Current Events


This week has seen momentous focus on the Church in Rome.

Press coverage has revealed a church originally content to “wash its dirty laundry at home” now grappling for a consistent and acceptable public position. Even with the spotlight on priests guilty of activities reviled by both American Catholics and American non-Catholics, the official church position had been cautious and restrained. To a degree, that ended with the American Cardinals summoned to Italy for a conference before the Pope.

Even though there were politically correct statements from the Pope concerning the criminal nature of acts by some of its priests, there remains an intransigent undercurrent supporting church authority.

These events have created more attention worldwide for the Catholic church than even Papal visits. Expect to see this international religion actually rebounding as a moral leader in the near future. Prophecy clearly shows dominance in the end-times by a great religion claiming “Christianity” as its origin and authority.

There is an alarming sense of inattention now extant in the United States concerning Russia. Because of our press reports depicting a Soviet system defeated by Western ethics and values–much less its dollars–Americans, in particular, view the remaining nucleus of Russia as harmless.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Especially when we consider the near future. Right now, Russia is very active in furthering its own interest. It draws on a historic and deep perseverance of national character. News reports gleaned from almost incidental entries reveal a steady flow of international influence. Nowhere is this truer than among many of those nations which emerged out of the Soviet Union and its former allies.

Mr. Putin of Russia has shown that he is willing to go all the way when it serves Russia’s interests. His recent invasion of Georgia has been described, by some, as outright occupation in violation of human rights, but it has received little coverage in the European or American press. Germany’s decision to forgive Russia in excess of seven billion (!) Euro dollars has enraged some Germans, but this must be seen within the bigger picture of prophecy, indicating an original, howbeit fragile, alliance between Germany and Russia.

Continental Europe
The powerful current of prophetic events has once again revealed a glimpse of the impending hazards of this world’s looming final troubles.

Political events in Continental Europe received fresh focus as a right wing contender for the leadership of France emerged this week. Extreme-right leader and candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen (73) of the National Front gained second place and bolted into contention with incumbent Jacques Chirac. The run-off election for the French presidency will be held on May 5th. Regardless of the outcome (that Chirac will be reelected as French President is considered as almost certain), the Jewish community in France is already afraid of ensuing anti-Semitic attacks. Le Pen, who considers the Holocaust as a footnote in history, is being compared to Austria’s “leader-in-waiting,” Joerg Haider.

Haider is a declared enemy of Jacques Chirac. He immediately congratulated his friend Le Pen on his victory. “This is a victory of democracy,” Haider said. He also announced that it is his goal to become Austria’s chancellor. Next elections are scheduled for the fall of 2003, and Haider said that he would run for chancellorship if the Austrian people want him to.

One year earlier, in September of 2002, Germany will face its election for a new Chancellor. Last Sunday, Edmund Stoiber’s chances might have increased dramatically, when Gerhard Schroeder’s party suffered a stunning defeat in elections in Saxony-Anhalt in East Germany, ending up far behind the Christian Democrats (CDU). (Edmund Stoiber’s party, the CSU, is the Bavarian sister party of the non-Bavarian CDU).

Distressful, persistent problems underlie current political shifts in Western Europe: Lax immigration policy which feeds a steady stream of cheap labor; regional and national interests versus European integration; and, most fundamentally, a concern about monetary stability and distrust of the stability of the Euro dollar all keep politics on the explosive front burner!

Yet, in spite of these problems, Europe as a force is taking shape. Europe is negotiating, forming alliances and moving within global perspectives in nothing short of astonishing ways. All of these events continue in breath-taking leaps that can only find their parallel in the sudden demise of the Iron Curtain and the staggering fall of the Berlin wall that separated a then divided Germany. In just little more than a decade, the face of Europe has forever changed.

Current Events


Judah in the End Times

The nation of Israel that now resides in the Middle East is more appropriately identified as the descendants of Judah, and there are specific prophecies in the book of Zechariah that indicate a fiery, pugnacious role for this tribe of Israel.

