Current Events


From the, December 3, 2002, the following accounts from a report entitled “Saddam Hussein: Crimes and Human Rights Abuses,” which was released by Britain in a 23-page document:
“‘Fear is Saddam’s chosen method of staying in power,’ it says.”  Continuing, “To back up that claim, the report cites Saddam’s adoption of a series of decrees establishing severe penalties–amputation, branding, cutting off of ears or other forms of mutilation–for criminal offences.

“In mid-2000, Iraq approved amputation of the tongue as a new penalty for slander or abusive remarks about Saddam or his family.  The punishment has been inflicted on political dissidents and broadcast on state television as a warning to the public.

“Reports of women suffering psychological trauma after being raped in police custody are common, it says. ‘Raping female prisoners is part of the regime’s policy.’

“Iraqi officials have also recently taken to beheading women accused of prostitution.  In October, 2000, dozens of women were killed in this way, without recourse to any judicial process.

“Swordsmen, members of a special militia created by Uday Hussein, Saddam’s elder son, carried out the sentences in front of the victims’ homes and frequently in front of their families.”
Although this kind of brutality seldom receives the spotlight in our daily news, it is widespread among nations held in the grips of dictatorial powers.  The world’s immediate future portends an even more wide scale application of unspeakable cruelty when the predominant nations of this world are ruled by despots.  We will experience torture to such an extent as previously unknown to mankind (Matthew 24:21). In describing the soon-coming desolation of the city of Jerusalem, Zechariah 14:2 says, “The city shall be taken, The houses rifled, And the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity.”
Those of God’s people who will not be protected at a special place on this earth (Revelation 12:13-14), will have to go through the great tribulation of unspeakable torture. Matthew 24:9 speaks of a time in our near future when ” ‘…they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.’ ”  Added to this stark warning is the statement in Revelation 20, verse 4: “…Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the witness to Jesus and for the word of God.” Notice, too, Revelation 6:9-11, “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’ Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”
Modern “Babylon the Great” (Revelation 17:5) has been, and is going to be, foremost responsible for the martyrdom of the saints and others. Revelation 17:6 explains, “I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” We are also told that “in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.” (Revelation 18:24). When the city of modern Babylon, reigning over the kings of the earth (compare Revelation 17:18), has been destroyed by God, a loud voice of a great multitude will be heard, saying, “‘… true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.'”
Keep these things in mind and pray even more fervently that we may be accounted worthy to escape all that will surely come to pass (Luke 21:36).


In a little-publicized move, Pope John Paul II confirmed on November 30 the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (75) as the new Chairman of the body of (five) cardinals at the Vatican. The German Netzeitung commented, “He is now the most likely successor of John Paul II.”
Some disagree with this assessment, however. Insiders state that Ratzinger does not have the goal to become the next pope. He knows, according to some “experts,” that the next pope must not be even more conservative than the present one. At the same time, Ratzinger has been described in this way, “No German has influenced the Catholic Church that much since Martin Luther.”
Ratzinger recently commented that it might be a “nice token,” if the next pope would be an African. He also stated some time ago that he does not believe that “the Holy Spirit selects the pope — too many proofs to the contrary exist.”
The Netzeitung explained that Ratzinger  is now the Number Two within the Catholic hierarchy, pointing out that the particular body of cardinals advises the pope in doctrinal and other matters, and elects his successor after his death, or in case of resignation.
The German Cardinal Ratzinger is known for his extremely conservative stance within the Catholic Church. As we mentioned in our last Update of November 29 (under “World News Headlines”), he recently issued a paper stating that the Catholic Church is the only true church, the “mother church,” and that all the Protestant churches are daughters who left the mother in rebellion, and who need to return to, and come under the umbrella, of the mother church (Subsequently, due to sharp protests, the pope was forced to publicly distance himself somewhat from that paper).


Biblical Archeology Review reported that “an inscription has been found on an ancient bone box, called an ossuary, that reads, ‘James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.’… The Aramaic words etched on the box’s side show a cursive form of writing used only from about 10 to 70 AD… The ossuary has been dated to approximately 63 AD… The new find is also significant in that it corroborates the existence of Joseph, Jesus’ father, and James, Jesus’ brother and a leader of the early Christian church in Jerusalem. The family relationships contained on the new find helped experts ascertain that the inscription very likely refers to the Biblical James, brother of Jesus (see, for example, Matthew 13:55-56 and Galatians 1:18-19). Although all three names were common in ancient times, the statistical probability of their appearing in that combination is extremely slim. In addition, the mention of a brother is unusual — indicating that this Jesus must have been a well-known figure. Laboratory tests performed by the Geological Survey of Israel confirm that the box’s limestone comes from the Jerusalem area.”
Of course, as Der Spiegel Online reported, there have already been voices questioning the authenticity of the find. The implications would be too severe, otherwise. Bild Online pointed out that this “archeological sensation” would present the “first and earliest proof for the existence of Jesus outside the Bible.” It would also prove that Jesus had brothers and sisters — which is taught by the Bible and most Protestant churches, but which is rejected by the Catholic church, so as to uphold their teaching that Mary remained a virgin throughout her life.

