Bush will have to face during his next overseas trips. It stated, “The most important and precarious meetings, with Arabs and Israeli leaders, will mark Bush’s first direct involvement in the quest for Middle East peace. History suggests that odds of success are minimal. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat already is showing signs that he wants to undermine the talks… Bush also faces tricky encounters with some of his most fervent critics in Europe… Bush will have his first face-to-face meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder since the war, which they opposed… They’ll all be in St. Petersburg, Russia, for Saturday’s celebration of the 300th anniversary of Putin’s hometown… All three leaders seem to want reconciliation. After preventing a vote in the United Nations authorizing the war, they joined the United States in voting for a resolution ending sanctions against Iraq. Even so, aides say Bush will let each leader know, with varying degrees of subtlety, that all is not yet forgotten.”

The Bible speaks of a time when they will say, “peace, peace,” but there will be no peace. We are hearing a lot about a “road map to peace” in the Middle East, or attempts of peaceful reconciliation between nations, especially the United States and continental Europe. The Bible prophesies, however, that in the future, a powerful European power bloc will be at odds with the United States, and that it will be Europe — not the United States — that will become influential in bringing about a very temporary “peace” in the Middle East. Once all of that happens, the time of Christ’s return will have arrived. 

Current Events


After weeks of desperate attempts to convince Europe, Russia and China to support a resolution regarding Iraq, the United States could breathe a sigh of relief on Thursday when the U.N. Security Council almost unanimously backed the U.S.-led administration of Iraq and lifted economic sanctions. Only Syria did not show up for the vote. Although many American newspapers and newscasts hailed the U.N. resolution as a victory for the United States, “the final resolution represented a compromise but left the underlying goal of the United States and its allies intact: Washington and London, as occupying powers, remain firmly in control of Iraq and its oil wealth ‘until an internationally recognized, representative government is established,'” according to Yahoo! News of May 22, 2003. The article continued: “The resolution gives the United Nations a stronger role in establishing a democratic government than initially envisioned, and the stature of a U.N. special representative in Iraq is increased.”

As USA Today reported, “French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin, standing beside his German and Russian counterparts…, said the three countries decided to vote for the postwar resolution because it ‘opens the road’ for a central U.N. role. The text ‘does not go as far as we had hoped’ but ‘the United Nations is back in the game,’ he said. ‘We are convinced that the U.N. will tomorrow be the focus for international action, due to its legitimacy, experience and capabilities.'” The article continued to explain that, although the United States would not accept any time limits on how long it could administer Iraq, “in a key concession, however, the United States agreed to let the Security Council ‘review the implementation of this resolution within 12 months.'”

Strong Criticism from Senator Byrd…

Prior to the events on Thursday, Senior Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia (85) “unleashed a stinging attack Wednesday on President Bush’s Iraq policies and said the administration may have lied to justify their war,” according to USA Today. Byrd was the only highly profiled democratic senator who opposed a war with Iraq before, during and after the war. While other democrats had warned against a war with Iraq prior to the war, many became deafly silent, once the war had begun. Byrd said, “The American people may have been lured into accepting the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, in violation of long-standing international law, under false premises… It has raised serious questions about prevarication and the reckless use of power.” He also stated that it has become “painfully clear” that Iraq posed no immediate threat, and that searches for weapons of mass destruction have “turned up only fertilizer, vacuum cleaners, conventional weapons and the occasional buried swimming pool.” He also criticized colleagues in Congress who “cower in the shadows while false statements proliferate,” rather than challenge President Bush because to do so would be “unpopular or maybe politically costly.”

…and from “The Independent” in Great Britain

A strong editorial against the current administration of Iraq was republished this week in the “Seattle Post-Intelligencer.” It had originally appeared in “The Independent” in Great Britain. Patrick Cockburn, British columnist and book author, titled his article, “It’s apparent that Washington has no clear plan for Iraq.”

