Current Events


Jerusalem, in a way disproportionate to its world role, is becoming the spotlight for a global audience.  It is now commonplace for CNN or other news outlets to feature major reports and time slots to the Israeli and Palestinian enigma.  Even the State of the Union message from President Bush reflected the dynamic emergence of this part of the Middle East.
Although Mr. Arafat has survived several attempts to either kill him or remove his influence in the politics of the region, he is now being labeled in a way that leaves him in the company of Usama Ben Laden–a TERRORIST.  What is most remarkable is the stunning change in Washington.  Now the official American position is such that Prime Minister Sharon may move in startling ways to secure the safety of his nation, Israel.
We must be watching these unfolding events that will lead to international issues of such epic importance that a unified Europe and an empowered Catholic leadership will find it in their best interest to occupy this region.  In the meantime, the people of God must stay attentive, we must be about our Father’s business–reaching out with the GOOD NEWS of God’s message of world peace!
(Excerpted from The Philippine Star 01/28/2002)
Militants may protest and opposition leaders gripe but most Filipinos, including the business community, are cheering the arrival of US troops to take part in operations against the Abu Sayyaf Muslim kidnapping group who have links to the al-Qaeda network of Osama bin Laden.

Despite almost daily protests by leftists, Mrs. Arroyo has obtained a consensus from congressional leaders in favor of letting some 660 US soldiers into the southern Philippines. As a result, the stock market and the peso have strengthened in the past week as the Americans started arriving to help train and advise local soldiers in the hunt for the Abu Sayyaf.
The Abu Sayyaf have been attacking and kidnapping Christians and foreigners for years. The headline-grabbing crimes have given the country an image of lawlessness and danger, scaring away foreign investment and tourists.  US military assistance was offered to the Philippines as part of the worldwide campaign against terror in the wake of the deadly Sept. 11th attacks in the United States. 
Der Stern reported on Jan. 31 that the Minister President of the temporary Afghan government announced that Tony Blair of Great Britain rejected the request for additional British military help in Afghanistan.

Der Stern reported on Jan. 31 that the Minister President of the temporary Afghan government announced that Tony Blair of Great Britain rejected the request for additional British military help in Afghanistan.

The Austrian press reported on Jan. 31 that there is a growing desire in Austria for new elections. This, so the Austrian News Magazine, would coincide with Joerg Haider’s wishes. Format speculated that Joerg Haider might return to Vienna. Although 83% of the Austrians do presently not anticipate that Mr. Haider will ever become Austrian Chancellor, only time will tell.

Bild Online also made some biting comments on Jan. 31 regarding President Bush’s Union speech, stating, “Now he wants to fight premarital sex and use of drugs and alcohol by teens… Insofar as drugs and alcohol is concerned, he might want to start at home,” referring thereby to his two twin daughters and his niece in Florida.

Current Events


The resistance of the Taliban against the US in Afghanistan continues.  Several incidents occurred this week.  Rumors are circulating in the press that the US is preparing for an attack against Iraq.  A renegade army of 5,000 Taliban soldiers with 450 tanks, armored carriers and pick-up trucks is locked in a tense stand-off with American special forces in Afghanistan.

Afghan troops from Kandahar province are on high alert for possible military action against the allegedly Iranian-backed forces of Ismail Khan, the veteran warlord and Governor of the western city of Herat. Tensions between Mr. Sherzai and Ismail Khan in Herat remain extremely high and are causing grave concern to the Americans.  The growing number of U.S. troops in the country — more than 3,000 are based at Kandahar airport and in Kabul-are being drawn into provincial rivalries.

Pope Pius XII was convinced that Adolph Hitler was possessed by the devil, and he attempted unsuccessfully on at least three occasions, from his home in Rome, to cast out Satan.
Due to an impropriety of an “informer,” the German government’s attempt might fail to have the right-winged party “NPD” prohibited.  The “NPD” is openly sympathetic to Adolph Hitler and has been held responsible, through their politics and paroles, for several attacks on foreigners living in Germany.  A prohibition of the party prior to the next German parliamentary elections has now become doubtful.

Current Events


The German daily newspaper, “Bild,” asked on January 8 in an article,  “Who is going to be the next target of the United States in their fight against terrorism?”  They stated, “The battle against terrorism:  After Afghanistan, are Somalia, Yemen and the Philippines next?  The United States could concentrate in the next phase of their battle against terrorism on those countries.  Vice-Defense Minister, Paul Wolfowitz, pointed out in an interview with the “New York Times,” that he does not rule out military action against extremists in those three countries.

