This Week in the News

Christians Refuse to Celebrate Christmas

Israel 365 wrote on December 20:

“It’s time to explain why many of Jesus’ followers stop celebrating Christmas. It’s done out of a deep desire to respect Jesus and God’s Word. No longer celebrating Christmas can be easily misunderstood and challenging for one’s family, relatives, and congregation. It is usually perceived as if one is no longer celebrating the birth of Jesus, his life and God’s great gift to the world. With this in mind, why are more and more of Jesus’ followers giving up Christmas celebrations?

“The reason that many stop celebrating Christmas, is not that they try to minimize the Son of God. Rather, they do it out of respect for him. To understand this question, some background history is needed… A clear and concise source for the history of Christmas is (The Bible Question):..

“‘During the first 300 years of the history of the Christian Church, no one celebrated the birth of Jesus whatsoever. The reason was primarily threefold: Firstly, the date for the birth of Jesus is not given anywhere in the Bible. Secondly, in the Bible, only wicked people celebrated their birthdays. Thirdly, in the pagan Roman Empire (which was occupying Israel at the time of the beginning of the Church) there was a common tradition to celebrate the birthdays of the pagan gods.

“‘… In Rome, the great god was called Saturn. In the middle of the winter, there was a long celebration held in his honor. This feast was called ‘Saturnalia’ and lasted from December 17–24. It was a feast when one ate and drank, gathered friends together, and gave gifts to one another. December 25th was the last and greatest day of Saturnalia.

“‘During the first 300 years of the Roman Empire, sun worship had begun to spread from the East—from Syria and Persia—and reached large parts of the Empire. Already in ancient Babylon, people had worshiped the sun. One of the highest deities among the Babylonians was the sun god Shamash. The most important day in the solar religion was the day when the sun was ‘born’ again and rose in the heavens, after it had been sinking closer to the horizon and the days had become shorter and shorter in the fall and early winter. When the winter solstice occurred on December 25, it was celebrated with a great feast.

“‘Eastern philosophers and mystics preached about the divine nature of the sun and immigrants from the East brought their faith to the West. This resulted in the solar religion getting ever more followers in the Roman Empire. Then it happened that a Roman emperor won a great military victory after praying to the sun god for victory. As a thank you, he elevated the ‘Invincible Sun’ (Sol Invictus) above all the other gods of Rome. In the year 273 CE, he had a magnificent temple built for the sun. This temple was dedicated on the birthday of the sun—December 25.

“‘Barely 50 years later, the Roman emperor Constantine became an adherent of the Christian doctrine. He was a former sun worshipper and the new religion presented a problem. What should he do with the annual festival for the sun? To begin with, the Church tried to have him ban the sun religion and its December festival, but he refused. If he banned the popular feast, conflicts could arise between the followers of the different religions. Finally, a compromise was made. December 25 was the winter solstice, the day when the sun was born again. Why not transfer the worship of the masses from the sun god to the “sun of righteousness,” “the light of the world”—Christ?… If one “Christianized” the festival of the sun god, by instead celebrating the birth of Jesus on that day, perhaps conflict could be avoided. In addition, many people would automatically join the new religion.

“‘Consequently, the Romans were allowed to continue celebrating the large feast on December 25, but the sun god was removed and Christ was put there instead. And, once Rome had accepted December 25 as the “birthday” of Jesus, there was no difficulty for the feast to spread to the rest of the Roman Empire.

“‘In Constantinople, they started to celebrate Christmas year 380 CE; in Asia Minor, year 382; in Egypt, around year 430; and in Jerusalem, around year 440. This spread up through Europe, where the “sun-turning feast” had been celebrated since ancient times in most of the countries. Also, in the far North, something called “Jul” [still the Swedish name for Christmas today], a midwinter feast was celebrated. The word jul some claim comes from the Anglo-Saxon hweol which means “wheel,” symbolic of the divine sun and its path around the earth… When Christianity arrived, the ancient northern “Jul” was Christianized and ever since then we have continued to celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25…’

“There is another aspect to the story as well. The church adopted the holiday within a larger paradigm shift, a process of intentionally cutting itself off from its Jewish roots and God’s own calendar, in order to establish a separate identity and gain cultural influence in Rome. The majority of today’s Christians are probably unaware of this history. Some, who do know it, feel that the pagan origin of Christmas is something in the past and of no current significance. They feel that the history might be unfortunate, or that the Church did right in Christianizing the feast, but maintain that Christians who celebrate Christmas do not worship idols, but simply celebrate Jesus and spend quality time with family.

“… many… see the nature of Christmas as ultimately irreconcilable with Biblical faith for several serious reasons. It is primarily because Scripture teaches strongly against such syncretism, i.e. to ‘Christianize,’ or appropriate, pagan rites (see for instance Deut. 12:1–5, 30–31)… It is a question, not about how we feel about the subject, but about how God feels about it, and what He has said in His Word… The pagan elements of Christmas are far from absent… nearly every Christmas custom has pagan roots… the dark principalities that once were worshipped through the holiday are still a reality in our world…”

But those who do not WANT to know will not care… Please read our free booklet “Don’t Keep Christmas,” and note our two-part series on Christmas celebrations in this and the previous Q&A. Also view our new StandingWatch program in this regard, titled,“Why Won’t Some Christians Keep Christmas this Year?”.

Biden tested on China, Russia and Iran

Newsmax wrote on December 17:

“There is ‘every indication’ that Russian President Putin and China’s leader Xi Jinping are coordinating their strategies ‘more closely than ever before,’ and that puts the United States in a ‘crisis situation,’ former ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said… Bolton said he believes Putin is sensing weakness in President Joe Biden, and that leaves the United States ‘vulnerable.’

“Meanwhile, Russia is laying demands for a sweeping new security deal with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), including a written agreement that the alliance won’t expand east to Russia, and Bolton said he thinks that the move is another way Putin and Moscow are testing Biden’s administration. ‘I think this is a real test for NATO. This is something that the Biden administration will be judged for. If it gives up on this point it will be a terrible signal not just to Russia but China and our other adversaries around the world.’…

“The former ambassador has also recently written that he believes Biden is losing the contest of wills with Iran over nuclear weapons… Bolton said he’s worried that Biden is so determined to revive the [Iran] deal, which was struck while he was vice president under President Barack Obama, that he will make ‘very dangerous concessions’ that will cause problems for the United States, Israel, and other allies in the Middle East.”

So far, Biden has failed just about every test.

Russian-Chinese Financial Collaboration

The Russian government’s controlled RT wrote on September 15:

“Both Russia and China are said to be increasingly looking to move away from using the US dollar as the main currency of international trade, instead using their own denominations to underpin the booming volume of Moscow-Beijing trade.

“Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leaders.”

Russia’s Demands and Military Threats

The Moscow Times reported on December 20:

“Russia demands immediate talks with the United States on security guarantees from NATO… while President Vladimir Putin’s chief arms control negotiator warned of a ‘military response’ if the alliance continues to step on Moscow’s ‘sore spots.’…

“In its list of demands published Friday, Russia demanded that the U.S. not establish any new military bases in ex-Soviet countries and that NATO guarantee to block these states’ future memberships. Russia also wants NATO to abandon all military activities in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region and Central Asia. Additionally, Russia wants NATO to pledge not to deploy troops in former-communist member states Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltics without Moscow’s consent.”

The article also pointed out:

“The United States has responded to Russia’s demands… that it would not negotiate without input from Europe. The EU has rejected Russia’s bid to block Ukraine’s NATO ambitions. European officials have in recent days signaled a willingness to negotiate with Moscow, however. ‘We need to solve the current tensions on the diplomatic level,’ the Financial Times quoted Germany’s new defense minister Christine Lambrecht as saying.”

Will Germany Confront Russia?

The Week wrote on December 17:

“Germany has long had a Russia problem. Even before their unification under the Hohenzollerns in 1870, German principalities struggled to deal with their giant neighbor to the east. In 1863, at the beginning of his long stint in power, the legendary statesman Otto von Bismarck quipped, ‘The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia.’ But despite interludes of stability, Germany hasn’t quite figured out how to make its agreements, both formal and informal, stick.

“Now, time may be running out…  Germany may hope to muddle through, neither conceding the former Soviet sphere of influence to Russia nor imposing painful economic and perhaps military consequences. But Putin’s ambitions won’t let them avoid the choice forever. As with his predecessor Angela Merkel, Scholz’s ambivalence about Russia follows domestic opinion…  Germans overwhelmingly want more co-operative relations between Berlin and Moscow. At the same time, Russian provocations have grown harder to ignore. Beyond the Ukraine situation, Germans were outraged by Russian agents’ 2019 murder of a former Chechen fighter in Berlin. Just this week, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock announced the expulsion of two Russian diplomats as punishment for that offense.

“Despite their hopes for a middle way, Scholz and the German public need to decide what they’re willing to tolerate from Russia — and what they can hope to prevent… Russia looms larger in the German mind than most Americans realize… the German and Russian economies are also closely linked… [Russia] is an important market for German exports and major supplier of energy. That’s why Scholz was silent about the planned Nordstream II pipeline in his speech on Monday… [In] 2014, Merkel sharply condemned the Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. The problem is that nothing much has [followed.] Like Merkel, Scholz has expressed his opposition to Russian encroachment on Ukraine as a matter of principle. What he hasn’t done is spell out the consequences he’s willing to impose…

“To be fair, the coercive measures at Scholz’s disposal are limited… Germany and its partners can’t expect much military help from the United States, either as the Biden administration has made clear we won’t fight for Ukraine. Nor could we, realistically… With the American presence in Europe receding… Berlin enjoys more flexibility in choosing its Russia policy than at any time since the end of World War II. Doing so, however, requires a clarity about its goals, resources, and principles… In seeking inspiration for a new Ostpolitik, Scholz could do worse than asking what Bismarck would do. But Olaf Scholz is no Bismarck.”

He certainly is no “Bismarck,” who was also called the “Iron Chancellor.” Not much can be expected from Scholz and his new government when it comes to opposing Russia. It will require a strong leader of German or Austrian descent who will do just that… but with terrible and disastrous consequences. Scholz is not that leader.

Friedrich Merz new CDU Party-Chief

AFP and The Local wrote on December 17:

“Friedrich Merz, a die-hard opponent of Angela Merkel within Germany’s conservative CDU, was elected party chief on Friday, marking a new direction after its disastrous defeat in September’s election.

“Merz, a 66-year-old member of the Bundestag and former MEP… [walked] away with 62.1 percent of the vote share. Merz will replace Merkel ally Armin Laschet, who was forced to announce his resignation after leading the CDU-CSU bloc to its worst-ever result in the September general election.

“… the election of Merz marks a decisive shift away from the cautious, centre-leaning politics of the Merkel era. As a staunch right-winger, he was one of 130 conservative MPs to vote against repealing a law change to make rape in marriage a criminal offence in 1997. He has also been a vocal opponent of a proposed wealth tax to off-set the impact of the Covid crisis on the poorest in society…

“A millionaire and corporate lawyer by trade, Merz had previously been pushed out of politics altogether by a power struggle with Merkel in the 2000s before returning when she resigned as head of the CDU in 2018. He has since lost out twice in his quest to become party leader, beaten in both cases by candidates preferring a more centrist course and continuity with the Merkel era.”

Bild Online commented on December 17 that Merz’ victory is at the same time an expression of disapproval for Merkel, and that with Merz, Chancellor Olaf Scholz will face the strongest and persistent leader of the opposition. The paper also opinionated that the role of Chancellor may now be in reach for Merz. In his first interview with Bild Online after his election as CDU Party Chief, Merz stated that new Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD) is prone to very strong exaggerations (“sehr starke Übertreibungen”).  

Germany’s Persecution of Christians

The Daily Mail wrote on December 17:

“Hate crimes targeting Christians in Germany have nearly trebled in a year amid a wave of religious discrimination across Europe… Overall, hate crime in Germany rose by 19 per cent last year. .. On Germany, the [Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance against Christians in Europe] OIDAC report says: ‘Freedom of expression has been limited in Germany when it comes to discussions about gender, marriage, bioethics, and sexuality.’…

“A study by Matthias Revers and Richard Traunmüller at the Goethe University Frankfurt found that a third of German students are in favour of banning controversial books from the student library. Meanwhile between a third and a half of university students would not allow a controversial speaker on campus.

“Gynaecologist Michael Kiworr was blocked from speaking at Gottingen University about abortion after being invited by Christian student group Reformatio 21.The group Alternative Linke Liste Göttingen staged protests and forced the university to rescind the invitation. The move was criticised by The Professor’s Forum, an 800-member strong association of academics in Germany. They said: ‘There are frequent incidents in which aggressively appearing political groups sabotage the right to freedom of expression.’”’

For quite a while, Germany has severely restricted, if not outright prohibited, the pursuit of numerous liberties, including the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of expression, assembly, movement and the exercise of religion, just to name a few.

“The Year of the New Normal Fascists”

The Consent Factory wrote on December 18:

“Here in Europe, things are particularly fascist. One by one, New Normal countries are rolling out social-segregation systems, ordering ‘lockdowns’ of ‘the Unvaccinated,’ and otherwise persecuting those who refuse to conform to official New Normal ideology…

“In New Normal Germany, ‘the Unvaccinated’ are under de facto house arrest. We are banned from society. We are banned from traveling. We are banned from protesting. Our writings are censored. We’re demonized and dehumanized by the New Normal government, the state and corporate media, and the New Normal masses on a daily basis…”

 According to new left-wing German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, mandatory vaccinations should be enforced as soon as possible, but he does not believe they will be enforced as early as January!!!!

According to reports from Germany which we have received, more and more people get Corona, although [or because?] they had been “fully” vaccinated.

New Measures in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 21:

“Germany’s federal and state leaders on Tuesday agreed to impose contact restrictions — including for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals – starting next week. The regulations — which come into effect ‘at the latest’ on December 28 — are aimed to dissuade people from holding and attending large New Year’s Eve celebrations.

“… a maximum of 10 people who have been vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 would be allowed to attend a private gathering. In cases when an unvaccinated person is present, only one other household would be able to attend. The new capacity limits apply to both indoor and outdoor celebrations. Access to restaurants remains limited to people who could provide proof of vaccination or recovery

“Starting on December 28, spectators will be banned from sporting events, cultural shows, concerts and other large public events…  the German government is also preparing for the event that more drastic measures could be necessary next year… German lawmakers in the Bundestag will also debate whether to make COVID vaccines mandatory for the general public — and how they will implement it.”

These restrictions—which did not work under Merkel either—show Germany’s descent into full blown dictatorship, and it will only get worse. But most Germans are totally blind.

The Global Decline of Democracy

Axios wrote on December 16:

Democratic governance is sliding backward in the U.S. and much of the world, according to a series of recent reports…

“Democratic decline stems in part from the pandemic, as governments pursue policies to control the virus that involve restricting civil liberties like free movement and as citizens become frustrated that those policies haven’t yet brought an end to COVID-19… Authoritarian countries like China are taking advantage of democratic woes to tout their own systems…”

We have reported about this development for a long time.

Pope Francis’ Fight with Conservatives Continues

Breitbart wrote on December 18:

“Pope Francis doubled down Saturday on his efforts to quash the old Latin Mass, forbidding the celebration of some sacraments according to the ancient rite in his latest salvo against conservatives and traditionalists.

“The Vatican’s liturgy office issued a document that clarified some questions that arose after Francis in July took the extraordinary step of reimposing restrictions on celebrating the so-called Tridentine Rite. Francis’ July move outraged conservatives and traditionalists, given it amounted to a direct reversal of one of the singular policies of Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict in 2007 had relaxed the restrictions on celebrating the Latin Mass in a bid to reconcile with a breakaway group of traditionalists who were opposed to the modernizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Francis said in July he had to reverse course because Benedict’s 2007 decision had divided the church and been exploited by conservatives on ideological grounds.

“The Vatican repeated that rationale on Saturday in explaining the need for the new restrictions. The new decree outlaws using the ancient ritual for the sacraments of Confirmation and ordaining new priests, and will make it exceedingly difficult for traditionalists to access the sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and First Communion according to the old rite. Archbishop Arthur Roche, prefect of the Vatican’s liturgy office, said the restrictions were needed to promote unity in the church and unity in the celebration of its sacraments.”

Far from creating unity, the division within the Catholic Church is widened. Also note the next article.

Vatican Apologizes to LGBT Community

ABC News wrote on December 17:

“A Vatican official apologized to a leading Catholic LGBTQ advocacy group for having yanked a reference to it on the Vatican website, drawing immediate praise Monday from the group as an ‘historic’ move to repair the painful rift between the Catholic hierarchy and the gay community…

“The flip-flop on the reference to New Ways Ministry on the Synod website is indicative of the mixed messages the Holy See over the years, and Pope Francis himself, have sent about the Vatican’s position on gays and their place in the church.

“Francis made international headlines in 2013 when he quipped ‘Who am I to judge?’ about a purportedly gay priest. He followed up over the years with unprecedented gestures of papal outreach to the gay and transsexual communities… But he has also upheld official church teaching… asserting that the Catholic Church cannot and will not bless same-sex unions since God ‘cannot bless sin.’

“In the aftermath of the Synod’s original removal of the webinar video, New Ways Ministry revealed that Francis had written the group two letters this year commending its work. That was significant… “

Based on the clear Word of God, practicing homosexuality is sin, and we are to judge this accordingly. The Vatican’s flip-flop is for the sole purpose of embracing and keeping as many of the “faithful” in their fold, no matter what their background, preferences and persuasions. This stands in sharp contrast to Francis’s attack on traditionalists and conservatives [see previous article].

Abortion by Mail

CNN wrote on December 16:

“The US Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that it is lifting a requirement that patients seeking medication abortion had to pick up the medication in-person, instead allowing pills to be sent by mail. The move comes as the Supreme Court is poised to undo its abortion rights precedent.

“Relaxing the federal restrictions on medication abortion is one thing that the Biden administration could do to mitigate the fallout from a Roe v. Wade reversal… Medication abortion, in which a pregnancy is ended in a two-pill process, has become a prevalent approach to terminating a pregnancy.”

Whatever it takes to promote the left-wing liberal agenda of the Biden Administration.

BBC News added on December 17:

The change is… allowing women to receive the pill by post from a certified medical worker or pharmacy and receive abortion consultations on the internet…

“…the move will be overridden by 19 states that already have rules banning mail-order abortion pills.”

Biden’s $4.91 Trillion “Build Back Better Act” Doomed?

Breitbart wrote on December 19:

“Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said on Sunday he will oppose the $4.91 trillion Build Back Better Act, effectively killing the ‘mammoth’ legislation… Manchin, the West Virginia moderate Democrat, serves as the critical swing vote in the Senate for Democrats to pass the bill through the Senate…

“[Since] Democrats only have a one-member majority, it would require the approval of two swing votes, Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). ‘This is a no on this legislation,’ Manchin said…”

Thanks to Manchin for standing up for what he believes and for saving America, at least for now, from another terrible increase of national debt. Of course, the backlash against Manchin was predictable, but the mean viciousness was surpassing.

Trump: American Jews Don’t Like Israel

i24News and the Algemeiner reported on December 17:

“… former US president Donald Trump [said] American Jews, especially those in positions of power in the media… ‘either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel.’

“Trump also had harsh and controversial words for the New York Times. ‘I mean you look at the New York Times, the New York Times hates Israel. Hates them,’ he said. ‘And they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times.’

“The statements garnered condemnation from multiple officials across the political spectrum.”

In fact, Trump was accused of making antisemitic statements, which is of course utter nonsense, given the fact that his son-in-law is Jewish and that his daughter converted to Judaism. According to the Guardian, dated December 18, Trump also said: “… the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country.” Trump also allegedly criticized Netanyahu for congratulating Biden right away after the “rigged” election.

Trump might very well be correct, which might be evidenced by the biblical prophecy in the Book of Zechariah that Judah will fight against Jerusalem. In addition, it is becoming common and convenient to label opposing views as being antisemitic. Note the next article.

Don’t Dare to Express Your Belief

JTA wrote on December 16:

“Following a court order, a Dutch lawmaker removed social media messages in which he drew parallels between COVID-19 measures and the treatment of Jews by the Nazis… The previous day, a judge in Amsterdam issued an injunction ordering the deletion of the content, prescribing a fine of 25,000 euros – or $28,000 – for each day that the content is still online.

“The judge said that [Thierry] Baudet’s tweets ‘contribute to a climate in which antisemitism is encouraged.’… Speech that equates to Holocaust denial is illegal in many European countries, though not in the Netherlands, where some forms of denial are prosecuted under laws against hate speech.

“In one of the deleted tweets, from Nov. 14, Baudet called the unvaccinated ‘the new Jews’… Two days later, Baudet posted a picture of a child unable to attend a seasonal holiday procession juxtaposed with a picture of a child wearing a yellow star during the Holocaust in Poland. Later last month he posted a sign requiring vaccination certificates at the entrance to the museum on the grounds of the Buchenwald former concentration camp

“‘I am extremely sad that I am not allowed to express what I believe in, and I will not accept it. We will definitely be appealing,’ Baudet wrote…”

To even suggest that Baudet’s statements amount to antisemitism is beyond ridiculous. Neither can Baudet’s statements be remotely compared with a Holocaust denial. It should be obvious that just the opposite is the case!

Transgender Rights and Persecution in the UK

The Daily Mail wrote on December 20:

“The Scout Association has apologised to a campaigner after investigating her for two years for ‘misgendering’ someone on Twitter.

“Assistant cub scout leader Maya Forstater inadvertently called a bearded transgender scout leader ‘he’ rather than ‘they’ in 2019. This prompted an inquiry, which found Miss Forstater had brought the organisation into disrepute.

Along the same lines, the Daily Mail published this article by Andrew Pierce on December 19:

“Hounded out of her job for her feminist views in the trans debate, academic Kathleen Stock is an archetypal victim of cancel culture. Stock, who is gay and opposes ‘self ID’ for trans people, which makes it easier for biological males to enter women-only spaces, was until recently Professor of Philosophy at Sussex University.

“Then balaclava-wearing trans-rights activists forced her out of her job by running a vindictive campaign, brandishing signs demanding for her to resign and, they hoped, ending her career.”

This scenario is a really peculiar one. The author of the article is homosexual, commenting on a lesbian who is being harassed by the transexual lobby. What a combination…

Big Trouble Ahead for Boris Johnson

The Sun wrote on December 17:

“The scale of the Tories’ by-election ­disaster dwarfs even Downing Street’s ­grimmest nightmares. A 23,000 majority [was] blown away in a super-safe Leave-backing North Shropshire seat the Conservatives had held for most of two centuries. The winners, by a mile, [are] the Lib-Dem ultra-Remainders…

“Governments often lose mid-term by-elections, but this calamity is of a different order. It is the dire consequence of Boris Johnson sneakily trying to bend rules… [It is the] predictable result of illicit parties and other scandals

“Elected by a landslide, then boosted by his world-beating jabs programme, the PM has in a few bewildering weeks shredded a huge amount of the goodwill and authority he enjoyed. His poll leads have gone, handing ill-deserved hope to Labour’s rabble and their wooden, opportunist leader Keir Starmer…

“Boris must… develop a credible long-term plan to live with Covid — and not be plunged by overwrought scientists into lockdowns with every new variant. [He must deal with the] soaring cost of living — with prices rocketing and our vast tax burden going in precisely the wrong direction. Crime, too. The illegal migrants cheating the system by sailing across the Channel.

“We fear [we] are in for a tough few months. They need a PM focused on their lives, not distracted by crisis after crisis as his enemies drag him ever deeper into the quicksand.”

Will Boris Johnson accept the challenge and step up to the plate of true leadership?

Britain’s “Brexit Mastermind” Quits over Corona Restrictions—Boris Johnson in Big Trouble

The Sun wrote on December 19:

“BORIS Johnson was rocked by a fresh crisis last night as his Brexit mastermind quit the Cabinet. Lord Frost — one of his most loyal ministers — sensationally resigned in protest over the direction of the Government. Lord Frost’s walk-out will intensify the pressure on Mr Johnson’s faltering leadership…  Sources said the final straw for [Lord Frost] 56, was last week’s bid to impose Covid passports for pubs and big events as well as his growing ‘disillusionment’ with the ‘direction’ of Tory policy…

“The hammer blow came as Boris planned his fightback after his worst week in charge. Mr Johnson has agreed to fire [“Chief whip” Mark] Spencer… Ministers blame Spencer for last week’s rebellion when 100 Tory MP’s voted against Government Covid pass plans…”

“Lockdowns Do Immense Harm”

The Sun wrote on December 19:

“Lockdowns do immense harm to our livelihoods, mental health and children’s safety, as horrific recent cases prove.

“Our way of life, and our kids’ futures, cannot be endlessly restricted by the constant need to protect a health service supposedly always on the brink… The political price for Boris Johnson if he opts for a new lockdown vote, and the inevitable backbench mutiny, would be massive. That’s a side issue to the damage it would mean for the rest of us.”

It surely would mean that.

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Divisive Comments

The Daily Mail wrote on December 22:

“The Archbishop of Canterbury has implied that Jesus would get vaccinated against Covid. Justin Welby suggested that people who refuse to get jabbed are ‘immoral’ as he told people to ‘love one another, as Jesus said’…

“Last month, he was forced to apologise after saying that failure to strike a climate change deal at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow would lead to a ‘genocide’ worse than that committed by the Nazis. …

“And in April, the archbishop was accused of ‘jumping on a woke bandwagon’ after claiming that being a royal is like serving ‘life without parole’ – in words that appeared to signal his support for Harry and Meghan over Buckingham Palace.”

A more ridiculous comment than the one that Jesus would get vaccinated against Corona has rarely been uttered.

Fury Erupts in London over Johnson’s Lockdown Plans

Express wrote on December 18:

“A demonstration against mandatory vaccinations [occurred] at Parliament Square in Westminster. The iconic location was said to be ‘rammed’ with angry Britons on Saturday afternoon… The  protest today saw people travel to the capital from across the UK and there are also rallies in Bournemouth, Blackburn, Gloucestershire, Bristol, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast and the Isle of Wight. The protest is supported by an umbrella movement called the ‘Together Declaration’, with 170,000 signatures including business, religious and campaign leaders, as well as MPs, which is campaigning against mandatory vaccinations as well as an end to vaccine passports and mass testing

“It is understood the Prime Minister is also considering further measures under a so-called Plan C, which includes another lockdown, the Financial Times reports.”

Resistance to autocratic governmental measures is rising all over the world, and the concern is that real violence will break out between protestors and governmental agents… perhaps even creating civil unrest and civil war. And it creates animosity between certain countries, as the next article shows.

France’s and Germany’s Attack on the UK

The Guardian wrote on December 16:

France will dramatically tighten restrictions on travel from Britain… effectively banning all non-essential journeys. The government announced in a statement that incoming travellers would require ‘an essential reason to travel to, or come from, the UK, both for the unvaccinated and vaccinated’ from midnight on Saturday…

“‘People cannot travel for tourism or professional reasons,’ it said… In addition, all arrivals from the UK will need a negative PCR or antigen test taken within the previous 24, rather than 48 hours, and will have to quarantine in France for seven days – reduced to 48 hours if they can produce a new negative test…. The French government also… asked travellers from France who had planned to visit the UK to postpone their journey….”

The age-long animosity between France and Britain can again be seen in this example of willful discrimination… And Boris Johnson seems to be a far-too-willing “accomplice.”

The Sun wrote on December 19:

GERMANY is the latest country to ban travel to and from the UK from this weekend over Omicron variant fearsFrom midnight on Sunday, or 11pm UK time, any travellers from the UK apart from German nationals, residents and transit passengers will be banned.

“Everyone entering Germany from Britain, whether vaccinated or not, will need a negative PCR test and is required to be quarantined for 14 days.”

Of course, Germany would join France against the UK. No surprise there.

Huge Demonstrations against Corona Restrictions in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 18:

“Thousands of people have demonstrated against coronavirus rules in several major German cities… Several thousand people took to the streets in the northern port city of Hamburg, then marched in several blocks through the city center, police said. About 8,000 attendees were registered [This means, many more participated.] ‘No to compulsory vaccination!’ was written on self-made placards, as well as ‘Hands off our children.’ In the western city of Düsseldorf, police said an estimated 4,000 protesters marched through the city center…

“Vaccinations for children are beginning in Germany, following recommendations made by the country’s top vaccine body. However, many parents are divided on the issue… Demonstrations also took place in the financial hub of Frankfurt am Main, as well as the southwestern cities of Karlsruhe and Freiburg.  Police said around 3,500 people marched through the center of Freiburg, adding that they sporadically split up groups because some attendees were not wearing obligatory face masks. Around 900 people took to the streets in Karlsruhe to protest mandatory vaccinations, particularly for health care workers such as nurses. In Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, nearly 2,000 people demonstrated under the slogan ‘Basic rights are not negotiable,’ according to police. Around 1,900 people attended a protest against restrictions in Schwerin, the capital of the northern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, police said…

“Meanwhile, officials in Berlin banned a demonstration that had 2,000 registered protesters, citing the expectation that demonstrators would violate coronavirus rules such as the obligation to wear a mask and maintain social distance. However, protesters have gathered on many occasions despite police bans.

“Police in the eastern German state of Saxony shut down gatherings organized by the Querdenker or ‘lateral thinkers’ group. People demonstrated in several parts of Dresden, which is one of the cities where the Querdenker movement is most popular. Meanwhile, in Rathenow in the state of Brandenburg, 360 police officers stopped a protest on Friday evening, citing a lack of people complying with mask requirements…”

The more people demonstrate, the more German state governments will respond harshly. Violence is to be expected.

The Netherlands Pushes the Panic Button

Reuters wrote on December 18:

“The Netherlands will go into a strict lockdown over the Christmas and New Year period to try to contain the highly- contagious Omicron coronavirus variant, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Saturday.

“All non-essential shops and services, including restaurants, hairdressers, museums and gyms will be closed from Sunday until Jan. 14. All schools will be shut until at least Jan. 9…. Other measures include a recommendation that households receive no more than two visitors and that gatherings outside are also limited to a maximum of two people…”

Israel again in the News

Israel Today wrote on December 19:

“Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett appeared to fail a critical Covid-combatting leadership test at the weekend, after opposition to his wish to impose a near-total travel ban on Israelis forced him to backtrack… The prime minister used coercive manipulation, including warnings that those who opposed the measures would be to [be blamed] for any Covid-19 disaster that might result…

“Following those reports, and as the premier huddled with his government leaders at the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday morning, news emerged that he was no longer planning a sweeping travel ban, but would announce a more limited list of countries to which Israelis may no longer fly, including the United States, Canada, Germany and Turkey. These restrictions will reportedly go into effect a little later this week.”

Far from being a shining light of democracy in the Middle East, the governments of Israel have been at the forefront of imposing dictatorial coronavirus restrictions.

More and More Vaccinations Required

Deutsche Welle reported on December 21:

“The European Commission announced Tuesday that COVID vaccine certificates in the bloc would only be valid for nine months without a booster shot…. The new rule concerns traveling within the European Union, but the Commission said in a statement that it recommends EU countries also apply it on a national level… EU residents are recommended to receive a booster shot six months, at the latest, after they’re fully vaccinated. But the certificate will be valid for three additional months as a grace period to ensure access to booster doses…”

JTA wrote on December 22:

“Israel will likely begin administering a fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine to seniors, immunocompromised people, and healthcare workers in an effort to stem the spread of the Omicron variant.

“The move was recommended Tuesday by the panel of experts advising Israel’s government on the coronavirus pandemic. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had been hinting at the possibility of a fourth shot and embraced the recommendation in a statement Tuesday. ‘This is wonderful news that will assist us in getting through the Omicron wave that is engulfing the world,’ Bennett said…

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said on December 22 that a fourth dose might become necessary soon, as the vaccines might not be that “durable.” When will it end? And how about the lack of confidence of scientists and doctors in their own vaccines?

Canada’s Dictatorial Restrictions

Life Site News reported on December 17:

“A Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP sounded the alarm that the Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning to keep COVID jab mandates and rules for years to come… as [h]idden in [Trudeau’s] Fiscal and Economic Update”…

“Many Canadian doctors have spoken out against both jab mandates as well as their purported safety and effectiveness

“The Liberal’s fiscal update also praises the draconian and discriminatory Trudeau travel ban by air, sea, or train for the vaccine-free, which has been in place since December 1… The Liberal’s fiscal update also highlights the federal government’s mandate of COVID shots for all federally regulated sectors.

“However, many consider jab mandates as a blatant assault on individual freedoms that’s unnecessary given COVID’s high survivability among most groups, its minimal risk of asymptomatic spread, and research indicating that post-infection natural immunity is equally protected against reinfection [in fact, as the evidence proves, and as it is pointed out in this section, it is MORE EFFECTIVE than vaccinations.]

“There is also a substantial amount of evidence that vaccine mandates are a failed strategy for tackling COVID… the government once again has mandated COVID testing for returning air travelers, along with mandatory quarantine, even for those who are considered ’fully vaccinated.’”

They must not have too much confidence in their vaccinations.

“Dr. Fauci, Please Stop Lying!”

The left-liberal outlet, The Week, wrote on December 17:

“American public health bureaucrats… have repeatedly lied to the public, playing politics with the pandemic, and in the process undermined both the fight against COVID-19 and confidence in their own credibility… Back in February and March 2020… Anthony Fauci was all over the media downplaying masks. ‘If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn’t really do much to protect you,’ he told USA Today that spring. ‘Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.’ In an interview with 60 Minutes in March, he said, ‘Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.’

“It turns out Fauci almost certainly didn’t believe what he was saying. In an interview with InStyle several months later, he admitted that trying to preserve the mask supply for doctors and nurses was his first motivation…

“Fauci didn’t learn his lesson. Not only did he lie more, but he exposed his own deception once again. Last December, he told The New York Times he’d also been lying about how many people would have to get vaccinated to reach herd immunity (moving from 60 to 90 percent)…”

We do not endorse the gist of the article nor the premises expressed therein [such as the importance of wearing masks and the need for three vaccinations]. But what we found interesting is the recognition of Fauci’s repeated lies and the lack of trust people are having in his advice, competence and predictions. Also note the next incredible article.

Fauci, the Spin Doctor

Fox News reported on December 17:

“Fauci said Friday that the possibility of changing the definition for fully vaccinated is ‘certainly on the table’… which currently states a person is fully vaccinated when they have received two doses of a Pfizer or Moderna regimen or a shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. In the face of omicron, some have suggested the definition should include a booster shot… Friday morning he finally planted his flag in the war of words around the pandemic when he suggested that some terms may – and in one case, should – change… [He said:] ‘… there’s no doubt that optimum vaccination is with a booster’…

“He also discussed the difficulty in pushing ‘mandates,’ instead suggesting that people should discuss ‘requirements’ as a more palatable term. ‘Mandates — that’s a radioactive word. Requirements people seem to respond better to that. They work,’ Fauci argued. ‘We are never going to get out of this outbreak if we still have 50 million people who for reasons that are very difficult to understand refuse to get vaccinated.’

“Fauci has walked this line in the past two weeks, making a distinction between ‘fully’ vaccinated versus ‘optimum’ vaccination [stressing] that ‘optimum’ vaccination would include a booster.

“Omicron has driven new cases up across the country…  The new variant appears to spread more than the delta variant while only creating mild symptoms so far. Hospitalizations and deaths have not increased to the same degree if at all… The United States has yet to record a death as a result of the omicron variant.”

Not only that, as WND reported on December 17, “Nearly 80% of the omicron variant cases in the United States were found in people who were fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… In Israel, where most of the population has received a booster shot, 54 of 67 omicron cases, 80%, were people who had received three COVID-19 shots.”

Fauci’s spinning of the facts cannot hide the truth that we are dealing with a money-making political agenda.

The Fallacy of “Public Health” Experts

The Dossier wrote on December 18:

“There’s one thing that the ‘public health expert’ class is certain about these days. They claim to have ‘the tools’ to stop this coronavirus. But the thing about these ‘tools’ is that they require blind faith in order to work, since every observable metric shows that they’ve failed in catastrophic fashion

“We are now almost two full years into our population-wide ‘public health expert’-managed COVID tyranny, and it has not exactly paid dividends for anyone other than the people in charge, who have catapulted to a life of fame and prestige.

“There is no evidence anywhere in the world that top-down authoritarianism, guided by these excessively praised ‘public health experts,’ has produced positive outcomes for the health and safety of any nation. In fact, the opposite is true. Throughout the world, sickness and unhealthy habits are increasing across the board, both indirectly and directly related to COVID-19… In fact, most of these ‘tools,’ when employed, are making everything worse.

“The mRNA shots were originally sold to the public with the claim that they prevent people from both infecting others and being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. This is why the FDA and CDC, among other ‘public health’ bureaucracies, decided to green light injecting unthreatened 5 year olds with experimental drugs. The promise was that they would be ‘doing their part’ to ‘save grandma’ and ‘stop the spread.’ Yet the prevention and transmission claim has been completely memory-holed. As evidenced most recently by the breakouts in universally compliant settings, after a period of time, the shots seem to do nothing at all to prevent infection or transmission.

Universal masking, another agreed upon tool to stop a virus, doesn’t work, yet the ‘experts’ continue to [demand it]. Curfews and lockdowns… have done absolutely nothing to solve a virus problem…”

Still, gullible people are listening to their unfounded and oftentimes totally false opinions…

Masks Don’t Help on Flights

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on December 16:

“CEOs of Southwest Airlines and American Airlines testified before Congress this week that forcing people to wear masks on board their planes does little if anything to prevent spread of the virus.

“As predicted, Dem Members freaked out after hearing this blow to their deep faith.”

It has been known for a long time that masks on flights do not help at all. For many, they could be harmful. Still, airlines follow Biden’s mandate to demand wearing masks. Fauci responded that masks on planes will “always be necessary, no matter what” (Fox News, December 19). What an incredible situation.

Natural Immunity Overlooked

Newsmax wrote on December 20:

“Former FDA commissioner and Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb on Sunday said… on CBS News: ‘A lot of people believe, including myself, that the reason why it’s [Omicron] manifesting as a less severe illness is probably because we have baseline immunity in the population… Probably around 80% of Americans and 90% of South Africans have some level of immunity, either from prior infection or through vaccination’… Gottlieb also believes omicron will ‘blow through fairly quickly.’”

In a related article, Newsmax wrote on December 20:

“Stumping for the overlooked science of natural immunity and denouncing the ‘inconsistent’ political science ‘tune’ of Dr. Anthony Fauci, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said she has overcome COVID-19 and does not need a vaccination from it now. ‘It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot,” Palin [said] on Sunday. ‘I will not. I won’t do it and they better not touch my kids either.’…

“The remarks came as Republicans are denouncing Biden’s vaccine mandates, not only on choice, but also on the scientific belief natural immunity might be protection enough, if not better.”

Natural immunity is overlooked because it does not pay the Big Pharma industry.

And Now… First Death in USA Reported

Reuters reported on December 20:

“Texas’ Harris County on Monday reported its first death related to the Omicron COVID-19 variant, a man who was unvaccinated, the county health department said… Earlier in December, Britain reported the first publicly confirmed death globally from Omicron. Twelve people in Britain have now died with the variant, and 104 are currently in hospital with it…”

Of course, an unvaccinated person is blamed and the push for vaccinations ensues as a consequence, even though the virus affects many more vaccinated than unvaccinated people. It would also be interesting to find out the exact circumstances of the person’s death.

Biden’s War on the Unvaccinated

Fox News reported on December 20:

“The White House was viciously mocked over the weekend after pushing the message that unvaccinated Americans would experience a winter of ‘severe illness and death’ due to the omicron variant of the coronavirus….

“Critics took to social media to mock the White House’s message of death, with some referring to Biden as the ‘Grim Reaper’

“‘President Biden’s warning of a “winter of severe illness and death” makes President Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” speech urging Americans to lower expectations seem a cheerful upper by contrast. How do Democrats run as the party of ‘severe illness and death’? This is madness,’ wrote former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Other critics echoed his Jimmy Carter comparison…”

Madness indeed. God has poured out a spirit of deep slumber on our leaders.

Utter Confusion regarding Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Newsmax, The Associated Press and Thomson/Reuters wrote on December 18:

“A U.S. appeals court on Friday reinstated a nationwide vaccine-or-testing COVID-19 mandate for large businesses, a federal government rule that covers 80 million American workers. The ruling by the 6th U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati lifted a November injunction that had blocked the rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which applies to businesses with at least 100 workers

“The [decision] comes a day after the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a nationwide ban on the mandate [for healthcare workers]. The court instead allowed the mandate to remain blocked in 14 states that had collectively sued in federal court in Louisiana. That action altered a Nov. 30 ruling by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, who originally applied his order nationwide.

“A different appeals court, the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, has declined to disturb a lower court order blocking the mandate in 10 other states.

“The Biden administration asked the justices to allow the mandate to take effect in the 24 states covered by those two courts’ decisions. A federal judge in Texas granted an injunction Thursday that applies only to that state.”

The Associated Press wrote on December 17 about the decision of the 6th Court of Appeals regarding private companies:

“‘Given OSHA’s clear and exercised authority to regulate viruses, OSHA necessarily has the authority to regulate infectious diseases that are not unique to the workplace,’ Judge Julia Smith Gibbons, who was nominated to the court by former President George W. Bush, a Republican, wrote in her majority opinion…. She was joined in the majority decision by Judge Jane Branstetter Stranch, an appointee of former President Barrack Obama, a Democrat… The dissent in Friday’s ruling came from Judge Joan Larsen, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, who said Congress did not authorize OSHA to make this sort of rule and that it did not qualify as a necessity to use the emergency procedures the agency followed to put it in place.’”

This decision by two judges (against one) is SO unconstitutional and plainly wrong.

Fox News added on December 18:

“The Supreme Court earlier this week refused to block a New York regulation mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for health care workers – a move that could spell trouble for those opposed to the sweeping mandate.”

All of this is becoming SO political, as evidenced by the fact that courts and judges disagree amongst themselves and decide, strictly based on political preferences. The concern for the health of the American people is secondary, if it exists at all, even though lip-services to the contrary might be uttered here and there. Nobody knows how the utterly political and divided Supreme Court will decide, while innocent workers are the pawns in this despicable chess game.