Cockburn stated, “Everywhere there are signs of the breakdown… If the United States was so uninterested in what happens in Iraq after the war, why on Earth did it fight it in the first place? After all, it paid an immense diplomatic price in terms of the disruption or destruction of its traditional alliances. George Bush and Tony Blair tend to treat their previous justifications for the war as a bit of ancient history, but they matter still because they are pointers to what may now happen in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. The United States seems to have fought the war essentially because it wanted a war. It did so because the political fuel on which the present U.S. administration runs is to emphasize the external threat. Through this means it has won control of the Senate and may well win the next presidential election. Other explanations for the war do not really work… The civilian leadership of the Pentagon… are uniquely reckless, arrogant and ill informed about Iraq… These past mistakes matter because the situation in Iraq could easily become much worse. Iraqis realize that Saddam may have gone but that the United States does not have real control of the country… There will be more… attacks… Supposed links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, heavily publicized by the White House before the war, were largely journalistic concoctions. But in the present anarchy al-Qaeda will find that Iraq, where people are suffering all the disadvantages of occupation but without civil order, is a fertile recruiting ground.”


The last weeks have seen increased terrorist attacks around the globe, including in Turkey, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and in Casablanca, Morocco, killing numerous innocent people. Of course, then there are the almost usual suicide bombs in Israel, and occasional explosions in schools and universities, such as the most recent one this week at Yale University law school (President Bush graduated there, and his daughter Barbara is a junior at the university). No connection has been made so far between the explosion at Yale and al-Qaeda. It is strongly believed, however, that al-Qaeda was clearly the mastermind behind the attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca, and possibly Turkey. As USA Today reported, “a broadcast voice purportedly that of al-Qaeda’s second-in-command signaled Wednesday that major terrorist action may be about to occur and exhorted Muslims to attack western interests across the Middle East… The tape was apparently recorded after the beginning of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in mid-March.” The article mentioned that the recorded message encourages Muslims to take action “against the embassies of America, England, Australia and Norway, their interests, their companies and their employees.” The German Bild ran the following editorial on Thursday, “You devil – bin Laden. I only know that you live, because 41 people died in Riyadh and Casablanca. You are the demon without residence… In the United States, terror alert has been raised to ‘Orange.’ You have smeared our world with that color… One of our greatest freedoms was to be able to go where we wanted to go. You are worse than AIDS or SARS, since we can protect ourselves against those. The sickness with which you have infested the world is fear. Only when the whole world abhors you, your power will cease.”


While Secretary of State Colin Powell worked relentlessly to improve the relationship between the United States and its European allies, President Bush lashed out against Europe this week, accusing Europe “of perpetuating starvation in Africa by subsidizing agricultural exports and by objecting to the use of bioengineered crops,” according to the Washington Post. The paper remarked that in doing so, President Bush added “another grievance with Europe at a time of already tense transatlantic relations.” The German magazine, Der Spiegel, immediately responded, stating that “US President Bush has discovered another opportunity to humiliate Europeans. Now he is accusing his old friends of blocking the fight in the world against hunger.”


During the last two weeks, the world witnessed another seemingly endless cycle of violence in the Middle East. Israeli attacks on Palestinians were followed by Palestinian suicide bombings, prompting additional Israeli military repercussions and invasions. A meeting between President Bush and Israel’s Ariel Sharon, scheduled for this week, was cancelled, with no new date set. It is known that Ariel Sharon does not support the peace plan, as proposed by the United States, the United Nations, and Europe. It is also known that Arab terrorist organizations, such as Hamas, will try to do everything in their power to prevent peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmud Abbas called President Bush this week, pleading for his help and intervention. President Bush spoke with Ariel Sharon and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek, apparently reiterating how important it is to work for peace in the Middle East, according to articles published by Yahoo! News.


“The nation’s deep trade deficit… is the ‘fundamental cause’ behind the weakness of the dollar against foreign currencies, billionaire investor Warren Buffett…said Wednesday at Microsoft Corp.’s seventh annual summit of chief executives.” This article from the Fort Collins Coloradoan (5/22/2003), goes on to note the ominous slide of the U.S. currency: “In the past year, the dollar has weakened sharply against the Japanese yen and the euro, which traded at $1.1678 on Wednesday.”