The US Ministry of Defense collaborates with friendly countries such as the Philippines that support the war against terrorism. “Iraq, too, remains within the focus of the United States,” said Wolfowitz… He continued to point out that Somalia attracts terrorists like a magnet, and both Somalia and Yemen are not capable of fighting terrorists on their own.”

Current Events



Last night, Jan 1st, there was an earthquake (4.2 on the Richer Scale) north of San Diego (near Borrego Springs). No damages or injuries have been reported so far.


Argentina ended 2001 leaderless and penniless on Monday with its new interim president resigning a week into the job and the country fearing more bloodshed and the loss of savings frozen in the banks.

Plunged into chaos by looting and deadly riots that forced Fernando de la Rua to resign as president a week ago, Argentina fell deeper into anarchy when interim leader Adolfo Rodriguez Saa quit on Sunday after losing the support of his party.


According to Focus Online, a serious battle was fought at the end of the year between India and Pakistan. Four soldiers were killed, and seven bunkers were destroyed. Tony Blair announced that he will try to intervene.


According to an Internet article of December 31, 2001, of Der Spiegel, an American attack killed more than 100 civilians in the eastern part of Afghanistan.  Although American news channels originally reported that the U.S. government denied this report, Der Spiegel states now that the U.S. government did NOT deny the attack and that they announced that there will be an investigation. The article continues that the U.S. government does presently not heed to demands to soon cease American bombardments of Afghanistan.


Europe made history on Tuesday with the midnight launch of euro single currency notes and coins for more than 300 million people, completing an unprecedented monetary union aimed at securing peace and greater prosperity.

The coinage of a millennium was wiped out as the currencies of the 12 euro zone countries began being swapped for what will be the most widely used common money since the Roman Empire.
The new euro notes in purple, yellow, green, blue, red and orange bear architectural designs of bridges and arches rather than national cultural symbols or figureheads. The coins bear national emblems on one side like Germany’s landmark Brandenburg Gate and Belgium’s King Albert, a map of Europe on the reverse.
According to Max Online, the euro started brilliantly, constituting the greatest currency exchange of all times. “Politicians from 12 EU states applauded the historical success towards a politically and economically united Europe,” the article said. It continued, “President Jacques Chirac of France stated that ‘the euro is a victory for Europe which will strengthen its [Europe’s] identity and power.’… Head of State Jose Maria Aznar of Spain stated, ‘The euro is the symbol of strength of our community.’ Minister President Kostas Simitis of Greece added, ‘The euro is one of the strongest currencies in the world.  We have now more chances and more hope.’… According to Tony Blair of Great Britain [Great Britain, Denmark and Sweden did not anticipate in the exchange], his country has a massive interest in the success of the euro…. Whether Great Britain itself will introduce the euro, the people of the nation will have to decide, Mr. Blair said.”


New Years Message of the Pope:  According to Der Spiegel, the Pope is upset about religious wars.  “‘Nobody is permitted to kill for whatever reason in the name of God,’ he said in his New Years Message. Violence in the name of God is always unjustified, and the Holy Land longs for peace, he continued, pointing out that all are brothers and the sons of the same ancestor, Abraham, and all men are sons of the same Holy Father. The Catholic Church begins on January 1 the world year of peace. The message is, according to the Pope, that there can be no peace without justice, and no justice without forgiveness. Both, he said, are indispensable for the promotion of peace.





Current Events


According to Ulrich Delius, a German correspondent, the current India – Pakistan conflict is one of the most dangerous trouble spots in the world, with the potential of escalation into a nuclear World War. His interview, given on December 25, has been placed, in the German language, on the news station “Deutsche Welle,” at

Beginning January 1, the Euro will replace the national currencies of the 12 European member nations. Great Britain, Sweden and Denmark decided against using the Euro as their currency.

According to a report on CNN, the European Union and the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement guaranteeing the PA/PLO 30 million euros a month, over the next three months, to help finance its operating costs. Israel charged that EU funds are being used to finance PLO attacks against the Jewish state.

Current Events


“The Argentine Government has declared a state of siege after violence erupted over the country’s worsening economic crisis… [and] the worst civil unrest since 1989.” [BBC News, December 18, 2001] and according to CNN, Government officials say Argentine President Fernando De la Rua has submitted his resignation.