Current Events


We have taught it for so long, that some in the church of God have apparently grown too familiar with it — and they have looked for alternatives. Thinking that they might perhaps have received some kind of special insight, they rejected the prophetic truth, as it had been “delivered to the saints.”
What are we talking about?
We are discussing here the well-established Biblical teaching that the last resurrection of the Roman Empire — the United States of Europe — will end up on a collision course with the United States! They won’t be friends — and they won’t be part of a big happy family, either. We have known and proclaimed this for decades — but, sadly, some choose to forget.
It is remarkable that very recently, historical and political voices have been heard in the United States and elsewhere, pointing out this inevitable outcome. We would like to bring this astonishing development to the attention of our readers.
We start with a surprising article in “The Times Digest,” dated November 3, 2002, publishing excerpts from the “New York Times.” On page 8, Thomas L. Friedman writes in “Come to Berlin”:
“Where’s the [Berlin] wall? My German friend explained that the only trace left is a cobblestone path that snakes across Berlin, drawing a line in the pavement where the wall once ran. It’s easy to cross that line without even knowing it. And therein lies the core of the crisis between America and Germany today — triggered by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s use of anti-Bush and anti-Iraq-war rhetoric to win re-election, then fueled by a German minister comparing President Bush to Hitler… Would somebody please bring back the Berlin Wall? Since World War II, America and Germany have had many disputes, but always within limits, because both sides saw a dangerous foe on the other side of that wall… But without the wall clearly defining our side and the enemy’s, all sorts of lines are being crossed.”
We might note here that the relationship between the United States and Germany, in particular, has not improved. According to Der Spiegel Online, dated November 27, 2002, Donald Rumsfeld still considers the relationship as critical, and even a German participation in a war against Iraq would not eradicate the damage. It seems, however, that Chancellor Schroeder will not change his position in that regard, anyway. Spiegel Online reported on November 27, 2002, that Germany will not permit the United States to use German offensive tanks, presently stationed in Kuwait, in a war against Iraq. Although Germany did grant the U.S. military forces overflight and transit rights, Germany’s refusal regarding its tanks, according to the magazine, “could bring about a new fight between the United States and Germany.”
We continue with a thought-provoking article by Charles A. Kupchan, titled, “The End of the West.” This article was published in the November 2002 edition of “The Atlantic.” Mr. Kupchan is Professor at Georgetown University and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. This is what he has to say:
“The next clash of civilizations will not be between the West and the rest [of the world] but between the United States and Europe — and Americans [and we might add, far too many in the church of God] remain largely oblivious.”
A little later in the article, he writes, “The EU’s annual economic output has reached about $8 trillion, compared with America’s $10 trillion, and the euro will soon threaten the dollar’s global dominance. Europe is strengthening its collective consciousness and character and forging a clearer sense of interests and values that are quite distinct from those of the United States. The EU’s member states are debating the adoption of a Europe-wide constitution…, building armed forces capable of operating independently of the U.S. military, and striving to project a single voice in the diplomatic arena. As the EU fortifies its governmental institutions and takes in new members…, it will become a formidable counterweight to the United States on the world stage. The transatlantic rivalry that has already begun will inevitably intensify… The coming clash between the United States and the European Union will doubtless bear little resemblance to the all-consuming standoff of the Cold War. Although military confrontation remains a remote prospect, however [we might note here that there will be, at the very end, a military confrontation between the United States of Europe and the United States of America], U.S.-E.U. competition will extend far beyond the realm of trade… Washington and Brussels will just as likely lock horns over the Middle East. Europe will resist… U.S. leadership…”
Near the end of the 8-page-article, Prof. Kupchan writes, “The consequences of the growing rift between the United States and Europe are only just becoming apparent. The two sharply disagree on the Middle East… History is coming full circle. After breaking away from the British Empire, the United States came together as a unitary federation, emerged as a leading nation, and eventually eclipsed Europe’s Great Powers [Note that this reference to America’s greatness is absolutely prophetic. In Genesis 48:19, we read that Jacob blessed Manasseh, stating that the nation descending from him — the United States of America — would be “great.”]. It is now Europe’s turn to ascend and break away from an America that refuses to surrender its privileges of primacy.”
This last statement is prophetic as well. Indeed, Europe will “ascend” one more time. The Bible describes this last resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire this way, “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit [a metaphor for the fact that it had been forgotten in the pages of history] and go to perdition.” (Revelation 17:8). Compare, too, Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 9:1-11. Especially the passage in Revelation 9 shows that the forming United States of Europe will at the very end engage in war with other nations.
Prof. Kupchan concludes his article with this dire warning, “Europe will inevitably rise up as America’s principal competitor. Should Washington and Brussels begin to recognize the dangers of the growing gulf between them, they may be able to contain their budding rivalry. Should they fail, however [and the Bible predicts that they will fail, and it also prophecies that Great Britain and the Commonwealth nations will not be a part of the United States of Europe in its final configuration], to prepare for life after Pax Americana, they will ensure that the coming clash of civilizations will not be between the West and the rest [of the world] but within a West divided against itself.”
We have also repeatedly pointed out the influential role that the Roman Catholic Church will be playing in regard to the last revival of the ancient Roman Empire — later to be named “Holy Roman Empire,” to designate the Catholic influence and involvement. In a recent article published by “Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc.,” Breffni O’Rourke writes, “With the Convention on the Future of Europe now drawing up a constitution for an expended European Union of 25 members, the question arises: how can the Christian heritage of Europe be reflected in this document?… It is in this context that the pope is pressing for the world of the spirit to be recognized in the new constitution… [T]he pontiff said that building a united Europe needs leaders with ‘will and determination, with a desire to build the union on common values, aware of the Christian roots of different peoples which are an inescapable part of European history.'”
The article continued that some, such as Professor Hans Kung, a “German-based theologian” and “dissident who has previously clashed with the pope,” disagreed, feeling that the pope “is sending the wrong message. ‘A lot of people have the impression that this pope is precisely promoting a mo
del of Europe which is basically Roman Catholic, which tolerates other [religions], but does not really have a common understanding [with them] and which has not acknowledged the other religions as also true religions.'”
Of course, it has not. The official teaching of the Catholic Church, as has been recently reiterated by German Cardinal Ratzinger, is that it is the only true “mother” church, willing to embrace its dissident “daughters” upon repentance and return to the Catholic fold.
We pray that those who could know, and who once knew the truth, will embrace the Biblical teaching, as it is so clearly revealed in Scripture. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” as well as “Europe in Prophecy: The Unfolding of End-Time Events.”