The only comparable period of deflation occurred in the depression of the 1930’s. Although Europe is experiencing its own growing pains as it seeks to unite, there is, nevertheless, an unrelenting sense of destiny being forged within the European Union. We will certainly see ups and downs in this historic development, but we need to understand that Biblical prophecy shows that dominant power will shift to the E.U. Furthermore, the U.S. and Britain will be forced to look to Europe for help.


A powerful 6.7-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday killed at least 1,000 people and injured thousands in Algeria. The death toll is expected to rise. It was the largest quake in Algeria since 1980, constituting “the largest tragedy to visit this North African nation where an Islamic insurgency that has left some 120,000 people dead has raged for more than a decade,” according to USA Today.

A sudden new outbreak of SARS was reported on Wednesday in Taiwan, where within one day, 65 new cases were discovered. By now, 60 people have died of the disease in Taiwan, while 483 are infected. Only in China and Hong Kong, more cases have been reported. While it has been said that China has gained better control over the disease, more than 27,000 people are still quarantined there. Worldwide, 667 people have died of SARS, and more than 7,900 known infections have been reported.

Current Events


Austria’s “Kleine Zeitung” published recently a challenging article, titled, “Where is Saddam Hussein? Where are the weapons of mass destruction?” It continued, “Central questions about the Iraq war remain unanswered.” The article pointed out that it is still unknown how many civilians died in the war; where any weapons of mass destruction are; who bombed the markets of Baghdad on March 26 and 28; what really happened in Mossul on April 15 and 16 (when the coalition forces shot at demonstrators); under what circumstances did three journalists die in Baghdad on April 8 (when the coalition forces shot at the Palestine hotel); where is Saddam Hussein; and whether “Chemical-Ali” is really dead?

In addition, Der Spiegel Online reported on May 11, 2003, that the U.S. “experts of the 75th Exploitation Task Force,” who were supposed to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, “have given up.” The magazine continued that the Task Force is scheduled to leave Iraq next month, without having found any evidence for the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The American government realizes, of course, that the failure to find those weapons eliminates to a large extent the political and legal justification for a “preventive war” against Iraq. Therefore, according to the magazine, President Bush has announced that the Task Force is to be replaced with a new “Iraq Survey Group.”

Der Spiegel Online reported on May 10 that Iraqis celebrate their “new Khomeni” – “Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, religious leader of the Shiites.” He advocates the establishment of a Muslim state. The Americans do not want to permit this. However, according to Der Spiegel Online, the Bush administration is “very nervous when they realize that such a state might be established through democratic means – via elections. The Shiites comprise 60% of the Iraqi population.” reported on May 15 that, according to the U.S. military commander in Iraq, Army Lt. Gen. David D. McKiernan, “remnants of Saddam Hussein’s defeated government… pose a greater threat to rebuilding the country than the persistent street violence that has plagued Baghdad… Mc Kiernan reported that ‘most’ U.S. military resources are being used to combat these groups… ‘Until these people are destroyed or captured, the security environment here in Iraq will remain problematic,’ he said.”


This week witnessed a terrible suicide terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia, killing 34 people, including citizens from America, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Jordan, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, Lebanon and Switzerland. The United States sent an FBI team to Saudi Arabia to “aid – not run – the Saudi investigation,” according to Yahoo! News of May 15. The United States had warned Saudi Arabia of a possible terrorist attack, but this warning had apparently been ignored. The U.S. has now issued a warning of future terrorist attacks in Malaysia and Kenya, according to Der Spiegel Online of May 15.


As Reuters reported on May 15, “Israeli forces killed a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, two gunmen and a youth on Thursday in a raid on a Gaza town that coincided with the Palestinians’ annual commemoration of their displacement during Israel’s creation… ‘No peace before the full Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian and Arab lands to the line of June 1967,’ Arafat said… All Israeli governments since the conflict have said that will never happen… The violence preceded talks planned for Saturday between Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas [a Palestinian refugee himself] and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. They are to discuss a new Middle East peace plan known as the ‘road map.’ The proposal, backed by the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia, calls for an end to 31 months of Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed, reciprocal confidence-building measures and a Palestinian state by 2005… Israel has not accepted the plan. Sharon will voice his right-wing government’s objections at White House talks with President Bush on Tuesday… Israel rejects any right of return for the estimated four million Palestinian refugees to what is now the Jewish state, saying such an influx would be demographic suicide.”