In line with end-time prophecies found in Zechariah 12:1-9 a recent opinion column in the Denver Post revealed some surprising statistics about this tiny nation:

“…The Israeli Defense Force, as it is called, is now the world’s fourth-strongest military machine.
“Besides an awesome array of American-supplied weapons, it has the largest and most sophisticated nuclear arsenal outside the five declared nuclear powers-the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain–estimated at up to 2,000 warheads.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has successfully withstood America’s dictation of its security policy. But this will not come without a price. More and more, this area of the world will be the focus of events culminating in the return of Jesus Christ. However, this time, Judah will recognize their Messiah (Zech 12:10-14). At that future time, Jews will find themselves on the brink of destruction–along with a rebellious world inspired and dominated by Satan and his evil followers.

As never before, prophecy is cascading into dramatic fulfillment. Let us continue to WATCH and prepare for these fearful times!

Catholic Church

Although some within the Catholic Church are hoping to gain some positive interest from all of the negative press, Rome has finally had to step up to the issue of pedophilia and the Pope has called for a meeting with key American Church leaders.

Coupled with declining Church interest, huge monetary expenditures for lost court cases and an alarming lack of new candidates for the priesthood, there is a grudging admission growing that Catholicism is facing an embarrassing crisis.

Considering Biblical prophecies picturing the dominant role of this end time religion, we can expect this current debacle to be displaced with a very positive international presence. The current Pope’s ill health has left him unable to aggressively confront issues. In light of the irrepressible geo-political events now flooding onto the world stage, the Catholic Church will soon be allowed to step forward in a much more dynamic, policy setting presence. The most obvious path in this direction will be fostered by a NEW POPE coming to power!

Terrorist Attack

German officials are now convinced that the explosion of a synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia, on April 11, was another terror attack, that was carried out by a group close to Isama Bin Laden. Eleven German tourists were killed during the attack.

Update on the Middle East

The Los Angeles Times ran an insightful article on April 18, 2002, regarding Mr. Powell’s unsuccessful mission in the Middle East. When reading this analysis, one should clearly see that there will be more bloodshed and violence in the Middle East. Although some are hopeful for a peaceful solution, there really seems to be “no peace” in sight. Given the failure of the United States’ mission, voices are already becoming louder for a European intervention. Although at this point, Europe is not willing to get directly involved, it might not have the luxury to stand at the sidelines for much longer.

“The Blame Game Goes On” (L.A. Times)

“JERUSALEM — There is no evidence on the ground here that Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s shuttle diplomacy between Israelis and Palestinians did anything to defuse the conflict he left seething behind him Wednesday. And it is far from clear that either Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat or Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is entirely unhappy with Powell’s failure. Powell secured neither an Israeli military withdrawal from Palestinian areas nor a clear statement from Arafat that he was renouncing violence and recommitting himself to negotiations. In Bethlehem, Israeli tanks remain pointed at the Church of the Nativity, where more than 100 Palestinian gunmen are holed up. In Ramallah, Israeli soldiers are still bunking down on the grounds of Arafat’s battered and increasingly fetid headquarters…

“…during his final, stormy meeting with Powell on Wednesday, the Palestinian leader refused to meet Israel’s demand that he hand over the alleged killers of an Israeli Cabinet minister or accept an Israeli proposal that the gunmen in the Church of the Nativity surrender and face trial in Israel or go into exile…

“In his defiance, Arafat gains points with both his own increasingly embittered people and across an Arab world appalled by the scenes of destruction in the West Bank that they see on their television screens each night.

“Arafat’s insistence that he will offer no concessions until Israel ends its incursion has put moderate Arab regimes on the hot seat, hard-pressed to explain to their angry citizens why neither the Arabs nor the United States is forcing Israel to pull back…

“Israeli commentators said Powell’s failure to achieve a cease-fire offered certain political advantages for Sharon, who has declared Arafat an enemy of Israel and appears bent on dismantling not only armed militias in Palestinian areas but also the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority that Arafat leads.