Current Events


The International Herald Tribune (Online) reported on November 15, 2002:  “Pope John Paul II made a historic visit to the Italian Parliament on Thursday (11/14/02), seeking both to move beyond past tensions between the Vatican and the Italian government and to weigh in on challenges that currently confront the country.  In a 45-minute speech that marked the FIRST TIME a pope had ever addressed the legislature here, John Paul told Italians to make sure that the expansion of the European Union did not diminish the role and importance of Christianity on the Continent.”
Just how significant this address was is attested to by the attendance of some 800 lawmakers and national leaders–including Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.  The article goes on to point out, “The pope’s visit was preceded by day after day and page upon page of news coverage here, and it was suffused with an EXTRAORDINARY SENSE OF OCCASION.”
On November 15, Zenit News Agency summarized  the event in this way, “Pope’s Visit to Italian Parliament Mark Full Church-State Reconciliation.” It pointed out that the papal visit “made front-page news in all Italian newspapers today, some dedicating as many as nine pages to the event. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls described the visit as ‘an homage that the Pope wishes to offer to the unique historical role of Italy with Christian humanism,’ adding in comparison to other papal visits to parliamentary assemblies, ‘I think that, in this case, it is about something singular, in a certain sense unique.'” The article pointed out, too, that “according to historian Pietro Scoppola, John Paul II’s presence in the Italian Parliament marks a ‘full and unconditional reconciliation with Italian institutions.'”
A further quote on this historic address, this time from for November 15, 2002, shows the authoritative influence wielded by the Pope:  “John Paul appealed to European leaders, who are drafting a new EU constitution, to recognize the role Christianity has played on the continent.  ‘There is a need to guard against a vision of the continent which would only take into account its ECONOMIC and POLITICAL aspects, and not its RELIGIOUS ones,’ the pope said.”
We bring excerpts from the pope’s speech, as follows:
“A self-confident and internally cohesive Italy can be a great enrichment for the other nations of Europe and the world. I wish to share this conviction with you at this time, when the institutional shape of the European Union is being defined and its expansion to include many countries of Central and Eastern Europe appears imminent, as it were sealing the end of an unnatural division. It is my hope that, thanks also to Italy’s support, the new foundations of the European ‘common house’ will not lack the ‘cement’ of that extraordinary religious, cultural and civil patrimony which has given Europe its greatness down the centuries… In this noble Assembly I would like to renew the appeal which in recent years I have made to the various peoples of the Continent, ‘Europe, at the beginning of the new millennium, open once again your doors to Christ!’… Italy and the other nations historically rooted in the Christian faith are in a sense inherently prepared to open up for humanity new pathways of peace… Illustrious Representatives of the Italian People, a prayer arises spontaneously from the depths of my heart: from this ancient and glorious City — from this ‘Rome where Christ is Roman,’ in Dante’s celebrated phrase (Purgatorio 32:102) — I implore the Redeemer of man to grant that the beloved Italian Nation will continue, now and in the future, to live in a way worthy of its national tradition, and to draw from that tradition new and abundant fruits of civilization, for the material and spiritual progress of the whole world.”
We have proclaimed for decades the Biblical teaching that the Catholic Church will play a very dominant and influential role in restoring in Europe the ancient Roman Empire. In fact, the coming United States of Europe is the final and last resurrection of the Roman Empire, which was later called the Holy Roman Empire. The Bible pictures the city of Rome, which is built on seven hills (Revelation 17:9), as that “great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:18).
The Bible also shows that the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, under the influence and direction of the Catholic Church, will not remain a peaceful power bloc. It will become responsible for bringing havoc on this earth, launching this world into World War III.
The Bible also indicates very strongly that most of the Protestant churches, including the Lutheran Church, will unite again under the Catholic umbrella. In this light, the following development is very interesting:
On November 17, 2002, Zenit News Agency reported that “‘the Catholic Church continues toward full unity with the Lutheran Church,’ John Paul II said Saturday… ‘We are committed moving further ahead on the path of reconciliation… The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church, signed in 1999, paves the way for more extensive common witness,’ adding that it ‘brings us a step closer to the full visible unity which is the goal of our dialogue.'”
These events occurred against the backdrop of American bishops of the Catholic Church struggling to restore confidence after sex abuse cases rocked the whole institution.  In a conference meeting, the bishops were attempting to produce a national policy to address abusive priests–an earlier document had been rejected by Rome. 
In the Denver Post, November 17, 2002, the repercussions of the abuse cases were noted, “One in five Catholics has stopped donating to a diocese because of the scandals, according to a Gallup poll released two weeks ago.”  This article closed its report with this final statement:
“‘Only the pope can oust a prelate, and he will resist doing so in response to public outcry,’ said… Thomas Reese, editor of the Jesuit magazine America.  ‘Rome would never want to look like it’s giving in to pressure,’ Reese said.”
Finally, in The Coloradoan, November 17, 2002,  “A Pittsburgh priest who was accused but never convicted of child molestation was defrocked by Pope John Paul II for disobeying orders to not serve as a priest in public.”  However, having gone to Rome to appeal the Pope’s order, the priest found little success, because, “The Vatican decree stated that ‘the penalty is unappealable.’ “
News reports such as these highlight an emerging power in Rome as the Catholic Church opens new doors, participates in empire building and rules its own with unflinching authority.