The Associated Press added on December 18:

“A vaccine mandate for companies that have contracts with the federal government is on hold nationwide, while a separate mandate for health care employees who work for providers that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid funding has been blocked in half the states…

“… vaccine mandates for federal government employees and the military remain in effect, as do mask requirements for airline passengers and people using public transportation.”

Californians Openly Defy Newsom’s Corona Mandates—Good for Them

NBC San Diego wrote on December 18:

“Coronado and El Cajon leaders said this week if the state wants to enforce the new indoor mask mandate it can use its own resources. On Friday the city of Oceanside joined them. The mandate won’t be enforced at privately owned businesses in Oceanside, and many small business owners who made it through the pandemic are fine with it…”

Breitbart wrote on December 17:

“Californians are ignoring Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide mask mandate, which went into effect Wednesday for most indoor spaces… Newsom exempted San Francisco — where he used to be mayor of the city — and the surrounding counties…

“In Los Angeles County, for example, gyms and restaurants are continuing as before…  The Sacramento Bee reported that no one can figure out who is responsible for enforcing the mask mandate, and that Newsom says he has ‘faith’ in Californians to enforce his mandate themselves, saying that they would ‘self-enforce’ but didn’t provide specifics on what would happen if they didn’t…

“Local government officials say the state hasn’t given any guidance on enforcement, and some local authorities say they won’t enforce the state’s order at all. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has said… he would not enforce vaccine mandates in his county.”

Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia?

The Jerusalem Post wrote on December 16:

“A fascinating connection between Ethiopia and Jewish history is the belief that the Ark of the Covenant, containing the tablets of the Ten Commandments, may reside to this day in Ethiopia. While a Talmudic source relates that the ark – along with several other of the Temple’s sacred objects – was hidden just prior to the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, numerous other theories exist as to its whereabouts.

“A longstanding religious legend in Ethiopia describes how the Ark of the Covenant was brought there 3,000 years ago by a man named Menelik, who, according to the legend, was the son of the Queen of Sheba and Israel’s King Solomon. The legend states that the Queen of Sheba was from Ethiopia and that she traveled to Jerusalem, where she was seduced by King Solomon, giving birth to Menelik upon her return home. Menelik later traveled to Jerusalem and studied with his father before taking the ark and bringing it to Ethiopia, where, legend has it, it still resides in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Aksum, where only ‘The Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant’ can view it.

“Others maintain that a sect of Jews driven by King Manasseh from Israel took the ark with them and transported it to Egypt, from where they eventually sailed up the Nile to Ethiopia. Researchers who journeyed to Aksum and made their way to Mary of Zion Church were purportedly introduced to a man referred to as the guardian of the ark. This man was said to live his entire life inside a fenced-off area surrounding the church and will not leave his post until he dies, at which time he will be replaced by the next guardian. In the chapel of the church, 30 robes from 30 previous guardians are on display – and every one of those 30 professed that the object they protected was the true Ark of the Covenant.

“While others dispute and debunk this legend – claiming that, at most, the ark in the church is merely a replica of the real thing – it fits neatly with the claim by Ethiopia’s former emperor Haile Selassie that he was a direct descendant of Menelik. Selassie, who ruled Ethiopia from 1930-1974, called himself ‘the Lion of Judah,’ the 225th king descended from King David, and prominently displayed a Lion of Judah motif on the country’s flag and currency.”

Whether true or not, the question is what others believe, especially the Roman Catholic Church which is very interested in possessing all kinds of religious relics and which therefore might be prompted to participate in a war against Ethiopia (Daniel 11:40-43). Regarding the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant and its future, see our Q&A on the issue. 

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Inflation at all Time High since 1982

The Associated Press wrote on December 10:

“Prices for U.S. consumers jumped 6.8% in November compared with a year earlier as surging costs for food, energy, housing and other items left Americans enduring their highest annual inflation rate since 1982.

“It is the sixth straight month that inflation has been above 5%.”

Fox News added on December 10:

Consumer prices surged at the fastest pace in nearly four decades in November as Americans paid more for practically everything from groceries to cars to gasoline… Price increases were widespread: Energy prices jumped 3.5% in November and are up 33.3% year over year. Gasoline is a stunning 58.1% higher than it was a year ago. Food prices have also climbed 6.1% higher over the year, while used car and truck prices – a major component of the inflation increase – are up 31%.”

No spin of the Biden Administration that we are on the road of economic recovery can change the facts.

US Debt Limit now at 31.4 Trillion Dollars

Newsmax wrote on December 15:

“The U.S. Congress on Tuesday approved raising the federal government’s debt limit by $2.5 trillion, to about $31.4 trillion, sending the bill to President Joe Biden to sign and avert an unprecedented default… A deal last week between Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his Republican counterpart, Mitch McConnell, set the stage for Tuesday’s vote, bypassing normal Senate rules requiring at least 60 of the chamber’s 100 members to agree to advance most legislation. The Senate passed the bill earlier on Tuesday in a partisan 50-49 vote.

“The Democrat-led House of Representatives approved the bill in a 221-209 vote.”

CNS News reported on December 15:

“With that limit lifted, the federal debt will take a jump upward, then keep steadily climbing, constantly increasing the burden on future taxpayers….

“Among those lending money to the federal government so it can continue to run its massive annual deficits are foreign governments and foreign interests. According to the Treasury Department, entities in Japan owned $1.299 trillion in U.S. government debt as of the end of September. Entities in mainland China owned $1.047 trillion. Entities in the United Kingdom owned $566.5 billion; entities in Luxembourg owned $311.8 billion; entities in Ireland owned $309.6 billion; and entities in Switzerland own $296.5 billion…

“In fiscal 2021, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement, interest payments on Treasury securities hit $562.38 billion. That was more than three times as much as the fiscal 2021 cost of the Department of State ($35.814 billion), the Department of Justice ($39.261 billion) and the Department of Homeland Security ($91.069 billion) combined ($166.144 billion).

“Will the federal government ever again balance its budget? The obvious bet is: No.”

Foreigners become the head, and the borrower is servant to the lender…

Violent America

ABC News wrote on December 8:

“At least 12 major U.S. cities have broken annual homicide records in 2021… Philadelphia, a city of roughly 1.5 million people, has had more homicides this year (521 as of Dec. 6) than the nation’s two largest cities, New York (443 as of Dec. 5) and Los Angeles (352 as of Nov. 27). That’s an increase of 13% from 2020, a year that nearly broke the 1990 record.

“Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, leads the nation with 739 homicides as of the end of November, up 3% from 2020…

“Other major cities that have surpassed yearly homicide records are St. Paul, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Tucson, Arizona; Toledo, Ohio; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Austin, Texas; Rochester, New York; and Albuquerque, New Mexico, which broke its record back in August.

“… the nation saw a 30% increase in murder in 2020, the largest single-year jump since the bureau began recording crime statistics 60 years ago…”

America’s Crazy Windstorms

Gizmodo wrote on December 15:

“Dust Bowl-like conditions have spread across the Plains, with dust storms, ferocious fires, and staggering storms that are exceptional for this time of year…. Less than a week after a freak tornado outbreak  [in six states, especially in Kentucky], meteorologists are again gawking in awe and horror at the scenes unfolding on their radar screens and across the Midwest and Plains.

“A powerful windstorm unleashed by the clash of record heat and a vigorous storm system dropping out of the Mountain West has unleashed chaos for a huge swath of the United States. Raging winds have whipped up to 107 mph (172 kmh) in Colorado, fires have lit up the Texas Panhandle, and monster plumes of dust have turned night into day from Nebraska to Kansas.

“As if that wasn’t enough, a line of thunderstorms is now screaming into the region with shocking speed and ferocity—and could be poised to unleash a handful of tornadoes in locations usually covered in snow at this time of year. Dealing with one of these hazards alone would be shocking for this time of year, but seeing the weather map painted in broad brush strokes with some of the most extreme warnings that the National Weather Service issues is a nightmare…

“The conditions that gave rise to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s have become twice as likely thanks to carbon pollution from burning fossil fuels… In addition to satellites showing dust, smoke is also visible in the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. Wildfires have rapidly spread in the region…”

How Biden and Harris, and other Lefties, Led Frenzy in Jussie Smollett’s False Claims

Fox News wrote on December 10 in three different articles [which were compiled below in just one publication]:

“It is shameful, but predictable, that Smollett’s false accusations were accepted as gospel by prominent politicians and others without ever waiting for the facts to unfold…

“In 2019, top Democrats, celebrities, and liberal news outlets, including CNN, all uncritically peddled the false narrative that [‘Empire’ actor] Jussie Smollett [who is gay] was attacked by two MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporters at 2 AM during the polar vortex in Chicago… Even when his story began raising scrutiny, CNN’s left-wing media guru Brian Stelter defended the media’s coverage of the disgraced actor at the time….

“Smollett was found guilty on five [out of six] charges of staging a hate crime [by hiring two Nigerian brothers to fake the attack against him] and lying to police on Thursday…

“What happened today to Jussie Smollett must never be tolerated in this country,” President Biden tweeted in January 2019 when he was mulling a presidential run, ‘We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.’

“Vice President Kamala Harris also believed Smollett’s story and posted about it on Twitter calling the alleged attack an attempted ‘modern day lynching.’ New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, a Democrat who ran for president, also referred to the alleged attack as an attempted ‘modern day lynching.’…

“Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg took Smollett’s side as well and used the incident to push for hate crime legislation… Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California called the alleged attack ‘vile’ and ‘tragic.’… Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and many other prominent Democrats also chimed in with support for Smollett..

“It says something about the quality of leadership in the White House when neither the president nor vice president have the common decency to apologize for their role in blindly supporting a phony hate crime….”

Shameful indeed, but this narrative was used eagerly by the left in their support of the “hate crime-racial oppression” agenda.

CNN Anderson Cooper’s Arrogance

Breitbart wrote on December 9:

“CNN anchor Anderson Cooper said Thursday on his show ‘Anderson Cooper 360’ that those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are arrogantly shirking their responsibilities to society, which he finds ‘infuriating.’”

What about the arrogance of many proponents of mandatory vaccinations towards the unvaccinated? Comments published by Breitbart were telling:

“No tyranny can survive without a complicit media… Notice no anger toward the drug companies who made these big promises?… The drug companies support the media by pumping big $ into ads… a full third of those fully vaccinated are getting sick. It’s coming to light the original vaccine only lasts 4-5mos…”

Brian Williams Retires with a Sober Warning

Real Clear Politics wrote on December 10:

“Longtime NBC News broadcaster Brian Williams issued a strange warning Thursday as he retired from his 11 p.m. MSNBC show.

“‘I’m not a liberal or a conservative. I’m an institutionalist. I believe in this place. And in my love of my country… But the darkness on the edge of town has spread to the main roads and highways and neighborhoods. It is now at the local bar, and the bowling alley, the school board, and the grocery store. And it must be acknowledged and answered for. Grown men and women who swore an oath to our Constitution, elected by their constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I could only dream of, have decided to join the mob and become something they are not while hoping we somehow forget who they were.

“‘They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside. That should scare you to no end as much as it scares an aging volunteer fireman… The reality is though, I will wake up tomorrow in the America of the year 2021, a nation unrecognizable to those who came before us and fought to protect it, which is what you must do now…”

But his warning will fall on deaf ears…

Build Back Better Will Cost Almost 5 Trillion Dollars

Breitbart wrote on December 10:

“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told reporters on Friday that the true cost of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion reconciliation package is far more costly and debt-ridden than previously disclosed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

“Upon request from Graham, the CBO issued a report Friday that revealed the reconciliation package would increase the deficit by $3 trillion over a ten-year period and cost $4.9 trillion in scope. The CBO’s original scoring claimed the deficit would only increase $0.2 trillion over ten years…

“Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, said in a statement on Friday that the $4.9 trillion Build Back Better Act will ‘bankrupt the economy’ while Americans continue to suffer from soaring inflation.”

Wisconsin 2020 Election Rigged?

Life Site News reported on December 9:

“Tens or even hundreds of thousands of people likely cast illegal votes in Wisconsin’s 2020 election, according to newly-released findings from a months-long investigation by a conservative legal group. Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) published the results of a 10-month probe of last year’s elections in the battleground state, reporting that the number of unlawful ballots in Wisconsin all but certainly surpassed Joe Biden’s victory margin of under 21,000 votes. ‘It is almost certain that in Wisconsin’s 2020 election the number of votes that did not comply with existing legal requirements exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory,’ the group said…

“It seems clear that voters abandoned the rules for voting indefinitely confined, drop boxes were used, at least one ballot harvesting event was conducted without statutory authorization, absentee balloting in nursing homes was conducted contrary to law, ballots were cured without authorization, and voter rolls were not accurately maintained as required by state and federal law… WILL said that while it did not find evidence of widespread, intentional fraud, the possibility ‘cannot be excluded.’

“While the fact that something ‘could have’ happened is not evidence that it did, failure to follow the required procedures raises the possibility of fraud and undercuts confidence in the results… It is unclear whether, had these ballots been disqualified, the results of the election would have changed. ‘It is not possible to know who these legally questionable votes were cast for,’ according to the WILL report. ‘Given the location of the votes it may be more likely than not that, depending on which ballots were thought to be unlawfully cast, that Trump would have wound up the winner’ due to Wisconsin’s ‘drawdown’ method, the group concluded.”

But the left-wing mass media does not want to hear about that.

Meadows Held in Contempt

NBC News wrote on December 15:

“The House voted Tuesday night to refer former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to the Justice Department for a potential criminal charge over his refusal to answer questions about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol [claiming executive privilege]. Lawmakers passed the measure largely along party lines in a 222-208 vote. Two Republicans voted with Democrats: Reps. Liz Cheney, of Wyoming, and Adam Kinzinger, of Illinois…

“Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio… accused Democrats of ‘destroying executive privilege’ by seeking to force ‘the closest of close’ presidential advisers [i.e. Trump] to testify…’

“A contempt referral is not the first to stem from the Jan. 6 investigation. The House previously voted to refer former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to the Justice Department for contempt charges after he defied the committee’s subpoenas. The Justice Department acted on the recommendation… Bannon has been charged with two counts of contempt and could face up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine if he is convicted. He has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to stand trial in July.”

Trump’s claim of executive privilege is being adjudicated. To hold Meadows and Bannon in contempt is premature at best. Meadows rightly pointed out that this is another attempt by Democrats and two Rino’s to get to Trump.

Elon Musk “Person of the Year”

The Brownstone Institute published the following article by Jeffrey Tucker on or about December 15:

“It’s a good call for Time Magazine: it made Elon Musk the person of the year… Musk is arguably the most prominent opponent of lockdowns and vaccine mandates in the US. In his official interview, he refused to take back his last-year denunciation of stay-at-home orders as ‘fascist.

“He stepped it up even further concerning vaccine mandates. ‘I am against forcing people to be vaccinated, not something we should do in America… ‘I believe we’ve got to watch out for the erosion of freedom in America.’…

“For some reason, people have a hard time understanding how someone could be for the right to accept the vaccine but also be against imposing it by force. And yet that position is clearly the most reasonable one, the one consistent with freedom, and good public health…

“Only a few weeks ago, he told the Wall Street Journal that the whole of the Democrats’ and Biden’s $1.9 trillion spending bill on infrastructure should be scrapped… There is nothing worth anything in it… What’s surprising is that someone so rich, so influential, so decisive to our present economic lives, would actually say openly what everyone knows… Musk… is now beyond being controlled or contrite at this point. In that way he is a very dangerous man, in the best possible way we can use that term. He had better watch his back.

“Today, the White House spokesman routinely says that no edicts against rights and freedom are ‘off the table.’ Anything is possible. Anything can happen. They will decide. No one says a word; the craven press believes this is just normal. It’s not. It’s dangerous…

“[Musk] began to realize that the governing elites in this country are incredibly inept and unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. He noted the completely undemocratic methods and the unscientific rationale that were deployed to bring about lockdowns. For that reason, he has been smeared and put down as a promoter of misinformation. Anyone who has paid attention for the last two years knows exactly what that means: he is telling truths he is not supposed to tell…”

Fauci and Lauterbach—the great Dividers

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on December 9:

“As Biden’s vaccine mandates continue to be smacked down by courts, as the Senate has held a bipartisan vote rejecting mandates, as even Democrats are…  ‘souring’ on vaccine mandates, Fauci was asked in a MSNBC interview whether it might be time to back down a bit. Not at all! – was Fauci’s response. If people won’t take the shots they must be forced to take the shots, he replied.”

Newsmax wrote on December 10:

“Fauci says families should ‘ask,’ and ‘maybe require’ that guests be vaccinated if they come over for holiday celebrations…”

Fauci’s clone or alter ego, Germany’s new Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, blows into the same horn. According to an article in Bild Online, dated December 10, [“Unvaccinated are hit now very hard” – “Ungeimpfte trifft es jetzt ganz hart”], he said in a discussion televised by ZDF:

“I will continue to say that one is perhaps only protected well with three vaccinations [“Ich werde immer wieder erklären, dass man nur mit drei Impfungen wahrscheinlich gut geschützt ist”.]… [Those who are not vaccinated] are not protected at all [“Die sind gar nicht geschützt!”].” He also stated that the vaccines can only be preserved for nine months. [“Der Impfstoff ist neun Monate lagerbar, tiefgekühlt”], and that Delta and Omicron can only be fought with the two pillars of booster shots and mandatory vaccination.” [“Delta und Omikron wirklich effektiv zu bekämpfen [ist] nur möglich mit den zwei Säulen Boosterimpfung und Impfpflicht.“]

Nothing was said that those who have had corona ARE protected because of natural immunity.

Wochenblick ran a lengthy article on December 10, stating that “Lauterbach continues to lie.” [“Lauterbach lügt weiter.”] 

California Joins the Corona Hysteria

NBC7 wrote on December 13:

“… the state announced Monday that beginning Wednesday, mask-wearing will become mandatory in all indoor public settings across California regardless of vaccination status. The mask mandate… will remain in place until Jan. 15.

“The state will also toughen the restriction for unvaccinated people who attend indoor ‘mega-events’ of 1,000 people or more, requiring them to receive a negative COVID-19 test within one day of the event if it’s a rapid antigen test or within two days for a PCR test… State officials will also recommend, but not require, that people who travel to California or return to the state after traveling be tested for COVID-19 within three to five days.”

Nothing else was to be expected from left-wing Governor Newsom.  

Is WH Press Secretary Jean Psaki for Real?

Fox News wrote on December 10:

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki suggested Friday that it is OK for kids to eat their lunches outside in cold temperatures in an effort to maintain safety amid the COVID 19 pandemic.

“Asked whether the White House wanted school children to ‘get back to a more normal school experience,’ Psaki insisted schools are having children practice social distancing measures, mask up, and eat their snacks and lunch in frigid outdoor temperatures in an effort to ‘keep their kids safe and keep students safe.’

“Psaki said she believes the ‘vast majority of parents appreciate’ such measures being taken by school systems to limit the spread of the coronavirus among elementary-aged school children.”

This is appalling. We would say that the vast majority of parents who have not been brainwashed by the left-wing propaganda, do NOT appreciate such measures being taken by autocratic school systems which endanger the health of our children much more than COVID could ever do.

Confusion regarding Mandatory Vaccinations

 Fisher Phillips wrote on December 16:

 “Serving up yet another curveball for healthcare employers, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals effectively reactivated the [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] CMS vaccination mandate across nearly half of the country with a surprise decision on Wednesday afternoon…

“… It is… possible that the vaccine mandate may have received only a brief reprieve. The Fifth Circuit stopped short of approving the mandate, ruling only that the Louisiana judge had exceeded his authority in enjoining the vaccine mandate nationwide.

“In states such as Florida and Tennessee – where the CMS mandate is reinstated and new state laws or executive orders have all but gutted employer vaccine mandates – a clear conflict exists between state and federal law on this issue. Although the CMS mandate clearly states its intention to supersede any contrary state or local law, it remains to be seen as to how long it remains in place, if at all.”

Bad Signs for Europe’s “Democracies”

The Local wrote on December 10:

“As the German parliament votes through a vaccine mandate for medical and care workers, the new Health Minister has clarified that people who avoid compulsory Covid jabs will face fines… ‘The imposition of fines is unavoidable,’ Lauterbach said… If someone doesn’t pay, the fines will have to be increased considerably, he said… [He] also spoke out in favour of a vaccine mandate for teachers and nursery school employees

“From March 15th, 2022, employees in clinics, doctors’ surgeries and care homes will have to show proof that they are fully vaccinated – or present a doctor’s note explaining why they are unable to get their jabs…

“The step towards compulsory jabs for certain sections of the population follows similar moves by France, Italy, Britain and Greece. Neighbouring Austria plans to bring in a general vaccine mandate by next February, with fines of around €3,000 for people who still refuse to get their Covid jabs.

“Germany’s new Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said he is in favour of compulsory jabs [for] the general public…”

It does not look as if many of the European nations will ever return to a free democracy. Rather, the build-up to an authoritarian and dictatorial society is steadily and swiftly increasing.

The Propaganda against the Unvaccinated

The medical Journal, the Lancet, published an article by Guenther Kampf, “a prominent German researcher,” on November 20, which was referenced by the Ron Paul Institute on December 14:

“In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that ‘the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19.’ But this view is far too simple.

“There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission. In Massachusetts, USA, a total of 469 new COVID-19 cases were detected during various events in July, 2021, and 346 (74%) of these cases were in people who were fully or partly vaccinated, 274 (79%) of whom were symptomatic. Cycle threshold values were similarly low between people who were fully vaccinated (median 22·8) and people who were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown (median 21·5), indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated.

“In the USA, a total of 10 262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26·6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9·7%) were hospitalised, and 160 (1·6%) died. In Germany, 55·4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals, and this proportion is increasing each week…

“People who are vaccinated… are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.”


Governmental Persecution of Christians in Europe

Christian Today wrote on December 9:

“A new report [by OIDAC] has identified the UK as one of the most challenging places for Christians in Europe amid a startling rise in anti-Christian hate crime across the continent…. It reveals a 70 per cent increase in anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe between 2019 and 2020, with the UK, Germany, France, Spain and Sweden forming the top five countries where Christians face the ‘most severe challenges’ for their faith… The hate crimes include… physical attacks on Christians, and restrictions on religious freedom, freedom of expression and parental rights…. It warned of ‘a strong and sometimes even extreme opposition to Christian morals derived from core beliefs’, and the increasing criminalisation of opinion.

“OIDAC director Madeleine Enzlberger said the 60-page report revealed a ‘worrisome phenomenon’… When Christians are forced to choose between their moral values and their professions; Christian students and speakers get silenced on campuses; when parental rights are trampled on by overreaching governmental interference or asylum claims of Christian refugees are arbitrarily denied; we often find that the main source of this intolerance and discrimination against Christians is due to a simple ignorance towards the problem or an explicit anti-Christian bias,’ she said.”

We should note that Germany is mentioned as one of the five top countries guilty of Christian persecution by the government.

The UN and the Lion with Wings

On December 9, Israel 365 wrote the following:

“A statue with Biblical implications has been erected recently outside the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The statue, entitled the ‘guardian for international peace and security, is situated on the Visitor’s Plaza outside UN Headquarters. According to the UN, the ‘guardian’ is a ‘fusion of jaguar and eagle.’ It was donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico.

“Many have noticed an eerie similarity to Daniel’s dream in the Bible… His dream featured four beasts – a lion with wings, a bear with fangs, a four-winged leopard. The fourth beast had ten horns… The lion with wings represents Babylon. The bear represented Persia. The four-winged leopard represented Greece and the final most treacherous of them all represented Rome…”

UN Beast Statue
UN Beast Statue

In Daniel 7, four world-ruling empires are described and compared with wild beasts—the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greco-Macedonian and Roman Empires. The first beast, the Babylonian Empire, is described as “a lion, and had eagle’s wings” (Daniel 7:4). Although the Babylonian Empire was replaced by the Medo-Persian Empire and ultimately absorbed by the ancient Roman Empire, it would experience a revival in these last days… in the form of a revived Roman Empire in Europe. The modern Chaldeans will lead that revival into an all-encompassing war. It is interesting that the UN headquarters would erect such a statue, claiming peace and security, but signifying dictatorial war-mongering world domination.

No War with Russia

An Editorial by Pat Buchanan of December 9, published by, states the following:

“A U.S. war with Russia over Ukraine would be a disaster for all three nations. Nor could the U.S. indefinitely guarantee the independence of a country 5,000 miles away that shares not only a lengthy border with Mother Russia but also a history, language, religion, ethnicity and culture…

“Forced to choose between accepting Russia’s demand that NATO stay out of Ukraine and Russia going in, the U.S. is not going to war.”

See our new StandingWatch program, titled, “War between Russia, America and Europe over Ukraine?

America’s Cluelessness regarding Russia and Ukraine

Here are some comics which were published in the Week (December 10, 2021) on the Russia-Ukraine developments . Even though satirical, they DO point out the current danger of the situation and Biden’s cluelessness as to how to deal with it. .

Grinch Ukraine
Kevin Siers | Copyright 2021 Cagle Cartoons
Russian bear eating Ukraine
Scott Stantis | Copyright 2021 Tribune Content Agency
Biden negotiates with Putin on Zoom
Dana Summers | Copyright 2021 Tribune Content Agency
Tanks at Ukrainian Border
Paresh Nath | Copyright 2021 Cagle Cartoons

Ukraine Hopes for Europeans to Intervene

The Telegraph wrote on December 9:

“Vladimir Putin will be emboldened to invade Ukraine if European Union countries don’t sign up to a package of sanctions to deter Russia, Ukraine’s country’s foreign minister has warned. Dmytro Kuleba told the Telegraph that Mr Putin’s goal was to ‘destroy Ukraine’ and that he would be more tempted to resort to military actions if Western allies do not quickly find agreement on punitive measures… The Kremlin has denied planning an attack, but has simultaneously signalled that it will go to war unless the West and Ukraine concede a list of demands…

“Meanwhile, Joe Biden… promised ‘additional military capabilities’ would be deployed in the region – although he ruled out sending forces to Ukraine.”

Tensions Escalate

Express wrote on December 13:

“President Putin has sent the notorious Buk-M1 medium-range surface to air missiles to the frontline of the conflict. The Buk became infamous in 2014 after a missile fired from a territory controlled by Russian proxies in eastern Ukraine shot down a Malaysian airline, killing all 298 people aboard.

“The news of Mr Putin sending in this deadly weapon does not bode well for peace talks between Russia, the US and Ukraine… Even if he does not launch a full-scale invasion, experts suggest Mr Putin may be leaving his troops and the Buk near the frontline as leverage for negotiations. However, Russian and western analysts also agree that this military buildup is a dire warning about a series of future crises over Ukraine…

With over 175,000 personnel now ready in the region, the US has warned allies the Russian leader may be planning a renewed invasion for real this time. In the past few days alone, Mr Putin has likened Ukraine’s policy in the Donbas, the border region where Russia has led a slow-burning separatist war since 2014, to ‘genocide’ – words Kyiv fears may be a pretext to invade.

The US has shared intelligence to convince even the most sceptical European allies that Mr Putin may be prepared to make good on Russia’s quasi-imperial ambitions early next year but has yet to conclude precisely when or if he may give the order to invade. Officials and analysts in Washington and Europe, and even people close to the Kremlin in Moscow, admit Putin’s true intentions with Ukraine remain a mystery.”

Russian-Chinese Cooperation

The New York Ledger wrote on December 15:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to present a united front with Xi Jinping as the Kremlin said the Chinese leader supported Moscow’s demand for security guarantees that would limit western influence in its backyard. In remarks shown by Russian state television at the start of their 90-minute video call on Wednesday, Putin told his ‘dear friend’ Xi that ‘a new model of co-operation between our countries has formed on principles such as non-interference in internal affairs and respecting each other’s interests’…

“‘Certain international forces are interfering in the internal affairs of China and Russia, and trampling on international law and recognised norms of international relations,’ Xi added. ‘China and Russia should carry out more joint actions to safeguard the security interests of both parties.’”

While Russia is reportedly planning an invasion of Ukraine, China is reportedly planning an invasion of Taiwan.

Scholz NOT the new European Leader

Politico wrote on December 9:

“The power shift in Berlin this week sparked hopes around Europe and across the Atlantic that the new chancellor’s government would unfreeze Germany’s stance on everything from pipelines to Poland, reversing Angela Merkel’s why-can’t-we-all-be-friends approach to the world. Instead, they’re likely to get more of the same.

“For Germany’s international partners, that shouldn’t be reassuring. With serious tensions on Europe’s eastern flank, not to mention challenges the EU faces on its southern doorstep and its dealings with China and even the U.S., a divided Continent could use some leadership from its most populous country. It’s unlikely to get any

“Germany’s new coalition promises to be a difficult partner for Washington

“Germany’s future engagement with the world isn’t clear. It doesn’t suggest, however, that Germany… is eager to play a central role… If [Scholz] fails to act quickly, his international standing will melt long before summer.’

It should have been clear from the outset that Scholz and his left-wing coalition spell disaster for Germany.

France and Hungary United?

The Times wrote on December 14:

“President Macron smoothed over differences yesterday with Viktor Orban, the man he has defined as his European adversary, and won Hungarian support for French goals for EU defence, nuclear power and agriculture.

“The Hungarian prime minister… struck a relatively friendly note with the French leader, who was visiting Budapest to push his plans for an ambitious French turn in the rotating six-month presidency of the European Council. Four months from an election in which he hopes to win a second term, Macron is treating the usually routine EU role as a moment for France to shine on the global stage. ‘Hungary’s relation towards President Macron is that of respect,’ Orban said.”

Europe Is Losing It

Israel 365 wrote on December 8:

“After widespread criticism (including from the Pope) the European Union retracted a manual for communications that claims to promote religious and gender ‘inclusion’ but which many believe is anti-religion.

“The 32-page internal document called the ‘Union of Equality’ was released last month as an initiative of Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, President of the European Commission to ensure that ‘everyone is valued and recognized’. The manual for EU officials was intended as a guide for how they should communicate in press briefings and social media. It recommended that EU representatives ‘update your language’…

“It also suggested using the phrase ‘first name’ rather than ‘Christian name’ and using names ‘Malika and Julio’ instead of ‘Mary and John’ to describe an ‘international couple’…

“The manual also instructed to avoid gender-referencing words such as ‘Man-made’ and ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ which should be replaced with more neutral phrases like… ‘dear colleagues.’ Words such as ‘chairman’ should be replaced by ‘chairperson’, and ‘policeman’ or ‘policewoman’ substituted for ‘police officer’, the guide said. It also recommended the word ‘stewardess’ be avoided in preference of ‘flight attendant’, and ‘principal’ be used instead of ‘headmaster’ or ‘headmistress’.

“Pope Francis reacted strongly to the EU statement, comparing it to other anti-religious ideologies. In a statement on Monday, the pontiff said, ‘In history many, many dictatorships have tried to do it. Think of Napoleon: from there… Think of the Nazi dictatorship, the communist one… it is a fashion of a watered-down secularism, distilled water… But this is something that throughout hasn’t worked… This could end up dividing the countries and [causing] the European Union to fail. The European Union must respect each country as it is structured within, the variety of countries, and not want to make them uniform.’

“‘[Nazism] ended up annihilating democratic life, indeed life itself with the death of the people, in becoming a bloody dictatorship,’ Pope Francis said… ‘This happens when there is a superpower that dictates economic, cultural, and social behavior to the other countries…’”

Now China

The Washington Free Beacon wrote on December 9:

“China’s military ‘will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan’s rescue’ if a war between China and Taiwan breaks out, a possibility that is increasingly likely as the Communist regime readies its war machine on Taiwan’s borders.

“China’s latest threat to escalate tensions with Taiwan comes on the heels of remarks by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who said the United States is prepared to counter an attempt by China to forcefully seize Taiwan and bring it back into the Communist country’s orbit. The long-simmering standoff comes as the Biden administration confronts Russian attempts to invade Ukraine… China has been threatening to take Taiwan since the Biden administration took office.”

Biden’s troubles only mount, while he seems incapable of dealing with them.

You Must Not Tell the Truth

The Associated Press wrote on December 10:

“A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily publicly apologized to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist… The diocesan communications director, the Rev. Alessandro Paolino, said Stagliano was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of St. Nicholas…  Italian news reports quoted Stagliano as saying during a recent religious festival that Santa doesn’t exist and that his red costume was created by the Coca-Cola company for publicity.

“‘First of all, on behalf of the bishop, I express my sorrow for this declaration which has created disappointment in the little ones…’ Paolino wrote on the diocesan Facebook page. ‘We certainly must not demolish the imagination of children, but draw good examples from it that are positive for life,’ he continued…

“While several welcomed the bishop’s attempt to focus on the Catholic meaning of Christmas, others faulted Stagliano for interfering with family traditions and celebrations, and crushing the spirits of children…”

So, one is willing to continue to LIE to their children and attack those who are daring to tell the truth.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

“Immigration Hardliner” Karl Nehammer new Austrian leader

The Guardian wrote on December 3:

“Austria’s ruling conservatives have picked the interior minister, an immigration hardliner, to lead them and the nation after a wave of resignations by senior officials set off by Sebastian Kurz…

“Karl Nehammer succeeds Kurz as party chief and will lead the coalition government with the Greens. He takes over a party in disarray since Kurz stepped down as chancellor in October because he had been placed under criminal investigation on suspicion of corruption offences.  Kurz denies any wrongdoing. Nehammer said… fighting coronavirus would be a top priority. Austria is in lockdown…

“Kurz’s resignation as party leader on Thursday sent shock waves through the party and prompted two of his closest allies, the chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, and the finance minister, Gernot Blümel, to say they too would step down. Schallenberg had been in the job for less than two months.

“Bluemel is under investigation in a separate corruption case and also denies wrongdoing. Both he and Kurz said that having newborn children had motivated their decisions… Neither the OVP nor the Greens have an obvious interest in a snap election as opinion polls suggest both would lose seats. But tensions between them are such that few analysts expect their government to survive until the end of this parliament in 2023.”

Voices have warned that under Nehammer, Austria’s dictatorship will even get worse.

On Monday, Nehammer was sworn in as the new Chancellor. Wochenblick added on December 6:

Other ÖVP members were also newly sworn in … the appointment of the new Interior Minister Gerhard Karner, who stood out in the past by caring for the remembrance of the Austro-Fascist dictator Engelbert Dollfuss, is causing criticism. Will the Interior Ministry now act even more aggressively against the resistance than it did under Nehammer? In any case, the Interior Ministry has already found the right [person as the] head of state security for dictatorial reprisals. Just yesterday, the ‘Director for State Security and Intelligence’ Omar Haijawi Pirchner announced that he wanted to monitor closely the social media.”

Demonstrations in Austria

Wochenblick wrote on December 4:

“Tens of thousands are back on Vienna’s streets today. They stand up against the coming compulsory vaccination…. People from all walks of life and of all ages are protesting. Mothers appeal: ‘Protect our children – get children out of schools!’ The state has been repressive from the start. Penalties for not wearing a mask were imposed…

“The lawyer from the Ministry of Defense, Monika Donner, gave an incendiary speech against the lies of the government

“As a trained medical doctor, the FPÖ politician Dagmar Belakowitsch… spoke again at the rally. Alexander Tschugguel from the Catholic St. Bonifatius Institute spoke out decisively against the state access to our bodies and appealed to the people to continue to offer resistance before everything is taken from us…

“The fact that Karl Nehammer is now the new Federal Chancellor is causing a particular resentment among those who resist. They know from their own demonstration experiences that as minister of the interior, he was known by his autocratic, inhuman style… As the government will… force injections, this will also apply to the children and, if nothing changes, even to the newborns as well.”

Wochenblick stated on December 5 that “more than 100,000 people demonstrated in Vienna.”

The New York Times added the following on December 5:

“Austria has also announced that vaccination would become compulsory as of Feb. 1, making it the first Western country to take that step… the editorial board of The Financial Times [has] said the plan exacts too high a price in terms of individual freedom and see it a sign of political failure.”

By Sunday, the lockdown in Austria for the vaccinated will end, for the time being, but NOT for the unvaccinated.

Germany’s New Lockdown and Mandatory Vax Health Minister…

Breitbart wrote on December 6 in a headline:

“New German Government Taps Lockdown Loving Lawmaker as New Health Minister.”

It continued:

The most closely watched appointment was that of the health minister… Scholz chose Karl Lauterbach, an epidemiologist and media-savvy lawmaker who lacks executive experience but has been one of Germany’s most prominent voices urging caution and strict measures against COVID-19 since the pandemic started… Federal and state leaders last week announced tough new restrictions that largely target unvaccinated people… parliament will consider a general vaccine mandate.”

Lauterbach is also an advocate of mandatory vaccinations. Lauterbach is a controversial figure, even in his own party (SPD). Leader of the opposition party AFP, Alice Weidel, tweeted: “It could not have been worse for Germany.”  The three coalition parties of the new government (SPD, Green and FDP) also agreed on other controversial measures, such as obtaining 80% of Germany’s electricity from renewable energies by 2030; lowering the voting age to 16; and legalizing the recreational use of cannabis. Dark clouds on the horizon in Germany…

Germany’s “Fight” against the Unvaccinated

The Local wrote on December 7:

“In a press conference held after the signing of the new government’s coalition agreement in Berlin, incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz slammed ‘threatening’ protests against Covid restrictions and vaccinations. His comments were echoed by Green Party co-leader Robert Habeck… ‘The fact that we need a higher vaccination rate isn’t up for debate,’ he said. ‘It becomes problematic when, out of the multitude of different reasons (for not getting vaccinated), a movement arises – not necessarily against vaccination, but against the state, against a free and open democracy,’ he added…

“Demonstrations against current Covid measures have been ramping up in Germany as the incoming government moves to bar unvaccinated people from most areas of public life, including non-essential shops. The country has also introduced contact restrictions that prevent unvaccinated people from meeting more than two other people at a time.

“Critics of the measures claim that the moves risk sowing more division in an already divided society, but Scholz defended the move on Tuesday, claiming the German population was ‘not split’ but rather ‘of one mind’. ‘We have to do everything in our power to protect the population, and we’ll only succeed if as many people as possible are vaccinated,’ said Scholz. ‘We need restrictions, particularly for the people who haven’t got vaccinated, because there’s no doubt whatsoever that it’s the people who aren’t vaccinated who are driving the high infection rates.’”

The Local published the following comments:

“What a hypocrisy! To talk about democracy when there is in fact absolute tyranny and segregation.

“The hypocrisy is real… To claim that the only way to succeed in fighting covid is by getting as many people as possible vaccinated or to claim that the unvaccinated are to blame for the rising covid cases is just bogus and false…”

New German chameleon and backpedaling politician Olaf Scholz might be right to the extent that most brainwashed Germans, but by far not all, are of “one mind” when it comes to blaming the unvaccinated and mandating vaccinations.

Meet Karl Lauterbach… the German Anthony Fauci

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 6:

“During the COVID pandemic, epidemiologist and eccentric Karl Lauterbach became known as a voice of reason for some, and an infuriating lockdown supporter for others. Now he will be Germany’s new health minister… Karl Lauterbach… is a regular guest on talk shows, gives interviews and regularly tweets — sometimes every hour… his media appearances were to impart bad news. He regularly called for a tougher stance and more restrictions in Germany’s coronavirus policy

“Karl Lauterbach is a controversial figure. Some are annoyed and [describe] him as a ‘Cassandra,’ a nod to the ancient Greek mythical clairvoyant who always predicted disaster… But many others trust him, and some even became ardent supporters during the course of the pandemic…

“[His] appointment was a highly controversial decision within the SPD right up to the end. In the party, to which Lauterbach has belonged for 16 years as a directly elected member of parliament, he is regarded as a lone wolf, an eccentric and a know-it-all… Olaf Scholz likely knows that with Karl Lauterbach he is bringing a politician into his Cabinet who will not please everyone…”

Germany’s “Quarantine Centers” in Use Again

Life Site News wrote on December 3:

“A recent survey by German newspaper Welt am Sonntag found that at least 15 people have been taken to quarantine facilities in Germany’s 10 largest cities since the beginning of the year. The 15 individuals, who allegedly violated at-home isolation requirements for COVID-19, include 11 in Munich, two in Stuttgart, and one each in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, Welt am Sonntag reported. The full number of cases is likely higher, as authorities Berlin and Leipzig did not provide figures to the paper.

“Some of the quarantine facilities were located within prisons, according to Welt. ‘Most of the federal states have closed areas in hospitals or prisons for quarantine breakers,’ the outlet noted. ‘In Eisenhüttenstadt, Brandenburg, refusals were last housed in a former deportation detention center, in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, in a Solingen clinic.’…

“German Infection Protection Act of 2000 specifically authorizes ‘placement in a locked hospital’ or ‘locked facility’ to that effect. ‘The fundamental right to freedom of the person can be restricted in this respect,’ the law states. With hundreds of thousands of Germans subject to domestic quarantine orders at any given time, city authorities typically ‘check’ residents ‘if there is a specific suspicion,’ according to Welt. In Stuttgart, officials rely on ‘special tipsters,’ including ‘neighbors, acquaintances and relatives.’…

“The 10 largest cities in Germany have also initiated more than 250 fine proceedings for quarantine violations, the newspaper noted. Fines ranged between 250-1,000 euros, though they can run up to 25,000 euros….”

Incredible Falsification in Bavaria

Focus wrote on December 4:

“The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder caused a sensation at the end of November with a graphic: The incidence of unvaccinated people in Bavaria is 1469, compared with only 110 people who have been vaccinated. ‘There is a direct connection between low vaccination rates and high infection rates,’ Söder wrote. His appeal: ‘So please get vaccinated. Only vaccination helps.‘

“Now it became known, however, that the State Office for Health and Food Safety [LGL] which collects the data in Bavaria, apparently often does not even know the vaccination status of the individually infected people, according to ‘Welt’ research. Instead of ignoring the cases with an unknown status, they are added to the unvaccinated.