“Powell said Sharon promised that Israel will pull out of all areas except Bethlehem and Ramallah in the coming week. Sharon, commentators here say, will spend that week inflicting greater damage on Arafat’s administration. And in comments to reporters after Powell’s departure, Sharon said Israeli tanks and troops will continue to ring Palestinian cities, poised to reenter whenever Israel feels it needs to…

“Arab moderates warned that the Bush administration’s prestige was damaged by its failure to compel Israel’s withdrawal from recaptured Palestinian areas…

“POWELL NEEDS TO ENLIST THE HELP OF MODERATE ARAB STATES AND THE EUROPEAN UNION to pressure Arafat by threatening to cut off funding and end diplomatic support, [Israeli strategic analyst Joseph] Alpher said. The Secretary also needs to lean on Israel by holding up funding for some projects and publicly criticizing Sharon’s politics.”

UN Considers Military Intervention in Middle East
(excerpted from News Corp article “Sharon a man of peace”)


UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan asked the UN security council to consider sending an armed multi-national force to help end violence. Annan’s Middle East envoy said the devastation was “horrific beyond belief” as he toured ruins in the West Bank, still mostly in the grip of Israeli troops despite Bush’s calls for an immediate withdrawal.

UN chief Annan said: “I believe the deployment of a multi-national force deserves serious consideration. The situation is so dangerous that the international community has an obligation to provide this assistance.”

But Israel quickly rejected his call. “We do not want it and I think also the United States do not want it,” government spokesman Avi Pazner said.

Erakat said: “This idea is the only right way to start fighting Israeli aggression.”

Annan’s special envoy to the Middle East, Terje Roed-Larsen, toured the remains of the shattered Jenin refugee camp, site of the fiercest battles in Israel’s West Bank campaign, and denounced the horror he saw. “It is totally unacceptable and horrific beyond belief,” he said. “The stench of death is horrible. We have expert people here who have been in war zones and earthquakes and they say they have never seen anything like it.”

Current Events


Update on the Middle East

The headlines of this week’s European magazines and newspapers are quite telling. Germany’s Der Spiegel wrote on April 11, under “Worldwide Appeal for Holy War Against Israel”, that Islamic groups have asked all Muslims to join a Holy War against Israel and the West. Signers of this “appeal” are terrorist groups like “Hezbollah,” the “Brotherhood of Muslims,” “Hamas,” and other fundamentalist groups. One additional signer is allegedly Turkey’s former Prime Minister, Necmettin Erkaban. However, Mr. Erkaban’s lawyer denied that his client signed the appeal.

In another article, titled, “And the Tanks Keep Rolling,” Der Spiegel pointed out: “Israel is not impressed by the strong appeal of the international community. While withdrawing from 24 Palestinian villages, they attacked two new ones.”

Der Spiegel also interviewed Paul Spiegel, president of the Jewish community in Germany. He stated that the one-sided condemnation of Israel by Germany and the Europeans is shortsighted and not helpful. The critics, according to Mr. Spiegel, do not understand what terror really is. He also said: “The people who are condemning Israel in this country are at the same time sitting in restaurants that are not blown into pieces.”

Still stronger words were uttered to Der Spiegel by Michel Friedman, Vice-President of the Jewish community in Germany. He stated, “The Europeans are hypocrites.” He continued, “Europe has always been reluctant to strongly criticize the Arab world, and especially the oil-exporting countries, even if they are dictatorships…. Terror comes from Syria, Iran and Iraq… At best, Arafat is unable to stop the terror. At worst, he is a participant… Saudi Arabia and others could have solved a long time ago the problem of Palestinians living in slums… 73% of the Jews in Israel believe that there must be a Palestinian state… We cannot rule out that this thing will get bloodier. We need a change in generations to bring about peace.”

The German magazine, “Stern,” stated that Secretary of State Powell plans to meet with Mr. Sharon, as well as with Mr. Arafat. Mr. Sharon described a meeting between Mr. Powell and Mr. Arafat as a “tragic mistake.” The magazine continued that the United States, The European Union, the United Nations and Russia have demanded of Israel to immediately withdraw from occupied Palestinian regions, including Ramallah.