Current Events


Jesus Christ very precisely identified a future time when mankind would be immersed in self-indulgent pursuits at the cost of understanding that God would shortly intervene to put a stop to the runaway madness of a world headed into oblivion (compare Matthew 24:36-39).  If we look at the cause for God destroying the civilization that existed in Noah’s day, we are plainly told, in Genesis 6, that it was due to man’s continuing evil ways and his great wickedness. 
You can turn on your television, read newspapers and magazines–and you should come to understand that our time fulfills what Jesus warned of for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear!
Now, in these late months of 2002, wickedness is all-pervasive.  Wars and rumors of wars have the whole world reeling in uncertainty–overtures for resolution of conflicts and the hopes for peace simply bear little real and lasting success.  Let’s just witness the events of this week.


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s comments in a press conference in Paris on Monday caused an extraordinary outburst:  “Islamic ‘radicals have much more ambitious goals.  They talk about setting up a worldwide Caliphate and the need to kill Americans and their allies.’ ”  (From The Scotsman–Scotland’s National Newspaper Online, 13th of November, 2002.)
These heated comments erupted after Mr. Putin was challenged on his and his country’s handling of Chechen separatists–predominantly Muslims.


Add to this the possible emergence of Osama bin Laden calling for a continuing Islamic Jihad.
“An Arab TV station broadcast an audiotape Tuesday of a voice that a U.S. official said sounded like Osama bin Laden’s.”  The Coloradoan, November 13, 2002.


Most of Germany’s newspapers and magazines expressed hope, joy, and a lot of wishful thinking earlier this week, when they reported, “The ice between Germany and the U.S. is broken.” Cause for this wave of optimism was a 10-minute phone conversation between Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Bush (initiated by Mr. Schroeder) and a meeting in excess of one hour between Donald Rumsfeld and Germany’s Minister of Defense, Peter Struck. German and American governmental officials were anxious to declare that there was “hope for a good working relationship,” and that “we are moving slowly towards a normalization of our relationships.”
However, notice this headline in Der Spiegel of November 13, 2002, “New attack from Washington against Berlin.” The article continues, “Just when it seemed that the German-American relationship had relaxed, an American defense-expert has criticized once again the German Iraq policy.” Reference is made to Richard Perle who, according to the magazine, is “a driving force behind the harsh position of the United States towards Iraq.” Perle stated in an interview with the British Guardian, “Germany has fallen into a morally paralyzing pacifism.” In a German parliamentary debate on November 14, the opposition attacked the German government for its “unjustifiable foreign and defense policy.” It was causing “fear of war and anti-American feelings,” according to Wolfgang Schaeuble, second-in-command of the opposition party, as quoted in Der Spiegel. 
It is somewhat ironic, perhaps, that this debate followed an article published by Die Welt on November 9, stating, “All Count on War.” Die Welt is an opposition-friendly newspaper. In the article, it did nothing to eliminate any fear of war or anti-American feelings. Quite to the contrary, it stated, “It happened right after the terrible September 11, 2001. At that time, the President of the United States supposedly asked his minister of defense and his security advisor how many countries around the world are threats for the security of the United States. The answer: ‘About 60, Mr. President.’ And George W. Bush reputedly replied, ‘Then let’s start, one after the other.’ For one right on the top of the list, time is running out — for the dictator Saddam Hussein.”


All of the above comes at the very critical moment when Iraq has accepted U.N. demands to meet conditions for disarmament–thus avoiding an immediate war with the U.S. and its allies. Newscasts report that President Bush has a “zero tolerance” for any non-fulfillment from Iraq.
Most commentators agree that Saddam’s response will probably not prevent war — it will only delay it. The Leader of the German Middle Eastern Institute, Udo Steinbach, predicts a military attack against Iraq. He stated that he cannot imagine that Saddam will agree to a search of all his palaces.
USA Today opinioned Thursday that “there will be other potential crisis points in the weeks to come — deadlines that could ultimately lead Washington and its allies to invade Iraq to force compliance. Baghdad faces a December 8 deadline to declare the banned biological, chemical and nuclear programs Washington is sure Iraq still has,” according to the paper. “If Iraq’s declaration fails to match a U.S. list of suspected weapons sites, the Bush administration could view that as provocation for an invasion. U.S. officials say they believe that there is virtually no chance Iraq will fully comply with the [U.N.] resolution…. Instead, the question reverberating through the Bush administration is whether to wait weeks or months to allow Saddam to build a pattern of deception or omission — or to push for war much sooner if Iraq defies any of the measure’s key demands.” The paper also pointed out that “Washington believes that the resolution sanctions the use of force against Iraq whether the council gives further approval or not.”
This might very well prove to pose a serious problem for the United States. As the paper continues to explain, “Judith Yaphe, an Iraq expert of the National Defense University, also predicts that Saddam will not reveal any new sites and that it might be difficult for inspectors to find incriminating evidence.” But what, if they don’t find anything? What happens, if the inspectors under chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix do not locate any sites of illegal biological or chemical weapons? (After all, Mr. Blix did not locate any sites during his prior investigation.) What if most of America’s allies declare themselves “satisfied” with that outcome? Will the United States, with the possible support of Great Britain and Israel, find themselves alone, when they decide to declare war on Iraq under those circumstances?