“The imbalance can be serious. According to a spokesman for the authorities, a total of 81,782 corona cases were reported for the week before November 24th – 9,641 infected people with full vaccination protection, 14,652 without vaccination protection and 57,489 with ‘unknown’ vaccination status. According to the LGL, these 57,489 infected people were then assigned to the group of unvaccinated – with considerable consequences for the incidence value for unvaccinated people.

“Apparently Bavaria is not an isolated case. This counting method is also used accordingly in Hamburg, as a spokesman for the Hamburg Senate of the ‘Welt’ confirmed …

“There has been harsh criticism from the opposition regarding the incidence reports in Bavaria. Martin Hagen, FDP parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament, called for ‘unreserved clarification’. He criticized according to ‘Welt’: ‘The suspicion that state authorities are deliberately giving the public a wrong picture with distorted statistics weighs heavily.’ And turning to the Prime Minister, he asks: ‘Did Söder know that the numbers were manipulated with which he justifies his politics?’”

It will end up as it did in Bertolt Brecht’s “Mackie Messer”: “… who knows nothing of any of it” (“der von allem nichts gewusst.”)

Subsequently, Focus reported on December 5 that the Bavarian government responded to the report. The audacity with which their falsifications were justified is incredible:

“LGL President Walter Jonas says: ‘This accusation is absolutely absurd. We decided to initially count the cases without information on the vaccination status among the unvaccinated… Merely omitting the missing values ​​would have led to completely wrong incidence ratios … Even after changing the calculation, nothing will change…’

“However, the authority does not provide any information about what the ‘conversion of the calculation’ of the data is all about.”

This is how the people are being misled.

Abolishing the Nuremberg Code? wrote on December 4:

Ursula Van Der Leyen, chairwoman of the EU Commission, told the press on Wednesday that she was in favor of abolishing the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID… In Austria, unvaccinated people aged 12 and over are currently almost completely banned and are only allowed outside for essential tasks such as eating or seeing a doctor…

“The Nuremberg Code was enacted in 1947 immediately after World War II to prevent many of the egregious human rights violations committed by the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese during the war.

“In particular, it was about carrying out medical procedures on test subjects without their consent. These procedures, often under the direction of the likes of Dr. Josef Mengele or Hideki Tojo, often included the worst torture methods. Since then, full and proactive ongoing consent has been required.”

If this does not ring alarm bells…

Israel too?

Israel Today wrote on December 6:

“Israel’s ‘Corona Czar’ said last week that the Jewish state must consider mandating COVID-19 vaccines for all citizens. Other officials retorted that doing so would make Israel a dictatorship. Israel is currently not mandating vaccination against coronavirus, though many have argued that there is heavy governmental control to get the jab… Government officials, including Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, insist that those sectors of society still refusing the vaccine are now threatening the success of Israel’s battle against the pandemic.

“…  there is a good chance Israel will eventually mandate vaccination in light of decisions by several major European countries… However, Israel is a more fractured society. Vaccination rates are still lowest among the Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews, and it is difficult to see those sectors peacefully acquiescing to any government mandates.”

Italy of Course

The Associated Press reported on December 6:

“Italy is making life more uncomfortable for unvaccinated people this holiday season, excluding them from indoor restaurants, theaters and museums starting Monday to reduce the spread of coronavirus and encourage vaccine skeptics to get their shots.

Italian police have been empowered to check whether diners in restaurants or bars have a ‘super’ green health pass certifying that they are either vaccinated or have recently recovered from the virus. Smart phone applications that verify people’s health pass status have been updated to prevent entry to concerts, movies or performances to those who have merely tested negative in recent days. The measures run through Jan. 15.”

Mussolini is coming to town…

Comeback of Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi?

The Daily Mail wrote on December 5:

“Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has been tipped to make one more run to be Italy’s next president. The 85-year-old media tycoon… remains Italy’s longest serving post war leader, having been in office three times. Despite regular brushes with the law – including being convicted of tax fraud in 2013 – and a number of health concerns, he has previously been referred to as ‘the immortal’ for his longevity in politics. And now, those within his centre-right Forza Italia party, which he led for more than two decades, are tipping him to make one final run for the top job.

“Antonio Tajani, the deputy leader of the party told the Sunday Telegraph: ‘It would be a dream. A lot of us have asked him [to run]…’ Berlusconi has not officially entered the race but is reportedly campaigning behind the scenes. The right-wing bloc… are expected to back him if he were to officially enter the race… He is currently a legislator in the European Parliament…

“Gianfranco Rotondi, a veteran Forza Italia MP and a former minister under Berlusconi’s last government said his former boss has a ’50-50 chance to make it’ in voting which starts around January 20. Lorenzo Castellani, a political historian at Rome’s Luiss university, said he predicted Berlusconi’s attempt to fade, but expected him to be ‘one of the kingmakers’ in the presidential race. The frontrunner in January’s elections is currently Mario Draghi, the current prime minister, while sitting president Sergio Mattarella has also been mentioned as a credible option, despite saying he wants to retire.

“Italian presidents are elected by approximately 1,000 national and regional lawmakers in a secret ballot.”

A Global Treaty for Pandemics?

Climate Depot wrote on December 1:

“… global leaders on Wednesday agreed to start negotiations to create an international agreement to prevent and deal with future pandemics — which some have dubbed a ‘pandemic treaty.’ The special session of the World Health Assembly, only the second ever held by the WHO’s governing body, pledged by consensus to begin work on an agreement… The United States has said it is largely in favor of such an accord… Britain and European Union states have also championed an agreement…”

Climate Depot went on to comment:

“… if a ‘radical’ WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ that is ‘legally binding’ becomes reality, global mandates may be coming your way… Even the Washington Post is calling a ‘pandemic treaty’ a ‘radical’ idea. Once a ‘pandemic treaty’ is set in place, COVID mandates will become permanent as elite officials fly around the world to discuss how to further crush freedom… Just like the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the architects of a ‘pandemic treaty’ will seek more and more power and control and become a self-interested lobbying organization…”

This is frightening news.

Global Tyranny

Life Site News wrote on December 3:

“Dr. Robert Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology 40 years ago, praised the recent call by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to build an anti-globalist alliance

“Archbishop Viganò had proposed on November 18 to ‘free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time,’ and he challenged ‘rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point by point the errors and deviations of the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a political program inspired by the common good, the moral principles of Christianity, traditional values, the protection of life and the natural family, the protection of business and work, the promotion of education and research, and respect for creation.’…

“Dr. Malone [is] a strong opponent to the currently debated and planned vaccine mandates, lockdown policies, and mask mandates, all of which are, according to his study and research, ineffective and potentially harmful to human health… The vaccine expert compared the lockdowns with the ‘camel’s nose’ metaphor: ‘Once the camel’s nose gets in the tent, pretty soon the whole camel is in the tent,’ Dr. Malone said…

“‘There is a growing sense by many people that there’s something fundamentally evil going on here (…) I’ve become convinced that we do have a situation that is essentially the growth and expansion of global tyranny that is harmonized, that is managed, that is aligned across nation states, and it appears to be aligned with the economic interests of a small cluster of investment funds that represents the bulk of global western capital… For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians, and religious leaders… Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency.’”

Poll: US Government without Power to Mandate Vaccination

Breitbart wrote on December 3:

“Most voters say the federal government does not have the authority to mandate coronavirus vaccines, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday found… “Most, 57 percent, said ‘no,’ the government does not have that power, while 35 percent said ‘yes,’ and eight percent said ‘not sure.’

“The vast majority of Republicans, 81 percent, said the government does not have that power, and 63 percent of independents agree. However, most Democrats, 59 percent, believe the government does, in fact, have the power to make the coronavirus vaccination mandatory.”

This shows where at this point, the greatest danger for US democracy comes from. We are not promoting or endorsing any political party or candidate—we are just stating facts and focusing on trends. However, Trump keeps taking credit for developing the vaccine at high speed “when everyone said it wasn’t possible.” Since the vaccine was not, and could not have been tested for long-time complications, his continued “encouragement” to get vaccinated contributes to the problems which we are facing today. But there can be no doubt that the vaccination policy of the Biden Administration does endanger the safety, security and survival of this country. Note the next article.

Oklahoma’s AG Sues Biden over Vaccine Mandates

Breitbart reported on December 3:

“Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor (R) has sued the Biden administration over its federal coronavirus vaccine mandate for federal employees and National Guard members… Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sent a letter to Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt earlier this week reinforcing the need for military members to be vaccinated following Stitt’s request to bypass the mandate…

“‘Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate ensures that many Oklahoma National Guard members will simply quit instead of getting a vaccine, a situation that will irreparably harm Oklahomans’ safety and security,’ O’Connor said in a statement. ‘These patriots, along with many federal employees, who serve their country and their state are now at risk of being terminated because they do not wish to take the vaccine.’”

Federal Judge Blocks Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

Breitbart wrote on December 7:

“A federal judge Tuesday issued an injunction striking down the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandate for federal contractors, saying the plaintiffs are ‘likely [to] succeed in their claim that the President exceeded the authorization given to him by Congress.’

“The lawsuit was brought by Attorney General Alan Wilson and Governor Henry McMaster of South Carolina, along with the attorneys general of Georgia, Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, Utah, and West Virginia and the governors of Georgia, Alabama, and Idaho, as well as other state entities.

“The case revolves around the president’s authority under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act (Procurement Act) and the authority it gives the president to issue public health mandates such as the one President Joe Biden issues in Executive Order (EO) 14042 to require all federal contractors to be vaccinated or face possible termination. ‘The Court acknowledges the tragic toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought throughout the nation and the globe,’ Judge Stan Baker begins. ‘However, even in time of crisis this Court must preserve the rule of law and ensure that all branches of government act within the bounds of their constitutionally granted authorities.’ Furthermore, writes Baker, the government’s  ‘“strong interest in combating the spread of [COVID-19]’ … does not permit the government to ‘act unlawfully even in the pursuit of desirable ends.’”…

“Baker also pointed out that the Biden administration has neither cited a case that allows the president ‘to promulgate such a wide and sweeping public health regulation,’ nor cited a case in which a court upheld an analogous action. Concluding his determination of the merits, Baker explained that if the Biden administration were to have success in this case, it would give the president the ‘right to impose virtually any kind of requirement on businesses that wish to contract with the Government.’”

New York City’s Ongoing Tyranny under Mayor de Blasio

CNBC wrote on December 6:

“New York City is imposing a vaccine mandate for all private sector employers as a preemptive measure to fight a surge of Covid cases this winter, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Monday. The mandate covers 184,000 businesses and will go into effect on Dec. 27, de Blasio said. Everyone 12 and older, workers and customers, will be required to show proof of two vaccine doses by that date, unless they received Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine

“The city will also require proof of vaccination for children ages 5 to 11 for indoor dining, entertainment and fitness establishments, the mayor said. Kids will be required to have proof of at least one dose by Dec. 14. They will also have to show proof of one dose for high-risk extracurricular activities such as sports, band, orchestra and dance by the same date.

“The New York City policy comes after the Biden administration was forced to halt implementation and enforcement of national vaccine and testing requirements for businesses with 100 or more employees to comply with a federal court order… It’s unclear whether omicron causes more severe disease, according to the WHO. The people who have tested positive…  so far have shown mild to moderate symptoms.”

This incredible “first in the nation” measure has been summarized by Breitbart in this way: “Covid-1984… It’s All About Control.” De Blasio’s mayoralty ends at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, so he moved quickly to get these new dictatorial measures in place before vacating his office. The proposed new measures have already received sharp criticism from many New Yorkers (see New York Post, December 6).

New York City has been setting a really bad example of terrible dictatorship.

Far Weaker US Jobs Report as Expected

Breitbart wrote on December 3:

“The U.S. economy added 210,00 jobs in November and the unemployment rate sank to 4.2 percent. This was a far weaker jobs report than expected. Economists had forecast 545,000 positions added to payrolls and an unemployment rate of 4.5 percent…”

The White House and President Biden tried to spin the devastating report by saying it contained “incredible news” and proof of a “strong” recovery.  Fox News moderators and others responded to this spin with mockery and condemnation.  Sean Hannity said on Fox News:

“The November jobs report was abysmal, falling well short of every projection — keep in mind we’re already facing a severe worker shortage, record-setting inflation, insanely high gas prices, stagnant growth, and now it appears to be getting even worse,” adding that Biden was supposed to shut down the virus, not the economy (see Fox News, December 4).

Breitbart wrote on December 3:

“Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the Job Creators Network,… said Biden’s speech is evidence of the ‘complete delusion concerning the actual state of the economy.’… Ortiz put forth some sobering economic data, that Biden omitted… ‘Biden touted the “significant improvement” in created jobs since he took office, yet chooses to ignore the fact that we are still 4 million jobs behind pre-pandemic numbers. Today’s jobs report showed there are still 6.9 million Americans unemployed. The number of those who currently want to work but can’t find work is a stagging 5.9 million. It’s worth noting, the Bureau of Labor Statistics does NOT count those 5.9 million looking for work among the 6.9 million currently unemployed…’”

How Soros “Makes” Left-Liberal Politics

Fox News reported on December 9:

“Liberal billionaire George Soros has poured millions of dollars into a dark money hub used by far-left activists pushing to dismantle the police…

“[This] is yet another instance showing how [Soros’] cash funds efforts to reshape the justice system. For years, Soros has showered district attorney races with money, oftentimes backing the most progressive candidate.

“Parker Thayer, a researcher at the Capital Research Center, estimated that Soros has dropped $28 million into prosecutor races since 2015.

“Soros’ Open Society Foundations also devoted $220 million in 2020 to a racial equality push, which included $70 million for local efforts geared toward criminal justice reform.”

Breitbart added on December 9:

“Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón gathered ‘progressive’ prosecutors from around the country to celebrate the one-year anniversary of his time in office, but the party was derailed by questions about rising violent crime.

“Gascón, who ran against the first black woman to hold the job, and who received millions of dollars in donations from left-wing billionaire George Soros, has pursued an aggressive, radical agenda of ‘criminal justice reform’ since taking office. But crime has spiked, leaving the city in the throes of what the Los Angeles Times has called a spate of ‘brutal, brazen’ crimes.”

So much for left-wing billionaire Soros’ policies.

BLM Calls for Boycott of White Companies

Fox Business wrote on December 1:

“The Black Lives Matter movement’s national arm is leading a boycott of ‘white companies’ until New Year’s Day, encouraging supporters to help ‘end white-supremacist-capitalism’ by visiting only Black-owned businesses during the holiday shopping season…

“‘We’re dreaming of a #Blackxmas. That means no spending with white companies from 11/26/2021 – 01/01/2022,’ the BlackXmas website says. The organization also calls on supporters to ‘move your money out of white-corporate banks that finance our oppression and open accounts with Black-owned banks.”

Serious questions about Biden’s Mental Health

The New York Post wrote on December 3:

“President Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes that seem to be a mix of his trademark plagiarism (adopting episodes from other public figures’ lives as his own in addition to appropriating their words) and what we sometimes euphemistically call a ‘senior moment.’

“Recently, President Biden told a truck driver: ‘I used to drive a tractor-trailor.’ This wasn’t the first time he had made the claim. But the White House has since conceded that it is a fabrication

“But that’s par for the course for Biden, who infamously slandered an innocent man in the matter of the death of his first wife and daughter, claiming that the man had been a drunken driver. He wasn’t, there was no suggestion that he was, and police reports at the time suggested that it was probably Mrs. Biden who had been at fault in the accident. Yet Biden spent years alleging that the man ‘drank his lunch’ before causing the accident.

“Biden also has a rich fantasy life, which is not limited to his mythical truck-driving days… On Wednesday, he told an audience that during the Six-Day War, he had acted as a liaison between Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and the Egyptian government. The Six-Day War occurred in 1967, when Levi Eshkol was the prime minister of Israel and Biden was plagiarizing his way toward finishing No. 76 of 85 in law school… He was years away from beginning his Senate career. This is another fantasy, one that Biden keeps repeating. Is it an ordinary lie, or is it a delusion?

“… Because of Biden’s long history of habitual dishonesty, it is difficult to tell how much of this is Biden being Biden and how much of it is Biden no longer quite being Biden — how much is his longstanding and familiar moral disability and how much is, as it may be, late-life mental disability.

“We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health. That is a sobering fact to face, but face it we must. And right now, we need a Democrat who will say so in public.”

But Democrats are not willing to raise this, and neither do Republicans because the replacement of Biden through Kamala Harris would seem to be even more devastating to many.

The Pope in Greece

The Associated Press wrote on December 4:

“Pope Francis warned Saturday that the ‘easy answers’ of populism and authoritarianism are threatening democracy in Europe… Arriving in Greece, the birthplace of democracy, Francis used a speech to Greek political and cultural leaders to warn Europe at large about the threats facing the continent…

“Francis, who lived through Argentina’s populist Peronist era as well as its military dictatorship, has frequently warned about the threat of authoritarianism and populism and the danger it poses to the European Union and democracy itself… Francis praised the ‘necessary vaccination campaign’ promoted by government authorities to tame the coronavirus…

Francis has accelerated inter-faith initiatives, as the two churches attempt to shift from centuries of competition and mistrust toward collaboration. Orthodox churches are also seeking alliances amid a deepening dispute over the independence of the Ukrainian church, which was historically governed by the Russian Orthodox Church…

“Up to 4,000 police officers were readied for duty in Athens for the pope’s visit, and authorities banned protests and large public gatherings in parts of central Athens over the weekend.”

Francis warned of authoritarianism and praised at the same time the “necessary vaccination campaign” of governments, which includes mandatory vaccinations. These measures clearly constitute authoritarianism. What a contradiction.  It is also interesting that the Greek government prohibited protests against the Pope. So much for Francis’ highly praised Greek democracy. According to the Bible, most “Christian” churches will unite under the umbrella and leadership of the Catholic Church.

Russian Offensive against Ukraine Coming Soon?

Deutsche Welle reported on December 4:

“US intelligence officials claimed on Friday that Russia is planning a military offensive against Ukraine that could begin as early as 2022 [which] would supposedly involve an estimated 175,000 Russian military personnel. A US intelligence document obtained by the Washington Post showed apparent evidence of Russian forces massing in four locations and the arrival of tanks and artillery…

“[While denying that an invasion is planned,] Russian foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov said that President Vladimir Putin will reiterate Russia’s ‘red lines’ in negotiations, including demands for a legally binding guarantee that NATO will not expand into Ukraine. NATO has not set a timeline for Ukrainian membership in the alliance. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russia has no say in whether Ukraine will join the alliance…”

Newsmax added on December 4:

“Ukrainian officials also warned that Russia could invade next month… But some U.S. government officials say Putin also could be seeking attention and concessions from Biden and other Western leaders, using the military escalation to force Russia back into a central role in world affairs as it had in the days of the Soviet Union.”

Biden and Putin Talk for two Hours… with little or no success

Deutsche Welle reported on December 7:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin and US leader Joe Biden held a virtual summit Tuesday, with Moscow’s troop build-up on Ukraine’s borders dominating the talks. The two presidents spoke for roughly two hours…

“‘President Biden voiced the deep concerns of the United States and our European Allies about Russia’s escalation of forces surrounding Ukraine and made clear that the U.S. and our Allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation,’ the White House said in a statement after the summit… The Kremlin also issued a statement after the call, saying that Putin had ‘complained about NATO’s dangerous attempts to develop Ukraine’ for its own goals, and that he ‘expressed concerns about Kyiv’s provocative actions’ towards Ukrainian regions controlled by Russia-backed separatists…

“A Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory could come with consequences for Germany too. US approval for the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Europe was contingent on Moscow refraining from military provocations. Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday that Washington would pull its approval if Russian troops enter Ukrainian territory.”

The approval of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was one of the biggest blunders by Merkel and Biden.

The Sun added on December 7:

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov told CNN that there would be a ‘really bloody massacre’ if Russia decides to invade Ukraine… The defense minister also said that five million Ukrainian refugees are fleeing into Europe amid heightened alarm about troop movements on the nations’ border.”

The New York Post added on December 7:

“Following… a virtual summit between President Biden and his Russian counterpart Tuesday, the White House appeared to be taking a ‘wait-and-see’ approach to a potential invasion of Ukraine by Moscow… national security adviser Jake Sullivan… acknowledged in the afternoon that ‘we still do not believe that President Putin has made a decision’ about whether to send his massed forces across the border and into Ukraine… Sullivan declined to say whether additional American forces would be dispatched to eastern Europe in the event of an invasion… When asked why the US should wait to take action… Sullivan responded that American policy, in ‘lockstep with our European allies,’ was to deter a Russian invasion…

“Sullivan also suggested Tuesday that the US could persuade Germany to cut off the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine.’ The fact is the gas is not currently flowing through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which means that it’s not operating, which means that it’s not leveraged for Putin,’ Sullivan claimed. ‘It is leverage for the West. If Vladimir Putin wants to see gas flow through that pipeline, he may not want to take the risk of invading Ukraine.’

“That claim caused an uproar among online critics, who pointed out that Biden waived sanctions against the pipeline in May despite concerns that it would weaken Ukraine’s security by pumping gas directly from Russia to Germany — depriving Kiev of lucrative gas transit fees…”

Would Germany be willing to give up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline? That is highly doubtful.

But it’s all pretty immaterial as to what different powers may want to do, as the Bible is clear that Russia and Ukraine will unite in some way. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, War between Russia, America and Europe over Ukraine?”

Christmas Trees Unite Us?

JTA wrote on December 8:

“A Fox News host explained that the Christmas tree represents the Christmas spirit — and Hanukkah… after a man was arrested for allegedly setting fire to the Christmas tree outside Fox News Channel headquarters in New York. ‘It’s a tree that unites us, that brings us together. It is about the Christmas spirit, it is about the holiday season, it is about Jesus, it is about Hanukkah,’ Earhardt said… ‘It is about everything we stand for as a country…’

“Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Jewish temple several centuries before the birth of Jesus,  and its main story is about a Jewish sect’s resistance to assimilating into the dominant religious culture. The two holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah, are coincidental in their midwinter timings, but in little else.

“There is suggestive evidence in the New Testament that Jesus attended a Hanukkah event [as] described in John 10:22… Some angry Jews confronted Jesus about his claim to messiahhood, and it almost ended in a stoning. The apostle does not report any tree-burnings, however.”

Even though of different origins, there can be no doubt that a mixture between Christmas and Hanukkah has occurred. The Christmas tree is thoroughly pagan and was used as a means of worship long before the birth of Christ. If it unites the country, then woe to the country.

Swarm of Earthquakes rattles Oregon

Beach Connection wrote on December 9:

“What seems like an unprecedented number of small to sizable quakes off the Oregon coast have rattled underwater starting early Tuesday morning, with the number still rising 36 hours later. As of 2 p.m. Wednesday, some 74 undersea quakes have hit about 300 miles directly west of Yachats in just over 24 hours… Experts say it’s nothing to worry about because it has nothing to do with the larger Cascadia Subduction zone that also exists off the Oregon coast, which will one day create a massive quake and subsequent tsunami…

“The quake swarm is unusual, as that area generally receives about 20 to 30 quakes per year… Most were in the 4.0 to 4.8 magnitude range, but at least ten were over 5.0, which is sizable… they are not ‘releasing’ pressure for that area and are not lessening the chances of the big one.”

KIRO 7 added on December 8:

“Harold Tobin leads the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington. He points out the Blanco Fracture Zone is a long way from the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which is what we worry about for a major quake around Seattle… Still, any seismic event is a reminder that we live in earthquake country and should be prepared. ‘We always have the risk of a substantial earthquake that is damaging but I don’t think that risk is different in the Pacific Northwest today than it was two days ago,’ Tobin said.

“Emergency managers now ask people to be ‘two weeks ready,’ which means having enough supplies to be on your own for two weeks.”

If you are naïve enough to take the “experts’” words for it… 

Is the USA-Israel Honeymoon Period Over?

JTA wrote on December 2:

“[Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett has allowed for the construction of thousands of new settler homes. Biden is pushing to reopen the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, formerly the principal venue for U.S.-Palestinian relations. Last month the United States sanctioned two Israeli spyware companies.

“Then there is the ongoing strife over Iran’s nuclear program, a point of contention that those who analyze the U.S.-Israel relationship say could eventually blow the doors wide open… Israeli officials have said they believe Iran is weeks away from nuclear weapons capability; the country is enriching uranium to 60% purity, perilously close to the 90% needed for weaponization…”

It might very well be over, but then note the following surprising news, which was published by a paper in Israel.

Biden and the Third Temple?

Israel 365 wrote on December 2:

“US president Joe Biden hosted the White House’s annual menorah lighting ceremony on the fourth night of Chanukah on Wednesday. During his speech, Biden referenced the story of Chanukah and the destruction of the Second Temple. Biden compared the holy Temple to the ‘temple of our democracy’…

“Later on in his speech, the US president seemed to be optimistic that the third Temple will be rebuilt saying: ‘Whether it’s in the temple of Jerusalem or a temple of our democracy nothing broken or profaned is beyond repair…nothing. We can always build back better. Or perhaps, build back brighter.’

“The speech was not without the president’s signature gaffes… Ironically, Biden who champions both mask and vaccine mandates hailed the lessons of freedom and liberty that could be learned from the Maccabees.”

With Biden, one never knows, of course, how serious he is with speeches drafted for him, and whether any references are intentional or just “accidental.” Still, a third temple WILL BE built prior to Christ’s return, even though some are still stiff-necked or willfully ignorant enough to totally dismiss this possibility, against current events, better judgment and the clear prophecies in the Bible. Please view our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “A False Messiah in the Temple of God?” 

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Putin’s Undeclared War against Europe

Financial Post wrote on November 26:

“… western leaders are waking up to the fact that Vladimir Putin has been waging an undeclared war against Europe and the west since 2014 when it annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. This is because he has escalated his warfare. In August, he weaponized energy exports by throttling back natural gas shipments, creating shortages and enormous price hikes. Also during the summer, Putin’s proxy, Belarus, weaponized migration. Thousands of residents from the Middle East were encouraged to fly to Minsk, then were transported to the border with Poland where they were promised they could easily sneak into the European Union (EU).

“This gambit, designed to damage the EU, was impeded by Poland and Lithuanian troops. It gained world headlines as these migrants were caught, like human ping pong balls, between an odious regime in Belarus (likely urged by Russia) pushing them to break fencing and defy soldiers — and the Polish army using tear gas and water cannons to prevent a flood of illegal migrants…

“In April, Putin amassed about 100,000 troops, tanks and warships near Ukraine’s borders, and has continued this deployment despite requests by the United States and others to de-escalate… Putin… described the demise of the Soviet empire as the greatest ‘geopolitical catastrophe in history’ in a 2005 speech. Ever since, he has set out to reverse history… his ‘War’ against Europe has gone mostly unnoticed because he wages two kinds of warfare. He undertakes ‘hot wars’ or traditional conflicts but these are hidden and involve unidentified armed forces or operatives, who are former Russian military soldiers working as mercenaries. Hot wars against European nation-states included Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, both of which are now partially occupied by Russian ‘operatives’ — territories equivalent in size to the country of Bulgaria, or the State of Colorado.

“More commonly, Putin conducts ‘hybrid warfare’ against targets which also include the United States, all NATO members, and former Soviet vassal nations. In these battles, his arsenal includes cyber warfare, political sabotage, disinformation, propaganda, lawsuits, election intervention, diplomatic maneuvers, bombings, poisonings, assassinations, gaslighting, and most dramatically this year, the mobilization of forces capable of invading Ukraine as well as the weaponization of energy and migration…

“Putin’s biggest ‘recapture’ occurred in 2020 when Russia took control over Belarus without a single shot fired after its dictator lost re-election, rigged results and faced mass protests in the streets. Its leader, Alexandre Lukashenko, was only able to cling to power with Russian military and financial backing, and now takes orders from the Kremlin… winter approaches and he has inordinate leverage over Europe’s energy market. The reality is that Putin plays a long game, and tested the limits this year. But he will never end his war and hopefully Europe realizes this and will remain vigilant and fortified.”

The time will come when European powers, feeling threatened by Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations, will “react” militarily with terrible and devastating consequences.

Russia Expected to Invade Ukraine

Newsmax wrote on November 28:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mass production of the Zircon hypersonic nuclear missile ahead of an expected offensive into Ukraine early next year, The Sun reported. Putin has said Zircon could fly at nine times the speed of sound and have a range of 620 miles, according to The Associated Press. He has ordered the Zircon missile to be deployed in 2022 by the Russian Navy, boasting that it is ‘truly unparalleled … in the world,’ per The Sun.

‘There was a successful hypersonic missile test from a frigate in the White Sea on Nov. 18, following a submarine test a month earlier. The missiles have been in development for over 20 years and are considered a critical next step for Putin’s arsenal…

“Ukrainian commander Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Kyiv’s defence intelligence agency, said that Russia has planned an attack in late January that would involve some 100,000 Russian soldiers on 10 fronts… Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky recently alleged that Russian ‘representatives’ are planning to overthrow his government…, which Russia has denied, BBC reported.”

It is only a matter of time.

The United States of Europe

Express wrote on November 27:

“The new German government is pressing for further integration with the European Union in a move set to pave the way for a so-called ‘United States of Europe’…

“Social Democrat (SPD) leader and incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz agreed an historic three-way coalition this week with the Greens and Free Democrats.  The direction of the new regime has also started to take shape after the Green party’s co-leader Annalena Baerbock, an ardent europhile, was appointed foreign minister… The 40-year-old will help to shape overseas policy-making and her ideas are already being described as a blueprint for a ‘United States of Europe’…

“The prospect of a ‘United States of Europe’ is one that has been in the offing for several years – and ever since French President Emmanuel Macron spearheaded the idea of an EU Army… The EU27 began operating like one super-state during the coronavirus pandemic after President Macron and Angela Merkel led calls for a historic €750 billion rescue package to bail out the bloc. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also presided over coronavirus vaccine purchases for the entire bloc.”

Breitbart wrote on November 29:

“Germany’s incoming Europhile left-wing government has begun a push for a federalized European Union superstate and the creation of what has been unofficially dubbed the ‘United States of Europe’. The campaign for the creation of the superstate was enshrined in the coalition agreement between the three soon-to-be ruling parties, the Social Democrats (SPD), the Free Democrats (FPD), and the Greens, according to a report by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the German language paper of record in Switzerland.

“The agreement outlines the coalition’s commitment to supporting the ‘necessary treaty changes’ needed to ‘lead developments to a European federal state’. This is something Germany clearly sees itself as being responsible for doing… It also voices the coalition’s support… for an increase of ‘Europe’s strategic sovereignty… this means establishing one’s own ability to act in a global context and being less dependent and vulnerable in important strategic areas’, an oblique reference to an emerging single European foreign policy and an EU military

“The idea for a federal ‘United States of Europe’ has been brewing for years, and was a major subject of discussion in the run-up to the UK Brexit referendum in 2016. Yet preparations for a federal Europe stepped up a gear in 2017 when the former President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, proposed that the bloc be turned into a federal state by 2025… European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen [stated] in September that the bloc needs to build the ‘political will’ to create an EU Army. German defence minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer hailed the call for an EU Army, saying von der Leyen was right and that ‘Germany and France must lead.’”

The emergence of a powerful EU Army is sure.

Washington vs. Budapest

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 27:

“Ever since the Democrats took the White House, Washington and Budapest have been drifting ever further apart. But Biden needs to accept that just because Orban disagrees with him doesn’t mean he’s ‘undemocratic’.

“Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has expressed concerns that the United States will attempt to interfere in next year’s general election. The purpose of the underhand interference, Szijjarto believes, is to have sitting Hungarian PM Viktor Orban replaced by the United Opposition candidate Peter Marki-Zay, who is more ideologically aligned with the Biden administration…

“This is not the first time the Hungarian government has suggested America will intervene in next year’s election… The Hungarian government is unashamedly anti-globalist and believes in the sanctity of the sovereign nation. It is also very pro-family and a champion of Christian values. This is anathema to Biden, Brussels and the liberal press, which regularly, and lazily, label Orban ‘far-right’.

“Second, unlike Biden, Orban believes in strong borders, and, to this end, has built a wall to secure his country from another migrant crisis. In contrast, one of Biden’s first acts as president was to put a halt to the building of Donald Trump’s wall on the US’ southern border. The result has been a catastrophe…

“Third, there is the fact that Orban was close to Trump and made it clear he was rooting for his ally to win another term last year… The feelings of warmth are mutual…

“Next year’s Hungarian general election, to take place in either April or May, will determine the direction the nation will take…”

It does not appear very likely that Hungary will not be part of the EU.. .and maybe even the core European nations… but further hostility between Hungary and the USA can be expected.

Germany’s Nuclear Weapons

The Independent wrote on November 30:

The president of Belarus has suggested his nation will take advantage of access it has to nuclear weapons via its Russian ally, should Nato decide to arm parts of Europe with similar machinery. It comes amid increasing tensions between Alexander Lukashenko and the EU over the current migrant crisis on the border shared by Belarus and Poland.

“Less than two weeks ago, Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s secretary-general, announced in a statement that US nuclear weapons currently stationed inside Germany could well be moved to ‘other European countries’…  However, he added: ‘I expect that Germany will continue to be part of nuclear sharing, because it is so important for Europe.’

“… Mr Stoltenberg said in his speech on 19 November that Nato’s ‘aim is a world free of nuclear weapons’. But, he added, ‘as long as others have them, we must have them too’”.

And so, nuclear war IS coming.

Today’s America… another Socialist Country

Fox News reported on November 28, 2021:

“A Republican congresswoman from South Carolina [Nancy Mace] says President Biden’s Build Back Better plan includes $80 billion in funding to hire some 89,000 more IRS agents who will be tasked with ‘spying’ on Americans’ bank accounts like socialist countries around the world do…

“The Build Back Better Act’s investments in the IRS… would result in an estimated 1.2 million additional audits each year. Nearly half of the audits would impact families earning less than $75,000 a year. One quarter of the audits would affect Americans earning $25,000 or more per year.

“Mace predicted that the Build Back Better plan will only increase inflation, arguing that socialist spending will incentivize people not to work, worsening supply chain issues and raising taxes for average Americans already facing increased prices for groceries, gas and other goods….”

Trump’s Running Mate for 2024

The New York Post wrote on November 30:

“While former President Donald Trump has yet to formally announce a 2024 White House bid, he’s already stoking speculation about potential running mates… [Reportedly, the] 45th president will largely choose his campaign sidekick based on two factors: unconditional loyalty, and support for Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats.

“In June, [Trump said] that he would ‘certainly consider’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis… as a potential running mate. But a source quoted by Politico threw cold water on the possibility… ‘Trump sees him as a competitor…’

“Other names that sources have suggested based on recent interactions with Trump include Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, both of whom recently spoke with Trump at Mar-a-Lago… If Trump opts to select a female running mate, the outlet reports the list of contenders includes Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)… Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley was once thought to be a possible VP candidate, but that is seen as increasingly unlikely due to her sharp criticism of Trump over the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

“Some sources… suggest former acting national security adviser Ric Grenell… While Pence has publicly proclaimed that he and Trump are on good terms after the former president labeled Pence disloyal for not attempting to overturn the 2020 election results earlier this year, there is little chance the two would reunite for a third White House run. Trump is expected to formally announce his decision following the 2022 midterms, in which Republicans are favored to regain control of the House of Representatives after two years of Democratic control of the House, Senate and White House.”

Preparing for the Third Temple

Israel 365 wrote on November 30:

“On Monday, December 6, a reenactment of several Temple ceremonies will be held in Mitzpe Yericho. The reenactments will include a demonstration of the anointing of the High Priest, and the lighting of the Temple menorah. A new altar will be dedicated for use on the Temple Mount. Each ceremony is an essential element of the Temple service and practical efforts such as these are intended to prepare for the Third Temple.

“As Monday will be the last night of Hanukkah, a demonstration of the lighting of the temple menorah will be carried out. Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple by the Hasmoneans in 164 BCE and the ceremony next week will recreate several aspects of that historic event.

“The gold menorah intended to be installed permanently in the Third Temple upon its construction is on display in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. Made to Biblical specifications, it is not portable and cannot be used for reenactments. Standing approximately six feet tall, it weighs half a ton, and contains 45 kilograms (approximately 99 lbs) of 24 karat gold valued at approximately three million dollars…

“A demonstration of the anointing of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) will also be held. Rabbi Baruch Kahana will serve as the Kohen Gadol for the purpose of this demonstration. Rabbi Kahana has served an essential role in educating Kohanim to serve in the Third Temple and has served as the Kohen Gadol in many of the Temple reenactments.”

The building of the Third Temple, prior to Christ’s return, is just a matter of time.

New Radical Pro-LGBT Bill in Canada

Life Site News wrote on November 30:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s liberals introduced yet another radical left-wing pro-LGBT bill that seeks to criminalize all forms of so-called ‘conversion therapy.’ Violators would face years in prison. On Monday, Trudeau’s Federal Liberal Party introduced Bill C-4 in the second effort made by the Liberals, after their first bill, C-6, was dropped earlier this year when Trudeau called for an election. While similar, the new bill is stricter, and is being touted as ‘among the most comprehensive in the world,’ with violators of the broad-scoped policy being subject to a prison term of up to five years.

“The bill not only seeks to criminalize ‘providing’ so-called conversion therapy to people, including adults actively seeking it out, but also intends to make illegal ‘knowingly’ causing ‘another person to undergo conversion therapy,’ advertising or promoting conversion therapy, removing a child from Canada for the purposes of undergoing conversion therapy, or receiving ‘financial or material’ benefit as a result of someone undergoing conversion therapy.

“Further, the bill applies a broad definition to the term ‘conversion therapy.’ The term includes ‘any practice, treatment or service designed to: change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual; change a person’s gender identity to cisgender; change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth; repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour; repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.’

“In effect, not only is attempting to reverse someone’s orientation from homosexual to heterosexual illegal, but so is any attempt to ‘repress or reduce’ homosexual or transsexual behavior, even if an adult asks for help to do so…

“Jack Fonseca, Political Operations Director for Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), told LifeSiteNews that ‘there are no protections whatsoever in Bill C-6 for parents or pastors who, for example, discourage a gender-confused child from identifying as transgender and try to help them be at peace with the body in which they were born.’”

God’s righteous wrath on modern Sodomite countries, such as Canada, will be poured out soon.

“Omicron Variant Symptoms ‘Unusual but Mild’”

Fox News reported on November 27:

“‘So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough.’ [Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a board member of the South African Medical Association] who first alerted authorities to the presence of the COVID-19 omicron variant reported that it presents ‘unusual but mild’ symptoms. ‘It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well,’ Coetzee explained… ‘ They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.’…

“Tulio de Oliveira, the director of South Africa’s Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation…  criticized several countries – including the U.S., U.K., South Korea and various countries in Europe – for enacting travel restrictions on South Africa and several other African nations…”

Israel jumped on the hysteria bandwagon and banned all foreigners from entering Israel, after one case (!) had been confirmed in the country. Israel’s history of lockdowns is more than troubling.

Biden’s and Fauci’s Worse than Useless Travel Bans

The New York Post wrote on November 27:

“Critics took aim Saturday at White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Biden for their ‘worse than useless’ response to the… Omicron variant of COVID-19…  The Fauci-approved weekend-long delay in launching the ban on travel from Omicron-infected African countries angered City Councilman Joe Borelli (R-SI). ‘Why do people still take this man seriously?’ Borelli, the chamber’s new minority leader, asked. ‘Either this is a life or death emergency, or it doesn’t need to happen. It seems like this is a lockdown for the sake of lockdowns.’…

“Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) condemned the Biden administration’s too-little, too-late travel measure as ‘worse than useless.’ ‘Joe Biden and Tony Fauci push crushing restrictions on Americans—like masking two-year-olds—that are pointless,’ Cotton tweeted Saturday.”

Fauci is still being referred to in the mass media as “The United States’ top infectious disease expert” (Reuters, November 28). It is high time that this false description be altered. He said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the Republicans like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY) criticizing him were “lying” while he is “saving lives.” But Fauci’s continued misrepresentations, combined with numerous incompetent “opinions,” have been well documented.

Fauci’s Departure long Overdue

Newsmax wrote on November 28:

“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Sunday called Dr. Anthony Fauci an ‘unelected technocrat who has distorted science and facts in order to exercise authoritarian control over millions of Americans’ after Fauci blasted Cruz for suggesting he be investigated for statements he made about COVID-19….

“Some Republicans, including Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., have accused Fauci of lying to Congress when he denied in May that the National Institutes of Health funded ‘gain of function’ research — the practice of enhancing a virus in a lab to study its potential effect in the real world — at a virology lab in Wuhan, China. Cruz has urged Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Fauci’s statements…”

The New York Post added on November 29:

“[Fauci also said:] ‘So it’s easy to criticize… But they’re really criticizing science, because I represent science. That’s dangerous.’…  ‘The absolute hubris of someone claiming THEY represent science,” [Rand] Paul tweeted. ‘It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity.’

“The Biden administration has repeatedly stood by Fauci amid the criticism from Republicans…”

Breitbart wrote on November 30:

“Appearing Monday on the Fox News Channel’s ‘Hannity,’ Sen. Ted Cruz… referred to White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci as the ‘most dangerous bureaucrat’ in U.S. history… ‘Throughout this pandemic, he’s been dishonest, political, partisan, and the American people know it…”

The “Nu Variant” Hysteria in the UK

The Dossier wrote on November 26:

“The ‘Nu variant’ scare [which is officially named the “omicron” variant, after the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet, thereby skipping the thirteenth and fourteenth letter, “Nu” and “Xi”] is coming from the same people and institutions that spawned the last COVID scare, and the one before that, and the one before that one, dating back all the way to the onset of COVID Mania.

“The corporate press and world governments have produced an incredible amount of noise about a claimed new COVID variant, the ‘Nu’ variant, which has been detected in South Africa and Botswana… there is no statistical cause for alarm over this new strain, which is one of over 100,000 mutations of the coronavirus…. a panicked narrative has already been seeded in the public. The U.K. in particular has driven the fear to new levels. The country has already added several African nations to its travel ban list, citing the new strain… it is not a coincidence that the U.K. is again the first mover on the ‘Nu strain’ front.