The LA Times reported on Thursday, April 11, that “Israel on Wednesday again refused to withdraw from the West Bank cities it invaded thirteen days ago and said a deadly suicide bombing on a bus earlier today showed why the offensive must continue. ‘I hope our great friend the United States understands that this is a war of survival for us,’ Sharon told reporters.”

On Wednesday, CNN carried live an address of former Prime Minister of Israel, B. Netanyahu, to several US Senators. He reminded Europe that 60 years ago, they did not lift a finger when millions of Jews were exterminated on European soil. He continued that now, when Israel is trying to fight against terrorists, Europe is again turning their back on Israel. He described this as shameful, stating at the same time that he did not expect more from most of the European governments, but that he is anticipating a lot more support from the United States.

Some observers are reminded, however, of the United States’ rejections of boat loads of Jewish refugees at the time of World War II, and are wondering what the United States, as well as Europe and Russia, will ultimately do to stop this present war in the Middle East.

What’s Next?

Although we all are focused on the daily barrage of mind blurring news stories out of the Middle East, huge events are waiting in the wings.

American policy seems squarely focused on the removal of Saddam Hussein. The public display by the U.S. President to placate Arab countries by calling on Israel’s Ariel Sharon to immediately withdraw from Palestinian enclaves is considered by many to be a less than veiled policy to hold onto Arab support for a future attack.

Iraq, more than Israel and Palestine, is poised to draw in worldwide involvement of nations who have both political and, more importantly, financial considerations of epic importance.

Historically, the nations of Israel and Judah never truly prospered in their alliances with other nations. What the modern nations of America, Britain and Israel are seeking still follows the same misguided approach. These modern coalitions do not address the core problem which is that of national sins and national punishment from God.

In the current episodes of international intrigue, we have just witnessed a kind of double standard in the war on terror. All of these events continue to set the stage for the time of the end prophesied throughout God’s Word. Let’s make sure we are watching with a committed sense of readiness as momentous prophecies now unfold before us!

Current Events


— CNN: U.N. Security Council votes 15-0 to demand Israel’s withdrawal from Palestinian towns “without delay.”
— Israel: Will comply, “once we achieve what we set out to achieve”

— Der Spiegel (Germany): “Enough is Enough! Dramatic change in the American Middle East Politics. President Bush issued a clear warning towards the government of Israel, and announced a new peace initiative.”

— Der Stern (Germany): “The United States intervene in the Middle East conflict. President George W. Bush announced that Secretary of Sate Colin Powell will travel to the Middle East next week to negotiate a cease-fire.”

— Focus (Germany): “Mr. President changes direction. George Bush has made a surprising appeal to Israel to end the violence and to respect the dignity of the Palestinian people.”

— The Times (UK) reported that Britain welcomes Mr. Bush’s intervention.

— The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition (Israel): “‘Post’ poll: 72% of Israelis for war.”

“Documents: Arafat approved payments to terrorists.”

— LA Times (USA): “Escalation pushes Bush onto a limb.”

— USA Today (USA): “Sharon: Assaults will continue.”
–“Bethlehem under Siege”

— New York Times (USA): “Bush is sending Powell to Middle East to Stop Incursions”
–“Bush says U.S. is to assume stronger role in ending violence”
–“Bush seeks a delicate balance”
–“Palestinians welcome Bush Initiative”
–“Bush wins praise, but Arabs remain wary”
— “Israel continues sweep of cities, taking Hebron”

Current Events


–As the world’s focus continues to center on the Middle East, momentous events that were virtually unthinkable in the recent past are now falling into place. A Vatican news source on the Internet reviewed comments from Rabbi Michael Melchior, Israeli Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Meimad religious party in Israel. What he sought from the Pope was the Vatican’s support.

Behind the scenes, the Vatican has welded worldwide cooperation among this world’s major faiths. There is a kind of “position paper” on every major issue–the two Koreas, Russian religious freedom, wars and their resolution, etc. Although the recent scandals involving Catholic priests in America have drawn the attention and comments of the Catholic hierarchy, they portray these scandals as an American issue–one that is merely an outgrowth of society. Calls for a change in celibacy rules for priests have not penetrated the entrenched traditions that currently hold sway.