The Washington Post reported on May 15 that the French government prepared a letter to the U.S. administration and members of Congress, alleging an “organized campaign of disinformation” from within the Bush administration, designed to discredit it with allegations of complicity with Saddam Hussein. Paris states in the letter, which is signed by French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte, that false reports, including alleged French weapon sales to Iraq or the alleged issuance of French passports by French officials in Syria to escaping Iraqis, are part of “an ugly campaign to destroy the image of France.” Paris also charged the Bush administration with “little interest” to better the relationship between the two countries. Der Spiegel Online added in its report of May 15 that this letter “is additional evidence for the destroyed relationship between the two NATO partners.”

Der Spiegel Online reported on May 3 that the United States is not willing to forgive Germany quickly for their role in the Iraq war. Robert Zoellick stated on behalf of the Bush administration that the strained relationship between the United States and Germany would continue. In an effort to better the relationship, Secretary of State Colin Powell is visiting Germany on May 15 and May 16, after he had visited Russia and Bulgaria. Yahoo News stated on May 15 that Russia and the U.S. share concerns about nuclear activity in Iran. They did not come to an agreement, however, over lifting U.N. sanctions against Iraq. The article pointed out that “Russia wants assurances that Iraq’s alleged banned weapons – the main reason Bush gave for going to war – are not being hidden, before Moscow will support removing the sanctions. Also in dispute is the role of U.N. weapons inspectors.”

Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Russian leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, preceded Mr. Powell’s visit in Russia with unusually strong criticism. According to Der Spiegel Online of May 5, Gorbachev accused the Bush administration of “imperial conduct” and stated that a “democratic system has used totalitarian methods.” He continued, “America has violated international law, ignored the Security Council, and paid no attention to world opinion… It is wishful thinking to believe that the world can be ruled according to the will of the United States.” Mikhail Gorbachev was instrumental, together with (former) President George W. Bush and (former) German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in bringing about unification of West and East Germany.


While the world’s attention is mainly focused on war, terrorism and – now – diseases like SARS, Der Spiegel Online published a report on April 9, stating that over 40 million people will soon die in Africa because of hunger, unless help comes soon. 1.8 billion dollars are lacking to supply needed food. When reading such a report, and considering at the same time that billions of dollars have been and will be spent to wage war, one must ask the question, HAS THIS WORLD GONE MAD?

Current Events


…Theological Differences
Around Easter time, Pope John Paul II angered Protestant Christians worldwide when he prohibited a common celebration of the “Lord’s Supper” or “Eucharist” between Catholics and Protestants. The Catholic Church expressly clarified that Catholics are not permitted to participate in such a “common” celebration. As NEWS-Networld reported, the Catholic Church does not consider the Protestant “communion” valid, as Protestants reject the Catholic concept that during the “communion,” the bread and wine literally change into the body and blood of Christ.

An additional distinction has recently been emphasized – the perceived role of the “Virgin Mary” during the “communion.” As Zenit reported on May 5, 2003, it is Catholic belief that Mary is present during each “Eucharist,” stating, “The relation between the Eucharist and the Virgin is an integral part of the whole Tradition.” It was pointed out that the Ethiopian liturgy includes this prayer during the “Eucharist”: “O Virgin, who brought to fruition what we are about to eat and who made to gush forth what we are about to drink. O bread that lives in you: life-giving bread and salvation for the one who eats it with faith.”

In light of these distinctions, one must ask whether the Biblically prophesied unification between the Catholic and Protestant churches could ever come about in a peaceful way.

…Pope’s Trip to Spain

As Zenit reported on May 4 and May 7, Pope John Paul II emphasized during his visit to Spain the need for Spain “to lend its Catholic values to a new Europe.” In his opening address upon his arrival last Saturday, he stated, “Europe, return to yourself. Be yourself. Revive your roots… I am certain that Spain will contribute to the rich cultural and historical legacy of its Catholic roots and values to the integration of [ ] Europe.”