“The new variant hysteria originated at Imperial College UK, the home of a disgraced, corrupted academic modeling institution that proselytized lockdowns to the Western world. Throughout COVID Mania, Imperial has been the source of countless versions of ‘new strain’ propaganda. The institution does not only participate in shoddy modeling. It both foments the insanity and demands a series of totalitarian measures to deal with their faulty narrative creations…

“The current new strain panic comes at a time in Europe when COVID-19 cases are surging in the continent, despite the universal embrace of mRNA injections that were promised to resolve the COVID-19 problem. This ‘new strain’ has reportedly been found in Europe, driving the media’s narrative even further into the totalitarian abyss. With claims disseminated to the masses by Big Tech and world governments, the Gates Inc and China-influenced World Health Organization is sowing maximum panic and terror

“Imperial College UK is the home of the infamous ‘doomsday models’ for COVID-19, which promised that millions of people would imminently be wiped off the earth if the Western world did not lock down in March of 2020 for COVID-19… Before Nu, the latest scariant, best known as the ‘Delta variant,’ had a similar viral marketing campaign behind its emergence.

“Notably, Imperial’s virology and epidemiology departments have received incredible amounts of funding from the Gates Foundation…  According to a review of their public records, Gates Inc has delivered close to $300 million dollars to the Imperial College London.”

It has been suggested that the WHO skipped “Xi” for naming the variant, as it is the name of the Chinese President, Xi Jinping. And that “Nu” sounds like “nothing.”

The Afrophobia of Omicron Travel Bans

The Washington Post wrote on November 29:

“The president of Malawi has described travel bans imposed by several nations… in response to a new strain of the coronavirus as ‘Afrophobia,’ joining other African leaders in condemning the restrictions… The bans have… angered political leaders in Africa who view them as hasty and unjustified – scapegoating countries that have been quick to come forward with information on a potentially dangerous new variant. South Africa’s health minister on Friday described the measures as ‘misdirected’ and ‘draconian.’…

“South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa said he was ‘deeply disappointed’ by the travel bans and called for them to be lifted immediately. ‘The prohibition of travel is not informed by science. Nor will it be effective in preventing the spread of this variant,’ he said in a televised broadcast. ‘The only thing the prohibition on travel will do is to further damage the economies of the affected countries and undermine their ability to respond to and also to recover from the pandemic.’”

No doubt about that.

Why Biden Is Deeply Unpopular

Fox News published on November 27 an article which was adapted from Tucker Carlson’s opening commentary on the November 26, 2021 edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”:

“Joe Biden is deeply unpopular. The question is: why?… What we are witnessing under the Biden administration is something Americans will absolutely not forgive: the decline in our standard of living. Biden hasn’t just embarrassed the United States internationally, though he has certainly done that. Americans can overlook that… and hope for something better next time.

“A lot of things are happening and one of them is inflation. Inflation [is] a result of government policy. The Federal Reserve has devalued the U.S. dollar by printing too many U.S. dollars. Why are they printing them? To pay for more government spending. Spending that under the Biden administration is now literally out of control. There was a $10.1 trillion amount of spending obligations in fiscal year 2020… In 2019… the total was $6.6 trillion, still a lot, but very different than $10.1 trillion.

More spending is on the way because we can spend any amount of money, we hold the world’s reserve currency. Biden’s so-called Build Back Better bill is estimated to cost over $5 trillion. The people who are printing this money, U.S. Congress, The Federal Reserve specifically, know they are making the problem worse. They don’t care…

“In the Biden administration, a host of bureaucratic agencies are suddenly in charge of your body… The White House believes that OSHA, for example, can tell you what to inject into your body. Get the injection or you’re fired. Just a few months ago the White House was saying the opposite of this. Vaccine mandates are illegal.

“JOE BIDEN: ‘I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory, but I would do everything in my power. Just like I don’t think masks should be made mandatory nationwide.’

“JEN PSAKI: ‘Can we mandate vaccines across the country? No, that’s not a role that the federal government I think even has the power to make.’

“NANCY PELOSI: ‘We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do [sic]. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t.’

“ANTHONY FAUCI: ‘No. Definitely not. You don’t want to mandate and try and force anyone to take the vaccine, we’ve never done that. We don’t want to be mandating from the federal government to the general population. It would be unenforceable and not appropriate.’

“These people are reckless, crazy, and dishonest, and the people put up with it. After all that, of course they mandated the injection. They knew that was illegal and… they did it anyway. Then the airlines started canceling flights and health care workers disappeared because politicians know more about coronavirus than nurses?… Then we ran out of truck drivers to pick up goods from our ports. First responders were then fired. You couldn’t get an ambulance…

“Most people are very tired of it… The question is, how are we going to survive three more years of this? It’s a very good question.”

It has been reported that Biden is thinking of running again in 2024. And if he does not run, then the politician who is most popular among the Democrats would be Kamala Harris, followed by Michelle Obama. Words fail…

The Dictatorship of Greece

The Associated Press wrote on November 30:

“Residents in Greece over 60 years old will have to undergo mandatory vaccinations against coronavirus or face monthly 100-euro ($114) fines beginning next year, the prime minister announced Tuesday, declaring the country’s first general inoculation mandate… It will take effect on Jan. 16 and the fines will be added to tax bills… Roughly a quarter of the country’s adult population remains unvaccinated. Vaccination mandates were introduced over the summer for health care workers and fire service rescuers in Greece, with those failing to comply being suspended from their jobs indefinitely without pay…

“The opposition left-wing Syriza party accused the center-right government of… ‘targeting people over 60 … with punitive and financially debilitating measures that haven’t been implemented anywhere else in the world.’”

This is discriminatory STUPID dictatorship in the extreme.

Francis to Visit Greece

AFP wrote on November 30:

“Twenty years after the last papal visit to Athens sparked protests by monks, Pope Francis heads to the Greek capital on Saturday seeking to improve historically difficult relations between the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches. Francis visited the island of Lesbos in 2016 but his trip to Athens, which will include a mass and meetings with Greece’s top cleric, Archbishop Ieronymos, is the first to the Greek capital by a pope since John Paul II came in May 2001.

“The Orthodox Church has been separated from the Catholic Church since the schism of 1054 between Rome and Constantinople, today’s Istanbul which was then the capital of the Byzantine Empire.

“Hardliners in Greece still blame the pope for the split, and for the Fourth Crusade that sacked Constantinople in 1204… Francis has already visited several majority Orthodox countries including Georgia, Armenia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia.”

This is a curious coincidence that at the time when Greece enacts terrible dictatorial measures, Pope Francis would visit the state to improve relationships with the Greek Orthodox Churches.  

The Dictatorship of Germany

The Associated Press and Breitbart wrote on November 30:

Germany’s highest court on Tuesday rejected complaints against curfews and other restrictions imposed by federal legislation earlier this year in areas where the coronavirus was spreading quickly…

“The court found that the most controversial measures contained in the federal ‘emergency brake’ legislation that was in place from April until the end of June were in line with the constitution. Those included a 10 p.m.-5 a.m. curfew and school closures in areas with high coronavirus infection rates.”

How this could be constitutional is hard to decipher, and many legal experts are of a different mindset. But we know—don’t we?—that the Beast will arise in Germany or Austria. In biblical terms, Germany and Austria are one nation, anyhow.

Interesting were some of the comments to this article, published by Breitbart:

“They were looking at the 1933 version Constitution to come to this conclusion… The Germans can’t help themselves. No matter what they always side with the State… Germany has not come far from its Nazi roots… The gas ovens were also legal in Germany… Nothing new here. Next they will round up the new 21st century Jew, the unvaccinated… I fully envisage a day in Germany when Adolph Hitler will be fully rehabilitated, and the courts there will rule that everything he did was constitutional, so okay to do it all again… Germany apparently can’t learn from its own history… Watch out Germany, you have been down this path before… The top German courts have always been good at siding with authoritarian regimes… Remember the 30’s? Of course it was legal for the state to confiscate Jewish property…  It is obvious that the German ‘constitution’ is not created to empower people, rather grant tyrannical power to the ‘government’… German law also found nothing wrong with concentration camps and the extermination of 6 million Jews… It’s 1939 all over again.”

And many many more comments along the same lines… But most Germans are sound asleep, as the comments above recognize.

The New Dangerous German Chameleon— Chancellor-in-Waiting Olaf Scholz

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 30:

“Merkel’s designated successor Olaf Scholz is calling for a general vaccine mandate. Talking to Germany’s Bild television on Tuesday, the chancellor-in-waiting said he would like to see mandatory vaccinations ‘not too far away in the future, so I suggest beginning of February or March.’…

“The question of mandatory vaccination is considered controversial in Germany, partly due to forced medical treatments during the Nazi-era.”

Scholz also indicated that the unvaccinated should be punished with fines as they are to be blamed for the current corona situation. Merkel’s leadership regarding the coronavirus crisis was already bad enough. But with Scholz, unpleasant memories of the Nazi era come to light. It is noteworthy what we read in Wikipedia about Scholz:

“Scholz joined the SPD in 1975 as a student, where he got involved with the Jusos, the youth organization of the SPD. From 1982 to 1988, he was Deputy Federal Juso Chairman, and from 1987 to 1989 also Vice President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. He supported the Freudenberger Kreis, the Marxist wing of the Juso university groups, and the magazine spw and promoted ‘overcoming the capitalist economy’ in articles. In it, Scholz criticized the ‘aggressive-imperialist NATO’, the Federal Republic as the ‘European stronghold of big business’…”

We had written this in our Update #991, quoting an article from Deutsche Welle of September 27:

““Scholz underwent a remarkable political transformation. As deputy chairman of the SPD youth organization Jusos, he was still a radical socialist in the 1980s…”

Allegedly, he “transformed” and left his dictatorial and autocratic Juso/Socialist/Marxist past behind. Did he really? In any event, the mass tabloid Bild Online accused Scholz and others of breaking their word.

Germans Brainwashed?

Breitbart wrote on December 1:

“People who are fully vaccinated will also be considered unvaccinated again if they do not take a booster dose within six months, Scholz added.

“A recent poll conducted by YouGov revealed that nearly seven out of ten adults in Germany support mandatory vaccinations, with less than a quarter saying they were against the coercive measure.”

Comments to this article were telling:

“Why do German politicians hate the people of Germany so much???… They show no fear of the LORD which is about all there is to save them at this point… But they fear the monster which they have helped to create… The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom. They have neither.”

Breitbart wrote on December 2:

“Angela Merkel has announced a de facto lockdown of the unvaccinated, and that Germany’s parliament will soon vote on making vaccination mandatory….  the country will be barring the unvaccinated from events, leisure facilities, and all non-essential retail.”

Austria’s Chancellor Announces His Resignation

Deutsche Welle reported on December 2:

 “Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced he is stepping back from politics following the birth of his son… Kurz’s withdrawal from national political life comes as a surprise to Austria… Later on Thursday, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, a Kurz loyalist who took over when Kurz resigned from the chancellorship, announced he would not run for party leadership and announced his intention to resign as head of government… ‘I am… making my post as chancellor available as soon as the relevant course has been set within the party,’ he added.”

Europeans Brainwashed?

The Guardian wrote on December 1:

“The EU must now consider mandatory vaccination in response to the spread of the ‘highly contagious’ Omicron Covid variant  across Europe, the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, has said… Von der Leyen said the EU’s 27 member states should rapidly deploy booster doses and a commission communique backed countries opting to temporarily enforce pre-travel PCR tests even within the bloc’s borders….

“There is growing momentum behind mandatory vaccination among the EU member states… On Wednesday, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, an EU health agency, said the potential benefits of vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 should also now be considered…”

And on and on it goes…

Quarantine Camps in Brainwashed Australia for the Unvaccinated

Armstrong Economics wrote on November 24:

“Rumors are swirling on the internet that the Australian Army is herding the unvaccinated population into ‘quarantine camps.’ The army is not currently hunting down the vaccinated, yet, but there is a suspicious amount of funds going toward these quarantine facilities. The Guardian has reported that $130 million was recently invested by the Northern Territory into the Howard Springs quarantine camp. Howard Springs was designed as a fly-in-fly-out workers’ camp, but the mainstream media is reporting that the camps will become redundant as home quarantine pilot programs have begun. If that were true, why is the government continuing to invest in Howard Springs?

“The Northern Territory hosts two main quarantine camps—Howard Springs and Alice Springs… People constantly compare conditions to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, but this is one example that is becoming dangerously close in nature. They have not begun killing off the unvaccinated population, but they have taken away their freedoms. ‘Residents’ at these hotels may not leave their rooms unless supervised by an authorized officer. That is much more akin to a prison than a hotel. Officers will ‘remind’ those held hostage by their government when they are disobeying the rules. Since COVID can spread on surfaces, people are not allowed to interact with those outside their immediate family. But it gets worse. The website states that family rooms are not always available…

“The poor children who are subjected to this traumatizing experience! Toys are not allowed. Visitors are not allowed. There is a chance children will be separated from their parents, guarded only by the state. Similar to a prison environment, cooking appliances are not available in these quarantine camps. Officers in hazmats suits feed their hostages three times per day by leaving the meals outside the room on the ground as another reminder of lost freedoms. Bottled water and toiletries are not available. The camps boast having limited wifi service, but it is safe to bet that online activities will be monitored. How could we allow such cruel human rights abuses to occur in plain sight? Sending millions of dollars to these camps indicates that they have no real plans to end this abuse…”

This is satanic! Satan’s world is being pushed into universal dictatorship and the establishment of concentration camps for the “undesired” population.

Famous Televangelist Reportedly Dies of Covid Complications

Newsweek reported on November 30:

“Marcus Lamb, a televangelist and founder of Daystar Television Network, has… died… after allegedly taking ivermectin to prevent infection….  Marcus’ wife, Joni Lamb, confirmed her husband died from COVID-19, saying that he had been hospitalized after his oxygen dropped and alternative treatments proved ineffective. Lamb [64], according to Joni Lamb, was diabetic…

“Marcus founded Word of God Fellowship in the early 1980s and created Daystar Television Network in the late 1990s. It’s since become the second-largest Christian network in the world, reaching more than 2 billion people worldwide.

“Throughout the pandemic, Daystar has hosted prominent anti-vaccine voices, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who was barred from Instagram for spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine. On the network’s website, Daystar called vaccines the ‘most dangerous thing’ children face, and Daystar filed a petition to block President Joe Biden’s vaccine rule from going into place. In a court filing Daystar filed alongside the American Family Association, the two nonprofits called implementing a vaccine mandate a ‘sin against God’s Holy Word.’

“Daystar argued in the court filing that they have a ‘religious objection’ to forcing employees to ‘test their conscience’ about getting vaccinated. If the company was required to implement the policy, they claimed they would ‘wound the consciences’ of employees and ‘potentially cause them to sin.’

“People claiming a religious exemption to vaccine mandates often cite the fact that vaccines were developed and tested on fetal cell lines, which are based on aborted fetal cells but grown in labs. Fetal cell lines have also been used in the development of multiple common medications, including Tylenol, Benadryl and Claritin.

“Tributes began pouring out after news broke of Marcus’ death and Graham posted on Facebook that he was ‘shocked’ to learn Marcus died from complications of COVID-19…

“Ahead of his death, Marcus’ son, Jonathan, said there was ‘no doubt’ in his mind that his father’s COVID-19 battle was a ‘spiritual attack from the enemy…’”

Instagram’s barring Kennedy for “spreading misinformation” was more like barring him for spreading information which Instagram does not like to be heard. There is no doubt that the death of Marcus Lamb will be used to push vaccinations and malign the unvaccinated…

Abuse in Convents

Reuters reported on November 29:

“When young nuns at a convent in Eastern Europe told their Mother Superior that a priest had tried to molest them, she retorted that it was probably their fault for ‘provoking him’. When African nuns in Minnesota asked why it was always they who had to shovel snow they were told it was because they were young and strong, even though white sisters of the same age lived there too. As the Roman Catholic Church pays more attention to the closed world of convents, where women spend much of their time in prayer and household work, more episodes of psychological, emotional and physical abuse are coming to light

“Marcela, a South American woman who joined an order of cloistered nuns in Italy 20 years ago when she was 19, recounts how the indoctrination was so strict that younger sisters needed permission to go to the bathroom and ask for sanitary products during their menstrual periods… Therese, a French woman, was told ‘you have to suffer for Jesus’ when she asked to be spared physically demanding chores because of a back condition…

“In 2018, the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano exposed the plight of foreign nuns sent by their orders to work as housekeepers for cardinals and bishops in Rome with little or no remuneration… Last year, Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz… [said] he was shocked to discover that… former nuns had to resort to prostitution to live.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

We HAVE Seen It Before!

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 18:

“Across Europe, from Germany to Italy, governments are placing millions under house arrest for the ‘crime’ of not being ‘fully’ vaccinated. While there is no public health justification for the move – we know from experts such as the CDC Director that the vaxxed continue to spread the virus – there is a distinct punitive intent. Those who do not follow the orders – as irrational as the orders [are] – are to be denied basic human rights. Haven’t we seen this movie before?”

Absolutely—in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia, East Germany’s communist regime, and in other dictatorships. But most are blind and brainwashed. Warning voices are being ignored. History is repeating itself. Terrible times are ahead of us.

Austria’s Tyranny

The Associated Press reported on November 19:

“Austria announced a new national lockdown and a plan to mandate vaccinations as coronavirus infections hit a record high Friday, forcing the government to walk back promises that such blanket shutdowns were a thing of the past. Imposing a mandate would give Austria one of the world’s most stringent vaccine requirements. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said those who didn’t comply would likely be fined but gave no other details… Starting Feb. 1, the country will also make vaccinations mandatory — though the chancellor gave few details about what that meant or how it would work…

“When the lockdown takes effect early next Monday, restaurants, Christmas markets and most stores will close, and cultural events will be canceled. People will be able to leave their homes only for certain reasons, including buying groceries, going to the doctor or exercising. Wolfgang Mueckstein, the country’s health minister, said that kindergartens and schools would remain open for those who needed them, but all parents were asked to keep their children at home if possible…

“Government officials had long promised that vaccinated people would no longer face lockdown restrictions: Over the summer, then-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz declared the pandemic ‘over’ for those who had received the vaccine…”

God never justifies broken promises. This is ungodly behavior. The Austrian government was in no way “forced” to break their word. To break one’s word is to lie. But it is good politics to lie. That is why a true Christian could not be a politician. Liars will not be in God’s Kingdom. Thank God for that.

The Daily Mail wrote on November 19:

“One of Austria’s main opposition parties has warned the country ‘is now a dictatorship‘ after the government vowed to make Covid vaccines mandatory for everyone from February next year to tackle a wave of Covid cases. Herbert Kickl, leader of the right-wing populist FPO party, slammed Friday’s announcement – which also plunged the country into full lockdown – branding it ‘unconstitutional’ and calling on the country’s top court to intervene… ‘we have reached a level with compulsory vaccination that nobody actually thought was possible…’ Even if the decision to lift the lockdown is taken, the ministers said unvaccinated people will be required to stay in lockdown longer….

“[Chancellor] Schallenberg [accused] the un-jabbed of launching an ‘attack on the health system.’ The move is likely to prove hugely controversial, coming after Austria locked down only unvaccinated people in a move dubbed ‘health apartheid’…”

The FPO’s stance on lockdowns and mandatory vaccination is being condemned as attacks on the health system and the vaccinated, and the FPO is indirectly labeled as an “enemy of the state.” And most Austrians are swallowing it.

Freedom for Austria

The Austrian newspaper Wochenblick wrote on November 23:

“Croatian President Zoran Milanovic is concerned about Austria. The fact that the Corona dictatorship now provides for the compulsory vaccination of Austrians from February reminds him of the 30s. Internationally, Austria is increasingly becoming a negative example. ‘The Nazis are coming back,’ headlines a Greek newspaper. A comparison that would even be illegal in Austria in accordance with the Prohibition Act (NS trivialization, §3h). Croatia’s President describes Austria’s path as ‘fascist’. That’s why he is summoning Vienna’s ambassador.

“According to media reports, Milanovic calls the Corona dictatorship in Austria a ‘catastrophe’. He wants to ‘express our deep concerns about the fundamental freedoms in Austria’ to the ambassador, as the corona restrictions envisaged by Austria’s policy are not scientifically justified and are only aimed at terrorizing people, according to Milanovic.

“‘For a long time, the politicians in the Balkans were lectured by Western Europeans. For example on the subject of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Now Croatia’s president is also speaking out about the human rights violations in this country. He explains: ‘If the Dutch and anyone else comment on Bosnia-Herzegovina every week, then I can also talk about Rotterdam.’ In Rotterdam, the people protested resolutely against the country’s lockdown dictatorship. What happened in Austria reminded him of fascism. People in Croatia are smarter than the Austrians and will therefore not impose a lockdown. ‘In Austria today, people who have not been vaccinated are forbidden from leaving the house. What is it, science or methods that are reminiscent of the 30s?’ explains Milanovic.

“‘The Nazis are coming again,” headlines an Athens newspaper, “Dimokratia.” Many people are inclined to compare the increasingly dictatorial Corona regime with National Socialism. It is unclear whether Croatia’s president is targeting the Christian-social Austrofascism of the 1930s or National Socialism. The former would be legally permissible and in fact, Austria had this experience of dictatorial leadership beyond the later National Socialist rule …

“If Austrians were to take up the comparison in the Greek newspaper, ‘The Nazis are coming again’, they would at least come close to NS-trivialization. A jury would ultimately decide whether they would even have to serve a prison term for it. Dr. Jaroslav Belsky had to experience a conviction according to §3h of the National Socialist Prohibition Act … He compared the Australian Corona camps with the historical concentration camps. But that doesn’t matter to the Athens newspaper ‘Dimokratia’. It even placed the Nazi comparison on the front page …

“People across Europe fear that our fate will happen to them too. The solidarity is great. Solidarity rallies have already taken place in London, Paris and Germany under the motto ‘Freedom for Austria’.”

It has also been reported that those who refuse to be vaccinated will be punished with heavy fines.

Germany’s Tyranny

Reuters wrote on November 19:

“Asked if Germany could rule out an Austrian-style full lockdown, [German Health Minister Jens] Spahn said: ‘We are now in a situation… where we can’t rule anything out… ‘A total lockdown for Germany would be extremely bad news for the economic recovery,’ said Ludovic Colin, a senior portfolio manager at Swiss asset manager Vontobel…

“Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday Germany will limit large parts of public life in areas where hospitals are becoming dangerously full of COVID-19 patients to those who have either been vaccinated or have recovered from the illness.”

Merkel’s recent comments that she justified and defended her prior unconstitutional lockdown with its restrictions in Germany were already great cause for concern. And nothing good can be expected from chameleon and double-tongued Jens Spahn. But most Germans are as blind as their Austrian neighbors. With the new government taking control, Spahn will exit the political arena soon, but perhaps not for good. Some are already predicting Spahn’s resurgence or comeback in the future (Handelsblatt, November 18).

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 19:

“The plans include mandatory daily testing for employees and visitors of care homes, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not. They also include ‘3G’ rules (vaccinated, recovered, or tested) requiring people to show proof of full vaccination or recovery or a valid negative COVID test result for workplaces and on public transport… Germany’s 16 states will be also able to retain and introduce protective measures. This includes restricting or prohibiting recreational, cultural, and sporting events, banning entry to healthcare facilities and the sale and public consumption of alcohol, and closing universities

“German Green Party lawmaker and doctor Paula Piechotta said… ‘If we can’t achieve sufficient vaccination rates on a non-mandatory basis… ‘we have to talk about vaccine mandates…’”

The Green party, which will be part of the next contemplated government, has shown authoritarian tendencies in the past, especially with their ridiculous “green” policies. The article continues:

Bavaria… imposed a lockdown on all districts that have a seven-day COVID incidence rate of over 1,000 per 100,000 people. Premier Markus Söder said there will be a ‘de facto lockdown’ for unvaccinated people by implementing the ‘2G’ rule across the state. The unvaccinated will lose access to even places like hairdressers, universities or adult education centers. There will also be contact restrictions, with the unvaccinated allowed to meet with a maximum of five people from two households. Even in areas with incidence rates lower than 1,000, there will be restrictions.

“For sports and cultural events, the number of spectators will be limited to 25% of the venue’s total capacity and the ‘2G+’ rule will apply — meaning even the vaccinated and recovered people will be required to produce an additional negative COVID test result. In retail stores, there will be a limit on the number of customers allowed inside: one customer per 10 square meters. All retail outlets and restaurants will also have to be closed by 10 p.m.”

The “free state” of Bavaria, as it calls itself, has always been known for being a place prone to dictatorship, having been “ruled” by dictators such as Franz Josef Strauss and others. Söder is most certainly no exception. So no surprise that Bavaria would jump ahead with authoritarian measures. And all under the disguise of concern for public health.

The Sun added on November 21:

“Germany is set to become the latest European nation to make vaccines compulsory… Ministers and experts said a move to make jabs mandatory was ‘unavoidable’… The country’s tourism czar Thomas Bareiß… [said to the] DPA news agency: ‘It is politically no longer justifiable that entire industries, retailers, restaurants, clubs, bars and the entire cinema, cultural and event scene live in a state of crisis prescribed by the state for 20 months and are faced with great existential fears, while others… take the freedom not to vaccinate.’”

So it’s the fault of the unvaccinated, as the Jews were blamed for everything which was wrong in Germany’s Third Reich. History is just repeating itself… Note the next article.

The Local reported on November 21:

“Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich have docked the wages of unvaccinated players like star midfielder Joshua Kimmich who, along with four unimmunised teammates, is in quarantine over contact with Covid-infected individuals… The latest quarantine order risks inflaming an already heated debate over whether sports personalities should be required to take the jab… Kimmich, 26, had drawn sharp criticism since revealing he opted not to be vaccinated due to ‘personal concerns’… Under new rules taking effect from November 1st, employees who miss work because of a quarantine are no longer entitled to receive compensation if they are unvaccinated

“German leaders this week decided new curbs to spur those holding out against the jab to change their minds. Those not immunised will have to provide negative tests to use public transport or go to the office. They will also be shut out of restaurants, sporting events and cultural shows in regions where the hospitalisation rate stands at above three patients per 100,000 over the past seven days.”

The fact that it has not been established that these vaccinations are even safe does not seem to bother governmental officials and company bosses.

Vaccine Mandate and Test Requirements

The Associated Press reported on November 24:”

“Germans faced a confusing array of pandemic rules, lax enforcement and a national election — followed by a drawn-out government transition during which senior politicians dangled the prospect of further lifting restrictions… Resistance to getting the shot… remains strong among a sizeable minority of the country. Vaccination rates have stalled at 68% of the population, far short of the 75% or higher that the government had aimed for… Older people who got vaccinated early in 2021 are also seeing their immunity wear off, making them vulnerable to serious illness again…

“Some German politicians are suggesting it’s time to consider a vaccine mandate, either for specific professions or for the population as a whole…  Merkel’s likely successor, current Finance Minister Olaf Scholz of the center-left Social Democrats, has refused to be drawn on whether he would back compulsory COVID-19 shots…  Together with the environmentalist Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats, his party recently passed a law that replaces the existing legal foundations for pandemic restrictions with narrower measures, starting Wednesday. These include a requirement for workers to provide their employers with proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test….”

These “narrower measures” have already proved to be a nightmare for unvaccinated workers. Employers become increasingly hostile towards their unvaccinated employees. The test requirements have proven more than just an annoyance.  Beginning Wednesday, employees, depending on where they live, have to be tested DAILY, as the tests are only valid for 24 hours.  

Other European countries, such as Italy, of course, are following Austria’s bad dictatorial example. Reuters reported on November 24:

 “Italy is expected to restrict access to some indoor venues for people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19… The government will approve a decree allowing only those who are vaccinated or have recently recovered from the virus to enter venues such as cinemas, restaurants and hotels as of Dec. 6… The country is also likely to extend mandatory vaccination, already in force for healthcare workers, to teachers and police as of Dec. 15…”

Italy, Germany, Austria… the dictatorships of the past under Hitler and Mussolini are coming together again. But not only there. It’s a worldwide phenomenon, driven by paranoia, brain-washed masses, and the mass media (which Trump, in speaking about the mass media in the USA, just called fake news, corrupt news and the enemy of the people; see Newsmax, November 23).

Now Merkel’s Husband Speaks Out???

The Guardian wrote on November 23:

“Angela Merkel’s husband has accused unvaccinated Germans of ‘laziness’, amid calls for the introduction of mandatory coronavirus jabs to combat a dramatic rise in infections. ‘It is astonishing that a third of the population does not follow scientific findings,’ Merkel’s husband, Joachim Sauer, said in an interview with Italian newspaper la Repubblica and picked up by German daily Die Welt. ‘In part, this is due to a certain laziness and complacency of Germans,’ said Sauer, who seldom speaks in public. ‘The other group are people who follow a personal conviction, a kind of ideological reaction to what they consider a vaccination dictatorship,’ Sauer said…

“The outgoing chancellor, who is acting in a caretaker capacity and will probably be replaced by the finance minister Olaf Scholz next month, has repeatedly urged Germans to get vaccinated….”

Normally, Angela Merkel’s husband has been very quiet and has been living “in seclusion” all these years. For him to speak in public is very rare. In this case, it would have been better if he had stayed quiet as well, instead of making totally unfounded accusations. The persecution of the German federal and state governments against the unvaccinated and the dictatorial and unconstitutional measures and restrictions especially for the unvaccinated are bad enough.

How More Stupid Could It Get?

Bild Online wrote on November 23:

“The Thuringian Justice Committee lifted the immunity of the Thuringian AfD parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke (49) in a meeting on Wednesday … According to reports, the investigation is about a speech that Höcke held in Merseburg (Saxony-Anhalt) and, according to the ‘Spiegel’ report, it ended with the words, ‘Everything for Germany’.

“Saxon-Anhalt Greens chief Sebastian Striegel filed a criminal complaint against Höcke on June 8th – because of the use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations … Striegel referred to an opinion of the Scientific Service of the Bundestag, in which the use of the phrase ‘Everything for Germany’ in the context of a public speech was punishable because it was a slogan of the Nazi organization SA …”

This is silly beyond imagination.

Violent Demonstrations in the Netherlands

The Guardian wrote on November 20:

“In what the Dutch city’s mayor described as an ‘orgy of violence’, crowds of several hundred rioters torched cars, set off fireworks and threw rocks at police during the protests on Friday evening. Police responded with… shots and water cannon. Police said on Twitter on Saturday that 51 people had been arrested, about half of whom were under 18… rioters rampaged through the shopping district, starting fires and throwing stones and fireworks at officers… It was one of the worst outbreaks of violence in the Netherlands since coronavirus restrictions were first imposed last year. In January, rioters attacked police and started fires on the streets of Rotterdam after a curfew came into force.

“The Dutch justice minister, Ferd Grapperhaus, condemned the events. “The riots and extreme violence against police officers, riot police and firefighters last night in Rotterdam are disgusting to see,’ he said in a statement. ‘Protesting is a great right in our society, but what we saw last night is simply criminal behaviour. It has nothing to do with demonstrating.’…

“The government has said it wants to introduce a law that would allow businesses to restrict the country’s coronavirus pass system to people who are fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19, which would exclude people who test negative…”

The group that had organized and then canceled the Amsterdam rally on Saturday said on Facebook it acted because “last night, all hell broke loose in Rotterdam.” Two people were shot and killed during the demonstration. Far too often, demonstrations turn violent. Radical elements use otherwise peaceful demonstrations for their own purposes. Our advice: Stay away from demonstrations.

Demonstrations in many Countries

The Associated Press reported on November 20:

Tens of thousands of protesters… marched through Vienna on Saturday after the Austrian government announced a nationwide lockdown… Demonstrations against virus restrictions also took place in Switzerland, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland and the Netherlands on Saturday… Protesters rallied against coronavirus restrictions and mandatory COVID-19 passes needed in many European countries to enter restaurants, Christmas markets or sports events, as well as mandatory vaccinations…

“[In Austria,] 35,000 protesters participated in different marches across the city, police said, adding that most didn’t wear masks. Police said several protesters were detained, but didn’t give specific numbers… A day after the Rotterdam rioting, thousands gathered on Amsterdam’s central Dam Square, despite organizers calling off the protest. They walked peacefully through the city’s streets… In Italy, 3,000 turned out in the capital’s Circus Maximus, a field where in ancient times Romans staged popular entertainment, to protest against ‘Green Pass’ certificates required at workplaces, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, sports venues and gyms, as well as for long-distance train, bus or ferry travel within Italy…

“In Northern Ireland, several hundred people opposed to vaccine passports protested outside the city hall in Belfast… Some protesters carried signs that have been widely criticized as offensive, comparing coronavirus restrictions to the actions of Nazi Germany. In Croatia, thousands gathered at in the capital Zagreb, carrying Croatian flags, nationalist and religious symbols, along with banners against vaccination and what they describe as restrictions of people’s freedoms.

“In France, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin condemned violent protests in the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, one of France’s overseas territories… Authorities were sending 200 more police officers to the island and on Tuesday will impose a nightly curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. Protesters in Guadeloupe have staged road blockades and set cars on fire. They denounce France’s COVID-19 health pass that is required to access restaurants and cafes, cultural venues, sport arenas and long-distance travel. They are also protesting France’s mandatory vaccinations for health care workers.”

AFP wrote on November 20:

“In Sydney, some 10,000 marched and there were protests in other major Australian cities against vaccine mandates applied to certain occupations by state authorities. ‘In Australia where a fanatical cult runs our health bureaucracies, they say it’s ok (to vaccinate children),’ right-wing politician Craig Kelly told the Sydney crowd to large cheers.”

The Associated Press wrote on November 21:

“Tens of thousands of people marched through central Brussels on Sunday to protest reinforced COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the Belgian government… Many among the police estimate of 35,000 at the rally were also against the government’s strong advice to get vaccinated and any possible moves to impose mandatory shots.”

The demonstrations won’t change the agenda of governments in any way, but the worldwide unrest grows.

Incredible Dictatorship in Australia

Breitbart wrote on November 24:

“Quarantine camps for the unvaccinated. What for months has been dismissed as an idle conspiracy theory is now coming horribly true in Australia’s Northern Territory under the region’s tinpot dictator Michael Gunner. Gunner, the Northern Territory Chief Minister, has proudly boasted that 38 ‘close contacts’ of positive Covid cases have been transferred to quarantine camps in army trucks.

“Australia’s Northern Territory already had some of the strictest lockdown laws in the English-speaking world. The five allowable reasons for leaving your home are: buying food; exercising for up to two hours; caregiving; work; education.

“This latest move by Gunner, of Australia’s left-wing Labor party, represents a rapid escalation of bio-security totalitarianism. The people being targeted are indigenous Australians (otherwise known as Aborigines), an ethnic group which has been especially reluctant to take the Covid vaccine…

“To add insult to injury, quarantine camp prisoners are expected to pay top dollar for their ordeal. [Just to remind our readers, Nazi Germany charged family members for the incarceration and death of their loved ones in concentration camps.]

“Gunner was a hitherto unknown figure outside Australia’s Northern Territory… But his latest media statements have elevated him to global tinpot dictator notoriety status… [In a video, he has] declared war on the anti-vaxxers. According to his definition, this includes even people who have been vaccinated but who oppose his draconian measures. ‘If you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax’, he said.”

Get Rid of TSA

Reason wrote on November 19:

“On this day in 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created… In the ensuing two decades, the TSA has proven itself skilled at harassing travelers and freaking out over pocketknives and water bottles while steadfastly failing at its assigned task of making air transportation any safer. The TSA, in short, is an awful example of government in action…

“The TSA launched with the passage of the Aviation and Transportation and Security Act on November 19, 2001. The new law nationalized passenger screening, which previously had been the responsibility of airlines. It’s not clear why anybody saw a need for the TSA, since it’s unlikely that a federal agency would have been any more successful than private contractors at predicting terrorists’ unprecedented use of aircraft as kamikaze weapons…

‘The TSA blog carries constant reports of weapons confiscated from people who forgot to remove them from carry-on bags. But the Homeland Security Red Teams in the 2015 test actively concealed forbidden items just as real criminals and terrorist would. The result was that ‘TSA agents failed 67 out of 70 tests, with Red Team members repeatedly able to get potential weapons through checkpoints.’ Two years later, a Red Team test at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport achieved the same 95 percent failure rate to detect explosives, weapons, and illegal drugs…

“But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of abject failure represented by the TSA. The agency repeatedly has been called out for spending vast amounts of money on unproven toys and techniques and then failing to assess their effectiveness—or just leaving them to gather dust…

“What the TSA is good at is high-visibility groping, scanning and confiscating. Making people drop their pants, take off their shoes, and surrender their shampoo annoys people in a way that says ‘we’re doing something’ without actually accomplishing anything… ‘Airport security has to change,’ Kip Hawley, one-time head of the TSA wrote in 2012. ‘The relationship between the public and the TSA has become too poisonous to be sustained.’…

“Instead of making headlines with reform, though, the TSA has become better-known for stealing money from travelers. In September, news reports called out the case of TSA working with other agencies to seize $27,600 from a Texas man, apparently because he was traveling to Oregon where marijuana is legal in conflict with federal law; he was never charged with a crime. Last year, the Institute for Justice reported that TSA and its sister agencies at Homeland Security ‘seized over $2 billion in currency at airports’ between 2000 and 2016.

“‘Law enforcement agencies routinely seize currency from travelers at airports nationwide using civil forfeiture—a legal process that allows agencies to take and keep property without ever charging owners with a crime, let alone securing a conviction,’ noted author Jennifer McDonald.

“After 20 years of failure, the Transportation Security Administration continues to waste resources, harass travelers, and actively mug air passengers. It is far more of a threat than the dangers from which it supposedly protects us. At long last, let’s put the agency out of our misery.”

Not to mention the incredible delays and long lines of passengers waiting in airports caused by a far-too-often indifferent TSA personnel .. .and that was even the case BEFORE the coronavirus debacle. Whenever the government puts its greedy and incompetent hands into the pie, disaster follows.

House Approves Biden’s “Build Back Better” Spending Bill

Breitbart wrote on November 19:

“House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) yielded the floor on Friday morning at 5:11 a.m. after speaking for a record eight hours and forty-two minutes against the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar ‘Build Back Better’ social spending bill… McCarthy broke down the bill, attacking it for lavish spending on Democrats’ favored special interest groups while raising taxes on middle-class Americans — and providing an effective tax cut for the wealthy in high-tax, Democrat-run states.

“He noted that the bill… rejected Republican amendments, including one to prohibit funding from going to the Chinese Communist Party… McCarthy added that the country was at a ‘tipping point,’ and that the bill… represented a step toward socialist policies that had already failed in other countries, and government programs that could never be undone… Republicans rose to their feet in a standing ovation as McCarthy finally finished and the House chamber emptied…

“The House passed the $1.7 Build Back Better Act early on Friday morning, sending the bill to the Senate… The bill passed 220-213, with overwhelming Democrat support, and strong Republican opposition to the bill. Only one Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), a swing district Democrat, voted against the bill. The legislation serves as the marquee legislation for President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. Biden pinned his legislative majority on passing dual infrastructure bills, the Build Back Better Act, and the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, otherwise known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Build Back Better Act would massively expand social welfare programs and fund major climate change programs

“The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that the legislation could cost as much as $4.91 trillion over ten years… President Joe Biden and other congressional Democrats have promised that the legislation would cost zero dollars

“The legislation will go to the Senate, where it remains uncertain if moderate Democrats… will support the bill… Democrats cannot afford to lose one vote to pass the bill.”

This presupposes, of course, that RINOs [“Republicans in name only”] will not support the bill, as some did in regard to the equally controversial infrastructure bill.

The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on November 19:

“Overall, this bill remains a piece of junk — written, re-written and re-re-rewritten all year long with no eye on what the nation needs nor even whether it makes any sense, except as an effort to pass some of the left’s longstanding agenda while Democrats are in control. The games they’re playing to make it look not too fiscally irresponsible can’t change that.”

This astronomical ever-climbing irresponsible debt of the USA can never be repaid. The time will come when creditors might take matters into their own hands. The Bible warns us with a reason, in Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant (or slave) to the lender.”

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Despite Court Ruling

Life Site News reported on November 19:

“Days after the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that it will comply with a federal court order not to enforce the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on American businesses, the White House says it still wants businesses to carry out the mandate on their own. ‘Our message to businesses right now is to move forward with measures that will make their workplaces safer and protect their workforces from COVID-19,’ Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday… ‘That was our message after the first stay issued by the Fifth Circuit. That remains our message and nothing has changed.’ ‘We are still heading towards the same timeline’ of a January 4, 2021 deadline for implementation, she continued…

“Psaki’s comments do not carry the force of law, but appear to signal the administration’s intentions to continue informally pushing businesses to force vaccination on their employees regardless of the law.

“Meanwhile, evidence continues to mount undermining the vaccine mandate’s rationale, with a growing body of data indicating that the mass vaccination strategy for defeating COVID-19 has failed…  Noncompliance is further driven by significant unaddressed concerns about the vaccines’ safety, stemming largely from the fact that they were developed and released far faster than any previous vaccine….”

More Nonsense from the Biden Administration

The Associated Press wrote on November 22:

“Joe Biden will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, government and emergency response officials, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22… A senior administration official said the requirement, which the White House previewed in October, brings the rules for essential travelers in line with those that took effect earlier this month for leisure travelers, when the U.S. reopened its borders to fully vaccinated individuals.

“Essential travelers entering by ferry will also be required to be fully vaccinated by the same date, the official said…

“The rules pertain to non-U.S. nationals. American citizens and permanent residents may still enter the U.S. regardless of their vaccination status, but face additional testing hurdles because officials believe they more easily contract and spread COVID-19 and in order to encourage them to get a shot.”

Incredible! Fauci’s Critics Should Be Brought “to Justice”?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 23:

“Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told the Washington Post that critics of Fauci and his organization are spreading misinformation and should be ‘brought to justice.’