We now see the “need” for a stabilizing force in the Israeli-Arab debacle. Once again, American troops are being suggested. However, the more likely influence will begin to flow from Europe and the Pope as he exercises his unmistakable stature and global influence. It appears that the Jews must yield to outside help in the search for a peaceful approach or lose their hard fought respect among the world’s nations.

— The European Union made clear that they will seek compensation for President Bush’s tariffs on foreign steel. The EU is supported in this by Japan, Brazil and Australia. The EU claims that they will incur losses of $2 billion annually over the three year life of the tariffs, according to an article in Yahoo! News of March 16.

— President Bush defended a politically charged Pentagon proposal (Nuclear Posture Review, NPR) to create new types of nuclear weapons and expand the nation’s list of potential nuclear targets, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times of March 14.

— The Times in Great Britain reported on March 18 that former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher published a new book, advocating that “Britain must start to quit EU.” Mrs. Thatcher wrote that most of the problems that the world has faced, including Nazism and Marxism, have come from mainland Europe. The Times continued, “Lady Thatcher stops short of calling for a total withdrawal from Europe, preferring to retain some existing arrangements while opting out of ‘present and future mechanisms which harm our interests or restrict our freedom of action.'”

Current Events


Gay Priests
Recent revelations of pedophilia in Boston and Florida by priests have shocked North American Catholics. Over seventy million people are adherents to the Catholic religion in this part of the world. Now a pall of doubt has settled on many practitioners as details of gross misconduct between priests and young males in their local churches appears in the headlines of national publications.

The Vatican has responded by stating that gay men should not be ordained to the priesthood. However, reports have surfaced regarding whole sub-communities of gays within the priesthood.

The financial implications are staggering. It is estimated that the cost to settle the current cases will exceed $100 million dollars. These payments do not address the real problem of homosexual behavior that has sadly been kept under wraps by the Catholic Church. Short of public disclosure, the church has been many times merely transferring problem priests to other areas–only to have the same problems repeated.

In cannot be doubted that the teaching of mandatory celebacy for the priesthood has been a contributing factor to the problems that have now been made manifest (Cp. 1 Timothy 4:3, where Paul does not approve of those who hold doctrines which include “forbidding to marry.”)

Current Events


Gold in Europe
On a radio program originating in Denver, Colorado, it was mentioned that England was selling gold (the final in a series of planned sales). In the report it was stated that Germany is now the number 2 holder of gold reserves in the world! It is staggering to see these behind the scenes events that will eventually prop up the EU as the only remaining world super power.

Frictions Between the US and Europe over Tarifs on Steel Imports
President Bush signed a measure this week that will impose tariffs for three years of up to 30% on imports of foreign steel. This bedrock commodity is most important in the scheme of the WTO–World Trade Organization. The European Union has warned that it will have no choice but to “react”. Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair called the U.S. decision “unacceptable and wrong,” stating that the United States “have broken the rules.” Germany’s Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder sent a letter of protest to President Bush. The EU announced that they will launch a formal protest with the WTO. If this results in a veto from the WTO, the EU would be free to issue trade sanctions against the US. European newspapers are asking whether we are beginning to see a new tradewar between the U.S. and Europe. Clearly, there is now an emerging sense of estrangement between the United States and its European allies.

(Reports summarized from Yahoo!News; Bild; and Der Spiegel, all as of March 6,2002).

Middle East
U.S. news coverage of this week’s hostilities in the Middle East have begun describing the situation as “WAR”. One commentator said that officials in Washington had run out of words to respond to these out of control events.

All this comes on the heels of last week’s proposed peace initiative for the region. The “Jerusalem Post” for March 6, 2002, quoted foreign Minister Shimon Peres as saying, “We will pay a heavy price for scorning international opinion.”

That telling observation comes on the heels of Israel’s escalation of reprisals that now involve a full range of their military might.