The past several days have witnessed a most welcomed easing of some of the most severe drought conditions in living memory for much of the Western United States.  In the critical “reservoir states” such as Colorado, we witness now above average snow levels in the mountain river basins upon which so many downstream population centers rely.  Though not out of danger, this early sustained snow fall is gratifying for deeply concerned farmers, ranchers and city dwellers–all of whom were made dramatically aware of the personal cost for limited water resources.
Contrast this good news to the very sobering and pitiful reports coming out of Africa.  A report from World Vision International on October 23, 2002, states, “Ethiopia is bracing for the worst drought it’s ever seen.  The country’s rainy season, for the third consecutive year, has passed with no rainfall and child deaths and malnutrition are climbing.”  The article goes on to point out that “up to 14 million people… may face starvation.”
Mass famines now ravage remote and underdeveloped parts of this earth.  There is often little hope for help simply because of the frightening scale and the challenge that faces a world in which too many of its citizens suffer from hunger as a way of life.
Week by week, we find ourselves watching the fulfillment of biblical warnings that will quickly usher in the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of God’s rule.  Until then, this world will continue to descend into ever more evil–ever more violence on a greater and greater scale. For us, we must heed this admonition, “‘WATCH therefore, and PRAY always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.'” (Luke 21:36).

Current Events


From the web site for “Voice of America,” November 7, 2002, the following:  “The White House is interpreting the Republican gains in Tuesday’s congressional elections as an endorsement of President Bush’s agenda, including his strong stand on Iraq and national security.”
This same article goes on to point out that “…European capitals are viewing Tuesday’s Republican gains with a bit of caution.”  In a “United Press International” article entitled, “World braces for ‘triumphant’ Bush,” this telling comment: ” ‘ We are dealing with a power that has no limit in its dealing with foreign issues,’  said Mohammed Shaker, head of the Egyptian Council on Foreign Relations, whose wariness of a Bush administration unrestrained by any other branch of government was widely shared beyond U.S. shores.” (–11/6/02).
The undertow following this week’s elections in the U.S. certainly points to an empowerment and sanctioning from American voters for the President’s worldview.  It is widely accepted that his popularity and active participation in strategic races won the day.  Outside the United States there is a kind of fatalistic acceptance that this President and his nation will impose their will internationally.  Only the tiny enclave of Israel, itself presently going through a political internal upheaval, has happily embraced the newly found platform for an even more stringent “get tough” foreign policy that will steadily emerge as a result of Republican control in America’s government.
How cautionary and pessimistic the European reaction to Mr. Bush’s victory has been, the following excerpts will tell:
Germany’s Spiegel Online, November 6:
“Bush, the Almighty… For George Bush, the way is now clear — new laws, new judges, new wars… The clarity with which voters decided to switch to the right, has baffled political observers… There would have been many causes for criticism. But where were the Democrats? They were caught helplessly in the patriotism-trap…”
The U.K.’s The Guardian (quoted from Der Spiegel on November 6):
“The Americans have made this week a fatal decision. They, as well as the rest of the world, will have to live — and in some cases, die —  with the consequences.”
The U.K.’s Daily Telegraph (quoted from Der Spiegel, on November 6):
“We are convinced that he [President Bush] will carry out his plans to deliberate Iraq, regardless of what happens at The United Nations.”
The Netherlands’ De Volkskrant:
“[President Bush’s victory] symbolizes the giant cliff which now exists between both sides of the Atlantic.”
Spain’s El Periodico de Catalunya:
“The Americans support the imperial politics of President George W. Bush… This might persuade Bush… to enforce on the whole word his … politics, without regard to his allies. A dark scenario.”
Luxembourg’s Luxemburger Wort:
“America’s international partners, as well as her enemies, should be prepared for an even more self-conscious leader in the White House. Iraq might be the first one to experience this.”


On November 4, 2002, Der Spiegel Online published an article, titled, “The German Way.” The subheading read, “Why Schroeder was right in his fight with Washington, and why Europe should challenge the United States.” American David Binder, a long-time German correspondent of the New York Times, wrote the article.
In the article, it states, “What we [i.e., the U.S.A.] need is an equally strong rival that forces us to regain a lost balance…. The only possible rival for the United States — and not even an unfriendly one — would be the European Union… Chancellor Schroeder’s lonesome way — which is now being supported by France — is of critical importance and at least a forerunner of change… Perhaps we could again learn something from the Germans.”
In an interview at the end of October, published by Online News Hour, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, in explaining the basis for “the German Way,” and Germany’s consistent refusal to participate in any military action against Iraq, made the following quote:
“… the question is the day after. What would it mean for the whole region? This is a very terrible, dangerous region, and what will it mean for regional stability in the Middle East? This is the Middle East, and are the United States ready to stay there for long-term? Because to go in and the United States have the military capacity to get rid of Saddam, there is no question about that, but what will be there the day after? Will the United States then stay there and guarantee peace and stability in these very dangerous neighboring regions of Europe? Europe without the strong role of the United States, I think, is no option. We need the United States worldwide for peace and stability, but also in Europe because transatlantic relations, this is the real pillar of our peace and security on both sides of the Atlantic… “
Regarding the formation of Europe and Turkey’s application for membership status, Mr. Fischer had this to say [please note that in Turkey’s recent governmental election, the Islamic party has gained the majority]:
“To be a member of the E.U. means to be a member of the coming United States of Europe. We are talking about a marriage. And to marry someone [i.e. Turkey] because a good friend [i.e., the United States] says to you, ‘You should marry this person,’ I don’t know whether this is sufficient enough for a marriage. But with the E.U. enlargement, and be full member of the enlarged union, it means to marry in a political and economical and democratic sense.”
These are remarkable words. The Bible does compare political alliances with marriages. And it is also interesting to note Mr. Fischer’s conviction that the United States are absolutely necessary to guarantee peace in Europe. What will happen, however, when this stabilizing influence no longer exists in Europe?