“He continues the ‘I am science’ argument of Fauci even as the multitude of flip-flops and failed promises have undermined public confidence.”

This is getting so stupid… but it’s well-organized dangerous stupidity. Note the next two articles.

Don’t Dare to Criticize Fauci!

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 23:

 “Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of ‘killing people.’”

Silencing Kennedy

Life Site News wrote on November 22:

“Robert Kennedy Jr. shed light on the deep-seated corruption occurring within Big Pharma and the federal regulatory bodies, including their worrisome ties to billionaire population control advocate Bill Gates. In an  interview on November 15 with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Robert Kennedy Jr., [son of U.S. senator Robert Kennedy and] nephew of late U.S. President John F. Kennedy, detailed the decades-long corruption occurring within the pharmaceutical industry and the federal regulatory agencies. Included is the collusion between Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Gates pursuant to vaccine development, vaccine safety, mass vaccination programs, and legal immunity. ‘[The corruption] began in 1986 when they passed the Vaccine Act and gave complete shield from liability to all vaccine companies,’ Kennedy told Carlson. ‘So, if you’re a vaccine company and you injure somebody, no matter how grievous the injury, no matter how reckless your conduct, no matter how negligent you were, no matter how toxic the ingredient, nobody can sue you.’…

“Tying together Fauci, Gates, and the federal regulatory agencies, Kennedy outlined that in 2000, Fauci flew to Seattle to meet with Gates. During this meeting, they struck a partnership to ‘vaccinate all of humanity’…  With Gates using his large wealth to accumulate partial ownership in all major pharmaceutical companies, as well as significant influence over so-called philanthropic organizations and regulatory agencies, Kennedy stated that nothing goes through the WHO without ‘first being vetted by the Gates Foundation.’

“In effect, Kennedy says that Gates uses his foundation’s influence over the WHO to require countries to use the vaccines he is heavily invested in or they will no longer receive the money from the WHO that they require to operate…”

Kennedy released a new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” which is hitting the bestseller lists, but major networks (Fox News excluded) have refused to even talk about it. The book received the following review by

“When the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since November 1984 and the leading architect of ‘agency capture’–the corporate seizure of America’s public health agencies by the pharmaceutical industry–happen to be the same man, conflicts of interest arise. Wearing both hats, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, tasked with managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, peddled and back-pedaled his prescriptions as Pharma profits and bureaucratic powers grew and public health waned. Working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans toward a single vaccine solution to COVID, Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations.

“Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. After effectively abolishing the First Amendment right to free speech, Dr. Fauci subverted our Seventh Amendment rights to jury trials by arranging to shield reckless and negligent pharmaceutical corporations from liability for injuries from any COVID countermeasures, including vaccines. His lockdowns targeted First Amendment religious freedom by closing churches–while keeping liquor stores open as ‘essential businesses’–and abolishing century-old religious exemptions to vaccination.

“Dr. Fauci’s enforced quarantine trampled the Constitutional rights of assembly, of association, and to petition the government, and our Fifth Amendment protection against uncompensated taking of private property. His arbitrary mask and lockdown diktats, without public hearings or rulemaking, strangled our Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment due process guarantees. His tracking and tracing initiatives bulldozed Constitutional rights to privacy and travel, and our Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless searches and seizures. Finally, readers will see how Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, asserting biosecurity rationales, worked together to finance and promote the very gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan that may have released the COVID-19 pathogen.”

No wonder the Biden Administration, Big Pharma and the mass media do not want you to read this book, which, according to the publisher, is well researched with thousands of footnotes, presenting evidence for all of Robert Kennedy’s claims. By the way, Robert Kennedy is an American environmental lawyer.

Rittenhouse Not Guilty

The New York Post wrote on November 19:

“Not guilty on all counts: That verdict comes as no surprise to anyone who’d paid close attention to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial but may shock those who relied on horrifically biased media accounts. Nearly all the early media tropes proved false: He didn’t bring the gun across state lines; he had major roots in Kenosha including his day job and much of his family. He wasn’t a militia-wannabe but an aspiring cop/firefighter/EMT.

“Absolutely nothing suggests he was a ‘white supremacist,’ as no less than Joe Biden claimed right before last year’s election. And the men he shot were all attacking him when he pulled the trigger; all were white, and at least two had histories of violence. None of this makes him a ‘patriot’… But the evidence for self-defense was rock-solid.

“But for months, and even as the trial exposed these facts, the haters stuck to their narrative… The rank, politicized distortions of fact here — and in so many other recent incidents — should teach everyone once and for all not to trust instant analysis or agenda-driven reporting...

“May that lesson sink in widely, not least with the man in charge of upholding America’s institutions and leading the nation to unity.”

The mass media engaged in horrible reporting and misrepresentations, as was pointed out in our last Update. (On November 17, the New York Post listed 10 misrepresentations and outright lies by the mass media in this case.) In addition, important evidence about the prior criminal conduct of the persons Rittenhouse shot was suppressed (showing once again, by way of example, why conscientious Christians cannot possibly serve on a jury). But we also agree with voices like the one of Prof. Dershowitz who warned against idolizing Rittenhouse and making him out to be a hero (Newsmax, dated November 19). Further, although much in an article published by USA Today on November 18, prior to the verdict, is undoubtedly objectionable and wrong, one point is correct:

“What did this boy think would happen if he carried an AR-15-type rifle into the chaos that warm summer night?… Some people argue he’s a positive role model for other young people: He saw a problem. He took action. He stood up when the police stood down… We live in a society where guns have become a fetish for some people [who] claim they are protecting the public. It’s an illusion. And it’s dangerous… My father died 20 years ago. But I know exactly what he would say about the events in Kenosha… He would tell his teenage son: Don’t you ever do something so stupid. You stay home and stay out of trouble.”

Rittenhouse’s actions do NOT represent a positive role model for young people to follow. No matter what man’s law may say, Christ tells us not to take up the sword, but to put it away, because everyone who takes the sword will ultimately perish by it (Matthew 26:52). Using a gun on other people is wrong in God’s eyes. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Kyle Rittenhouse—Vigilante and Villain or Patriot and Hero?” and read our free booklet, “Should YOU Fight in War?” Also, please read our free booklet, “The Ten Commandments.” 

Antifa: Take Up Arms!

The Washington Times reported on November 23:

“Some members of Antifa are responding to the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse last week by getting guns themselves. According to social media posts collected by conservative journalist Andy Ngo, the violent leftist group sees as a threat to them Mr. Rittenhouse’s successful claim of self-defense in the shootings of three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.

“‘Antifa accounts in Portland & beyond are terrified over the Rittenhouse acquittal because they’re afraid others will shoot them dead during an attack & have a legal argument for self-defense. They’re urging comrades to get guns immediately so they can kill before being killed,’ Mr. Ngo wrote on Twitter, providing multiple screenshots to support his claim.”

The Christmas Parade Murderer

The New York Post reported on November 24:

“The ex-con charged over the deaths of six people at a Wisconsin Christmas parade shared social media posts calling for violence against white people — and suggesting ‘Hitler was right’ for killing Jews…. [The messages] included numerous posts attacking cops, comparing them to Ku Klux Klan members and calling them ‘violent street gangs’ — as well as calling for violence toward white people, according to screenshots… Police have yet to announce a motive for Sunday’s carnage, but all six who died… were white…

“In his rap songs, Brooks also bragged that he was a ‘terrorist’ and a ‘killer in the city.’”

All Three Men Charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s Death Convicted of Murder

Newsmax reported on November 24:

“A jury Wednesday found Travis McMichael, his father, Gregory McMichael, and their neighbor William Bryan guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery outside of Brunswick, Georgia. Travis McMichael was found guilty on all nine charges, including malice murder after the jury deliberated for about 11 hours over two days. His father and Bryan were found guilty on counts of felony murder. Each of the three men faces a maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole…

“The three men accused of Arbery’s Feb. 23, 2020, killing were initially cleared by the local district attorney. But after video of the deadly encounter was leaked, a public outcry led to the case being transferred to a different district attorney and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation charged the trio in May…

“Arbery, 25… was reportedly jogging in the Glynn County neighborhood where the McMichaels lived. McMichael said he sought out Arbery after his 65-year-old father told him ‘the guy who has been breaking in down the road’ had just run past their home… both McMichaels armed themselves before pursuing Arbery in their pickup truck. McMichael said Arbery initially stopped when he pulled up alongside him, but again took off running when McMichael told him police were en route.

“That began a sequence in which prosecutors say Arbery was chased and prevented from fleeing by two pickup trucks — the one with the McMichaels inside and another driven by the 52-year-old Bryan, who also videotaped the encounter. At some point, a struggle between Travis McMichael and Arbery ensued, and Travis McMichael admits to fatally shooting Arbery. ‘He had my gun,’ McMichael testified on Wednesday. ‘He struck me. It was obvious that he was attacking me, that if he would have gotten the shotgun from me, then this was a life-or-death situation, and I’m going to have to stop him from doing this, so I shot.’…

“Arbery’s family has claimed the incident was racially motivated and there have been allegations of racist language used by the defendants. Prominent Black civil rights activists such as Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton have made appearances in the courtroom, leading to a brief failed attempt by the defense to have the controversial leaders ejected from the proceedings.

“Numerous political leaders have commented on the trial, including President Joe Biden who tweeted on the one-year anniversary of the shooting: ‘A Black man should be able to go for a jog without fearing for his life. Today, we remember Ahmaud Arbery’s life and we dedicate ourselves to making this country safer for people of color.’ The comments appeared to prejudge the guilt of the defendants, continuing a trend of Biden remarking on cases that had not yet been decided by a jury, as he had done with Kenosha shooting defendant Kyle Rittenhouse.

“… The Arbery and Floyd deaths sparked a summer of social justice protests nationwide that were dominated by Black Lives Matter activists and, often, members of the left-wing group antifa. Frequently the events turned destructive or violent, resulting in several cities having businesses looted or burned down, countless assaults, and several deaths.”

California New Abortion Mecca?

Life News wrote on November 16:

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom is working to make his state the abortion center of the United States in anticipation of Roe v. Wade being overturned soon…  Newsom, a pro-abortion Democrat, recently asked a group of ‘reproductive health’ experts to come up with plans to make it easier for women from other states to come to California to abort their unborn babies… Currently, under Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, states are prohibited from protecting unborn babies from abortion before viability, about 22 weeks of pregnancy. If Roe goes, 26 states likely would ban abortions to protect unborn babies…

“Among other things, they want lawmakers to increase taxpayer funding for abortions through the state Medi-Cal program and create a fund to help pay for transportation, child care, hotel stays and other costs to encourage women to come to California to abort their unborn babies… [California] has more abortion facilities than any other state in the U.S. Newsom also recently signed a law that forces colleges and universities to provide abortions on campus.”

How can God bless a state like this? Note the next shocking article.

California’s Teachers Urge Recruiting Young Kids into LGBT Clubs

Daily Wire reported on November 19:

“Abigail Shrier, the author of the best-selling book ‘Irreversible Damage,’ revealed that at a late October meeting at a conference of California’s largest teacher’s union, the California Teachers Association (CTA), documents show teachers were encouraged to recruit students into LGBT clubs, urging them to ‘have the courage to create a safe environment that fosters bravery to explore sexual orientation.’ One teacher reportedly chortled, ‘We’re going to do just a little mind-trick on our sixth graders.’

“Additionally, Shier wrote, ‘Speakers went so far as to tout their surveillance of students’ Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations in order to target sixth graders for personal invitations to LGBTQ clubs, while actively concealing these clubs’ membership rolls from participants’ parents.’”

Boris Johnson Incompetent

Express wrote on November 19:

“The British public is furious with Boris Johnson.. with record numbers believing the Prime Minister is ‘incompetent’ according to a YouGov poll…. [It] shows a leap of faith made by the British public when the Prime Minister was elected in December 2019, with his competency rating sitting at more than 50 percent… those thinking the Prime Minister is competent [is] just 29 percent.”

Johnson can shake hands with Biden and Harris… And then we are told that Harris made history as the first woman…and woman of color… to occupy the office of [acting] President for 1 hour and 25 minutes while Biden was undergoing a procedure, requiring short anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy and medical exam. What lunacy.

Barbados to Remove the Queen

Bloomberg wrote on November 22:

“For the first time in three decades, Queen Elizabeth II is losing one of her many realms. On Nov. 30, Barbados, in the eastern Caribbean, will be removing the British monarch as its head of state and installing Governor General Sandra Mason as president…

“The move is largely symbolic, as Barbados has been a sovereign nation since 1966. But the transition underscores the growing independent streak in the Caribbean — home to nine of the 16 commonwealth realms, sovereign countries that have Queen Elizabeth as their head of state.  ‘The time has come to fully leave our colonial past behind,’ Governor General Mason said last year, when the transition was announced…

“The last nation to leave the commonwealth realm was Mauritius in 1992. But Jamaica, the Bahamas, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines have all considered ditching the monarchy…”

Catholics “Encouraged” to take Mass on Sunday

Premier Christian News wrote on November 20:

“Catholics in England and Wales are being encouraged to ‘look again’ at the activities they are doing on Sundays instead of going to Mass… such as sports or shopping, or other leisure and social activities… But the bishops also recognised that for some ‘there is legitimate fear in gathering together’ as the pandemic is not over and they acknowledged that not everyone ‘is yet in the position to fulfil the absolute duty to attend freely Sunday Mass.’…

“They concluded: ‘The Sunday Mass is the very heartbeat of the Church and of our personal life of faith. We gather on the “first day of the week,” and devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42).”

At least, they recognize that Sunday is the “first day of the week” and therefore not the biblical Sabbath, which is of course the last day of the week, even though the Catholic Church has been influential in changing the calendar, marking Sunday as the seventh day. In addition, breaking bread has nothing to do with attending worship services on Sunday and taking communion or participating in mass. Please see our Q&A on that topic

Russia’s Plan to Annex Ukraine

European Council of Foreign Affairs ( wrote on November 17:

“Russia is mobilising its forces… Moscow’s belief that the EU and US will not step in to protect Ukraine could lead it to take direct military action… Following an invasion of Ukraine, it would use [its forces] to control conquered territory, suppress dissent, and install puppet administrations. Their mobilisation is a sign that the Kremlin is at least considering the option of further incursions into Ukraine… This may hint towards a significantly more serious intention than simply a wish to appear threatening.

“Hostile Russian rhetoric towards Ukraine has increased over the last year. ‘Reintegrating’ Ukraine – the whole of Ukraine, not Donbas alone – into the Russian Empire is a declared aim of the Russian president. The impression of a weak West, underlined by the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, may convince Moscow that now is the time to wrap up its ‘unfinished business’ with Kyiv. The Kremlin may have been emboldened in this by its interpretation of the American position on Ukraine, particularly since senior US diplomat Victoria Nuland’s recent visit to Moscow. That trip likely left the impression that Washington would subscribe to Moscow’s interpretation of the Minsk agreement…

“And, finally, current events around Belarus tightly connect Ukraine’s security situation with the rest of Europe. This relates not only to the immediate stand-offs with migrant arrivals at the Belarus-Poland border, but to these major Russian military redeployments whose full nature is not yet clear. Were it to take Ukraine, an enlarged and confident Russia would then turn its sights on influencing the activities of it new nearest neighbours: the EU and its member states.”

Ukraine will fall into the hands of Russia… either forcefully or “peacefully”.

Russia Threatens to Destroy NATO Satellites over Ukraine

The Sun wrote on November 23:

“RUSSIA’S new weapon dubbed ‘Star Warrior’ has the West worried as it can blast satellites out of orbit at heights of up to 500 miles above Earth. Vladimir Putin’s state owned TV issued a chilling threat that Russia may deploy the system to destroy some 32 Western satellites to render Nato missiles useless. It comes after Putin used the weapon to destroy a redundant Soviet-era Tselina-D military reconnaissance satellite – blasting it into an orbital debris storm…

“State-controlled Russian Channel One TV host Dmitry Kiselyov – dubbed Putin’s ‘mouthpiece’ and ‘propagandist-in-chief’ – has claimed the satellite strike was a deliberate warning to the West not to cross the Kremlin’s red lines on Ukraine.  He boasted in the event of worsening relations, Russia could wipe out 32 GPS satellites crucial for Nato’s military operations, including the pinpointing of missile strikes.

“The warning comes as relations continue to worsen between Russia and the West amid fears that Putin may be about to invade Ukraine.

“… Russia deputy prime minister Yuri Borisov previously bragged that the Star Warrior weapons system has no counterpart in the West.”

Roadmap for Closer Military Ties between Russia and China

The Associated Press wrote on November 23:

“Russia’s defense chief on Tuesday signed a roadmap for closer military ties with China, pointing to increasingly frequent U.S. strategic bomber flights near both countries’ borders… Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe ‘expressed a shared interest in stepping up strategic military exercises and joint patrols by Russia and China,’ according to the Russian Defense Ministry. ‘China and Russia have been strategic partners for many years,’ Shoigu said… Wei praised Russia for successfully countering what he described as U.S. pressure and military threats…

“In August, Shoigu visited China to attend joint war games, which marked the first time that Russian troops had taken part in drills on Chinese territory. They were the latest in a series of war games in recent years, intended to underline increasingly close military relations between Moscow and Beijing. Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s leader, Xi Jinping, have developed strong personal ties to bolster a ‘strategic partnership’ between the former Communist rivals as they both faced tensions with the West.

“Putin said last year that… Russia has been sharing highly sensitive military technologies with China that helped significantly bolster its defense capability.”

Chinese New Hypersonic Weapon More Dangerous than Previously Thought

Israel 365 wrote on November 22:

“In July, China tested an unprecedented ability of its new hypersonic weapon; firing a separate missile while traveling at Mach 5… a new report reveals even more shocking details of China’s hypersonic capabilities that US military experts can’t even begin to understand

“China’s hypersonic weapon that took the world by surprise in July had an additional ability. Capable of flying at five times the speed of sound while carrying a nuclear warhead, the weapon, essentially a space vehicle, fired a projectile in midflight. Experts are still unsure of how this was achieved and don’t even know what the purpose of the projectile was. The projectile fired midflight landed in the water and did not seem to have a target. Some conjectures suggest the projectile may have been electronic countermeasures capable of targeting an enemy’s missile defense systems while others suggest it may have been an air-to-air missile…

“The hypersonic glide vehicle tested by China in July was capable of bypassing the US’s air-defense systems by flying over the South Pole….”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

US Court of Appeals Permanently Prohibits Biden Vaccination Mandate

Breitbart wrote on November 12:

“A three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reaffirmed its stay on President Joe Biden’s workplace vaccine mandate on Friday. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a rule that would require businesses with at least 100 employees to mandate coronavirus vaccinations or implement frequent testing. Friday’s decision comes after the Fifth Circuit issued a stay on the OSHA rule last Saturday.

“On Monday, the U.S. Justice Department requested the appeals court lift the stay, arguing it would ‘likely cost dozens or even hundreds of lives per day.’

“In its decision, the court ordered OSHA to ‘take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order’  [stating:] ‘The Mandate is a one-size-fits-all sledgehammer that makes hardly any attempt to account for differences in workplaces (and workers) that have more than a little bearing on workers’ varying degrees of susceptibility to the supposedly “grave danger” the Mandate purports to address.’”

Newsmax added on November 12:

“‘The mandate is staggeringly overbroad,’ the opinion said… ‘The public interest is also served by maintaining our constitutional structure and maintaining the liberty of individuals to make intensely personal decisions according to their own convictions – even, or perhaps particularly, when those decisions frustrate government officials’… “

A Ping Pong Ball Might Decide Biden’s Vaccination Mandate

The Associated Press reported on November 16:

“Challenges to President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private employers will be consolidated in the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals… The Cincinnati-based court was selected Tuesday in a random drawing using ping-pong balls, a process employed when challenges to certain federal agency actions are filed in multiple courts.

“The selection could be good news for those challenging the administration’s vaccine requirement, which includes officials in 27 Republican-led states, employers and several conservative and business organizations… The challenges… were made this month in 12 circuit courts. Under an arcane system, it was up to the clerk of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict litigation to select a ping-pong ball from a bin to choose where the cases would be heard.

“It was a favorable outcome for Republicans. Eleven of the 16 full-time judges in the 6th Circuit were appointed by Republican presidents… It had not yet been determined which judges from the 6th Circuit will be on a three-judge panel to hear the case or whether it will be considered by all the judges….”

A ping pong ball as the decision-maker. It would be laughable if it was not so sad. In any event, this will end up in front of the Supreme Court, and no matter what decision will be rendered, it will antagonize Americans even more.

Why the Biden Mandate Makes No Scientific Sense

On November 12, the Ron Paul Institute republished the following article by Dr. Gilbert Berdine, associate professor of medicine at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center :

“The scientific basis for the [Biden vaccination] mandate is dubious. We are told that the vaccine is effective and safe. If this assertion were true… anyone taking the vaccine would have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated. If the vaccine worked, then everyone taking the vaccine would be protected. Of course, the vaccine does not work for everyone… it becomes a judgment call whether the risk of vaccination is worth the benefit.

“Contrary to what is claimed on a daily basis, the vaccine is not safe… As of November 7, 2021, there were 2,725,582 adverse events…including 8,284 deaths, 9,726 life-threatening events, 9,580 permanent disabilities, 363… birth defects, 38,818 hospitalizations, 79,615 ER visits, and 121,100 doctor’s office visits attributed to the covid vaccines. These are only the risks we know about so far. Nobody knows what the adverse effects will be one, five, or ten years from now….

“How effective are the vaccines?… As of August 25, 2021, it takes over twenty-five hundred vaccinations to prevent a single death in the US…

“What would the effect of 100 percent vaccination rate be on the virus? Contrary to claims, the virus will not disappear. The next outbreak would occur within a year and would be 100 percent breakthrough cases with a vaccine-resistant strain. Then we would need another vaccine mandate, and another, ad infinitum.

“… proponents of mandates underestimate the degree of conviction of those who decline the covid vaccines. Wherever people are not permitted to remain unvaccinated…, a percentage of people will quit their jobs rather than be vaccinated… at least 10 percent of physicians and 20 percent of nurses will quit rather than be vaccinated… similar events in hospitals could precipitate a catastrophic collapse of the US healthcare system…

The worst-case scenario is outright civil war. This is too horrible to contemplate, but this possibility is real. President Biden said his patience is wearing thin. That works both ways…”

Apart from the downfall of America’s economy and its social services, including the health-care system, civil war IS, sadly, a distinct possibility. Note the next article.

“Would America Survive a Civil War?”

Unherd wrote on November 12:

“Talk of insurrection, secession, civil conflict and civil war is no longer the chatter of the gullible and the mentally ill. It’s entering the fringes of polite society…

“[There is a] very common assertion: that a civil war, if waged on American soil, would be over quickly… The idea here is that the US military is so advanced, and has so many tanks, gunships, fuel air bombs, and drones, that the federal government is simply assured of victory. As such, a civil war is an unlikely or impossible scenario, given the dramatic imbalance of power between the state and even a numerically large, dissatisfied internal population. But this is a dangerous misconception. While the US military is indeed powerful and lavishly funded, it is a military designed to fight other states….

“… how likely is it that there will be some sort of civil conflict in the near or mid future for the United States? Unfortunately, the correct answer here may very well be that it is not terribly unlikely

“The legitimacy of its elite has been shaken repeatedly, and faith in the electoral process itself is now rapidly declining among large segments of the electorate…

“Most ominously of all, however, looms the growing supply crisis. This crisis would be tolerable if it merely implied a lack of variety at the grocery store… But it is also creating havoc in the productive economy itself, denying farmers the spare parts to run their harvesters and car manufacturers the metals they need to make cars. The longer the crisis goes on, the more broken the economy will become, and the more painful the necessary reforms will be, once America’s elites truly wake up to the danger.

“If there is one time throughout history where civil wars are actually likely to occur, it is precisely when a delegitimated elite undertakes necessary reforms after letting underlying problems fester for decades. That is when states are at their weakest, and when they are vulnerable to the worst forms of internal disasters. Sadly, that might just be where America is headed today.”

Our StandingWatch program, “Is Civil War Coming?”, addresses this frightening scenario. Also note the next article, showing how divided this country has already become over coronavirus regulations, mandates and restrictions.

How Covid Regulations Divide the Country

Newsmax wrote on November 13:

“Sixty percent of vaccinated individuals say they are banning unvaccinated family members from seasonal festivities… A slightly higher number, 63%, said they are not comfortable having unvaccinated relatives at their parties. Some 14% of those surveyed said they would never get the vaccine because of concerns about its safety and side effects.

“Almost half of the unvaccinated respondents, 49%, said they are no longer communicating with family members who won’t understand their hesitancy and unwillingness to get the shot, with 22% of those saying they have already been banned from family gatherings… 16% of those surveyed ended three or more friendships during the pandemic, starting in March 2020.”

There is really nothing godly about this.

The Road to Fascism

On November 17, the Ron Paul Institute republished the following article by the Rutherford Institute:

“We are moving fast down the road to fascism. This COVID-19 pandemic has shifted us into high gear. The heavy-handed collusion between the Techno-Corporate State and the US government over vaccine mandates is merely the latest manifestation of the extent to which fascist forces are working to overthrow our constitutional republic and nullify the rights of the individual… Katrina Trinko writes for USA Today, ‘the government is turning employers—who are not paid by, nor work for, the government—into an army of vaccine enforcers.’

“You know who won’t suffer any harm as a result of these vaccine mandates? The Corporate State (manufacturers, distributors, and health care providers), which were given a blanket ‘get out of jail’ card to insulate them from liability for any injuries or death caused by the vaccines… This has long since ceased to be a debate over how best to protect the populace at large against an unknown pandemic. Rather, it has become a massively intrusive, coercive and authoritarian assault on the right of individual sovereignty over one’s life, self and private property…

“At a minimum, our right to individual sovereignty over our lives and our bodies is being usurped by power-hungry authoritarians; greedy, self-serving corporations; egotistical Nanny Staters who think they know what’s best for the rest of the populace; and a short-sighted but well-meaning populace which fails to understand the long-term ramifications of trading their essential freedoms for temporary promises of safety and security…

“This merely pushes us one step further down that road towards a total control society in which the government… gets to decide who is ‘worthy’ of being allowed to take part in society.

“Right now, COVID-19 vaccines are the magic ticket for gaining access to the ‘privileges’ of communal life. Having already conditioned the population to the idea that being part of society is a privilege and not a right, such access could easily be predicated on social credit scores, the worthiness of one’s political views, or the extent to which one is willing to comply with the government’s dictates, no matter what they might be… nothing good can come from totalitarian tactics—no matter how benevolent they appear—that are used to make us cower, fear and comply with the government’s dictates.”

Amen to that.

How Big Pharma PROFITS from the Vaccines

Medical Press wrote on November 16:

“Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna… will make pre-tax profits of $34 billion this year between them, which works out to over $1,000 a second, $65,000 a minute or $93.5 million a day [from their COVID-19 vaccines]…

“Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna have used their monopolies to prioritise the most profitable contracts with the richest governments…”

 According to the New York Times, the US is planning to invest billions of dollars in expanding COVID-19 manufacturing capacity to have at least a billion doses by the second half of next year.

Trump Says Pence Should have Refused to Certify “Fraudulent” Election

The Insider wrote on November 12:

“Former President Donald Trump claimed in a new interview that half of constitutional scholars agree that former Vice President Mike Pence could have overturned his 2020 election loss… ‘How can you — if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that?’ Trump told [Jonathan] Karl about Pence’s refusal to reject the election results when Congress met to certify them on January 6. ‘And I’m telling you: 50/50, it’s right down the middle for the top constitutional scholars when I speak to them.’

“… That push came after the dismissal of dozens of lawsuits by Trump’s legal team challenging the results… The Supreme Court, which holds a 6-3 conservative majority, also rejected a Trump-backed bid to invalidate the results in key swing states….

“Last month, a bipartisan group of former officials and lawyers sent a letter  to the California bar association calling for an investigation into [John] Eastman, the lawyer behind the memo that claimed Pence could overturn the election. The group said the state bar should look into whether Eastman violated attorney ethics by making false statements.

“Eastman also retired as a law professor at Chapman University after more than 150 faculty members called for his removal following the January 6 insurrection. “

To clarify some misleading and troublesome statements in the above article: NO court decided the issue of election fraud on the merits. Cases were dismissed strictly on procedural grounds, such as lack of standing. It is appalling to realize that an attorney can be “investigated” and can be forced to retire for stating legal opinions which might not be in conformity with [politically motivated?] majority views.

Team Biden’s Never-ending Lies

The Editorial Board of the New York Post wrote on November 13:

“Before his utterly botched Aug. 30 withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, President Biden made a solemn vow: ‘If there are American citizens left, we’re going to stay until we get them all out.’ Not only did he break that promise, we’re still learning just how badly he failed: Thousands upon thousands remain stranded.

“Foreign Policy magazine reports, citing an in-the-know congressional aide, that the State Department believes as many as 14,000 United States legal permanent residents remain in Afghanistan. Plus, Deputy Secretary of State Brian McKeon revealed at a Nov. 3 hearing that State knew of 289 US citizens stuck in Afghanistan as of Nov. 2, with a further 81 ready to depart — after 140 Americans had left in the prior week. That tracks with the 450 US citizens the Pentagon reported still being in the country at October’s end. But it doesn’t track with the lowball numbers that State and the White House have claimed [repeatedly, which was under 200 and likely closer to 100]…

“And this ignores the tens of thousands of Afghan allies [Biden] promised to evacuate, whom he instead left to face the wrath of the Taliban. Biden, in short, vowed to get everyone out while having no clue how many ‘everyone’ was. Like all his other promises and pronouncements, it was just meaningless noise.”

No wonder Biden’s popularity has now reached an unprecedented low—with only a 38% approval rate (according to Breitbart, dated November 14). According to another poll which was released on November 18, Biden’s approval rate dropped to 36 %. One wonders who those 36 % are who support Biden’s totally unsuccessful policies. 

The Biden-Harris Debacle

The New York Post wrote on November 15:

“Vice President Kamala Harris feels increasingly isolated inside the White House as her approval ratings plummet…  Despite their public show of unity, Biden and his right-hand woman have a dysfunctional relationship that has reached an ‘exhausted stalemate,’ according to CNN, which based its report on interviews with nearly three dozen insiders..

“At a time when the president would usually be expected to promote his vice president as a future replacement in the White House, Biden has instead been sidelining Harris as a potential liability, the report said. For their part, Harris’ allies are reportedly frustrated with the president for dumping politically fraught issues in her lap — including, infamously, the ongoing illegal immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border…

“Insiders told CNN the West Wing has been especially bothered by Harris’ handling of the border issue. The veep’s trip to Mexico and Guatemala was overshadowed by a disastrous interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt, in which Harris responded to Holt by noting that she hadn’t yet been to the frontier region by chuckling and joking: ‘And I haven’t been to Europe….

“CNN also reported that Harris did not attend most of the meetings Biden held with members of Congress as he attempted to secure passage of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill…

“The CNN report is not the first time Harris has been the focus of DC whispers. At the end of June, Politico reported that her office was ‘chaotic’…

“The revelations emerged days after a poll showed Biden with an approval rating of 37.8 percent, a new low for the president. However, Harris’ approval rating was 10 points lower, at 27.8 percent.”

Of course, the White House tried to dispute CNN’s report, but did so quite unsuccessfully. Breitbart wrote on November 15:

“The White House on Monday scrambled to support Vice President Kamala Harris from a damaging CNN report about her struggles… The sudden reaction to the CNN story from the White House prompted mockery, especially after [White House Press Secretary Jen] Psaki claimed Harris helped deliver on broadband and actually succeeded handling the migration crisis.”

A more ridiculous and blatantly untrue “defense” could hardly be imagined.

The “Outrageous” Indictment of Steve Bannon

Breitbart wrote on November 15:

“The Justice Department’s (DOJ) indictment of Steve Bannon is ‘outrageous,’ Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz… said…  Bannon… faces contempt charges after defying a subpoena from a House committee ostensibly investigating the events of January 6th.

“Dershowitz said, ‘It’s an outrageous indictment. I’ll tell you why it’s outrageous. You don’t indict somebody when you don’t know what the law is. Nobody knows whether or not Bannon has the right to refuse to answer if the president tells him not to.  That is a disputed question. That’s not a proper subject for criminal indictment.’ Retention of executive privilege by former presidents is a disputed legal question, Dershowitz stated. ‘… you don’t use the criminal justice system except after you’ve exhausted all the alternatives to try to find out what the law is,’ he said…

“‘If you’ve got 10 constitutional scholars in a room — not Larry Tribe, because he’s not a constitutional scholar, he’s a partisan advocate, he was a scholar, but he’s now an advocate — but if you’ve got 10 reasonable constitutional scholars in the room and you didn’t tell them whether the person was a Democrat or a Republican, it would go five-to-five whether or not a former president has the authority to instruct his former adviser not to turn material over and not to testify.’”

Of course, the whole “investigation” is deeply political.

The Kyle Rittenhouse Scandal—and How the Media Deceives You

Fox News published on November 16 an article, which was adapted from Tucker Carlson’s opening commentary on November 15, 2021:

“Just days after Rittenhouse was first arrested, that was back in August of 2020… PolitiFact… claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse had committed a crime by carrying a firearm in the state of Wisconsin. Here’s the quote. ‘It is against the law in Wisconsin for someone younger than 18 to possess a dangerous weapon. Period.’…

“The problem was it was a lie. In fact, under Wisconsin law, which apparently no one in any newsroom in America had even bothered to check, 17-year-olds are allowed to carry rifles as long as their barrels meet a minimum length requirement, and Kyle Rittenhouse’s rifle met that requirement. So no, Kyle Rittenhouse did not violate Wisconsin’s gun laws. Today, even the prosecution at the trial was forced to admit that. And so immediately, the judge dismissed the firearms charge

“Joe Scarborough [from MSNBC said]: ‘We have a 17-year-old kid underage, said he bought an AR-15 because he thought it was cool. He drove across state, had his mother drive him across state lines. He appointed himself a militia member. He goes around and he ends up unloading, what, 60 rounds?

“’… consider how totally dishonest the summary you just heard is. Virtually every word is a lie.  Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t a militia member. He was a lifeguard. Kyle Rittenhouse did not fire 60 rounds, not even close to that. He was not underage, as we just told you, He was not in illegal possession of his gun. But most amazing is the claim, which you’re hearing everywhere right now, that Kyle Rittenhouse is bad because he ‘drove across state lines.’… So the very same people who have told you for years that borders are by definition White supremacy now claim it’s some kind of moral offense for an American citizen to enter a contiguous state. You’re making it sound like Kyle Rittenhouse snuck into a foreign land under cover of darkness to murder people. That’s not quite what happened. If you look at the map, you can see Kyle Rittenhouse’s drive from his mother’s home in Antioch, Illinois, to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Our map says 17 miles, probably shorter than your commute to work every morning. As Kyle Rittenhouse explained on the stand last week, when mobs set fire to Kenosha, he had every reason to want to defend the city because his father lives there

“Bet you didn’t know that, bet you hadn’t heard it on CNN. Nor have any of the people hyperventilating about crossing state lines explained why it’s OK for the BLM rioters and the Antifa creeps to come from around the country to burn Kenosha down, as many of them did…

“But if there’s one thing this trial has taught us, it’s how completely dishonest and totally misleading so many of the news accounts of what Kyle Rittenhouse did have been. We’ve known for more than a year, for example, how Rittenhouse first encountered convicted child rapist Joseph Rosenbaum, the first man he shot… Joseph Rosenbaum had just been released from a mental hospital and for some reason decided to join the riot. So first he lit a fire. Then he began to swing a chain like a weapon. When he saw Kyle Rittenhouse, he threatened to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. Then he chased Rittenhouse in a full sprint, cornered him, and then tried to snatch his gun from his hands. It was at that point that Rittenhouse fired… After shooting Rosenbaum, Rittenhouse tried to turn himself in to police, but he couldn’t because a mob howling for his death chased him down a city street.  One rioter knocked Kyle Rittenhouse to the ground, another smashed him in the head with a skateboard, and a third rioter drew a loaded pistol, which he was not allowed to have, unlike Kyle Rittenhouse, and pointed it in Kyle Rittenhouse’s face. So at no point was Kyle Rittenhouse the aggressor in the sequence of events. Every move he made was defensive…

“In this case, there is… no racial angle to the story… everybody involved in the story is the same color [white]… the only bigot on the scene appears to have been Joseph Rosenbaum [who] kept screaming the N-word… And yet it’s Kyle Rittenhouse who Joe Biden accused of being a White supremacist on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. And let’s hope at some point he gets sued for that… So if a White guy shooting another White guy is an example of racism, maybe you should tell us how. This is insane.”

We publish these remarkable excerpts to show you how the left-wing mass media, including MSNBC and CNN, is lying to you to support their racial agenda. Also, for many months the mass media intentionally suppressed the fact that all actors were white, so that many thought that Rittenhouse had shot two black men during BLM’s riots. This “reporting” is appalling.

The Climate Change Scare

The Editorial Board of the New York Post wrote on November 12:

“For the past two weeks in Glasgow, Scotland, world leaders have gathered at COP 26,  the United Nations Climate Change Conference to listen to the same message: Disaster is just around the corner.

“[But] consider this news story from 1972: ‘We have ten years to stop the catastrophe,’ said the UN’s environmental protection boss… for more than 50 years, the United Nations and the media have regularly predicted we’re on the verge of calamity… In 1982, after the catastrophe failed to materialize, the New York Times covered the second UN conference on the environment, which opened ‘amid gloom’. The piece quotes Mostafa K. Tolba, executive director of the United Nations environmental program, as saying that if things aren’t fixed by the turn of the century — the year 2000 — the world would face ‘an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust.’’

“In 1989, a senior UN environmental official [said] that if we didn’t fix climate change by 1999, we would have ‘Global disaster, nations wiped off the face of the earth, crop failures’… In 2004, the Guardian newspaper said a ‘secret report’ from the Pentagon to President George W. Bush said climate change would ‘destroy us.’ Among the predictions: Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas. Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world…

“As of 2019, the UN said ‘only 11 years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change’… That gives us until 2030 — or 58 years after the warnings of 1972. Advocates for change believe if they just scream louder… they’ll get the world to agree to a complete upheaval of modern life and trillions in spending…”

Buenos Aires Times wrote on November 11:

“Pope Francis warned time was ‘running out’ to save the planet while expressing regret at his absence from climate talks in Glasgow, in a letter published Thursday… ‘this occasion must not be wasted, lest we have to face God’s judgement for our failure to be faithful stewards of the world he has entrusted to our care,’ wrote Francis.”

A Lesson from World War I

The Daily Mail wrote on November 12:

“Known originally as Armistice Day, Britain’s first day of remembrance was held on November 11, 1919, marking the first anniversary of the end of World War I…. But what was it all about, that first Great War? Why did it happen?  Today… understanding the causes of World War I has never been so important. As in the years before 1914, we live in an age of feverish uncertainty

“With China challenging U.S. power in the Pacific, and Vladimir Putin and his clients rattling their sabres in Belarus and eastern Ukraine, who would bet against provocation escalating into war one of these days?… China has reasserted its claim to the U.S.-backed island of Taiwan, while the U.S. State Department has explicitly warned that Russian troops are massing on the border of Ukraine… The footage that emerged yesterday of Russian and Belarusian paratroopers taking part in unannounced military drills close to the Polish border — where thousands of migrants are gathering — is certainly little cause for comfort….

“Has the global situation ever been so unpredictable? And isn’t it possible that the resulting adventurism, hubris, fear and distrust could build into precisely the same kind of cataclysm that tore the world apart in 1914?…”

Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria/Hungary by a young fanatic in Sarajevo, and after blaming especially Serbia for the assassination and due to treaties between certain countries (not unlike the NATO treaties in existence today), war was proclaimed.  

Is Russia to Invade Ukraine?

Time wrote on November 11:

“The U.S. is raising the alarm with European Union allies that Russia may be weighing a potential invasion of Ukraine as tensions flare between Moscow and the bloc over migrants and energy supplies… Russia says military deployments on its territory are an internal matter and it denies any aggressive intentions, while accusing the U.S. of provocation by sailing warships in the Black Sea close to its territory this week…

“Ukraine and Russia have been in conflict since Putin responded to the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that ousted the pro-Moscow president by seizing Crimea. Russia also backed separatists in eastern Ukraine in a war that has killed more than 13,000 people… Some analysts argue that Putin may believe now is the time to halt Ukraine’s closer embrace with the West before it progresses any further… the recent Russian deployment has been covert, often taking place at night and carried out by elite ground units…

“The deputy speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament, Pyotr Tolstoy, declared that ‘all of Ukraine will be part of Russia and there won’t be any Ukraine’ in a debate broadcast on Russia’s NTV last month….”

Sooner than later, Russia and Ukraine will become “re-united.”

Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline on Hold

AFP wrote on November 16:

“Germany’s energy regulator said Tuesday it was temporarily halting the approval process for Russia’s controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, saying the operating company [which is registered in Switzerland] first needs to become compliant with German law. The move is the latest setback for the 10-billion-euro project ($12 billion), which has been dogged by delays and become a geopolitical hot potato. The Baltic Sea pipeline is set to double Russian gas supplies to Germany, which the EU’s top economy says is needed to help it transition away from coal and nuclear energy. But opponents say the recently completed pipeline will increase Europe’s energy reliance on Russia.

“Crucially, the pipeline also bypasses Ukraine’s gas infrastructure, depriving the country of much-needed transit fees. [This is also true for Belarus]. The dispute comes as Europe, which receives a third of its gas from Russia, is battling surging energy prices just as the continent heads into the colder winter season. German consumers have been warned that prices for energy are at their highest levels – and will increase further… The certification procedure ‘will remain suspended until the main assets and human resources’ have been transferred from the Nord Stream 2 parent company to its German subsidiary, that will own and operate the German part of the pipeline, [the regulator] added.

“Critics have accused Moscow of intentionally limiting gas supplies to Europe and driving up prices in an effort to hasten the launch of Nord Stream 2, a claim Russia denies… Germany’s energy regulator has four months, until January 2022, to give its green light for Nord Stream 2. After that, the European Commission still needs to give its recommendation.”