Upon his departure on Wednesday, the pope stated, “The old nations of Europe retain a Christian spirit, which constitutes a whole with the genius and history of the respective peoples… The Church is determined to work continually to maintain alive this spiritual and cultural tradition… ” He “exhorted the Christians of Spain… to preserve and renew continually the Catholic identity that is the nation’s source of pride.” He also stated, “From the moment of my arrival, I had the opportunity to express the esteem that the Successor of Peter has for that Portion of the People of God who – for almost 2,000 years – have been pilgrims in Iberian land and have played an important role in the evangelization of Europe and the world.”

In light of the pope’s and the Catholic church’s recent advocacy for peace regarding Iraq (see below), one must wonder how to understand the laude and honor for the “evangelization” of Europe, that the pope bestowed on a country that has been largely responsible for the brutal murder of Christians during the terrible times of the Spanish Inquisition.

…Serious Concerns Regarding War Against Iraq

As Zenit reported on May 4, the Catholic Bishop Conference of England and Wales adopted the following resolution, “We remembered and prayed for those who have died or have been wounded in the war in Iraq, and for those innocent civilians who have suffered so terribly in the military action and its aftermath… We have serious concerns about the use made of weapons which have an inheritantly random or enduring impact, such as cluster-bombs and weapons incorporating depleted uranium… The Coalition must be no less committed to the ‘waging of peace’ than it was to the waging of war.”

… the Middle East

In the same resolution, the Catholic Bishop Conference of England and Wales addressed the situation between Israelis and Palestinians, as follows:

“Resolution of the crisis in Iraq will be successful only if the international community also devotes itself to promoting the stability of the entire region. No settlement can secure this goal unless the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is justly resolved. We affirm and will continue to support the special mission of the Church of the Holy Land to bring both sides to reconciliation and to assist in the search for a just peace.”

The Bible strongly indicates that the Catholic Church will be instrumental in uniting Europe and in bringing about a temporary “peaceful” situation in the Middle East. The above-quoted comments show that the Catholic Church is indeed aware of, and driven by this goal to bring about those prophetic events.

…Encourages Polish Vote on European Union

As Zenit reported on May 5, the Polish episcopate encouraged the nation to participate in the June 7-8 referendum on Poland’s accession to the European Union. It is stated in a letter that Poland must be “conscious of the role” it “must play within Europe.” Parishioners were also reminded that “during John Paul II’s last trip to Poland he encouraged his countrymen to join the European community. Clearly, the Pope wants a place for Poland in European structures; in defense of the faith, of religion and of Christian morality; in a united Europe.”

It is perhaps somewhat ironic that many Austrian Catholic priests encouraged their parishioners to welcome the Anschluss and Adolph Hitler. The results were, of course, devastating. The Bible prophecies that the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire — the final establishment of a “unified Europe”– will become even more devastating for Europe and the world.

Current Events


Once again the Mideast is the target of a plan for bringing peace to the region. However, expectations are not high that this current proposal will bring an end to the killings and ever-present fear that now rules.

“The latest plan was drafted by the so-called quartet of Mideast mediators: the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia. It calls for an immediate cease-fire, a crackdown on Palestinian militias, an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian towns and the dismantling of Jewish settlements erected since 2001. A Palestinian state with provisional borders could be established by year’s end, with full statehood possible within three years, according to the timetable” ( 5/1/2003).

This same article reports on yet another terrorist attack coinciding with the delivery of the peace initative: “It was the 89th suicide bombing targeting Israelis in the past 31 months. Since September 2000, 2,287 people have been killed on the Palestinian side and 763 people on the Israeli side.”
In addition, as Reuters reported on May 1, “Twelve Palestinians, including a two-year-old boy, were killed on Thursday when Israeli forces thrust into a Gaza neighborhood in a sweep for wanted militants shortly after the release of a Middle East peace ‘road map.’ The tank and infantry raid sent a strong signal to a ‘Quartet’ of U.S.-led mediators and to the new Palestinian government that Israel would press ahead with such operations despite the new proposal to end 31 months of bloodshed… Israeli officials said they will not change the way they confront an uprising for statehood until the Palestinians show they are cracking down on militants as required by the road map.”