Current Events


Summary from the Jerusalem Post–February 27, 2002
Many nations are now hopeful of a new peace proposal that is being offered by Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia. At its core, this plan calls for Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 national boundaries in exchange for trade, diplomatic and security guarantees.

All of this has spawned a new flurry of interest and involvement from the United States and Russia. Of special note is the strong role of European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana in pushing this plan along. The Israeli-Arab problem is steadily introducing an empowered European presence. Momentous struggles in this region continue to position Jerusalem and the land of Israel in its strategic fulfillment of Biblical prophecy–along with the many other nations who will eventually become embroiled.

In addition to observing the exciting events taking place in the Middle East, we must also stay focused on developments in Europe and in the United States, and how they might affect these two power blocs and the rest of the world.

Friendship between Europe and the United States
How fragile current relationships of “friendship” between the U.S. and Europe are, can be seen by the following report:

Der Spiegel pointed out on February 27, that the Foreign Minister of Sweden, Anna Lindh, speaking also on behalf of Great Britain and France, warned the United States NOT to execute any European prisoners presently held in Guantanamo Bay, on the charge of being members of al-Qaeda. Mrs. Lindh stated that otherwise, there would be “extremely drastic repercussions.”

Great Britain gives green light for human cloning
At the same time, a House of Lords Committee in Great Britain ruled that Britain’s scientists are permitted to pioneer the cloning of human embryos for research, and to set up the world’s first embryo cell bank, according to Yahoo News, February 27. The U.S. government had vehemently opposed such possible developments.

Germany accepts leading function in Kabul
Der Stern announced that Germany has agreed to replace Great Britain in April as the “lead nation” in Kabul, by accepting a “leading function” within the multi-national military security force in Afghanistan. The military campaign in Afghanistan has placed Europe and the United States at odds with most Muslims. Reuters reported on February 27 that an “overwhelming majority” of Muslims do not believe that Arabs carried out the September 11 attacks on the United States and disapprove of the U.S.-led military campaign in Afghanistan. They, instead, blame somehow the United States and Israel, according to the report.

Joerg Haider – An Arab?
A rather strange report was run on February 27 in the Austrian News Networld. Seif el Islam Qaddafi, son of Libya’s leader Muammar al-Qaddafi, stated to a French newspaper that Austria’s Joerg Haider’s ancestors were Arabs, and that Mr. Haider is considering converting to Islam. Mr. Haider allegedly said to Seif el Islam Qaddafi, that he wants to be an Arab and a Muslim. Mr. Haider’s wife, Claudia, denied those statements, pointing out that both she and her husband are practicing Catholics.

Doomsday is near!
Considering the following reports, one can see that the world, as a whole, has not become a safer place. “Doomsday” is almost upon us:

First of all, der Spiegel reported on February 27 that Americans are very worried about terrorists attacking with poison gas and deadly microbes. According to the article, experts fear that frustrated scientists might sell their knowledge to terrorists. At the same time, according to an article published by Reuters on February 27, the keepers of the “Doomsday Clock” advanced on Wednesday its hands nearer to midnight, because of worries regarding nuclear weapons conflicts, lagging disarmament efforts, the lack of security of existing stockpiles, and terrorists in general. The clock stands now at seven minutes to midnight (“midnight” meaning “doomsday”), the closest since the end of the Cold War (when, in 1953, it was set at two minutes to midnight), when the United States tested the first hydrogen bomb.