Militarizing Space?

The Hill wrote on November 17:

“Russia’s missile test that struck a defunct space satellite has U.S. officials and lawmakers rattled over fears Moscow seeks to further militarize space, with calls to hold the Kremlin accountable. The satellite explosion created at least 1,500 pieces of trackable space debris and hundreds of thousands of smaller pieces, which officials say could threaten astronauts and other satellites… U.S. officials and lawmakers worry that the ground-launched missile, which hit a Soviet satellite sent up in 1982, is indicative of ramped-up Russian efforts to develop and test space-based systems and weapons.

“The Kremlin in recent years has sought to outpace the U.S. in the hotly contested space domain — often referred to as the new ‘Wild West’ — testing several anti-satellite weapons, lasers and other armaments that could prevent the effective use of American and allied satellites… While the United States and its allies have condemned the missile test, it is unclear what more they can do to respond to the move. There are no universal norms, rules or principles of responsible behaviors relating to threats by nation states to others’ space systems. Russia earlier this month opposed a United Nations resolution that would move to set up such guidelines…”

It is not enough that man has waged war on the earth… now space has become the new frontier…

Crisis between Poland and Belarus Intensifies

Express wrote on November 16:

“An ongoing geopolitical crisis between Poland and Belarus has seen the EU prepare further sanctions against Minsk which the bloc accuses of attempting to destabilise the EU by pushing migrants across the border illegally… The Polish government is working to build a wall on the border with Belarus…

“The EU Commission has offered to pay for two percent of the cost of the wall. In exchange, Poland would have to change its laws allowing for pushbacks of migrants. Warsaw would also have to allow Frontex, the EU’s border agency, to process asylum seekers on Polish territory. But the Polish government is refusing to budge to Brussels’ demands, despite the lucrative cash incentive….

“According to Polish authorities, more than 20,000 members of the police, border guard and army are reinforcing the border where migrants have gathered near the Polish town of Kuznica. An estimated 4,000 migrants are at the border and many say Belarusian authorities are not allowing them to return to Minsk.

“Poland’s ruling party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski said his country was facing a hybrid war… Belarus, a close Russian ally, said assertions it had fuelled the border crisis were ‘absurd’… “

China Threatens Australia and USA

The Daily Mail wrote on November 14:

“A former Chinese official has threatened Australia and the US with ‘Armageddon’ if the democratic allies move to protect Taiwan in a military conflict. Victor Gao, who… now serves as a mouthpiece for the government, warned western powers to stay out of China’s quest to annex the disputed territory…

“US President Joe Biden last month vowed American troops will stand in China’s way if any attempt is made to conquer the island. On Friday, defence minister Peter Dutton made similar remarks saying it would be ‘inconceivable’ that Australian troops wouldn’t back up the US if such a scenario played out in the region…

“Senator Jim Molan, who also climbed to the rank of Major General in the Australian Army, explained there are three possible scenarios of how China could take over Taiwan… One possibility is that China’s vast navy could set up a no-sail, no-fly blockade around Taiwan, slowing choking the island’s economy to death before seizing control. Another option is a sudden attack ‘Pearl Harbour’ type attack and the third possibility is a simultaneous combination of both strategies.

“If any of these situations played out he warns Australia would be ‘monstrously vulnerable’ because we have a ‘naïve faith that American military power is infinite and it’s not’.”

Even though a war between China and the USA or Australia is not prophesied in Scripture, the assessment that America’s military power is (no more) infinite is very true.

The World Against Israel

Israel 365 wrote on November 12:

“The largest rabbinic public-policy organization in the United States called the Biden administration’s decision to abstain from a U.N. General Assembly draft resolution that targeted Israel ‘quite disappointing.’ The text… demands ‘compensation’ for descendants of Palestinian refugees who lost property when they fled their homes, as well as an unlimited ‘right of return’ for Palestinian refugees to a sovereign Israel.

Israel would cease being the world’s only Jewish state as a result of the resolution… Israel was the sole country that opposed the text, which passed the General Assembly on Tuesday 160-1 with nine abstentions from the United States, Canada, Cameroon, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea and Uruguay.

“Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents more than 1,500 traditional Jewish leaders, said: ‘This resolution employed a blatantly anti-Semitic double standard, demanding “compensation” for Arabs who left as advised by the genocidal Arab League, but no similar compensation from Arab states for the endemic ethnic cleansing of Jews and confiscation of their property, much less a “right of return” to countries unsafe for Jews to enter. The [Biden] administration abstained on an issue of hate and bigotry… This is not moral leadership. The previous administration took the morally correct approach, and we did not expect its position to be so rapidly abandoned.’

“The Trump administration unequivocally voted against similar resolutions aimed at Israel while the Obama administration traditionally abstained from the same resolution, which comes annually before the General Assembly.”

To be clear, some of the following countries are party to the UN and the General Assembly and have therefore voted for the anti-Semitic resolution: Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and the UK, including many other Western European nations.

The United States of Europe

On November 9, the European Council of the European Union published the following speech of President Charles Michel at the Berlin Conference 2021:

 “I am deeply touched to speak to you, here in Berlin… Berlin… is [Europe’s] symbolic capital… The 21st century will be the century of Europe…

“[Europe is] the largest area of democracy and freedom in the world. The most advanced area of prosperity and social development… Our single currency, the euro, has become the second most traded currency in the world…

“Unity and strength, along with our ‘strategic autonomy’, are the keys to the future of Europe…

“Our countries and regions have diverse histories, languages, traditions, political and economic backgrounds. It is precisely this diversity that makes Europe extraordinarily rich. But it also makes our quest for unity particularly challenging. So we must strive to understand each other and respect our differences…

“The European Union is the world’s leading trading power

“We are often asked the question: will Europe one day have its own European army? The prospect exists…  One thing is certain: we will one day have to face a major cyber-crisis or cyber-attack… Recent attacks have shown that the threats are global. And so are the attackers. It is therefore in the interest of Europeans to pool our efforts and to create defensive and deterrent cyber capabilities. This should start by establishing an EU system for cyber crisis management and response to large-scale attacks…

“Our cyber security is also intrinsically linked to the security of our resources in space… [We] must strengthen the synergies between the civil, space and defence industries…

“The European project takes time. Seventy years is still a young age for such a unique organisation like ours. We have already achieved a lot. Our experience shows that sometimes we can gain time by taking our time. And in other moments, it’s good to be pragmatic and speed up….”

Europe will not end up as a peaceful power bloc. When they say, “Peace, peace,” there is no peace.

Austria’s Lockdown for the Unvaccinated!

The Associated Press wrote on November 14:

“The Austrian government ordered a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people starting midnight Sunday to slow the fast spread of the coronavirus in the country. The move prohibits unvaccinated individuals older than age 12 from leaving their homes except for basic activities such as working, grocery shopping, going for a walk — or getting vaccinated…

“The lockdown affects about 2 million people in the Alpine country of 8.9 million people… It doesn’t apply to children under the age of 12 because they cannot yet officially get vaccinated… police have been asked to check people outside to make sure they are vaccinated. [Chancellor Alexander] Schallenberg [added] that additional officers would go on patrol to control the lockdown. Unvaccinated people can be fined up to 1,450 euros ($1,660) if they do not adhere to the restrictions…

“Schallenberg also called on people who have been vaccinated to get their booster shot, saying that otherwise ‘we will never get out of this vicious circle.’”

Reuters added on November 14:

“Austria is the first European country to reinstate the same restrictions on daily movements that applied during national lockdowns before vaccines were rolled out, though this time they only affect [the unvaccinated.]… The measures on Monday will extend those brought in a week ago which banned the unvaccinated from places including restaurants, hotels, theatres and ski lifts…

“Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said there will be thorough police checks and fines of up to 1,450 euros ($1,660) for breaches, and all interactions with the police will include checking people’s vaccination status. ‘As of tomorrow, every citizen, every person who lives in Austria must be aware that they can be checked by the police,’ Nehammer told the news conference… As of Monday non-essential shops… will be off-limits to the unvaccinated…”

If this does not remind us of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany and the persecution of the Jews and other minorities, nothing will. It almost appears as if Austria under Schallenberg is becoming more of an autocratic dictatorship than it had been under Sebastian Kurz. And what about Germany? Note the next article.

Duty to Get Vaccinated in Germany?

Deutsche Welle reported on November 12:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the unvaccinated have a duty towards society to get inoculated… ‘You have the right to get vaccinated. But, to a certain extent, you also, as a member of society, have the duty to be vaccinated to protect yourself and to protect others,’ she said.”

Where does this incredible “revelation” come from, given the fact that vaccinations do not even protect the vaccinated in far too many cases? And if they did, what then do they have to fear from the unvaccinated?

Huge Earthquake to Come

Express wrote on November 15:

“Earthquakes happen every day… there are around 20,000 of them around the globe each year, amounting to approximately 55 quakes each day. Many of these are small and go unnoticed, mere tremors.  Others, more than a seven on the Richter scale, cause utter devastation. On average there are about 15 earthquakes every year with a magnitude of seven or more.

“The Richter scale is not a linear but logarithmic. As the numbers go up by one the magnitude of the quake increases by a factor of ten… the scale of an earthquake is related to the length of the fault on which it occurs: the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake. To produce a magnitude 10.5 earthquake, there would need to be a fault line with a length of around 80,000 km. Given that the Earth’s circumference is only about 40,000 km, this would be highly unlikely. And so an earthquake with a magnitude of 20 seems impossible.

“Yet… there is one way that such an event could take place… [It] would be due to a massive asteroid impact… Tsunamis and volcanic eruptions would be taking place, more earthquakes would likely be triggered and the whole world would be falling apart [and] destroy the planet..”

“The largest earthquake ever recorded is the 1960 Valdivia earthquake. Various studies have established that it measured somewhere between a 9.4 and 9.6 on the Moment Magnitude Scale…”

This does not mean, of course, that much larger earthquakes did not happen before which were not recorded. In Revelation 16:18, we read about a future “great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth.”

Creating Humanzees?

The Sun wrote on November 12:

“… during Russia’s Soviet era Josef Stalin poured money into sensational experiments which involved injecting human sperm into female gorillas – and, even more shockingly, inseminating human women with the seed of primates. Stalin ordered renowned scientist Ilia Ivanov to create an invincible breed of Red Army soldiers… the Kremlin chief demanded these mutant warriors be ‘resilient and resistant to hunger’. He said they should be of ‘immense strength but with an underdeveloped brain’

“Scientist Ivanov had made his name at the turn of the century by perfecting artificial insemination in horses proving that the sperm of one male stallion could impregnate up to 500 females. He then… tried to create a super-horse by crossing the animals with zebras.

“The term ‘humanzee’ was coined later in the 20th century and refers to a human-chimp crossbreed

“In 1924, Ivanov… managed to secure support from the Pasteur Institute in Paris who let him use a research station in Guinea, West Africa, for ape-breeding research… He managed to inseminate three chimps with human sperm but none of the beasts fell pregnant. Ivanov reported that African women had been seized to be impregnated with ape sperm, but no pregnancy resulted.

“Female gorillas were set to receive human sperm as well before the experiments were shut down. Ivanov then headed back to the Soviet Union where he set up an ape nursery with 20 chimps in the subtropical republic of Abkhazia, near Georgia. When his project failed, Ivanov was arrested in 1930. He became one of millions rounded up by paranoid Stalin and died in a labour camp in 1932….”

This is just SO sick! According to some reports, Hitler also tried unsuccessfully to create “humanzees.” Especially the experiments in Russia were conducted in the name of science to “prove” the accuracy of Darwin’s ungodly evolution theory.

Divisions within the Catholic Church

Thomson/Reuters wrote on November 14:

“U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops this week are expected to revisit whether President Joe Biden’s support for abortion rights should disqualify him from receiving communion, an issue that has deepened rifts in the church since the Democrat took office…

“Biden, the first Catholic president since John F. Kennedy, has said he personally opposes abortion but supports a woman’s right to choose. He has vowed to protect abortion rights in the face of increasingly restrictive laws enacted by states; last month, his administration called on the Supreme Court to block a Texas law that bans abortions after six weeks. The issue has divided the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and pitted more conservative Catholics against those who support the president’s views. Some 55% of Catholics believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, compared to 59% of the general population…

“The debate has sown further discord as the church struggles to retain a fractured membership. Nearly 20% of U.S. Catholics have left the church in the past two decades… as sexual abuse scandals involving predatory priests have emerged and members have increasingly disagreed on social issues.”

It is truly appalling that the majority of members of the biggest professing Christian organization believe abortion should be allowed in most cases, even though their leadership is opposed to it. What are they even doing in the Catholic Church?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Huge Setback for Biden’s Vaccine Mandate… for Now!

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 7:

“A US federal appeals court on Saturday issued a [temporary] stay on a decision by US President Joe Biden’s administration requiring tens of millions of Americans to be either vaccinated or tested weekly for COVID. Saturday’s ruling followed a backlash from conservative Republicans, who had vowed to overturn the rule. At least 27 states filed lawsuits challenging the requirement…

“The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals cited  ‘grave statutory and constitutional’ issues with the vaccine requirement. Louisiana Attorney General Landry said the action stops President Joe Biden ‘from moving forward with his unlawful overreach… The president will not impose medical procedures on the American people without the checks and balances afforded by the constitution,’ Landry said in a statement…

“The Biden administration is also being sued by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis… over rules requiring employees of federal contractors to be vaccinated.”

Breitbart added on November 6:

“The ruling does not create legal precedent, but it is an important victory for challengers as it could signal which way the court would go on the merits as the case moves forward…

“In a final item that bodes ill for the Biden administration, the panel of the New Orleans-based appeals court wrote that all future cases, appeals, motions, and petitions on this issue in that jurisdiction shall be assigned to that same three-judge panel under this docket number. The judges are Edith Jones – an appointee of President Ronald Reagan and one of the most respected and brilliant conservative federal appeals judges in the nation, and Kyle Duncan and Kurt Engelhardt, both appointed by President Donald Trump.”

Lawsuits Galore

The Associated Press reported on November 5:

“Attorneys general in 11 states filed suit Friday against President Joe Biden’s administration, challenging a new vaccine requirement for workers at companies with more than 100 employees. The lawsuit filed in the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals argues that the authority to compel vaccinations rests with the states, not the federal government…

“Missouri was joined in the lawsuit by the Republican attorneys general of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. The office of Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, a Democrat, also joined in the suit, along with several private, nonprofit, and religious employers.

“The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, filed a challenge in federal court on Thursday. So did companies in Michigan and Ohio represented by a conservative advocacy law firm.”

With all these pending lawsuits and the Biden administration’s position that federal law supersedes state law in this case, the Supreme Court will surely have to get involved. What the divided Supreme Court will decide is anyone’s guess. In addition, as the next article shows, there are many states, run by Democrats, which enforce OSHA regulations, showing the existence of totalitarian rule in America. We include in this edition numerous articles which point out this troublesome fact.

What the New Biden Mandate Would Do

 The Associated Press wrote on November 5:

“The Biden administration’s sweeping new COVID-19 mandate will apply to 84 million workers at mid-size and large companies… A separate rule requires workers at health care facilities that receive federal Medicare and Medicaid payments to be vaccinated. This rule, from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, will apply to 17 million workers at 76,000 health care facilities, including hospitals and long-term care facilities…

“Employers must give workers paid time off to be vaccinated and to recover from any side effects. Vaccinations will be paid for by the federal government, though employees may have to pay for testing… OSHA says it will enforce the new rules… by relying largely on whistleblower complaints and some limited spot checks… The agency said it will work with companies to have employees vaccinated but would fine them up to $13,653 for each violation. Companies must collect proof of employee vaccinations and keep records. And employers must prove that unvaccinated employees have taken tests approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and that the tests are properly administered…

“The rules do not apply to employees who work alone, at home or outdoors. In addition, workers may apply for religious or medical exemptions. Nicholas Hulse, an employment lawyer at Fisher & Phillips LLC, noted that companies that have issued their own vaccine mandates are already being deluged with requests to be excused from vaccine requirements. Normally, Hulse said, religious exemption requests are straightforward: Someone, say, requests Sundays off to attend church or observe a day of rest. Now, he said, it will be ‘difficult to tell if (anti-vaccine) beliefs are sincerely held, or are they just trying to use religion to get an accommodation?’…

In 28 states and U.S. territories that enforce OSHA regulations, the new rule will cover both public and private employers. These states and territories are:

“Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming. In the remaining states and territories, public employees are not covered by the new mandate.

“…A Kaiser Family Foundation survey last month found that 37% of unvaccinated workers say they would leave their job if they were required to get jabbed or submit to weekly tests — a figure that rises to 70% if testing isn’t an option…

“Only 10 times has OSHA issued an emergency rule, which allows it to bypass normal administrative procedures, including the need to seek public comment. Until it issued an emergency rule in June covering COVID risks in the health care industry, it hadn’t done so in 38 years. And no wonder: The courts have overturned four emergency rules and partially blocked a fifth, according to a review by the Congressional Research Service. To fast-track its rules, the agency must show that it’s acting to protect workers from a ‘grave danger.’”

This approach by the Biden administration constitutes dictatorship to the extreme, no matter how courts will decide the issue. And this might not be all.

Breitbart wrote on November 4:

“The Biden-Harris administration on Thursday is weighing if they should expand the vaccine mandate for companies employing fewer than 100 employees… [OSHA] is ‘seeking comment to help the agency’ determine if smaller employers with fewer than 100 employees can implement a coronavirus vaccine mandate ‘without undue disruption.’”

And now, the Biden administration is even going after the children. Note the next article.

Vaccinating Young Children against Corona?

WND News Center wrote on November 3:

“A former surgeon at the John Hopkins Children’s Center is describing the Biden administration’s move to vaccinate young children for COVID-19 as a ‘giant experiment’, arguing there is no sufficient data to determine the long-term risks posed by the shots. ‘Do we want to put our children at risk, when we know that the risk of the disease to them is relatively small, but we don’t know what the future risks are? Why would we do a thing like that? It makes no sense whatsoever,’ said Dr. Ben Carson in a Sunday interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’ ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’

“Carson, renowned for his innovative surgeries to save the lives of children, is former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. He previously served as secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Trump administration. Bartiromo asked Carson whether or not young children should receive the COVID-19 vaccine. ‘Absolutely not,’ he replied… Carson also pointed to studies showing natural immunity ‘is very, very effective.’

“Dr. Carson is supported in his opposition to child injections for COVID-19, with other health experts voicing their opinions on the matter. Dr. Martin Kulldorf, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, member of FDA and CDC scientific advisory committees stated: ‘I don’t think children should be vaccinated for COVID… COVID is not a huge threat to children.’

“Dr. Harvey Risch, professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine, had a clear vision of what he would do if schools mandate the vaccine. ‘If the child has chronic conditions that make their risk appreciable, then there is reason that they should be considered for vaccination. Other than that, if it were my child, I would (remove them from public school and) homeschool them,’ he stated.

“Meanwhile, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor of theoretical epidemiology at the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, argued against injecting children, who were ‘unlikely to benefit’ from such an intervention…

“Dr. Robert Malone, virologist and immunologist known for his work developing mRNA vaccine technology, declared ‘There is absolutely no scientific or medical justification for vaccinating children, in my opinion.’”

KUSI San Diego reported on November 3:

“The CDC recommended the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 years old on Tuesday, following the FDA’s authorization of its use for those in that age group.

“Dr. Kelly Victory, Emergency Medicine and Disaster Specialist, joined KUSI’s Ginger Jeffries on Good Evening San Diego to discuss what parents should consider before giving their children a COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Victory described that the risk of the vaccine far outweigh the risks of [not] vaccinating children with a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Parents should research this issue very carefully.

America’s Totalitarianism… Much Worse Than Imagined

The Ron Paul Institute republished an article by Children’s Health Defense, dated November 7:

“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. last month delivered a speech at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute ‘Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism’ conference. In his speech — described by the Ron Paul Institute as ‘a compelling indictment of the mad push to total control’ — Kennedy said the techniques used by government officials during the COVID pandemic to ‘edge people into subservience’ come straight out of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) manuals he researched for his book, ‘American Values.’…

“Kennedy described a recent simulation, Event 201, a pandemic ‘tabletop exercise’ that simulated a global pandemic nearly identical to COVID. The event took place in October 2019 at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security, facilitated the simulation. Bill Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, global health officers and people from social media groups, large pharmaceutical companies and global corporations attended or sent representatives.

“Kennedy said: ‘…They were simulating a pandemic, but they weren’t simulating a medical response to that pandemic. They were simulating a militarized response. How do you use that pandemic to, particularly in that Event 201, to impose censorship globally? And that’s what they were modeling.’

“Describing CIA operations and organized mind control programs at top universities… Kennedy said the same techniques are used in today’s lockdowns: ‘The most potent technique,,, was isolation … And they did this in sensory deprivation tanks … and also just locking people in solitary confinement. You can get [people] to do almost anything you want after a certain period of time. It will drive them mad… If a government can hide what it’s doing by censoring its opponents and silencing dissonants, it has license to do anything that it wants,’ Kennedy said.

“He said what happens when you have a population of fear, ‘you have the complete obliteration of critical thinking, and then people stop asking questions.’

“Kennedy described how the rules and regulations handed down during the pandemic have been manipulated to [the] point where no one recognizes the country as a democracy anymore. ‘So there are all these democratic protections that were waived… All of these things were imposed upon us by fiat — with no discussion, no science cited.’

“Kennedy cited parallels in books he’s read by George Orwell and science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, with what he sees all over the civilized world… ‘what’s happening now is this lockstep imposition of totalitarian controls — not just in America, but in every one of the liberal democracies in the world, and all of the other countries in the world. ‘China moved into Hong Kong and banned the last democratic newspaper. Everywhere in the world, we see democracy and constitutional rights disappearing. And it all happened at once, as if it was planned.’…”

It is planned indeed by none other than Satan, the god and ruler of this world.

Joe Biden’s Presidency… Scary!

The New York Post wrote on November 4:

“President Joe Biden ‘may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,’ the ACLU said, after [he] angrily called a report that Justice would give $450,000-per-person payoffs to illegal immigrant families separated at the border ‘garbage.’…

“So either: 1) Biden is unaware of the deal and the progressives that dictate all policy through Chief of Staff Rob Klain are doing it on their own. 2) Biden is lying. 3) Biden was told and forgot.

“All of these scenarios seem plausible; none inspire confidence in this president. Scary…”

Biden’s selective memory and his outright lies have been the topic of much discussion recently. Note the next articles.

Biden’s flip-flops

APP reported on November 6:

“US President Joe Biden said Saturday he supported compensation for families of immigrants separated from their children at the Mexican border under the ‘zero tolerance’ policy of Donald Trump… The US departments of Justice and Homeland Security have been negotiating with affected families who have sued the government, the Wall Street Journal reported in late October. It said payments could run as high as $450,000.

“Asked about that report on Wednesday, Biden said it was ‘garbage’… A White House spokesperson… later clarified that… Biden was ‘perfectly comfortable” with the idea of compensation’…”

Biden’s flip-flops are more than just embarrassing. What a terrible message of incompetence and ignorance is being given to America’s friends and enemies!

The White House and the left-wing mass media later tried to spin it (what else is new?) in saying that Biden was just objecting to the figure of $450,000. But that was NOT what Biden was asked and what he responded to.

Biden clearly not in charge

Fox News reported on November 6:

“Biden claimed he would be in ‘real trouble’ for taking another question from the press Saturday following remarks about the passage of a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill… The president has a history of saying he will be in hot water with his staff for taking media questions… In April, the president again claimed he would be ‘in trouble’ if he continued to take questions from reporters after speaking about new federal health guidelines for mask wearing for vaccinated and non-vaccinated Americans…

“Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki has also said that Biden taking reporter questions’ is ‘not something we recommend.’“

Biden also stated repeatedly that before taking questions from reporters, he had been “instructed” as to whom to call upon. He is clearly not in charge… but who is? We are confronted with an utter picture of total confusion.

Biden and FBI in Cahoots by Illegally Raiding Homes of Journalists?

Fox News wrote on November 6:

“The FBI  raided the home of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe as part of a federal investigation into the ‘stolen’ diary of President Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden. The New York Times reported the raid took place early Saturday morning just days after the homes of two Project Veritas associates were also the subject of search warrants…

“Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett appeared on ‘Hannity’ Friday and stressed there’s a ‘huge difference’ between what Ashley Biden’s attorney has alleged that her diary was stolen versus what O’Keefe alleged about it being left behind in a room, saying ‘one’s a crime and the other one isn’t.’ ‘Project Veritas did the right thing,’ Jarrett told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. ‘They didn’t publish this because they couldn’t verify the authenticity of the documents, but the other conservative website did publish it but they claimed they did verify it. What is so bewildering about this is why in the world would the feds even [be] involved in it.’

“Jarrett insisted that even if the diary was the subject of a theft, it would be a ‘state crime’ rather than a federal crime and that the investigation, which allegedly began under Attorney General William Barr, has become an ‘enormous conflict of interest’ with President Biden now in office. ‘A journalist cannot be criminally prosecuted for publishing stolen material unless the journalist himself or herself is involved in the theft. There’s no indication of that,’ Jarrett said. ‘And the same is true of leaked classified information. Journalists have never been prosecuted for that, although the leakers have when they’re identified.. [This story is] deeply troubling. They would barge into the homes of two journalists armed with a search warrant signed off by a federal judge and the Department of Justice, presided over by Joe Biden, this smacks of a political investigation and potential prosecution.’”

Whatever happened to the FBI’s investigation of the alleged criminal acts by Biden’s son Hunter, with the alleged knowledge and/or collaboration of Joe Biden?

House Passes Infrastructure Bill

The Washington Post wrote on November 5:

“House lawmakers late Friday adopted a roughly $1.2 trillion measure to improve the country’s roads, bridges, pipes, ports and Internet connections… The bipartisan 228-to-206 vote… proved littered with political conflict, pushing to the limits a fractious party with still-widening ideological fissures. Democrats initially hoped to approve the infrastructure bill on Friday along with a separate, roughly $2 trillion proposal [the ‘Build Back Better Act,’] to overhaul the nation’s health care, education, immigration, climate and tax laws. Doing so would have advanced two spending initiatives that have been stalled on Capitol Hill for months.

“Instead, House Democrats started only to debate, but did not finalize, the $2 trillion tax-and-spending package. Facing new delays, that bill remained bogged down in the broader war between liberals, who are eager to spend now that they are in the majority, and moderates, who continue to question the fiscal impacts of the bill.

“In the end, it was a bipartisan coalition of Democrats with the aid of 13 Republicans that helped propel the infrastructure proposal to passage… The bill includes more than $110 billion to replace and repair roads, bridges and highways, and $66 billion to boost rail, making it the most substantial such investment in the country’s passenger and commercial network since the creation of Amtrak about half a century ago. Lawmakers provided $55 billion to improve the nation’s water supply and replace lead pipes, $60 billion to modernize the power grid and billions in additional sums to expand speedy Internet access nationwide.

“Many of the investments aim to promote green energy and combat some of the country’s worst sources of pollution. At Biden’s behest, for example, lawmakers approved $7.5 billion to build out a national network of vehicle charging stations… the package also allocates another roughly $50 billion to respond to emergencies including droughts, wildfires and major storms.

“… Democrats ultimately worked out an arrangement that allowed for the adoption of the infrastructure bill in exchange for a pledge from moderates that they would hold a vote on the other spending package [the’ Build Back Better Act’] by Nov. 15, providing the spending plan does not add to the deficit, as Democrats have promised… Still, the arrangement did not satisfy the entire party: Six left-leaning Democrats…  ultimately voted against the measure…

“To be sure, the final bill is far less than what the White House initially sought. And lawmakers jettisoned some of Biden’s plans to pay for the package, which he initially had hoped to finance through tax increases on wealthy Americans and corporations — unwinding the tax cuts enacted under Trump in 2017. Instead, Congress relied on a pastiche of mechanisms that experts predict may not raise as much as some lawmakers say, including new reporting requirements on cryptocurrency that could be subject to legal challenge….”

The Guardian wrote on November 6:

“Progress on Biden’s agenda comes at a particularly difficult moment for the president. His approval ratings have slumped amid concerns over rising inflation, an unshakable pandemic and a harried withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden departed for a pair of international summits without securing progress on domestic agenda, only to be met upon his return by news of his party’s poor showing in races across the country on Tuesday.

“In Virginia, a state he won by 10 points in 2020, Republicans won the governor’s race, and came much closer than expected to denying the Democratic governor of New Jersey a second term. The grim results helped jolt Democrats into action on Capitol Hill, where leaders hope enacting their ambitious agenda will help the party regain momentum and improve their electoral prospects ahead of next year’s midterm elections….”

So it’s all for votes? It has been pointed out that the Infrastructure Bill does little, if anything, for the average American who is struggling with having to pay for astronomically high gas prices and groceries. Also, the Damocles sword of the increasing national debt, which can never be repaid, is hanging over America. This is not even addressing the second contemplated bill—the tax-and-spending package called the Build Back Better Act—which would cost another 2+ trillion Dollars. The claim by Democrats that this would not add to the national deficit is just ludicrous.

America’s situation is hopeless. It will take the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of a righteous and sane government to clear up the mess.

“U.S. Economy added 531,000 Jobs in October”

This headline, as quoted above from Breitbart, does not tell the whole story.  Note the article by CNS News on November 5:

“The Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics announced on Friday that 100,450,000 people in this country were not in the labor force in October, up 38,000 from the 100,412,000 in September… Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.

“Among those not in the labor force in October, 1.3 million persons said they were prevented from looking for work due to the pandemic… In October, 3.8 million persons reported that they had been unable to work because their employer closed or lost business due to the pandemic.”

Tensions between Israel and USA on the Rise

Israel 365 wrote on November 8:

“Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, formerly political opponents, closed ranks to oppose the Biden administration’s plan to open a consulate to the Palestinian Authority in Jerusalem… ‘There is no place for an American consulate that serves the Palestinians in Jerusalem,’ Bennett said… ‘Jerusalem is the capital of Israel alone.’… emphasizing that ‘sovereignty in Jerusalem belongs to one country — Israel.’

“The issue of the consulate is just one piece in the growing divide between the current White House administration and Israel. Just two weeks ago, the State Department rebuked Israel for branding six NGOs as terror groups after it was discovered they had deep ties with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Israel claims that it has proof that while claiming to serve humanitarian functions, the organizations in fact funneled foreign funds to the terrorist organization.

“At the same time, the State Department condemned Israel for its recently published plans to allow Jews to build several housing units in Judea and Samaria, a region the Biden administration would like to reserve for a Palestinian state that is ethnically cleansed of Jews.

“Another rift is the efforts by the Biden administration to reinstate… the Iran nuclear deal… Nikki Haley, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations warned that Israel should not rely on the US to protect its security interests regarding Iran.  ‘If Israel makes the grave decision that its security depends on removing that threat, it should not wait for an American green light… If a politician supports the disastrous Iran deal, opposes moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, and is embraced by anti-Semites who support the [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement, then a pro-Israel group should have absolutely nothing to do with him or her.’”

Strong words, and really frightening developments.

Anointing Oil and a New Temple in Jerusalem

Israel 365 wrote on November 8:

 “The Sanhedrin is moving forward to prepare enough [special oil] to anoint the Messiah from the House of David who, when he returns, will rule over Israel in the Messianic era.

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin…  emphasized that a Kohen Gadol (High Priest) and Temple utensils will be anointed when the Temple service begins, which does not need an actual Temple structure, only an altar… ‘We are now entering the time when the preparations for the Temple are almost complete,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘Now is the time for people to act, to show whether they will be part of the Temple or stand against the reappearance of God’s house in Jerusalem.’”

Also, daily animal sacrifices may begin in Jerusalem before a Temple is built, but the Temple will exist when the man of sin and lawlessness will occupy it, sitting in God’s Temple and proclaiming that he is God—perhaps saying that he is Jesus Christ who, he might claim, has returned. It is interesting in that context that Rabbi Weiss also announced that special oil is being prepared for the anointing of the returning Messiah. Of course, the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, will not be anointed by human beings… but a false Messiah might be. Further, most Jews do not believe in Christ as being the Messiah.

Crisis at Belarus-Poland Border

The Guardian wrote on November 10:

“The [outgoing] German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has asked Vladimir Putin to intervene in the crisis on the Belarus-Poland border… In a phone call, Merkel told Putin that the ‘use of migrants by the Belarusian regime was inhuman and unacceptable and asked [Putin] to influence the regime in Minsk’, said the chancellor’s spokesperson, Steffen Seibert. The conversation came hours after Poland’s prime minister accused Putin of ‘masterminding’ the crisis on Belarus’s border with the EU… Russia has denied any involvement and blamed Europe [Deutsche Welle added in this regard on November 10 that Russia and Belarus blame the EU and Poland “for refusing to help potential asylum seekers…, with large groups of migrants stuck on the border in dropping temperatures. Between 2,000 and 4,000 migrants, reported to be mostly Kurds, have set up a camp near the barrier after failing to break through the fence on Monday.”]

Poland and Lithuania have declared a state of emergency on their borders with Belarus, where Lukashenko has been accused of ferrying asylum seekers from the Middle East to the EU’s borders as revenge for the bloc’s criticism of his crackdown on opposition… Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki… said Putin was determined to ‘rebuild the Russian empire’ and called the crisis at the border ‘a new kind of war, in which people are used as living shields’… Moscow has been an increasingly crucial ally for Belarus in the past year, backing Lukashenko after his brutal crackdown on protests and after his grounding of a Ryanair flight in May that set off a fresh round of sanctions and pushed Minsk further into isolation.

“EU countries have threatened new sanctions and accused Lukashenko of ‘human trafficking’ and ‘gangster-style’ tactics.”

Belarus or White Russia will continue to work with Russia against Europe. Ultimately, Ukraine will join Russia in that fight.

Europe’s Future?

The Economist wrote on November 8:

“The EU is divided when it comes to defence… A French-led summit on defence in the first half of 2022, with the European Commission as a cheerleader, will put the topic front and centre. Deciding how to treat America will be the main bone of contention. For France, America is an unreliable friend that ditches allies without warning in Afghanistan and snatches submarine contracts. For Poland and its eastern friends it is the only viable bulwark against Russian aggression…

“France will cement its role as the EU’s most influential government. Angela Merkel’s departure leaves a power vacuum at the top, which the French will happily try to fill. France has the rotating presidency of the EU for the first six months of the year, allowing it to shape the legislative agenda of the bloc…

“A test of French influence will be in the coming reforms to the Stability and Growth Pact. Resetting the rules, which dictate how much governments can spend, will be the main fiscal battle of 2022. France, Italy and Spain have long called for a loosening. Germany and the Netherlands insist things work perfectly well as they are. Sorting out the spending rules will be the most consequential decision taken by EU leaders in 2022…  the pact has provided neither stability nor growth: wide gaps in growth rates have emerged between northern and southern Europe in the past two decades, along with a subsequent political backlash. The EU gains its power from its economic clout…”

France might “lead” Europe for a short while… But it will be Germany which will ultimately lead. A united Europe is also described in the book of Revelation and elsewhere as an extremely rich economic power.

Germany’s Increased Military Involvement

Defense News wrote on November 5:

“The German Air Force is preparing to… deploy six Eurofighter aircraft, three Airbus A330 tankers and three A400M transport aircraft in support of Australia’s Pitch Black exercise, scheduled for Sept. 5-23, 2022… Germany is ready to play a bigger role in the Indo-Pacific region… This is the Air Force’s ‘first and biggest deployment’ of air assets to the Asia-Pacific region…

“This air deployment would follow the August 2021 deployment of the German Navy frigate Bayern. The ship is to spend six months at sea, with stops planned in 12 different ports including in Djibouti, Karachi, Diego Garcia, Perth, Guam, Tokyo and Shanghai. However, news outlet Deutsche Welle reported in September that China rejected the planned Shanghai stopover ‘after a period of reflection.’”

Joint European Military Force by Core Members Only?

 The Telegraph wrote on November 10:

“The European Union is considering controversial plans to allow the bloc to deploy a joint military force without the unanimous support of all its member states. Removing the need for unanimity would stop a country blocking the rapid reaction force of 5,000 troops from being sent to crisis situations independently of Washington and Nato… ‘Europe cannot afford to be a bystander in a world order that is mainly shaped by others,’ a draft of the document obtained by The Telegraph, said.

“[Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign affairs chief] told a group of European newspapers smaller groups of member states could take joint action and ‘we cannot decide by unanimity every step of the process… Europe is in danger… All the threats we face are intensifying and the capacity of individual member states to cope is insufficient and declining.’… Brussels and Germany have long called for member states to be stripped of their effective veto on foreign policy such as EU sanctions so that the bloc can react more quickly to geopolitical challenges.”

EU and Ethiopia

Euractiv wrote on November 5:

“The EU is prepared to issue sanctions against those responsible for the war and humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray province, EU officials confirmed…

“A sanctions’ regime signed by US President Joe Biden covering those responsible for prolonging the conflict in northern Ethiopia, human rights abuses and obstruction of humanitarian access is now about to be implemented. Officials say it will include travel bans and asset freezes on ministers, military commanders and regional authorities, as well as restrictions on aid and assistance and prohibition of arms sales to either Eritrea or Ethiopia.

“In the meantime, the EU will continue to supply humanitarian aid, despite continued difficulties in aid reaching those in need… More than 400,000 people are estimated to be living in famine conditions in Tigray… and a hundred trucks are needed daily to provide critical humanitarian needs….

“The recent escalation of fighting in the Amhara region and the military advances of the TPLF and Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), as well as aerial bombardment by the Ethiopian Airforce of Mekelle, the main town in Tigray, threaten to make the war a truly national conflict. The European Union has already responded to the blockade of Tigray by blocking $107 million in budget support…”

Ultimately, Europe and Ethiopia might find themselves involved in a military confrontation.

Austria’s Newest Dictatorial Measures

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 6:

“Starting Monday, Austria will ban unvaccinated patrons from entering cafes, restaurants and large events… Under new rules that go into effect nationwide on Monday, those who cannot provide proof of full vaccination will not be allowed to enter places like restaurants, bars and hairdressers.

“Unvaccinated people will also be barred from hotels, events with more than 25 people and ski lifts… ‘We’re going to have to tighten the reins on the unvaccinated,’ Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said…”

Especially Austria should be careful with dictatorial rule in light of their unpleasant history under Hitler.

Why Hitler Did not Invade the UK

Express wrote on November 5:

“Hitler completed the German invasion of France in June 1940 after British forces withdrew from Europe and evacuated from Dunkirk. After France fell to the Nazis, German air raids were then carried out across Britain from July 1940. The Royal Air Force eventually won the Battle of Britain, which resulted in the extension of World War 2 and the eventual defeat of Germany.

“However, after the invasion of France, the German leader also began plotting the invasion of England in July 1940… Germany never carried out the invasion of Britain and by 1941 the idea had been taken off the table..

“Files from German General Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus have been preserved in a Russian archive. Paulus, who had only recently been promoted to General, surrendered to the Soviet Union as he led an offensive on Stalingrad in 1943. While a Soviet prisoner of war, in 1946 he provided a detailed account of the Nazis’ plans to invade England…

“Friedrich Paulus cited four points as reasons for the permanent postponement: firstly, the risk of a ‘loss of prestige’ if the invasion had failed… Second, the hope that the mere threat of submarines and bombing would make Britain want peace. Thirdly, the… calculation of ‘not hurting the enemy’ in order to be able to forge an alliance later. Fourth, Hitler’s clear intention to attack the USSR since the summer of 1940.

“… Paulus… was one of the military leaders of the empire from late 1940 to early 1942… Paulus, who was Germany’s highest-ranking prisoner of war, was interrogated at length by the Soviets.”

Some of the reasons stated above were well-known for a long time. Another reason was that Hitler considered the British people as part of the “master race,” which he did not want to obliterate. The Bible shows, however, that in the future, Britain will be invaded and destroyed by a unified European power bloc.

The Fight for UK’s Fishery

Express wrote on November 5:

“[The UK fishing industry is] ready to be sacrificed in order to get the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement across the line… This week, even as President Macron temporarily delayed his threats to impose severe sanctions on the UK, Boris [Johnson] described the issue of fishing as ‘really vanishingly unimportant’ when compared to his pet project of COP26… While protecting the sovereignty of our waters may not be as flashy as standing up and making big speeches to billionaires and other world leaders, the Conservative Party won the votes of this country with promises to ‘Get Brexit Done’ and to protect our fishing industry

“If for a moment Macron feels French interests are not being given top priority, he will resurrect threats of trade tariffs and cuts to energy supplies, regardless of what is agreed in any ongoing talks, especially as we get nearer to the French Presidential elections next year. It is clear, President Macron does not believe Boris Johnson cares enough about UK fishermen to take drastic action… The current attitude of simply trying to sweep problems under the carpet will not work, and the PM’s failure to keep his promises to the UK fishing industry will not be forgotten…

“For example, it’s about time the UK makes the payment of the so-called ‘Divorce Bill’ conditional on the resolution of fishing talks and the end to French threats? In 2021 alone we are set to send £7 billion to the EU, with £5 billion to follow in 2022. Why on earth should we send this money to a hostile foreign organisation which so obviously has no interest in being our true ‘friend and partner’?…”

PM Boris Johnson is acting very weakly and indecisively. He is no match for President Macron or continental Europe, and the future will prove this.

Ridiculous Comparison by Archbishop Welby

The Daily Mail wrote on November 6:

“Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has apologised for grotesquely claiming that the failure to act on climate change is worse than the failure to prevent Hitler’s murder of six million Jews.

“Britain’s ever-dwindling Christian community is crying out for a brave, compassionate leader focused on saving souls…”

The “fight” to combat climate change reaches more and more ridiculous levels.

“Real” Meat without Animals?