Israel’s champion from the outside remains to be the United States while the European Union clearly sides with the Palestinian cause. For President Bush, there is overwhelming political pressure from the religious right as well as his own perceived stand to not place too much pressure on Israel to concede either their safety or their land. Meanwhile, the Europeans are pressuring for an independent Palestinian state, while the Palestinians want Jerusalem to be their capital. As Reuters reported on May 1, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is expected to arrive for talks on the road map on May 8, while EU’s foreign policy chief Javier Solana will leave on May 11 for a week-long visit to the Middle East, in order to “move things forward for implementation of the road map.”

However strange and out of proportion it may seem to other hot spots and troubling world circumstances, the land of Israel, and in particular Jerusalem, continues to garner front page headlines. This area is destined to play an ongoing role in world affairs. In fact, as prophecy shows, this part of the earth will become center stage for the events leading to the return of Jesus Christ. Zechariah 12:3 speaks of these times: ” ‘And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.’ ” Daniel 11:45 also speaks of a time when a great religious/political power will seek to establish its rule in the land of Israel. At the same time, as shown in Revelation chapter 11, two witnesses–prophets of God who will be given great power to resist the false political and religious leaders then in power–will be in Jerusalem for a period of three and one-half years.

As we watch events in our daily news, let us not lose sight of the ominous reality that all of these things portend! While we seek to understand these things from the true perspective of God’s Word, let us also carefully attend to the admonition in Hebrews 10:25: “…exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”


Although President Bush is declaring that major combat in Iraq is finished, Iraqi attackers lobbed two grenades into a U.S. Army compound Thursday, wounding seven soldiers just hours after the Americans had fired on Iraqi protestors in the street outside, according to Yahoo! News of May 1, 2003. This incident is “the latest in a series of clashes and deadly shootings involving U.S. troops in Fallujah,” according to the report. On Monday, “16 demonstrators and bystanders were killed and more than 50 wounded… In that clash, an 82nd Airborne company, whose members said they were being shot at, fired on a protest outside a school occupied by U.S. soldiers.”

The Associated Press reported on April 30, 2003, that “France has sent a diplomat to Baghdad despite U.S. resistance to a prominent French role… ‘France wants to be present at the side of the Iraqi people,’ Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said. He added that Paris wanted to take the initiative under the supervision of the United Nations but was moving ahead to lay the groundwork… The foreign minister did not spell out exactly how France plans to contribute to the reconstruction, nor how it intends to overcome American and British resentment over its oppostion to the war. French-U.S. relations will recover, if only ‘out of necessity,’ De Villepin said. ‘We have to work together, the problems (of the region) are beyond the capacity of just one power.'”

The Bible predicts quite a different outcome for the region, as anticipated by most observers and politicans today. Our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” sheds much light on the real future of the Middle East.


A very serious and deadly earthquake struck Eastern Turkey on May 1, with at least 150 deaths and 300 injuries. The magnitude of this quake was 6.4, followed by several aftershocks with the magnitude of 5.0 (Der Spiegel Online, May 1, 2003).

This week has also seen the occurrence of unusual earthquakes in the United States. One centered in Alabama with a magnitude of 4.9, and another centered in Blytheville, Arkansas, with a magnitude of 4.0. The Arkansas earthquake activity is close to the scene of the great New Madrid earthquake of the early 1800’s which literally was felt across much of the United States. Nothing of that scale has hit the U.S. since then. However, with the vastly increased population now in this area, another super earthquake approaching the earlier magnitude would be utterly devastating. In addition, new findings reveal a previosuly undetected additional fault line under the city of Los Angeles.

The Bible predicts the increase of earthquake activity prior to Christ’s return. Matthew 24:7-8 states, “‘ For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.'” Compare also Mark 13:8 and Luke 21:11.

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