Austria’s Joerg Haider got into the news again, when he revisited Saddam Hussein last week. As News-Networld, November 7, 2002, reported, most Austrians disapprove of his visit. Almost 90 % believe that Haider’s visits with Saddam damage Austria’s reputation. On the other hand, 16 percent felt that Haider’s visit will help him for the next general election to the national parliament which is to be held on November 24. Many party members are now begging Haider to return as their party leader, according to Der Standard of November 6.

Haider applauded himself upon his return. He explained that his visit dealt foremost with economical projects. Austria’s exports to Iraq have increased from 14.5 million Euros in the first six months of 2001 to 65.6 million Euros in the first six months of 2002.
Haider also proclaimed that he was instrumental to reach an “extremely important step” to prevent war against Iraq, by convincing Saddam to consider a new U.N. resolution. He also strongly attacked the politics of the United States, voicing his opinion that President Bush only wants a war with Iraq to get the focus away from his problems. Haider also stated that Israel will use the war as an excuse to expel all Palestinians.
The Bush administration compared Haider with Saddam. They are “birds of a feather,” Richard Boucher said in commenting on Haider’s new visit with Saddam. 

Current Events


In a speech in Denver, Colorado, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel commented on the present threat of world terrorism: ” ‘[This] war must be won or we will be lost,’ he said. ‘With suicide killers in Israel, Jordan, Bali, the threat of unimaginable biological terrorism–it means a danger to the whole world’.” (As reported in the Rocky Mountain News,October 29, 2002.)

Shortly after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, U. S. president George Bush described the events as “war”. Some, at the time, thought his statements to be a bit extreme. However, what has emerged in the intervening months is a shocked acceptance that religion is behind the attacks on the United States and the many horrific murders in other nations. Many writers have identified the attackers and their accomplices as Islamic fundamentalists, waging their peculiar war against the “infidel” secularism of the West.

As the world once more dips deeply into implacable violence, it is chilling to note that 22% of the world’s population is Muslim (about 1.2 billion), and it is growing progressively larger.

With war against Iraq now an almost certain conclusion, ever-increasing numbers of Islamic extremists are sure to seek revenge on a frightening scale. These kinds of events are on the near horizon for people all around this world. Germany has just issued a warning that terrorist attacks can be expected there, and that they would be a certainty, if Germany were to support a war against Iraq in any way. We will also see soon the arrival of a powerful Islamic leader, referred to in Scripture as the “king of the South.” He is commonly known in the Islamic world as the “Mahdi,” the expected Muslim messiah. The Bible predicts that this Islamic leader will engage in a confrontation with the West, and especially with the future leader of a United Europe, referred to in Scripture as the “beast” or the “king of the North.” This confrontation will lead to outright war in the Middle East (Daniel 11:40-43). Understand, only God’s direct intervention through the return of Jesus Christ will now stop what will eventually threaten the existence of all life in every nation. And if we do understand, then let each of us follow the admonition to be among those who “sigh and cry over all the abominations…” (Compare Ezekiel 9:4).

Online Europeans

In an Associated Press article appearing this past week, an interesting projection about buying on line shows the subtle if not unstoppable advance of a Unified Europe: “Europeans will spend more money online this holiday season than consumers in other regions, including North America, according to projections released Monday by a research firm.”

In spite of necessary pecuniary adjustments that the European citizens had to make, since the Euro was introduced, it is still interesting to see the economic wealth available to the Europeans, in addition to the technical sophistication and familiarity that the average citizen enjoys in an ever modernizing Europe. In addition, millions of Euro dollars are currently being wasted by certain fractions within the European powers-to-be on ill-conceived and poorly administered programs. It is easy to visualize the potential of a centralized European government, which would be run by a more money-conscious — and more powerful — central administration. These trends, along with many other incremental advances, forecast an ever more dominant European Union–one that will soon overshadow even the might of the United States and the United Kingdom.

United States of Europe?

On Tuesday evening, October 29, the British news announced a move, as discussed in Brussels, to rename the European Union (EU) as the United States of Europe. A few people were interviewed and the general consensus was that which has been consistently reflected in the opinion polls– that the British and the EU do not make good bedfellows.

The next day, tucked away in the Times of London, a very small article was published, entitled “The game kicks off to name bigger EU.” The article stated:

“The future name of the enlarged European Union became a political football between Britain and France yesterday. Peter Hain, the Secretary of State for Wales and former Europe Minister, opened the scoring when he flatly rejected the names, United States of Europe and United Europe. Mr. Hain went on to say that ‘the first implies a superstate and the second looks to me like a football team,’ he told amused members of the Brussels convention that is developing a blueprint for Europe’s future. He added: ‘The European is a successful brand name, a name we are all proud of. Let’s not open an unnecessary debate.’ Pierre Moscovici, the French Government representative on the convention, quickly equalized. ‘Lots of British football clubs used the name United,’ he said. ‘The British might come to like it. People feel very affectionate towards their own football team.'”

For decades, the Church of God has been talking about a United States of Europe when others just scoffed. But, at last it seems, that scoffing has ceased. German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer just used the words “United States of Europe” in an interview shown on American television on Thursday night. Maybe such events may trigger thought, if not action, in those who have read our writings over the years. Interesting times lie ahead.

Current Events


“To the relief of Europe’s leaders, Irish voters dropped their objection to European Union expansion and gave a resounding ‘yes’ to a plan for NEARLY DOUBLING EU MEMBERSHIP and extending the Union to the borders of Russia, official results showed Sunday.” (As reported by the “The Associated Press” in the “Online Edition of the Post” of Ohio University for October 21, 2002).