“Iranian Cleric urges nuclear strike against Israel.” [World Tribune, Dec. 18, 2001]

“Europe and America in bitter row over peace force [in Afghanistan].” [Independent News, December 18, 2001] and “Massive [European] Resistance against expansion of anti-terror war against Iraq. [German Chancellor] Schroeder warns [President] Bush.” [California Staats-Zeitung, December 13, 2001]

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has told NATO allies to prepare themselves for the threat of devastating nuclear, chemical and biological attacks by terrorists on their biggest cities. According to CBS News, December 18, Mr. Rumsfeld warned Europe in Brussels on Tuesday that London, Paris, Berlin and other cities could become targets for terror strikes like those on America that killed more than 3,000 people.

Current Events


We received an article that appeared in the Jerusalem Post, showing the increasing influence of the European Union in the Middle East. The article pointed out that the “European Union told Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat [on December 10] to dismantle ‘the terrorist networks’ of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and declare an end to the violent uprising… The statement from the 15-member bloc was unprecedented, as the EU is frequently criticized… for taking a pro-Palestinian stance… Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel, who chaired the meeting, insisted that the EU is not siding with Israel and said the position ‘pointed to the sensitive issues of both sides.'”

Current Events

America under attack

Dave Harris writes:  I just listened (Thursday evening 8 p.m. CT) and viewed the address by President George W. Bush.  In the terms of this age, there was real power in the delivery.  However, I am still reminded that in the Bible, the most effective Kings in Judah were those who led the nation back to God–something a bit beyond the fervor of nationalism.

May God grant us the peace to work the work of Jesus Christ with the truly lasting good news of His world rule in bringing God’s Kingdom to the earth.

Current Events


On Sept 11, the morning of the attack, Norbert Link wrote:  When we turned on the news this morning, we couldn’t believe our eyes.  What a cowardly act!  It’s Pearl Harbor all over again, and war seems now to be inevitable. I went to the German press, and they say that President Bush has no choice but to strike back — the only question is when and against whom (Most feel that Osama Bin Ladin was the mastermind behind this terrible attack). What is incredible is that the terrorists were able to get weapons on board of at least four airplanes for the purpose of hijacking them, and all of that undetected by the airport security systems. Also, while the stocks all over the world are falling, the emerging winner is the Euro. It’s climbing, and financial advisors don’t know why.

In moments like these, I’m reminded of our commission to get the warning message out as soon and as powerfully as possible. All of us, who want to be God’s chosen disciples, MUST renew our strength and efforts in this regard! What we experience right now is a foretaste of what the bible describes is going to happen soon to the modern nations of Israel, and the coming disaster will not be limited to just one or two cities (cp. Ezekiel 6:6; Micah 5:11). Christ said to the people at His time, and He is telling all of us today: Don’t believe that those on whom the tower of Siloam fell were worst sinners than others. I tell you, no, but if you do not repent, you will all likewise perish (cp. Luke 13:4-5).

I am grieved to see that there are ministers, even within the COGs, who do not feel a need to warn their fellow man. But if we are only concerned about how WE can make it into the Kingdom, we are called “lazy and unprofitable servants” by Jesus Christ, and we will loose what we thought we had (cp. Matthew 25:26-30). Christ expects us to love our fellow man enough to be concerned about countless lives that will be destroyed soon, unless they are warned (cp. Ez.3:18-21). Who knows, some who are warned may repent of living in violation  of God’s Law and may be spared. We must not be like Jonah who did not want to warn the Ninivites of soon-coming destruction of their great city. We must not refuse to do what God commands us to do.

Current Events


On August 15, the German magazine, “Der Spiegel,” published an interesting article on its Webpage, titled, “Hit the Dollar.” In it, it reported about the sudden climb of the Euro, and the steady downfall of the U.S. Dollar. “The pages have changed. The Euro climbs, while the once seemingly untouchable Dollar falls… At the beginning of July, the Dollar had reached its lowest point so far, while the Euro had climbed by about 10 percent…. What happened? In the U.S., Dollar bashing has begun… The Dollar is too high, [industrialists] say…. It got really bad when the President began to participate in the discussion. The strong Dollar does not only bring advantages, he said several weeks ago, but also problems… The damage was done… ‘The U.S. administration wants to gradually devaluate the Dollar, but does not know how without creating a crisis,’ according to a report by Dow Jones. ‘The danger is that in a situation like this, the currency might devaluate too much.’
The latest report of Merrill Lynch states that “in the last month, the Euro has clearly become the strongest currency.”  Prophecy IS marching on…

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