Current Events


After the news hit that Austria’s Joerg Haider had visited Iraq, he announced last Friday that he would withdraw from national politics. But only very few were willing to take this announcement seriously.
The Austrian “News” Magazine ran several articles on February 20, pointing out that Mr. Haider will stay as active in politics as ever. “I’m not going to be buried in Carinthia,” he said in an interview (Mr. Haider is presently governor of Carinthia, a southern province of Austria). He also pointed out that he will continue his travels to Iraq, after he promised his party last Friday that he would not do so, according to the “News Magazin.” After all, he said, his recent travel was just for humanitarian purposes. Saddam Hussein did receive Joerg Haider, however, as if he was the leader of another state. At the same time, Mr. Haider alleged that he negotiated with Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein, about prisoners of war in Kuwait — a statement that has not been confirmed by the government of Iraq.
In the meantime, the United States and the United Nations are investigating Mr. Haider’s flight to Iraq.The U.S. openly criticized Mr. Haider’s handshake with Saddam Hussein and condemned it as “inappropriate and counter-productive.” The U.S. is waiting what action, if any, Austria is going to impose against Mr. Haider, stating at the same time that they are becoming impatient with Austria’s lack of action.
The Vatican announced that 26,000 Vatican-Euros will be circulated. The coins portray Pope John Paul II. The delay was caused as the Euro version of the Italian government had to be circulated first. As “Der Stern” points out, the Catholic Euros will become very valuable, in time, for collectors. The Vatican is one of the smallest states in the world, with only 500 citizens.
Stemming from a legal battle between Internet publisher Eric Eldred and the Disney Corporation, the United States Supreme Court has agreed to look into the constitutionality of recent changes of the U.S. copyright law. On October 27, 1998, the “Sonny Bono Copyright Act” extended copyright protection of all artworks that had been published since January 1, 1923, for another 23 years, to create a protection of “life plus 70,” rather than “life plus 50.” (In other words, the protection of art works presently lasts for 70 years, rather than 50 years, as before, after the author’s death).
There was a need to fill two vacancies left by the resignation of George Thiessen as Director and Secretary of the Church in Canada. Rene Messier has taken on the responsibility of Secretary, and we are pleased to add to our Directors in Canada Mr. Dan Strathern, a long time member of God’s Church from the Edmonton area. We welcome Dan as a Director and the experience he brings with him. We want to express our thanks to George Thiessen for the services he provided to the Church.

Current Events


Austria’s Joerg Haider made news again this week when it became known that he had just visited Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. SPIEGEL ONLINE reported that Mr. Haider met with Mr. Saddam Hussein to assure him of Austria’s solidarity with the Iraqi people. Upon his return, Haider criticized the policy of the United States on Iraq.
YAHOO NEWS cited Haider as follows, “‘For the first time in my life I am in agreement with German Foreign Minister (Joschka) Fischer, which may surprise you… I share his view that you cannot portray any state as evil with unproven assertions in order to have a pretext for initiatives in arms policy.'”
SPIEGEL ONLINE confirmed that Mr. Joschka Fischer had indeed strongly criticized the United States in regard to their foreign policy on Iraq. But Fischer was not the only critic. During a meeting of the European foreign ministers, others, like the representative from France, shared Fischer’s criticism. Fischer specifically criticized the U.S. for pursuing their goals alone, against the wishes of the Europeans. (At the same time, the foreign ministers discussed a plan for the establishment of a Palestinian state as a “starting point of a negotiation process”).
YAHOO NEWS reported that President Bush has decided to oust Saddam Hussein. Quoting the Philadelphia Inquirer, the article pointed out that the White House “was determined to act even if U.S. allies do not help… Escalating U.S. rhetoric on Iraq has alarmed Russia and America’s European allies in recent weeks, while causing concern among experts about the political and human costs of a lengthy U.S. military campaign in the Middle East.”
USA TODAY reported that a military action against the Iraq is unlikely before May. “Likely military options range from a limited intervention to help rebel groups to ‘Desert Storm lite,’ a reprise of the 1991 Gulf War that could involve as many as 200,000 U.S. troops, Iraq experts say.”
JERUSALEM POST Summary:  The past few weeks have witnessed unparalleled world involvement in the explosive Israeli and Palestinian quagmire.  Several ministers from Europe have traveled into the area–not the least being German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.  His call for “a shared international position” flies in the face of France’s recent call for a separate Palestinian State in spite of the ongoing terrorism of the various Palestinian factions.
At present, there is no unified European foreign policy as regards the region.  However, events will continue to funnel the national interests of Europe toward more and more entanglement in this area.  Most striking is the international power and prestige that is emerging from European nations that act as a check on what has, in recent years, been an American domain.

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