This expansion is scheduled to take place in 2004 if all negotiations are wrapped up. The ten states who will join are supposed to be Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

“Reuters” reported that the Dutch parliament has backed government plans to support this enlargement just hours before the European Union was to meet in Brussels to pave the way for the 10 countries to join.

The Bible clearly states in Revelation 17:12-13 that in the very last days, “10 kings” will give their power to the “beast.” This term (“the beast”) is a reference to the final political and military leader of the “Holy Roman Empire,” and to the entire end-time European system. We have always understood that the “10 kings” can refer to the leaders of 10 nations or groups of nations, and they can also refer to the nations or kingdoms themselves (In the Bible, the terms “kings” and “kingdoms” are used interchangeably). These 10 kingdoms or nations do not have to be identical with the humanly-devised states which we are familiar with today. For example, the “states” of Germany and Austria might very well be just “one” nation or kingdom in Biblical terminology.

We have also recently heard that, in order to facilitate the political and military unification of Europe, nations like Germany and France have proposed a “core” of several European nations to lead the rest of Europe (It is possible that this “core” of nations will become a reality, and that some of the ten Eastern European nations, such as Poland or Hungary, that are supposed to join, might end up comprising part of those “core” nations). It would be very likely, then, that it is these leading “core” nations that are referred to as the “10 kings,” giving their power to the end-time “beast.”


Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania of Jordan have visited Germany this week with a view to rescheduling their debt–which Germany accepted. In further commentary from the Internet version of “The Jordan Times” for Wednesday of this week, emphasis was made about Jordan’s opposition to a US military strike against Iraq.

Quoting: “Meanwhile, Germany has become the most outspoken European OPPONENT of strikes against Iraq, with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder taking a stridently anti-war line in his successful campaign for reelection last month.”

The deep mutual respect and common world view between Germany and Jordan was highlighted in the following comment from King Abdullah: Germany is ” ‘a symbol of hope to people working for freedom and development around the world.’ ” Continuing, ” ‘We have watched with admiration your active and constructive role in supporting your neighbors as they gain their places within the European Union.’ “

Der Spiegel reported on October 21 and October 23, that Queen Rania warned the West, not to engage in a war with Iraq. She stated that such a war would only lead to more terrorism, as it would ignite the furor of the Arab world. In addition, King Abdullah surmised that it is a 90% certainty that the United States will attack Iraq. He asked Chancellor Schroeder to continue the German peace policy, in order to prevent a war with Iraq that is looming on the horizon.

Both leaders agreed that the war against terrorism must continue, and that ways must be found to bring peace to Palestine.

What is significant is the emerging status of the EU and Germany in particular in terms of Middle East influence. Slowly, the U.S. is effectively being finessed out of its economic pinnacle of dominance in these areas as NEW ALLIANCES are established and strengthened. All of this is part of the on-going preparations as individuals and nations enter the fulfillment of the great prophetic events of the end of this age! Our new booklet on “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” explains in more detail that those new alliances will involve Germany and Jordan.

Current Events


Nothing in recent experience has so emblazoned the precariousness of our “modern” world as the outbreak of terror attacks.

On Sunday of this week, a deadly bomb killed at least 181 people on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Just as fear has stifled air travel in the U.S. following 9-11, now the world is on notice that Muslim extremists are prepared to disrupt any nation for their cause–and the world is reeling as terror finds new footholds in which to emerge.

Based on the French tanker explosion off Yemen a week ago and the shooting of two U.S. Marines on an island off Kuwait, a report in “The Straits Times Interactive” (a Pacific area newspaper) quotes the following: “American officials say they fear that attacks attributed to al-Qaeda in the past week and taped messages from the group’s leaders signal the beginning of a NEW WAVE OF TERRORIST ACTIVITY and possibly a large-scale attack.”

Events such as these highlight how inter-dependent the world has grown in this first decade of the twenty-first century. The actions of a few well-trained and determined individuals can completely disrupt the economy and safety of whole nations. Likewise, the recent West Coast dock strike in the U.S. pinpointed how a small group could stagnate an economy that is now totally dependent on “just-in-time” production arrangements. President Bush was forced to implement an executive order through the courts in order to send the dock workers back to their jobs.

As we have begun to witness, single events can sweep across international boundaries and literally cause such upheavals and disruptions that the whole world is seriously undermined. Yet, we know from Matthew 24 and other prophetic warnings, there is MORE turmoil ahead. As we watch and consider these things, we are further encouraged by Jesus Christ with these words:
“But he who ENDURES TO THE END shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13).


On Thursday, ominous news has broken as North Korea admits to having a well entrenched nuclear production program. This flies in the face of several signed agreements with Western nations in which Korea expressly agreed to limit such activity in exchange for Western aid. Now, it appears that the West will be held hostage with this threatening capability. All of this goes on while the North Korean people are literally starving. The underlying fear is that some of the terrorist groups will be able to purchase a complete nuclear weapon from North Korea in the near future.

Vatican rejection of key elements of the American Bishops’ new policy for dealing with sexual predators within the priesthood has many people voicing shock and outrage. Although the full response of Catholic hierarchy is due to be announced on Friday, it is said that the partial rejection will essentially strip this agreement of any practical usefulness.

As this week draws to a conclusion, the search for the East Coast sniper does not. Military surveillance aircraft have been brought into the investigation to aid law enforcement–although the military of the U.S. cannot, by statute, actively engage in this hunt beyond aid to civilian authorities. Also, there is a growing banter calling for an isolation of potential terrorists. This, in specific terms, would mean a kind of concentration camp mentality. This kind of groundswell attitude is merely talk at this point. In this same context, CIA director George Tennet, in testimony before the House and Senate Intelligence committees, summarized that America was just as vulnerable to terrorism now as it was before 9/11, because the terrorists are still out there, still determined to strike. This week’s events forewarn of ominous measures in the near future–both from the terrorists and from governments that will be forced to take stronger and stronger methods to defend against terrorism.