ABC News reported on November 5:

“Bay Area company Upside Foods opened a new lab Thursday designed to create real meat, but no animals will be present in this facility… Upside Foods says workers will take cells from animal tissue and create the meat inside their lab. They say they have a staff of 150 workers including dozens of scientists working on this type of cultivation… With their new lab, Upside Foods says the goal is to produce around 50,000 pounds of meat…

“‘The only things transported through our tubes are the cells and the meat,’ [Eric Schulze, Vice President of Product and Regulation] said. ‘Instead of growing a cow for 18 months before it hits the grocery store we can make the same meat in 14-21 days.’”

Sounds weird.

Trump Just Can’t Keep Silent

The Insider wrote on November 6:

“Former President Donald Trump baselessly claimed that Alec Baldwin might have purposefully shot crew members on the set of the movie ‘Rust.’ The  firing of a prop gun by Baldwin on set led to the death of the director of photography, Halyna Hutchins, and injured the director, Joel Souza. ‘He’s a troubled guy. There’s something wrong with him. I’ve watched him for years. He gets into fistfights with reporters,’ Donald Trump told conservative radio host Chris Stigall in a podcast on Thursday. ‘He’s a cuckoo-bird, he’s a nutjob. And usually, when there’s somebody like that, you know, in my opinion, he had something to do with it.’

“… In the police affidavit, Baldwin said that he was told that the gun was not loaded. Trump added that he thought Baldwin had behaved irresponsibly by pointing the gun at a crewmember, whether it was loaded or not… Trump said on the podcast that if he had been handed a gun, he would first discharge it into the air to make sure it wasn’t loaded… Trump suggested that Baldwin might have loaded the gun that killed Hutchins…

“The former president went on to say that he thought Baldwin’s impersonation of him on Saturday Night Live over the years was ‘terrible’… ”

Trump seems to be unable to be silent when his silence would be called for.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Political Earthquakes in Virginia and New Jersey

The New York Post wrote on November 3:

“Election Day Tuesday ended with races that should have been easy wins for Democrats.

“Most dramatically, Republican Glenn Youngkin easily beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe to be governor of Virginia, a state Biden carried by 10 percentage points last year… Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) predicted Youngkin’s victory ‘could be a political earthquake.’

“Gubernatorial election results hung in the balance early Wednesday in New Jersey, a state Biden carried by 16 points a year ago. Incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy — expected to be a shoo-in for the Democrats — remained virtually tied with Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli on Wednesday morning, with the pair less than a percentage point apart and 97 percent of precincts reporting. [In the meantime, The Associated Press projected Murphy to be the winner, but Ciattarelli has so far refused to concede.]

“While former President Donald Trump gave credit to his supporters for the upset in Virginia, political commentators appeared certain that Biden’s disastrous leadership, especially in trying to pass his extreme spending plans, was to blame. ‘The Democratic Party and Joe Biden were elected to solve problems, and all they’re doing is fighting about price tags,’ Doug Herman, a lead strategist for Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, told Politico…

“Despite potential catastrophe for him in the US, Biden clung to the belief that he had at least been a success in Europe, even while nodding off at important events.”

But China, the largest emitter of greenhouse gas, and Russia did not even participate at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Biden added that at least the USA “showed up.” Some “commitments” were made by the countries in attendance, which might not be worth the paper they were written on.

The Guardian wrote:

“… the US was clearly piqued at how little the relentless diplomacy of John Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, had done to extract deeper emissions cuts from leading carbon polluters. ‘…the Biden administration seems to be turning its back on reality and throwing climate leadership into the toilet,’ said Jeremy Nichols, climate and energy program director for WildEarth Guardians.”

Regarding the prior G20 Meeting in Rome, it also ended without a successful breakthrough.

AFP wrote on October 31:

“The G20 major economies committed on Sunday to the key goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but disappointed leaders warned that more was needed to make a success of UN climate talks, beginning in Glasgow. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the host of the COP26 summit that opened on Sunday, said the pledge from world leaders after two days of talks in Rome was ‘not enough,’ and warned of the dire consequences for the planet… saying the G20 commitments were ‘drops in a rapidly warming ocean.’

“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also expressed disappointment at the outcome of the G20 summit, saying he left Rome ‘with my hopes unfulfilled — but at least they are not buried.’”

Even accepting that there is something like man-made global warming, nothing will change as the countries which are allegedly mostly responsible will not alter their behavior.

Demoralized Democrats

CNN wrote on November 3:

“Demoralized Democrats need a reckoning after a rough election night that sent serious warning signs that they have misjudged the nation’s mood as their window closes before next year’s midterms.

“While the party feuds over its vast social spending agenda, Republicans are highlighting issues that preoccupy voters more immediately, like a sluggish economy, high gas prices, expensive groceries, crime rates and concerns about the rights of parents to influence what is taught in schools. Those concerns in many cases have been exacerbated by a prolonged pandemic, which President Joe Biden declared all but over in July but that spiked over the summer in a new blow to an exhausted nation’s morale.

“Virginia’s government race especially was seen as a one-year referendum on Biden’s presidency

“In New Jersey… Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s squeaker reelection race…  reinforced a sense that the President’s party has lost the country’s confidence

“Biden endured a wretched summer, including a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that shook confidence in his leadership and dented his approval ratings. It likely hasn’t helped that progressives… have been a dominant force in the party in Washington, playing into GOP claims that the President is hostage to far-left influences in his own party…

“McAuliffe, Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and ex-President Barack Obama all appear to have miscalculated by reasoning that the best way to down Youngkin was to paint him as a Trump clone…”

Reasons why Youngkin Won

Newsmax wrote on November 3:

“Six factors have been key to Glenn Youngkin’s win over former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe; meanwhile, they also help explain why Republican Jack Ciattarelli has come within a hair’s breadth of besting once-popular New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

“Here are the six keys to the GOP’s successes:

“1. Voters reject COVID mask and vaccination lockdowns. Both Republican candidates made clear they opposed harsh lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and mask requirements. Murphy ordered every child over 2 to mask up, which didn’t sit well with voters.

“2. Black voters didn’t turn out. Black voters were said to be crucial for McAuliffe’s victory, and they did not turn out as they did in 2020. Why? One reason may be mandatory vaccinations. Blacks have been hesitant to take the vaccine…

“3. Biden’s approval numbers have collapsed. The debacle in Afghanistan, a southern border in crisis, soaring inflation and questions about Joe Biden’s age and mental capacity, have created a brew of disenchantment among voters who are giving the president a thumb’s-down rating in approval polls.

“4. Critical race theory backfired. Cultural issues like CRT and gender politics played a major role in the Virginia race. McAuliffe’s claim that parents shouldn’t play a role in what their children are taught, coupled with the recent alleged assault of one female student by a male in a skirt — are issues that rubbed suburban voters who don’t accept ‘woke’ culture the wrong way.

“5. It’s the economy, stupid! Massive supply shortages and soaring inflation may be having a more significant impact on voters’ minds than had been supposed. People are seeing gasoline prices jump, and the party in power is paying the price.

“6. Trump helped Republicans. McAuliffe and Murphy attempted to paint their Republican challengers as puppets of Donald Trump. Trump did not prove a liability at all, though, and he may have even helped. Voters are clearly feeling buyer’s remorse with Biden, as Trump’s own rising poll numbers suggest.”

Another reason why Youngkin won had to do with issues specifically of interest for Virginians, such as substantial reduction of taxes propagated by Youngkin.

Pope Francis: Abortion-Supporter Biden a Good Catholic

Life Site News reported on October 29:

“After their much-anticipated meeting in the Vatican, President Joe Biden said to reporters Pope Francis had told him to ‘keep receiving Communion,’ despite the politician’s continued, public support for abortion and LGBT ideology. Biden [also] asserted that the pontiff ‘was happy I’m a good Catholic,’… As for whether the issue of abortion came up during the meeting, Biden said ‘it didn’t.’…

“News of the Pope’s alleged comments have caused instant consternation amongst Catholics…

“Brother Martin of the Oblates of St. Augustine… wrote briefly, ‘When the Divine Moral Law is treated beneath the authority of any bishop, he has placed himself above God.’

“Matt Gaspers, managing editor of  Catholic Family News, stated: ‘… I wholeheartedly… absolutely condemn the diabolical notion that Biden is “a good Catholic” and “should continue receiving Communion”’… U.K. commentator and author Deacon Nick Donnelly was equally critical of the news, stating that the Pope ‘tells pro-abortion Biden to keep receiving Holy Communion. Thereby, damning Biden and himself.’…

“Rhode Island’s Bishop Thomas Tobin was also swift to react, commenting that ‘I fear that the Church has lost its prophetic voice. Where are the John the Baptists who will confront the Herods of our day?’ Tobin had previously written to the Pope on Twitter, asking him to ‘challenge’ Biden for his support for abortion, which ‘is an embarrassment for the Church and a scandal to the world.’”

The question is: If it is true and not a lie that the topic of abortion did not come up and that Francis told Biden to continue receiving communion (something which some prominent Catholics question on both counts while the Vatican remains suspiciously silent), then who of the two would be the greater hypocrite?

Biden a Pathological Liar?

Breitbart wrote on October 30:

“Catholic League President Bill Donohue said Friday he maintains a ‘healthy skepticism’ about President Joe Biden’s unconfirmed claim that Pope Francis called him a ‘good Catholic’ and encouraged him to ‘keep receiving Communion.’… Donohue writes that ‘Biden is a pathological liar,’ which makes his account of the meeting dubious at best.

“The president’s promiscuous relationship with the truth goes back over 50 years, Donohue observes, and involves repeated episodes of plagiarism, reversal of facts, misremembering, and arrant tale-telling, all of which have been confirmed by left-wing outlets like Slate and the Washington Post, which are firmly in Biden’s corner…

“The Washington Post documented a series of lies Biden told about his academic credentials… More recently, the Post also published a list of 78 false or misleading statements Biden had made in his first 100 days in office….”

To be fair, Pope Francis also made some controversial statements in the past which the Vatican subsequently retracted or “clarified.”

Biden—the Weak Beggar-in-Chief?

The New York Post wrote on October 30:

“Another week, another series of fumbling, mumbling and disasters. How low can Joe Biden go? Once again, the common theme was weakness. At home and abroad, he is shrinking the presidency before our eyes. The diminished commander in chief visited his party members in Congress Thursday and was reduced to pleading for them to save his bacon… It was an extraordinary moment for a president, the ostensible leader of his party, but in reality this one is a beggar-in-chief. His focus was on the fate of two massive pieces of legislation, worth $3 trillion combined, even though the larger of the two hadn’t been written and major issues, including whose taxes would be raised, were still hotly disputed.

“Nonetheless, with his job approval tanking and needing anything he could call a victory… the president was desperate for signs of progress. Even a mere promise that both bills would eventually be passed would have been something he could boast about. Instead… Sanders, the Vermont socialist, flatly rejected the president’s request to pass the separate infrastructure deal first and urged his fellow travelers in the House to say no, which they promptly did.

“So the man who is supposed to be the leader of the free world cannot even lead his own party, meaning Biden headed for Europe bearing nothing except embarrassment.

“On Friday in Rome, he was again the pleader-in-chief, this time seeking forgiveness from French President Emmanuel Macron after a rupture in relations over a nuclear submarine deal in which Australia backed out of a deal with France and switched to one with the US and Great Britain. [Biden] called events around the Australian deal ‘clumsy’ and confessed he was not up to speed when the deal was announced.

“… Even live coverage of Biden’s meeting with the pope was canceled by Vatican TV with a few minutes airing later. Why not show the whole thing?… Friday brought a disaster of another sort in the form of a report on the administration’s plan to pay up to $1 billion to illegal migrant families separated at the border by the Trump administration…”

Biden’s presidency has been nothing but disaster and failure.

Pope Francis a Warrior for Peace?

npr wrote on October 29:

“Biden gave Francis a challenge coin with the seal of the United States on one side and the insignia of the president’s late son Beau Biden’s Delaware National Guard unit on the other. The president told the pontiff that such coins are given to ‘warriors and leaders.’

“‘You are the most significant warrior for peace that I have ever met, and with your permission, I’d like to be able to give you a coin,’ Biden said.”

Even though Biden ostensibly referred to the Pope as a warrior for the fight for peace (where there is no peace) and against climate change, calling the pope a “warrior” brings back many dark memories of the Catholic Church’s misconduct in times past.

Poland Preparing for War

The Associated Press wrote on October 26:

“Poland’s ruling party leader presented plans Tuesday for a bill to ‘defend the fatherland,’ legislation he said is aimed at ‘radically’ strengthening the military as the country faces migration pressure from its eastern neighbor Belarus. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who holds the position of deputy prime minister but is undisputedly the most powerful politician in Poland, said… ‘If we want to avoid the worst, that is war, we have to act according to the old rule: “If you want peace, prepare for war.”’

But preparing for war will NEVER lead to peace.

Build-up of Russian Troops at Ukraine Border

The Washington Post wrote on October 30:

“A renewed buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border has raised concern among some officials in the United States and Europe who are tracking what they consider irregular movements of equipment and personnel on Russia’s western flank… The renewed movements of Russian forces in the area come as the Kremlin embraces a harder line on Ukraine. Russian officials from President Vladimir Putin on down have escalated their rhetoric in recent months, attacking Kyiv’s Western ties and even questioning its sovereignty. Putin has warned that any expansion of NATO military infrastructure on Ukrainian territory represents a ‘red line’ for Moscow.

“The situation also comes as the simmering 7½-year conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists in the eastern Donbas region enters a new stage. On Oct. 26, Ukraine’s military confirmed it had used a Turkish-made drone against a position in Donbas, the first time Kyiv has employed the technology in combat, prompting an outcry from Moscow.

“Relations between Moscow and NATO are especially tense. Russia suspended its mission to NATO in Brussels on Oct. 18 after the alliance expelled eight members of the Russian mission on accusations of espionage. What the Russian forces gathering near the Ukrainian border are doing is unclear… Officials in the United States and Europe began noticing the movements particularly in recent weeks, after Russia concluded a massive joint military exercise with Belarus known as Zapad 2021 on its western flank in mid-September.

“… satellite imagery shows that forces from Russia’s 41st Combined Arms Army, normally based in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, didn’t return to Siberia after the exercises, and instead linked up with other Russian forces near the Ukrainian border… imagery appears to show that Russia’s 1st Guards Tank Army, an elite unit based outside Moscow, is moving personnel and materiel toward Ukraine… the number of Russian troops deployed around the Ukrainian border [is estimated] at 80,000 to 90,000, not including the tens of thousands stationed in Crimea…

“Putin said formal NATO membership for Ukraine may never happen, ‘but military expansion on the territory is already underway, and this really poses a threat to the Russian Federation.’ Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and now the deputy head of Russia’s security council, called Ukraine a ‘vassal state’ that is ‘under direct foreign control’…”

Ultimately, Ukraine will be collaborating with Russia against Europe.

Russia’s Major Attack on Europe

Express wrote on November 3:

“VLADIMIR PUTIN has stopped gas deliveries and drastically cut back on other supplies in what has been described as ‘a major attack on Europe.’

“Since Saturday, ’state-owned Russian gas supplier Gazprom has not been delivering gas to Germany through its Yamal pipeline via Poland. And since Sunday, Putin’s gas giant has only been transporting half as much gas through Ukraine to Austria and southern Germany.  The situation is becoming more and more critical for German and other European consumers, with a lack of supplies pushing up prices

“The resulting consequences of the action could see the pressure on the network drop, causing the entire pipe system in Ukraine to become unusable. Ukrainian presidential advisor Andrij Yermak warned of a collapse of the Ukrainian gas network to Europe, as the pressure on the pipelines is now simply too low. ‘Ukraine’s transit capacity is only 19 percent full. If the reduction in flows continues, the EU will lose the reliable Ukrainian route forever,’ said Mr Yermak.”

In the future, frightening rumors from Russia and other Far Eastern countries will prompt a united Europe to attack those regions militarily.

EU—the authoritarian Empire

Express wrote on October 27:

“Calling the EU an ‘authoritarian empire’, the Deputy Research Director and Head of Transport at the Institute for Economic Affairs Richard Wellings retweeted an article claiming the EU was ‘treating Poland like a Colony’. He said: ‘The EU is becoming an authoritarian empire, threatening and blackmailing member states that defy the elite’s agenda.

“‘The coercion will get far worse once the EU Army is in place’, he added.”

That is undoubtedly true.

Europeans’ “Need” to Act Together

The Diplomat wrote on October 28:

“Wars… seldom appear as thunderbolts from a clear sky; they are usually preceded by expressed intentions to use force if necessary, combined with the steady build-up of military capabilities. There is no question that China is becoming increasingly assertive on the global stage and increasingly aggressive in its own region…

“Europe must define what collective defense would look like without the United States, especially now that the U.S. is no longer able to carry out a ‘Two-War Strategy,’ the simultaneous waging and winning of wars against two great powers on different continents.

“… the choice between either supporting the United States or staying away from confrontation will affect Europe’s security and prosperity for decades. A decision on this must therefore be taken long before a crisis erupts… and should be coordinated by European states. As a first step, this subject must be included on the European Council agenda in the near future. A decision of this magnitude is too important to be left to politicians in the middle of the night.”

European states WILL coordinate their defense, and it will not be in support of the USA.

Europe’s Fight Against the Jews

JTA wrote on October 27:

“The highest court in Greece has ruled against allowing ritual slaughter, fulfilling fears that some Jewish leaders voiced last year after the European Union’s top court ruled in support of such bans. Last December, the EU’s highest court upheld the bans imposed in regions of Belgium against slaughtering animals for meat without stunning them first. The ruling meant that slaughter in accordance with Jewish law, which requires animals be conscious when their necks are cut, would be prohibited in those regions, as it is in some other parts of Europe…

“In 2011, the Netherlands briefly joined several EU countries where ritual slaughter is illegal, including Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Slovenia. The Dutch Senate reversed the ban in 2012, citing freedom of worship. Poland also outlawed the practice in 2013 but has since scaled back the ban to include only meat for export.

“The bans on kosher slaughter, or shechitah, are part of a struggle across Europe between animal welfare activists and Muslim and Jewish community representatives… A similar fight is unfolding around nonmedical circumcision of boys, or brit milah in Jewish tradition.”

Anti-Semitism raises its ugly head, at first, in little steps, but it will grow and is only a matter of time…

Boris Johnson’s Sick and Bizarre “Joke”

Express wrote on October 26:

“In a bizarre exchange with children on Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson… attacked the plastics industry, called for more eating of synthetic meat, and even suggested feeding humans to animals...

“In response to the comments, Brexit leader Nigel Farage questioned if the Prime Minister had started drinking again, saying that the PM seems to have ‘lost his marbles’… While Mr Johnson was apparently making the comments in jest, the green movement has long called for population control as a means of reducing carbon emissions and thereby supposedly saving the world from climate change.”

The fight against so-called (unproven) man-made climate change or global warming produces more and more bizarre ideas.

USA and EU the “Closest” of Friends?

Express wrote on October 30:

“Joe Biden announced in a speech at the end of the G20 Summit in Rome the US and the European Union had agreed to a carbon-based arrangement on aluminium and steel. President Biden also confirmed tariffs introduced on such traded goods under his predecessor Donald Trump in 2018 would be removed. Mr Biden remarked the deal with the ‘closest of friends’ marked an important step in the US relationship with the bloc… Under the new agreement, to run for two years, the Trump-era tariffs will remain but only for imports of the metals exceeding set quotas…

“European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, who oversees trade for the 27-nation bloc, described the deal as a pause rather than an end to the dispute. ‘It’s a major step in the right direction… but it’s really not the final destination, which should be a complete withdrawal of the tariffs,’ he told a media briefing.

“The deal should also bring to an end EU retaliatory tariffs on products ranging from U.S. bourbon to Harley Davidson motorbikes. The EU had planned to double many of the tariffs in December.”

Joe Biden’s naivety is astounding, if he is honest in his remarks and if he is not just using common political rhetoric without any substance. In any event, Britain was quick in pointing out that according to Biden, the EU, and not the UK, is America’s “closest” friend.

Germans Skeptical of Vaccines

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 29:

“In most German cities, you have to be vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 recently in order to enjoy indoor activities like eating at a restaurant or going to the cinema… A poll carried out by the research firm Forsa on behalf of the German Health Ministry found that 65% of the unvaccinated have no plans to get their COVID-19 jab in the next two months; A further 23% would ‘probably not’ do so; Just 2% said they planned to get a vaccine but hadn’t been able to yet. 89% accused the media of ‘one-sided’ reporting about the pandemic

“Some of the reasons included the feeling that they were being coerced into doing so or a perceived lack of clarity over whether vaccines are safe for people who are pregnant or trying to conceive. The biggest concern amongst the unvaccinated, at 34%, was what they called the lack of ‘long-term’ studies into possible side effects

“66.5% of Germans are fully vaccinated…”

The concerns of many Germans should not be dismissed outright. However, Angela Merkel just said that her past decision to lock down the people was correct, and she warned about an indifferent attitude or a “certain recklessness” of many Germans towards corona. Health Minister Jens Spahn is promoting booster shots, for which he was heavily criticized by the Union of Doctors (“Ärzteschaft”) as being completely unnecessary and constituting “blind actionism” (“blinder Aktionismus”). The political propaganda in Germany is ongoing.

Huge Profits for Big Pharma

Reuters reported on November 2:

Pfizer Inc on Tuesday said it expected 2021 sales of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with German partner BioNTech SE to reach $36 billion and forecast another $29 billion from the shot in 2022… Analysts have said that Pfizer and other COVID-19 vaccine makers stand to reap billions of dollars from annual vaccine boosters over the next few years.”

And now, with the FDA’s approval and the CDA’s subsequent endorsement of Pfizer’s Covid vaccinations for 28 million children as young as 5 years old, the profits of Big Pharma will undoubtedly rise astronomically.

Gender Neutral Nonsense

npr wrote on October 30:

“In Germany, the debate about gender-neutral and inclusive language is complicated by grammar. Just as in many other languages, gender in German isn’t denoted by personal pronouns alone. German nouns that refer to people have traditionally been masculine or feminine. So, a male citizen is a Bürger and a female citizen is a Bürgerin. But in the plural, the masculine is traditionally used by default — a point that’s been contentious at least as far back as the second wave of feminism in the 1960s.

“In 2018, a new federal law stipulated that all forms of ID — from birth certificates to passports — must include three options: male, female and diverse, all of which can even be left blank.

“Since then, gender-neutral language has become more commonplace. German airline Lufthansa recently ditched the phrase ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ German scholars are preparing a gender-neutral edition of the Bible and in some cities — like Hanover — there’s an official directive about using gender-neutral words…

“In 2019, Hanover became the first state capital to mandate the use of gender-neutral language in all official communication, from emails to brochures and posters. It deployed what’s known as the ‘gender star,’ an asterisk placed within a noun to indicate it refers to men, women and nonbinary people alike. For instance, the word for all citizens became Bürger*innen.”

Of course, this utter nonsense is not limited to Germany.

npr reported on October 27:

“The U.S. State Department has issued the first official passport with the gender marker ‘X,’ a change the Biden administration promised this year in order to make the documents more inclusive for people who identify as nonbinary, intersex or gender-nonconforming… Also, in June the department announced that it would immediately start allowing applicants to select ‘M’ or ‘F’ as their gender without providing any medical certification if their choice doesn’t match their gender on other documents…

“The change brings the U.S. in line with several other nations that already issue passports with gender markers other than just ‘F’ or ‘M,’ including Canada, Australia, India, Malta, Nepal and New Zealand.

It is interesting that many of these nations are either descendants of the ancient House of Israel or that they were once colonies and part of the British Commonwealth. No wonder God is very angry with all of them.

Teaching of White Privilege “Racist” and “Extremist”

The Daily Mail wrote on October 31:

“MPs have been warned that the teaching of ‘white privilege’ is ‘rife’ in schools following a dossier that revealed pupils are being given ‘politically based’ lessons on police, racism and colonialism. Teachers are facing accusations of introducing pupils to ‘politically based’ learning materials in lessons about racism, colonialism and the police.

“Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi[‘s] intervention came in response to a report by the Commons education committee, which said that teaching white privilege could be against the Equality Act. The report added that telling children they are different because of their race is unlawful.

“Tory MP Jonathon Gullis said earlier this month that the phrase ‘white privilege’ was ‘racist and extremist.’”

The idea is, white people should apologize for being white. What lunacy!

The New Global Order

Life Site wrote on October 29:

“The label on the political party in power may say ‘Democrat’ or ‘Republican’ but what’s happening all around you? If you see friends and relatives in what’s supposed to be a free society being fired from their jobs – critical jobs like nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, soldiers and truck drivers – because they won’t concede to having an unknown experimental substance injected into their bodies, then you should not hesitate to take this at face value….

“We are living in a critical juncture in history. A relatively small cadre of very wealthy, very powerful elites are pushing us hard to accept a new system of corporate communism, actually more like fascism, in which an insanely bloated government has teamed up with big business to force the people to accept an agenda that many feel uncomfortable with. These elites, with their buddies in the corporate media, use fear-based propaganda to stir up hatred for the non-compliant, while pressuring everyone – man, woman and child – to submit to the ‘new normal.’… the message coming from Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Religion and Big Government is simple and direct – conform or get left behind.

Pope Francis and powerful evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham are also on board with this new global order, rebranded by the World Economic Forum as the Great Reset. So are the most important political leaders of both parties. In fact, any leader of people who pushes the idea of mandated universal injections is on board…

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the NIH funded a barbaric experiment at the University of Pittsburgh that involved grafting the scalps of 5-month aborted babies onto ‘humanized’ mice and rats. He funded another study at a North African lab in Tunisia in which 44 Beagle puppies were infected with disease-causing parasites, after which some had their vocal chords removed so scientists could work on them without having to endure their incessant barking as they died slow, painful deaths.

“This is the same Dr. Fauci who parents are being asked to trust for advice regarding the vaccination of their children. He appears daily in the big corporate media outlets making it his top priority to deceive parents into offering up their children to the COVID-vaccine experiment. He says he wants every child injected by the end of the year with his gene-altering ‘vaccine,’ despite the data showing children under 18 have a 99.998 percent statistical chance of surviving COVID. He’s making the rounds on all the major media spreading lies about the dangers of COVID to children and how safe and effective the experimental mRNA serum will be for kids ages 5 to 11…

“Dr. Richard Besser, a pediatrician and former acting director of the CDC, told CNN on October 22 that U.S. pediatricians will ‘push much harder’ for the COVID vaccines in children than in most other countries…  the pressure for parents to comply will be intense…”

The comparison with the rise of fascism in the USA and elsewhere is remarkable. The term “Nazi” is actually an abbreviation for “national socialism.”

US Government Funds Terrible Experiments

In the Ron Paul Institute, the Ron Paul Weekly Column stated on November 1:

“If people who torture animals are psychopaths, then what are government officials who use taxpayer dollars to fund animal torture? Many are asking this question in the wake of revelations that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci… funded medical ‘research’ involving the torture of puppies. This led… People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to call for his resignation.

“The puppy torture story was followed by disclosures that the federal government funded the testing of experimental AIDS vaccines on orphans. Many of the orphans used as human guinea pigs subsequently died, and nurses who assisted in these experiments reported that many children got sick immediately after receiving the vaccines.

“Testing dangerous drugs on orphans and torturing puppies in the name of ‘science’ is certainly shocking, but is it really surprising that [the] government would fund these types of activities?…”

Sadly, no. Satan is the god of this world and as the prince of darkness, he is ruling and deceiving mankind.

The Attacks on Religious Liberty

The New York Post wrote on October 30:

“Up until roughly April 2021, between 60 and 80 percent of US states had either numeric or percentage cap restrictions on houses of worship. In some cases, the restrictions were so severe that church meetings, regardless of size, were not permitted… 39 percent of households were not able to attend worship regularly as of August 2020 (that’s about 128 million Americans)…

“These restrictions may seem unique to the pandemic, but they’re not. They come at a time when, by various measures, religious liberty is being attacked… The United States experienced a 35.1 percent decline in religious freedom overall between 2006 and 2018

“That trend is not unique to just the United States. In fact, the decline in religious freedom is concentrated among countries that historically have ranked high in economic freedom…

“These indefinite restrictions on freedom contradict the ideals on which America was founded — and we now have the data to prove they deteriorate social capital and mental health, too.”

But it will only get worse, not better. And when religious freedom is restored in some way, it will be the false religion.

Like in Nazi Germany

JTA wrote on October 30:

“A prominent rabbi in the Netherlands compared her country’s COVID-19 safety measures to the policies of Nazi Germany… Tamarah Benima, an outspoken 71-year-old Reform rabbi from Amsterdam, made the comparison on Thursday in a speech in the northern Dutch city of Leeuwarden. ‘Scientists worldwide apparently allowed themselves over the past 1 and a half years to be led toward totalitarian thinking,’ she said of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in December 2019. ‘What doesn’t fit their perspective must be silenced… as a Jew, what happened in Nazi Germany is a warning to me… don’t play with fire by setting aside people in our society as “a danger to public health,” as Health Minister Hugo De Jonge regularly does.’…

“At least three Dutch Jewish groups have condemned Benima’s statements. The Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands, the country’s largest Jewish umbrella group, said her comparison is ‘contrary to our values and shows a complete lack of realism.’ The Netherlands Association for Progressive Judaism ‘strongly rejects the irresponsible and offensive comparisons,’ that group said in a statement.

“Comparisons between COVID-19 public health measures and Nazism have proliferated in recent months throughout Europe and beyond. The wearing of yellow stars at protests against COVID-19 measures in Europe specifically have drawn sharp condemnations by Jewish groups.”

These Jewish groups are as blind as the rest, being (willfully?) ignorant as to what is happening in the world…

The Stupidity of Witch-Hunts

The Daily Mail wrote on October 30:

“Showbiz people are always keen on saving the planet – but private jets don’t count because everybody knows that only dirty commercial flights cause pollution. Rather like food not really having calories if you eat it standing up… Now the transgender crusade has struck a chord in Hollywood… America has Hollywood; the UK has the BBC… Hollywood and the BBC both fetishise diversity of colour while quashing diversity of views.

“For the BBC, the transgender debate was a glorious dawn… asking its staff to declare preferred pronouns in email signatures, be they ‘she/her’, ‘he/him’ or ‘they/them’… It turned on itself in a racism-routing fit of zealotry, removing episodes of… excellent comedy shows…

“In the past decade or so many words have changed their meaning. ‘Brave’, for instance, once meant rescuing orphans from burning buildings, but now means talking about one’s troubles in public. How is it brave to have a miscarriage? It’s sad and awful – but brave? If miscarrying is brave, what are firefighters?

“The word ‘diversity’ once meant a pleasingly wide range of viewpoints, but now means a selection of variously hued people all parroting the same liberal establishment platitudes…

“Did the long and splendid story that began with the invention of the printing press around 1436 really have to end up here? With publishing employees – who would seemingly be happier burning books than editing them – crying because they didn’t like the words?… And, amid the stupidity of these witch-hunts, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Putin Tells the West

The Washington Post wrote on October 22:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin again attacked Western liberalism in a fiery address on Thursday, blasting so-called cancel culture and advances in gay and transgender rights… he said the notion that children are ‘taught that a boy can become a girl and vice versa’ is monstrous and ‘on the verge of a crime against humanity.’

“He also suggested that transgender rights supporters were demanding an end to ‘basic things such as mother, father, family or gender differences.’…”

The Daily Mail added on October 21:

“Putin has regularly faced criticism for his crackdown on the LGBT community in Russia, where same-sex marriage and ‘gay propaganda’ is banned… Russia’s constitution now says that marriage can only exist between a man and a woman, and also prevents trans people from adopting children. “

Shameful that Putin must tell the Western European nations how wrong they are.

Military Collaboration between Russia and China

Reuters wrote on October 23:

“Russian and Chinese warships held their first joint patrols in the Western part of the Pacific ocean on October 17-23, Russia’s defence ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

“Moscow and Beijing, which staged naval cooperation drills in the Sea of Japan earlier in October, have cultivated closer military and diplomatic ties in recent years at a time when their relations with the West have soured…”

This kind of military collaboration will end up with the biblically prophesied emergence of the “kings of the East.”

Russia vs. Turkey

Express wrote on October 22:

“VLADIMIR PUTIN rejected calls for the UN Security Council to dramatically reform as he warned the organisation would ‘die’ in a showdown with Turkey. The Russian President said on Thursday that depriving permanent members of the United Nations Security Council of their veto rights would destroy the world body. Russia is one of five permanent veto powers at the UN…

“Speaking at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, he said: ‘If we remove the veto right of the permanent members, the UN would die the very same day – it would turn into the League of Nations. It would simply become a discussion platform…’

“The comments came as a response to Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s calls to change the rules of the organisation. Speaking in Angola on Monday, on his tour of Africa, Mr Erdogan said ‘the world is bigger than five’, referring to the number of UN powers holding veto rights. He added: ‘The fate of humanity should not be left to the mercy of a handful of countries that won World War Two.’…

“Earlier last month, Erdogan was quoted as saying on his return from a visit to New York that US-Turkish relations were not healthy and their current direction ‘does not bode well.’”

In spite of the present collaboration, in general, between Turkey and Russia, ultimately, according to biblical prophecy, Turkey will align with Europe against Israel and the USA.

Fight between Poland and the EU Is Heating Up

Deutsche Welle reported on October 27:

“The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ordered Poland to pay a fine of €1 million ($1.2 million) per day on Wednesday over its decision to ignore an EU ruling on Warsaw’s judicial reforms.  The top EU court imposed the penalty as Poland has not suspended the disciplinary chamber of the Supreme Court. The ECJ had ruled in July that the chamber did not guarantee impartiality.

“The ECJ said in a press release the fine was ‘necessary in order to avoid serious and irreparable harm to the legal order of the European Union and to the values on which that Union is founded, in particular that of the rule of law.’… On Twitter, Poland’s Deputy Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta called the fine ‘usurpation and blackmail.’… Earlier this month, Poland’s constitutional court ruled Polish law supersedes EU law when there is a conflict between the two.

“Last week, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the European Parliament the disciplinary chamber will be abolished, but he gave no timeline for when that would occur and no draft law has been introduced… The EU asserts Poland has politicized the judiciary with the placement of judges loyal to the ruling Law and Justice Party.”

Express added on October 27:

“Poland argues that the European Union is overstepping its mandate and, in a Financial Times interview published on Sunday, the ruling nationalist Law and Justice Party’s (PiS) Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, accused the European Commission of holding a ‘gun to our head’. The Polish leader warned the EU Commission was at risk of starting a third world war by making demands on the rule of law… He added:  ‘If they start the third world war, we are going to defend our rights with any weapons which are at our disposal.

“Brussels is currently withholding recovery funds against Poland until the dispute is resolved.”

Violence Flares in Israel

Israel Today wrote on October 22:

“Hamas, Turkey, the Palestinian Authority and Islamist activists are fanning the flames in Jerusalem using the pretext of ‘Israeli settlers storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ as an excuse to incite the masses. In reality, however, no Israeli Jews have been entering the mosque as they only come to visit the site where the two Jewish Temples once stood before they were destroyed, and sometimes briefly recite a prayer….

“[Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud] Abbas said during a meeting of the PLO’s Executive Committee this week that ‘a real confrontation with the occupation’ had become necessary, and then cited the charge of ‘repeated settler attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ as one of the excuses for his incitement…

“Incitement by the two Palestinian entities [Palestinians and Hamas] in Israel is not the only reason why the situation in Jerusalem has become so explosive and violent. The activities of Islamist organizations that are supported by the regime of Turkey’s President… Erdogan are another factor in the enduring violence… Erdoğan regards what is now Israel as Ottoman property and that’s why he last year said that Jerusalem was, in fact, a Turkish city.”

Israel Outlaws Six Palestinian Groups

The Algemeiner wrote on October 22:

“The Israeli government on Friday outlawed six Palestinian NGOs charged with having links to one of the most extreme and violent factions of the PLO… All six groups receive funding from the European Union (EU) or from individual European countries, as well as church groups and foundations including the US-based Rockefeller Brothers Fund…

“[Defense Minister Benny] Gantz’s executive order was strongly condemned by Palestinians and left-wing Israeli groups… International NGOs Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International — both of which have accused Israel in the past of pursuing polices based on ‘apartheid’ and ‘racism’ — issued a joint statement condemning what they called ‘an attack by the Israeli government on the international human rights movement.’…

“Later on Friday, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said the US had not received prior notice about the move, and planned to seek clarification from Israel…”

Israel responded that they HAD given the USA prior notice.

USA Opposed to Israel’s Settlement Plans

Reuters and The Algemeiner wrote on October 26:

“The United States on Tuesday said it strongly opposed Israel’s plans for more settlement units in the West Bank as ‘inconsistent with efforts to lower tensions’ and damaging to the prospects of a two-state solution advocated by Washington. ‘We are deeply concerned about the Israeli government’s plan to advance thousands of settlement units tomorrow, Wednesday, many of them deep in the West Bank,’ State Department spokesperson Ned Price told a briefing…

“Israel on Sunday published tenders for about 1,300 new settlement homes in the West Bank and authorities are also expected to discuss proposals for another 3,000 homes.”

Austria’s New Dictator

The Hill wrote on October 23:

“Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says he is considering imposing a lockdown on people who are not vaccinated against the coronavirus if case numbers continue to rise… In a meeting with state-level leaders on Friday, Schallenberg said the country would limit entrance into businesses to those who are vaccinated if the number of COVID patients in intensive care reaches 25 percent of the country’s total ICU capacity, which is 500.

“Unvaccinated residents would only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons if the number of patients in intensive care reaches 600, or one-third of total capacity… Schallenberg said… ‘We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

“Just over 65 percent of Austrians have had at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, while 62 percent are fully vaccinated…”

Schallenberg or Kurz… the (historical) Austrian dictatorship continues.

Germany’s Plans of the Proposed Coalition regarding Covid

The Local wrote on October 27:

“Mandatory masks, restricted entry to bars and restaurants and Covid tests in schools could all be scrapped next spring under plans unveiled by Germany’s ‘traffic light’ coalition parties on Wednesday. In a joint statement by the parliamentary leaders, the SPD, Greens and the FDP also ruled out future lockdowns over autumn and winter, and said they don’t plan to force people to return to home office working… If the coalition talks succeed, the future government would instead bring in laws to allow state governments to implement rules like mandatory masks, tests in schools, social distancing and restrictive entry to public places and events until spring next year… However, this new legislation would expire on March 20th, 2022, ‘at the latest’, the draft proposals say, meaning nationwide Covid restrictions would also fall away on this date unless new legislation was brought in down the line.  That means that mandatory masks and regulations like ‘3G’ (access only for vaccinated, recovered and people with negative tests) and ‘2G’ (entrance only for vaccinated and recovered people) could all be coming to an end

“The German Bundestag first enacted special pandemic powers, which fall under a clause declaring the country to be in an ‘epidemic situation of national importance’, in March 2020… the fact that they allow governments to set laws without parliamentary oversight has been controversial… With the emergency legislation due to run its course on November 25th, the three ‘traffic light’ coalition parties also said on Wednesday that they were unwilling to extend them further.

“Instead, the parties would introduce the bridging legislation detailed above to allow state governments to implement Covid measures… they would allow states to introduce measures like alcohol bans, contact tracing, health passes and masks on public transport in response to infection and hospitalisation rates until March 2022

“In order to increase the vaccination rate and make progress with so-called ‘booster’ jabs, the traffic light parties have also laid out plans for an expert commission on vaccination coverage. With the commission in place, ‘we will work together with practitioners to find ways to significantly accelerate the progress of vaccinations,’ their draft proposals state.”

We should note that this is a draft proposal by three potential coalition partners who have to agree to a coalition in the first place. But even then, some of the proposed measures are still highly problematic.

The EU Army

France 24 wrote on October 22:

“US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed strengthening European defenses in a telephone call Friday, the White House said as Washington seeks to mend ties after a bitter row over submarine contracts.

The Telegraph added on October 22:

“France’s armed forces minister [Florence Parly] told Nato partners not to be ‘afraid’ of an EU army as she urged her international counterparts to embrace the prospect… EU plans for a rapid-reaction military unit, designed to operate independently of the United States, sparked fears that the bloc would be in competition with Nato…

“Paris wants to pool resources to develop weapons and new battlefield technologies. Brussels is hoping to agree on a EU-wide military strategy next year, which President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to champion as part of France’s six-month presidency of the bloc, starting in January.”

After Biden botched the matter regarding submarine contracts, he is now trying to appease France by granting their wishes for a European army. And even though it is claimed that such an army would not be in competition to NATO, but rather, that it would strengthen the alliance, the opposite should be obvious.

France Bans ALL Domestic Flights… except for Air France

Express wrote on October 24:

“THE BOSS of budget airline Ryanair has hit out at French President Emmanuel Macron in a row over ‘flight-shaming’. Michael O’ Leary criticised France’s decision to ban some domestic flights… in a move it said it would help limit air pollution. However, Mr O’Leary said there was no public support for a flight ban in a fiery tirade against Macron’s policy…

“‘France is banning all domestic flights that are under 500km- unless it is travelling on to a connecting flight through Paris Charles de Gaulle. So basically Air France will keep on flying, but everyone else will be banned.’”

Biden’s Statements on Taiwan

Breitbart wrote on October 22:

“President Joe Biden on Thursday night promised the U.S. stands behind Taiwan’s defense and had a commitment to militarily support the island China claims for itself. The White House was forced to hastily issue a different, contradictory statement before the evening was out…

“‘The U.S. defence relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act…’ [the White House said]… Under the agreement, the U.S. officially recognizes China rather than Taiwan for diplomatic purposes… ‘While that act binds the United States to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, Washington only acknowledges China’s stance that the island belongs to it and that there is “one China,” and takes no position on Taiwan’s sovereignty,’ the [Reuters] news agency noted.

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established the ‘one-China’ policy so that foreign governments could officially recognize Beijing’s stance that only one legitimate Chinese government exists. The policy stipulates the CCP is the sole ruler of China’s government and must never be challenged on that specific edict.”