Current Events


Early in the week, U.S. President George Bush addressed the nation concerning what is tantamount to an approaching war in the Middle East. The nation and the world are being prepared for what is sure to follow. Even as the week winds down, both houses of Congress are falling into line with Presidential policy.

In addition, an internet posting from the “Guardian Unlimited” reported on October 10, 2002:
“British Prime Minister Tony Blair carried a potentially strong hand into talks on Iraq with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening amid signs that the Kremlin may be softening its opposition as the United States and Britain push for tough action.”

Grave concerns are being voiced in Japan about the possibility of war against Iraq. Japan is dependant on Middle East oil, and any major conflict will threaten an already weakened Japanese economy.

In the Middle East and amidst reluctant acceptance, various countries are positioning themselves in a kind of fence-straddling position in order to play both sides. The wild card is Israel. If Saddam Hussein unleashes an attack on Israel in the event of a U.S. led assault, there is a growing fear that this targeted objective may spill over into a broader conflict. Much more is at stake in this coming war than that of the war with Afghanistan. Like Japan, Europe is heavily dependant on the free flow of oil from the Middle East. The world economy has been suffering a downturn already, and the potential for catastrophic damage hangs on these future events as America implements its new security strategy of the pre-emptive use of force.


This week has seen a re-emergence of terror in America. This time, however, it appears that one or two individuals have communities in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. unnerved by wanton acts of indiscriminate murder.

To date, nine shootings with seven resulting in death have occurred. One piece of possible evidence involves a tarot card with a scribbled message to the police with the claim “…I am God.” Tarot cards are used by various psychics and others who try to foretell the future. Some place the origin of their use in Egyptian worship–worship that involved the worship of demonic forces.

The inevitable worry on the part of authorities is that “copy-cat” actions will arise fueling even more terror as schools, businesses and families put their lives on hold. In the prophetic “song of Moses” recorded in Deuteronomy 32, God pleads with His people to consider their “latter end”–verse 29. In verse 30, these timely words appear: “How could one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, And the Lord had surrendered them?” This nation will continue to face outbreaks of terror until we turn to God–Who alone is able to bring true and lasting peace and safety!

Current Events

Germany’s Influence

 The looming crisis in America and, to a lesser degree, in Britain is its sleepy-eyed view of the world. While we grow more inward in our political roles, Germany is now on the verge of significantly shaping the next decades of world history. Probably no single event has both heralded as well as fostered the NEWEST POWER PLAYER on the world scene more ominously than that of German reunification.

In essence, as long as Germany was divided, so was Europe. However, several years after the fact, the German people have successfully thrived under the heavy load of reunification. German leadership is now forging the common currency (the Euro) of the European Union with almost seamless ease. Yet, Germany’s influence is vastly more dynamic and globalized.

Note this quote from an article by Robert B. Zoellick, entitled, “An American Looks at Germany’s Foreign Policy” (Dec 98–reprinted by C.S.I.S): “…Germans have recognized that the world will not permit Germany to abstain from the new challenges. Germany is the THIRD LARGEST economy in the world, the SECOND most active exporter, and the BIGGEST country west of Russia in Europe. A new generation of business leaders has positioned German companies AMONG THE MOST COMPETITIVE in the world, with operations that EXTEND AROUND THE GLOBE. Germany’s global trade and investment link the country’s welfare with the security and prosperity of the world markets.” Pay particular attention to the fact that this was written in 1998–four years ago.

As witnessed in Somalia and Bosnia as well as Afghanistan, Germany has begun the initial role of deploying combat troops. Some believe that in modern Germany there could be no new resurgent nationalism again. Yet, even before our eyes, Germany is emerging as the real behind the scenes force in world economic globalization. In order to protect this newly found role, Germany is being pushed into a military presence that is destined to grow very rapidly–and that, at the first, merely to protect its and Europe’s interests.

While on the surface, it appears that Germany is content politically with a kind of “soft nationalism,” prophecy indicates a staggering role has been allotted to this people in the very near future. Watch world events–watch Europe, and, in particular, watch as Germany emerges as the greatest power broker on the earth!

U.S. Policy–Pre-emptive!

 In a move that has startled many allies and put on notice less than friendly nations, U.S. President George Bush outlined a new national security strategy late in the month of September.
Quoting from as published on September 20, 2002:
“The 35-page document, titled ‘The National Security Strategy of the United States of America,’ marks the end to the deterrent military strategy that dominated the Cold War and officially shifts the country to a pre-emptive policy…”

The long held reactive posture of the U.S. is no longer deemed viable in a world of terrorism. The implication is that America is willing to act on its own–without the approval of coalitions or the U.N. or allies.

Other nations worry that this kind of unilateral approach will threaten international order. Some few national leaders have given a measured and conditional endorsement of America’s right to be proactive and assertive in its quest to fight both terrorism and the possible use of weapons of mass destruction.

If America–now the greatest military power on earth–makes serious mistakes in its implementation of this new policy, world opinion may quickly move from cautious acceptance to outright belligerent opposition. We must continue to watch and understand that God will deal with our national sins in order to correct us and turn our hearts to Him. Our national prestige will NOT endure when God removes His protection and blessings. The Bible shows that the greatest power on the earth at the time of Jesus Christ’s return will NOT be those currently holding that position, but it will be the revived Roman Empire wielding great military power and religious dominance!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God