Living in Dangerous Times

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on October 25:

“President Biden’s ‘townhall’ meeting this past week was a disaster… the Wall Street Journal was early among mainstream media publications to observe that the emperor has no clothes. In an editorial titled ‘The Confusing Mr. Biden,’ the paper wrote, ‘Even with a friendly audience and softball questions, Mr. Biden’s performance revealed why so many Americans are losing confidence in his Presidency.’

“The Journal focused on one of the most shocking and disturbing revelations from the carefully crafted event: asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if the United States would come to the defense of Taiwan should it come under attack by the Chinese mainland, he replied, ‘Yes, we have a commitment to do that.’ Anderson threw him another softball in hopes he might correct this… misstatement, but Biden was not nimble enough to see his gaffe. He doubled down.

“It was left to the ‘Chemical Ali’ of this Administration, White House Spokesman Jen Psaki, to ‘clarify’ that when the President signaled a major shift in US policy – a shift that could well lead to nuclear war with China – he was just kidding. Or something… In other words: ‘Pay no attention to the man who pretends to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.’…

“Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Miley was heralded as a hero for betraying his Commander in Chief Trump by seeking to restrict Trump’s access to the US nuclear arsenal. Milley claimed that Trump was so unsound of mind that he could not be trusted with the nuclear football. Yet when actual unsoundness is there for everyone to see, Milley and the other ‘woke’ generals are silent as the grave. These are dangerous times.”

Accidental or Intentional?

Newsmax wrote on October 24:

“President Joe Biden has twice asserted, counter to current U.S. policy, that the United States is ready to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion — and his position may soon have serious consequences, Axios reported. Citing an unnamed source, Axios reported Biden has been accidentally revealing his true views — that Taiwan is too strategically important to the United States for China to seize by force. Defense officials have aired their concerns that China will take Taiwan by force in the next four to six years — or sooner, the news outlet reported…

“Chris Johnson, a former top CIA China analyst who now heads China Strategies Group, told Axios it’s unclear whether Biden’s statements are strategic or accidental, but ‘the result in Beijing will be the same. … The Politburo will interpret it as a unilateral change in the U.S. position on the cornerstone underpinning the bilateral relationship.’”

Calling in the National Guard and Visit at the Southern Border

In addition, the White House walked back Biden’s “vow to call in the National Guard to aid the congested supply chain,” stating  that “requesting the use of the national guard at the state level is under the purview of Governors” and that the Biden Administration is “not actively pursuing the use of the national guard on a federal level” (Fox News, October 22).

Biden also gave wrong impressions—to put it mildly—during Thursday’s Townhall Meeting when he claimed that he had been at the southern border. When pressed on the issue, the White House Press Secretary said that “there has been reporting” that Biden “drove through the border in 2008 when he was on the campaign trail.” This “explanation” caused scorn and outrage on social media.

Better Be Quiet

The Week commented on October 22:

“Trump wouldn’t be quiet. Biden should be,” continuing, “Thursday’s incident may be a sign it’s wise for this administration to continue to keep the boss mostly under wraps. As a senator and vice president, Biden had a reputation for being notoriously gaffe-prone when speaking off the cuff… After four years in which Trump broadcast every stray thought into the world without regard for the consequences — or with deliberate intent to make trouble — it was easy to keep Biden away from the press and declare it a virtue. Now it looks like a necessity. Generally, the health of democracy requires presidents to take questions from the press and public. Biden might be the exception.”

What an assessment for an American President. Note the next article.

Supply Chain Havoc with no End in Sight

Breitbart wrote on October 22:

“Cargo air shipping companies this week warned President Joe Biden the vaccine mandate will wreak havoc on the supply chain by increasing worker shortages across the industry, Politico reported Thursday…

“Biden’s executive order has also caused the shipping companies UPS and FedEx [in addition to DHL Express, Atlas Air and Amazon] to acknowledge they are concerned about the vaccine mandate and are reviewing the possibility of losing many workers due to the federal mandate.

“Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve on Wednesday confirmed Biden’s vaccine mandate is, indeed, contributing to the supply chain crisis… Firms reported high turnover, as workers left for other jobs or retired… Shipping prices across the industry have already skyrocketed due to the supply chain jam driven by a lack of labor. For instance, the price to send a container from Asia to the east coast costs $20,000. In 2020, the price was around $3,800…”

Biden’s self-destructing policies are shocking. Donald Trump Jr. put it correctly, when he said this week that “the Biden administration was ‘overseeing the downfall of America.’” Please read our free booklet, The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” 

Biden Mocks Freedom

Townhall wrote on October 22:

“President Biden, who in December said he ‘wouldn’t demand’ vaccines be mandatory, not only mocked unvaccinated Americans on Thursday and their freedom to make their own medical decisions, but also endorsed the firing of first responders and police who don’t comply.

“During a town hall event with CNN, moderator Anderson Cooper asked about his thoughts on first responders and police in a number of major cities who are refusing to take the vaccine, which has been mandated at the city level. ‘Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not, should they stay at home or be let go?’ he wondered. ‘Yes and yes,’ Biden replied to applause…

“He then mocked one of the main concerns about the mandates—‘freedom,’ and said those people are trying to make it a ‘political issue.’ “I have the freedom to kill you with my Covid,” I mean come on, freedom,’ he said.”

It has been reported that the applauding attendees were exclusively Biden supporters who were carefully screened and invited to attend by CNN.

Another Nail in Biden’s Coffin—The Accusation against Parents as “Domestic Terrorists”

The Editorial Board of the New York Post wrote on October 22:

“Attorney General Merrick Garland basically admitted Thursday that the White House contacted the Justice Department about that odious letter from the National School Boards Association begging the feds to use the Patriot Act against ‘domestic terrorist’ parents who raise questions about critical race theory being pushed in their kids’ schools.

“This is outrageous, even though Garland fudged on whether it was at the White House’s behest that he issued his remarkable public guidance. He told federal prosecutors and the FBI to actively investigate threats or violence against school officials and/or boards, a dramatic display of intimidation.

“There’s every reason to think it was the White House’s idea: Garland acted just days after the president’s office got the letter, which the NSBA’s top two leaders actually sent at the request of President Joe Biden’s aides after prior discussions on the issue. After all, this is the same White House that ordered the Centers for Disease Control to let teachers-union boss Randi Weingarten dictate parts of their guidance on school masking. And that has embraced mandatory CRT training all across the federal government, including in the military.

“Nor does the attorney general normally make a high-profile public announcement that he’s ordering his minions to get on top of a purely imaginary danger. And never mind that the NSBA’s own board was furious about the letter, which the CEO and president sent out without getting board members’ feedback first.

“Nor that the only real violence cited in the letter involved a dad who lost his temper when the Loudoun County, Va., board refused to address his daughter’s claim (backed up by evidence) that she was raped by a trans person in her school bathroom…

“The simple truth is that the education establishment across America (sometimes pushed by politicians) has been embracing CRT for some time now… It’s all simplistic garbage

“… nearly three-quarters of voters say they’re ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ concerned about what is being taught in public schools.

“The clear message of Garland’s guidance was that parents better watch out if they dare to speak up, and it’s obvious the White House was behind his move. The Biden White House, in short, is politicizing the Justice Department in a bid to stifle dissent — free speech! — about the radicalization of the nation’s schools.”

There is even evidence to suggest that the White House collaborated with the author of the letter and helped in drafting it. All of this is so scandalous. America is developing into a full-fledged dictatorship, and many American citizens are sound asleep.

Fox News wrote on October 23:

“The National School Boards Association issued an apology Friday night for a letter sent to the Biden administration which targeted some parents who are concerned about their child’s school curriculum  and said certain of their actions could be domestic terrorism…

“‘On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter,’ the NSBA said, noting that ‘there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.’

“In a letter to Garland, half of the eight members of the Commission on Civil Rights requested ‘specific examples’ of ‘harassment, intimidation and threats of violence’ which Garland claimed as evidence for the need for federal intervention in parent protests at schools….”

Will AG Garland, the White House, Joe Biden, the Justice Department, the FBI and others who are responsible for this scandalous course of action against concerned parents apologize too? On Thursday, according to Professor Jonathan Turley, Garland  “testified in Congress to assure members that he does not believe that parents protesting at school board meetings are domestic terrorists.” What double-talk and shameful position, without any hint of an apology for his actions.  Nor did he retract his prior order to the Justice Department and the FBI for “monitoring” parents. Turley said: “Telling parents that the Justice Department is monitoring school board meetings creates an obvious chilling effect on speech. It is like a police car following you on the highway for miles just to see if you violate any law. It has an impact on how you act. Indeed, the purpose of the National School board letter seemed designed to have that effect. The Justice Department then amplified that effect by quickly announcing it would carry out the national effort and released a press statement referring to various departments being brought into the fight, including the National Security Division.”

Regarding the abominable case of the [predictable] rape of a girl by a transgender boy, Truly wrote:

“When asked about alleged sexual assaults in Loudon County, Virginia in school bathrooms involving a transgender student, Garland insisted that such violence sounds like a ‘local case’ and the Justice Department would not be involved. Yet, the Justice Department just announced it would get involved with… threats or violence in school board meetings.”

This whole matter is so despicable and unworthy of any free democracy.

Biden’s Popularity Worse than any other Post-War President

Express wrote on October 24:

“JOE BIDEN is facing a crisis after his popularity has plummeted faster than any other US President since 1945…

“According to the latest study by Gallup, Mr Biden’s approval rating plummeted by 11.3 percent, making him the worst rated than all other 10 presidents before him in the first months of their presidencies…

“While Mr Biden’s approval in the Democrat Party was around 92 percent, only four percent of Republicans approve of him. For independent voters, Mr Biden’s approval has collapsed with only 34 percent now approving of his performance compared to 55 percent in June.”

That the vast majority of Democrats support Biden is shocking beyond belief. Are they willfully ignorant and blind?  

Fauci Accused of Funding Sickening Experiments on Dogs

The Sun wrote on October 23:

“Fauci is under fire for allegedly funding experiments where beagle puppies were locked in cages with hungry sandflies that would eat them alive.

“The non-profit organization White Coat Waste Project has accused the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of funding a project that had beagles infected with disease-causing parasites in order to test an experimental drug.

“The Hill reports that a bipartisan group of 24 House Representatives has written a letter demanding that Fauci answer to the claims by the nonprofit. The organization claims that as many as 44 beagle puppies were used as part of the cruel experiment in a Tunisia laboratory. Some of the dogs allegedly had their vocal cords removed to muzzle their barking. ‘Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,’ White Coat Waste told The Hill. ‘They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,’ they added.

“The NIAID spent directed $1.68million in taxpayer money on these experiments, according to documents obtained by the non-profit. The letter was signed by some Democrats…  However, it was mostly signed by Republican lawmakers…

“Fauci…. has previously found himself under hot water after being accused of lying to the American public after documents seemed to contradict his claims that his agency did not fund research of coronaviruses in a Wuhan, China, lab.”

If any of this can be proven to be true, Fauci should resign immediately and he should be held accountable for such alleged despicable acts.

The Crux with Vaccines for Children

The Ron Paul Institute published a lengthy article on October 22, titled, “Fauci Actually Got Something Right, but for the Wrong Reasons.” We are quoting some pertinent excerpts for your information and evaluation. The article itself includes numerous links for its assertions.

“Fauci, the reigning king of deceitful double-speak, actually got something right. Vaccines already mandated upon children are similar to COVID-19 vaccines in many respects, except not in good ways, as Fauci would have us believe. Many assume that COVID-19 vaccines will be the first vaccines mandated upon children without a showing of necessity, and without rigorous safety testing. They also assume that they’ll be the first mandated upon them without proven, long-lasting efficacy. They’re wrong on all counts.

“Many other vaccines have been mandated upon US children without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy… Newborns and infants are being administered a hepatitis B vaccine without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy… There has been no showing of necessity for mass measles vaccination, and widespread use of the measles vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern… There has been no showing of necessity for mass mumps vaccination, and widespread use of the mumps vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern… There has been no showing of necessity for mass chickenpox vaccination, and widespread use of the chickenpox vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern…

“The CDC has not proven that its entire schedule of recommended childhood vaccines provides a net benefit to children’s health, and unvaccinated v. vaccinated data indicates that unvaccinated children are healthier… Many other vaccines have been mandated upon US children without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy, but this doesn’t warrant mandating more vaccines upon them under the same circumstances. It warrants rescuing them from those already mandated.”

Articles like these are seldom published, if ever, in the mass media. But this does not mean that they should just be ignored or dismissed without evaluation.

Why Vaccinate Children?

Life Site News wrote on October 21:

“For months, prominent doctors and scientists around the world have issued urgent warnings about the catastrophically bad safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine and other COVID injections, strongly arguing against their use in children. Several Scandinavian countries paused the use of the Moderna vaccine in younger age groups, concerned with the risk of myocarditis…

“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [said]  on Oct. 16, ‘We have no business doing this to little children,’ stating that subjecting children to the adverse events of COVID vaccination is unethical and is ‘medical malpractice.’…

“CDC has already issued guidelines on vaccinating children ages 5 to 11, and the Biden administration has purchased 65 million Pfizer pediatric doses — ‘more than enough to fully vaccinate … all 28 million 5 to 11-year-olds.’…

“Attempting to lay the psychological groundwork for FDA’s impending authorization, New York Times science writer Apoorva Mandavilli asserted on Oct. 6 that almost 900,000 children had been hospitalized with COVID since the beginning of the pandemic.The Times was forced to retract Mandavilli’s whopper — a 14-fold exaggeration — the next day…

“Last week, four- and five-year-old siblings mistakenly received adult doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at a local Walgreens instead of getting the flu shots their parents had requested. The children experienced adverse reactions almost immediately, and both are now under the care of a pediatric cardiologist for problems that include headaches, chest pain, abnormally fast heart rate and high blood pressure

“Given that COVID disease poses almost no risk to children — with a 99.9973% survival rate for those 19-and-under and hospitalization rates far lower than what the New York Times would have us believe — what possible rationale can FDA and CDC offer for subjecting young children to such a dangerous experiment? One answer… is that good health is not profitable, whereas drug dependency is.

“It is well established that the rise of chronic illness in American children is coterminous with the childhood vaccine schedule, and the types of adverse events documented in package inserts for liability-free childhood vaccines — 400 different reactions that include seizures, asthma, allergies, autoimmune illness, arthritis, paralysis, gastrointestinal disorders and mental health challenges — generate long-term and often lifetime clients for the pharmaceutical industry.

“Now, doctors are reporting a significant uptick in cancers following COVID vaccination…

“Last week, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)… characterized the push for mandates as ‘sinister, [continuing] “the determined push for indiscriminate vaccination of … pregnant women, and of children causes me to ask questions.’”

Money makes the world go ‘round…

Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller on Vaccine Mandates, Abortion and Same-Sex Unions

Newsmax wrote on October 21:

“Christians should be allowed to follow their conscience and opt out of vaccine mandates, especially in cases where aborted fetal tissue may have been part of the cell line used to develop the vaccine, key Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller [said]. Mueller, originally of Germany, is currently in the United States…

“Pope Francis has said it is permissible for Catholics to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, he has urged people to get vaccinated as an ‘act of love.’

“Mueller said ‘everybody must be allowed to act according to his conscience,’ especially in the United States, whose founding documents declare that the state serves and is not there to be served…

“On the subject of denying communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights, such as President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Mueller noted that the taking of human life defies the commandment of God… Mueller also condemned the idea of church leaders in Germany who are pushing for a sanctioning of same-sex unions… The Roman Catholic Church, he said, should be focused on evangelism rather than divisive issues that will only further drive people from embracing the faith.”

The divisions within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church are becoming more and more noticeable. When it comes to the above-stated claim that “aborted fetal tissue may have been part of the cell line used to develop the vaccine,” the following article by Nebraska Medicine, dated August 18, 2021, explains:

“… the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine…. It is true that decades ago, scientists decided to use fetal tissue to start the cell lines we use to test drugs today… Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.

“Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines… mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus…

“Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines during the following two phases:  Research and development [and] Production and manufacturing.

“When it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, fetal cell line HEK 293 was used during the research and development phase. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 abortion that took place in the Netherlands…

“For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 abortion that took place in the Netherlands.”

US Supreme Court Does Not Block Texas Abortion Law… for now

Newsmax wrote on October 22:

“The Supreme Court is not immediately blocking the Texas law that bans most abortions, but has agreed to hear arguments in the case in early November. The justices said Friday they will decide whether the federal government has the right to sue over the law.

“The court’s action leaves in place for the time being a law that clinics say has led to an 80% reduction in abortions in the nation’s second-largest state. The law bans abortions after cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy. That’s before some women even know they are pregnant.

“Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that she would have blocked the law now.”

It appears that the US Supreme Court wants to avoid ruling on the merits, as usual, by just looking at procedural issues, such as the jurisdiction of the federal government to override state law.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Corona News in the USA

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“The US Navy said Thursday that personnel who refuse to be vaccinated will be expelled from the force… It has set a November 28 deadline for enlistees to be fully inoculated. If all US military services take the same hard line that the navy is taking, it could risk losing as many as 46,000 troop members.”

That is one way to accelerate America’s downfall and defenselessness. A total stupidity, which IS prophesied, one way or another, to happen.

Chicago Battlefield for Legal Action for and against Vaccination Mandate

AFP wrote on October 16:

“A Chicago judge on Friday banned a police union president from making public statements on the city’s Covid-19 policy as a stand-off over vaccine mandates sparked dueling lawsuits.

“The dispute between mayor Lori Lightfoot and police union head John Catanzara has made the city the latest flashpoint in a deeply polarized debate over vaccines and whether governments have the right to mandate them.

“Lightfoot sought and received an injunction against Catanzara Friday when the judge issued a 10-day restraining order that bans him from making statements that encourage members not to report their vaccination status.

“The police union filed its own lawsuit Friday against Lightfoot and Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown that seeks to force arbitration over the matter…

“Catanzara urged police officers to ignore the order and risk loss of pay… he predicted that if a large number of officers refused to be tested or report their vaccinations, Chicago would have a ‘police force at 50 percent or less…’”

Under Lightfoot’s orders, police officers must report their vaccination status. If they are not vaccinated, they must be tested twice each week, but they have to pay for the tests and must do it in their “free” time. This is supposed to last until the end of the year, and it is unclear as to what is supposed to happen then.

A judge is scheduled to decide the two pending lawsuits sometime next week.

Fauci Blames Unvaccinated, Ignores Science

Newsmax wrote on October 17:

“[Fauci] is sounding a continued warning about the unvaccinated causing a fifth wave of COVID-19 in the U.S… Dr. Fauci did not discuss the settled science that has revealed even vaccinated Americans can contract and spread COVID-19…

“Still, Fauci blames the unvaccinated – which critics argue many might have natural immunity from having overcome COVID-19 – for surges of the pandemic in the U.S….

“One very early and vocal critic has been Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kay, who has been an early proponent of natural immunity being an effective protection against COVID-19.

Science and data now support Paul’s long-held scientific hypothesis, leading to some high-profile clashes from Paul with Fauci and Biden administration health officials.”

But natural immunity does not make big Pharma rich…

Fully Vaccinated Colin Powell Dies of Corona

Breitbart wrote on October 18:

“General Colin Powell, the first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State, died Monday morning from complications of COVID-19.

“He led a storied military career and emerged on the political scene as a Republican… His stature was considerably undermined after he was used to push the Iraq War on a flawed basis, and after he became a perennial supporter of Democratic presidential candidates….

“The White House indicated in a statement on Monday morning that Powell died from the coronavirus despite being ‘fully vaccinated,’ a revelation that is certain to fuel the continuing controversy about vaccines and mandates…”

CNN wrote on October 18:

“Powell had multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body’s immune response, as well as Parkinson’s, Peggy Cifrino, Powell’s longtime chief of staff, confirmed to CNN. Even if fully vaccinated against Covid-19, those who are immunocompromised are at greater risk from the virus.”

It was not revealed, though, whether Powell died because of any of those underlying health problems. In fact, as Breitbart reported, “Powell’s family did not mention any underlying conditions in their statement announcing his death.”

A doctor was presented by CNN, claiming that Powell died because some Americans have not been vaccinated yet. And Fox News quoted experts saying that Powell’s death “underscores the need for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots among older adults.”

So, two vaccines are not enough now; we need three or four. Truly, the pharmaceutical industry and all the doctors, politicians and everyone else connected monetarily with big pharma, must be jumping for joy… but they are doing it in secret.

A most famous German singer, Tony Marshal, was submitted to the hospital because of corona. He was also fully vaccinated. His wife, who was fully vaccinated as well, was also diagnosed with corona.

Hesse Adopts G2 Rule for Supermarkets

The Local wrote on October 15:

“Supermarkets in Frankfurt and the surrounding region can now implement rules that only allow vaccinated and Covid-recovered people onto their premises.

“The new Covid health pass entry rules announced by the central state of Hesse have upped the pressure on the unvaccinated by allowing all shops to implement the so-called 2G rule at their doors.

“The 2G rule refers to public places being given the option to allow entry only to vaccinated(geimpft in German) or people who’ve recovered from Covid (genesen) and has so far been allowed in half of Germany’s states for certain public places like bars, restaurants, nightclubs and cinemas. [It excludes unvaccinated people who’ve tested (getestet) negatively for Covid.]…

“2G has proved controversial, with many people complaining that it excludes people who can’t [get] vaccinated and that it has the potential to widen societal divisions over the pandemic response.

“Many locations in the hospitality and entertainment sector have stuck to a 3G rule, which allows people to enter if they can show a negative Covid-19 test

“With several million German adults still to be vaccinated as the winter draws near, authorities have sought to up the pressure on them by making access to some parts of public life more difficult or costly. Eight federal states have allowed businesses and event organisers to adopt the so-called 2G option…”

Many have asked about the designations of G3 and G3 in Germany. The article makes this distinction clear.

Germany’s New Expensive Testing Rules

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“Germany’s new COVID-19 testing rules came into force on October 11. They are focused on the unvaccinated, who until now could take a free test and with a negative result go to a restaurant or other restricted area…[But now, they have to pay for the tests.]

“Janosch Dahmen, a physician and health expert for the Green Party’s parliamentary group, criticized the decision made by Chancellor Angela Merkel and all the regional state premiers…

“There have been many so-called breakthrough cases — cases when someone fully vaccinated is nonetheless infected with the virus. The RKI [Robert Koch Institute] has reported 80,000 breakthrough infections [in Germany alone]…”

Spahn’s Double-Talk

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 18:

“German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said that special rules relating to the coronavirus pandemic could end on November 25, the Bild newspaper reported on Monday.

“But many indoor rules requiring proof of negative test, vaccination and other hygiene measures would need to remain in place, the report added.”

Bild Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt Fired

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 20:

Bild tabloid Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt was fired after The New York Times detailed misconduct toward female employees. The case is now making waves internationally.

“Bild, which Julian Reichelt led since 2017, is the daily newspaper with the highest circulation in Germany and has shaped the country’s media landscape significantly since it was founded in 1952. Known for courting controversy, the media outlet often receives criticism: For example after launching a front-page attack on virologist Christian Dorsten, one of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advisors, at the start of the pandemic…

“Behind the newspaper is the billion-euro Axel Springer publishing house… Axel Springer this August purchased US media outlet Politico for $1 billion. In 2015, the company bought Business Insider.

“The scandal perhaps marks a turning point in Germany’s #MeToo movement, which has already been well underway in the media scene in the US…. In 2016, Fox News journalist Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit which brought about an internal investigation at the network and led to a number of sexual harassment claims against Ailes, considered to be a kingmaker by the Republican party…

“In 1996, Ailes was hired by Rupert Murdoch, who was at the time CEO of media giant NewsCorp. He launched Fox News, hiring outspoken right-wing commentators like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. The network has since become known for its inflammatory statements and questionable stances, such as casting doubt on where Barack Obama was born; and, more recently, vaccine skepticism….”

When positions are advanced which do not reflect the mass media’s agenda, then they are described as “questionable stances.” It has been stated in Germany that the real reason Reichelt was fired was the constant attack of the left-liberal media on his stance in numerous situations. We have, from time to time, published editorials by Reichelt which were extraordinary and right to the point.

Canada Keeps Persecuting Christian Pastor

Fox News wrote on October 16:

“The Polish-Canadian pastor who has been jailed for holding church services in Calgary, Alberta, said he will refuse to obey a court order mandating him to publicly echo the established opinions of medical experts regarding COVID-19. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was sanctioned by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain to 18 months of probation, according to a written ruling released Friday…

“In addition to tens of thousands of dollars in costs and fines, one condition of Pawlowski’s probation requires him to parrot ‘the majority of medical experts in Alberta’ regarding social distancing, mask wearing and vaccines, even when he speaks in church. ‘The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against [Alberta Health Services] Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media), he must indicate in his communications the following,’ wrote Germain, who appended a script:

“‘I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.’

“Pawlowski told Fox News he has no intention of complying with Germain’s sanction, which he condemned as ‘unconstitutional,’ ‘illegal,’ and a clear instance of ‘compelled speech like in China and North Korea.’ ‘This crooked judge wants to turn me into a CBC reporter or CNN reporter, that every time that I am in public, every time I’m opening my mouth, I am to pray their mantra to the government,’ he said.

“Pawlowski said the judge’s condition is ‘without precedent’ in Canada, an assertion echoed by his lawyer, Sarah Miller, who described Germain’s sanction as ‘bizarre’ and ‘likely unconstitutional’ under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees freedom of expression…

“Germain took particular umbrage at Pawlowski’s speaking tour throughout the United States over the summer, during which he met with lawmakers and warned audiences that Western governments increasingly resemble the communist regime in Poland he fled as a young man…

“Pawlowski, whose probation also forbids him from leaving the province, suggested to Fox News that Germain’s attitude and sanctions prove the point he was trying to make throughout his U.S. tour. ‘When I grew up under the boots of the Soviets, the courts like this were called “show courts”’ he said.

“‘It was to show that the government can do with you whatever they want, and there is nothing you can do about it. And it’s just to scare the public, telling you, “See, we can finish off anyone we want.” They’re terrified of the truth. I’m not hiding. I’m not a criminal. I said I will not obey this court order. I refuse to obey a crooked judge’s order. He’s not a judge, he’s a political activist,’ he added.”

What is happening in Canada is truly shocking. One IS reminded of dictatorial socialist countries.

Rand Paul warns of Socialism

Breitbart wrote on October 16:

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned there were perils associated with big government socialism. Paul [said] beyond the economic consequences of socialism, historically, it ended with state-sponsored authoritarianism and violence

“‘I think now we’ve seen eight, nine months of big government socialism coming from Biden, and people are starting to understand that there are consequences… One of the consequences is prices are rising… Big government, socialism doesn’t work…”

It surely does not for the people, but governmental officials accumulate more and more autocratic powers.

US Marine Punished for Telling the Truth

Newsmax wrote on October 15:

“U.S. Marine Corps Judge Col. Glen Hines found [U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stuart] Scheller guilty… [attorney] Buzbee told Newsmax that Scheller is being punished because he spoke truth to power

“… no matter which form of discharge Scheller gets, he’ll still lose his retirement pay and benefits, to the tune of at least $2 million, said Buzbee….

“Buzbee said that many people were ‘outraged and frustrated and upset’ by the withdrawal, particularly when a terrorist attack on Aug. 26 killed 13 U.S. military personnel at the Kabul International Airport during the evacuation proceedings. Here’s a man that served 17 years, and is three years from vesting retirement…’

“The attorney said Scheller’s message is resonating nationwide, and that he’s appreciating the support he’s received, but ‘let’s not forget, you know, they took a Marine who was distinguished and decorated and put him in the brig…

“‘He has stepped forward and set an example about accountability, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask for the individuals responsible for the planning or lack thereof with the withdrawal of Afghanistan to also step forward, when we see generals testifying in front of Congress trying to make the case that [it] was an operational and tactical success.’”

In fact, all of those responsible, from the very top down, should have the decency to resign.

“America Is Breaking Down!”

The Rutherford Institute wrote on or about October 20:

“This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment)—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.

“In New York City, for example, a 200-year-old statue of Thomas Jefferson holding the Declaration of Independence will be removed from the City Council’s chambers where it has presided since 1915. Despite Jefferson’s many significant accomplishments, without which we might not have the rights we do today, he will be banished for having been, like many of his day, a slaveowner…

“In Washington, DC, a tribunal of nine men and women spoke with one voice to affirm that the government and its henchmen can literally get away with murder and not be held accountable for their wrongdoing. The Supreme Court’s latest rulings are yet another painful lesson in compliance, a reminder that in the American police state, ‘we the people’ are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to ‘serve and protect.’

“All across the country, from California to Connecticut and every point in between, men and women who have worked faithfully and diligently at their jobs for years are being terminated for daring to believe that they have a right to bodily integrity; that they should not be forced, against their conscience or better judgment, to choose between individual liberty and economic survival; and that they—and not the government, or the FDA, or the CDC, or the Corporate State—have dominion over their bodies. Conveniently enough… the government, corporations and pharmaceutical companies have been shielded from liability with blanket immunity laws that ensure we are little more than guinea pigs for their questionable experiments.

“And then in Pennsylvania, a man traveling on a commuter train harassed, assaulted and then raped a woman over the course of 40 minutes and more than two dozen train stops while fellow travelers, watching and filming the attack, did nothing. Not a single witness called 911. Not a single bystander intervened to help the woman. Despite the fact that the man was outnumbered and could have been overwhelmed by those on the train, no collective effort was made to ward off the attack. Only when it was too late, when the damage had been done and the train had pulled into its last stop, did police show up to intervene…

“This is madness, yet there is a method to this madness. This is how freedom falls and tyranny rises. Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: overcriminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security. And slowly the populace begins to submit.“No one speaks up for those being targeted. No one resists these minor acts of oppression. No one recognizes the indoctrination into tyranny for what it is. Historically this failure to speak truth to power has resulted in whole populations being conditioned to tolerate unspoken cruelty toward their fellow human beings, a bystander syndrome in which people remain silent and disengaged—mere onlookers—in the face of abject horrors and injustice.

“… We can continue to spout empty political rhetoric about how great America is, despite the evidence to the contrary… We can zip our lips and bind our hands and shut our eyes… evil happens when bureaucrats (governmental and corporate) unquestioningly carry out orders that are immoral and inhumane; obey immoral instructions unthinkingly; march in lockstep with tyrants; mindlessly perpetuate acts of terror and inhumanity; and justify it all as just ‘doing one’s job.’”

Sadly, this is so true! Our free booklet, “Obeying God Rather Than Men,” includes much more information on this topic.

Crackdown on Free Speech

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“Amnesty said that many governments had used the pandemic as an opportunity to further restrict freedom of expression. ‘Communication channels have been targeted, social media has been censored, and media outlets have been closed down… Governments that have long kept a tight control over what is shared in the public domain with overly restrictive legislation, have used the pandemic as another excuse to apply laws to censor and silence criticism, debate, and the sharing of information… Other governments have used the widespread alarm and confusion generated by the pandemic to rush through new legislation and other emergency measures that are not only disproportionate but also ineffective to deal with issues such as misinformation.’

“The report said that China, where the virus first emerged at the end of 2019, had opened criminal investigations into 5,511 people by February 2020. These people had been charged with ‘fabricating and deliberately disseminating false and harmful information’ about the nature and extent of the outbreak, according to Chinese authorities. Russia...  introduced amendments that imposed criminal penalties for what it called ‘public dissemination of knowingly false information’ in the context of emergencies, Amnesty said. It also imposed administrative penalties for media outlets that publish such information, the report added…

“The London-based group warned that these laws and penalties were likely to stay in force even after the pandemic.”

Why Government Cover-Ups Succeed

The Ron Paul Institute published on October 19 the following article which was originally released by the Future of Freedom Foundation:“‘It’s not necessary to censor the news, it’s sufficient to delay the news until it no longer matters,’ Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly said. The same standard helps explain why Washington politicians and federal agencies usually get away with covering up their lies and abuses…“Cover-ups succeed because people defer to promises by government officials to investigate themselves.

This was how the Nixon-era Pentagon buried scores of Vietnam atrocities even after confirming the carnage… Nine thousand pages of documents were compiled confirming more than 300 war crimes, including seven other massacres of civilians by US troops… American soldiers faced more legal perils for reporting than for committing atrocities… As long as the government claimed to be investigating an alleged atrocity, the media downplayed the story…“The George W. Bush administration used similar charades to stifle the scandal over its worldwide torture regime. The only thing necessary for a successful cover-up was for the president first to continually proclaim that everything will be investigated, and then, months later, to proclaim that everything has already been investigated… In reality, none of the investigations had been independent, and none of the reports were available in full to the public… Yet, the Bush administration created the impression that anyone who refused to accept the good faith of the government’s self-investigations was acting in bad faith.

“… The Washington Post blocked or buried pre-war articles exposing the holes in the Bush team’s assertions on Iraq…

“But things will be different now that Joe Biden is president, right? Unfortunately, the media continues celebrating his election victory by ignoring almost all his falsehoods and failures. The mere fact that Biden is not Donald Trump will likely continue to give him a free pass from the media for at least another six months…”

The mass media bears great responsibility for not fulfilling its job.

A Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem?

JNS (Jewish News Syndicate) wrote on October 18:

“If Washington follows through on its plan to forcibly open a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem, it will be the greatest humiliation Israel has ever experienced. The Americans are well aware of Israel’s opposition to the move. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made that much clear in a meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House. Speaking at a conference hosted by The Jerusalem Post last week, Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar said: ‘I want to be perfectly clear: We oppose it. I heard that for the president, it’s a campaign promise. For us, it’s the promise of generations.’

“According to international law, the opening of a diplomatic mission or the altering of its status requires the written signature of the host country’s foreign minister—who in this case is Yesh Atid Party head Yair Lapid. Even if Lapid, who has sworn his allegiance to a unified Jerusalem countless times, was willing to align himself with the administration’s stance, he knows his authorization of the move would lead to the government’s collapse. That is why he has shifted to an opposing stance.

“Nevertheless, with Lapid by his side, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced in Washington: ‘We’ll be moving forward with the process of opening a consulate as part of deepening those ties with the Palestinians.’ Or in other words, we have decided to show contempt for Israel’s position.

“Blinken has not taken such a condescending stance on Iran, the Palestinians, the Chinese, or any other U.S. partner… And what do the Israelis get in return? A stinging slap in the face.”

America will turn more and more against Israel.

Is the Catholic Church Guilty of Tax Evasion in Israel?

Israel 365 wrote on October 14:

“Is the Pope evading taxes on Vatican property in Israel?… the Vatican’s churches claim to be houses of worship exclusively even though it is well documented that many of them double as hotels, restaurants, stores, and schools.

“… the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other churches affiliated with the Vatican… demonized Israel, going so far as to imply that Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish state…

“The Vatican’s excuse for their tax evasion is that according to the Holy See, ‘Jerusalem must be internationalized and become a corpus separatum (Latin for ‘separate body’).’”

Again, we see that the Catholic church is showing its true colors relating to Israel.

Poland and the EU’s Move towards Totalitarianism

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“The top Polish court ruled on October 7 that parts of the EU treaties are ‘incompatible’ with the country’s constitution and that the latter takes precedence. It has been widely criticized by the European Commission and several member states, including France and Germany…

“The Polish prime minister defended the stance of Poland’s constitutional court over the primacy of Polish law and rejected comments suggesting the country was on a path to a possible ‘Polexit.’ ‘We should not be spreading further lies about Poland leaving the EU,’ he said.

“But he also accused the EU of ‘blackmail,’ saying ‘it is unacceptable to talk about financial penalties… I will not accept politicians wanting to blackmail and threaten Poland.’ Morawiecki went on to criticize the ‘creeping’ expansion of EU powers, pushed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)…

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told EU lawmakers on Monday that she was ‘deeply concerned’ over the developments in Poland… She went on to mention the ‘Article 7 procedure’ as a ‘powerful tool’ to deal with violations from member states. Article 7 allows the EU to remove certain rights of member states, including stripping them of their voting rights

“Poland, along with Hungary, has threatened to use its veto power to block key EU legislation on climate change and migration. While there is no procedure to kick a member state out of the union, the evocation of Article 7 could leave Poland powerless in any negotiations.”

Europe and Emperor Justinian

Lowyinstitute wrote on October 19:

“Constantinople, the capital of ancient Byzantium, was dominated by a statue of Emperor Justinian. Legend has it that Justinian’s hand was lifted to the East to ward off prospective attacks from Persia, while his gaze was turned to the West, portending that the real threat to the capital came from that direction…

“Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, acknowledged… that ‘there are deeply troubling questions’ regarding the future of NATO [i.e., referring to the above-mentioned legend, the real threat would be coming from the West] and that the EU needs to develop independent security capacities through the establishment of a ‘European Defence Union’.

“The key power brokers of Europe – especially Macron, von der Leyen and, of course, the new German chancellor – would do well to heed Justinian’s strategic dictum: ‘keep cool and you will command everyone’. Keeping cool entails Europe seeing the current potential for US disengagement on the continent not as a looming security disaster, but as a golden opportunity… European interests should not be conflated with US interests. Europe pursuing more strategic autonomy sans-US involvement would help Europe avoid being sucked into a potential Sino-American Cold War.

“Justinian is remembered for his boldness. If European leaders can harness some of this courage to break free of their reliance on the United States, not only would it benefit European security and strategic flexibility on the continent, it might also help Europe fulfil its long-touted ‘super-power’ potential.”

And this is exactly what will happen.

Shatner’s Trip to Space and Prince William’s Criticism

Newsmax wrote on October15:

“After taking a trip to space, ‘Star Trek’ actor William Shatner is lamenting the short-sightedness of Prince William’s space science denial… ‘He’s got the wrong idea,’ Shatner, 90, [said]. ‘… this is a baby step into the idea of getting industry, all those polluting industries, off of Earth,’ he continued. ‘You can build a base 250, 280 miles above the Earth and send that power down here, and they catch it, and they then use it, and it’s there,’ he added…

“Prince William, 39, had been politicking for climate change while denying science of space exploration to BBC. ‘We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live,’ William said. ‘It really is quite crucial to be focusing on this [planet] rather than giving up and heading out into space to try and think of solutions for the future,’ he added…

“‘The prince is missing the point,’ Shatner [said.] ‘The point is these are the baby steps to show people it’s very practical. You can send somebody like me up into space.’”

Wherever man has put his feet, he has polluted and destroyed the environment. At the same time, the idea of sending all the polluting industries and material (including perhaps radioactive material) into space is interesting in the light of what Christ may do when He has returned to govern this [polluted] Earth.

Russia’s and China’s Collaboration

Israel 365 wrote on October 18:

“It was recently revealed that in August, China tested a hypersonic missile that is capable of carrying a nuclear payload… the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realized…

“Hypersonic weapons travel long distances through the atmosphere at speeds of Mach 5-10 making them invulnerable to any air or missile defense system

“Along with China, the United States, Russia, and at least five other countries are working on hypersonic technology…

“The test comes at a sensitive time when tensions are high as China has made aggressive moves towards Taiwan.

“In addition, China and Russia are currently holding joint naval exercises in Russia’s Peter the Great Gulf called Joint Sea 2021…

“It is interesting to note that according to Mongolian tradition, their nation was descended from Magog. The Mongolian Empire once included sections of Russia, China, and North Korea. The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah’s son Japheth. Etymologists have conjectured that the name Mongol is derived from the name Magog.”

The Daily Mail added on October 17:

“The hypersonic missiles can reach speeds of up to 21,000 mph and can strike anywhere on Earth from space within minutes.”

Russia’s Blackmail of Europe and Ukraine

Express wrote on October 18:

“RUSSIA has dealt a hammer blow to the EU after refusing to pump more gas into the bloc despite Vladimir Putin claiming he would do so. It comes after European gas prices have soared to record highs and have left the bloc in the face of a gas crisis. Prices soared when Russia decided to decrease the flow of gas travelling into Europe following a deal for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Putin struck a deal to see the new pipeline transit gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, bypassing Poland and Ukraine. But as the pipeline awaits approval from German regulators, Mr Putin ordered a tightening of supplies to avoid EU rules from being applied to the system and to speed up the pipeline’s approval.

“Gas prices across Europe have now skyrocketed as supplies decrease and the continent prepares for a cold winter where even more pressure will be put on supplies. But now, state-owned Russian gas company, Gazprom, has reportedly said that it doesn’t even plan to send more gas via pipelines through Ukraine next month. Instead, it will send only limited supplies through Poland

“Mr Putin has fiercely denied the claims that Russia is using gas as a geopolitical weapon… But Mr Putin’s latest [move] has again displayed Moscow’s tight control on the gas market…

““Mr Putin’s use of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to control gas prices has threatened tensions with Ukraine. And after the latest of Gazprom’s gas flow restrictions through its neighbouring country, it has raised even more fears.

“… the boss of Ukraine gas giant Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, said: ‘The worst-case scenario is that there could be no gas flowing through Ukraine, it would allow him to blackmail Ukraine so could lead to either a full-scale war.

“‘For example, forget about Crimea, take back Donbass, the occupied regions, but on Putin’s terms, and basically the whole of Ukraine would become part of the Russian world.’

“Back in 2014, Russian troops took control of Crimea before annexing the peninsula after the region voted to join the Russian Federation in a disputed local referendum.”

Putin is using gas to blackmail Europe. In addition, Russia might indeed force a “unification” of Ukraine and Russia.

The Dangerous Experiments with Animal-to-Human Transplants

Newsmax wrote on October 19:

“Scientists temporarily attached a pig’s kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work… The kidney for this experiment came from a gene-edited animal, engineered to… avoid an immune system attack.

“… The dream of animal-to-human transplants… goes back to the 17th century with stumbling attempts to use animal blood for transfusions. By the 20th century, surgeons were attempting transplants of organs from baboons into humans, notably Baby Fae, a dying infant, who lived 21 days with a baboon heart.

“With no lasting success and much public uproar, scientists turned from primates to pigs…

“In the NYU case, researchers kept a deceased woman’s body going on a ventilator after her family agreed to the experiment…

“Experts say tests on nonhuman primates and last month’s experiment with a human body pave the way for the first experimental pig kidney or heart transplants in living people in the next several years….”

The question was raised: Should we do it only because we can?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God